Why is silvering of a child’s baby teeth necessary: ​​in what cases is this method used and what does Komarovsky say? When is it necessary to silver teeth for children?

A big problem has become that many parents turn a blind eye to diseases of baby teeth, citing their rapid loss and replacement with permanent ones.

Without wishing harm to their children, mothers and fathers simply do not see the point in treatment. However, dentists have proven that pathologies that arise on replacement teeth subsequently affect the permanent ones.

One of the most common techniques, despite possible alternatives, used for the prevention and treatment of caries in primary teeth, is silver plating. What is it and is silvering really necessary for babies? We’ll tell you in this article.

The meaning of the procedure

Silvering is a very simple procedure that will help protect thin and vulnerable negative impacts enamel of primary teeth from the appearance of the most common dental problemcaries.

IN in some cases applied at the most early stages of this disease, stopping further development.

The essence of the procedure is that the enamel is covered with a thin layer special drugs, which form a durable film. She has antiseptic properties and prevents the enamel from being exposed to bacteria that can cause caries.

The opinion of the head of one of the children's clinics about different methods prevention of caries in children:


With timely use of the technique, as well as with its correct application, the baby can not be exposed to classical treatment caries when it is necessary to use a drill.

Silvering procedure completely painless– this is one of its main advantages. After all, many children younger age They are afraid of the dentist and the instruments he uses.

Also among the advantages is the fact that caries can be prevented altogether. In addition, on initial stage when demineralization has begun, the doctor has the opportunity to temporarily stop the process of enamel destruction.

In this way, the tooth is preserved until the child grows up and deep treatment and restoration can be carried out.

The head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Moscow State Medical University talks about the pros and cons of the procedure:


Like most preventive methods, silvering also has a number of disadvantages. However, if the procedure is carried out in a timely manner, then, in most cases, they can be considered insignificant.

  • Inability to use in the later stages of caries development in children, when, in addition to damage to the enamel, the disease also affects dentin. In this case, external protection from bacteria does not make sense, since the destruction process occurs in the internal layers.
  • It does not always help to protect against the development of caries even in the early stages, if the process develops on chewing surfaces due to their complex structurepresence of fissures.
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out thorough cleaning of the surface of the teeth professional method, which can be a problem in some cases when babies experience fear or similar feelings.

There is another drawback, which many consider the most significant, regarding the aesthetic side of the treatment. After the procedure places where drugs were applied, become dark, almost black color. This is what scares off many parents and children, although it does not affect the effectiveness of the technique.

A video with a brief answer to the question about the effectiveness of such caries prevention:


There are quite a lot of cases when the silvering procedure is used, which indicates the effectiveness and versatility of the technique in pediatric dentistry:

  • Prevention pathological processes V hard tissues milk teeth.
  • Treatment of caries on initial stagestage white spot .
  • Thinning enamels and increased sensitivity teeth in children.
  • Appearance of signs demineralization.
  • Appearance cracks and minor chips on the surface.
  • For prevention dental diseases in regions where it is noted lack of fluoride and its connections in natural waters, and fluoridation drinking water is not produced.
  • To prevent caries relapse.
  • As a means for significant extending the service life of installed fillings.

Photo after the procedure


Despite the effectiveness of the technique in many cases, which makes it popular, sometimes its use is undesirable and even contraindicated.

  • Medium and deep caries. At the same time, through the drugs used, the teeth can be harmed, since the inner layers of the tooth are affected, which are more sensitive to various influences.
  • Presence of other complex dental diseases.
  • Possibility of development for the baby allergic reaction on the drug used.
  • Availability severe somatic diseases.

Description of the technology

The silvering process is very simple and only takes A couple of minutes. After cleaning the smooth surfaces of the teeth, the dentist begins to treat them.

Simply apply to the desired areas using a cotton swab. apply the required amount of the drug used, and then left for several minutes until a specific film forms.

Dr. Komarovsky talks about all the pros and cons of silvering in this video:


The main drug is considered 30% silver nitrate. It is because of this that the technique got its name. However there are more modern drugs, For example, silver fluoride diamine, which is a complex of compounds silver and fluorine.

There are different trade names, which can be used, for example, Argenat or Saoraid.


The price of silver is low. It amounts to from 150 to 30 rubles. However, there are several factors that influence the final cost. First of all, this is the number of teeth being processed - the more there are, the larger the amount required.

