Dermatitis in cats and cats. Staphylococcus in cats is a complex and dangerous disease.

Pathologies of an infectious nature can occur both in humans and in animals. Pets can pick up dangerous pathogens on a walk or having a carrier of an infectious disease within the dwelling. Recently, staphylococcus aureus has become more common in cats, the treatment of which can for a long time bear no fruit. However, a smart approach veterinarian and properly selected medicines will help to overcome the disease and improve the well-being of the animal.

What is staphylococcus

Staphylococcus is an infectious disease characterized by damage various bodies with the gradual formation of purulent inflammation of the tissues. This process causes a deterioration in the functions of many vital important systems, resulting in a risk of developing deadly complications.

Staphylococci are pathogenic microorganisms resembling grapes.

There is no specific pathogen with the name "staphylococcus" in science, but there is a whole category of pathogenic microorganisms associated with one genus. These microbes were first discovered in 1881, and under the microscopes of the time, they looked like a bunch of grapes. By the way, "staphylos" in translation from ancient Greek means exactly "a bunch of grapes."

Important. Staphylococcus can exist in the cat's body all his life and never lead to the onset of the inflammatory process.

Staphylococci are very insidious, because they can sharply provoke disruptions in the body, for example, after banal stress. These microorganisms belong to the category of opportunistic pathogens, which means the possibility of causing damage to health only under the influence of certain factors. Today, scientists believe that many infectious diseases, among which there is an unclear etiology, are caused by these bacteria.

Predisposing factors

Under the influence of certain factors, bacteria are activated, infect the body of the animal, exposing it to the danger of becoming a carrier of new infections.

Veterinarians note several important factors affecting the development of staphylococcus aureus:

The risk of contracting staphylococcus is the same for all species, however, or practically more susceptible to the pathogen. The possibility of disease is also increased if the animal is outdoors, and in particular participates in street fights. Scratches and wounds become inflamed, giving staphylococcus a "push" to poison the body.

Can a cat infect a human?

Many owners of four-legged pets are interested in the question of whether staphylococcus is transmitted to humans. The risk of infection from an infected cat does exist, since bacteria can enter the human body after contact with a sick animal or substances excreted by it.

Staphylococcus is not specific to any particular living organism: it can lead to the development of the disease in both cats and humans.

The bacterium can enter the human body after contact with a cat bowl, cleaning the tray, or as a result of playing with a beloved pet. If the owner, after such events, does not wash his hands and touches his mouth with a dirty limb, then microbes will penetrate inside.

Attention. The highest chance of staph infection is observed after a cat bite. According to statistics, in 20% of cases, after an animal bite, one of a whole range of infections develops, including staphylococcus aureus.

A shallow bite is enough to infect a person, so any damage must be treated with an antiseptic. If the first signs of a malfunction occur in the body, a visit to the doctor should be made.

Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted to humans through a cat bite.

Symptoms of the disease and clinical manifestations

Symptoms of staphylococcus aureus are visible to the naked eye, which allows you to determine the presence of the disease in the body in time.

Signs of pathology include:

  • Dermatitis, poorly amenable to therapy. Often appears against the background of severe dermatitis. On initial stage small erosions form on the body of the animal, which torment it with incessant itching. Ignoring such symptoms is fraught with the development of a deep stage of pyoderma, turning into weeping dermatitis. First clinical manifestations diseases are observed in the inguinal and inframammary region, and if treatment is insufficient, they appear on the tail and muzzle.
  • Baldness of certain areas on the cat's body. The formation of a large number of hairless areas on the body is accompanied by the release of exudative fluid from them with bad smell. These signs are more common in older and overweight cats. If left this pathology without attention, the inflammatory process will go further, penetrating into the subcutaneous tissue. The tissues will quickly collapse, and boils will begin to form under the skin, causing a significant increase in temperature.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system: purulent vaginitis in cats and severe fasting in cats.
  • Chronic otitis media, .

With staphylococcus except skin lesions there may be general weakness, fever - up to 41 degrees, a feeling of constant thirst and loss of appetite.

With staphylococcus, eczema, baldness and sores appear on the skin.

Kidney damage is accompanied by cloudy urine and painful urination. With liver damage, yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes is observed. When the lungs are infected, coughing and respiratory failure are noted.

Genital lesions

The defeat of the mucous membranes of the genital organs is the most specific symptom of staphylococcus aureus. Affected cats suffer from purulent vaginitis, which, if left untreated, is complicated by endometriosis. In cats, staphylococcus causes severe postitis - purulent inflammation of the preputial sac (the gap separating the head of the penis and foreskin). Cats tolerate fasting very hard, because this disease is famous for soreness of the preputial sac, difficulty urinating and severe swelling.

You can detect postitis by the abundance of purulent fluid released from the preputial sac. Microscopic examination of such an exudate shows a huge number of staphylococcal microorganisms classified as different strains.

Consequences of staphylococcus for cats

One of the major consequences purulent lesion with staphylococcal infection is weeping dermatitis, which is difficult to treat. Further development the disease leads to an increase in the areas affected by dermatitis, the pathology can also pass to the pet's muzzle.

For cats vigorous activity bacteria can be fraught with fasting, and the negative impact Staphylococcus aureus can lead to the development of chronic otitis media and purulent conjunctivitis.

Staphylococcus often leads to the development of intractable weeping dermatitis.

Important. The disease is most dangerous for kittens and in almost 100% of cases ends in death. The reason for this is the instant dehydration of the body due to severe diarrhea caused by staphylococcus aureus in babies up to a week old.

Among adult animals, there are also cases of death. One of the main reasons is sepsis - infection of the body with pathogenic microbes that have entered the bloodstream. The accumulation of a large number of bacteria in the blood contributes to the release of a special substance that causes a life-threatening complication in a cat - septic shock. Upon detection septic shock you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Diagnosis of staphylococcus

Diagnose staphylococcal infection possible only under conditions veterinary clinic. The specialist will take a large number of analyzes, conduct a microscopic examination of pathogenic material from an infected pet.

Since there are dozens of other diseases that have similar clinical manifestations, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on visual inspection. Competent diagnosis of staphylococcus necessarily includes the process of growing a culture of the pathogen on nutrient media. Also, doctors will certainly conduct a microscopic examination of skin scrapings to exclude or confirm other pathologies.

