Pros and cons of contact lenses. What contact lenses to choose for farsightedness? Can I wear them to correct age-related changes?

The lenses are comfortable and safe means correcting vision or changing the image, however, this is only with proper handling of them - right choice, storage, wear. Otherwise, their use will lead to various complications.

The words myopia and farsightedness often raise many questions. Even more questions are caused by the real names of these diseases - myopia and hypermetropia. Therefore, in this article we will try to give the most detailed idea of ​​these diseases, as well as methods for their correction.

The scientific name for this disease is myopia. With this pathology, the light is focused not on the retina, but in front of it, which is why a person sees farther worse.

Why is the image not focusing correctly? The most common cause of myopia is an elongated eyeball. Such myopia is called axial. However, there may also be a type of myopia in which the eye refracts light too much, due to which it focuses too close - refractive.

  • Weak (up to minus 3 diopters)
  • Medium (from minus 3 to minus 6 diopters)
  • High (from minus 6 and above)
  • If the parents of a child suffer from this disease, it can be inherited. The probability of having a child with myopia in this case will be about 50% - if both parents in your family have poor eyesight, you should regularly visit an optometrist.
  • Vision can also be impaired when a person constantly exposes it to excessive stress: reading, working at a computer, etc. Wherein important role plays lighting, landing and distance. That is why such visual impairment can often develop in schoolchildren, as well as in representatives of IT professions.
  • Adjustable with eye muscles the structures of the eye may not function properly due to spasm of these muscles (eg, accommodative). In this case, "false myopia" occurs.
  • At wrong correction already existing eye diseases may occur and others.
  • How is myopia treated?

    Untimely treatment of this pathology can lead to the fact that a person will almost completely lose his sight. Therefore, if you find any signs that your vision is getting worse, consult a doctor immediately.

    First, it is necessary to determine the causes of the disease and, if acquired myopia occurs, eliminate them.

  • At very high myopia glasses do not allow achieving 100% vision: the patient is prescribed the so-called “tolerance correction”, which has a much lower effectiveness.
  • Glasses have a very narrow field of view (glasses that have spherical lenses)
  • Glasses can give different kind glare and distortion (glasses with aspherical lenses)
  • Therefore, many people switch to a more expensive option - contact lenses. However, they are much more expensive, mainly due to the need to change them frequently. Contact lenses allow full correction even with myopia of minus 6 diopters and above.

    So some people prefer laser treatment vision. IN last years this method of treatment is the most popular, as it can quickly and painlessly restore healthy vision.

    What is farsightedness? Unlike myopia, with this pathology, a person sees poorly near - doctors call it hypermetropia. Like myopia, this disease has such signs as the wrong length of the eyeball or a violation of the refractive power of the eye: with hypermetropia of the eyes, a person has either a shortened size or a weak refractive power. This causes light to focus behind the retina.

    Popova Marina Eduardovna

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    A A

    The problem of farsightedness or hypermetropia lies in the fact that a person cannot see well objects located near, but at the same time he sees them well at a distant distance.

    By choosing the right and comfortable contact lenses, you can correct your vision or even correct it.

    Contact lenses for farsightedness

    The invention of vision correction devices has solved the problem of both myopia and hyperopia, and in recent years they have gained more advantages. The first contact lenses for farsightedness were not as comfortable as modern ones, made of high quality materials, which are comfortable to wear around the clock. A person can not wear glasses, see equally well near and from afar.

    IMPORTANT! Lenses for farsightedness do not require careful maintenance, and they do not fog up as regular glasses. However, such a foreign body in the eye may not suit everyone.

    Before using it is worth remembering a few rules:

    • hands must be washed both before and after;
    • constantly need to change the solution for the lenses;
    • the quality of vision depends on the right material, otherwise it is fraught with an inflammatory process.

    Lenses for the correction of farsightedness

    The choice of model depends on the purpose, for example, on how much they need to be worn: daily, up to two weeks, a month or three months. Wearing mode also matters when choosing the right option. It can be daily, flexible or continuous.

    To correct farsightedness, first of all, you should pay attention to the optical power of the lenses.- diopters, denoted by the letter "D" with a "+" sign, which allows you to collect a beam of rays on the retina. Extra options for choice:

    1. curvature;
    2. diameter;
    3. center thickness;
    4. wearing period.

    Depending on the progression of the disease, the ophthalmologist selects the right model, but sometimes myopia and hyperopia can exist simultaneously, most often this occurs in older people.

