Chronic diseases - type, list. How does an acute occupational disease differ from a chronic one?

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being in the absence of diseases and pathological conditions.

Disease - this is a pathological process that occurs in the human body as a result of the influence of various external and internal pathogenic factors (biological, social, physical, immunological, chemical, etc.) during the mobilization of the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of the body.

All classification diseases reflect different approaches to their grouping. For example:

By etiology - infectious, non-infectious;

According to the anatomical and topographic features of the main localization of the disease - diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, blood, etc.;

On the basis of gender and age - women's, children's, older age diseases.

Distinguish acute diseases(have a certain period of time flow) and chronic (continue throughout life, although recovery is possible).

IN disease progression There are four periods:

1. Latent (incubation) - the period from the first exposure to the cause of the disease to its first clinical manifestations;

2. Prodromal - the period of appearance of non-specific signs of the disease (before the deployment of complete clinical picture). Diagnosis during this period is great importance since early treatment leads to a favorable outcome of the disease.

3. The period of development of the disease - the appearance of specific signs of the disease, the full deployment of the clinical picture of the disease. Erased forms are possible, which are not accompanied by pronounced signs.

4. The period of recovery (convalescence) - the disappearance of signs of the disease, full recovery working capacity. Complete recovery is not always final. Possible development complications , i.e., changes in organs and systems that were not previously involved in the pathological process.

Course of the disease may be acute, subacute or chronic.

- The acute course of the disease is limited in time (one, two weeks), has an acute onset and rapid development of symptoms (flu, acute bronchitis).

- The subacute course is characterized by a slower, longer development of the disease, but it is also limited in time.

- Chronic illness runs throughout life.

For course of a chronic disease an exacerbation phase is distinguished, when there are all signs of the disease, as well as a remission phase, when all signs of a chronic disease are minimal or absent. A relapse is an exacerbation of a chronic disease 12 months or more after the previous one.

Outcomes of the disease:

- recovery;

- transition to chronic form;

- lethal (fatal) outcome;

- limitation or loss of ability to work, disability.

Disease prognosis is a prediction of the outcome of the disease. The prognosis depends on the type of disease, the severity of its course, the presence of complications, its impact on the activity of the vital important organs and human systems. He can be favorable (assumed recovery), doubtful (uncertainty of a favorable outcome) and unfavorable (death assumption). So, for example, when easy course focal pneumonia, the prognosis is favorable, with a complicated course of lobar pneumonia - doubtful, and in stage IV cancer - unfavorable.

Etiology - the study of the causes of disease. Among the reasons, there are several main groups:

Biological causes- these are pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa), worms (helminths), blood-sucking insects (flies, mosquitoes, ticks), carriers of pathogens from sick people to healthy ones.

Mechanical causes- injuries, fractures, bruises, concussions, wounds.

Physical reasons - exposure to temperature (burns, frostbite, thermal shock), exposure to moisture, electric current, ionizing radiation, lights, etc.

Chemical causes- solid or liquid, dusty, poisonous gaseous substances (acute or chronic poisoning). These are industrial hazards.

Alimentary reasons - overeating, abuse of spicy, hot, fatty foods, eating poor-quality food, mushroom poisoning.

Mental Causes : effects on the central nervous system, psyche in the form of acute and chronic stress injuries. Misbehavior, a word at the bedside can cause iatrogenic disease (iatrogenic).

Social causes: unsatisfactory living and working conditions that reduce the body's resistance to various harmful influences.

Genetic Causes (hereditary): genetic predisposition or the presence of abnormalities in chromosomal systems. genetically determined diseases: hemophilia, diabetes mellitus, ischemic disease heart, etc. Hereditary predisposition can be influenced preventive measures. People with a genetic predisposition are not doomed to the disease. It’s just that, under equal circumstances, they have a higher chance of getting sick.

Risk factors - these are various disease-causing causes, which greatly increase the likelihood of the onset or development of the disease. Unlike causes, risk factors do not necessarily develop a disease ( hereditary predisposition, children's or elderly age, malnutrition, fatigue).

Pathogenesis - the doctrine of the mechanisms of development, course and outcomes of the disease.