Treatment of staphylococcus

Hosts faced with staphylococcal disease in their cat, will begin to wonder how to treat it. Therapy should be carried out only after an accurate diagnosis and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Staphylococcus is treated with antibiotics and sulfanilamide ointments.

There are a huge number of staphylococcal microbes, so only laboratory research help determine which medication is best for the problem. If the pathology has affected adult cats, then treatment will be carried out with antibiotics.

To relieve symptoms of intoxication, intravenous administration of solutions is used. Sometimes doctors use special viruses that destroy colonies of staphylococcal microbes as a therapeutic measure.

In the elimination of skin lesions, sulfanilamide ointments have proven themselves well. It is also important to improve general well-being a sick pet, therefore, the mandatory treatment program includes multivitamin complexes and immunomodulators.

The duration of treatment averages from 18 to 25 days. Before prescribing a certain drug, the doctor should test it for the sensitivity of microorganisms found in the body of an infected animal.

Rubric: Diseases and treatment

cats- the most affectionate and devoted animals. They are the ones who can keep you warm. cold winter their loving owners. But very often, beloved pets get sick. One of the main diseases is streptoderma. This disease is very rare, but not all cats can tolerate it.

Streptoderma - skin, inflammatory disease, which can be transmitted even with the slightest touch, close contact. It is infectious in nature and, if the disease is not eliminated in time, it can lead to lethal outcome.

Causes of the disease

What does this come from unpleasant disease? At the moment, scientists have identified several causes of Streptoderma. The main ones are presented in this article. It could be:
- Close contact with a sick animal.
- Improper nutrition.
- Bad environmental conditions.
- Viral pathologies.
- Weak immunity.
- Completion of various open wounds, scratches.
- Uncleanliness.

Streptoderma symptoms

How can you tell if your pet has contracted the disease? This infection in cats is very severe and therefore the symptoms can be very diverse.
- Profuse mucous discharge from the nose and eyeballs.
- Frequent urination(has a terrible smell, may not go to the tray).
- If the cat was on demolition, the babies will be born dead.
- Sputum production in a pet.
- Inflammation of subcutaneous lymph nodes.
- Partial irritability.
- Refusal of food, but a large intake of water.
- The appearance of arthritis in cats.
- Redness on the skin.
- Severe itching.
If they were visible similar symptoms, which last for several days and the cat's condition only worsens, you should immediately contact a specialist.


As soon as the veterinarian this diagnosis, he immediately cuts off the infected skin with antibiotics and leaves the pet for several hours in a special isolation room. After antibiotics, it is recommended to ensure that the cat is completely calm, limit his movement and give water with a pipette as often as possible. It is better that the pet does not get cold, otherwise complications may begin. Also, the veterinarian strict diet and certain medicines, for each cat they are individual. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness around the animal, and give vitamins to increase immunity so that the animal does not pick up the infection again.

It is not always possible to take the animal to the veterinarian and therefore often the owners do not turn to specialists for help, but treat their cats with folk remedies. Let's look at the most popular home remedies.
The easiest and simplest method. Inflammatory areas of the skin need to be treated with hydrogen peroxide, this process is recommended to be done 7-8 times a day. In a few days, the result will be noticeable. The second method is to decoction medicinal herbs. You need to brew chamomile and nettle, many people know that these plants will help relieve swelling and remove the infection. This solution needs to be infused for several hours, and then, using a cotton pad, lubricate the sores of the animal every hour. The third method is the most efficient. Recommended for adult cats. In the pharmacy you need to buy propolis tincture. Twice a day, in a dotted way, you need to apply the solution to sore spots, you don’t need to do it more often, otherwise burns may appear. If you do this procedure for at least a week, the sores will begin to heal, and the pet will return to everyday life.
If you listen to these tips, then your beloved pet will be able to quickly recover and again bring joy and love to their owners. Take care of animals to prevent such situations.

It belongs to the group of invasive ear diseases.

Visual symptoms characteristic of ear diseases.

It should be noted that visual symptoms for all types of ear diseases in cats are common:

  • Anxiety.
  • Soreness on tactile contact with the ears.
  • Constant scratching of the ears with the forelegs.
  • Purulent discharge.
  • Hyperemia.
  • Characteristic unpleasant smell.

A more detailed picture of the disease is revealed during a thorough examination and clinical examination.

Video on how to clean a cat's ears

Inflammatory processes in cats in the ear and their types

Examination of a cat for ear diseases by a veterinarian.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the ears. There are three types: external, middle and internal. All three types have an infectious background, but they can be provoked by different factors.

External otitis media

A neglected case of suppurative otitis media in a street cat.

Inflammation outer surface ear is caused by different sources, so before starting treatment, you should make sure that there is no invasive history - lack of mites, insect larvae. Accompanied by swelling, redness, itching, in difficult cases -.

The causes of infection are as follows:

  • Mechanical damage - injuries, splinters.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Infections of bacterial or viral origin.
  • Fungal attack.
  • Sulfur deposits.
  • Allergy.

Treatment at home

Cleaning the ears in the treatment of ear diseases is required.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating visual symptoms: cleaning, lubricating with antibacterial ointment, applying a fixing bandage to prevent infection.

Apply antibiotics inside, . To be sure of avoiding mistakes, the use of acaricidal agents is recommended. In difficult cases, traumatic injury, resort to surgical assistance - elimination of pus by opening and washing the affected areas.

otitis media

Inflammation of the middle ear - eustachitis - a rare ailment, caused by a complication of external otitis media, with improper treatment, severe course of the latter. Rarely due to trauma to the head of the animal.

They are also stimulants streptococcal, . The form of the flow is catarrhal, purulent, with severe consequences manifested by life-long incoordination, hearing loss.

Symptoms: lack of appetite, tilt of the head towards the affected area, swelling, discharge of purulent exudate, fever, absent-minded gaze, unsteady gait.

Treatment in the clinic

Treatment of this type only in the clinic. Apply local anesthesia, in the form of a novocaine blockade, disinfection of the diseased area: washing the ear canal with a solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of boric acid, applying anti-inflammatory ointments, in particular prednisolone.

Intramuscularly - antibiotics, antihistamines, fungicidal, antifungal.

otitis media

Inflammation of the inner ear - complicated consequences of otitis media and external. The course of the pathology is severe, with clear signs: hearing loss, disruption of the vestibular apparatus, refusal to feed, pain in the temporal part of the head on palpation.

