Is it normal to have stomach pain during menstruation? Changes in the hormonal background. Why does the stomach hurt during menstruation: when to see a doctor

During menstruation, the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterus, is shed. This natural process carried out monthly if pregnancy does not occur. On the first day of menstruation, the uterus begins to contract, trying to piss off excess contents, which often causes pain. In order to get rid of pain during menstruation, it is necessary to understand the cause of the pain.

During menstruation, the uterine tissues secrete the hormone prostaglandin, which provokes uterine contractions. Degree pain directly depends on the level of the produced hormone. Excess prostaglandin can provoke irregularities in the menstrual cycle and cause pain even after menstruation.

When acute pain in the abdomen, radiating to the pelvic region, worries a woman before the onset of menstruation or during their course, this condition is called dysmenorrhea.

Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea

Signs of primary dysmenorrhea:

  • occurs, as a rule, in mature women;
  • symptoms may appear a couple of years after the arrival of the first menstruation;
  • pain is given to the lower abdomen or back;
  • pain occurs a few days before menstruation and lasts up to three days;
  • decrease in pain with age, often stop after childbirth;
  • menstrual pain is not associated with inflammation and other diseases.

Signs of secondary dysmenorrhea:

  • occurs in young women, on average up to 30 years;
  • pain can appear with the first menstruation and last more than three days in a row;
  • the stomach hurts during menstruation, the pain radiates to the legs and lower back;
  • varying degrees of pain - from mild and dull to sharp and throbbing.

Why do menstrual pains occur?

The main reason is too sharp and prolonged uterine contractions caused by a high content of prostaglandin. As a result, blood flow to the uterine walls is significantly reduced.

Another common reason why the stomach hurts during menstruation is abundant discharge from blood clots, due to which there is a painful expansion of the cervical canal.

Many additional factors may complicate the situation. These include: smoking excess weight, heredity, stress, small physical activity. Menstrual pain is often accompanied by headache, diarrhea, frequent urination or constipation.

Secondary dysmenorrhea can be caused by the presence of certain medical conditions. Among them:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine polyps, fibroids;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • inflammatory processes.

What to do when there is pain in the abdomen?

Take a pain reliever

The most simple and effective way relieve pain or get rid of it is the adoption of antispasmodics: nosh-pa, analgin, spazmalgon, ibuprofen, etc. Such drugs reduce the level of prostaglandin hormone in the uterus, thereby eliminating pain.

However, experts do not advise to often resort to medical anesthesia because it reduces reproductive function women.

Take a warm shower or bath

Water treatments can soothe nervous system and relax tense abdominal muscles.

Apply a warm heating pad

If you apply a heating pad or a bottle of hot water to the area where the stomach hurts, the heat will reduce the contractions of the uterus and relax it.

Take oral contraceptives

Monitor body position

When the stomach hurts a lot, it is very important to take correct position body. Usually, if you take the fetal position - lie on your side and curl up - the pain decreases. This happens because the lying position reduces the sensitivity caused by blood flow to the genitals.

Drink herbal tea

Many herbs have excellent pain relieving properties. Teas with mint, oregano, raspberries, ginger will be useful. Milk with the addition of half a teaspoon of cinnamon helps well.

When to see a doctor?

Despite the relative naturalness of pain, in individual cases pain during menstruation may indicate the presence of certain diseases. Be sure to visit a gynecologist when:

  1. The stomach hurts and the body temperature is elevated.
  2. The pain becomes unbearable.
  3. There are suspicions of pregnancy.
  4. Painful menstruation lasts more than a week.
  5. Menstruation has never been painful before.
  6. Pain is accompanied by copious discharge.
  7. The woman is sick, severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Often, a woman experiences pain not only during menstruation, but also long before it. Pain in the abdomen before menstruation can be caused by a decrease in the amount of endorphins - the so-called "happiness hormones". Endorphins are produced by the hormones estrogen and progesterone. A week before the onset of menstruation occurs sudden jump- first up, then down, which entails a decrease in the level of endorphins.

This imbalance affects everyone. female body: in some, the chest begins to hurt, in others - the stomach, depressions, headaches, drowsiness, lethargy, etc. are noted. This condition is called PMS - premenstrual syndrome.

The causes of PMS are:

  • insufficient period between the release of the egg and the onset of menstruation;
  • high concentration of prostaglandins;
  • inadequate functioning of the endometrium;
  • low pain threshold;
  • fibroids, cysts;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • congenital pathologies of the structure and placement of the uterus.