Distinguish phases of pathogenesis:

1. The impact of the etiological beginning;

2. Ways of its distribution in the body;

3. The nature of pathological changes in the tissues and systems of the body;

4. The outcome of the disease, the consequences - changes in the organs (scar, atrophy, etc.).

The study of pathogenesis is of great practical importance. Knowing the pathogenesis of the disease, it is possible to successfully intervene in its development, breaking certain links in the process with the help of chemotherapeutic agents, antibiotics, surgical interventions and etc.

Symptom - a sign of illness.

For example, coughing is a symptom of bronchitis; thirst is one of the symptoms of diabetes; pain in the heart is a symptom of angina pectoris.

There are symptoms: subjective and objective.

Subjective symptoms are the patient's feelings. This is a reflection in the mind of the patient of pathological changes in the body. For example, pain of different localization, dizziness, nausea, etc.

Objective symptoms are detected during examination of the patient: examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation. For example, edema, enlargement of the liver, spleen, heart murmurs, wheezing in the lungs, etc.

Syndrome - a set of closely related symptoms that reflect certain pathological changes in systems and tissues. Examples: edematous syndrome (edema, ascites, anasarca, pallor or cyanosis of the skin); bronchospastic (suffocation, cough, wheezing on auscultation); shock syndrome (weakness, pale skin, thready pulse, low blood pressure).

Diagnostics is the science of disease recognition. The term "diagnosis" includes examination of the patient and determination of the diagnosis.

Diagnosis - This is a brief conclusion about the essence of the disease.

Diagnostics (diagnostic search) includes the following steps:

Firstly, subjective examination of the patient - taking into account complaints, studying the history of the disease and the patient's life (anamnesis).

Secondly, objective examination of the patient - his morphological status is studied: individual characteristics the structure of the patient's body, the morphology of his organs (size, shape, position), the identification of the pathology of internal organs.

Third, functional tests and additional research methods (laboratory and instrumental). The functional features of the patient are studied by systems (circulatory system, respiration, digestion, etc. - the physiology of a particular person).

The diagnosis is always dynamic, it is not a complete, frozen formula, but changes along with the development of the disease. An important condition for the success of diagnosis is the appropriate environment, proper organization research and especially the patient's trust in the health worker.

The most important rule diagnostics is the observation of the symptoms of the disease in dynamics, in time, in change and development, taking into account the direction of the pathological process. Distinguish: provisional diagnosis, which is usually set only if there is a part of the information obtained during the examination of the patient (his complaints, anamnesis, objective examination, partially instrumental) and mainly at the preliminary stages of the examination in the clinic, admissions office. Final (clinical) diagnosis exhibit when all the data about the patient, including data from laboratory and instrumental studies, are available. Clinical diagnosis consists of a diagnosis of the underlying disease, a complication of the underlying disease, and concomitant diagnoses.

Classification chronic diseases

chronic diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Not surprising - a chronic disease for a long time, can grow and go unnoticed a long period time, as a rule, is diagnosed at a long stage of development, when there is practically no chance of ridding the body of the disease. Fortunately, chronic diseases can be prevented. What are kinds chronic diseases? What are the causes and risk factors for their development?

You will find answers to questions about how to prevent, where it comes from, how to treat and many other answers about ailments on our website.

  • cancer - all varieties
  • Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin disease

  • cardiovascular diseases: heart failure, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease,
  • chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
  • diabetes ,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • autoimmune disease: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, lupus, Crohn's disease, celiac disease,
  • epilepsy,
  • osteoporosis,

chronic diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), chronic diseases each year contribute to the deaths of more than 36 (57) million people in the world, which gives a statistics of about 63 percent of deaths per year, while almost 80 percent (29 million) of deaths caused by chronic diseases registered in countries with intermediate disease development.

The world of chronic diseases or how to beat chronic diseases video

According to the WHO, the most common chronic diseases in the world that cause death every year include cardiovascular disease (responsible for 17.3 million deaths per year), cancer (7.6 million), chronic respiratory diseases(4.2 million) and diabetes (1,300,000). Similarly, in Russia. In a report published by the WHO - noncommunicable diseases Country Profiles 2014 - From 2000 to 2012, the leading cause of death in our country was cardiovascular disease (49 percent of all deaths.). In second place was cancer (26 percent).