Complications - lymphadenitis, accompanied by pain in the lower jaw. Paralysis facial area- a consequence of the development of neuritis. Help is complex, depending on the elimination of the primary causes of the disease.

Treatment under strict medical supervision

In severe cases, surgical intervention, drainage is required. Therapy is carried out by a veterinarian in a hospital setting. Strict control and supervision of a doctor is essential.

Malassesia - a yeast fungus in the ear

One of the symptoms of a yeast infection in a cat will be "blackening" of the ear.

yeast fungus - malassesia- chooses habitat wet conditions therefore, the ears are most often affected. Pathology refers to the mycotic type, has an infectious nature. It is provoked by the presence of fungal spores on the surface of the ear or on its mucous membrane.

It is unrealistic to determine the type of fungus at home, since the symptoms of fungal infections are very general character: dull coat color, peeling of the skin, unpleasant odor, presence of pustular wounds, watery blisters. It is recommended to consult a veterinarian, study samples in the laboratory.

If a fungus is detected, the use of topical preparations is indicated: antifungal ointments. The course includes: antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, immunostimulants.

Hematoma in cats

Cats are hunters! Getting a hematoma is not a problem for them.

Occurs as a result of mechanical action on the skin of the ear, its mucous membrane. When the ear is injured, blood accumulates in the gap between the skin and cartilage tissue, forming a sensitive, painful when pressed, bloody seal.

There is hyperemia, with tactile contact soreness. Animal restless, tries to scratch his ear. If left untreated, the pain syndrome gradually disappears, but the swelling remains, thickens, the fluid is converted into inflammatory tissue, and over time leads to a curvature of the shape of the shell.

When prescribing therapy, it is necessary to exclude possible root causes of hematoma: infectious, invasive, fungal diseases.

Traumatic hematoma is treated based on the neglect of the disease. Timely diagnosis provides symptomatic therapy - the use of anti-inflammatory ointments after removal of exudate from the affected area, fixing the bandage.

A neglected or severe form involves surgical cleaning with suturing afterwards. General antibacterial therapy is performed: intramuscularly, orally.

Necrosis, ear plugs, neoplasms

Pathology is secondary, occurs due to improper treatment or complications after otitis, hematoma.

It is characterized by tissue necrosis, which, in the presence of an inflammatory process, turns into focal ulcers. The cartilage has a dark color, becomes thin, the shape of the ear is bent.

Only surgical help- removal of affected areas or complete amputation of the shell. Rehabilitation therapy: hospital observation by a doctor, the use of antibiotics, immunostimulants, local anesthesia.

Most often, the presence of sulfur plug is not a big problem for a cat, but in individual cases can lead to inflammation. There is only one recommendation - to carefully monitor the pet, clean the ears in time.

Neoplasms - sarcoma, fibroma. They are diagnosed only by clinical studies. Late diagnosis - deafness, death of the animal. Help - surgical removal tumors.

Ear scabies in cats

Ear scabies in a cat looks like this.

A very thorough cleaning of the ear from crusts and scabs is necessary.

Lack of treatment entails serious consequences: inflammation of the membranes of the brain, accompanied by convulsions and paralysis. Outcome - animal death .

Recommended: thorough cleaning of the ear from crusts and scabs, treatment with acaricidal agents, antibacterial drugs, antifungal. Prescribe vitamins, immunostimulants. It should be noted that the treatment is carried out in both ears, even if one is affected.

Methods for the prevention of otodectosis are a set of measures aimed at eliminating contact with sick animals, monitoring sanitary and hygienic standards, general vaccination, the use of drops "Otodepin".

Video about otodectosis in a cat and its treatment

Scientists are increasingly saying that in the past few decades, the number of different skin diseases. One of them I want to talk about in this article. So, what is streptoderma, causes, symptoms, methods of treatment - this will be discussed further.

A few words about the disease itself

Initially, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed in the article. So, what is streptoderma? It is primarily a skin disease. It has an infectious nature, caused by streptococcus. The method of transmission is during contact with an infected person. The risk of infection increases if there are various scratches, abrasions, cuts or other minor injuries on the skin. Statistics show that most often this problem is faced by boys aged 7 to 10 years.

How does a disease develop and progress? It is important to note that only a week after infection, pink spots will appear on the patient's skin. round shape. Their size can be different, sometimes it can even reach 4 cm (when smaller spots grow and merge into one). Localization - mainly on the face. Less commonly, but still, rashes may appear on the arms, legs, buttocks and back. As the disease develops, small scales will appear on the spots. The patient does not feel any particular discomfort. Sometimes the skin lesions may itch, also rarely in patients, but there is dryness of the skin. That's all negative manifestations. However, the most unpleasant is that the disease spoils the appearance of a person.

Causes of the disease

We further consider such a disease as streptoderma: causes, symptoms and treatment. It is imperative to understand why this disease occurs. As mentioned above, the cause of the disease are special microorganisms called streptococci. They are transmitted from person to person during the sharing of household items (towels, toys, etc.), as well as through direct skin-skin contact. In the summer, this infection on their paws can also be carried by various insects: flies, mosquitoes. But here it is necessary to clarify: if a person’s immunity is strong, the skin and all mucous membranes are intact, then the spread of the microorganism will stop and will not turn into a disease.

There is also streptoderma in cats. In this case, the symptoms in animals are very similar to those in humans: rashes, itching. Why is it important to know about this? Because even from animals it can be transmitted to people. Most often, children suffer from this.

So, scientists identify three main causes of the onset and development of this disease:

  1. Microtraumas on the skin, scratches, cuts, scratches, i.e. violations of the integrity of the skin.
  2. Job disruption immune system person.
  3. Failure in work local immunity in the area where the pathogenic microorganism, streptococcus, first appeared.

That is why streptoderma is most often diagnosed in children. Symptoms in babies are most often manifested due to the fact that they almost always have various microtraumas on their skin. Scientists also say that in children's groups it is sometimes very difficult to avoid outbreaks of this disease.

Factors provoking the occurrence of streptoderma

There are a number of factors that can cause this disease:

  1. The use of personal items collectively.
  2. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  3. Insufficient intake of vitamins in the body.
  4. Frequent colds.
  5. Injuries on the skin of varying degrees.
  6. stressful situations.

