Aversion to food nausea. Nausea from food and no appetite for a long time. Aversion to food causes

Good appetite speaks of good health person. The feeling of hunger signals that the body requires restoration of energy costs and replenishment of nutrients. It happens that a person loses interest in food, and sometimes even feels disgust for it. may be accompanied by nausea.

Nausea occurs as a result of a malfunction in the organs digestive system. Then the stomach, which has to move food to the intestines, pushes it up with reverse contractions of the esophagus. Often nausea ends with vomiting - involuntary powerful emptying of the stomach through the mouth. Discomfort from nausea and vomiting is aggravated by general malaise in the form of:

  • general weakness;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • active sweating;
  • rapid breathing and pulse;
  • increased salivation.

Lack of appetite, nausea, and vomiting can be harmless but completely natural body responses to an irritant, such as overeating or spoiled food. Might be symptoms serious illnesses and indicate the need for medical attention. Therefore, the causes of the disorder should be determined as soon as possible and the necessary measures should be taken to improve the condition.

Loss of appetite and bouts of nausea in women

In women, such ailments are more likely to occur against the background of hormonal changes during menstruation or during pregnancy. This is considered normal and is not a symptom of the disease. But, weakness, dizziness or strong pain- an excuse to see a doctor.

Menstruation and premenstrual syndrome:

  • Before the onset of menstruation, jumps in estrogen and progesterone during the period of hormonal adjustment are accompanied by strong emotional experiences, neurosis, and insomnia. These processes are natural and disappear with the beginning of a new cycle, but women may experience a slight malaise and lose their appetite.
  • During menstruation, prostaglandins are produced that irritant effect to circulatory, muscle, nervous system, provoking uterine spasm and the occurrence of severe, but tolerable pain. The production of serotonin increases, leading to stagnation of fluid, the appearance of edema. Changes negatively affect the woman's well-being, being the norm, they pass quickly, do not require intervention.

Pregnant women with hormonal changes and changes in progesterone levels may experience toxicosis, passing by 14 weeks. Many expectant mothers feel a strong aversion to food, frequent bouts of nausea and impulses to. This is not a disease and early toxicosis does not pose a threat to the health of a woman or a child, if the pregnant woman does not worry all the time. During this period, you should provide expectant mother proper nutrition, walking on fresh air, complete rest.

An important reminder: the stomach of a pregnant woman should not be empty, you should eat fractionally, in small portions. This will relieve painful nausea and vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting in children

Children often experience nausea and vomiting. They can feel nauseous after active games on full stomach and rocking in transport. The urge to vomit in a child may appear as a result of overeating or nervous tension. If this happens occasionally and is not accompanied by other symptoms, there is no cause for concern.

With a cold, when the baby is tormented by a runny nose, cough and sore throat, he usually gets sick from eating. ARI needs to be treated. As you recover, the feeling of hunger will begin to appear.

If the appetite has disappeared for a short time, the type of food does not cause disgust in the child, there is no need to make hasty conclusions and feed it with pills. Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • the baby is lethargic and sleepy;
  • he has a headache or dizziness;
  • temperature appeared;
  • increased or slowed pulse;
  • vomiting is frequent, severe, mixed with blood or accompanied by diarrhea;
  • the child is sick as a result of an injury to the abdomen or head.

If disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract do not cause severe discomfort, quickly pass, and vomiting brings relief, there is no reason to panic. It is necessary to alleviate the condition by taking an antiemetic drug or using folk remedy: drinking green tea, dill water or lemon water. The main recommendation is diet. A few days after the attack, everything fried, sour and dairy is excluded from the diet.

Urgent health care necessary in case complete failure from food frequent vomiting, severe nausea lasting more than a day elevated temperature and diarrhea.

It is normal for a healthy body to experience appetite and enjoy food and feel full. A delicious meal for most people is a source of strength, both physical and emotional. Naturally, the diet should be under control, fit within a reasonable framework, without overeating or starvation.

Sometimes an eating disorder manifests itself as an aversion to food, and it occurs at any age and in any state of health. Let's try to figure out why nausea and aversion to food suddenly appear and how you can deal with it.

How does aversion to food and its smells manifest itself?

If you figure it out, this unpleasant state similar to loss of appetite, but much more pronounced.

When there is no appetite, it means " don't want to eat anything”, and a feeling of disgust makes a person experience acute negative emotions towards the sight, taste or smell of food, sometimes even one thought about food or a particular product is enough to cause nausea.

Disgust can take several forms:

  • taste has changed certain products and dishes, those that used to be liked, suddenly became disgusting;
  • sick of everything, but at the same time you can somehow force yourself to eat;
  • complete and categorical aversion to any food and the inability to eat at all because of this.

In terms of severity and impact on women Health the last point is most alarming, as it can be a manifestation of severe disorders and diseases - from anorexia to cancer.

Failure to eat or prolonged malnutrition leads not only to weight loss, but also to nervous exhaustion, depression, mental disorders, can provoke diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and systemic diseases.

Therefore, it is impossible to take lightly a long-term refusal of food! instead of waiting for everything to go away on its own, it is worth considering why the aversion to food arose and what to do about it.

Looking for the cause of aversion to food

If the problem has become a torment, and there is also a deterioration in well-being, then the best way to find the causes of this condition is to visit a doctor, preferably a comprehensive physical examination.

It would be reasonable to visit specialists in the following sequence: therapist, gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, psychotherapist. It would also be useful to visit a nutritionist, if such an opportunity is available.

