Prices for contour plastic surgery. Contour plastic surgery or surgery? Surgical contour plastic surgery

Contour plastic– method injection cosmetology, which allows you to correct facial contours and eliminate age-related skin changes without plastic surgery and long-term rehabilitation.

The essence of the procedure is to introduce fillers under the skin - specialized preparations based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite. They fill the missing volume, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate creases, and also form new facial contours.

The result of contouring is visible immediately and lasts 9-12 months depending on the fillers used and individual characteristics body. If necessary, correction is performed 3 weeks after the procedure. Typically, contour plastic surgery is performed once a year to maintain the effect.


Correction of facial contours with fillers is indicated for people aged 25 years and older. Rejuvenation using contour plastic surgery can be performed from the age of 35. Moreover, the procedure is in demand not only among women, but also among men, since it does not leave visible marks on the face and does not require additional care.

With fillers you can:

  • Reshape and increase lip volume
  • Correct nasolabial and nasolacrimal folds
  • Smooth out wrinkles on the face and neck
  • Restore volume in the cheekbones, temples, cheeks
  • Change the shape of your chin
  • For men – to create more masculine facial contours
  • Bring back young and fresh look

Age-related changes in the face are associated with a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat and a decrease in skin elasticity, soft tissues sag, and the oval of the face is deformed - this is called gravitational ptosis. In such cases, the cosmetologist works with the face in a comprehensive manner: restores natural proportions and performs vector skin tightening using a special cannula. With one such procedure you can “throw off” about 5-7 years.

Benefits of contouring

  • Instant results. You will immediately see changes, swelling after injections is small and goes away within 7 days.
  • Minimum rehabilitation period. Unlike plastic surgery, after which recovery takes several months, after contouring you will need to follow standard rules.
  • Simple correction. If you don’t like the result of contouring, you want to strengthen it or, conversely, reduce the volume, a correction is performed. We recommend a follow-up appointment 3 weeks after the procedure, when the final effect of the procedure is visible.
  • Improved skin tone. Fillers stimulate skin renewal, production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Even after the drug is completely absorbed, you will look better than before contouring.
  • Can be combined with others cosmetic procedures. You can do any hardware procedures before contouring and 3 weeks after.

An integrated approach to contouring at Helen Baden

Helen Baden doctors practice an integrated approach to their work. As part of contouring, to achieve maximum results, they use a combination various techniques: pinpoint injections and vector cannula tightening. The main task is to create natural proportions characteristic of a young face, taking into account the individual characteristics of the client.

In addition, our specialists can develop a step-by-step individual program rejuvenation, combining injection and hardware procedures. Thus, the leading physician at Helen Baden, Anna Skornyakova, has developed an original program that includes preparing the skin, tightening the deep layers, restoring facial proportions, improving skin quality and preventing subsequent age-related changes.

Due to this integrated approach It is possible to achieve high-quality and long-term rejuvenation for 10 or even 15 years, which is unattainable with one procedure.

Stages of contouring

  • Any procedure begins with a consultation with a cosmetologist. Be sure to tell the specialist in detail about the desired changes, as well as the existing ones. chronic diseases, allergies, medications used. The doctor will select the most optimal contouring scheme, volume and type of fillers.
  • The cosmetologist will clean the skin and apply local anesthetic. Contour plastic surgery of one area will take 15-20 minutes, treatment of the entire face will take from 1 to 1.5 hours. After introducing the filler, the doctor controls the distribution of the drug using palpation.
  • Evaluation of the result and recommendations for care. On the day of the procedure, you should not apply decorative cosmetics. For 1 week, avoid visiting the sauna, exercising, and sleeping on your face.
  • It is advisable to make an appointment with a cosmetologist in 3 weeks. If necessary, correction is made. If correction is not needed, you can perform a skincare procedure.

Fillers used

Fillers are divided by composition, density and manufacturer. We use preparations based on hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a well-known “elixir of youth” that helps moisturize the skin and restore metabolic processes. By injection it gives maximum result and allows the skin to regain its fresh appearance and elasticity. Fillers: Belotero, Surjiderm, Juvederm, Stilage.
  • Fillers based on calcium hydroxyapatite are usually denser and are convenient for shaping the jawline and cheekbones. The drug stimulates the production of collagen in the skin and gives a lasting anti-aging effect. The drug Radiesse has proven itself well.

Both substances are natural to our body and therefore safe. Over time, they dissolve without a trace, leaving no traces.

Some fillers may contain novocaine, in which case local anesthesia is not performed, and Monitol, which reduces swelling after the procedure.

