“Vital” - vitamin B3 (PP): what is its significance and in what foods is it found? Vitamin PP: what products contain this unique substance

Vitamin B3 is known under several names: niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP. It may not be enough in the body, which will affect the nervous system, mood and reaction to stimuli.

Its simple designation is known as “calmness vitamin”. It is the only recognized drug that helps produce serotonin, which is responsible for the functioning of the brain and nerve cells.

So where, what foods contain vitamin B3 (PP), what role does nicotinic acid play in our body, and why is a deficiency of this element dangerous? We'll figure out.

Effect on the body

All B vitamins help the body convert food into energy. A nicotinic acid - important element for cell turnover.

Works as an antioxidant for cells and is involved in signaling between cells. Essential for normal metabolism.

It is an easily digestible substance(he does not need additional elements for absorption by the body) and water-soluble.

All water-soluble elements are assigned to group B and do not accumulate in the body, but are quickly broken down and absorbed.

Vitamin B3 is plant origin(nicotinic acid) and animal origin (nicotinamide).

Functions in the body:

  • increases the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL, HDL);
  • helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol (LDL);
  • prevention of heart disease;
  • suppresses stressful conditions;
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes 1st type;
  • regulates sugar levels;
  • improves eyesight;
  • promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • participates in the breakdown of BJU.

Problems that arise as a result of vitamin deficiency: digestive disorders, pellagra, dermatitis, cardiovascular diseases, diseases nervous system, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Supplementation with vitamin B3 is not recommended for people with an exacerbation peptic ulcer, gout, hypertension.

When used, normal, signs of nicotinic acid deficiency

The whole set of vitamins necessary for health and wellness must be received per day. For niacin, this is about 20 mg/day.

Deficiency symptoms:

  • increased fatigue;
  • dermatitis;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • blurred vision;
  • depressive states;
  • memory problems;
  • confusion;
  • decrease in blood sugar levels bad feeling, sudden fatigue, trembling in the limbs);
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • soreness in the arms and legs.

An excess of a vitamin manifests itself in similar symptoms.: bad dream, nausea and lack of appetite (impaired work digestive tract), weakness, muscle pain.

A large amount of niacin is found in meat and meat products Therefore, vegetarians and people who eat plant foods are at risk for vitamin B3 deficiency.

What a lack of vitamin B3 can lead to, watch a video on this topic:

Deficiency is caused by:

  • professional sports;
  • long stay in the Far North;
  • hard work;
  • constant stress;
  • constant exposure to hot temperatures at work;
  • pregnancy;
  • the predominance of food of plant origin.

Sources of niacin: what is it and where is it most

There are vitamin complexes or only nicotinic acid in capsules and tablets- Athletes often resort to them during the intensive phase of training.

But you can get niacin from your daily diet.- vegetables, berries, fruits.

Vitamin B3 is found in foods containing fiber.

Product B3 content per 100 g % of daily allowance
Raw peanuts 18 mg 95 %
Seeds (not roasted) 15.7 mg 79 %
Tuna 15.5 mg 79 %
Turkey meat 13.3 mg 67 %
Beef liver (raw) 13 mg 65 %
Wheat bran (infused in warm water) 13 mg 67 %
Mackerel 11 mg 58 %
Sesame (not roasted) 11 mg 56 %
Honey mushrooms (canned) 10 mg 54 %
Alfalfa 10 mg 54 %
Sausage 10 mg 54 %
Aspen mushrooms (mushrooms) 9.8 mg 49 %
Mackerel canned in oil 9.8 mg 9.8 mg
Stew (canned) 8 mg 43 %
White mushrooms (dried) 8 mg 43 %
Beef (after heat treatment) 8 mg 42 %
Pink salmon (baked) 8 mg 41 %
Wheat 7.8 mg 39 %
Calamari (canned in oil) 7.5 mg 38 %
Buckwheat 7 mg 36 %
Lamb (after heat treatment) 7 mg 36 %
Soft cheese 7 mg 34 %
Barley 6.5 mg 33 %
Beans (raw) 6.5 mg 32 %
Almond 6 mg 31 %
Hard cheese 6 mg 28 %
Brynza 5 mg 25 %
Fat-free cottage cheese 4 mg 20 %
Curd 18% 3.8 mg 19 %
Chicken egg 3.6 mg 18 %
Condensed milk 1.9 mg 10 %
Raw yolk 0.024 mg ˂3%

About food with vitamin B3, see this video:

Interaction with other substances

The lack of vitamin B3 in the body is caused by foods enriched with starch.- corn, potatoes, rice, wheat.