It is also important which drug will be used. More expensive are modern compositions, which contain fluorides that help strengthen enamel.

What determines the frequency of the procedure?

One of the features of the technique of silvering baby teeth is the need to repeat it. Depending on many factors, dentists may recommend a procedure every 3–6 months to maintain the health and integrity of the enamel. Among these factors are:

  • age baby;
  • type of feeding– artificial or natural (breast);
  • level of oral hygiene and the ability of parents to carefully monitor this, as well as periodically practice preventive examinations with a dentist;
  • various nutritional features;
  • individual characteristics structure and quality of enamel.

An important factor is the reason for which the silvering was carried out. For example, if it is only preventative measure, which was used without external reasons, and due to the difficulties of going to the dentist, an interval of 4–6 months is sufficient.

Psychological side of the issue

Sometimes there may be negative psychological consequences for the child after the procedure. This is due to the strong deterioration of dental aesthetics. After all, people are accustomed to the fact that the normal color of enamel is white or slightly yellowish.

For the most part, children do not experience such difficulties, since they do not yet understand what their teeth should be like. However, kids go to preschool educational establishments– kindergartens where others can point this out to them.

The worst thing is if the baby is shy and reserved by nature, and in the garden they will tease and laugh at him. Then the child may simply withdraw even more, experiencing stress, not talk and simply be afraid to open his mouth.

That is why parents should prepare their baby for the procedure in advance, telling them in detail what to expect. It is necessary to emphasize that despite appearance, his teeth will be healthy and will not hurt.

The black color remains until the tooth is restored or falls out, when the “tooth fairy” or mouse comes to get it.

Sometimes children are even proud of this enamel color, responding to the ridicule of their peers that these are not “black” but “silver” teeth. Then the ridicule subsides on its own.

All this can and should be told to the child, warning that if the silvering is not done now, then later the teeth may hurt and they will have to be drilled and filled.

Alternative Methods

Now dentists have developed some alternative techniques prevention and obstacles to the development of caries in the early stages.

Their main advantage is that the enamel does not turn black after the procedure:

  • The main alternative is considered remineralization therapy, which can be carried out both in a dental clinic and at home.

    The essence of the technique is to coat the enamel special compounds, which contain various elements to strengthen the enamel and restore its structure. In most cases this is fluoridation, that is, treatment with fluoride preparations that strengthen the enamel.

  • Another alternative is ozonation. The enamel surface is treated with ozone, which helps slow down carious processes and kills most pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity for a while.
  • With some reservations, as an alternative to silvering, we can offer fissure sealing. However, during this procedure, only the chewing surfaces of the teeth are coated with a special composition that prevents the access of bacteria.

Watch a story about the fluoridation procedure for children's teeth:

Today, many parents are faced with the concept of silvering of teeth in children.

However, not everyone knows what this procedure is and what its benefits are.

So, first things first.

Why are teeth silvered?

The procedure in question is performed on children at an early age in order to prevent and treat caries at the initial stage of its development. With this method, dentists try to “freeze” the development of the disease.

The essence of the technique lies in the miraculous properties of silver nitrate. Using a cotton swab soaked in a special solution, the doctor wipes the tooth surface, on which a kind of protective film is later formed that prevents bacteria from settling and multiplying on the enamel.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The obvious advantages of the procedure include:

Obviously, like any other medical procedure, silvering teeth has some disadvantages:

Reviews from parents

Judging by the reviews of parents, the considered method of combating caries is quite effective solution. In this matter, the main thing is to trust a true professional and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Below are examples of parent feedback.

“We started having problems with our teeth when we were two years old. The doctor recommended silvering my baby teeth. The whole procedure took only a minute, the daughter didn’t even have time to get scared. Downside medals turned out to be dark coating, which appeared some time after the procedure..., it looked, of course, not particularly attractive, but for the sake of dental health, I think we can be patient.”

Alexandra, Samara

“We had our teeth silvered on the recommendation of a doctor at a local clinic. Then we were diagnosed with an enamel defect and developing caries. They used a drug called Saforide. The procedure had to be carried out 3 times every other day. My child, of course, was not delighted, but everything passed quickly enough. A month later chewing teeth Still, they filled it, but the front ones remained black. Now we regularly visit the dentist and monitor it. It looks like our baby teeth will be preserved thanks to silver plating.”