Important! The Helen Baden Clinic uses only certified drugs from official suppliers.


The price of contour plastic surgery depends on the type and volume of the drug, which the doctor will select for you during the consultation.


Lips are one of a woman’s “weapons,” thanks to which she fights representatives of the opposite sex and attracts the attention of others. Even beautifully shaped lips can lose their attractiveness over time, forcing its owner to look for ways to give them their former splendor. Often ordinary cosmetics not enough, so lip surgery comes to the rescue.

In some cases, it is done in connection with defects acquired due to injury or congenital. Correction methods allow you to give your lips the new kind or regain the beauty they have lost. There are several types of plastic surgery, the choice of which depends on the initial condition and goals set for the procedure.

In what cases is plastic surgery done?

This procedure can be resorted to under various circumstances, but most often it is done in the following cases:

  • Desire to increase lip volume. Women of any age can pursue this goal. In some cases, we are talking about the correction of asymmetrical lips or a shape that simply does not suit their owner;
  • Restoration of pigmentation, contours, volume, shape. As a rule, women over 40 years old make such a request. With age, the lips lose their natural bright color, sometimes their shape and outline become deformed, wrinkles appear, and the nasolabial arch becomes blurred. In this case, a set of measures is usually used to restore its former attractiveness. After 55 years, correction is often required due to skin aging. In such situations various procedures rejuvenation, as a rule, is also combined;
  • Correction of pathological lips. This category includes cases of injury (burns, cuts, surgical intervention, inflammation) and birth defects.

Contour plastic

This correction method is suitable for those who do not wish to undergo surgery, but wants to give his lips a new contour, shape, make them more voluminous, expressive and sensual, and get rid of wrinkles. Lip contour correction involves injections that leave no trace, and the effect is noticeable immediately after the procedure.

Most fillers (injectable fillers) are based on hyaluronic acid, which determines both their advantages and disadvantages. The first thing that can be added to the list is the fact that the origin of the filler is not animal, so it does not cause allergies and is not rejected from the body. Another advantage of filler injections is that the filler breaks down over time and is then released naturally.

This same fact is also a disadvantage of contour plastic surgery. The body perceives hyaluronic acid as a natural substance, which it destroys over time, as a result of which the effect of the procedure lasts no more than 1 year.

Many who resort to lip contouring using fillers are confused by the cost of fillers, which can vary dramatically depending on the manufacturer.

This difference is due to the fact that different manufacturers use the main component in different concentrations.

Some manufacturers are constantly working to improve fillers, which also affects their cost.

In addition to fillers with hyaluronic acid, collagen and polymer gels can also be used as a base.

Contraindications and complications

  • Presence of cancer;
  • Epilepsy, the presence of infectious diseases;
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • Local inflammation (herpes, redness, pimples, boils on the lips);
  • Infectious diseases suffered recently or present at the time of the procedure.

Complications may occur with lip surgery using hyaluronic acid and other fillers.

They are divided into two categories:

  1. Early. They appear in the first week after the procedure and are expressed by allergic reactions, hyperemia, and hematomas. Swelling often appears, which usually disappears spontaneously after a few days;
  2. Late. Over time, fibrous capsules and granulomas may form and infections may develop. In some cases, vascular ischemia and blockage occurs. You should immediately pay attention to these complications and urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, this may result in necrosis and then the appearance of scars.

What else do you need to know?

If you decide to undergo contouring with hyaluronic acid or other injectable fillers, keep these points in mind.

Before the procedure, a test must be performed to determine whether there is an allergy to the fillers. If none is found, an injection is given, but first local anesthesia is given.

On the first day after the procedure, try to give your mouth rest - refrain from wide smiles and excessive activity in this area, otherwise the injected drug may become dislodged. Use only creams and ointments recommended by a cosmetologist, and avoid others.

For the first few days, try to sleep on your back to avoid contact of your mouth with the pillow. Avoid visiting saunas, steam baths, and serious physical activity.

Surgical plastic surgery

More radical method Rather than contouring, is surgical lip plastic surgery, which allows not only to change the shape of the lips, but also to get rid of scars, fusions in the corners of the mouth, papillomas, sagging, and cysts. Using this procedure, you can make your lips smaller if they seem too plump to you. With the help of surgical plastic surgery, you can transplant your own tissues, if indicated.

Their list may include problematic skin, lack of tissue in a certain area. Currently, this branch of surgery is so developed that it makes possible elimination almost any kind of defect. The resulting effect lasts for life (only age-related changes may appear over time), and an almost invisible trace remains from the operation.