Niacin deficiency can occur with the constant and systematic use of starch-enriched foods - a rice diet, for example.

Therefore, at the time of the formation of America, where potatoes and corn were common as the main nutrients, pellagra (B3 deficiency) raged in some areas, which is treated just by increasing doses. nicotinic acid.

Vitamin B3 (vitamin PP, niacin, nicotinic acid) is a very necessary vitamin for humans, which takes part in many vital processes in the body.

Description of Vitamin B3 (Vitamin PP):
Vitamin B3 (also known as niacin, nicotinic acid, vitamin PP) is water-soluble, one of the most indispensable and important for humans. IN pure form is a white, odorless powder. Vitamin B3 enters the human body with food, but in case of its deficiency, it is prescribed in the form of drugs.
IN Food Industry many countries use food supplement E-375 (nicotinic acid). In Russia, this additive is prohibited for use in food products, since vitamin B3 (PP) is the only one of all vitamins that is a drug and has clear indications for use, as well as contraindications.
The drug "Nicotinic acid" is sold in almost all pharmacies in the form of tablets, powders or solutions for injection. But you should take such drugs only as directed by your doctor. These medicines can be prescribed not only to compensate for vitamin B3 deficiency, but also to treat many diseases.
Vitamin B3 (PP) can be produced in small amounts independently in the human body. But for this in the diet in in large numbers foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan should be provided. Despite this, the main supplier of vitamin B3 (PP) is still food rich in this vitamin.

Why does the body need vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):

  • Vitamin B3 is involved in tissue respiration and promotes proper tissue growth.
  • plays important role in the work of the cardiovascular system, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, protects against the formation of blood clots, dilates blood vessels.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the production of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B3 is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • Controls the level of glucose in the blood and its conversion into energy, normalizes the functioning of the pancreas, thereby helping to protect the body from diabetes.
  • Participates in the production of many hormones, including testosterone, progesterone, insulin and others.
  • Vitamin B3 stimulates work digestive system enhances intestinal peristalsis.
  • Participates in the neutralization of certain toxins.
  • Sufficient intake of vitamin B3 in the body contributes to correct work nervous system, protects against mental illness.
  • The condition of the skin, hair, nails and joints depends on this vitamin.

Interaction of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) with other substances:

  • B vitamins are poorly absorbed without vitamin B3 (PP).
  • Vitamin B3 (PP) itself is better absorbed in the presence of copper and vitamin B6.

The daily requirement of the body for vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):
The daily requirement of the body for vitamin B3 (PP) for adults is about 20 mg, for children it varies from 6 to 21 mg, depending on the period of development. The need for this vitamin increases with increased physical and mental stress, as well as during pregnancy.

Products containing vitamin B3 (vitamin PP):
Vitamin B3 (PP) is found in many foods of both plant and animal origin. It should be noted that no more than 20% of this vitamin is lost during the heat treatment of foods, so even heat-treated foods can contain a large amount of nicotinic acid. The leaders in the content of vitamin B3 (PP) are the following products:

  • Meat products:, white meat and,.
  • Fish:, and others.
  • Dairy products: cheese,.
  • Vegetable products: cereals (,), legumes (, soybeans), nuts, and many others.

Lack of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) in the body:
Lack of vitamin B3 (PP) is not very common. Deficiency of this vitamin usually occurs when malnutrition(predominant nutrition of starchy foods), chronic or in violation of the function of absorption in the intestine. Also, vitamin B3 deficiency (PP) can occur with heavy physical exertion, frequent stress and certain diseases.
A prolonged lack of vitamin B3 (PP) disrupts the functioning of all body systems and can manifest itself as follows: nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, headaches, weakness, insomnia, decreased appetite, various mental disorders, dry skin, dermatitis, decreased mental capacity and other manifestations. Chronic deficiency of vitamin B3 (PP) leads to the development of pellagra disease, which is manifested by the above symptoms.