    Attention! Hyperopia correction is carried out by three types of lenses: multifocal, bifocal and aspherical. The action depends on the number of selected zones for viewing in each case.

    Multifocal products that can correct farsightedness have 2-3 zones with different diopters, the rays from the objects seen converge on the retina at the same time. Bifocal lenses to correct farsightedness have several zones, but located at different distances.

    Aspheric ones differ in that the areas for viewing objects do not have a clear boundary, which makes it difficult to focus the vision.

    Correction of farsightedness

    When choosing a treatment method, the ophthalmologist first conducts an examination to find out the causes of the disease., occupation, comorbidities, age.

    Modern clinics can offer the patient optical vision correction or surgical intervention.

    Not everyone wants to wear glasses, so doctor allows you to use contact lenses , most often multifocal, because with their help you can see objects near and far equally well. foreign body in the eye can comfortably exist if properly cared for.

    If the patient previously had several types of glasses, then after acquiring contact lenses this problem will disappear. They can be around the clock, go to work, play sports, drive a car, sleep. The ophthalmologist resorts to surgery in last resort, with a severe confluence of the disease, when other methods are powerless. There are also restrictions on age, people over 18 can do surgery.

    Can I wear contact lenses if I'm farsighted?

    Answering the question whether lenses are worn with farsightedness, we can say that this products can and should be worn with farsightedness, but it is important to remember that they may not always get rid of the disease itself. They are used to correct vision, and only in some cases can the disease be defeated.

    IMPORTANT! High-quality and expensive contact lenses will be able to restore normal vision if all the recommendations of the ophthalmologist are followed and, of course, depending on the neglect of the disease.

    Therefore, you should not delay the visit to a specialist and, at the first symptoms, begin treatment and recovery.

    Selection of contact lenses

    Before understanding which lenses to choose for farsightedness, the doctor must examine the patient and see the possibility of correcting vision with their help.

    If a diagnosis of farsightedness is made, then fit soft lenses, since they will not move, they will be comfortable for the eyes, they are easy to get used to. An ophthalmologist's consultation will be needed when selecting according to technical parameters: radius of curvature, diameter, optical power, etc.

    According to the selected option, a prescription will be issued, according to which it will be possible to order and buy lenses. The survey includes the following steps:

    • it is necessary to determine the degree of visual acuity;
    • the anterior ocular segment is examined;
    • examination of the fundus;
    • computer diagnostics - the cornea is examined.

    An ophthalmologist studies the structure of the eyes, the strength of blood vessels and lacrimal fluid, examines local reaction eye. Subsequently doctor should teach how to put on contact lenses and tell you how to take care of them at home. The choice and period of wearing depends on what diagnosis is made, from daily to three months.

    Contact lenses for age-related farsightedness

    Mature age is not a barrier to wearing contact lenses with age-related farsightedness, but rather a way to see life with bright colors.

    However, the specifics of their use change with age, older people may have difficulty putting them on, feel the “dry eye” effect, and not be able to resort to optical correction.

    Age-related farsightedness or presbyopia can be corrected contact correction. Lenses for age-related farsightedness, most often used multifocal they are soft and comfortable.

    You can clearly understand how multifocal contact lenses work and how they can help with age-related farsightedness in this video:

    Clarity of vision is provided by the peripheral and central zones, and the manufacture of lenses from breathable material allows you to feel comfortable in them.

    ATTENTION! Farsightedness can manifest as childhood as well as in the elderly. In the optical correction of vision, contact lenses will be used for farsightedness, which can only be selected by an ophthalmologist.

    You should familiarize yourself with the technique of application, varieties and decide how long they will have to be worn. Preference is given to soft multifocal products that are worn continuously or intermittently without problems.

    In contact with

    Infiniti contact lenses are excellent for correcting visual defects such as myopia and hypermetropia, including high values. Products from the Korean company OKVision boast excellent optical properties, and its quality has been repeatedly recognized by experts, as evidenced by numerous international certificates.

    These lenses are made of non-ionic Terpolymer material, thanks to which contact optics have such properties as resistance to various types of pollution and durability. In addition, the lenses are resistant to mechanical damage.

    Lath cut technology

    The lenses are easy to use and easy to put on and take off even for beginners. Infiniti ophthalmic products are manufactured on high-precision equipment using the double-sided turning method (this technology is called Lath Cut). This approach makes it possible to produce products with excellent optical characteristics. Due to the special design, thin edges and small thickness of the product in the central zone, optimal tear fluid circulation is achieved, and the lenses slide over the cornea is facilitated.

