Viral infection of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet for intestinal infections. bacterial intestinal infections

Intestinal influenza is an acute infectious disease of the human digestive system that affects the mucous membrane of the abdominal organs involved in the process of digestion, breakdown and assimilation of food consumed. To the influenza state, in the truest sense of the word, this disease has a very indirect relationship. A person really feels unwell, the body temperature rises, but still the main part of the pathogenic microflora is localized precisely in the gastrointestinal tract of the sick person. The causative agent of the disease is viral infection, which in most cases is diagnosed in children, but despite this, adults also periodically come to the hospital with symptoms this disease.

The manifestation of the disease is always typical and for an experienced gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist, it will not be difficult to suspect in a patient enterovirus infection only on the basis of the corresponding symptomatology, which manifests itself in acute form when the intestinal type flu is at its peak.

In general, the disease is expressed in the following pathological signs:

  • chills and fever, body temperature rises to a level of 38-39 degrees Celsius, there is sweating with a violation of body heat exchange;
  • stool disorder in the form of liquid diarrhea, the urge to which can disturb an adult from 2 to 5 times a day, or every 1.5 hours after eating;
  • nausea and vomiting (often this symptom occurs when the stomach is full of food);
  • physical weakness and loss of strength, which is observed even after minor exertion;
  • complete or partial absence appetite (sometimes a patient with intestinal flu can take food only once during the day and this is quite enough for him).

Some patients, in addition to the above symptoms, still complain of cramps inside the abdomen, expressed in aching pain syndrome. The main localization of the feeling of heaviness and pain inside the abdominal cavity is its center with a slight shift in left side. In patients of the adult age group, the disease proceeds quite stably and without signs of complications.

Causes and ways of infection with intestinal flu

There are a small number of factors and ways of contracting a viral infection. of this type since the disease can be transmitted from an infected person to healthy person or from the environment. Based on this, distinguish the following reasons development of stomach flu in adults:

  • drinking raw water, which contains viable strains of viral microorganisms;
  • eating food that has been contaminated and has not undergone sufficient heat treatment;
  • household contact with a person who already suffers from this disease or is a carrier of the virus;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits that have not been thoroughly washed under the stream before consumption hot water.

The activity of cells has a great influence on the likelihood of developing the disease. immune system person.

people leading healthy lifestyle life without bad habits are much less likely to suffer from stomach flu, as pathogenic microflora destroyed local immunity still at the stage of penetration into the body.

Do I need to see a doctor and get tested?

After the onset of symptoms suggestive of a disorder digestive system, but without signs of poisoning, of course, you need to seek help from a general practitioner, gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. Each of the specialists of this profile will provide the patient with a qualified medical care. Carry illness on your feet or engage in self-treatment at home is not recommended.

First of all, this is due to the fact that only a doctor can determine the presence of intestinal flu in an adult patient and select those medications which are suitable for use in this case. The list of tests required to be submitted is determined in individually based on the symptoms present.

Treatment of intestinal (stomach) influenza in adults

In most cases specific treatment is not required and the task of physicians is to monitor the patient's health, maintain a stable in one- salt balance, blood purification and lymph fluid from toxins, reduce fever. IN therapeutic purposes adult patient hospitalized with this diagnosis in infectious department, receives next treatment:

  • intravenous drips with a physical solution to replace body fluids lost due to diarrhea;
  • drugs that stimulate the immune system;
  • sorbents in the form of Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, white coal absorbing toxic substances released by viral microorganisms in the course of their vital activity;
  • bowel lavage boiled water using an enema to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract from an excess amount of pathogenic microflora.

After the peak of the disease, which lasts 3-5 days, passes, the patient receives drug therapy in the form of capsules with useful bacterial cultures designed to improve digestion and strengthen the immune system.

In addition, for the period of treatment it is very important to follow a diet, giving up fatty, fried, smoked, pickled foods, alcohol.