Main symptoms

How is streptoderma manifested? Symptoms that indicate the development of this disease:

  1. On the surface of the skin (most often on the face), small bubbles begin to appear. As the disease progresses, the fluid in these formations gradually becomes cloudy.
  2. Also, in the place of localization of foci of infection, the skin will be pigmented, i.e. it will change its color.
  3. The patient develops malaise, general weakness. Appetite may also be disturbed.
  4. Sometimes patients experience burning of the skin, itching.

If the patient has streptoderma, these symptoms will accurately indicate this disease. However, the symptoms of the disease may vary depending on the type of pathology.

Types of streptoderma

Streptoderma is very different in children and adults. Kinds this disease are as follows:

  1. Contagious, or streptococcal, impetigo.
  2. Slit impetigo. In this case, most often we are talking about jams or
  3. Bullous impetigo.
  4. Tourniol, or impetigo, affecting the nail folds.
  5. Streptococcal rash.
  6. Common deprive.

Contagious impetigo (streptococcal)

If the patient has just such streptoderma, the symptoms here will be as follows:

  1. Rashes will be single. However, they very often merge into fairly large foci.
  2. Favorite places for rashes are the surfaces of the hands, feet, and also the face.
  3. The size of the first conflicts (rashes) in diameter reaches approximately 3 mm.
  4. The liquid inside the bubble from light gradually turns into purulent. Sometimes the rashes are hemorrhagic (bloody).
  5. Rashes do not affect the skin deeper than the basal layer.

It is worth noting that this disease lasts approximately 28 days. In process of recovery the bubble disappears, on its place the crust is formed. After it disappears, a bluish-pink speck remains on the skin.

Impetigo bullous

If a patient of this type of streptoderma, the symptoms will be as follows:

  1. Localization of the rash: the back of the feet, legs, hands.
  2. The sizes of rashes (conflicts) are quite large and can reach a diameter of 30 mm.
  3. If the conflict is opened, erosion will appear on the skin (character - local).
  4. On the edge of erosion, a rash (vesicle) tire may remain.

Without proper treatment, this type of disease can become more complex and even chronic. This is worth remembering.

Impetigo slit-like (popularly - "zaeds")

We consider further the types of diseases caused by streptococcus, and their symptoms. Streptoderma is an unpleasant infection that can affect many areas of the human skin. However, in this case the disease is localized mainly in the corners of the patient's mouth, at the wings of the nose, or in the corners of the eyes.

If the bubbles are opened, shallow linear cracks are necessarily formed. They are covered with yellow crusts. However, the scales fall off pretty quickly.

This type of disease is characterized by burning, itching. During meals, there may be discomfort, pain. Salivation also sometimes increases. If the infection is left untreated for a long time, it becomes increasingly difficult to open the mouth.

This problem can also become chronic. It is also possible to attach a fungal infection - candidiasis.

Ringworm simple

What are the other symptoms of streptoderma in adults and children? So, for the diagnosis of "lichen just" you must have the following indicators:

  1. The place of localization of the rash: face, cheeks, less often - legs.
  2. Bubbles most often do not form, this disease is referred to as the so-called "dry" streptoderma.
  3. On the skin of the patient, the appearance of foci of white-pink or simply white color. Rashes are covered with small scales.
  4. During the development of the disease, patients suffer from itching of the skin.

It is worth noting that the symptoms disappear during exposure to open sunlight. However, as the patient's skin tans, it will take on a variegated appearance. And all because the tan will lie unevenly. Most often, such streptoderma occurs in children. Symptoms at the same time arise and develop rather quickly. Experts say that there is a high risk of infection of the entire children's team, which was visited by the patient. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in the spring-autumn period.

Impetigo (lesion) of the nail folds

This type of disease occurs mainly in adults. Symptoms:

  1. Conflicts are formed mainly on the hands, as well as on the skin around the nail plate. The cause is often microcracks in these areas of the skin.
  2. The skin that surrounds nail plate, it swells, it hurts.
  3. The contents of the bubble as the disease develops changes, becomes purulent.
  4. If the vesicle opens, erosion may occur, less often an ulcer that will cover the nail roller. In some cases, complete rejection of the nail plate is possible.
  5. Also, the patient may experience symptoms of intoxication: weakness, increased body temperature, swollen lymph nodes, asthenia (fatigue).

Streptococcal diaper rash

This is the last subspecies of the disease that can be diagnosed if the patient has streptoderma. What are the symptoms in this case?

  1. Localization of rashes: skin surfaces that are subject to frequent friction: the area under the mammary glands, inguinal or intrafemoral surfaces, knee and elbow bends.
  2. Conflicts that appear in the places described above tend to merge.
  3. The rashes are very painful, often accompanied by itching.
  4. If the conflict is opened, a bright pink weeping spot forms on the skin.
  5. Secondary signs: small cracks, erosion.

This type of streptoderma often becomes chronic. Frequent relapses. It is aggravated by an attached fungal infection.

A few more words about streptoderma in children

A little more detail should be told about how the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this disease arise. So, most often, babies “catch” the infection in case of non-compliance, as well as when in contact with an infected child, adult or animal. After all, children most often have various cracks and wounds on the skin, where the infection “climbs”.

Also, experts say that if one of the members of the children's team fell ill with streptoderma, then the risk of transmitting the pathogen to everyone else is very high. As for the symptoms, it will be the same as described above. Nothing special manifestations of the disease will not differ.

There are certain types of disease that are most common in babies, such as lichen simplex or slit-like impetigo. However, other types of streptoderma can also be diagnosed in children of different ages.


We further consider such a disease as streptoderma (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment). At this stage, I want to figure out how you can understand that the patient has this particular disease. So, initially it is necessary to clarify that when the first symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical assistance. Self-medication is unacceptable. At the same time, there is also a huge risk of infecting other people.

What will happen during a visit to the doctor?

  1. The doctor will examine the patient. Specialists can “tell” a lot about the features of skin rashes.
  2. Often, the doctor prescribes bacteriological culture of the fluid secreted from the vial with the determination of sensitivity to various antibiotics.