An excess of vitamin B3 (vitamin PP) in the body:
Getting an excess of vitamin B3 (PP), getting it only from food is quite difficult, because small excesses are excreted from the body naturally. An overabundance is rare and can occur with an overdose of drugs containing nicotinic acid. This may appear the following symptoms: dizziness, decreased pressure, redness of the skin, numbness and tingling in the muscles and skin.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

With the participation of vitamin PP, redox processes occur in the tissues of the body. This is the main role of vitamin PP, which has a beneficial effect on the metabolism, especially fats. In addition, vitamin PP reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, is involved in the formation of energy from fats and carbohydrates.

Vitamin PP protects a person from cardiovascular diseases such as thrombosis, and also prevents the occurrence of diabetes and hypertension. Significantlack of vitamin PP leads to malfunctions of the nervous system. Migraine being enough complex disease, can be prevented or alleviated by the additional intake of vitamin PP.

The health of the digestive tract and, in particular, the stomach, depends on a sufficient amount of vitamin PP, since it effectively eliminates inflammation, stimulates the production digestive juice, activates the functions of the pancreas and liver, increases the speed of food moving through the intestines.

Nicotinic acid, niacin, vitamin B3 and vitamin PP are, in essence, the same substance, which is only called differently. In most cases, the name nicotinic acid or niacin is used.

When compiling a diet, it is necessary to know exactly to what extent vitamin PP is contained in various products, because the concept of the daily norm of vitamin PP is important, which for an adult healthy person is 20 milligrams. Children's body vitamin PP requires different amount V different ages- 6 milligrams for a six-month-old child and 21 milligrams per day for a teenager. During nervous and physical activity, for example, women during pregnancy and lactation need more vitamin PP - up to 25 milligrams per day, and in some cases more.

Vitamin PP deficiency

Manifestations of an insufficient amount of vitamin PP in the body are multiple and unpleasant. In a nutshell, these are dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite, heartburn, and general digestive problems such as diarrhea, soreness. oral cavity in particular the gums.

A permanent lack of vitamin PP is expressed in fatigue And muscle weakness. Increased irritability, apathy up to depression, headaches, insomnia are observed. In the most "peak" cases, dementia, delusions and hallucinations occur. A person can lose orientation in space. Avitaminosis PP - its complete absence - leads to the appearance of pellagra.

Where is vitamin PP found

Nicotinic acid is found in many products. Vitamin PP is found in large quantities in various products both animal and plant origin. The first includes pork, beef liver, various cheeses, fish meat, milk and dairy products, kidneys, eggs, white chicken meat.

However, in the second group of products - plant origin - vitamin PP is contained in greater quantities. These products are -


Nicotinic acid is good for hair. The use of vitamin PP for hair gives good effect when rubbing it in the form of a solution into the roots or in the form of masks. Its action is based on the fact that it expands and strengthens blood vessels, there is an active delivery of oxygen and trace elements to the bulbs. Cells are renewed, this leads to hair growth. For external use, you can use vitamin PP in ampoules.

For those who are prone to baldness, this remedy will help stop or at least slow down the process. The composition of vitamin PP contains substances that contribute to the production of pigment by the body hairline which slows down graying. Active supply of hair follicles and roots with oxygen improves the structure of the hairline, the hair is given a natural shine and softness.

Symptoms of a lack of vitamin PP

The lack of vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is recognized by certain symptoms:

  1. Digestive disorder.
  2. Dryness of the skin.
  3. Pain in the gums.
  4. Headache, muscle, joint pain.
  5. Insomnia.

The difference between PP and other B vitamins is that it is involved in creating a positive hormonal background. With its deficiency, the hormones estrogen, cortisone, insulin, testosterone, progesterone, thyroxine stop their formation. As a result, diabetes mellitus progresses and arterial pressure. In diabetes mellitus, it is possible to reduce insulin injections, provided that vitamin PP is regularly taken.

The effect of taking vitamin PP in tablets is noted after a few days, intramuscular injection significantly accelerates the processes of treatment or preventive action.