Plastic surgery is also applicable to children. The indication for it is a cleft upper lip.

The anomaly in the child is noticeable from the first day of his life. The operation is usually scheduled 4-6 months from the day of birth. Sometimes it is carried out in more early age– in the first month of life, but this is dangerous and not so effective.

The main objectives of the operation are:

  • Elimination of the cleft itself;
  • Recovery normal length upper lip;
  • Restoring the shape of the nose.

Plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is also used, defects of which also appear in children. Anomalies may not be noticeable immediately at birth, but when over time parents or a speech therapist notice that it is difficult for the child to speak, they pay attention to the frenulum, which is often the reason for this.

Facial contouring is becoming increasingly popular, as it provides the opportunity to non-surgically tighten the skin and improve its relief, eliminate wrinkles, correct the oval of the face and nasolabial folds, and change the shape and contour of the lips.

The essence of this procedure is the introduction into the human body of specially developed preparations based on hyaluronic acid, which is a natural component of the human body, maintaining elasticity and moisture in the skin.

What is facial contouring?

Facial contouring is a method that allows you to eliminate not only small facial wrinkles, but also rather large wrinkles and nasolabial folds. This, in turn, can literally change the face beyond recognition and achieve the effect of high-quality surgical intervention.

The most common methods of facial plastic surgery are: increase in lip volume and changing their shape, as well as creating additional volume in the zygomatic area. Such procedures can radically change the image and make any girl a real beauty; moreover, they do not require a rehabilitation period.

The next most popular areas for drug injection are nasolabial folds and the middle third of the face, which many women prefer to at least partially correct.

The volume and depth of drug administration directly depends on the severity of age-related changes or the patient’s desire to model the face to one degree or another. Before visiting a cosmetologist, experts strongly recommend seek preliminary consultation see a doctor who will determine your skin type, condition vascular wall, absence or presence of contraindications.

Facial contouring technology

The total duration of one contouring procedure, depending on the area and problem being solved, averages 40-100 minutes. Plastic surgery is carried out using thin microneedles, which the cosmetologist injects strictly under every wrinkle.

Thus, medicinal composition enters the subcutaneous layers and fills the void formed under the skin. In this case, the filler must be used only once, so it must be sterilely packaged in a separate syringe, and under required volume filler, select the appropriate packaging of the drug.

Hyaluronic acid gel with the addition of an anesthetic, it is injected into the middle and deep layers of the skin. To eliminate wrinkles, the drug is injected into the base of each wrinkle, and to add volume to the lips or correct facial contours, many shallow injections are made over the entire area of ​​the selected area.

Immediately after the procedure the skin is smoothed out and becomes more toned, at the cellular level they are activated metabolic processes. Although there is no recovery period required after contouring, you may experience some minor redness on your face for a while.

Depending on the quality of the drug used the effect lasts from 5 to 18 months. Hyaluronic acid, which is used for contouring, differs from its counterpart used in mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

For contouring, gel-like hyaluronic acid is used, and for mesotherapy and biorevitalization, the same type of acid is used, but in the form liquid solution. Liquid preparation dissolves quickly and does not have a lifting effect.

Preparations for contouring and combination with other procedures

For greater effectiveness, contouring can be combined with other cosmetic procedures:

  • Botox (a wonderful remedy for eliminating expression lines);
  • Thermage (a unique procedure that provides deep lifting);
  • fractional photothermolysis (allows you to get rid of deep wrinkles, enlarged pores and pigmentation, stimulates the natural production of collagen).

The modern market offers a large selection of intradermal fillers (fillers) from different manufacturers. All these remedies differ from each other in the level of effectiveness and safety, duration and guarantee of results.

Experts recommend using only drugs approved by the FDA, the most famous, authoritative and largest quality control organization medical supplies. Such means at the moment are Restylane, Juvederm and Prevelle Silk.

Indications, contraindications and results of facial contouring

The following indicators may serve as indications for contour plastic surgery:

Contraindications for contour plastic surgery. If the following indicators exist, contour plastic surgery should not be done under any circumstances:

  • Pregnancy or lactation period.
  • The presence of infectious or inflammatory processes in the area intended for plastic surgery.
  • The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Period of treatment with anticoagulants.

Results and possibilities of plastic surgery. Facial contouring allows the following:

  • adjust the shape of the nose and earlobe;
  • correct the oval of the face;
  • eliminate scars;
  • increase lip volume;
  • change the shape of your lips;
  • temporarily eliminate facial wrinkles;
  • correct the zygomatic area.

Possible complications

Medicine, of course, does not stand still, and doctors are becoming more competent, however, there are cases when complications cannot be avoided.