Very often monthly critical days women are accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen and other manifestations of discomfort.

Causes of abdominal pain during menstruation

During menstruation, rhythmic uterine contractions occur, so women with particularly sensitive pain receptors experience pain. In some of them, the uterus is slightly tilted back and presses on nerve centers. Hence the heaviness in the lower abdomen, aching in the sacrum and lower back.

The hormonal background greatly affects the activity of the uterus and female hyperesthesia. If the level of estrogen is increased, which often happens when a woman is already over 30, menstruation is not only painful, but also very heavy and prolonged. The woman suffers from both PMS and algomenorrhea.

Failure of the usual balance between sex hormones and physical active substances prostaglandins in favor of the latter is also associated with the appearance of pain. Prostaglandins are specific chemical substances that play a major role in the appearance of negative symptoms during menstruation. They are produced in the tissue of the uterus and cause it to contract. The more prostaglandins in the body, the stronger the muscles of the uterus contract, which means that the pain increases. Their excess often causes other unpleasant sensations in the form of headache, nausea and vomiting, tachycardia, etc.

Stomach pain during menstruation, when activity increases thyroid gland regulating the production of hormones.

Pain during menstruation is also observed when the uterus is underdeveloped, When inflammatory processes occur in the genitals, with endometriosis, hyperexcitability CNS.

Most often, pain occurs in nulliparous women and can be a symptom of infertility. With ectopic contraception, a woman can also be in pain.

Other unpleasant symptoms during menstruation

It can be:
  • lower back pain;
  • pain in the legs;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • strong irritability.


Primary algodisminorea is painful menstruation caused by the infancy of the uterus, its incorrect position and other anatomical abnormalities in women. This term is used when talking about painful periods caused by violations endocrine metabolism not related to organic lesion female genital area.

Secondary algodysminorrhea is called pain during menstruation, which is caused by a number of diseases. It can be a cyst, an inflammatory process, endometriosis, fibromatous nodes, cavitary and gynecological operations.

When medical attention is needed

A woman must visit a gynecologist if:
  • Pain during menstruation lasts longer than usual.
  • Pain intensifies.
  • Bleeding more pronounced than usual during menstruation.
  • There are signs that indicate the presence of an infection: discomfort in the genitals before menstruation, strange discharge, itching, bad smell, impaired urination.
  • There are symptoms indicating an inflammatory process: temperature, muscle pain, chills.

Call an ambulance!

  • With loss of consciousness.
  • When you get dizzy when you get up.
  • Sudden severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • IN menstrual blood the presence of gray lumps.
This suggests that you may have an ectopic pregnancy.

What to do if the stomach hurts during menstruation

Experts do not recommend abusing painkillers. And it is better to choose them individually. There are drugs that quickly and without harm to health restore the cycle and relieve pain. This, for example, combined remedy"Time Factor", which contains a lot of plant phytohormonal extracts, vitamins, microelements.

good effect gives the anesthetic drug ibuprofen and its analogues.

Diclofenac suppositories are also successfully used.

According to experts, few women have not experienced premenstrual pain in their lives. And some have so much pain in the stomach that they can not go to school or work.

It usually hurts Bottom part abdomen, and pain is most often given to the lower back, pelvic bones, sacrum. The intestines also sometimes suffer from spasms. Begin pain in different ways: for some - a few hours before menstruation, for others - a day or two, and sometimes last until the end of menstruation. The pain can be so severe that a woman has to take painkillers all these days.

Symptoms during menstruation.

1. Pain in the lower abdomen, resembling contractions and extending to the lumbar region, sometimes to the groin, thighs and external genitalia. The pains are paroxysmal, quite intense, they exhaust the nervous system, reduce efficiency, cause weakness and lethargy.

2. Dizziness, spasmodic headaches.

3. The temperature rises to 37 degrees.

4. Bloating.

5. Dry mouth.

6. Mental disorders: irritability, anxiety, depression, insomnia, absent-mindedness, memory impairment.

7. increased appetite, cravings for sweets.

8. Swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, swelling of the legs and arms, weight gain.

9. Fainting and other disorders.

Sometimes one of listed symptoms becomes the leader and begins to bother more than the pain in the abdomen.

Causes of pain during menstruation.

Primary algomenorrhea is severe pain in adolescence, most often occur in emotional and thin girls, a couple of years after the first menstruation, with the onset of ovulation.

Secondary algomenorrhea - this is pain during menstruation, which is a symptom of other diseases. Such pain occurs due to anatomical changes in the uterus (myoma, adenomyosis, etc.).