The identified causes of deviations in appetite can be completely different:

  • toxicosis (during pregnancy, food, drug or chemical poisoning);
  • malfunctions of the liver and gallbladder, pancreas, gastritis, duodenitis, colitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • allergies - food, household or medication;
  • helminthic invasion (even with cleanliness, the source can be pets);
  • internal illnesses - rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, etc.;
  • hormonal disorder (problems thyroid gland, hypothalamus, pituitary gland);
  • pathologies of metabolism and immunity (diabetes, gout, hemochromatosis);
  • viral diseases (hepatitis, HIV, cancer, influenza)
  • neurosis, clinical depression, psychotic disorder.

However, if there are no concomitant symptoms and the state of health has not changed (there is no sharp and significant weight loss, dizziness, temperature, rash, pain), then most likely the problem is superficial and will not become a big threat. However, to improve the quality of life, it is better to know what to do with food aversion.

Why does a child have an aversion to food

A child's problem has its own characteristics, for starters, it is almost impossible to make a small child eat normally, so loss of appetite or hatred of certain foods can greatly affect the baby's natural weight gain, activity and development. Why does this happen to children?

The first years of life are associated with many changes in the child's body: the work of the intestines is getting better, immunity develops, milk teeth are cut, taste and smell are formed. Frequent pain and the irritation which inevitably arises in babies passing through all these stages can easily cause loss of appetite and unwillingness to eat.

In addition, monotonous food, poorly cooked or warmed up, forcing mom to swallow food and simply ignoring the baby's taste preferences leads to a strong association - " unpleasant to eat!". Avoiding an eating disorder in a child requires patience and attention to his choice, reaction, as well as efforts to make children's food as tasty and attractive as possible.

In children school age during periods of growth, nausea and a sharp rejection of certain foods (often onions, carrots, milk, porridge) may occur. At this age, one can easily mistake changes in taste and appetite for whims, but many parents will confirm that if you meet children's preferences and adjust homemade dishes to the child's taste, then after a while such "strangeness" will disappear by itself and without a trace.

The difficulty for kindergarten children and schoolchildren is often the need to eat in the dining room. Catering meals are far from ideal, and here the child can only be helped by preparing lunches and snacks for him to take away, as well as talking with the teacher and teacher about not being forced to eat table portions.

Unfortunately or fortunately, but children's hatred for public catering, as a rule, remains for life - it is impossible to fight this preference.

How to deal with food aversion during pregnancy

In anticipation of the baby, women have to face such unpleasant accompaniments as toxicosis. It usually occurs in first trimester, however, toxicosis is also not uncommon throughout the entire period, as well as in the last three months.

Stuffiness intolerance, sleep disturbance, general weakness and low weight gain may be added to loss of appetite and nausea. Severe toxicosis is manifested by bouts of vomiting not only from what has been eaten, but also from the smells of food and even thoughts about it.

To overcome such a condition without resorting to treatment in a hospital, you need to try to observe the daily routine, refuse food and drinks that irritate the gastric mucosa and esophagus (strong tea, coffee, cocoa, sour juices), eat fractionally and only those foods that cause a minimal reaction.

Appetite may decrease different reasons e.g. due to depression, bad sleep or well-being. When a person sees the world in black colors, a piece does not go down his throat. Food, he perceives as a medicine, without which it is impossible to live. Indifference to food turns into disgust.

How to create an aversion to food?

If a person becomes lethargic and apathetic during depression, then he stops eating. And if nervous strain expressed in the form of anxiety, non-constructive activity appears. That is, a person randomly walks around the room, bites his nails and empties the refrigerator.

Violation eating behavior often associated with self-flagellation, when a person, for some reason, directs aggression towards himself. Children from birth should know that they are loved, valued and cared for. If the child knows for sure that the world needs him, then no feeling of guilt will appear. The kid will grow up mentally healthy and adequate person.

Deprived of love and attention, people refuse to eat, showing some suicidal attempts. Some don't buy good products and things because they consider themselves unworthy of something good in life. If in childhood a child was told that he was a burden, a parasite, that he was being fed in vain, then these phrases, which settle in the subconscious, therefore cause disgust for food.

How to create an aversion to food? It is not easy to answer this question. First of all, you need to understand why it is needed in principle. If a person is prone to overeating and therefore gaining weight, then you can go to a psychologist and find out true reason active emptying of the refrigerator. If there are no health problems, then there is no need to cause disgust for food. Food should give pleasure.

Aversion to food causes

When a person needs food, he experiences hunger. In the civilized world, people do not experience true hunger because they eat well and regularly. If a person does not experience hunger, then he should not eat, otherwise there will be oversaturation, fullness, complexes, and so on. Do not overfill your stomach, stuff food into it by force.

After alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, coffee, strong emotions, heat and pain, appetite may disappear. No need to forcibly push food into yourself, you should start eating after hunger appears. Eating can only be done in a calm environment, when nothing interferes or disturbs. Aversion to food must be looked for in oneself. Stress takes a lot of energy, the body refuses food, because it is not able to digest anything. So there is no need to aggravate the situation with unnecessary products. Fasting will help redistribute energy and quickly recover.

During illness, the doctor makes a diet that promotes speedy recovery. Not without reason in hospitals there is a numbering of tables, that is, there is a list of dishes that will help you quickly recover, regain strength and replenish energy.

It's important to listen to your body. If he says that he does not want to eat, then this is so, and you should not argue with him.

Fasting improves health, regulates weight, and helps develop taste. A person who experiences hunger from time to time begins to be more selective about food, does not thresh everything in their refrigerator, but eats only selected foods that he really wants.

Food aversion and nausea

Vomiting is often preceded by a painful feeling in the throat, weakness, pallor and aversion to food. A person can feel sick from stress, overeating, lack of sleep, stuffiness, hunger, fatigue, bad smell and so on.