Timely prevention of the development of intestinal flu is always better than its therapy and weight. unpleasant symptoms present in an infected person. Therefore, in order not to encounter this disease, it is recommended to observe the following preventive measures daily:

  • wash hands thoroughly before eating;
  • always qualitatively thermally process the food from which the dish is prepared;
  • wash vegetables and fruits under a stream of hot water;
  • avoid contact with people who have signs of a stomach flu, or who have recently been ill;
  • drink only boiled or purified water.

These simple precautions will allow every adult to maintain excellent health and ensure the stable functioning of the digestive system without the risk of a viral disease.

If a child has such unpleasant symptoms as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, his parents most often diagnose the baby food poisoning.

However, this symptomatology may indicate the presence of another pathology - intestinal flu, diseases, caused by a virus.

The virus enters the body through dirty hands and food, therefore, in order to prevent the development of symptoms, it is necessary to early childhood teach the baby to be clean. We will talk about the symptoms and treatment of intestinal flu in children in the article.

diet therapy

An important place in the treatment of intestinal influenza is the observance of special diet.

It is important to follow the rules of eating:

  1. It is necessary to take food in small portions (serving size is half of the normal).
  2. Dairy and dairy products necessary exclude.
  3. Carbohydrate foods, as well as fruits and freshly squeezed juices, contribute to the development of fermentation processes in the intestines. Therefore, these products are must be removed from the diet.
  4. In the early days, it is not recommended to give the child meat (even low-fat varieties should be excluded), because this product hard to digest. After 5 days, meat can be carefully introduced into the diet. It is best to give preference to poultry meat, boiled without skin.
  5. The child's diet should include cereals boiled in water.
  6. You can drink liquid only 30-40 minutes after eating, otherwise vomiting may occur.

Prevention measures

Basic preventive measure to protect the child from infection with the intestinal flu virus is the observance of hygiene rules.

It is important to teach a child from childhood to wash hands before meals, after the street and the toilet.

Vegetables and fruits eaten must be thoroughly washed meat products must be subjected to mandatory heat treatment. Watch the quality of the water your child drinks.

intestinal flu- a viral infection, the symptoms of which are similar to those of food poisoning.

However, intestinal flu has a more severe and dangerous form for the child.

The reason for the development of pathology - rotavirus, penetrating the body through contaminated products, household items. Treatment consists of taking numerous medications, dieting. The main preventive measure is hygiene.

Dr. Komarovsky about rotavirus infection in this video:

We kindly ask you not to self-medicate. Sign up to see a doctor!

Intestinal flu is common viral disease, similar to clinical picture with common rotavirus infection.

Treatment of intestinal flu is a common task for many mothers, as well as local doctors. The disease spreads very quickly, especially in closed groups - schools, kindergartens, offices.

Pathogen this disease is rotavirus. Often this category is also attributed to diseases caused by bacteria. This is not entirely true. Diseases of a bacterial nature rarely combine respiratory and intestinal syndromes (like this pathogen), have a different course and treatment methods.

The disease is considered highly contagious. The fact is that the causative agent of influenza can be for several hours outside the human body. He calmly tolerates temperature changes, can remain on the personal belongings of the patient until he gets into contact with the body of another person. the only effective method to combat the spread of the virus is the heat treatment of the liquid (boiling), chemical treatment surfaces. It is desirable to use disinfectant solutions for this purpose.

A person can become infected with this disease through the personal belongings of another patient, using his dishes or hygiene products, through direct contact with an infected person, including by airborne droplets. The source of the disease can be any household item, contaminated food and even water. Naturally, unboiled. For those who do not know how the intestinal flu is transmitted, it is recommended to simply exclude all other people's things from everyday life. This is the first step towards personal security.

Incubation period diseases generally last 5 days. Only after that the first symptoms appear - this is a slight malaise and a runny nose. 7 days after contact with a carrier of infection, the disease passes into acute stage, after which 5 days after the onset of the first signs of intestinal flu, recovery usually occurs.