Chronic diseases - characteristics

Chronic diseases (lat. Chronicus, continuous or permanent process), these are diseases:

  • whose symptoms persist for more than 3 months, relapse and most often recur;
  • who have a slow start and low severity of symptoms;
  • Usually incurable because they are caused by irreversible pathological changes. This means that it is only possible to do symptom relief and inhibition of disease progression;

Basically, until the end of the life of a patient with such diagnoses, the physical activity therefore requires care and/or rehabilitation.

A characteristic feature is that they appear in early age, and develop over time, remaining unnoticed because they do not have any symptoms.

Video with Alexander about chronic diseases

Chronic disease affects both men and women equally, and the risk of its occurrence increases with age. For the elderly, the manifestation of it is even higher.

Chronic diseases always come as surprises, associated with shock and severe stress.

Chronic diseases - causes and risk factors

According to the WHO, chronic diseases are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and, in particular, by four factors, such as:

  • unhealthy diet (too much fat, too few fruits and vegetables). About 1.7 million deaths per year are attributable to poor nutrition;
  • insufficient or lack of physical activity - may be associated with about 3.2 million deaths annually;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking (according to the WHO, tobacco use kills 6 million people worldwide every year). This figure is expected to increase to 8 million by 2030.

Chronic diseases can be prevented

To prevent chronic diseases, it is enough to eliminate the risk factors. Then - according to the World Health Organization - 3/4 cases of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes can be prevented, and the risk of cancer can be reduced by 40 percent.

Other chronic diseases include obesity. According to a WHO survey in 2010 overweight reached 43 million children under the age of 5 worldwide. On the other hand, in 2008, 1.5 billion adults (above 20 years) were overweight. Chronic kidney disease is also considered chronic kidney disease (CKD). The latter disease is unique because it can complicate another type of disease: obesity combined with diabetes mellitus, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

Complete Table of Chronic Diseases

  • Addison disease
  • Suffocation
  • bronchiectasis
  • Heart failure
  • cardiomyopathy
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • chronic kidney disease
  • Cardiac ischemia
  • Crohn's disease
  • Diabetes
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2
  • Dystrophy
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hemophilia
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • High blood pressure
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Schizophrenia
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • bipolar mood disorder

So-called treatment algorithms have been developed to manage risks and ensure proper healthcare standards.

If you have one of the 25 chronic conditions listed, your medical scheme should not only cover medicines, but doctor's consultations plus tests related to your condition.

Chronic diseases are diseases that are not treated. traditional methods behind short time, they can last for years and even a lifetime, accompanied by periods of remission and relapse.

Chronic most often occur without obvious severe symptoms, however, they occur regularly in the presence of provoking factors. Unfortunately, chronic diseases can accompany a person all his life. According to statistics, more than 60% of annual deaths occur precisely because of chronic problems with health.

The list of chronic diseases is very long. Diseases of cardio-vascular system lead in the number of deaths, most often they affect older people.

The most common among them:

  • atherosclerosis. Very common arteries. It can already be called an epidemic. As a rule, it begins in youth and gradually gains momentum. Atherosclerosis can be hereditary or acquired during life due to bad habits and against the background of other diseases. This disease destroys the walls of the arteries and leads to the formation of plaques that build up over time, causing heart attacks and sudden death.
  • Cardiac ischemia. It's dangerous chronic illness hearts, striking coronary arteries and disturbing the work of the heart. There are several varieties of this, some of them lead to myocardial infarction and death, others are more harmless. The most dangerous is the non-painful form, since a person is unaware of the disease. It can only be detected during an ECG.
  • Chronic myocarditis. Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, usually caused by an infection. It may be asymptomatic or accompanied by chest pain and arrhythmia. Light form disease is curable, more serious course of chronic myocarditis leads to death.
  • Cardiomyopathy. This disease is dangerous because its causes are still unclear. The heart muscle enlarges due to lack of nutrition, and then stretches and gradually breaks down, leading to sudden death.

Infectious diseases

Some viruses and bacteria can cause infectious chronic diseases.