The main physiological cause may be a violation between the natural balance between sex hormones, namely, between prostaglandin and progesterone. Prostaglandins are chemicals that are produced by uterine tissue and help it contract. High content prostaglandins in the body increases the force of contraction of the muscles of the uterus and, accordingly, increases pain.

In addition to the physiological causes of pain during menstruation, there may be gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs: fibromyoma, endometriosis, ovarian cyst and infections of the genital organs ( fallopian tubes, ovaries, vagina, uterus). The cause of pain can also be an intrauterine device.

Causes of menstrual pain in women over 30.

1. Pain may appear after inflammatory diseases genitourinary system as well as after an abortion or childbirth.

2. common cause secondary algomenorrhea is endometriosis. With it, cramping or aching pains in the abdomen are given to the rectum and cause anxiety for the entire period of the menstrual cycle.

3. The use of intrauterine contraceptives. Although those women who use contraceptives containing progestogens (for example, mirena), pain was not observed.

4. Sumbucous uterine fibroids (when, when myomatous nodes appear, they are pushed out through the cervical canal).

5. Varicose veins of the pelvis, which may be the result of adhesions and inflammation, diseases of the veins (varicose veins lower extremities and hemorrhoidal veins).

6. Malformations of the genitals, as a result of which the outflow of menstrual blood is difficult.

What to do with pain during menstruation.

If the pain is associated with primary dysmenorrhea, you should first try non-drug treatment:

1. Learn to calm down and deal with stress.

2. Exercise, stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

3. Learn some relaxation techniques, such as yoga.

4. Do not overcool, but severe pain put a heating pad on the lower abdomen, pulling your knees to your chest.

In the absence of the desired effect of non-drug treatment, it is necessary to take medications which the doctor should prescribe after examination and diagnosis. It could be aspirin oral contraceptives, in which low maintenance estrogen, or others nonsteroidal drugs against inflammation.

In the case of secondary algodysmenorrhea, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis with an ultrasound scan.

You can reduce pain during menstruation by cleansing the body.

The menstrual period passes without pain when a woman adheres to proper nutrition and feels almost healthy. The monthly discharge is not too plentiful and the smell is quite insignificant.

This state can be achieved by eliminating accumulated toxins. in a good way elimination of toxins is fasting and, if necessary, an enema. Fasting for 1-3 days before the onset of menstruation, you can get rid of abdominal pain. It is very useful during fasting to drink decoctions that purify the blood. Does a great job with this carrot juice with the addition of a little beet juice.

One-day fasting, which is carried out once a week, is quite effective. This method also helps to get rid of chest pain that accompanies menstrual pain. In the case when there is no possibility of starving, you need to exclude meat and milk for 1-2 days a week. You can do coffee enemas a couple of times a week.

The vast majority of women quite often feel pain in the lower abdomen at the beginning of the ovulation period, but such symptoms can persist throughout menstruation. In many cases, pain can also appear at the end of menstruation, when the copious excretion blood from the vagina. This process is normal, but in some cases it can be a symptom of a serious illness. If the lower abdomen hurts, and such pains are chronic, that is, permanent or manifested by periods, you should definitely contact a medical institution, since such symptoms may precede gynecological problems.

If the nature of the pain during the menstrual cycle, or before it begins, is acute, this is a reason to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination. Manifestations of acute pain in the lower abdomen, periodic or chronic, may be caused by the threat of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. It is impossible to delay in such cases, since such an ailment can lead not only to a deterioration in the patient's condition, but also to lethal outcome. Manifestation acute pain in the abdomen of a woman, when the lower abdomen in the groin area is very sore, this may be a consequence of the inflammatory process of the appendix.

A woman will need medical help if pain symptoms occur before the menstrual cycle or on time if such a reaction has not been observed before. If pain during or before menstruation continues long time, be sure to seek help, as in normal menstrual process there should be no sharp and prolonged pain. Each person has his own physiological characteristics, which is why, with the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen or in the groin area, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist in a medical facility and get qualified help.

Why did the discharge appear and the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation (menstruation)

Many women and girls have a hard time pain manifestations before the onset of menstruation and immediately during the menstrual period. However, this state of the body in a woman is natural and should not cause much unrest. During the menstrual cycle, endometrial detachment occurs ( inner layer uterus). If the representative of the weaker sex does not bear a child, then the endometrium is rejected, which causes pain symptoms in the lower abdomen. There is a reduction muscle fibers uterus and thus the body removes the rejected tissue. Such a process in a woman’s body provokes pain and discomfort. However pain syndrome can be severe enough to interfere with daily activities.