If the patient has this problem quite often, there are relapses, and the course of the disease is chronic, he may be prescribed the following procedures:

  1. Studies of the gastrointestinal tract ( ultrasonography, coprogram, analysis of feces for the presence of an eggworm).
  2. Research (determination of the amount of thyroid hormones).
  3. It may also be assigned clinical analysis blood, including the detection of sugar levels.

Treatment of the disease

So, we found out what symptoms streptoderma has. Treatment for children and adults must be comprehensive:

  1. Systemic (drugs "Flemoxin-solutab", "Amoxiclav"), groups of macrolides (drug "Azithromycin"). After a course of antibiotics, it is necessary to restore the intestinal microflora. In this case, experts prescribe a drug such as Linex.
  2. Vitamin complexes are required to maintain the body. These can be drugs such as "Multitabs" - for children, "Vitrum", "Centrum" - for adults.
  3. Immunomodulatory therapy. Drugs such as Immunofan, Likopid are used.
  4. External treatment. Various ointments or gels are prescribed (erythromycin, You can also wash the lesions with fucorcin or chloramphenicol.
  5. Sometimes physiotherapeutic procedures such as UHF, laser therapy, UV therapy are prescribed.

What else is important to say if a disease such as streptoderma is found in children and adults? Treatment will eliminate the symptoms completely, there will be no trace of the infection itself, of course, if the therapy is planned correctly, and the doctor's instructions will be strictly followed. The prognosis for life is favorable, the mortality rate is zero.


The following preventive measures are very important:

  1. Seasonal strengthening of immunity.
  2. Avoidance of stress, neuroses, nervous shocks.
  3. Support of the body with vitamin complexes.
  4. Treatment of all kinds of chronic ailments that weaken the immune system.
  5. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

If, nevertheless, you are faced with streptoderma, then in order to protect others from infection, you must quarantine the patient, and disinfect all his household items.

It is important to remember: the disease is much easier to prevent than to cope with it further. Be healthy!

In cats, it is rarely observed, since their skin is well protected by a thick coat, and they themselves are extremely clean animals. Therefore, this type of dermatitis usually develops on those parts of the body that are worse protected - on the tips of the paws, on the muzzle, in inguinal region(with the exception of cat litter dermatitis, in which the lesions are limited to the area around the tail and anus).

Miliary dermatitis develops as a result of a skin allergic reaction to allergens. different origin, which is aggravated by bacterial or fungal infections, as well as malnutrition or taking some medicines. Drug dermatitis is usually the result of topical use of irritating drugs.


With all types of dermatitis, at first the affected surface is painful, with an increased local temperature, after removing the coat, you can feel a slight swelling, the skin is reddened. A local inflammatory reaction develops, then the skin ulcerates. In the absence of treatment and the introduction of infection, the process is complicated purulent manifestations. In case of insufficient attention and treatment, the disease becomes chronic.

Chronic aseptic dermatitis is characterized by thickening of thickened skin, which is difficult or not at all to form a fold, often it fuses with the underlying tissues. As a result, the skin loses its barrier, excretory and other functions. The epidermis, without receiving fatty lubrication, dries up and cracks appear on it, into which pathogenic microbes penetrate and purulent dermatitis develops.

First aid. Lubricate the affected area with a 5% alcohol solution of iodine (iodine, epacid-alpha), then, if the dermatitis is traumatic, apply cooling bandages during the first day after the injury. On the 2nd day, cold can no longer be applied - use astringent lotions (lead, alum, furacilin solution 1: 5000), as well as a solution of brilliant green. Dressings with ointments and emulsions are also shown (cortican - cream and emulsion, synthomycin and streptocid emulsions, Vishnevsky ointment, prednisolone, etc.)

Execan, which contains dexamethasone (a synthetic fluoroglucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory activity), has proven itself well for the treatment of acute and chronic dermatitis, as well as vitamin complex(vitamin PP and vitamin B6, which play important role in cellular redox reactions), biotin at a dose of 0.5 mg / kg per day (a lot of biotin is found in raw chicken yolk) and methionine, which is also necessary for the synthesis of keratin.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihistamines reduce in dermatoses pruritus less than half, while complete success in the treatment of feline dermatitis, especially disseminated forms, can only be achieved by glucocorticoids. The drug covinan is very effective, therapeutic effect which in dermatitis (especially endocrine etiology) is associated with effects on the pituitary gland, estrogen receptors and tissue metabolism.

With the development of purulent dermatitis, remove the hair around the affected areas, wash them, and then apply antiseptic dressings and powders (streptocid, streptocide with antibiotics, norsulfazol, boric acid with iodoform, etc.). Alcohol-drying dressings have a good effect (periodically the dressings are moistened with 30% alcohol or alcohol-ichthyol or alcohol-camphor compresses are used), antibiotic therapy.

In chronic dermatitis, paraffin (ozocerite) applications, dressings moistened with ASD-3 are indicated. With any dermatitis, gemovit-plus has proven itself well (4-6 drops per day for 2 months).

In order to reduce the inflammatory reaction on the skin, astringent preparations of inorganic and organic nature in the form of powders, lotions or ointments are effective. Of the anti-inflammatory drugs for dermatitis, 3% boric acid, lotions with a 0.1-0.25% solution of copper sulfate are most desirable. For antiseptics, use 5% iodine, 3% hydrogen peroxide, epacid.

Phytotherapy. effective means in the treatment of dermatitis of various etiologies, rosehip oil and sea buckthorn oil, burnet officinalis, and oats are used.

Atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (inhalation allergy) is a pruriginous relapsing dermatitis most commonly seen in young animals (6 months to 3 years of age). This is a genetically increased reaction of the body to environmental allergens (most often, plant pollen, house dust, mites, fungal spores, anti-flea dust), accompanied by the formation of antibodies of the IgE class. Atopic dermatitis is a complex clinical event with a multifactorial etiology, when considering which it is necessary to take into account both the individual characteristics of the organism and the influence of the environment.

It is recognized that cellular phenomena predominate in the basis of the mechanism of atopic dermatitis, and first of all, a violation of the activity of helper T cells, activation of basophils, mastocytes, eosinophils and Langerhans cells, which represent an allergen to lymphocytes. On healthy areas of the skin of a cat suffering from atopic dermatitis, Langerhans cells are rare, while they are concentrated in large quantities in the affected areas. On the surface of these cells, receptors for IgE are expressed, due to which their ability to capture antigens increases tenfold. Thus, in atopic dermatitis, Langerhans cells are additional factor facilitating the penetration of allergens through the skin.