The most common viral chronic infections include:

  • Herpes. The virus is quite unpredictable. It is able to affect almost any part of the skin, organs and tissues. It appears in a variety of places. Primary herpes is often accompanied by complications, subsequently the disease is accompanied by constant relapses in the form of a cold on the lip, genital herpes, stomatitis, etc.
  • Cytomegalovirus. This virus can cause various diseases, provoking the immune restructuring of the body. Pregnant women are always checked for cytomegalovirus infection, as it is often congenital and passed down from the mother. This can manifest itself in many ways: from prematurity to developmental delay.
  • . It affects epithelial cells and mucous membranes. This virus causes various warts on the human body, and can also become a provocateur of oncology.

lung disease

Among chronic lung diseases common:

  • COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It's a mixture of bronchitis and emphysema. She represents real threat for life, as it does not allow a person to breathe normally. The patient has shortness of breath persistent cough with phlegm. This disease can progress over the years and, unfortunately, does not lend itself to any.
  • Chronic lung abscess. The acute form can flow into a chronic one. Pus accumulates in the lung tissue, causing inflammation. An abscess is treated with antibiotics, but most productive treatment- surgical. The area of ​​the lung along with purulent formation are removed.
  • Chronical bronchitis. Under the influence of adverse factors (smoking, dust, smoke), bronchial tissues undergo changes and become susceptible to infections. Thus arises chronic inflammation bronchi, which is constantly aggravated and lasts for years.
  • Bronchial asthma. This is chronic inflammation. respiratory tract accompanied by periods severe shortness of breath, coughing at the slightest irritant.

In children, the same chronic ones can occur as in adults. They can be congenital or acquired, when the acute form eventually flows into a chronic one.

Pediatricians note that in many cases the health of the child depends on the vigilance of the parents.

Common diseases:

  • Chronic pyelonephritis. Moms need to carefully monitor the frequency of urination of the child. If the volume of urine became small, it became cloudy and acquired Strong smell, it's disturbing. Infection, getting into the tissues of the kidneys, causes inflammation, pain, impaired urination. Even after a course of antibiotics, there is no certainty that the disease will not worsen again.
  • Diathesis. A fairly common childhood illness. The baby's skin becomes very sensitive. When irritants (food, drugs, dust, etc.) appear, a reaction occurs immediately in the form of a rash, redness. Doctors tend to believe that the cause is a feature immune system child.
  • Rickets. With a lack of vitamin D or metabolic disorders, rickets occurs, causing dangerous changes in the growing bones of the child. suffers also nervous system. The child becomes restless, irritable. The bones of the skull, legs, spine, chest are bent. The whole condition as a whole worsens: the child often gets sick, suffers from shortness of breath.
  • Chronical bronchitis. Bronchitis is quite common among children. This is due to poor environmental conditions and the growth of allergic reactions. Children with chronic bronchitis special care is required: constant support of immunity, protection against infectious diseases. It is especially difficult for such children in the kindergarten, they often get sick for a long time.
  • Rheumatism. As a result of the impact streptococcal infections or hereditary factors, a chronic disease develops, affecting, and joints. The first symptoms may appear very slowly. The disease progresses slowly. During an exacerbation, the joints swell, hurt, and the temperature rises. It is difficult for a child to make small movements.

Kidney and Bladder

The main function of the kidneys is to cleanse and excrete various substances. Violation of the kidneys leads to various complications and diseases.

Common problems:

  • Pyelonephritis. The infection enters the kidneys along with the blood and causes inflammation. Sometimes the cause is a weakened immune system, when bacteria and microorganisms already present in the body are activated. A person has difficulty urinating, back pain. Chronic pyelonephritis is exacerbated by hypothermia.
  • Chronic cystitis. Cystitis is an inflammation of the mucosa Bladder. Most often, women suffer from it, which is associated with anatomical features. Chronic cystitis is rarely accompanied severe pain, its more smoothed. If the cause is a chronic infection, it should be treated first.
  • Stones in the kidneys. At malnutrition and lifestyle, as well as impaired metabolism in the kidneys, stones and sand are formed. Moving along the ureters, they cause pain. may be different depending on the type, size and location of the stone: medical, surgical or endoscopic.

More information about treatment chronic pyelonephritis can be found in the video.

IN gastrointestinal tract includes several organs, so the list of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is quite large.