Food aversion and nausea can be a sign of pregnancy. Moreover, an unpleasant sensation arises precisely when a particular dish appears nearby. With the help of nausea, the body tries to protect itself from harmful substances.

People who lead healthy lifestyle life, exercise and eat right, rarely experience nausea. A healthy body cannot vomit because it has no reason to.

Aversion to food during pregnancy

A woman should change her lifestyle long before pregnancy. You need to spend a lot of time outside, exercise, do not smoke, do not drink and eat only the right foods.

Aversion to food during pregnancy mainly occurs in the first trimester. After the body adapts to the fact that someone has settled in it, everything will pass.

Nausea during pregnancy occurs mainly in the morning. In order to alleviate your condition, you need to put a glass of water and a pack of crackers on your bedside table in the evening. This ration must be swallowed without getting out of bed.

Child aversion to food

Parents are always terribly happy when their child has a good appetite. And everyone, without exception, begins to panic if a child has an aversion to food.

A child has a much smaller stomach than an adult, and he is forced to eat almost the same amount. Why? Parents don't know about physiological features children? It seems to them that the child does not eat anything, although he ate some porridge, a ladle of soup and yogurt. In two years, this may be quite enough.

So you don't want to, if you can't. When you want, the refrigerator gets tired of slamming the doors

Nada 50 grams of vodka, and preferably cognac. Have a bite and immediately broth! Super!! ! And the appetite will immediately appear!!

maybe it's depression...

two fingers in the mouth and everything will pass

I've been having problems for a week now. I want it too, but I can't. was 56, became 49.

You have to force yourself! Now I’ll smarten up two salads, pizza, puffs, polish the whole thing with Nescafe Gold and I’ll come to my senses for two hours. 🙂

I guess it depends on the state of mind and mood. The main thing to remember is that you are the only "instance" and there is no other such that you need to feed your beloved organism.

go drink some water!!

Drink 50 gr. skate for appetite!

mb in the form of juices? fruits?

Wait until you want so that there will be no time for reflection. Then eat everything that is edible, and the "I don't like this" complex will disappear.

Drink only clean water. And don't think about anything. When you want to eat,

(and you will definitely want to), starting with fruits, then vegetables,

moreover, raw, then I write protein, a little, low-fat and boiled

Why is there an aversion to food and feel sick, but want to eat?

Food is the main source of energy for any living organism. Absolutely healthy person loss of appetite is not threatened, he is not sick of the smell of meat, seafood, fried and boiled dishes. Various external or internal factors can provoke a temporary or persistent categorical aversion to food. Pathological condition has no clear age and gender restrictions.

Etiology of the phenomenon

The reasons for aversion to food are harmless or indicate pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and psychosomatic disorders. In the civilized world, people have the opportunity to eat well and regularly, so they rarely experience true hunger. If you forcibly fill the stomach with food, there will be discomfort in epigastric region followed by nausea and vomiting. IN stressful situations, as well as after drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, the body is not able to qualitatively digest food, so indifference to food gradually turns into aversion to food.

Loss of appetite and aversion to food are due to:

  • Malfunction of the digestive organs: stomach, liver, gallbladder or pancreas.
  • Hormonal imbalance (lactation period, female menopause, andropause.)
  • Worm infestation. Aversion to food is accompanied by a sharp weight loss.
  • Allergic reaction to taking medications. Lack of appetite and nausea are often included in the list of possible side effects antibiotics, painkillers and other medications.
  • Severe food poisoning.
  • Oncology in history.

Patients with food aversion should pay attention to concomitant symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, changes in body temperature and blood pressure. So, aversion to meat, fish and other foods can provoke viral infection usually accompanied by fever. Food, chemical or drug intoxication is not complete without nausea and the urge to vomit, indigestion.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, aversion to food is due to toxicosis and is considered by doctors as a variant of the norm. However, loss of appetite for a long time gradually dehydrates the woman's body (with a minimum of water intake) and poses a danger to the health of the baby. Sometimes the fairer sex deliberately refuses to eat to get rid of extra pounds. This method of losing weight forms an aversion to the usual food, which leads to nervous exhaustion, anorexia, and gastrointestinal diseases.

With malnutrition, the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, a person is sick of the smells of food, and, as they say, "food does not climb." Cause eating disorder lies in the following: the body begins to take energy from its own tissues, while releasing toxins. As a result, a person reacts to intoxication with nausea, and thoughts about the upcoming lunch or dinner are disgusting.

Eating disorders in children

Lack of appetite against the background of aversion to food affects the natural weight gain, activity and development of the child. It is in the first years of life that children develop activity intestinal tract, taste and smell are formed. To make food enjoyable, do not ignore taste preferences baby. If a child is disgusted with fish, cook cutlets out of it, turn back meat - cook soup on chicken broth. Favorite food should be not only tasty, but also attractive in appearance.

Meals are accompanied backlash with teething or stomatitis. In connection with accelerated growth body, older children often experience bouts of nausea, a sharp aversion to vegetables, cereals, and dairy products. Be patient and attentive to the choice of the child so that the temporary lack of appetite and aversion to food does not become pathological.

It's no secret that catering dishes are far from ideal. children preschool age or students lower grades they should not be forced to eat in the canteen if they don't like the taste of the cooked food. IN similar situations it is appropriate to take a "brake" from home with food that does not spoil before dinner. When the situation changes (moving to another city, country), parents may notice that the child has lost his appetite. As soon as the adaptation period ends and the child finds new friends, the “whims” in the kitchen will disappear without a trace.