Airborne allergens are the main cause of atopic dermatitis in cats. Sometimes the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis is made by the presence of IgE, which is incorrect, since immunoglobulins E are normally detected in almost half of perfectly healthy cats - this is a natural reaction of the body to fight house dust mites.

Microbes, most often staphylococci, also play an important role in the etiopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. The presence of staphylococci leads to the development of an immediate type hypersensitivity reaction, which is accompanied by the production of IgE and, no less important, degranulation of mast cells (mast cells) due to the action of staphylococcal protein A. In turn, degranulated mast cells contribute to the penetration of bacteria into the body through the skin, the reproduction of which is still more spurs the process of degranulation. So a kind of vicious circle is formed: pyoderma - atopic dermatitis. It is no coincidence that therefore the prevention of skin bacterial infections is of paramount concern in the therapeutic care of a cat suffering from atopic dermatitis.

Symptoms: severe itching(more often - the head and neck), pustules, erosion, scabs, and later - ulceration, inflammation of the external auditory canal, folliculitis. Lesions are localized mainly on the head (cheilitis, otitis media, blepharitis), on the extremities and on the ventral surface (axillary and inguinal cavities). Typically, lesions develop on symmetrical areas of the body. Digestion is upset, mucus is observed in the feces, the cat is losing weight, behavior is changing.

First aid. Elimination diet (Hill's d/d, i/d) with a temporary exception certain products and their subsequent control inclusion in the diet, exekan, enterosgel. Effective antihistamines and corticosteroid therapy (on the recommendation and under the supervision of a veterinarian).

Good results have been achieved with the help of immunotherapy, or, more precisely, desensitization, which consists in lowering the threshold of sensitivity of the animal's body to one or more allergens, resulting in a noticeable improvement in the clinical picture of the disease in 90% of cases no later than 8-9 months.

Phytotherapy. Soothing herbal tea ‛Kot Bayun‛, sowing oats. We can also recommend phytoelite "Clean Skin" and externally phytoelite anti-inflammatory ointment.

Diet therapy. Hill's Prescription Diet Feline d/d and Prescription Diet Feline z/d Low Allergen are a new, highly digestible food containing hydrolyzed chicken liver and hydrolyzed chicken protein. The level of intact proteins in this food is reduced to almost zero to reduce the chance of developing an allergic reaction or allergic sensitivity in cats. Feeding these products can be started from 6 months.

Their mechanism of action is as follows. The main food allergens are glycoproteins, ranging in size from 10,000 to 70,000 daltons. In animals that are sensitized to food allergen, sensitive cells (mast cells, basophils, mastocytes), containing inflammatory mediators (histamine), carry immunoglobulin E (Ig E) molecules specific to this allergen on their surface. If these allergenic proteins subsequently re-enter the body and encounter sensitized sensitive cells, large molecules of the allergen protein will bind neighboring Ig E molecules, which triggers the release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators that cause the manifestation clinical signs allergies. However, the hydrolyzed components of the same allergen molecules with sizes less than 10,000 daltons are too small to bind neighboring Ig E molecules. Thus, histamine is not released and allergic symptoms do not appear. The source of fat in these feeds is vegetable oil, purified from the content of proteins.

It is recommended that Prescription Diet z/d products be used initially in an elimination diet (up to 10 weeks if needed) to exact definition animals with food allergies. Once a food allergy has been diagnosed, Prescription Diet z/d products may be used a long period time to maintain these animals as an alternative to using Prescription Diet d/d products. In addition, Feline z/d Low Allergen foods may be used to reduce the risk of food sensitivities during periods of increased risk, ie during periods of gastrointestinal inflammation and possibly after vaccination with a live attenuated vaccine. All Prescription Diet z/d products use ethoxyquin, a highly effective synthetic antioxidant that is added to these products to prevent rancidity when stored under warm conditions.

In most cases food allergies, improvements are observed after 3-4 weeks, especially in the case of gastrointestinal manifestations. However, some dogs or cats with skin manifestations it may take up to 10 weeks.

Flea, bacterial and fungal dermatitis.

Quite often, cats diagnosed with flea dermatitis also have atopic dermatitis.

The best way to diagnose is to use skin test with the use of flea extract - the result is detected after 15-20 minutes (immediate type allergic reaction). Relatively recently, another original method for diagnosing dermatitis has been proposed, which is based on hypersensitivity to flea bites. The essence of the method is as follows: a test tube with fleas inside is applied to the skin of a cat with cut hair. If, shortly after a flea bite, a dense red nodule appears on the cat's body - a papule, which is markedly different from the erythematous plaque, resembling a nettle burn, protruding on the skin after a normal test, then the cat is hypersensitive to flea bites, and dermatitis belongs to the above variety.

Symptoms: At first, cats develop persistent itching, which worsens over time. The process is usually localized in the region of the tail and on the sacrum, with subsequent spread along spinal column. The skin there is hyperemic, then swelling and ulcers appear. Finally, extensive bald spots form, the skin becomes covered with scabs and weeping eczema develops. Usually, the metabolism is disturbed, and first of all, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and immunosuppression develops. As a result, favorable conditions are created in the body for the persistence of pathogens, and the skin begins to be populated by various microflora.

Treatment: ASP, toxoids, immunomodulatory therapy (fosprenil, immunofan), anti-inflammatory drugs (corticosteroids, but it should be remembered that they should not be used in conjunction with fosprenil), hepatoprotectors (Essentiale forte, the same fosprenil), locally - cortican (cream or emulsion ), gamavit, multivitamins "Useful pleasure", diet (exclude food rich in proteins and fats). The use of Maksidin very quickly improves the condition of the skin.

Treatment: if hyposensitization is the main ally of the veterinarian in the fight against atopic dermatitis, then symptomatic therapy is especially useful in the treatment of associated dermatitis: the use of antibiotics, antifungal and antihistamines, corticosteroid therapy (does not interfere with desensitization at all), topical preparations, shampoo with 2% chlorhexidine, chlorhexidine, periodic use of vedinol ointment or pichtoin ointment. To restore the coat - maksidin.