    UV filter built into the structure protects the eyes from bright light. It is known that harmful effect sun rays most often leads to the development of photokeratitis and cataracts. That is why on the street, especially in summer in clear weather, along with contact optics, you should also use Sunglasses.

    Six months is how long you can wear Infiniti contact lenses. Once every six months - with such a frequency it is necessary to change this ophthalmic product. Agree, it is quite convenient and profitable. At the same time, optical products have a small thickness, so it is comfortable to use them throughout the entire period. Lenses are designed for day mode wearing, so at night the eyes can fully rest.

    As mentioned earlier, OKVision Infiniti lenses are suitable for patients with farsightedness (the range of optical parameters varies from +1 to +20) and myopia (from -0.50 to -20). The manufacturer offers a choice of two radii of curvature - 8.40 and 8.70.

    Infiniti lens care

    OKVision GOLD disinfection solution is perfect for this model. In this case, you can use other liquids intended for the care of hydrogel lenses. But for those who suffer from hypersensitivity eye, ophthalmologists advise using peroxide cleaning systems.

    In the Ochkov.Net online store you can buy Infiniti, 1 lens in a bottle, at a bargain price. For the convenience of buyers, delivery is available throughout Russia.

    The ability to see the world wide open eyes is perhaps one of important functions organism! And if glasses are “kinderer” to someone, then others are more comfortable. About what are the pros and cons of contact lenses, we will consider in this article.

    Why do people choose contact lenses instead of glasses?

    Contact vision correction is a very attractive method, because it allows you to experience a lot of obvious advantages, and, unfortunately, some disadvantages that everyone needs to know about!

    The main advantages of contact accessories include:

    1. The possibility of delicate correction, which, from an aesthetic point of view, allows you to exclude ordinary glasses from the arsenal. This is a real salvation for those who experience discomfort from wearing framed glasses.
    2. When a person uses a natural view (not looking through glasses), then his peripheral vision is much better, which is especially true for motorists.
    3. Thanks to the ability to wear lenses, there are no inconveniences when doing active sports, hiking, dancing, etc.
    4. Possessing modern means correction, you can not be afraid weather conditions. Lenses do not have problems with fogging, are not harmful in rain and snow.
    5. In the process of using the corrective element, there is no distortion of appearance.
    6. You can choose exclusive lenses for yourself, for example, with the image of a pattern or just colored ones to change the natural color of the eyes.
    7. The effectiveness of use has been proven even in the situation serious defects visual organ. For example, if your criterion for nearsightedness or farsightedness is different, then contact lenses for the eyes can make the appropriate adjustments.

    Typical Disadvantages of Using Corrective Lenses

    No matter how eager a person is to take advantage of the innovation to give up glasses, this is not always the case. rational decision. And here the point is not even that the means of correction are somehow harmful, but that modern accessories, not even corrective, but colored, may not suit a person. However, to begin with, it is worth considering the typical disadvantages.

    1. Getting used to using a unique accessory, you should initially understand that you now have a foreign substance in your eyes, which obliges you to pay close attention to this fact.
    2. Modern lenses require additional systemic use and maintenance, while the usual glasses are unpretentious in handling - they can simply be wiped.
    3. The cost criterion can also be attributed to a negative point. The fact is that when buying glasses, even in an exclusive expensive frame, the owner can be guaranteed to use them for a long time. But alternative lenses require regular replacement. In addition, you will need to regularly purchase special tools for their processing and disinfection.
    4. It is impossible to exclude from the rating of shortcomings the fact of the need for regular monitoring by a doctor. Even in a situation of correct handling of lenses, whether simple or colored accessories, a trip to the ophthalmologist is a must every six months.

    What group of people is contraindicated to use a compact tool?

    1. If the patient develops conjunctivitis or has a superficial deformation of the cornea, then lenses for vision are excluded!
    2. A similar prohibition also applies in a situation where a person has a drooping eyelid syndrome (with ptosis).
    3. In addition, lenses are harmful and are under the strictest prohibition when found in a person with Graves' disease and HIV.
    4. It is worth refusing to use when taking hormonal drugs a wide spectrum, including the period of taking contraceptives, as they provoke dryness of the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.
    5. If you prefer to wear with an original pattern, for example, to surprise your friends, then you should not use them for too long, much less go to bed with them. There are cases when people have acquired eye problems from excessive prolonged wear and lost their sight.