Pregnancy and toxicity

The first signs of pregnancy include an aversion to food, the expectant mother is literally sick of the smell of food. Usually discomfort are celebrated on early dates pregnancy, the urge to nausea and vomiting occur at any time of the day. In the hot summer, the situation worsens, a woman may feel nauseous from stuffiness, it seems that her favorite food smells bad.

Food intolerance during pregnancy is associated with:

  • Hormonal surge. no appetite for sharp increase synthesis of progesterone.
  • psychological factor. Depression or anxious thoughts about the upcoming birth worsen sleep, appetite, aversion to food and nausea.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements. If during pregnancy you don’t even want to think about food, drink compotes, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks. It is advisable to take folic acid and iron tablets.

Due to violation metabolic processes women eat foods they used to hate. For example, a vegetarian is interested in meat dishes, a sweet tooth with an appetite consumes salty and pickled foods. The condition of a pregnant woman is considered dangerous if toxicosis is accompanied by an aversion to food, constant nausea And repeated vomiting(up to 10-15 times a day). In this case, the woman should be under the supervision of a competent specialist.

Therapeutic measures

Diagnosis and treatment of problems with the perception of food is the responsibility of a gastroenterologist. After questioning the patient and a thorough examination of the body, a therapeutic regimen followed by dietary adjustments. If the child's appetite has deteriorated, a pediatrician's consultation is required.

Aversion to food is eliminated with the help of:

  • Taking medication. Conservative treatment involves the use of antiemetic drugs, sorbents, means to improve gastric motility. In the presence of inflammatory process, which provokes a lack of appetite and does not allow you to adequately treat food, antibiotics, antispasmodics are prescribed.
  • Recipes traditional medicine. You can fight food aversion and nausea by increasing your appetite. For this purpose, decoctions or infusions are prepared from chamomile, parsley seeds, anise fruits, crushed dandelion roots.
  • Diet food. Fresh herbs and spices activate digestion and stimulate appetite. Eat in portions, chewing food well. Remember, artificial flavor enhancers are dangerous to health.

If, while carrying a child, a woman encounters a strong aversion to food, doctors recommend giving up food that irritates the stomach. The morning portion of food will not be wasted if you eat immediately after waking up. To do this, prepare food in the evening, do not nauseous and vomiting (low-fat cookies, bagels). Long intervals between meals will not help to cope with aversion to food and restore appetite, the period of toxicosis must be endured.

Trust own feelings, do not disregard anxiety symptoms such as lack of appetite, nausea, rejection of food eaten. Self create daily ration nutrition is not at all difficult, the main thing is that there is a desire to comply with it. But if the food still does not bring pleasure, one feels disgust for food products, see a dietitian. Be healthy!

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Why do you want to eat, but the food does not climb?

Yes, there can be many reasons for this. First, you may not be hungry. Secondly, what you are offered to eat, you either do not eat, or do not like, or it is unacceptable food for you. Third, you can deceive yourself.

Maybe it's hot outside? Try to eat okroshka, fruits and a light salad. Or did you eat little and now the body is used to it and when you try to eat more it gives an error? It's better to go to the doctor, you can't joke with health.

What to eat when nothing climbs?

List of messages of the topic "What to eat when nothing climbs?" Forum Pregnancy > Pregnancy

Thank you for your advice. And then I shove it into myself, but I myself think maybe it’s not worth it, they say food eaten across desire does not bring any benefit. Now I will know that pregnant women are an exception. Are weakness and hibernation also included in the toxicosis kit ??

P.S. But the buns are still delicious. (((

I am in a very great friendship with cucumbers. We have sold a little fresh here, already this year, but no more. And those were awfully expensive.

there was no toxicosis, now she is 18 weeks old, she ate almost nothing for a week, she forced herself to eat, because. I didn’t want to taste or smell anything, I didn’t feel it.

I want to eat, but I don't know what I want.

but yesterday zhor attacked)))

and I don't want hay again

The composition of the diet of a pregnant woman.

In what cases it is necessary to change your diet.

If you want buns - eat them to your health. My friend also says in the 1st trimester she could eat only white bread and buns without nausea and subsequent vomiting. Then etogo completely lost desire. So don't worry about the weight.

The baby was born strong - 4 kg.))) See the passport.

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Want to eat but can't climb

The elderly man stopped getting up and eating.

he is only 66 years old. Some are born blind. And yet they manage to work. He knows the spec. font for the blind? (I don’t remember the name) let him read books for the blind. He needs an occupation. Drag him to the hospital by force, well, let him say that he won’t forgive, you can’t just leave him lying around, dying in front of your eyes. to indulge his senile quirks. He needs a lot of communication, a lot of communication.

it could be anything from pancreatic cancer to depression to kidney problems and the pain is not main symptom sickness, loss of appetite and weakness are already fairly strong symptoms. You need to do a check-up, blood tests and ultrasounds to start. abdominal organs, and there, depending on the results, you need to move on

half a year ago, my grandfather died of pancreatic cancer, believe me, if it was pancreatic cancer, then there would be hellish pains, he would not be able to drink and eat anything, and would lose weight very quickly and there would be progressive anorexia! most likely he inspired himself with this + depression, you need to take him to the doctor or call specialists for a fee

Condition😖Are there any comedies?

Come to me to drink tea, I will amuse you? I'm alone?

Watch cartoon boss/baby

Comedy without brakes☺️

I also saved a salad with cucumbers and tomatoes in the morning. Happy apples, tangerines. In the evening mineral water without gas. The fourth day I live without toxin))) cheers?

At first I ate only breadcrumbs and tea. Now cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and fruits. I can't even look at the rest.