During the course of this disease, normal rhythm work of intestinal bacteria - viruses or pathogenic microbes they are blocked. As a result, digestive function decreases, diarrhea occurs. He is accompanied by others characteristic symptoms, but disappears very quickly.

After recovery, a person develops immunity against the intestinal flu, but this does not mean that the disease will no longer disturb him. This virus has a lot of strains, easily mutates, which does not allow the body to develop against it effective protection. But if a disease of a similar type comes across, the body needs to effectively overcome it in a short period.

In general, the rotavirus that causes intestinal flu is not dangerous to the body. However, children, pregnant women, and people with reduced immunity can be seriously affected during the course of this disease.

Those who do not know what the intestinal flu is, often refer to this disease as any bowel disorder, regardless of the symptoms. This is a serious misconception. Symptoms of intestinal flu in adults are typical. Among them:

  • Sore throat and a slight runny nose, which make themselves felt a few hours before the intestinal upset;
  • Watery diarrhea, diarrhea;
  • Vomit;
  • dizziness weakness;
  • Temperature;
  • Often sore throat accompanied by inflammation.

IN severe cases to this list of diseases is added prolonged vomiting and dehydration. If intestinal flu symptoms persist for more than five days, it is necessary additional examination and hospitalization. Ignoring such a serious illness can lead to lethal outcome.

The symptoms of intestinal flu are often confused with ordinary poisoning, or appendicitis, therefore they are often prescribed wrong treatment, especially if the patient does not go to the doctor with an ailment, preferring to treat the disease on your own. As a rule, this leads to a rapid deterioration of the patient's condition and long recovery after illness. There is only one way to avoid this - immediately seeking qualified medical help.

Please note: along with the intestinal flu, similar symptoms show such dangerous diseases like salmonella. Ignoring their symptoms can lead to grave consequences, including the death of a person, therefore, assistance to the patient must be provided immediately.

Since intestinal flu symptoms and treatment are similar to many diseases, correct diagnosis in this case plays a decisive role. To make an accurate diagnosis of intestinal flu help:

  • General examination of the patient;
  • Analysis of feces;
  • Blood analysis.

Specific diagnostic methods, including ultrasound, are applicable only in extreme cases accompanied by spotting in the composition of feces (which with the usual intestinal flu cannot be). One visit to the doctor is enough to get an accurate diagnosis. Re-diagnosis is necessary for prolonged illness, increased symptoms, as well as at the end of the disease.

Treatment of the intestinal flu

  • Increased immunity;
  • Fight against dehydration;
  • Elimination of flu symptoms;
  • Decrease in temperature.

Among the drugs prescribed to the patient, the most popular are:

  • Regidron, which helps to avoid dehydration;
  • Mezim, restoring digestive function;
  • Sorbex is the proportion of the removal of harmful substances from the body.

Antipyretics are prescribed for this disease less often and only with poor tolerance to high temperatures. Treatment of intestinal flu in children involves the use of more gentle means. in particular, if there is a need to bring down the temperature, for this purpose it is recommended to use candles, not tablets.

Contrary to popular belief, antibacterial agents are not used during the treatment of the disease, since they are powerless against the disease of viral origin.

for rehabilitation after prolonged illness recommended probiotics, for example, linex, which help to improve metabolism.

In the instructions on how to treat intestinal flu, you can find a ban on painkillers. In the event that the patient's condition is recognized as severe, there are persistent vomiting, pain in the stomach, the appearance of blood in the feces, hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

The symptoms of intestinal flu in children do not differ from the course of the disease in adults, therefore the treatment regimen for small children does not differ significantly from the adult version. But certain adjustments can be made to it, including:

  • Isolation from the team;
  • Nutrition control;
  • Limited use of medicines, changing the dosage to the needs of the child's body;
  • Immediate hospitalization upon occurrence acute symptoms: prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, high temperature.