Tatyana, Novokuznetsk

“My daughter was one and a half years old when I began to observe gray plaque on the child’s teeth, some even began to crumble. We turned to specialists for help, their verdict was silvering. We went to the clinic three times, everything went painlessly, after which the doctor warned that if the gums swelled, the diseased teeth would have to be removed. They waited, and a month later the gums in the upper row swelled and the teeth were removed. The bottom row is fine for now, soon the milk ones will be replaced by permanent ones. Silvering really helped save teeth, although not all of them...”

Inga, Krasnoyarsk

Is it possible to carry out silver plating at home?

The procedure for silvering baby teeth for children is very simple and does not require much time. For this reason, some parents are thinking about the possibility of conducting a session at home, using Argenate (a drug for silvering teeth) and hoping to save the child from meeting with the hated doctor.

Despite the safety of the composition used, the reaction child's body it can be unpredictable. In addition, the lack of knowledge and equipment will not allow determining the depth of tissue damage.

For example, in the case of dentin damage deep caries, manipulation will not only not be beneficial, but will also lead to the death of the pulp, and insufficient cleaning of the tooth surface will lead to blackening of plaque, which is almost impossible to remove.

Alternative techniques

Dentistry is constantly evolving, outdated methodology is being replaced by Newest technologies, who are still with more likely can preserve the health of children's teeth.

If there are any contraindications to silvering, if parents want to maintain an attractive appearance of their child’s smile, it is possible to use a number of other alternative methods.


Remineralization or fluoridation is a method of treating enamel using fluoride-containing substances, which contribute to the formation of a mineral film on its surface, designed to protect the surface of the teeth from the action of harmful microorganisms.

The procedure is aimed at enhancing natural protection enamel and prevention of caries in primary teeth. They resort to fluoridation only after the child reaches the age of 3-4 years.

As a rule, a set of procedures is prescribed, the number of which is determined by the dentist. This type of therapy is often recommended for healthy children’s teeth. The reason for this is the rapid loss of fluoride and calcium from the enamel of a child’s baby teeth. The procedure can be performed in the dentist's office or at home.


Another alternative to silvering teeth is ozonation, which is the treatment of the tooth surface with ozone - antimicrobial agent. After the death of harmful microorganisms, the process of tissue destruction is slowed down, caries does not progress.

The procedure takes only a few seconds. During this time, the oral cavity becomes almost sterile. After ozone treatment, the tooth surface is coated special means, strengthening enamel and tissue and preventing the development of caries.

Sometimes after ozonation they resort to tooth filling. In the case of shallow carious processes, the procedure in question can be replaced by fluoridation or silver plating.

It is important to remember that you can give preference to one of the methods described above only after visiting a doctor, taking into account all the nuances of the procedures.

To summarize, it should be noted that none of these methods gives a 100% result. The fight against caries should not stop with the manipulations of an experienced dentist. You should regularly brush your child’s teeth and adhere to dietary rules(limit the consumption of refined carbohydrates - cookies, baked goods, sweets, etc.).

During the first three years after, until the enamel maturation process is completed, you should visit annually pediatric dentist in order to prevent the development of caries.

Silvering of baby teeth is very for a long time was the only way stop caries in children. However, it has never been effective. Today, some dentists offer more modern and effective methods. Sometimes they are several times more expensive than silver, but it’s worth it - after all, a beautiful healthy smile baby. Unfortunately, not in all dental clinics use modern methods treatment of caries of primary teeth. Moreover, not all dentists undertake to treat children under 5 years of age. That's why parents have to agree to silvering.

Silvering is not the best effective method caries treatment

However, silvering of baby teeth can be 100% effective only in the early stages of caries. When the disease is advanced, it can cause harm, since behind the blackness after silvering it is difficult to discern the true condition of the teeth.

I'll tell you how it was for us. We live in a small town and at our only dentistry that accepts babies, they don’t even do silver plating.

When a small piece broke off from a child’s tooth, he was only one and a half years old at the time, I went to the dentist. Without even sitting us on a chair, they examined us and said: there’s nothing to worry about. And they sent me home. And a couple of weeks later the child caught rotavirus and we were quarantined at home. The immune system has weakened and this has greatly affected the teeth. In just a week, 3 teeth crumbled into half. When the pediatrician came to our house for an examination, I showed him our teeth. The answer killed me on the spot: the dentist will not treat you, you don’t even have to contact him. No explanation why this happens, no recommendations, in general, free medicine in his repertoire. When the quarantine was lifted from us, we went to the dentist in a neighboring city. They said it could be silvered, they don’t practice anything else here. I had to agree.