The greatest number of women's visits to gynecology falls on the symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen. This condition can lead to inflammatory process of the pelvic organs, which arose against the background of an acute or chronic infection. The most sad consequences, with such an ailment, are infertility. That is why you need to be extremely careful and consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis, which will help you recover 100% and give birth to a healthy baby in the future.

Various symptoms of pain in the lower abdomen, during menstruation, may indicate different processes current in the body of a woman. If the condition is characterized by pain of increased intensity, it is necessary to seek help, as this may carry certain risks for the patient. The sooner the doctor starts the examination, the better the patient's chances of recovery. Pain of an acute nature can be a symptom of inflammation of appendicitis, with such an ailment, a woman needs to be hospitalized, you may have to turn to the services of an experienced surgeon.

Non-serious, physiological causes of pain in the lower abdomen before, during or after menstruation

1 ovulation. At the time of ovulation dominant follicle with an egg) some of the fair sex in lower section the abdomen and lower back may feel aching pain.

2 genetic predisposition. Unpleasant sensations during menstruation can be transmitted for years through the female line.

3 Pregnancy. Unprotected intercourse during ovulation, which begins before menstruation and the woman does not know about it. After menstrual bleeding, the embryo tries to attach itself to the wall of the uterus, causing muscle spasms. After a certain period of time, a woman will begin to notice other signs accompanying pregnancy (toxicosis, excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands, and others).

4 Hormonal imbalances. There are many sources of hormonal instability. Some of the most famous are: very strong stressful situations and taking hormonal-type drugs.

5 External stimuli. Single cases of soreness after menstruation can occur after a change in climatic conditions, disturbances in the diet and daily routine, lifting heavy loads.

If pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, before menstruation

The most frequent of existing options pain before the menstrual cycle is a changing hormonal composition of the blood, it is this reason that many gynecologists of the world put at the head of the table. This process is observed in women throughout their lives, changes in hormonal levels occur both at a young age and at a more mature age. And during the ovulation period and before them, this process is most pronounced. Pain in the lower abdomen against the background of changes in hormonal processes is not a sign of the disease. The state of the body depends on physiological features every woman, however, should not be discounted, the occurrence of any disease, if during the menstrual cycle there were pains in the lower abdomen, especially if such pains appeared in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.

Another factor in the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle, termination of pregnancy at a younger age. Quite often, pain of this nature can last for several months. There are several possible causes the occurrence of pain before the onset of the menstrual cycle, however, they are not confirmed by clear medical factors. Disorders of psychological and emotional nature, malfunction of the thyroid gland, general fatigue of the body, sleep disturbance - these reasons can be a motivating factor in the pain syndrome at the beginning of the ovulation period.

Lower abdomen hurts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, causes of abdominal pain

In the second half of menstruation, pain can occur against the background of blood flow from the ovaries, with such bleeding, the inner wall of the peritoneum is prone to inflammation, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen. Pain intensity is associated with individual feature each future mother and how plentiful the blood flow will be. The manifestation of pain during ovulation may depend on the distance between the ovaries and the peritoneum. Mild sensation of pain during monthly cycle, refer to the processes of physiology due to the peculiarity of the reproductive system of women and its structure.

With a pronounced and prolonged pain syndrome in the second half of the menstrual period, characterized by elevated temperature, profuse bleeding, cramping pain, you must contact a medical institution to obtain a qualified medical care. If the pain in the second half of the menstrual period is characterized as unexpressed and has no other side effects, there is no reason to worry, this is the natural state of the body. But any woman and girl has features peculiar only to her and feelings when menstrual period each may be different.

Smearing spotting and pain in the lower abdomen

Pain during the menstrual period, bleeding from the vagina is a manifestation of female nature. At this time, a woman should especially strictly monitor hygiene and adhere to strict rules daily routine. If the pain is pronounced, it is possible to take some kind of analgesic to localize the pain. pain syndrome and profuse bleeding may signal an inflammatory process, or some other disease of the reproductive system, such as thrush.

If the stomach hurts during menstruation or after menstruation, the causes are thrush

Such an ailment as thrush can provoke an inflammatory process, other factors cannot be discarded. A lack of vitamins, the use of antibiotics, or other causes can cause this ailment. Thrush is characterized by a whitish discharge with a characteristic sour smell, as well as sensations of discomfort in the abdomen and burning. In other diseases of the reproductive system, discharge and It's a dull pain, which is why it is necessary to go to the hospital for help, since it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis on your own. If you do not localize the inflammation in the vagina, this is fraught with sad consequences.