    When your eyes hurt from lenses, this is a very negative factor. Most likely, you do not follow the recommendations of experts or a modern accessory is contraindicated for you for some reason.

    First of all, you need to strictly follow a certain pattern of wearing lenses, for example, choose a daily or flexible way of wearing.

    The daily option involves the use of a corrective accessory for a period of no more than 8-12 hours. This is assuming you are using hydrogel optics. Again, sleeping with lenses is prohibited!

    A flexible option involves the use of a corrective agent for a long time, for example, with round-the-clock activity. In addition, the option provides for a long-term refusal to use lenses, followed by a return to vision correction. In this case, silicone hydrogel lenses are recommended for use.

    But, remember that after 16 hours of continuous wear, a feeling may appear in the eyes oxygen starvation(hypoxia). It is recommended to blink frequently to stimulate the work of the eye sockets.

    In what situations should you temporarily stop using contact lenses?

    For example, when using for a long time, including color variants, can observe vascular proliferation in the eye. Due to the lack of sufficient oxygen, the cornea of ​​the eye tries to compensate for hypoxia, which leads to the effect of a vessel growing into the eye. Therefore, if a symptom is detected, one should refuse to use the accessory or switch to silicone hydrogel analogues that can breathe.

    If your eyes suffer from allergies during the next flowering period, then a temporary abandonment of the practice of wearing lenses should be a rational solution.

    Myopia - is it a minus or a plus: we understand the diagnoses

    Myopia is a change in vision in which an image appears in front of the retina, while normally it should be on it. The number of people suffering from this disease Lately everything is increasing. Very often, myopia occurs in students, schoolchildren. People with good vision, as a rule, do not understand the problem, and when the question of choosing glasses is raised, they have the question: “Is myopia a minus or a plus?”.

    Minus - is it nearsightedness or farsightedness?

    What glasses should be for myopia - plus or minus? Of course, minus. The lenses are negative. Treatment begins with weaker lenses. If no improvement is observed, stronger ones are used. Thus, by wearing certain minus lenses, vision can be improved. Depending on the degree of the disease, glasses must be worn for some time or constantly.

    Why is myopia a “minus”?

    In myopia, the focus of the image that the eye sees is in front of the retina, not exactly on it. Therefore, a person does not see what is far from him. The purpose of wearing glasses is to move the focus to the right place - the center of the retina, and thereby improve vision. IN this case this is achieved due to concave lenses - these are the ones that are indicated by the “-“ sign, and farsightedness. accordingly, it is corrected by convex lenses, which are indicated by a plus.

    Nearsighted people can choose either glasses with concave lenses or contact lenses of the appropriate shape. The stronger the myopia, the more diopters your glasses should be designed for.

    Since myopia can increase with age, moving from a low degree to an average one and beyond, then “minus” glasses or lenses should be changed periodically.

    There is also such a thing as false myopia, it is not associated with changes in the eyes and does not apply to either minus or plus. This condition is caused constant voltage eye when working with closely spaced objects and is treated with exercises, and in some cases with medications.

    False myopia does not require glasses or contact lenses.

    In order not to confuse these two concepts and not immediately run to the optics store for "minus" glasses, at the slightest suspicion of visual impairment, you should consult a doctor.

    How to avoid wearing glasses?

    Measures for the prevention of myopia are simple, but not all of them are carried out, which ultimately makes us sooner or later wonder what happened to vision and what kind of glasses - minus or plus will suit us.

    It is worth paying more attention to this, following the rules of working at a computer, taking vitamins and doing exercises regularly and training your eyesight.

    Marina Tue Mar 15, 2005 18:53

    Good afternoon
    Please help me with the choice of spectacle lenses.
    I have poor eyesight (+2 in one eye, +4 in the other), so I wanted to make glasses with thin lenses and computer protection. Please help me figure out the following:
    1. What is the difference plastic lenses from glass ones, which ones should I make?
    2. Is it necessary to make aspherical ones or not?
    3. Which manufacturer is better to choose taking into account durability and reasonable price (Korea, France or Germany).
    4. What can you say about the manufacturer Carl Zeiss?
    5. When ordering, what should I pay special attention to?
    Thanks in advance for your replies.