For young patients, the strict implementation of treatment is especially important, therefore, one should not neglect any advice from the attending physician.

Often, the effectiveness of patient treatment depends on the quality of patient care, especially when it comes to children. The role of the caregiver is to:

  • Regular wet cleaning of the premises;
  • Airing;
  • Regular feeding;
  • At a high temperature and a ban on antipyretics - wiping the patient with vodka.

Treatment of intestinal flu in children and adults involves strict bed rest. Contact with the patient should be kept to a minimum. Dishes should be kept separate from the common and regularly treated with boiling water.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. A person who has been diagnosed with the stomach flu should be on a low-carbohydrate diet. Completely excluded:

  • dairy products;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • heavy meat;
  • sweets;
  • flour.

Feeding should be done often, in small portions, especially if the patient suffers from bouts of vomiting. Emphasis must be placed on liquid light food and plenty of fluids if the patient does not feel sick. It is not necessary to forcefully drink a person.

During the rehabilitation period of a patient with influenza, dairy products can be returned to the diet, after 2 weeks the diet should be completely canceled. Care must be taken to physical activity. It is not recommended to return to active sports immediately after the illness, especially if its form was severe, and rehabilitation period- lengthy. If symptoms of intestinal flu have been noted in children, physical education should be limited in the first days after recovery. The kid is transferred to the exercise therapy section in a general education institution.

Proper patient care will shorten the duration of the disease and make the course of the disease less uncomfortable. But this care should not run counter to the interests of other family members. So from the patient it is necessary to isolate relatives with reduced immunity, young children and pregnant women.

Possible complications in this disease

A severe case of intestinal flu can often lead to heart failure, which in turn can be fatal. At risk on this issue are people with chronic diseases of the heart or blood vessels, reduced immunity, as well as small children (their disease can affect development) and pregnant girls. Such deviations are rare - in about 3% of cases. People who are at risk should see a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. This will help to stop the disease in time and pick up competent treatment and rehabilitation.

Among the less dangerous consequences diseases mark intestinal dysbacteriosis, disruption gastrointestinal tract and secondary infection.

Prevention of intestinal flu

The stomach flu is a disease that can be avoided by doing simple recommendations for disease prevention. The measures recommended in this case are similar to those general advice to everyone who is protected from the flu. They include:

  • Avoid contact with sick people. If possible, it is worth limiting communication not only with those who have suffered an acute form of intestinal flu, but also with their relatives, who may be carriers of the disease.
  • Compliance with the rules of hygiene, especially on vacation. It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of dishes, personal hygiene products and the quality of products.

  • Strengthening the immune system, playing sports. This measure is primarily aimed at avoiding negative consequences illness.
  • Seek medical attention at the first sign of discomfort. often on early stages it is possible to prevent the disease and prevent it from turning into an acute form. This will make it possible to reduce the risk of complications and shorten the period of illness.

Are there two types of specific flu vaccine in other countries? At the request of the client, it can be ordered from abroad. Vaccination is recommended to be done long before contact with a potential patient, otherwise this method won't have an effect. The best option- ordering vaccinations a few months before the predicted epidemic. But since the intestinal flu is not always seasonal, it is quite difficult to guess the timing. If contact has already occurred, the vaccine will only weaken the body and make the disease more protracted.

Intestinal infections are quite widespread, especially among children.. Failure to comply with basic hygiene standards leads to serious consequences. A viral infection, entering the body, begins its destructive effect. A weakened organism is repeatedly affected by infectious agents. And the most dire consequences are possible: from chronic diseases up to death.

What causes intestinal infections

The disease is transmitted by viruses, less often by bacteria. Viral intestinal infection is dangerous and refers to acute infectious diseases.. It affects the stomach or small intestine, possibly both. There are diseases: enteritis or gastroenteritis.

