Increased nipple sensitivity. Nipple sensitivity: An overview of possible causes. How do various diseases of the mammary glands affect the sensitivity of the nipples

Often, women are not even aware that they have sensitive breasts that require special attention and care. How to recognize it and what to do next cosmetologist of the Moscow health center "Kvanta" Alisa Vitalievna BASKOVA.

Sensitive breasts are not a diagnosis, but cosmetic and physical feature female body. To determine if your chest is sensitive, remember if it freezes in cold weather, even if you are warmly dressed? Is it painful to touch it or even the slightest pressure during menstruation? If you answered yes to these questions, your breasts are sensitive. Moreover, such indicators as its size and elasticity do not matter, because absolutely any breast can be sensitive.

Usually, the increased sensitivity of the breast gives a woman some discomfort. And it can be eliminated. In cold weather, put on a cotton turtleneck over your underwear first and only then - a jacket, sweater or any other, always woolen thing. Such clothes will best keep your chest from hypothermia.

Even the most comfortable underwear sometimes causes discomfort. Bras, bodysuits, graces, T-shirts, supporting the chest, always squeeze it a little. But even such a small pressure is enough for a woman with sensitive breasts to experience discomfort. Some ladies, wanting to get rid of them, stop wearing underwear that supports their breasts, because of which it quickly sinks and loses its shape. Hence the conclusion: sensitive breasts should not be deprived of support. To avoid discomfort Choosing the right underwear will help.

The main qualities that it should have are softness, the absence of protruding seams on inside and underwires in the seams under the bust, exactly matching the size of your bust. It can be a bra, bustier, bodysuit, T-shirt (the last three items - always with cups) made of natural, cotton jersey with a minimum inclusion of artificial fibers - elastane, lycra.

This jersey is very soft and at the same time fits the chest well, supporting it with the help of cups. If you want to visually enlarge your breasts, get a bra with foam rubber, which is especially good to wear in winter, or a "Wonder bra" bra, but without wires. The first enlarges the chest due to the foam rubber sewn into the cups, the second - due to a special, multi-wedge cut. It is better to forget about rough lace underwear that injures the chest.

If you, having sensitive breasts, want to lose weight, in no case do not resort to those diets that help to lose excess weight in a record short time, and especially - to continuous starvation. These measures can cause your sensitive breasts to sag as quickly as they evaporate. overweight. Therefore, lose weight gradually, losing no more than 10% of the original body weight per year. It is better that the dynamics of weight loss be monitored by a dietitian who has selected this diet and complex for you. exercise. If for some reason you decide to lose weight on your own and find suitable diet, do banana masks that increase breast tone twice a week. To do this, mash a fresh banana with a fork and apply the gruel on the chest. After 20 minutes, remove it with a cotton swab and rinse the chest with warm water.

Hello Angelica.

Many women at least once in their lives faced with the appearance of discomfort in the mammary glands. This is swelling of the breast, a change in its sensitivity. This phenomenon is called mastodynia; Distinguish between cyclic and acyclic mastodynia.

Cyclic mastodynia- These are unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands, which are directly related to the woman's menstrual cycle. The fact is that throughout the entire menstrual cycle in the female body occur hormonal changes. Most often, women notice swelling of the mammary glands and the appearance in them pain, which are noted in the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle (phase corpus luteum), and they are caused by a change in the level of certain hormones in the body. As a rule, unpleasant sensations are observed in two mammary glands evenly. They are most pronounced before menstruation, so many women consider them one of the manifestations premenstrual syndrome. Nothing wrong with that. However, when such phenomena are very pronounced and do not disappear with the beginning of a new menstrual cycle, it is advisable to see a doctor.

Acyclic mastodynia- this is the appearance of chest pains that are not associated with the menstrual cycle. In this case, discomfort in the mammary glands manifests itself in different time menstrual cycle, have different localization and intensity, can be observed only in one mammary gland. In most cases, mastodynia is not an independent disease - it is a symptom that indicates the presence of some kind of pathology.