    Ochki.Net staff Thu Mar 17, 2005 18:55

    Dear site visitor!
    Judging by your letter, you have anisometropia (divergence of eyes), and in one eye
    - hypermetropia low degree, and on the other - the average. Unfortunately, you do not write how old you are and how long ago this diagnosis was made. If you have been using glasses with lenses of different optical powers for a long time, then you are probably already used to it and tolerate the difference of 2 diopters well. If such a diagnosis has been made recently, then you should consult a doctor and assess how tolerable this difference of 2 diopters will be for you. When ordering glasses, the main thing to pay attention to is the competence of the doctor and the optician-seller. What is the difference between organic spectacle lenses from mineral you can read in the articles on our website -
    High refractive spectacle lenses
    Spectacle lenses: what's new?
    Mineral eyeglass lenses
    Spectacle lenses for children

    In general, I think you should opt for organic lenses, because. mineral glasses are twice as heavy and finished glasses can result in distortion due to different lens weights of +2.0 D and +4.0 D.

    In principle, you can order both aspherical and spherical lenses made of highly refractive organic material. It should be borne in mind that when switching to aspherical lenses, an adaptation period may be required, which usually increases with the age of the eyewear wearer. There is no very significant difference in the properties of spectacle lenses from European and Korean manufacturers, although lenses from leading European manufacturers have the best optical coatings.

    To work at a computer, it is enough to correctly correct your vision and choose a high-quality anti-reflective coating.

    Carl Zeiss is the most famous foreign manufacturer of spectacle lenses in Russia. Representative office of this company is actively functioning in our country. Lenses from Carl Zeiss - High Quality, although for famous brand have to pay more.

    WITH Best wishes,
    editor of the section "Spectacle lenses"
    Veko professional magazine
    Olga Shcherbakova

    My advice:
    Polymer lenses, with an index of n = 1.5, are necessarily aspherical (why: firstly, because you have lenses of different refractions, and spherical lenses will enlarge your eyes differently when viewed from the side, aspherical lenses - less, secondly secondly, the lenses will not be so convex, but flattened, which is outwardly more beautiful, but there will be no image distortion along the edge of the lens - this is, thirdly.
    For thinner lenses, a high polymer index is not necessary, which will make the lens much more expensive, and the material is softer and the lens, despite the coatings, will scratch faster. It is enough to choose the right frame (preferably rounded light openings, but not narrow ones) and order lenses with an optimized diameter.
    "Optimized diameter" is the minimum lens diameter that every optical consultant should be able to calculate for the selected frame. On Zeiss you can order lenses with an optimized diameter, which will cost a little more than a standard diameter.

    Volodka Sun Oct 24, 2010 00:48

    Hello! I am 20 years old. I have a right eye +5, left +6. It was 2 years ago. right +3.5. left + 5. although at the age of 10 it was +1 in both eyes. maybe I certainly turned to the wrong address, but I would like to know how to stop the deterioration.

    This is not about vision, but about the transition of the hidden part of farsightedness to the explicit one. This is the reason for strengthening the correction. At the end of the transition, the need to strengthen the lenses will disappear. To stop in your case means not to grow old. So far it doesn't work. The struggle with age is unsuccessful.

    Please help me with choosing a manufacturer of spectacle lenses.
    My wife, 35 years old, had her lenses removed as a child, along with the capsules, since now they say nothing can be inserted. Wears glasses or contact lenses at +18. Contact lenses
    with such diopters, two manufacturers still produce - Hydron and there are some other St. Petersburg ones. She wears Hydron. But the problem is with glasses.
    glass lenses very heavy. I wanted to order plastic and came across the fact that most manufacturers make lenses with diopters up to + (12-15) maximum. Can you please tell me who makes lenses with large plus diopters?

    Dear ght.
    Many manufacturers produce lenses of high positive refraction, including lenticular and aspherical lenses. Of course, these lenses from leading manufacturers - Rodenstock, Zeiss, Seiko, etc. will be quite expensive. You can contact Russian companies having prescription laboratories, such as Luys-Optika (Moscow), Optics-Meck (St. Petersburg), which produce lenses in the range you specified. Their products will cost less than imported prescription lenses. At the same time, the thinnest lenses made of highly refractive materials are available only from leading foreign manufacturers.
    Phone Luys-Optika: 495 7925360
    Optics-Mekkk- 812658429

    Olga Sch. Consultant Posts: 15 Registered: Fri Dec 03, 2010 15:19

    in the case of custom-made lenses (with such diopters, count only lenticulars), try to find the ratio
    frame size - rc - lens diameter
    so that the diameter of the manufactured lenses is minimal (they will be made to order). If you find a frame that will fit lenses with a diameter of 55-57 mm, it will be inexpensive and not very thick (for these diopters). Even on cr-39. It must be remembered that the lenses must be made of exactly this diameter. The pluses - the smaller the manufactured diameter - the thinner the lens as a result.