The disease is caused by:

  1. Rotaviruses, which are divided into several forms. For humans, the most typical defeat is by group A viruses that live in the cells of the upper section small intestine. These are the most common viruses.
  2. Reoviruses have a similar structure. Their residence is the small intestine and upper divisions respiratory tract leading to respiratory problems.
  3. Adenoviruses are more often associated with the development respiratory diseases, but some of the varieties can provoke diarrhea.
  4. Enteroviruses cause various disorders associated with diseases of the intestinal system.

Rotaviruses have a fairly short incubation period, which lasts from 1 to 3 days.. There is a severe course of the disease, especially in children. Adenoviruses infect tissues lymphatic system, can adversely affect the mucous membranes of the eyes.

Rotavirus usually does not cause serious harm to the body and does not lead to complications, but adenovirus causes the rapid development of otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, acute pneumonia. Chronic intestinal diseases are exacerbated, and treatment becomes difficult.

An intestinal viral infection in any form causes irreparable harm to human health. With the course of the disease in an acute form, treatment in a hospital is necessary.

How is intestinal infection transmitted?

Rotavirus gets to a healthy person from a sick person. Viruses are shed in stool. Hence, infection occurs by the fecal-oral route (by contact, through food, dirty hands). Airborne transmission is also possible. The disease is more often observed in the off-season. And children are most affected by the infection.

Reovirus infection is transmitted from virus carriers. Moreover, the carrier can be animals. Ways of penetration: airborne and contact-household. The asymptomatic course of the disease lung possibility infections.

The source of adenovirus is a sick person, less often - its carrier. The airborne route of infection is the main one here. Dishes and personal items may well be a source of infection.

Enterovirus enters the body of a healthy person through a virus carrier. The fecal-oral route is a way of spreading the disease, the virus gets to a healthy person and by air. The infection can be transmitted through different sources.

Immunity becomes weakened after the penetration of the virus of the gastrointestinal infection. It becomes unstable and a person can get sick repeatedly.

Viruses can long time be in external environment. They are not affected by many chemical agents. They are able to keep low temperatures. IN environment viruses have the form of crystals in which vital processes are not traced. And only when they enter the body, they begin to manifest themselves.

How does the infection enter the intestines?

Structure digestive tract known to everyone from school. It is formed by the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, consisting of several sections, which ends with the large intestine.

From the penetration of foreign agents protects the enzyme lysozyme, which is produced in oral cavity
. The next hurdle is hydrochloric acid, which is formed in the stomach and is part of gastric juice. The acid kills most microorganisms, but not all.

The third barrier is the villi of the small intestine. They perform a digestive, protective and transport role. Immunoglobulin enters the intestinal mucosa, on which immunity depends. If pathogenic microbes pass all obstacles, then the disease cannot be avoided.

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The intestine is inhabited by microflora, among which there is a necessary for full-fledged work(obligate). She has important role in the processes of digestion and in protecting the intestines from foreign agents.

"Lives" in the intestines and additional microflora, it includes opportunistic pathogens. The additional microflora produces enzymes for the digestion of food, and the opportunistic component is not so useful and can cause intestinal syndrome. The remaining microorganisms belong to a viral intestinal infection, which is dangerous and contributes to the development of the disease.

The defeat of the intestinal system by viruses: symptoms

symptoms for different age groups practically do not differ. Usually children and the elderly get sick more often and more severely. In addition, they can become re-infected, which cannot be said about adults with strong immunity. When infected with different viruses, the symptoms of the disease will be different.

When rotavirus infection is observed:

  • temperature up to +40 C;
  • nausea and vomiting, relief after vomiting;
  • intermittent and prolonged diarrhea, white or yellow, possibly mucus;
  • symptoms of respiratory diseases;
  • lack of appetite;
  • indifference to everything, desire to sleep, headaches;
  • dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea.

The combination of acute gastroenteritis and diseases of the upper respiratory tract indicates the presence of rotavirus infection. If the intoxication is severe, then the sclera of the eyes and skin may turn yellow. With slight pressure on the abdomen, a rumbling is heard.