Itself is like this ((I eat fresh tomatoes and cucumbers ... only from their smell everything is normal. I cook everything myself))) but I can’t eat ((

The child does not want to eat

I understand you, because when mine get sick, they also eat badly, I worry ... But. I made it a rule not to force. And I act on the contrary, if you don’t want to, leave the kitchen. As a child, my mother constantly tried to feed me, it seemed to me that it was hers. the main objective in life, I sat for hours over a plate, for me to eat was like a punishment. My children, on the contrary, love to eat, sometimes even too much, maybe because I don’t allow too much, I don’t allow them to carry cookies ... It’s like in the garden, everything is on schedule, I didn’t have time, I was late)))

of course it happened. I didn’t fight in any way, I don’t believe in malnourished children. if they don't eat, then either they have reasons, or mom is exaggerating.

Right now my youngest is sick and doesn't eat - well, God bless him. had breakfast, drank compote for lunch. for dinner, most likely to eat, albeit a little. if only he drank properly and without snacking

my 3 months old practically did not eat, almost at your age, there was a little more. gave what she ate, the mixture was also just before bedtime. and then it burst and ate as usual. I didn't force anything.

What does it mean when you want to eat but don't want to?

JUST LIKE ME NOW ... already infuriates

For those who want to lose weight but won't start

I can eat not only sutra, and not only protein))))))

And what about breakfast? Is it really that important?

nothing at all comes to mind. =(

I want to eat chalk all the time!

Eat chalk, only natural. And more often in the sun, so that vitamin D is produced and absorbed calcium from chalk.

sesame is the richest in calcium content

beaten topic. but there are a lot of letters.

teaches, climbs where it is not necessary, we quarrel with her husband all the time. But this does not happen at home.

she came home from work and asks if I ate, I say no. she’ll die to me, I jokingly answer yes, nothing, and then the answer that almost killed me: says_your child is not needed by anyone if you die, educate him yourself , I'm just in shock, that is, you never know what can happen in this life (God forbid, of course) and she won't need a grandson. she didn’t come anyway, didn’t help with him, even though we live in the same city, she still says raise your son yourself, as if someone is asking her

I don't envy you. God help you cope with it and great patience

As I understand you ((it’s all the same for me, it constantly climbs, teaches ... After the maternity hospital, my mother lived with me for a week, and then she left for another city, so the mother-in-law exhausted all her nerves ... then “Give me a child, I’ll shake it”, although the child was eating at that moment, the little one woke up, "Let me. And you go do something. "My child comes first, I will feed my daughter first and put to sleep and then I will go to do business. I somehow answered her that I myself I’m still coping with everything, and when I need her help, I’ll definitely turn to her ... But this is not the person who understands (((

It’s a pity for my husband and he doesn’t want to offend my mother, and he loves me and my daughter. We live through 2 houses (((I can’t wait until we build our own housing in order to live farther away)))

it was necessary initially, as they moved, to lead a separate lifestyle, in particular nutrition, a lot of problems would have gone away, about the husband - on his head, for him the most important thing should be you and the child, for the rest ***. cleaning - enter the schedule, the main thing is not to be silent, it will get worse - it will sit on the neck or even worse, the husband will start listening to her, and will behave the same towards you, like she did. and the child - well, let her wash her granddaughter herself once a week, maybe more often, then she might fall behind))) another option - call her for any reason, change the child’s clothes, change, wash, take a walk so that she doesn’t have time, and you just feed))) she will lag behind)))

I don't know how to react

And about the envelope, say later that it's hot in it, and calmly wrap the child in a blanket. And in general, immediately take all the things with you to the maternity hospital for discharge (otherwise she may not bring it out of harm, or drip on your husband’s brains so that he takes an envelope, and not a blanket), and in his discharge to the nurse give. The mother-in-law will see her grandson or granddaughter when they take him out in a blanket, she will not see the process of dressing

Blanket is very cool

we have the same situation in relation to our grandson ... from the latest situations “what will your parents give Nikita for ng?” “she is tough on buying something cheaper ... everything is always for show ... it freezes ... my mother brings me something ... a t-shirt for example to her son ... I ask “how much did I buy it for?” In response, I hear “what difference does it make, you didn’t pay,” and the mother-in-law will also bring it with a check ... defiantly lay it out ..

She didn't raise her son right.

Anyut, honestly, you yourself taught him how to manipulate, he sets conditions for you from the nursery, does something in return, gets a treat, instead of earning credibility, you bribed the child. Apparently you spoiled him so much to compensate for the absence of his father. You constantly organized leisure for him, so he does not know how to occupy himself and he is no longer interested in anything, he had a too busy life. You yourself write that he has not been happy with anything since childhood, and perhaps it was because instead of giving him a little more freedom in making decisions, you organized his pastime at your own discretion. Maybe he would be happy to jump through the puddles in the yard, and you took him to other cities, and due to his age, he still could not express his desires. And then he just got into your current and swam with you like that, he got used to the fact that all the organization of leisure is on you, he never learned how to occupy himself. And with the advent of Gosha, you no longer have so much time to organize Danya's pastime, and he himself has not learned how to do this, hence such behavior. Everything is mixed up here, and transitional age, and jealousy, and boredom, and attracting attention.

I would ban everything that is possible, and would not pay any attention to him at all! sit and noah! since I don’t need anything, I collected all the toys and allegedly threw them away, they are still not needed! ice bad? throw away your skates, you don't need them! no birthday, no fun! when he loses everything he has, then he will understand! Unless, of course, Mom starts to lisp again.