    Max123 Honorary Member Posts: 328 Registered: Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:43 Location: Moscow

    Elena_ Fri Jan 28, 2011 17:31

    I am 49 years old, 3-4 years ago I had 100% vision, my work is constantly connected with a computer. Then it became more difficult to see small text and the doctor prescribed me reading glasses +1.0 for each eye. Then after about 1-1.5 years it became hard to see on the computer too, I began to use the same glasses.
    Now I noticed that small text became more difficult to see, but everything was clearly visible on the computer. I decided to go to the optometrist to check my eyesight. As a result, I was prescribed glasses for near (reading + comp) +2.0 right and 1.5 left. I ordered glasses. When I put it on - it was a shock, everything parted and for a long time I could not catch the focus, the text was fuzzy. I also forgot that the distance between the pupils was set at 58 for the first time, and now it is 60. When I asked why, the doctor told me that it didn’t matter.
    In optics, they told me to get used to it, and I seem to see everything is fine in them now, but. I noticed that literally in a week, what I used to see well without glasses, now I don’t see, it worries me, because I don’t want to worsen the situation with my vision.
    When I got glasses for the distance, plan left and +1.0 right, it is visible in the same way as without glasses, only it’s somehow hard to concentrate, again the same feeling of parting eyes. Moreover, there are some spots before my eyes, when I wear glasses and look at something dark, when I look out the window or at something light. I don't notice any spots. Maybe it's because they made me with anti-glare for reading, and ordinary ones for distance (there are no spots in glasses for near, and before I had ordinary lenses without anti-glare, and there were no spots).
    In optics, she asked me to measure the distance between the pupils, they said 58.
    I'm completely at a loss, I don't know what to do.

    On the main question, wait for the answer of the doctor. Sometimes you have to wait a bit.
    For other points:

    that the distance between the pupils was set at 58 for the first time, and now it is 60. When I asked why, the doctor told me that it did not matter.

    On your diopters, everything is in the tolerance of the guests, especially for reading.

    Moreover, there are some spots before my eyes, when I wear glasses and look at something dark, when I look out the window or at something light. I don't notice any spots. Maybe it's because they made me with anti-glare for reading, and ordinary ones for distance (there are no spots in glasses for near, and before I had ordinary lenses without anti-glare, and there were no spots).

    It has been said many times - anti-reflex coating has nothing to do with it.

    Tell me, please, what can be done in this situation?

    If possible, go to another optician to another doctor. Compare the results, then draw conclusions.
    For money, of course, more expensive, but if you want to find out.

    Production of plus diopters in the index 1.74. Any aspheric with 10 mm spherical core. 1.60, 1.67, 1.74 have no paint restrictions. The thinnest photochromic lenses in n = 1.67. Individual calculation of the curvature base for each diopter. Various colors tinting. The thinnest plastic - strong and easy. Optimal protection - perfect eye comfort combined with lightness.

    All Seiko lenses come with the following protective layers:

    AR HIP - multicoating (16 layers).

    Hard Coat - hardening layer, thickness 5 microns - 2 layers.

    Super ET - anti-reflective, anti-reflective coating - 10 layers.

    Clean Coat - dust and water repellent, antistatic - 2 layers.

    SV 1.67 - thin and light spherical polymer spectacle lenses with a high refractive index. With a hardening coating, an anti-reflective layer is applied, a dirt- and water-repellent coating (16 layers).

    SSV Transitions ESP 1.67 AS is a thin, lightweight photochromic organic eyeglass lens. All lenses with a hardening layer, an anti-reflection layer, a dirt-water-repellent antistatic layer. Darkening of the lens up to 68% of the color occurs within 30 seconds. Lightens up to 3x faster than any lens. 100% UV protection. Almost transparent indoors. More than 40% thinner. than ordinary plastic lenses.

    SuperSV 1.67 AS - thin plastic eyeglass lenses with aspherical design. No distortion at the edges of the lens. The ideal lens for any glasses due to its aspheric design and high refractive index.