After silvering, the teeth turned black, and for some time they stopped crumbling. But then they crumbled almost to the ground, taking with them another tooth, which was healthy at the time of silvering. As a result, we lost 4 teeth.

We began to look for a smart dentist who is not afraid to work with small children. They searched for a long time and found it several hundred kilometers from home. By that time, the child had developed periodontitis. We were greeted very well, they properly interested the child so that he was not afraid and allowed him to have his teeth treated. Treatment, however, was not needed. The doctor removed a tooth, above which there was a purulent lump, and said that it was better to remove the other three “stumps” too, otherwise problems with molars could not be avoided in the future. After much questioning about what problems might arise when the time comes for the molars to grow in, we agreed.

Afterwards, the dentist explained in great detail why baby teeth can crumble, and gave a bunch of recommendations on how to care for the oral cavity and monitor the health of the whole body. In general, if such a lecture had been given to me when I first went to our city dentistry with a small splinter, I think all the problems we encountered later could have been avoided.

Reasons why baby teeth crumble

In short, not always overuse sweets and other sweets affect the condition of baby teeth (another issue is that this can affect the functioning of other organs of the body), provided that oral hygiene is observed. That is, at least twice a day (morning and evening), and ideally after every meal, you need to brush your teeth, even if there are only two of them in your mouth. There is no way to clean, then just rinse with water or special liquid or use a special foam (it is convenient to always carry it with you in a bag or in a child’s backpack).

When a child’s teeth crumble, the first thing parents blame is a lack of calcium in the body. In principle, this is how it is. However, you can feed your child liters of various syrups with calcium, rub tons of special gels into the teeth, but positive result never achieve it. After all, here we need to figure out whether the child really receives little calcium from food or whether it is simply not absorbed by the body. If a child eats cottage cheese, drinks sour milk and other foods rich in calcium and other minerals and vitamins (D, magnesium), with which calcium is in harmony, you need to “dig” deeper and look for “failures” in the child’s body.

  1. If possible, it is better to avoid night feedings if the baby is breastfeeding. Saliva does not protect tooth enamel from carbohydrates contained in milk when the baby is sleeping. And they have a detrimental effect on teeth.
  2. It is necessary to monitor not only the health of baby teeth, but also the health of the gums. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile, mint or calendula. It would also be a good idea to make a weak decoction of oak bark from time to time; it has a very beneficial effect on gum health.
  3. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the water you drink. After all human body 70% consists of liquid, and if its quality leaves much to be desired, what kind of dental health can we talk about? If your water supply is leaking bad water(I think it’s easy to determine even with the naked eye - by taste, smell, and feeling after washing your hands and face), it’s better to drink bottled or from a spring or well.
  4. If your teeth are crumbling, you should take it general analysis blood and make sure that the child’s hemoglobin is not low. Hemoglobin, roughly speaking, is responsible for immunity, and if it is reduced, the body’s resistance to various viruses and microbes. Against this background, children’s teeth often suffer.

  5. Check endocrine system, are there any glitches? For example, if a small growing organism lacks iodine (by the way, this also applies to adults), this directly affects the condition of the teeth and oral cavity.
  6. Is your blood sugar high? Not always, but this also happens in children (and adults) with diabetes.

Is it possible to avoid dental problems?

Can. And it is best to take care of your child’s dental health long before he is born. First, you need to cure your teeth, drink essential vitamins during pregnancy, care for the child’s oral cavity from the first days of his life, monitor the baby’s health and immediately compensate for the lack of vitamins and other useful substances in organism. It would also be a good idea to force all family members and people who will come into contact with the child to cure bad teeth.

Quite often you hear the phrase from parents: “The child has a hole in his tooth, they silvered it for us and sent us to wait.”

In general, among parents (unfortunately, often under the influence of pediatric dentists) there is a widespread opinion that all treatment of baby teeth usually comes down to “silvering” and waiting. On the one hand, this dulls vigilance: they say, if something happens, we can easily do this very quick procedure and we won’t know grief; on the other hand, it discourages unnecessary visits to the doctor: not everyone likes the result of this action in the form of black teeth (especially on a girl ). So what is this notorious silvering?