I’m a tyrant, yes) my son is almost 6, also with his quirks, yesterday I took it from the garden, I say don’t wallow in the snow, we’ll go to the store and then we’ll go up the hill, if you wallow, then no hill. I didn’t understand, on the way I dived into a snowdrift 3 times, like I slipped and fell, then I walked all the way, holding on to the stroller. naturally no slide. And he also received from his father that he does not obey his mother.

The child refuses to eat in the kindergarten, what should I do?

And I think, since there are 3 days before the vacation - do not torture the child, feed at home!

And for the holidays, teach, as you like, to porridge

If you go to another group in the fall, then think there already: either take him hungry, or feed him at home and then leave him for the whole day - one way or another, either he will eat, or the teachers will persuade ... Food and refusal of it is common a way to fix the attention of adults, so here it will be necessary somehow increased attention dissipate. He doesn’t want to - he eats, he wants - he eats, and the mother should not have emotional reactions about this.

leave for a day and do not bathe, anyway, sooner or later he will eat, he definitely will not sit hungry. Correctly, he knows that you will pick him up soon and feed him. And so explain, set up and that's it, if the first day there is no food, the second one will definitely not sit hungry. It’s tough, of course, but I did it at one time, and of course I told her that you need to eat in the kindergarten.

About excommunication. Girls who are not difficult.

fed the elder up to 1.8, the youngest up to one and a half years - oh, my boobs plowed without a break))))))))))

in such young age I can’t tell, mine stopped eating it themselves - they replaced it with water and drink everything at night

well, you need to firstly remove the tity from your eyes, and secondly, come up with night feeding, and more small at night eats, then you can like to tita that the thread is distracting and let dad put him to bed - otherwise you -titya - reflex stretch to the chest

my milk was gone, since it was about a year, I didn’t fix anything by frequent application, but simply removed it. We shouted for a couple of days, but we want to eat something. She will eat and calm down. At night she gave the mixture, during the day she did not take a bottle, so they ate porridge-soups-purehi.

State of not standing, during the day

Maya, I also walk, I’m weak, I want to sleep, but my brain doesn’t turn off, I can’t sleep. Tonight at 4 I got up, because I was sick, I went to eat and went back to bed. I can’t deceive myself with a light snack, I need to eat densely and diversify for me. I haven't been able to cook for a day now. Fortunately, the husband understands, brings different food from the cafe, from the canteen. Horror in short, well, nothing. We'll come to our senses soon. Today we are going to visit friends, no one knows about my situation yet, we still hide it from everyone, but the question is how my body will behave this evening. ?

I also lay in bed for up to 12 weeks ... it hurt all over ... the feeling that my kidneys were failing ... but I didn’t vomit ... I ate only tomatoes ... sometimes with bread ... for how to go to the kittiwake I immediately came to life)))) everything passed and the barbecue was delicious ... but I'll come home again bed pillow tomatoes ... three PPP

I am the same. But the doctor prescribed me pills for toxicosis and I felt better. True, I still have 2-3 days left to drink them, I don’t know what will happen next?

who eats how much per day?

I don't want to eat

most likely the hour is near when you will see your miracle for the first time, the girls told me that my appetite is also disappearing, I feel sick and sorry, panos happens, this is the body “cleansing” before childbirth. Accordions. Brace yourself.

oh, and I eat and eat))) I want to sleep all the time, the current cough does not give (((

today I compared myself with Homer Simpson, I'm dumb and constantly think about food)))

And in the course of your birth ... the beginning))))) Nuka be patient ... until the 38th week at least)))

Strange something😕

This is toxicosis. Drink compotes, soups, eat lungs, vegetables, fruits. You need to eat and drink. At least a little. I didn’t leave the toilet until 4.5 months, I couldn’t eat, we’ll eat everything back. don’t say, but Chinese noodles with sausage, mayonnaise, melted cheese and a glass of milk came right in for hello. Everyday life I only eat right.

This is such a toxicosis: (((what a horror, from 6 weeks to 10 weeks it was so terrible, just as you described plus vomiting ... I lost 4 kg in a month. Then it passed and now from 15 weeks returned again, but the benefit is not every day, but 2 times a week with vomiting ((((In the first pregnancy, I didn’t even know what toxin was.

It’s the same with me now ... I can’t eat until 11 pm, there’s no vomiting, but the nausea is really beeeee, and I can only brush my teeth at night. During my first pregnancy, I felt sick from smells until dinner, then it’s normal. Apparently we have such toxicosis)))

our 34.1 weeks - photo

THAT it became hard - yes, once again it is hard to turn on the other side, not to mention walking, doing something.

Nothing, we have a little left.

does a tooth pop?

need experience with bedridden grandmothers

Notes of the embryo 4-9 part (notes for me, so as not to lose sight, if you are not interested, do not read, but do not delete me from your friends)

Happy birth. :))) Interesting story, but not mine

You can throw slippers on me, maybe I'm a terrible person, but I can't

The beginning of pregnancy: nothing but kefir and Borjomi climbs

it seems early for toxicosis ... there would be a longer period - I would say that weight gain is due to edema (not the fact that it is external), since the fluid in a pregnant woman leaves the body worse and stagnates.

watch yourself) if something worries - tell it to your gynecologist. Do not be silent and better write down all the questions that arise during pregnancy. I know for myself that you will come to the doctor and everything is in a fog “everything is in order and everything is fine”, but when you leave, everything hurts at once)))

Kick, how boiled (((many letters, but I can’t, indignation comes right out of me ...

Life is unpredictable. And you need to somehow correct! But it doesn’t work for me. A lot of words.

The husband is simply selfish. In you, you pull everything on yourself, you want the best, or rather, you think that it will be better, as you conceived this or that situation.