Echinacea, sage, succession, celandine, licorice, violet, chamomile, wild rosemary, birch leaf, yarrow, alder, birch buds, bedstraw, burdock, budra, oregano, burnet, elderberry, nettle, as well as propolis.

Dermatopraxia of cats.

Dermatopraxia (synonymous with cutaneous asthenia) is a genetically inherited skin disease associated with impaired collagen formation. It is inherited according to the dominant type, however, in cats of the Siamese-oriental group, an autosomal recessive variant of this pathology is observed. Homozygous individuals do not survive.

Symptoms: the skin becomes velvety to the touch, but looks flabby, stretches easily and hangs down in folds. The skin is easily damaged, and rough scars form during healing.

Deep pyoderma in cats.

Pyoderma is a bacterial skin infection most commonly caused by pathogenic staphylococci. In addition to staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus and some other bacteria can be the etiological factor of pyoderma. More often, the disease affects kittens, because their skin is thin, easily injured, as a result of which an infection can penetrate into wounds and abrasions.

Symptoms: for any pyoderma, itching is characteristic, with ordinary pyoderma, papules are formed first of all, later turning into pustules. With superficial pyoderma, either hair follicles (folliculitis) or all layers of the epidermis (impetigo) can be affected. Deep pyoderma is characterized by damage to the dermis and even subcutaneous tissue.

First aid: the hair in the affected area should be cut off and the skin should be treated with brilliant green, iodine, epacid or a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment is individual for each case and includes: stimulation of general and local (skin) immunity, suppression of infection with antibacterial and other means, consolidation of the achieved positive results of therapy. Homeopathic remedies are shown (see below), maksidin, gamavit, neoferon, baktoneotim, autohemotherapy, specific serums. Locally: tinctures, gels, ointments (for example, streptomycin, vedinol). The most rapidly improves skin condition is the use of Maksidin. Successful treatment tactics can be chosen by an experienced veterinarian. After determining the antibiotic sensitivity of the bacteria that caused the disease, the veterinarian may prescribe a course of antibiotic therapy. During treatment skin infections successfully used cefa-kure (contains cefadroxil), 20 mg/kg.

Phytotherapy. Outwardly, it is possible to recommend an antiseptic phytoelite ointment, which includes extracts of the following herbs: St. , initial letter, hops, sage, black elder flowers, propolis.

Homeopathic treatment. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. In all cases, the treatment is long-term, with the use of gradual autohemotherapy with drugs: traumeel, echinacea compositum, engistol, cardus compositum and coenzyme compositum.


Impetigo is a pustular skin disease belonging to the group superficial pyoderma. It is characterized by damage to all layers of the epidermis. Impetigo is most often caused by pathogenic staphylococci or streptococci and is observed mainly in newborn kittens.

Symptoms: superficial pustular rashes most often on the abdomen, neck and hairless areas. When opened, erosion occurs, and then, when dried, crusts appear. An increase in body temperature is possible.

Treatment. The hair around the affected area should be cut off and the pustules or crusts should be treated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) or a solution of potassium permanganate. In advanced cases, qualified veterinary care and treatment with antibiotics or specific gamma globulin is necessary. Feed your cat food enriched with vitamins. Gamavit is shown.

Homeopathic treatment. From the point of view of homeopathy, impetigo is a normal adaptive reaction of a young organism that does not require active treatment. Therapeutic and preventive therapy is carried out only with severe skin lesions.

In this case, belladonna-homaccord or traumeel is prescribed in the form of injections or orally with drinking water.

Phytotherapy. Good results are obtained by the use of phytoelite antiseptic ointment in combination with phytoelite ‛Clean Skin‛


Carbunculosis is an acute purulent inflammation of several hair follicles and sebaceous glands located nearby. In this case, an extensive infiltrate is formed with a predominance of necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue leads to the formation of cavities with niches filled with necrotic tissues. The granulation barrier is filled, forms slowly, as well as with phlegmon, it can turn into a generalized form of purulent infection.

Symptoms. For clinical picture characteristic in the beginning is the formation of a dense inflammatory infiltrate with one or more pustules, which increases and acquires a hard consistency. In this case, the skin swells and takes on a purple color. The disease is accompanied by loss of appetite, animals lose weight. Severe pain is noted in the carbuncle zone. A few days later, the skin (epidermis) becomes thinner and opens in several places, from which thick greenish-gray pus is released. The skin becomes, as it were, sieve-like, necrotic tissues are visible in depth. Then the holes merge into one, more significant, and an ulcer is formed. The disease is accompanied by fever.

Treatment is carried out by a veterinarian. It is complex, with the inclusion of means of local and general impact.


Folliculitis is a pustular skin disease belonging to the group of superficial pyoderma and characterized by the formation of purulent pustules in the area hair follicles, upon opening and drying of which crusts form. It is most often caused by pyogenic staphylococci or streptococci, which fall into cracks or scratches in the skin.

Symptoms: redness, nodules, from which pustules with yellowish pus form in 3-5 days, then drying crusts at the base of the hair - most often in the abdomen, neck and head. With an unfavorable course, a boil develops.

Treatment: comes down mainly to the local treatment of the affected areas with brilliant green, a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to pay attention to the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since very often violations in this area lead to chronic diseases skin. It is necessary to use probiotic supplements - lactobifide or bactoneotim. In severe cases, the veterinarian should prescribe antibiotic therapy. Cef-kure is effective at a dose of 20 mg / kg. The cat needs fortified food, Gamavit is shown.

Homeopathic treatment. Inflammatory processes on the skin are well controlled by homeopathic remedies. The most commonly used of them are the following:

  • engystol - chronic inflammation;
  • traumeel - acute inflammation;
  • echinacea compositum - purulent inflammation.

In addition, belladonna-homaccord is sometimes used. The indications for the use of this drug are characterized by acute localized inflammation with severe pain.

Phytotherapy. You can treat the affected areas with phyto-ointment antiseptic phytoelite. Like a drug general action phytoelite ‛Clean skin‛ is applied.


Furunculosis is an acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding loose fiber, usually caused by staphylococci and accompanied by the formation of boils. Furunculosis is promoted by scratching and other skin lesions, polyhypovitaminosis and metabolic disorders, as well as seborrhea and acne. The cause of the appearance of furunculosis and individual boils can also be prolonged contamination of the skin, as a result of which the hair follicles and ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands are closed.