Silvering is the lubrication of a tooth with a special composition, resulting in a layer of restored silver remaining on the surface. The point is that this layer should, in theory, exhibit disinfectant properties and prevent further dissemination process.

Silvering seems to be a rather convenient way of prevention - it is done quickly, the child does not have time to get tired, the dentist is able to serve quite a lot of patients. However, our mass passion for silvering is not at all healthy. The most important thing to understand is: silvering is only an attempt to preserve the process, and not a treatment at all. That is, this attempt may or may not be successful; in fact, we rely on luck. In addition, under the layer of black silver it is not visible how far the process is spreading. As a result, too often the tooth happily rots further, while the parents think that everything is fine.

Why do doctors very often say that nothing can be done and we have to wait? Yes, because in our country treating children is a completely unprofitable business.

public service is allocated strictly for treatment certain time, while the personal characteristics of the child are not taken into account at all (i.e., is it necessary to persuade him), the nurse, as a rule, does not work in tandem with a specific doctor, there is simply not enough modern materials and conditions for quality work. Commercial children's services are literally at odds for another reason - treatment of children is much more expensive than an adult, and in our conditions there are not many people willing to pay such an increased price. That is why it is much easier to “anoint and send away” in half a minute.

It must be said that abroad, even prosthetics for children is a completely common, routine matter. For us, it seems like some kind of almost space technology.

What's the best thing to do?

— Silver plating is permissible only at the initial stage of the process. If after a month or two it is clear that the process does not stop, see the next point.

— If there is already a cavity (and not just a stain), then it is necessary to fill it. No better drills have yet been invented, especially in comparison with various “laser treatments” or “treatment without drilling.” The laser has quite a few limitations, but none Chemical substance cannot clean the cavity from rotten as well as a drill, although the choice is certainly yours.

Rotten tooth- source of infection. Removing baby teeth too early is certainly not a good option. But if baby tooth disappeared “to the core”, then it is necessary to evaluate which evil is less - a chronic source of infection (which can also affect permanent teeth) or a hypothetical (i.e. which may not exist) uneven teeth in the future. To save space for the future permanent tooth, there are so-called “place keepers”.

— Statements that “baby teeth cannot be treated” are a blatant lie! They not only put fillings (and normal ones at that), but also remove nerves and fill canals (although not quite the same as for adults).

— If it is not possible to establish contact with a child (it is not possible), and more than one tooth needs to be treated, then the most the best option- anesthesia. Don't be afraid of anesthesia, it is completely different now than it was 20 years ago. In addition, the harm from psychological trauma There will be much more screaming and struggling children. Not to mention the pain and risk of getting serious injury if the child twitches. Just in case, the turbine installation produces a minimum of 300 thousand boron revolutions per minute.

- Really effective prevention- the so-called fissure sealing. This is a coating of teeth (we are talking about still healthy teeth, not already missing ones) with a special composition (like white varnish), which hardens under the influence of a special lamp, “smoothes out” tooth irregularities and releases fluoride (which increases the tooth’s resistance to caries).

laughs for at least six months (usually more). Special attention Let me point out that using a drug called “fluoride varnish” is far from the best option. This is a very cheap domestic varnish that hardly hardens on the tooth, is almost completely washed off the tooth within a few hours, but it holds up remarkably well if it gets on clothes.

— The teething dates are written here.

Please note once again that deviations from these deadlines by 6 months in one direction or another are the norm! The order of cutting is arbitrary and most often does not play a special role!

The choice, as always, is yours.

Consultations by Dmitry Solovyov at ClubCom


How are children's teeth silvered?

The process of silvering children's teeth is as follows: a solution of silver nitrate is applied to teeth cleaned of plaque using a swab. As a result of this procedure, a protective silver film of insoluble salts is formed, which helps stop tooth decay and destroy all harmful bacteria. Silvering is carried out three times every 5-7 days, up to 3 times a year. This is a simple and fairly quick procedure that even a 2-year-old child can withstand.

What do teeth look like after silvering?

The preventive method absolutely painless for the child. But the baby’s small teeth, like his smile, are a short time will become completely unattractive. This happens because the protective film that is applied to the teeth darkens over time, leaving the teeth simply black in color. However, this will soon pass, but the effect will remain.