We will look at the most common:

  • Chronic gastritis. With gastritis, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. There are pains in the abdomen, especially on an empty stomach and in violation of the diet. Chronic gastritis requires strict adherence to the diet.
  • Chronic pancreatitis. A very common disease, the cause of which is not always possible to establish. The outflow of pancreatic juice is disturbed, as a result of which the gland digests itself. Treatment consists of taking enzymes and diet.
  • Chronic colitis. Under the term "colitis" may hide various pathologies, processes and diseases. Most often refers to inflammation of the large intestine. The patient has abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea.

Genitourinary system

to chronic diseases genitourinary system most often lead various infections And inflammatory processes in organism:

  • . This is an inflammation of the urethra, sexually transmitted. In women, the symptoms of urethritis are very similar to those of cystitis. The main symptoms are pus from the urethra, itching and burning in the perineum, painful urination. In men chronic urethritis can lead to prostatitis, in women - to. Treated with antiseptics.
  • Prostatitis. Chronic inflammation affects about 30% of men under the age of 50. Prostatitis can be caused by infections or fluid retention. For the first few years, no obvious symptoms appear, the man feels good and does not experience serious problems. However, after a while there are problems with erection.
  • Orchitis. This is a chronic inflammation of the testicle that occurs as a result of the transition acute form into chronic. Medical therapy aimed at reducing inflammation and maintaining general condition organism.
  • Epididymitis. Inflammation of the epididymis can occur as an independent disease or as a complication of another disease. There are pains in the perineum, the scrotum swells and turns red. Symptoms of chronic epididymitis appear only during an exacerbation.
  • Adnexitis. Inflammation of the appendages in the first place in terms of prevalence among gynecological diseases. It is dangerous because it is asymptomatic and leads to many complications, such as purulent inflammation and adhesions on the fallopian tubes

In the treatment of chronic diseases urogenital area First of all, they begin with the treatment of the root cause, otherwise a relapse will not take long.

dynamic medicine
Treatment of acute and chronic diseases:
What is the difference?

(Article from the magazine "Homeopathy Today", National Center Homeopathy USA, April/May, 2002, issue 22, no. 4, pp. 18-19)

Judith Reichenberg-Ullman, PhD, MSW, Diploma of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians; Robert Reichenberg-Ullman, PhD, Diploma of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians

Whether a patient's illness is acute or chronic is what homeopaths often try to determine. acute condition is self-limiting, usually lasting days or weeks and ending in either recovery or death; while neglected chronic diseases worsen over time, do not heal, cause discomfort, pain, disability or even death.

Acute or chronic disease?

Colds, influenza, cystitis (bladder infection), pneumonia, and otitis media (middle ear infection) are typical acute conditions. Bacterial infections in most cases acute. Some viral infections also acute, such as chickenpox or measles, while viral diseases- herpes or AIDS - are chronic. Fungal infections can also be acute and chronic. Injuries and conditions requiring first aid are also acute, although they may have chronic effects or render the person incapacitated if not treated immediately and effectively.

Diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, eczema, allergies, disorders endocrine system, asthma, heart disease, and cancer are generally considered chronic diseases. The word "chronic" itself denotes the duration of time as a factor in the disease (from the Greek "chronos" - time). Chronic diseases are mostly long-term, while acute illnesses flow faster. Chronic diseases, although long-term, may have an initial acute phase, or this acute phase may appear at other times for a certain duration. These exacerbations can sometimes be mistaken for acute illnesses.

Is it necessary to determine whether the condition is acute or chronic before prescribing drugs? Some homeopaths will say yes, some no.

Let's analyze the differences and why they are made. Most homeopaths start with an extensive initial study of the disease, the goal of which is to find the patient's chronic/constitutional remedy based on the integrity of the symptoms. If the patient has less serious illness such as a cold or skin infection, this will be noted, but as long as the symptoms are not prolonged or recurrent, they will not be emphasized in the final analysis. When a constitutional remedy is given, it is expected to eliminate chronic symptoms for some time, increasing a person's resistance to acute diseases.