What is the need for vitamin PP

The body's need for nicotinic acid is not unlimited, so it is necessary to monitor compliance daily dose her acceptance. The standard rate that everyone needs to maintain the balance of the substance in the blood, tissues and cells is 15-20 mg. For people who are engaged in physical labor, or athletes, it is recommended to increase the dose to 25 mg per day. Children after two years - about 5 mg, at the age of 10 years - 15 mg, at the age of puberty it is necessary to increase the dose to 18 mg for girls and up to 20 mg for boys.

If vitamin PP is prescribed as medicinal product, then in each case the dose is individual and is prescribed by the attending physician in the form of tablets, subcutaneous or intramuscular injections.


Despite the beneficial properties, taking nicotinic acid as a therapeutic drug has individual contraindications. Reception is contraindicated in severe forms hypertension, atherosclerosis, gout, exacerbations chronic diseases stomach and intestines.

It is necessary to consult a specialist in order to avoid an excess of vitamin in the body. Redness of the skin on the chest, neck, face, sensations of heat are the first indicators that the body is oversaturated with nicotinic acid.

Watch this video about useful properties nicotinic acid for weight loss, hair growth and others.

Also read on our blog about for the whole family with a detailed analysis of the beneficial properties.

Today we say goodbye to you. Do not forget to take care of your body - it will definitely thank you in the future! Read our blog and subscribe to it. We are waiting for your questions in the comments. What preparations with vitamin PP did you use?

B vitamins play a very important role in maintaining human health. one of them important parts such a complex is vitamin PP. About him healing properties known for a long time, so it is widely used by the pharmaceutical industry in the manufacture of drugs for therapy. So, vitamin PP, what is it and why does the human body need it, where does it contain unique substance?

Such vitamins are also called nicotinic acid, they became known in the 19th century, but physicians became aware of their exceptional healing properties only in the 50s of the last century. Its unique features for maintaining human health are still not fully disclosed, so in the course of modern scientific and medical research new ones open every time. This substance is often referred to as vitamin B3.

What is vitamin PP for? Nicotinic acid is a very important biological compound, positive influence vitamin PP affects all processes of the human body, which are vital.

It is well known that in products with high content nicotinamide, there are substances that can prevent the formation of cholesterol-type plaques in human blood. Under their influence, the arterial walls no longer thicken, which effectively helps in resisting atherosclerosis and migraine. It is clear why vitamin B3 is so important for maintaining normal state person.

Since this vitamin contains unique substances that are biologically active, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are quickly converted in the human body, all this contributes to increased energy. In addition, blood sugar levels are quickly converted into muscle tissue carbohydrates are converted, the same process is observed in the liver area, which is subsequently actively used by the human body.

When is Vitamin B3 Needed?

In addition to all the benefits that nicotinic acid brings to human health, one more thing should be noted. unique property- the product has anti-diabetic properties. This is very important for those people who suffer from diabetes, because if you follow a diet high in this vitamin, the need for a large number of insulin injections is eliminated.

And with the help of niacin (also called vitamin B3), sex hormones are formed in those people who have certain sexual disorders. Here we are talking about both impotence and loss of erectile function. This is very important for the representatives of the stronger sex, they need to know what products contain it, and they definitely don’t need to ask why they need it.

If you regularly consume vitamin B3, then the possibility of suffering from arthrosis is significantly reduced. Joints become more flexible, swelling and pain do not bother a person. And if such a substance is not enough in the human body, such serious problems with health as various skin ailments. It is quite difficult to fight them, but with nicotinic acid, even such serious illnesses pass easier.

In order for the genetic material to be formed correctly, the body needs all the minerals and vitamins in the proper amount, but it is PP that is directly related to genetic code human, evidenced by recent Scientific research. In the course of such studies, another exceptional property of nicotinic acid was clarified - in people who used it on a regular basis, Alzheimer's disease was observed much less frequently. The effect contained in B3 is really unique, it is especially good that desired product with its contents can always be found in free sale.

And also RR the most actively used to treat depression, memory problems, hyperactivity in children, inflammation of the skin, vision problems, intestinal disorders, alcohol dependence and some mental illnesses. But with this high-nutrient acid, be careful.