The causes of acyclic mastodynia are different:

  1. sharp fluctuations hormonal background organisms not associated with the menstrual cycle; they can be observed during puberty in girls, during menopause. Some women notice a change in the sensitivity of the mammary glands that appears with the onset of pregnancy, which is also caused by hormonal changes in the female body.
  2. Reception of some medical preparations. Most often, such phenomena are observed when taking hormonal oral contraceptives, antidepressants, drugs to stimulate ovulation.
  3. Inflammatory diseases mammary gland, for example mastitis, abscess development. With these diseases, redness of the mammary gland is most often observed, sharp pain in her.
  4. Benign and malignant tumors mammary gland.
  5. Chest injury.
  6. Wearing uncomfortable underwear. This is most relevant for large breasts.
  7. Stress and psycho-emotional stress.
  8. Muscle and joint pain, heart pain, osteochondrosis. All these pains can spread to the mammary gland, although their occurrence with the breast is in no way connected.

If the appearance of discomfort in the mammary gland is not associated with the menstrual cycle, then it is necessary to see a mammologist. In the case when this specialist is in the state medical institution missing, you can visit a gynecologist. To determine the cause of pain in the mammary gland, a personal examination is needed; The doctor may also prescribe additional research and tests such as mammograms, blood tests for sex hormones, etc.

From the moment of fertilization of the egg and its attachment in the uterine cavity, hormonal changes begin in the woman's body, which will help maintain the pregnancy and its successful development. Previously released hormones change their concentration (progesterone and estrogen are produced more actively), which is expressed in different manifestations. One of the first to respond to hormonal changes is the breast. Very often, it is precisely the nipples that prompt a woman to think about the conception that has probably taken place.

The breast begins to respond to pregnancy already from 10-14 days after conception, that is, almost immediately after implantation of the egg. Moreover, both the breasts in general and the nipples in particular change. And this process continues throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

How do nipples change during pregnancy:

- increased sensitivity of the nipples during pregnancy

One of the most is to increase the sensitivity of the nipples. This feeling begins to simply irritate the woman: any touch on the nipple causes not only discomfort, but also enrages. Meanwhile, in many women, the nipples become hypersensitive before each menstruation, so often at this stage they are still unaware of anything, regarding this symptom as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

But when you are already aware that you are pregnant, and your nipples hurt when pressed or touched, it is better to immediately change to the easiest and most comfortable bra. The cup should be perfectly even and smooth - without seams and decorative elements that irritate the nipples. Some doctors recommend putting pieces of coarse tissue in the cups, which will prepare the breast for future feeding, and at the same time reduce their sensitivity and soreness.

Air baths will also have a beneficial effect on the chest and reduce soreness. Yes, and my husband will be pleased, what can I say. By the way, the nipples become hypersensitive for a reason: this is how they protect the breasts from unnecessary stimulation now, which can lead to the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions.

- swelling of the nipples during pregnancy

During the entire pregnancy, the breast noticeably increases in size and becomes heavier by 2-3 times. Naturally, nipples swell along with it. All this is due to the activity of hormones. The nipple increases, becomes more elongated and embossed. Many women are upset by such changes, but men really like it.

- darkening of the nipples during pregnancy

That's when you can really suspect that you are pregnant, this is when pigmentation begins to intensify. The first signs of pregnancy include darkening of the nipples and areolas. This does not happen to all women, but often the nipples become noticeably darker and even completely change their color.

By the way, similar changes can affect and. But the nipples are, of course, easier to notice.

- Montgomery tubercles during pregnancy

Often, from the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman notices the appearance of small pimples around the nipples. These are the tubercles of Montgomery, which are more correctly called glands. They are present in the areolas of the nipples of every woman, but become especially noticeable during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The number of Montgomery's glands can be very different - from a few pieces to multiple points around the nipple. But most often during pregnancy there are about 12 on each nipple. It is believed that the more tubercles, the more milk a woman will have.

Montgomery's tubercles are vestigial glands. It is not at all necessary that they will manifest themselves during pregnancy, although it happens that they act from the very first days. In most cases, these glands are hidden after breastfeeding is stopped, although they often remain on the nipples. Don't worry about it - there's nothing wrong with that.