    The SPG 1.74 AS is a flat aspherical lens, so there is no distortion at the edges of the lens. With a hardening coating, an anti-static antistatic layer and an anti-reflective coating are applied. Scratch protection. 100% UV protection. 50% thinner than regular plastic lenses. No reflections on the lens surface.

    SPG AZ 1.74 is the world's only, unique organic spectacle lens with an ultra-high index of 1.74 and a spherical center, with a patented double aspherical surface (bi-aspherics).

    In August 2007, SEIKO Optical acquired a large optical laboratory in Germany, which has its own optical brand "STARVISION". The production line is located in Lippstadt and has its own own name STARVISION. All production capacity The STARVISION firms and staff were taken over by the newly founded SEIKO Optical Europe Laboratory GMBH and Co., which combined the STARVISION trademark with the existing SEIKO production line.

    STARVISION offers its customers new products: for sun protection - polarized spectacle lenses, lenses with a filter that increase contrast, which are also designed for various sports.

    Polymer photochromic polarized lenses DriveWear.

    In low light conditions, Drivewear lenses let in as much light as possible to help the eye's receptors extract as much light as possible. useful information. As a result, sharpness of perception is guaranteed at a low level of illumination. The high-contrast polarizer eliminates glare that interferes with viewing in low light conditions. DriveWear lenses improve visibility in bright sunshine and overcast conditions. The uniqueness of DriveWear lenses is that they react not only to ultraviolet influences, but are also sensitive to the radiation of the visible part of the solar spectrum.

    Produced with the latest Transitions photochromic technology, DriveWear lenses can change their color depending on the light level, providing the motorist with maximum comfort and excellent visibility in any weather.

    Progressive eyeglass lenses: pros and cons

    02 11 2015 &thinsp&thinsp 0 &thinsp&thinsp 6697

    After the age of forty, vision undergoes some changes, it becomes more and more difficult to focus vision at close range. Such a symptom indicates that the development of " age-related farsightedness”, which in ophthalmology is called presbyopia. People who have not previously used optics to improve their vision are gradually starting to use glasses with "plus" lenses. Those who have hypermetropia, popularly - farsightedness, at this age "increase" positive diopters, and myopic (suffering from myopia) - reduce negative ones.

    Progressive eyeglass lenses pros and cons

    With time pathological processes become more pronounced age-related changes falls on 60-65 years. In view of this, people are forced to use several pairs of glasses - for reading, driving a car, working with mobile devices etc. However, there are products on the market that eliminate this need. Instead of conventional optical glasses, it uses progressive lenses.

    How are progressive lenses made?

    Progressive optical lenses are designed according to the principle of multifocality. This means that they have equally good visibility at close and long distances. This is achieved through a special surface, when the radius of curvature changes vertically and horizontally. The lens is divided into several zones.

    Optical power between top and bottom lenses are not the same - the difference is 2-3 diopters. The upper zone of the lens is connected to the lower zone by a corridor of progression, in which the optical power of the glass changes smoothly. The channel is located parallel to the bridge of the nose. Thanks to the transition area, a person sees well at intermediate distances. On the sides of the corridor there are "blind zones", which are characterized by optical distortion, so you can not look through them.

    How progressive lenses work

    Most often, this kind of optics is preferred by people who, in the process of activity, have to change glasses many times due to the need to focus their vision on objects at different distances.

    Not all frames fit progressive lenses. It has a number of requirements:

  • sufficient pantoscopic angle, or forward tilt
  • sufficient vertex distance between the pupil and inner surface lenses
  • frame height not less than 27 mm.
  • Types of progressive optics

    There are three types of glasses - standard, individualized, individual. They differ in the size of the zones, the degree of adaptation to the needs of the user and the price.

    standard type

    Lenses are made according to a prescription using standard blanks. They are characterized by a smaller width of all "useful" zones. These glasses are cheaper than others.

    Standard Progressive Lens Type

    customized type

    This type of glass belongs to the premium price category. They have one surface characterized by a standard progression, the other is made according to the doctor's prescriptions. The “working” areas are wider here than in the previous one. Getting used to is faster, using glasses is more comfortable.

    customized type

    Optics of this type are completely made for a specific person without the use of standard blanks, so they are more expensive than others. The product takes into account all the possible parameters and needs of the user - the size of the frame, the way of life and occupation, etc. In such lenses, the zone of clear vision is maximally expanded.