What foods contain vitamin B3

If you know what foods contain vitamin B3, it becomes not entirely clear why many more people suffer from its lack. Despite the fact that it is found in abundance in the most different products nutrition, some people are still deficient in it. This is especially true for countries with underdeveloped economies, since a large number of people here simply do not have the opportunity to fully eat, often suffer from chronic alcoholism and other diseases.

It is important to know which foods contain such a unique vitamin in sufficient quantities and be sure to include them in the diet.

So, vitamin PP is contained in such foods:

  • it is useful to drink juice from tomatoes, grapes and apples. It is best to make such juices on your own, then you can get the maximum amount of useful substances from them;
  • nuts are among those products in which nicotinic acid is contained in large quantities. It is especially important to eat more nuts for those people who are older and those women who plan to know the joy of motherhood in the near future. This is very a good product for people who do not eat meat and fish;
  • it is noteworthy that the benefits of a substance depend not only on the amount in which it is contained in food, but also on the form in which it is present. It is recommended to eat more legumes, as there vitamin PP is contained in an easily digestible form. For comparison, it is contained in sufficient quantities in cereal crops, but there it is in a form that is absorbed by the body with difficulty. So, you need to eat more buckwheat, millet porridge, rice and semolina;
  • if we talk about products in which vitamin PP is contained in the maximum accessible form, that is fresh vegetables. But there is not much of such a trace element. An exception in this regard is potatoes, bell pepper, garlic and zucchini - there are a lot of useful substances;
  • a sufficient amount of nicotinic acid is found in fresh fruits;
  • almost all products of dairy origin contain vitamin PP in their composition. If a person regularly consumes milk, butter and cottage cheese, it can be firmly asserted that they will not have any problems with a lack of it. Only here, as in everything, it is necessary not to forget about the sense of proportion.

Vitamin PP is also contained in a number of other food products.

The value of vitamin PP for dietetics

If a person tries to live right (which is impossible without proper nutrition), then the required amount of vitamins should be supplied to his body on a regular basis. As for vitamin PP, its value is extremely high for those people who are overweight, since under the influence of nicotinic acid, the balance of fat in tissues is normalized, and this helps to improve metabolism in the human body.

Nutritionists strongly recommend consuming vitamin PP to those people whose work is disrupted. gastrointestinal tract. To speed up fat metabolism he also has importance, All fatty acid combine with molecules and are excreted from the human body.

If you actively (but in moderation!) Consume it, then there is no doubt that excess weight will soon go away. Do not think that such a substance is the only panacea for excess weight, but you can't do without it. And it also helps to increase the tone and the skin becomes stronger and more elastic.

About the side effects of vitamin PP

If we talk about the deficiency of such a useful substance in the human body, then this does not happen so often, because it is contained in a large number of products available to the general population. But if a person suffers from chronic alcoholism, then nicotinic acid deficiency is not uncommon in them, since useful material they just can't be absorbed by the body. A similar situation is often observed in older people. If a person does not have enough nicotinic acid in the body, then most often this is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • the general tone of the body decreases (a person constantly feels tired and lethargic);
  • disturbances in the vessels (often dizzy, migraine suffers, heart beats strongly);
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed;
  • sleep is bad.

If the situation is severe, then the following signs are already observed:

  • the skin becomes edematous, may become numb;
  • coordination is broken;
  • blood pressure rises significantly;
  • the head hurts a lot, accompanied by pain in the ears;
  • on skin red spots and bubbles appear;
  • in the mouth constantly burns, saliva is abundantly secreted;
  • the oral mucosa becomes red;
  • a person has problems with stool, poor appetite He is constantly weak.

If a person has an excess of vitamin PP in the body, then most often this is observed when the substance is consumed as an additional supplement for certain diseases.

An overestimated amount of PP in the body is influenced by such signs;

  • skin itching;
  • person often and without visible reasons be sick;
  • disorders of the stomach and intestines;
  • rash on the skin;
  • the person often and suddenly faints.

But it is not difficult to cope with an excess amount of PP in the human body - the dose of consumption is simply reduced and all side-type symptoms disappear.

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