Symptoms: A boil is a very painful, firm, cone-shaped swelling about the size of a hazelnut. As it matures, a yellowish-gray spot forms on its top - an indicator of the completion of the formation of a purulent-necrotic boil core, in the center of which there is a hair. With spontaneous opening of the boil, the rod can come out along with pus. At the same time, pus containing virulent staphylococci contaminates neighboring areas of the skin, resulting in pathogenic staphylococci penetrate the hair follicles and cause the formation of new boils. As a result, the disease acquires the character of a mass lesion (furunculosis).

First aid. Treatment should be local and general. Cut the hair on the affected area, treat the skin with a 75% alcohol solution, and inject gamavit intramuscularly. IN initial stage the formation of cones of boils, alcohol-drying dressings give a good effect. In the stage of suppuration (the top of the cone is yellowish), to speed up the opening of the boil and the removal of the rod, bandages with 10% ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky's liniment. Then green processing. At this stage, warm compresses are contraindicated. In no case do not try to squeeze the pus out of the boil yourself. In case of any difficulty, contact the vet.

Homeopathic treatment. Belladonna-homaccord can give the best result for furunculosis. Treatment should begin with subcutaneous injection twice a day. Additionally - traumeel C gel externally.

In cases where furunculosis tends to spread, Echinacea compositum is additionally prescribed.

Phytotherapy. Decoctions and infusions of sweet clover, burdock, common oats, sunflower, chamomile, horsetail.

Baldness (alopecia) of cats and cats.

Baldness (alopecia) - loss of hair (hair). Alopecia can be congenital or acquired. Congenital alopecia is divided into universal ( complete absence coat from birth), hypotrichosis (at birth, the coat is sparse, then falls out) and trichokinesis (twisted hair syndrome), in which only secondary hairs that are twisted along the longitudinal axis are affected (Tsyganko A.V., 2001). Acquired alopecia can occur in cats at any age.

Most often, acquired alopecia is caused by metabolic disorders, an excess of vitamins A and K, hypovitaminosis B8 (biotin) and hormonal changes (for example, associated with hormonal changes in the body after castration), leading to a deterioration in the blood supply to the hair follicles and, as a result, to hair loss. Another common cause is itching and the resulting violent scratching and licking.

Symptoms: the disease begins with patchy hair loss, however, unlike, for example, the molting process, new hair does not grow in bald areas. Gradually bald zones expand, capturing new and new areas.

Treatment. Gamavit, maksidin, gemovit-plus are recommended. Some authors advise treating bald and adjacent areas with carbolic acid, but doing this is extremely dangerous - carbolic acid, like many other phenol-based (or benzene-based) compounds, can cause severe poisoning and death of a cat. If there is itching, you can lubricate the skin with sulfodecortem, or vedinol.

With the so-called psychogenic alopecia, which is caused by obsessive licking, a bald patch in the form of a belt forms on the back. Particularly predisposed to such alopecia are Siamese cats and color points. It manifests itself as a result of severe stress caused by a change of home or owner, the appearance of another animal or children in the house (Tsyganko A.V., 2001).

Homeopathic treatment. The multiplicity of causes of baldness implies a difference in the approaches to its treatment.

If baldness is caused by inflammation, then anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, such as traumeel, belladonna-homaccord, echinacea compositum.

Baldness caused by hormonal disorders or age-related changes requires specific treatment (see the relevant sections).

Phytotherapy. Shown are phytomines for wool, decoctions and infusions of calamus, warty birch, nettle, burdock, coltsfoot, chamomile, sage.

With alopecia caused by hormonal disorders, a powder from seaweed, which should be added daily to the cat's food, 1 teaspoon.

Collection for baldness: chamomile, flowers - 1 hour, calamus, root, 1 hour, parsley, seeds - 1 hour. Brew one tablespoon in a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 25-30 minutes, strain. Lubricate parts of the body with a decoction in case of hair loss, with itching of the skin 3-4 times a day (according to I.V. Sidorov, V.V. Kalugin et al., 2001).

Diet therapy. For alopecia of neurogenic origin, a diet intended for animals exposed to stress is recommended.

Bedsores for cats and cats.

Bedsores are dead areas of the skin that occur due to constant local pressure. Formed with prolonged lying in an unchanged position.

Symptoms: redness and ulceration of the skin, sometimes an unpleasant odor.

Treatment and prevention. Affected areas should be treated with an alcohol solution of brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide. Excellent results are achieved with Safroderm. A sick cat that lies for a long time (for example, after surgery, or a serious injury) should be turned over more often, massaged the skin. You can apply phytoelite wound healing ointment. The formation of bedsores is also prevented by wiping the skin with camphor alcohol or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Homeopathic treatment. Traumeel is the main drug for bedsores. It is used simultaneously in the form of injections (2 times a day) and externally. With this treatment, healing of even large lesions is possible.

Phytotherapy. A decoction of oak bark, sea buckthorn, cinnamon rosehip.

Seborrhea in cats.

Seborrhea is a pathological change in the skin caused by dysfunction of the sebaceous glands. Oily seborrhea is a hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, accompanied by excessive accumulation of fat on the skin. With dry seborrhea, caused by hypofunction of the sebaceous glands, there is increased keratinization, dryness and fine peeling of the skin. In cats, oily seborrhea is more often observed, to which Siberian cats are hereditarily predisposed.

Symptoms. Itching, lumpy friable layers of fat form under the coat, the coat is glued at the base. The non-pigmented skin, after removing the hair from it and the accumulation of fat, is slightly reddened, the mouths of the sebaceous glands are clearly dilated. Fat layers with an admixture of exfoliated epidermal cells can turn into a crust. Seborrhea easily turns into dermatitis, often purulent, or eczema develops.

Treatment consists of hair removal and the use of degreasers and astringents (eg bandages with 95% alcohol). After careful treatment of the affected area with tampons impregnated with ethyl ether, it is advisable to repeatedly lubricate the affected area with an alcohol solution of brilliant green. When complicated by eczema or purulent dermatitis, appropriate treatment is used.

Homeopathic treatment. The main drug is Engystol. Renders beneficial effect on the formation of the epidermis of the skin and neutralizes diffuse inflammatory processes.

In the case of primary congenital seborrhea, the result of treatment will always be incomplete, and limited only to the control of secondary inflammation.

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