After facial contouring, patients often experience inflammation, allergic reactions, hematomas and edema, vascular embolism, fibrous deformation, severe pain, gel migration. Sometimes the skin takes on a yellow or gray tint.

The above complications may be caused by wrong choice of gel type or its quantity, as well as individual intolerance of the body. The defects caused can be eliminated using electrophoresis or surgery.

Facial contouring is non-surgical method, which allows you to make facial features more attractive, completely get rid of shallow expression wrinkles and temporarily reduce the depth of large wrinkles.

Intradermal injections, the main component of which is hyaluronic acid (in the form of a viscous gel), are considered very effective and relatively safe However, if the rules of the procedure are not followed or if there are contraindications, the patient may experience a number of complications.

That is why it is extremely important consult your doctor in advance, undergo a mini-examination and entrust contouring to an experienced cosmetologist.

Every woman, regardless of age, dreams of always looking young and attractive. That is why modern medicine and cosmetology in Moscow offers many options for facial correction. The list of the most popular methods includes surgical and contour plastic surgery. With their help, you can get rid of aesthetic defects and correct facial features. To understand which method to prefer, we suggest considering the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Plastic surgery

Purpose plastic surgery is the correction of deficiencies, improvement of appearance and facial contours. This operation can solve the following problems:

    wrinkle removal;

    nose shape correction;

    change in facial contours.

However, before you take this step, you should remember that such an operation can have a number of serious consequences. This method rejuvenation involves tightening the skin, which is attached to fixed tissue. The operation is performed under general anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient must remain under medical supervision for several weeks while the scars heal.

The rehabilitation period is quite long, and there is a risk of infection, scarring, swelling and inflammation. The final result of plastic surgery can only be assessed after 3-6 months. During this period, the swelling will subside and all the stitches will heal.

When choosing this method of correction, you should remember that the procedure itself is painful. It is better to resort to it only in cases when alternative methods you cannot achieve the desired result.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery is especially popular. Many Moscow residents have already tried this method and evaluate the results obtained.

The essence of contouring is to model the contours of the face using injections. They contain hyaluronic acid, which is beneficial to the skin. Thanks to such injections, you can correct the shape of your face and lips without surgical intervention, as well as tighten your skin, remove wrinkles on your face, and change the shape of your nose and cheekbones.

An undeniable advantage is the duration of the procedure, which is about an hour. In this case, general anesthesia or local injection anesthesia is not required, because the intervention is practically painless. For clients with low pain threshold It is allowed to use a special cream that has an analgesic effect.

Contour plastic does not leave scars or scars. After it, only small traces of injections are noted, which will completely disappear a few days after the injection of fillers.

All fillers that are used during the procedure are completely resorbable, hypoallergenic, and well moisturize the facial skin. Contour plastic surgery is performed in several stages. However, the result can be seen after the first session.

The only drawback of this technique is the risk of small bruises, redness and swelling. Their education largely depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the amount of work. They will completely disappear 3-7 days after the procedure.

Let's summarize

The goal of each of the considered techniques is to transform the appearance and eliminate aesthetic defects. When considering the process of performing each technique, it becomes quite obvious that contour plastic surgery is the safest and most painless. Surgical intervention is recommended only in cases where the previous method was ineffective, for example, with severe sagging facial skin.

In order not to make a mistake in choosing a procedure, it is better to entrust this decision to a specialist. The doctor will be able not only to assess the condition of the problem area, but also to determine the optimal method that will effectively deal with the problem.

Contour correction of facial soft tissues using lipomodeling using your own adipose tissue

With age, atrophic changes occur in soft tissues, as a result of which wrinkles and folds appear, the face becomes tired and exhausted. In these cases, injections of your own fat tissue make it possible to replenish lost volumes.

Lipofilling (lipomodeling) is correction of the face and body using one’s own fat, which allows one to preserve youth for a long time, improve the shape and volume of the lips and cheekbones.

Facial lipofilling is a volumetric facial rejuvenation performed using the patient’s own fat tissue. According to the latest scientific data, fat has anti-aging properties due to the presence of stem cells in it. Both contour plastic surgery and biorevitalization are performed simultaneously, with long-term, stable results.

Lipofilling is optimal, safe and in a natural way correction of age-related changes. In this case, the patient’s own adipose tissue is used, which prevents rejection and does not provoke allergies.

Age-related changes in the face appear gradually. There is a period when there are no pronounced excesses of skin and obvious signs aging, but the face looks tired and sad. Changes that occur to the face during the aging process (they are mainly associated with loss of volume).