Dr. Komarovsky’s attitude towards silvering of teeth

Komarovsky E.V. - pediatrician and candidate medical sciences strongly confirms the fact that silvering is not a treatment for dental caries. Based on his experience, the doctor emphasizes that this preventive procedure is carried out quickly and painlessly. The child tolerates it very well. Komarovsky warns that correct silvering can only be carried out by a competent specialist. Self-medication at home is unacceptable! The doctor highlights several important points:

If, after silvering the teeth, the caries process does not slow down, then it is necessary to use traditional methods(sealing).

A tooth damaged by deep caries can be removed to avoid a source of infection. The possibility of using anesthesia when treating baby teeth will help to avoid unpleasant moments and injury to the child from the drill.

Silvering at the NEW AGE clinic

Dental clinic " New Age"is a multifunctional clinic with modern medical equipment. Here they are happy to welcome you and provide necessary help For young patients, in particular, milk teeth are silvered. After consultation with a competent specialist, if necessary, it will be possible to carry out this procedure silver plating at very reasonable prices.

Alternatives to silver plating

This technique of silvering has been carried out for decades; it is already considered slightly outdated. There are some modern techniques, in which the child’s smile remains attractive, is:

— Fluoridation

— Individual spoons or mouthguards

— Fissure sealing

Fluoridation is the treatment of teeth with special compounds containing fluoride. The procedure for applying these compositions is similar to silver plating. An individual spoon or tray with fluoride-containing gel is placed in the child’s mouth for 4 minutes. The procedure must be carried out once every six months.

Fissure sealing is the treatment of teeth with a glassy composition that protects baby teeth from destruction and the effects of caries. Proper care behind the oral cavity, balanced diet will help avoid the occurrence of caries.

Reviews from parents of young patients in the children's department of the NEW AGE clinic



How is it carried out?

Before you send your baby to the dentist, you should think about whether you really need silvering and what it is. Not all parents understand exactly what this method provides and perceive it as a panacea for caries.

The technique is based on the use of solutions with silver nitrate - saphoride or arginate. This substance is characterized by antiseptic properties. After the procedure, a thin film appears on the teeth, which prevents the growth of bacteria.

Silvering baby teeth in children can only help in the first stage of caries, when a barely noticeable white spot appears, visible only to the experienced eye of a dentist. If caries is advanced, the procedure can only do harm. Silver nitrate has the ability to penetrate deep into and affect the pulp.

When you go to the dentist, the doctor's job is to do a thorough cleaning. oral cavity from the raid. Only then can he begin to apply silver nitrate. To do this, simply dip a cotton swab into the solution and apply it to the surface of the teeth for several minutes.

By the way, the procedure will not save chewing units, since silver should only be applied to a flat surface.

After the doctor finishes applying the silver, a grayish coating will remain on the enamel. It indicates that the entire simple operation was successful, and the baby’s teeth are protected from harmful bacteria.

Before sending their child to the dentist, parents should carefully consider whether they agree to the procedure. The point is that in modern world In dentistry, there are many pros and cons of this method of preventing caries in children.

In Europe and the USA, this method is considered outdated; few people use it. However, in Russia they often resort to it. What attracts parents to silver?

Among the advantages of the technique are:

  • absence of pain and speed;
  • reliable protection against caries.

This is where the advantages end, and the last point can be questioned, because not all tooth surfaces can be protected in this way.

But there are many disadvantages:

  • silver is applied only to a flat surface;
  • applies only to children over 2 years of age who have already formed their primary dentition;
  • Before the procedure, thorough brushing of the teeth is necessary, which also takes time;
  • not used for advanced stages of caries;
  • After silvering, teeth acquire an unsightly black tint;
  • to obtain the effect, you need to carry out the procedure several times a year;
  • if caries continues to develop, it will be less noticeable against a gray background, parents cannot see the hole in time and take the baby to the dentist for full treatment.

When agreeing to the procedure, parents must clearly understand why silvering is done and not create illusions. This is not an all-powerful protection of enamel, but only a temporary measure to prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria.

What are the options?

Silvering is not the only method of protecting children's teeth from caries. There is a worthy alternative to this method - fluoridation, but it works differently.