    Manufacturers note a number of advantages. possessed by progressive optics. These include:

  • the ability to use one glasses for good vision at different distances, to perform several types of work
  • the absence of a sharp “jump” in the image due to a special corridor, as happens with conventional bifocal and trifocal optics, when a person looks from one object to another
  • sector separation is not visible on the glasses - they look solid
  • for the production of glasses, not only glass is used, but also plastic, including polycarbonate, which makes it possible to produce products in different price categories and make them affordable for people with low incomes.
  • Pros and cons of progressive lenses

    Unfortunately, the device is not perfect and has a number of disadvantages. These include:

  • the presence of "blind" zones in which the image is distorted
  • narrow peripheral zone
  • more long period adaptation than with conventional bifocal optics
  • not all people adapt to such glasses
  • rather high cost.
  • It is worth noting that over time, most people get used to the features of glasses. In addition, manufacturers are trying to improve the invention.

    Lenses are not for everyone

    Another disadvantage of lenses are contraindications. The table indicates the diseases in which such glasses are not recommended or prohibited from wearing.

    There is no pupil stability in the progression corridor, it falls into the distortion zones

    There are works in which the gaze falls into the zone of natural distortions of optical glass. For example, while playing the violin, the musician looks towards the lower left corner, where the distortion zone is. Such people should use regular contact lenses.

    WITH special attention The choice of glasses should also include:

  • employees of the medical field and related areas - dentist, surgeon, cosmetologist, hairdresser, manicurist
  • transport drivers and operators of special equipment - aircraft pilot, crane operator
  • those whose work requires special precision - a jeweler, a car mechanic, etc.
  • Progressive optics are not designed for long-term work with small objects; it is inconvenient to read or watch TV while lying on your side.

    Although the device is very convenient, you need to adapt to it. It will take a few days to get used to. With the rules below, this will be easy.

    1. Buying new glasses progressive lenses, you need to forget about the old ones and not use them.
    2. To use peripheral vision at medium and far distances, the head is slightly turned in the desired direction.
    3. For a good fixation of the gaze, training is required. They perform such an exercise: they look from a nearby object (for example, a book in their hands), to a distant object (a tree outside the window) and located at an average distance (a picture on the wall).
    4. To read books, newspapers, you need to find the optimal position by changing the direction of your gaze. The reason is that the working distance turns out to be a little more than 40 cm. After some time, the eyes will learn to focus automatically.
    5. When walking up the stairs, the intermediate zone of the lens is used, for which the head is slightly tilted down.
    6. They sit behind the wheel of a car only after mastering the skills mentioned above. Driving begins on low-traffic highways, where less concentration is required, because at first the brain is busy getting used to a new gadget.

    Rules for the use of "progressive glasses"

    They train for half an hour daily until all movements are perfected and brought to automatism. Only after complete addiction are felt all the benefits of using progressive lenses.

    As mentioned above, not everyone is able to get used to these lenses, the proportion of such people reaches 10-15%. In this case, a number of manufacturers have developed special programs exchange. If the glasses do not fit, the client has the right to change the lenses to single vision. But from the very beginning, when buying a product, you should consider: if the glasses do not fit, it is unlikely that you will be able to return the full cost.

    Often a simple adjustment of the frame helps in adaptation. Here are the situations in which you should contact the master for help:

  • there are lateral distortions
  • too small reading area, there are distortions when looking over the progression channel
  • to look at a long distance, you need to tilt your head forward, and while reading, raise your glasses
  • the image in one of the zones or in two at once is not clear enough.
  • How is the price formed?

    There are three factors that will affect the price of glasses.

    1. Manufacturer. The traditional scheme: the more famous the brand, the higher the cost, and, as a rule, the better the quality of the product and the credibility of it.
    2. Channel width. As the channel expands, so does the price.
    3. thinning index. Thin lenses more expensive, but they are not always better. In this criterion, you must follow the instructions of the doctor who knows best about the needs of the patient.

    How the price of progressive lenses is formed

    Lenses with extras

    The market for optical products is quite large, and many companies are engaged in the production of glasses with progressive lenses. This allows you to choose a product with the most a wide range useful features.

    For example, the BBGR brand produces lenses for right-handers and left-handers. This innovation is based on scientific research, the results of which showed that the visual reaction in humans depends on the position of the body.

    The Seiko brand has a Drive line for those who drive a car. The lenses provide clear vision at medium and long distances, as well as guarantee a good view and, accordingly, greater safety when driving.

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