  • Wrinkles appear in the forehead and bridge of the nose, and the temples “sink”;
  • There is a drooping of the eyebrows, to a greater extent their outer part;
  • Small excess skin appears in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids, the orbicularis oculi muscle weakens, and fatty “hernias” of the eyelids (“bags above and below the eyes” begin to bulge through it); at the same time, the eyes often look sunken due to a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat;
  • The outer corner of the eye drops below the inner corner (in youth the opposite is true);
  • The nasolacrimal groove becomes more pronounced;
  • The middle zone of the face becomes flattened, the volume in the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks decreases, and “angularity” of the contours of the face appears;
  • when consumed large quantity fluid or lack of sleep, malar (zygomatic) bags periodically appear, which are located below the outer edge of the orbit;
  • the nasolabial furrow deepens, the nasolabial ridge hangs over it;
  • the upper lip is flattened and lengthened (from the base of the nose to the red border), the philtrum (philtrum) is smoothed, the volume of the red border of the lips decreases - they become longer and flatter;
  • the corners of the mouth drop down and “puppet” furrows appear;
  • The oval of the face loses its clarity.

In such cases, lipofilling is performed as an isolated procedure. Injection of fat into such age period is the prevention of aging, postponing the period of need for more serious surgical interventions.

If excess skin becomes significant, facial rejuvenation is performed in two stages: first a facelift, blepharoplasty, and then fat filling. It is possible to carry out a simultaneous facelift operation with lipofilling of those areas where it is necessary. Facial rejuvenation using traditional operations, such as face lifting, eyelid surgery, correction of nasolabial folds, allows you to achieve an aesthetically more “toned” face. However, in many of these cases, true rejuvenation is not achieved.

Therefore, the concept of modern facelift is volumetric rejuvenation using lipofilling.

As a result, the face becomes smooth with smooth contours, and the skin returns to its former elasticity, fullness, healthy and blooming appearance.

The rejuvenating and filling effect of lipofilling is explained by the valuable properties of adipose tissue:

Adipose tissue is unique construction material» – soft and flexible. Using adipose tissue, you can replenish volumes in any part of the face and form facial “implants” according to individual measurements.

Lipofilling allows you to fill:

  • Cheek area
  • Cheek area
  • Raise the outer edge of the eyebrow when lowering it
  • Chin area
  • Align and change the contours of the bridge of the nose
  • Temporal region
  • Subeyebrow area - to fill the insufficient volume of the upper eyelid area
  • Area of ​​nasolabial folds
  • Nasolacrimal grooves
  • Purse-string wrinkles around the mouth
  • Labiomental folds (marionette lines)
  • Lipofilling allows you to lift the corners of your mouth
  • Other deep wrinkles using intradermal injection of adipose tissue.
  • Retracted and atrophic facial scars
  • Alignment of contours with hemiatrophy and facial asymmetry

A feature of lipofilling is the natural consistency of the resulting volumes; the patient’s own adipose tissue is not rejected (the engraftment of fat cells is 80-90%) and does not cause allergic reactions. Lipofilling gives a stable, lifelong result, and the transplanted fat in a new location will retain all the properties of adipose tissue.

A unique property of adipose tissue is the presence of stem cells in it. The number of stem cells in adipose tissue exceeds the number of stem cells in the bone marrow.

After transplantation, stem cells “transform” into new, young tissue cells into which they are introduced: skin cells, fat cells, fibroblasts, muscle cells, and also stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. As a result, the production of collagen, elastin fibers, hyaluronic acid increases, and blood supply improves. The consequence of such processes is the rejuvenation of the facial skin, which intensifies 1 month after the operation, reaches a maximum within 8–10 months and lasts 5–7 years.

Lipofilling gives:

  • Increasing turgor and elasticity of facial skin
  • Improving complexion
  • Smoothing of skin texture and disappearance of fine wrinkles;
  • Reduction of pigment spots
  • Narrowing of facial pores;
  • Disappearance or reduction spider veins and capillaries.