But if there is no love, then you have to endure for the sake of the child. Unless, of course, you sacrifice your nerves and health for the sake of your son.

and so it is better for you to live a month separately. Maybe something is moving.

But playing tanks is complete nonsense for dad. He has to take care of the child. After work, the stroller in your hands, the child in the mouth and send them together to the street. Let him learn to walk and take care of him on his own. Start not for long. Until then, you can do your homework. Find all the options, so long as he does not sit at home in his tanks

well, I would have killed mine if I hadn’t been taken))) but we have a different relationship, my husband loves his daughter, he helps in everything, although not always on his own, more often I drive him. tanks are also our problem… who would blow up all this garbage… but I’m still at a loss, for example, from the fact that he asks to meet his mother when you are with a child. it’s like this with us, when my daughter appeared, my husband doesn’t pull me at all, wherever you need to walk or go, only he, or he with a child, and I’m going on business. and to make me trudge through the heat with a small child ... well, he won’t even have such an idea. and his mother will not fall apart herself will come.

SOS doesn't want to eat anything! child 10 months

And mine has the same story, not a single feeding has completely replaced so far, for the entire time of feeding two or three times I ate everything more or less, and so it turns away a few spoons, pushes it away with its hands. I thought to turn off the GV by the year, but here such an ambush.

ours only eats porridge in the morning, before she ate vegetables, but she ate everything, she has almost introduced all complementary foods except for sour milk, cottage cheese ... and on you ... I won’t snot with bubbles and that’s it, she kicks the plate with her feet, with her hands, well, I stopped offering for now

Doesn't want to eat

I would panic too if the baby didn't eat, as he hamsters all day. But any mother will tell you that children react painfully to teeth. In any case, she ate. That is, poop will be what?

All our teeth are cut like this, at first a few days poor appetite, then temperature. One more time he was sick not from his teeth, so he could see a tickle in his throat, he ate badly from this.

Maybe the gum hurts a lot from the tooth and it hurts to chew, but you don’t need to bite the liquid. My teeth are constantly eating a little worse, and the liquid is constantly gushing

complain! I want to eat but I can't

And when I was pregnant, I didn’t just eat - I ate. And in the last 2 months there were a lot of fruits, she swelled insanely, her hands went numb, she could not sleep at night, but she still ate fruits in buckets.

Here's the luck. And everything fits me, and there is still a place)))

How many suffer from this? I want to overeat, but alas and ah.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman.

Rational nutrition is one of the main conditions for normal fetal development, the positive course of pregnancy and the completion of pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, nutrition must be organized correctly, it is necessary to supply the body with vitamins and minerals from fresh, properly cooked, tasty food in a timely manner.

A woman's body must be well prepared before conception. There is no need to go to the other extreme - the expectant mother does not have to eat for two at all. Too much food will not improve the health of the pregnant woman. On the contrary, it can lead to an unnecessary increase in fetal weight, which, in turn, will lead to problems during childbirth.

Rational nutrition of a pregnant woman is based on taking into account the period of pregnancy, the level physical training women and her character labor activity. In the first half of pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, nutrition may not be very different from what it was before pregnancy. The main emphasis should be placed on quality, not quantity, on the principle of "a little, but good."

All vital processes occurring in the human body require a constant supply of energy. It is created as a result of the biological breakdown of nutrients and is released in the form of heat. The units of measure for heat release are kilocalories (kcal) or kilojoules (kJ). For each gram of carbohydrates, approximately 4 kcal is produced, fats - 9 kcal, proteins - 4 kcal.

The main sources of energy are fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are mainly used to build tissue cells and organs of the unborn child.

A pregnant woman with proper nutrition does not need a significant increase in the calorie content of food. On average, it is believed that in the first trimester she needs an additional 50-100 kcal per day, in the second trimester she needs to add another 200-300 kcal / day, and in the third trimester she needs to increase the diet by another 300-400 kcal / day. For example, healthy women middle level physical development(height 155-165 cm, body weight - 55-65 kg), engaged in work of medium intensity, were on rational nutrition, the energy value of which was 2200-2300 kcal / day. That is, during pregnancy, their diet should provide 2300-2400 kcal / day in the first trimester, 2500-2600 kcal / day in the second, and 2800-3000 kcal / day in the third.

Optimization of caloric intake in the last three months of pregnancy is necessary because the fetus at this time is growing rapidly and increases body weight, it has a subcutaneous fat layer. The expectant mother should also accumulate this subcutaneous fat. It is necessary for both as an energy material during childbirth and in the postpartum period.

A pregnant woman with increased body weight must be restrained by increasing the calorie content of food. In this case, the issue of nutrition is best addressed in individually according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

The composition of the diet of a pregnant woman.

In order for the mother and child to feel good, valuable nutrients must enter the woman's body. nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and microelements, which are contained in the products of both animal and plant origin. There is no food that would be contraindicated for a pregnant woman. You can eat everything, but only a little bit. Is it true, sugar intake, confectionery, magnificent cakes, no matter how tasty they are, should be limited. They provide a huge amount of carbohydrate calories and at the same time do not contain any nutrients.

Protein is the basic material for building a cell. The full intrauterine development of a little man requires the creation of billions of cells. And for this you need food with a rational content of protein of plant and animal origin. The value of animal proteins (meat, offal, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products) is that they contain all the amino acids necessary for the human body, which means they are indispensable for a pregnant woman and a developing fetus. The main amount of protein in the body of a pregnant woman comes with milk and dairy products (mild cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese) and is supplemented with meat and fish proteins, as well as proteins found in eggs.