Treatment of acute problems during constitutional treatment

When an acute illness occurs during a successful constitutional treatment (i.e., when the constitutional remedy works), what should the homeopath do? There are several possible answers. If an acute illness poses a threat to life, immediate action should be taken, homeopathic or otherwise, such as traditional medicine or surgery. Homeopathic treatment can help with life-threatening diseases if the symptoms are very clear and the results of the prescription are visible immediately or very soon after the prescription of the remedy. If the illness is self-limiting and not too serious (such as a sore throat, a minor cold or flu), it can be used quite effectively. natural remedies treatments such as changes in diet, fluids, hydrotherapy, physical therapy and herbs such as Echinacea. Over-the-counter allopathic drugs such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants, and aspirin may be used if natural remedies do not provide sufficient relief. When acute symptoms well defined and well suited to a specific homeopathic remedy, it can be prescribed and cause partial or full recovery often very quickly. It rarely happens that such a remedy interferes with the action of a constitutional remedy. It is very important not to take drug after drug without any result selectively, because the chances of acquiring some other problem increase. Choose your drug carefully. Our book Homeopathic Self-Medication, A Quick and Accessible Reference for the Whole Family, for example, can be very helpful in choosing a remedy that will work quickly and effectively.

Repeat the constitutional remedy

Some homeopaths, such as Massimo Mangialavori of Italy and Rajan Shankaran of India, prefer to repeat the constitutional remedy for acute problems, believing that the remedy will also help if the original constitutional prescription was correct. Manjialavori even believes that if a constitutional remedy does not help with exacerbations, then it is chosen incorrectly. In some cases this principle is correct, but not always. Judith had a patient who was always helped by Theridion for chronic PMS, digestive disorders and joint pain for six years. Theridion was excellent all this time for any aggravation (there were several of them), regardless of whether Teridion was suitable for specific symptoms or not. Robert had a patient and her son, who were well helped by Phosphorus in all chronic diseases and acute attacks. Many patients have been helped by a dose of the constitutional remedy in acute manifestations of the disease, and they recovered faster. Some did not help.

Appointment for acute diseases

Those patients who do not respond quickly to a dose of the constitutional drug often require other drugs for rapid relief. We use one basic rule: we need to establish whether acute symptoms are really manifestations of an independent acute disease (such as an infection), or whether they are an acute worsening of a chronic condition (such as an asthma attack in patients with chronic asthma; profuse bloody diarrhea or return of mental and emotional symptoms in patients with colitis). In acute diseases that have nothing to do with a chronic condition, there may be useful drugs for an acute appointment, especially when it is important not to waste time. However, if there is no need for particularly rapid results, a dose of a constitutional remedy may be applied to check for a reaction. If nothing changes in 12-24 hours, a remedy suitable for the acute symptoms may be prescribed. Conversely, some exacerbations of a chronic disease, such as an asthma attack, may not respond to a constitutional remedy but will be well treated with a remedy suited to the acute specific symptoms of the attack. For example, a patient taking Tuberculinum as a constitutional remedy may have a good reaction to Natrium Sulfuricum, Arsenicum, or Medorrinum during an asthma attack, if the symptoms are consistent with them.

In acute homeopathic prescribing, several remedies may be needed as symptoms change, especially in diseases with clear disease stages. For example, in the case of a common cold, Allium cepa, Arsenicum, or Aconite can be prescribed for a runny nose and sore throat, but if the cold turns into chest and causes a cough, Drosera, Rumex or Spongia, prescribed on the basis of certain features and cough modalities.

In some acute cases, one drug may be enough to nip the disease in the bud or completely eliminate it. good example is a common use of Oscillococcinum in initial stage influenza, Ferrum Phosphoricum at the first sign of fever, or Aconitis if the symptoms come on suddenly after exposure to cold or wind. When the monodrug completely matches the symptoms of the disease, the acute disease can be quickly cured without the development of further stages of the disease. Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, or Mercurius may be useful in this regard for otitis media. Cantharis or Sarsaparilla can quickly relieve burning sensation and discomfort acute cystitis. The clarity and potency of homeopathic remedies in first aid has convinced many skeptics of the reality homeopathic treatment. The use of Arnica in traumatic injuries, Cantharis for burns, Hypericum for nervous disorders and Apis when bitten and allergic reactions showed the effectiveness of a well-chosen homeopathic remedy V emergency cases. Usually, in first aid, the constitutional remedy is ignored in pursuit of a quick and radical result.