Indications for lipofilling are:

  • atrophy subcutaneous fat and contour violation (“flat contour”)
  • hemiatrophy and facial asymmetry
  • retraction in the upper eyelid area
  • circles under the eyes
  • flattened cheekbones
  • sunken cheeks and temple area
  • defects and disruption of the contours of the nose
  • underdeveloped chin (micrognathia)
  • unclear facial contour;
  • prematurely appearing fine wrinkles
  • deep nasolabial folds, nasolabial folds, marionette lines
  • drooping corners of the mouth
  • sagging, wrinkled skin of the neck, décolleté.
  • Retracted and atrophic scars and cicatricial deformation of the face.
  • Other deep facial wrinkles
  • insufficient fat tissue content in the lower and middle third of the face;
  • the presence of asymmetry and/or lip volume deficit, age-related changes in the perioral area
  • age-related changes in bone tissue of the lower third of the face;
  • Insufficient volume of adipose tissue after eyelid surgery. The lipofilling procedure does not require subsequent rehabilitation - you can immediately return to your normal rhythm of life, and minor swelling in the first days can be covered up with decorative cosmetics.

Lipofilling is considered a low-traumatic procedure, but it has contraindications:

  • diseases internal organs in severe form
  • blood clotting disorders
  • venereal diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation,
  • decompensated cardiovascular diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases
  • infectious diseases

Benefits of facial lipofilling:

  • Lipofilling is outpatient surgery. In a few hours you can return home
  • Facial lipofilling is often performed under local anesthesia. General anesthesia is necessary when filling a large number of areas
  • Low traumatic
  • The transplanted fat tissue always remains at the injection sites
  • After lipofilling there are no postoperative scars
  • The recovery period after lipofilling is no more than 2 weeks
  • Own adipose tissue takes root well (80–90% of the transplanted volume is preserved) and does not cause allergic reactions;
  • Lipofilling can be performed at any age;
  • Facial lipofilling gives a long-term rejuvenating result; if necessary, correction can be performed.


The first stage of preparation and planning of the operation is to undergo medical examination, assessment of the patient’s health status, facial proportions, volume of adipose tissue.

Facial lipofilling is a surgical procedure of moderate complexity. The type of anesthesia is determined depending on a number of factors, such as the size and position of the treated area, the amount of fat injected, and the patient's wishes. The facial lipofilling procedure begins after treatment surgical field. The required amount of fat tissue is removed through small incisions from the waist, abdomen or other areas where the patient has the required amount of fat. Adipose tissue is collected using a special plastic syringe, in which a vacuum is created by pulling back a piston and a cannula with a diameter of 1.5-2 mm. Due to the rounded end of the tube (cannula), when it moves, there is no damage to the nerves and blood vessels. Next, the adipose tissue is processed and filtered from various blood fractions and residues medicines, after which the adipose tissue is placed in thin layers in pre-designated areas subcutaneous tissue, in some cases - into the muscle space. As a rule, lipofilling on the face is performed with a slight overcorrection, since a small part of it is absorbed, and most of it remains for life. At the end of the operation, the punctures are sutured, sealed with a surgical plaster and a bandage is applied. The procedure takes about 1-2 hours.

The most common types of lipofilling on the face:

Lipofilling of lips

The “ideal” lip shape is considered to be one in which the lower lip is slightly fuller than the upper lip, and both of them have a clear color border with the surrounding skin. The lower lip, like the upper lip, should ideally have a slightly convex rim, which is similar to the edge of the upper lip, but not as pronounced in color and volume. IN at a young age often the important difference is volume lower lip in relation to the upper lip: it varies significantly in favor of the lower lip. Most often, people express dissatisfaction with excessively thin lips. Much less common are defects such as lip asymmetry - congenital or acquired as a result of injury or the aging process. Lip lipofilling is very effective and, most importantly, safe procedure, which can give lips natural volume, improve the anatomical profile of the lips, make lips beautiful and sensual. Before lip fat grafting surgery, markings and a series of photographs are taken.


  • pronounced lack of lip volume.
  • presence of obvious asymmetry.
  • sagging and overly long upper lip.
  • Lip lipofilling is recommended for people over 25 years of age.

Lip lipofilling can be performed using either local anesthesia, and with the use of anesthesia. At the beginning of the operation, the surgeon removes fat cells using liposuction from donor areas, which include the abdomen, thighs and knees. The resulting fat is then centrifuged to remove blood, oil from broken fat cells, and Klein's solution. The resulting fat is injected into the lips through micropunctures in the commissure area. The punctures are made in the folds of the skin, and after the operation there are no traces of them.

Lipofilling of the upper lip

Lipofilling of the lower lip

For lip lipofilling, an average of 4 to 10 ml of fat is required. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed 1 hour. Pain after lipofilling is not expressed. The first few days the swelling on the lips is usually quite severe. During this time, cool compresses can be applied. Visible bruising usually goes away within 10-18 days after surgery. Your lips may feel less sensitive for a while, but these changes go away quickly. Lip massage should not be performed for 2-3 weeks. To avoid prolonged swelling or bleeding, it is extremely important to minimize the active expression of positive emotions, facial activity, pronounced laughter and full smiles during the first week after surgery. For the first 5-7 days you should not sleep on your stomach. 30-60% of the transferred fat after lip fat grafting usually lasts for life.