- secretion of colostrum during pregnancy

Already from the second trimester, a pregnant woman may notice the release of colostrum from the nipples (a clear, whitish or yellowish liquid), although this most often occurs closer to childbirth, in the third trimester. Hormones are again “guilty” of this, which prepare the breast for early feeding.

If you notice droplets on your nipples, then in no case squeeze it out of your chest. Just gently pat dry and be sure to maintain hygiene - take a shower twice a day. If necessary, breast pads can be used. By the way, it is very useful to lubricate the nipples with a drop of colostrum - this prevents them from drying out and prevents the formation of cracks during feeding.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy

And the last thing that cannot be ignored is the stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy. Be extremely careful with this. Men really like the rounded shapes of their pregnant beloved wives. It is simply a sin to leave such breasts unattended, but this may turn out to be unsafe. Stimulation of the nipples during pregnancy brings the uterus into tone, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage or. At or on later dates such a natural can even be useful. But while the time of childbirth has not yet come, it is better not to take risks and not touch the nipples once again.

It should be said that the described changes with breasts and nipples will not necessarily manifest themselves. In some women, the breast does not change at all until the birth itself, and only during the period of milk arrival does it begin to swell and harden. Do not worry if breast changes did not affect you during pregnancy - this is also normal. Each woman is individual, and her pregnancy is not the same as the other.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The sensitivity of the chest manifests itself in the form of mild or severe pain that occurs on palpation, wearing underwear and clothes, with active movements or exercise, while running or walking fast.

Breast sensitivity in some cases may be temporary, manifesting itself at certain periods of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of natural hormonal changes, but sometimes it is a symptom of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of breast sensitivity after studying the results of examinations and anamnesis. But first, let's determine what factors can provoke this phenomenon.

Breast tenderness during pregnancy

During pregnancy female body undergoes many significant changes, against which the sensitivity of the breast develops. According to statistics, such ailments often appear already in the early stages.

The cause of breast tenderness during pregnancy is due to a change in hormonal system. The effect is temporary, so no special measures need to be taken.

Breast tenderness during lactation

Under the influence of the hormone prolactin, active milk production occurs, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands. Quite often, during the period of feeding a child after childbirth, a woman notices an increase in the sensitivity of the breast.

This condition can persist throughout lactation, manifest itself with an excess amount of milk, after feeding or during feeding.

As a rule, the sensitivity of the breast disappears on its own after the complete completion of lactation. You need to contact a mammologist and undergo examinations if you notice that ailments persist after lactation.

Breast tenderness after surgery

If the patient underwent breast surgery (implant placement, reduction mammoplasty, gland reconstruction), most often she observes not an increase in breast sensitivity, but a temporary loss of it.

When touched, it seems to her that the skin of the chest does not feel anything at all. IN more this problem extends to the nipple-areolar complex. If the sensitivity of the breast has disappeared, there is no need to worry, because within 7-14 days after the operation it will have to recover on its own.

Breast tenderness before period

On the eve of menstruation, the body prepares for complex processes. Hormones play an important role in it, therefore, under their influence, the mammary glands swell, slightly increase in size and may seem heavy for some time.

Many women experience various discomfort before the first days of a new menstrual cycle, and sometimes breast sensitivity appears before menstruation.

Breast tenderness during sexual arousal

Like a man's penis, women's nipples are prone to erection, which occurs with strong sexual arousal. At this point, they become more sensitive to touch and are slightly painful to touch. mechanical impact. This state is natural: it is not for nothing that sexologists consider the nipples to be one of the most sensitive erogenous zones in women.

Sensitivity of the breast with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which there is an overgrowth of the mammary glands. Clinical picture involves pronounced swelling and enlargement of the breast, the occurrence of pain and discharge from the nipples. Also, with mastopathy, there is often an increase in the sensitivity of the breast. You can't just leave the problem unattended. You will need a medical examination and treatment.

Breast tenderness in adolescence

IN puberty girls quite often complain of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, which can manifest itself in different periods menstrual cycle. This is a completely normal hormonal state for a teenage girl, in whose body drastic changes occur.

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