A preparation containing fluoride is applied to the enamel. It nourishes teeth, strengthens them and prevents them from decaying. However, fluoride is not a protective barrier for bacteria, and the procedure does not require preliminary cleaning of the oral cavity. Fluoridation, like silver plating, protects the enamel only at the white spot stage and is not able to fight deep caries.

However, a significant advantage of the procedure is the ability to carry it out at home. The only exception is fluorosis (it is better to consult a dentist before fluoridation), and increased content fluoride in the water of the region where you live.

If you use exclusively purified bottled water, then there is nothing to worry about: the procedure is not contraindicated for you.

Fluoridation at home is very simple. To do this, you need to buy a drug containing fluoride at the pharmacy, apply it to your teeth and hold for a few seconds, then rinse your mouth thoroughly.

Silvering, like fluoridation, does not take much time. They allow you to postpone going to the dentist with a serious problem and avoid the drill when the child is still very small and afraid of it like fire.


Why are teeth silvered?

Features of caries early age is its very rapid progression, which often leads to tooth loss. Some parents do not consider this a serious problem, since temporary teeth should fall out soon anyway. But premature loss of elements milk bite may cause orthodontic problems in adults. Therefore, it is extremely important to stop the development of the disease as early as possible.

Silvering of baby teeth is a proven method for preventing childhood caries.

If you have time to silver the baby teeth at the white spot stage, you can avoid the process spreading deep into the tissues and preserve them until the time of natural replacement.

What is silver dental treatment?

The method of silvering children's teeth is not new in dentistry. For many decades, doctors have been using this procedure to treat the initial stages of caries in young children.

Silver plating is not an entirely accurate term. Not pure is used for treatment noble metal, and its active salts. The composition of the medicinal product includes silver fluoride diamine. When it interacts with the inorganic component of the enamel, microscopic crystals of silver phosphate and calcium fluoride are formed, which seal the dentinal tubules and prevent the entry of pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, silver ions suppress microbial activity.

The tooth surface treated in this way becomes much denser and more resistant to the action of acids that enter with food or are released by bacteria in the course of their life.

Today, the most common drugs for silvering teeth in children are the Japanese “Saforaid” and the Russian “Argenat”. They have a comprehensive therapeutic and preventive effect on tooth enamel and are absolutely safe for the child’s health.

How are baby teeth silvered?

The silvering technique is simple and does not take much time. Tooth surface affected by caries, thoroughly clean it of plaque and carefully apply it with a cotton applicator. medicinal drug. That's all. No discomfort and negative reaction This procedure does not cause problems in a child.

How many times it is necessary to repeat the silvering process is decided individually in each case. Usually 3-5 procedures are enough, which are performed daily or every other day. Such courses are repeated every 4-6 months.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Like any other medical procedure, silvering of teeth has its own indications and contraindications for use.

This technique is indicated only if caries is detected at the spot stage in a child under 3 years of age.

Silvering has the following contraindications:

  1. Damage to dentin caries.
  2. The child has severe somatic diseases.
  3. Presence of a child allergic reactions on the constituent components of medicinal preparations.
  4. Age over 3 years, when it is possible to use other methods.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

To date, the opinions of pediatric dentists regarding the procedure for coating children’s teeth with silver are ambiguous. There are many supporters of this technique, since it has proven its effectiveness for decades. These include the famous doctor Komarovsky, who does not exclude silvering as a treatment option initial manifestations caries. But there are also its opponents, who point out a number of negative aspects.

Advantages of the procedure:

  • the ability to stop the development of the carious process;
  • absence of negative reaction from the little patient;
  • Silver plating is not contraindicated in young children;
  • relatively low cost and accessible to everyone.

Disadvantages of silvering teeth:

  • the formation of black plaque on the tooth surface, which looks very unaesthetic;
  • It is impossible to use the technique for deep carious processes.

It is precisely because of such negative consequences in children school age It is not recommended to silver plate the front baby teeth, as this can cause psychological discomfort in the child and ridicule from classmates.

Many people have heard that one of the methods for treating caries of baby teeth is silvering teeth in children, but not all parents know what it is, how effective it is and how the child tolerates such a procedure.