Upper and lower eyelids

With age, there is a loss of tissue volume (fat) in the upper and lower eyelids. Sunken eyes form, deep folds form upper eyelids and nasolacrimal grooves, which gives the face a tired appearance. You can restore your former youth in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids with the help of lipofilling. During this procedure, not only the volume of tissue is restored, but also wrinkles are smoothed, the quality of the skin improves, and rejuvenation occurs in this area.

Before lipofilling of the eyelids, the area is marked and photographed.

Lipofilling of the eyelids requires a small amount of fat (6-10 ml), so this procedure can be performed even in people with low body weight.

The eyelid lipofilling procedure usually lasts no more than 1 hour. Painful sensations after surgery are minimal or absent. After facial lipofilling, swelling and bruising appear, which disappear within 1-2 weeks.

Required amount of adipose tissue injected in the paraorbital area in milliliters

Facial lipofilling: cheekbones and cheeks

The operation is recommended for people with a pronounced lack of soft muscle tissue in the zygomatic areas as a result of age-related changes, congenital predisposition and the lack of a sufficient amount of fatty tissue in the middle and lower third of the face. Lipofilling of the zygomatic areas can be performed from the age of 20.


  • pronounced lack of muscle tissue in the zygomatic areas.
  • serious age-related changes.
  • congenital aesthetically inconsistent contours.
  • lack of sufficient fat tissue in the lower third of the face.

The surgical technique is individual for each patient, but in most cases it is as follows: through a tiny incision in the oral cavity or through the skin in the area of ​​the zygomatic arch, slightly behind the operated area, a calculated volume of purified fatty tissue is introduced, which is formed into new sizes and shapes of the zygomatic areas in accordance with a pre-prepared sketch. Lipofilling of the zygomatic area and cheeks can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. For facial lipofilling in this area, injections of fat taken from the abdomen (through a puncture in the navel) or on the thighs (through a puncture in the gluteal fold) are used.

The duration of the lipofilling procedure for the zygomatic area and cheeks is usually no more than 1 hour. Pain after surgery is minimal or absent. After facial lipofilling, swelling and bruising appear, which disappear within 1-2 weeks.

Lipofilling of nasolabial folds

With age, the nasolabial folds on the face increase; You can stop this process with facial lipofilling surgery. Of course, you can come to terms with the presence of signs of age on your face and not take any steps to correct the situation; There is an opinion that every age has its own charm.

But often even young patients with congenital deep nasolabial folds believe that this feature visually adds several years to their appearance. It is recommended to carry out lipofilling of the nasolabial fold from the age of 20.


  • the formation of deep nasolabial folds during the natural aging process.

Before the lipofilling operation of the nasolabial folds, markings and photographs are taken.

The operation of lipofilling of the nasolabial folds can be performed both under local anesthesia and under general anesthesia.

The technique of performing an operation to eliminate a nasolabial fold is as follows: through a tiny incision in the oral cavity or just below the operated area, a calculated volume of purified fatty tissue is introduced, which forms new shapes of the middle and lower third of the face in accordance with a previously prepared sketch. It should be understood that as a result, nasolabial folds will not completely disappear, but will only become less deep and less noticeable.

The procedure takes no more than 1 hour. The result in most cases lasts for more than 10 years.

The amount of injected fat depends on the severity of the nasolabial folds and can range from 2 ml to 10 ml.

Lipofilling of the chin and lower jaw

As we age, we notice that the jawline and jawline lose their youthful contours. There is a decrease in subcutaneous fat, sagging skin, formation of jowls, and the skin loses its elasticity.

Chin lipofilling is usually performed starting from the age of twenty.


  • chin of disproportionate size.
  • congenital lack of volume.
  • age-related changes in bone and muscle tissue of the lower third of the face.
  • facial trauma.

Before the chin lipofilling procedure, areas for fat injection are marked, as well as puncture sites. After which photography is taken.

Lipofilling in this area can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. The surgical technique is as follows: through a tiny incision under the chin or in the oral cavity, a calculated volume of purified fatty tissue is introduced, which forms new sizes and shapes of the chin in accordance with the previously prepared sketch.

Fat tissue is usually collected from the abdomen, thighs or knees.

Fat is injected through 2-3 punctures in the skin in a fan-shaped manner, which avoids skin unevenness.