If adenoviruses are present in the body, then it is difficult to distinguish them from a rotavirus infection, since many of the signs are the same:

  • high temperature that lasts for a long time,
    serious intoxication of the body;
  • stools are watery and copious;
  • vomiting that goes away after 2-3 days;
  • lymph nodes increase in size;
  • mucous membranes become inflamed in the oral cavity;
  • observed conjunctivitis.

The main signs by which the disease can be recognized are the presence of inflammatory processes and severe intoxication.
. This suggests that a viral intestinal infection is provoked by an adenovirus.

Enterovirus manifests itself somewhat differently:

  • there is also a high temperature;
  • there is pain in the muscles and joints, up to convulsions;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • pain in the region of the heart;
  • fear of light and tearing, conjunctivitis is possible;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

Eat features, But general symptoms repeats. Therefore, it is important to make a diagnosis in time and start treatment.

It is necessary to determine the type of infection and adjust the course of treatment based on the tests that are needed to laboratory research. If treatment is started late, then complications are possible and treatment will be long.

Signs of acute intestinal infection and its complications

Usually in acute form, the intestinal infection virus manifests itself in children. Besides the disease develops rapidly. The same symptoms are observed, but their manifestation is more serious:

  1. More severe course of the disease itself.
  2. Dehydration occurs in a short period of time.
  3. There is a lesion of the intestine by the virus.

The lack of salt and fluid in the body leads to complications and fatal consequences..

Complications that may be observed:

  • Dehydration or dehydration, when water and salts in the body become insufficient. At the same time, weight decreases, thirst is observed, the mucous membranes dry out, the skin becomes less elastic. Possible heart palpitations.
  • Rapid dehydration leading to pressure loss state of shock and lethal outcome.
  • Infectious-toxic shock is accompanied by high fever and increased amount bacteria in the blood, which can lead to the death of the sick person.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Acute renal failure.

Call your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms: feverish condition with frequent stools (with blood) and vomiting, pain in the abdomen in the form of contractions, weakness and constant thirst.

What measures can not be taken in this disease

If you experience abdominal pain and liquid stool, the following actions cannot be taken:

  1. Taking painkillers as this will make the diagnosis more difficult.
  2. Take astringents. In this case, the bacteria will accumulate in the intestines, not having an exit from the body.
  3. Give hot water enemas.
  4. Put a heating pad on the abdomen which will increase the inflammation process.
  5. Use homeopathic or folk remedies: it will simply stretch the time of diagnosis and start of treatment.

The outcome of the disease can be favorable and have serious consequences. In children, in 25% of cases, gastrointestinal pathology occurs: changes in the functions of the pancreas, problems in the biliary tract, intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Fundamentals of treatment

Here we will talk about general principles treatment. How to treat correctly, only a doctor can determine. The main thing is to take the following measures in time:

  1. Combating fluid loss in the body (dehydration).
  2. Carrying out and removing the symptoms of detoxification (poisoning).
  3. Restoration of enzyme metabolism.

viral infection with intestinal syndrome always accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting. On the one hand, it is painful, and on the other hand, it helps the body to partially get rid of viruses. But at the same time, dehydration occurs, which cannot be allowed. Therefore, you should drink plenty of fluids, and to balance water and salts, take the drug rehydron. He contains necessary elements to maintain salt balance. A similar effect of the drug citroglucosolan.

With infectious intestinal diseases sorbents are indispensable. They remove harmful substances from the body by absorbing them. Smecta, neosmectin, polyphepan and others help well. Can also be used Activated carbon, but it works rather weakly. Sorbents are taken an hour and a half before meals.

Enzymes help to normalize the digestive processes. They restore the mucous membranes of the intestines, which are most often damaged. Enzymes are usually taken before meals. The most famous drugs in this series are mezim, creon, festal, pancitrate and others.