Inflammation of the appendages is also characterized by lower abdominal pain and discharge. Symptoms of such an ailment can be pronounced, or almost invisible to the layman. If the cause of the symptoms is not inflammation of the ovaries, then the discharge can be characterized by a purulent and mucous substance, as well as a pronounced pain syndrome of the lower peritoneum.

If the pain in the lower abdomen appeared during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is one of the causes of various discharges and pain syndrome. Acne, miscarriages and impending labor can cause similar symptoms. On early dates such symptoms may signal the possible loss of a child, for more late term such symptoms indicate the onset of labor.

What else could it be if the stomach hurts a lot during menstruation, before or after menstruation

The most common and fixed cause of pain is a stressful situation that affects all body systems in general. The emotional background of a woman greatly affects the course of many processes, as well as ovulation. Heat, heavy sweating, headaches, bouts of nausea and vomiting, all these are factors that affect any processes in the female body.

The pain that occurs when menstrual syndrome or at the beginning of such, may indicate serious problems in the body, which means you can not delay the treatment. Continuation of menstruation more put on, severe pain in the lower peritoneum, profuse bleeding, chills, all this is a sufficient reason to go to the hospital. Only an experienced doctor will tell you about the reasons for your feeling unwell and make a diagnosis, which in turn will help you fully recover and give birth healthy baby in future.

If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen during, after or before menstruation, what are the reasons for what to do?

During menstruation during the period of pain, PMS symptoms, gynecologists do not recommend the use of painkillers in large quantities. However, if the pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation is very strong, then it is still allowed to take painkillers, but you should first discuss the possibility of using such painkillers with a gynecologist. Pills for pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation are taken when it is necessary to get rid of pain in the lower abdomen, which are not symptoms or signs of the development of pathology. Before taking painkillers to relieve abdominal pain during menstruation, it is better to consult a doctor who will help you choose the most effective drug for you with the fewest side effects.

There is a series of medicines that can, without harming the body for a very long time. short period time, bring relief from pain and restore menstrual cycle. One of these medicines is Time Factor, which contains herbal extracts, trace elements and vitamins. Taking this drug helps to normalize different phases female cycle, improve mood, mitigate the signs of PMS. After taking pain medication medicinal product from pain in life during menstruation, you need to lie down a little, wrapped in a warm blanket and try to relax. The main rule is that the legs should always be warm.

Ibuprofen and all its analogues such as Nurofen, Miga are also considered an excellent pain reliever for pain relief during menstruation. In order to relieve pain during menstruation is enough daily dose 400mg. It is also recommended to take papaverine hydrochloride and its generics No-Shpa, Papazol and other painkillers. To relieve abdominal pain during menstruation, the use of anti-inflammatory suppositories with diclofenac is allowed. With severe pain, 1 pc per day is enough.

Symptoms that require medical attention

Some of the fair sex, feeling pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, simply take an anesthetic medication. However, if there are any diseases, then the medicine will act only for a while and the pain will return with renewed vigor. Since there is a short-term relief, women quite often postpone their visit to the doctor. And so, month after month, new problems will be added to the existing problems:

1 urge to vomit and vomit;

2 cutting pains in the lower abdomen;

3 general malaise and weakness;

4 drowsiness, depression and apathy;

5 puffiness;

6 sleep disturbance;

7 constant need for frequent drinking;

8 purulent and bloody vaginal discharge;

9 gluttony.

If, in addition to the above symptoms, others are observed, then the help of a doctor is vital:

1 increase in breast size, its sensitivity, the release of an incomprehensible liquid from the nipples;

2 long periods, the volume and duration of which are considered abnormal;

3 foul-smelling discharge;

4 acute abdomen syndrome;

5 sharp rise body temperature over 38 0 С;

6 body temperature for a long time is kept at the level of 37 0 C 37.5 0 C.

It is worth remembering that a timely appeal to a specialist will allow you to quickly find the root cause of pain and begin effective treatment.

Many women and girls are worried that the lower abdomen hurts during or before menstruation. Actually, this normal phenomenon And it's not always worth worrying about. The uterus begins to secrete, this happens every month, but not during pregnancy.

Excess contents come out and thereby the uterus contracts, causing unpleasant pain. In order to start to panic, you need to understand whether the stomach hurts during menstruation, causing cramps.


If a woman or girl experiences severe abdominal pain and it continues for a long time, then it's not normal. If the pain makes it difficult to move, even in lying position If you feel severe heaviness, you should immediately consult a doctor. Maybe it's dysmenorrhea.