For lipofilling of the chin and lower jaw, 10 to 20 ml of fat is required. The lipofilling procedure for the chin and lower jaw usually takes no more than 1 hour.

Facial lipofilling: temporal region

Sunken temples that form with age are very noticeable.

If you inject fat into the subcutaneous space of the temporal region, the face will become rounded again, the eyebrows will rise, and the skin in the corners of the eyes will smooth out.

Lipofilling of the temples can be performed both under local anesthesia and general anesthesia. Adipose tissue These injections are usually taken on the stomach (through a puncture in the navel), or on the thighs. The resulting fat is centrifuged to separate it from the blood elements and the solution that is used for liposuction. After this, the fat is placed in syringes with a volume of 1 ml, and using special cannulas it is injected into the temple area. On average, 5 to 15 ml of fat is required. The duration of the temple lipofilling procedure is usually no more than 30 minutes.

IN postoperative period Careful implementation of the recommendations is required:

  • Decrease physical activity and avoidance of trauma to the postoperative area
  • The use of external medications that reduce swelling and hematomas
  • Applying cold compresses
  • Taking antibiotics wide range actions
  • Taking antihistamines
  • Avoiding alcohol and limiting smoking
  • Avoid sauna use for at least four weeks
  • Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures
  • In order to prevent the possibility of prolonged swelling or bleeding after facial lipofilling, it is recommended to reduce facial activity for a week after surgery.

The result of lipofilling can be assessed within a week, when tissue swelling subsides. Full recovery occurs after two months, when the injected fat layer sprouts capillaries and begins to receive necessary nutrition. Just like after any plastic surgery in the first days there may be slight bruises in the area of ​​punctures and swelling. After 1-1.5 weeks, you can forget about these unpleasant consequences of operations.

Taking into account such parameters as the volume of the operation and the technique used, the period of complete rehabilitation can vary from one week to a month.

Elimination of the tear trough


  • hereditary predisposition.
  • the formation of an excessively deep tear trough during the natural aging process.
  • lack of sufficient fat tissue in the lower and middle areas of the face.

It is recommended to perform lipofilling of the tear trough from the age of 20. The technique of the operation is similar to the technique of the procedure for eliminating the nasolabial fold, and consists of the following: through a tiny incision in the oral cavity or just below the operated area, a calculated volume of purified fatty tissue is introduced, which eliminates this aesthetic defect. It should be understood that the tear trough will not completely disappear, but will only become less deep and almost invisible.

The procedure takes no more than 1 hour. The result in most cases lasts for at least two years.

Neck lipofilling

They say that the condition of the neck is the truest indicator of age, and it is necessary to take care of it as carefully as the face. If changes cannot be avoided, you should resort to special procedures, such as neck lipofilling. In many ways, the speed and options for aging of the neck depend on constitutional features person. Suffer most from premature aging neck of a woman with thin skin and platysma (superficial muscle of the neck). With age, their muscles weaken, their skin becomes flabby, and wrinkles form. Neck lipofilling can be performed either using local anesthesia or under general anesthesia.

Fat tissue is usually removed using liposuction from the abdomen (through a puncture in the navel area) or from the thighs (pierces are made in the buttock folds).

The resulting fat is processed by centrifugation, separating the blood elements and the liposuction solution. Then fat is injected into the neck area through micro-punctures.

Neck lipofilling

Fat is placed in the subcutaneous fat tissue in a fan-shaped manner in a cross direction to obtain smooth contours.

The duration of the neck lipofilling procedure is usually no more than 2 hours.

After surgery, a special Microform tape is applied to the neck area, which serves as a protective barrier and is removed 3-5 days after surgery.

The tape creates a slight compression of the fat, which prevents the movement of fat under the skin.

Pain after surgery is minimal or absent. After lipofilling of the neck, swelling and bruising appear, which disappear within 1-2 weeks.

Within 4-6 months after surgery, some fat is resorbed, but most of it remains for life.

Possible complications:

  • There may be a slight change in the level of sensitivity of a given area of ​​the skin - it may decrease or increase.
  • To prevent exacerbations in patients with latent herpes, many doctors prescribe various preventive medications, although most often there are no outbreaks.
  • The patient may feel slightly feverish for the first couple of days after surgery. If your temperature rises, unexpected swelling occurs, or severe pain you must contact the clinic immediately.
  • Complications and risk of lipofilling such as seroma and hematoma can occur extremely rarely. They are removed by puncture with a syringe.
  • The risk of infection and suppuration of the transplanted fat decreases with the use of antibiotics, which are mandatory for all patients in the postoperative period.

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