In infectious intestinal diseases, diet is important. It helps in the restoration of organs and their normal operation that have been severely tested: inflammatory processes. Gastroenterologists prescribe special diet No. 4. It is suitable for all age groups.

Sometimes drugs are prescribed to restore beneficial microflora in the intestines. This is necessary to normalize its work. For removal severe symptoms use antispasmodic drugs and drugs that reduce the temperature.

Prevention: how to avoid illness

Avoid so unpleasant disease possible if you follow non-specific prophylaxis viral intestinal infections:

  1. The foundation of the basics is personal hygiene.
  2. Using boiled water.
  3. Vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed under running water, and washed with boiled water for children.
  4. Food must be thermally processed.
  5. Store perishable food for a short time.
  6. Garbage (especially food waste) should be removed as often as possible.
  7. Maintain cleanliness of home and bathroom.

The rules are simple, but following them ensures the safety and health of the intestines.

Usually we do not think about hygiene, for most it is a familiar procedure that is performed as needed. It is not necessary to always remember about prevention, it is just necessary that these rules become a habit. Then an intestinal viral infection will bypass you.

Stomach flu is a common name for a disease that is not really the flu. Many of you have probably experienced this disease. Its symptoms are indeed somewhat similar to those of the flu - malaise, high fever and other signs of intoxication of the body. But instead of the respiratory tract, intestinal flu affects the gastrointestinal tract. This is expressed in various disorders of the stomach and intestines - diarrhea, changes in the type of feces, nausea and vomiting.

Description of the disease

However, the common flu and the intestinal flu still have some similarities. This is that both diseases are viral. The common flu is caused by the influenza virus, while the intestinal flu is caused by a virus belonging to the rotavirus family. Thus, flu and intestinal flu are caused by different pathogens, so these diseases have a slightly different nature.

Often referred to as intestinal flu and gastrointestinal diseases caused not only by rotaviruses, but also by Norfolk viruses and adenoviruses. However, these diseases are not so common, therefore, most often, intestinal flu means a disease caused by rotavirus. Viral gastrointestinal pathologies also often grouped together under the name "viral gastroenteritis".

Rotavirus was discovered relatively recently, in the 70s of the 20th century. Prior to his discovery, rotavirus gastroenteritis was not a distinct disease and was thought to be caused by a variety of pathogenic bacteria. However, after the discovery of rotavirus, it became clear why many gastroenteritis, especially in children, are difficult to treat with antibacterial agents.

If you can apply aesthetic standards to the world of microorganisms, then rotavirus, perhaps, can be attributed to the most beautiful. It has almost perfect round shape and "stuck" on all sides with peculiar protruding spikes formed from protein molecules. It is for this form that rotavirus got its name - from the Latin word "rota" - a wheel.

However, for attractive appearance rotavirus hides a very aggressive and cruel entity. Tens of millions of cases of rotavirus infection are registered every year in the world. And the death rate from it, alas, is quite high. In just a year, rotaviruses claim the lives of almost a million people. And more than half of them are children under 5 years old. Thus, the death rate from the intestinal flu exceeds the mortality from the usual one and is somewhere around 2%.

That is why it is important to know what the intestinal flu is, the symptoms and treatment of the disease, its prevention. In Russia, intestinal influenza epidemics occur in the autumn-winter period and approximately coincide in time with the spread of ordinary influenza epidemics.

Most of the patients are children under 5 years of age. In general, stomach flu is predominantly a childhood illness. Of course, the disease of intestinal flu in adults is also not uncommon. However, they usually have the disease is not so pronounced or passes faster. Infection with the intestinal flu in adults is often perceived as a banal indigestion or food poisoning. This is largely due to the fact that adults have stronger immunity than children. In addition, in children, the acidity of the gastric juice is less than in adults, which means that in children more likely that the viruses enter through the stomach and settle in the intestines.