Changes in mental/emotional state

In acute illness, it is often very helpful to assess whether there has been any change in mental or emotional state patient. This assessment also helps in determining whether the patient's condition is constitutional or not. If the same, and physical separate and general symptoms are also within the limits of the constitutional remedy, then this drug can be prescribed with certainty. If the mental/emotional state remains the same, but physical symptoms changed radically, then it may be necessary acute drug. If the physical symptoms are the same, but the mental/emotional state has changed dramatically, either a new constitutional remedy or a new acute remedy may be given. Sometimes, in a severe acute condition, a drug may be needed that was not taken into account in the initial stage of treatment, but had a strong effect on chronic symptoms, as well as on the acute state of the disease. In this sense, an acute condition may be a "prelude" to a more advanced constitutional prescription. When similar drug helps, very often the future acute manifestation of the disease can be cured with this remedy.

When prescribing a drug, whether acute or chronic, it is important to know exactly what your intention is. What needs to be cured, and what is the effect of the drug you have chosen really aimed at? You want the drug to cure chicken pox Or chronic eczema? Do you want to direct action on the mental or emotional aspects of a case, chronic or acute case, and is the drug you have chosen suitable? Do you take into account the strange, rare and specific symptoms of an acute illness and are they within the scope of the constitutional remedy or are they completely new? The answers to these questions will help you focus on what you expect from the drug and compare it with the results that appear after using it. When you prescribe a drug for an acute condition, you must know what you are treating, the time frame in which you expect a response, and what kind of response you expect. In this way, you bring out the meaning of what happens when you prescribe the drug, and you do right choice for the rapid resolution of an acute condition, while at the same time maintaining and even enhancing the effect of constitutional treatment.

Reiki in acute and chronic diseases and accumulated experience.

The acute state of the disease already tells us that the "problem" that caused the disease has matured and is acute in front of us. Therefore, acute diseases, as a rule, are cured fairly quickly. From my experience, I can say that the first Reiki session passes without any incidents, after the second or third session, a severe aggravation can occur, usually associated with increased pain. This is a good sign, showing us that something has moved, that the block that caused the disease is ready to dissolve. The next Reiki session relieves pain and brings healing. After that, it is important to consolidate the healing effect, i.e. continue to give Reiki once a week for the next three weeks. Of course, sometimes more sessions may be required to achieve a shift in the course of the disease, but, as a rule, 1-2 weeks is enough to heal an acute disease.

Chronic disease tells us that the "cause" has long been ignored by the sick, the block has hardened and we will need much more time for Reiki to bring healing. First, a certain number of sessions will be required (which is completely impossible to predict, because it depends on the statute of limitations for the onset of the disease and the degree of hardening of the block) for the disease to worsen. This is somewhat logical, we cannot expect that the problems accumulated over a lifetime can disappear in a few days. The patient would not be able to cope with this in a few days, since he must process his problem at the causal levels of the onset of the disease and then integrate the released energy. With Reiki, this process proceeds quite gently, because. Reiki sets before us only those tasks that we are able to work through and realize.

After an exacerbation of a chronic disease, the energy works further according to the scheme of healing acute diseases.

It should be emphasized here that in some cases healing may not occur. We cannot know, and often the recipient of Reiki energy does not know whether this person is ready to let go of his illness.

Maybe he still needs her inner work above oneself. In addition, it is known that some people will not part with their "favorite" disease for anything in the world, because it is in a good way attracting other people's attention to yourself.

Everyone decides for himself whether he wants to get well or stay sick and whether he wants to live or die.

Before starting a Reiki session with another person, it is necessary to tell him how Reiki works, to warn him that an aggravation may occur, accompanied by an increase in pain, followed by healing. This conversation is extremely important both for us (we should not forget about the possible legal consequences if we do not warn the person who trusted us), and for the recipient of Reiki, because. having prepared it, we replace fear with knowledge and thus create favorable conditions for working with it.

Part II

Practical use Reiki


Stage 1 enables the student to work mainly on the physical level. Daily self-medication promotes the growth of self-knowledge by removing blocks in our body. Reiki returns energy and harmony to those areas of the body that for a long time were deprived of nourishing and healing vital energy.

Many people go through life in a state of hypnosis; focusing only on personal conditions of life. They do not notice everything that is happening around them. Loss of peripheral vision makes people one-sided, having lost a broader view of life. We should learn to see life as it actually passes, and not through the prism of pre-existing ideas.

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