This disease can occur in half of all girls. Basically, at the first stage it is impossible to identify the causes of the disease, and it passes in mild form, only in 5-15% of women it develops into a severe one. Young girls often suffer from this disease. Starts during menstruation sharp pain, sometimes vomiting, dizziness and even fainting. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure bed rest approximately 2-3 days.


If dysmenorrhea is primary, then it may have resulted from physical activity or psychological problems.

With the secondary, there may be the following reasons:

  • swollen pelvic organs;
  • pelvic veins expand;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • venereal diseases;
  • dysplasia;
  • inflammation of the pelvic organs and others.

With primary dysmenorrhea occurs:

  • sensation of pain;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • constipation;
  • insomnia;
  • possible skin redness.

And during the secondary stage:

  • diarrhea;
  • heartbeat quickens;
  • vomit;
  • body temperature drops.

Sometimes the most important symptom are pain during sex.


The causes of pain in the lower abdomen can be diseases of the genital organs, for example, inflammatory:

  • endometritis;
  • oophoritis;
  • salpingitis;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma.

If a woman uses intrauterine contraceptives eg spirals. In addition, there may be obstetric problems: miscarriage, abortion, pathological problems during pregnancy.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If a girl or woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, in any case, she needs to contact a gynecologist, at least for prevention. This should not be delayed, it is better to immediately understand your problem than to spend a lot of money on treatment and surgery later. You should immediately go to the doctor if:

  • profuse menstruation with painful sensations;
  • body temperature is greatly increased;
  • before that, there was no pain in the lower abdomen;
  • suspicion of pregnancy;
  • pain lasts more than 7 days;
  • sharp pain.

Treatment Methods

Treatment takes place in two ways: with the help of medicines and surgical intervention. There are three types of drug treatment:

  1. Gestagens are hormones that renew the tissues of the uterus, relax its muscles.
  2. Contraceptives - special oral hormonal contraceptives that can suppress ovulation. The pressure on the uterus gradually decreases, respectively, and on the lower abdomen.
  3. Anti-inflammatory - they are prescribed if the above drugs are contraindicated for a woman, the reasons may be different. This remedy should be used only during menstruation.

Surgery comes into play when a girl or woman begins to have a severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Can stress affect lower abdominal pain? Of course it does. In addition, not only for the entire period of menstruation, but also for the condition, well-being. If there are problems at work, in school, in the family, all this can affect health, as well as cause pain in the lower abdomen.

Folk methods

Not only drugs can numb the pain, but also various procedures relaxing the uterus. It's both useful and enjoyable.


Green tea will help to cope with pain, especially if you put a little lemon balm or oregano in it. You can make the following infusion yourself: chop a celery root and pour a glass of water (cold), let it brew for two hours in a warm place and take about 2 teaspoons three times a day.

Water procedures

Warm water can relax the muscles of the uterus. Abdominal pain will subside or completely disappear. You can use a bath or shower, using both methods will have a positive effect.


It is necessary to make sure that the room is warm, thereby achieving a minimal effect of relaxation of the uterus, and its contractions will decrease. Most often use a heating pad or a bottle filled with warm water. It is enough to lean the object against the painful place for a while.

pain reliever

You can just take pills that muffle the pain, they can be analgin, ketonal, ibuprofen. The contraction of the uterus is eliminated and the pain disappears. Many gynecologists advise taking medication before the onset of menstruation.


If troubles occur in life that make you nervous, then perhaps the lower abdomen hurts due to stressful situations. Then you should take depressant, valerian or motherwort will help best of all.


They will help get rid of pain affecting the lower abdomen, if they are strongly manifested. After a while, these pills will help get rid of not only pain, but also other troubles of menstruation, for example, profusion of menstruation and a cycle will be established.

Physical training

Through walks on fresh air, with light running, classes in a fitness club or at home, ordinary gymnastics can dull the pain in the lower abdomen.

Diet food

Sometimes due to malnutrition there are problems with the genitals. The lower abdomen starts to hurt. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate your diet, eat only light and wholesome food. Meat and milk a week before menstruation should, in general, be excluded. But not all types of vegetables and fruits have useful properties for the uterus, they can also adversely affect a woman's well-being.

If all these remedies do not help get rid of discomfort when the lower abdomen hurts, the doctor is always ready to advise what to do. Therefore, you should not delay, you need to go straight to the hospital so that a much more serious illness does not develop in the future.

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