Despite its popularity, the method of silvering baby teeth is still a rather outdated method of combating caries in children in the early stages. To date there are others, more modern methods , which will be relevant when, due to contraindications, your child’s teeth cannot be silvered, and you do not want them to become darker:

  1. method of dental ozonation – teeth are treated with antimicrobial ozone, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria disappear, and caries stops developing;
  2. fluoridation or remineralization - treatment of enamel with a fluoride-containing preparation. After treatment, a mineral film appears on the teeth, which reliably protects the teeth from infections. However, fluoridation is best done for children aged 3 years and older.

Carry out the silvering procedure At home it is strictly not recommended, despite the apparent simplicity of its implementation. Despite the fact that silver diamines do not pose any particular danger, if handled incorrectly, they can cause allergies in a child.

In addition, without the participation of a doctor, you will not be able to determine the extent of caries damage. If caries has passed the initial stage, such a procedure can result in complications.

Also clean the enamel from heavy raid at home it is extremely difficult and it will not give the expected result. Therefore, the procedure for silvering teeth for the smallest should be carried out only in the dental chair.

But soft fluoridation of children's teeth you can do it yourself subject to proper conditions. First of all, it is necessary to use special fluoride-containing toothpastes for children and fluoride in preparations with food to clean teeth.

You should use only those gels and pastes for brushing your teeth that are marked that they are suitable for children. It is highly undesirable for young children to use adult toothpastes with fluoride, since the amount of fluoride they contain can be dangerous for children's teeth.

Basically, assortment of children's pastes It is quite wide and choosing exactly what is right for your child based on the doctor’s recommendation and financial capabilities will not be difficult.

As you can see, silvering children’s teeth is an outdated procedure, but it is the most effective in treating early-stage caries in children under three years of age.

The portal Stom-Firms.ru contains prices for silvering teeth in Moscow. Easy-to-compare tables show the cost of the most common dental services for children. Using the filter, you can select the area and metro station you are interested in, selecting the most suitable geographical option. Reviews about silvering of teeth left by parents of young patients will be useful.

Silvering saves children from caries

The method of silvering teeth is so popular because of its inexpensive price, long-term results and safety for the baby’s health. In dental practice, medications based on silver fluoride diamine are used, which strengthen the top layer of enamel and stop caries. Doctors recommend vigilantly monitoring the condition and color of baby teeth, and if cloudy white or yellowish spots appear, immediately visit the dentist.

Methodology and results of silvering

Caries in children from 1 to 3 years old is a real problem, because it is difficult to fully cure a tooth, the baby cries, breaks out and does not allow the doctor to work.

Silvering of teeth is carried out as a temporary measure, when the child gets older, it will be possible to safely manipulate sharp dental instruments and drills in his mouth. And until 3-4 years of age, it is better to get by with such treatment that you cannot get hurt. What are the advantages of the procedure and why is it useful? It's simple:

  1. Silvering teeth in children is effective and not painful. Prevention of further deepening of caries is carried out without anesthesia. Silvering of baby teeth is done quickly and does not cause any discomfort. The doctor uses a cotton swab or applicator to apply the medicine to the area affected by caries. Active substances The drug strengthens the upper layers of enamel - and that’s it, the child can go home. In total, the procedure takes from half an hour to an hour, depending on the perseverance of the baby.
  2. The drugs are certified and safe. Most often, pediatricians use the medications Argenate or Saforide. The safety of these medications for children has been confirmed by domestic and foreign clinical studies. When used correctly, medications cannot cause a chemical burn or cause any harm to the baby’s health.
  3. Treatment is strictly individual, and therefore effective. The dentist assesses the depth and location of carious spots and determines how many times the affected area needs to be treated in order to improve its condition as much as possible. According to the standard regimen, the medicine is applied 3 times every other day, and then 3-4 times throughout the year. You don’t have to go to the doctor often, because the protective composition is absorbed into the tooth, built into its tissues and stays there for a long time.

For primary and secondary treatment, it is best to visit the same pediatric dentist, so the doctor will be able to monitor the condition of the teeth over time.

Disadvantages and price of the silvering procedure

Parents are interested in what pitfalls such treatment has. Dentists make no secret of this and talk about the disadvantages of the procedure:

Silvering teeth in children costs on average 1,500-500 rubles per tooth; prices in clinics vary significantly. Alternative methods, for example, ozonation or fluoridation, are no cheaper, and provide fewer guarantees of a positive result.

When choosing dentistry, you need to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the experience of the attending physician. A competent dentist will perform a high-quality treatment with a silver solution and give parents sensible advice on further prevention of caries.

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