By the way, for infection rotavirus infection an insignificant amount of viruses is needed - no more than 100. The incubation period for the development of the disease is 5 days. And the whole disease can last up to two weeks. The favorite habitat of the virus is the villi of the epithelium lining the surface of the small intestine. Rotavirus can also live in the duodenum.

In addition to rotavirus, which causes the common stomach flu, which is most prevalent in children, there are other varieties of rotavirus. In particular, rotavirus B, which causes a disease called "adult rotavirus infection". This disease, however, is more common in Asian countries. There are also rotaviruses that cause similar diseases in various kinds animals.

Symptoms of the disease

The stomach flu can often start out as a cold, with a slight itching and sore throat. However respiratory symptoms soon pass and give way to the symptoms of the disorder gastric tract. By these signs, you can accurately recognize the intestinal flu. Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, diarrhea (stools up to several times a day), pain in the lower abdomen, and epigastric region sometimes vomiting. Also, the disease is accompanied by a significant increase in temperature, which sharply distinguishes it from the background of others. infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract. The temperature can reach + 38-39 ºС.

Against the background of high fever and diarrhea, signs of exhaustion and dehydration develop:

  • weakness,
  • pallor,
  • respiratory disorders,
  • cardiac disorders.

Fluid loss is very dangerous symptom, it is he who leads to death in most cases of the disease.


When diagnosing, it is important to separate viral gastroenteritis from bacterial gastroenteritis, since the methods of treatment for these diseases are very different. It is also important not to confuse rotavirus infection with food poisoning. However, this is not difficult to do, since food poisoning there is usually no rise in temperature. To identify the pathogen can be carried out various analyzes, such as PCR analysis.


Treatment of intestinal flu in adults and children is mainly symptomatic. To date, does not exist antiviral drugs acting directly against rotaviruses. Symptomatic treatment has two main directions - relieving the symptoms of inflammation and helping the body to restore the required amount of fluid.

Antipyretics for intestinal flu are taken only if the temperature exceeds +39 ºС, or the patient does not tolerate the temperature well. This is due to the fact that hyperthermia is one of the body's main means of fighting infection. The higher the body temperature, the more viruses die. Therefore, by lowering the temperature, we interfere with recovery.

With intestinal flu, treatment should also be aimed at replenishing the loss of water in the body. In order to prevent this, you should give the patient more drink, especially warm. It can be fruit drinks, teas, kissels, juices. The use of milk drinks with intestinal flu is not recommended.

In cases of severe dehydration, rehydration solutions can be used or salted water can be given to the patient to drink.

It is not only pointless to use with intestinal flu, since they do not act on the pathogen, but often harmful, since antibacterial drugs able to destroy the remains of beneficial intestinal microflora. Only when a rotavirus infection is combined with a bacterial infection can antibiotics be used. However, they can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and nothing else.

Since the beneficial intestinal microflora suffers during the disease, it is necessary to take, for example, Bifidumbacterin to restore it. To absorb viral particles and their toxins, sorbents are used - activated carbon.

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of rotavirus infection. The patient needs to take boiled and easily digestible food. You can not fried, salty, sweet, dairy products.

Etiotropic, that is, directed against the pathogen itself, does not exist. However, in many Western countries rotavirus vaccines have been successfully used. In some countries, vaccination of children is even mandatory. In addition to vaccines, drugs to stimulate the immune system can also be used.

Those who have been ill with rotavirus infection remain resistant to the disease. With subsequent infection with the virus, intestinal flu either does not occur at all, or passes in mild form. However, there are many strains of rotavirus, and if a person is immune to one, then nothing prevents him from infecting another, to which he is not immune.


Therefore, we must not forget about the prevention of the disease. It includes the standard ones - washing hands, especially after visiting the street, crowded places and the toilet, washing products, especially fruits and vegetables, heat treatment products if necessary, boiling drinking water, regular wet cleaning of the premises. Adults with children in the family should Special attention on personal hygiene, since many adults can be carriers of rotaviruses without getting sick themselves and not suspecting that they are carrying the virus.

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