Vegetable proteins that enter the body with bakery and pasta, cereals and legumes (soybeans, peas, beans, beans, lentils, and so on), although they are inferior in nutritional value to animal proteins, they contain other essential components: carbohydrates, B vitamins, minerals, and fiber. It is positive to combine in the diet 60% of animal proteins and 40% of vegetable proteins.

Fat in the diet of a pregnant woman should only be of high quality. Among animal fats, it is useful to use milk fats - cream, sour cream, butter, ghee, and among vegetable fats - sunflower, corn, olive, soybean oil.

Milk fat and fat egg yolk- a good source of fat-splitting vitamins A and D, vegetable fats- highly concentrated sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. Combining animals and vegetable fats plays in the nutrition of a pregnant woman important role in energy supply, the correct course of metabolic processes in a pregnant woman, in the construction of cell membranes (cell membranes) of the fetus, its development and viability.

In order for fats not to lose their valuable qualities, they must be consumed in their natural form. Salad using vegetable oliah or sandwich with butter you can eat at least every day, and as for hidden fats (sausage, sauces for meat, muffin), it is better to use them in limited quantities. In the last trimester, a pregnant woman needs more fat than in the first two.

Easily absorbed by the body, carbohydrates are a source of energy and play an important role in many structural processes. Sugar is carbohydrates pure form. In excess, neither the mother nor the child needs it. Products made from coarse flour, fruits and vegetables will be more valuable.

Foods containing starch are slowly digested, which means that energy is supplied to the child's body slowly but constantly. If you are craving sweets, it is better to eat fruits. If you feel like eating a sandwich, then eat it with vegetables, such as lettuce or cabbage leaves.

The growing uterus puts pressure on the organs and significantly complicates the work of the stomach and intestines. The intestines, with all their complexities that have already arisen, become even more lazy under the influence of certain hormones that are produced in the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, the body of a pregnant woman is very sensitive to the content of glucose (sugar) in the blood. Its normal level is maintained by rhythmic meals containing simple and complex carbohydrates.

Given all this, you need to change your diet. Eat food not three times, but 5-6 times a day in small portions. This is especially important in the second half of pregnancy. Products must be distributed between meals so that meat, fish, cereals are included in the menu for breakfast and lunch. For afternoon tea and dinner, dairy and vegetable food is recommended. At night it is useful to eat fruits, biscuits made from wholemeal flour. If you really want something else to eat - do not deny yourself this. Your body will tell you exactly what it needs. If the desired product is not very useful for a pregnant woman, limit yourself to a small amount. You have every right to indulge your little whims. It is advisable to eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Do not abuse fried, smoked foods and, of course, you need to limit the use of spices.

After eating, you do not need to rest lying down. Let your rest be active. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. Pay attention to your drinking regimen. It shouldn't be too bulky.

Limit salt in food. You will benefit from a diet low content salts. This will prevent the development of edema and has great importance for normal childbirth. The amount of salt one month before childbirth should be limited to 6-8 g per day.

In what cases it is necessary to change your diet.

Nausea and heartburn. These phenomena can be avoided if there is often and a little bit. If you eat every 2-3 hours, then the blood sugar will be stable, and the child will receive energy evenly.

Morning sickness. In the evening, put something to eat next to your bed, and in the morning, before you get out of bed, you can eat or drink it. Many pregnant women wake up at night with a feeling of hunger, which indicates that blood sugar levels have dropped significantly overnight. It helps to have a light snack right before bed. At night or in the morning on an empty stomach, it is better to eat an apple, banana or other fruit.

Belching sour. Two nuts must be chewed until they turn into gruel, after which they can be swallowed.

Drops. Latest Researches show that is not necessary for pregnant women salt-free diet poor protein diet, as well as the so-called "rice days". They only give a temporary effect. It is better to drink rosehip broth, fruit compote without sugar or fruit tea. Parsley decoction is also a good diuretic. In this natural way, kidney function is activated.

Migraine, dizziness, convulsions, intestinal colic, impaired heart rate- All of these signs indicate that your diet is deficient in magnesium. Eat plenty of nuts and soybeans, as well as grains and vegetables, especially root vegetables.

Headache. One of possible causes- shortage of iron reserves. In your menu, products from wholemeal flour, offal should be more fully represented.

Thyroid enlargement, heavy breathing, brittle hair, dry skin. During pregnancy, the need for iodine increases dramatically because from the 13th week the fetus begins to independently produce thyroid hormones and takes iodine from the mother's body for itself. If this loss is not restored, the pregnant woman begins to increase thyroid. It is necessary to eat food rich in iodine: fresh fish (cod, sea bass, and so on), broccoli, dairy products, and also consume iodized salt with food.

Bad habits.

If you like coffee - try to limit its use so as not to provoke an accelerated heartbeat in a child. Black tea also contains caffeine, so don't drink more than 2 cups a day. It is better to do this 2 hours after eating, since black tea inhibits the absorption of iron, affects the development of the fetus and may be one of the reasons for abortion.

Alcohol should also be avoided. Sometimes you can afford a glass of wine or some beer. A child retains alcohol intoxication longer than an adult. As a result, children whose mothers often drank alcoholic beverages are born with low body weight, congenital defects of the head and face, internal organs, and mental disorders.

Women who smoke also harm their baby. Nicotine is a poison for blood vessels, so the placenta does not receive blood well. Smoking stimulates miscarriage, bleeding, and disease respiratory tract in newborns. Passive smoking is also unsafe - toxic substances penetrate through the mother's blood, so try to stay away from smoky rooms. Ask for no smoking in your presence. If you yourself smoked a lot before conception, then while smoking, try to keep the number of cigarettes smoked to a minimum.

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