Preparing for an ultrasound examination

Briefly about the procedure

Who and why do ultrasound?

Recently ultrasound examination animals could only be made in megacities. Today, manipulation has become more accessible, which allows veterinarians to more correctly diagnose dogs, prescribe adequate treatment and return them to activity, vigor, and mobility again. What should owners know about preparing dogs for such a diagnostic manipulation?

Briefly about the procedure

Apparatus ultrasound diagnostics helps doctors assess the condition internal organs(size and structure), allows you to identify pathologies (inflammation and neoplasms). Diagnostics is carried out in real time, that is, in dynamics, which allows you to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. In order for the ultrasound result to be accurate, you need high-quality equipment, the experience of a specialist and proper preparation of the patient for the procedure.

If at least one of these conditions is not met, the veterinarian will not be able to put the dog correct diagnosis. When the ultrasound diagnostic apparatus is old, the specialist will not be able to accurately assess the degree of changes in organs and tissues, to see the details. If the diagnostician is inexperienced, he will not be able to accurately decipher what he sees on the monitor.

In big cities, such a diagnostic procedure is also carried out at home, if for some reason the sick pet cannot be taken to the clinic. But still better examination carried out in a medical institution. There, optimal lighting was selected for ultrasound, the dog can be placed in such a way that it is comfortable for her, and most importantly, the stationary device has best quality than portable. Home veterinarians often carry outdated devices with them. In addition, having found any deviations on the ultrasound in the clinic, the veterinarian will immediately prescribe additional tests.

Who and why do ultrasound?

It is not always possible to make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of blood and urine tests for a dog. Many ailments practically do not affect the blood picture, changes in the composition of the plasma. However, it is known that early treatment is always more effective.

After an ultrasound examination, the specialist sees the pathology before it affects the condition of the dog. That is why such diagnostic method effective as a preventive measure.

Ultrasound examination abdominal cavity pets are advised to conduct all elderly animals once every 6 months. It is advisable to do the procedure before sterilization, viscous, during pregnancy, after injury to the pet and infectious diseases to detect hidden complications.

A timely ultrasound examination of the kidneys helps to identify and begin treatment of dog urolithiasis or nephritis. In this case, the doctor will see on the monitor the presence of sand, the size of the stones, the onset of inflammation in the ureters or bladder even before the development of the urinary syndrome.

If the owner notices a digestive disorder in the dog, the veterinarian will assess the condition of the stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas. If you suspect the presence of cysts, fibroids, tumors of the genital organs, pyometra, ultrasound of the uterus in bitches is performed. Without fail, the procedure is done before abdominal operations.

About preparing the animal for manipulation

In this case, special efforts from the owner are not required. 24 hours before the upcoming procedure, the dog should stop giving those foods that can cause constipation or flatulence. Mosley, cartilage, bones are removed from the menu, fermented milk nutrition, rice porridge, beans, cabbage, pasta, everything fatty.

If the animal suffers chronic constipation, then you should definitely do an enema or give him a mild laxative, in consultation with a veterinarian. With a tendency to flatulence, the day before the ultrasound, the dog is given Enterosgel (a teaspoon small dog, dining room - large) or Activated carbon(1 pill per 10 kilograms of body weight). As for the diet, only a light snack is allowed 12 hours before the manipulation, and you can’t feed the dog at all for 6-8 hours. It is necessary to walk well so that she empties her intestines. Short fasting will only benefit the animal. If the dog is afraid of veterinarians, and the owner knows this, it is recommended to give him a light sedative in advance. Sometimes doctors advise filling the bladder or giving a diuretic before carrying out the manipulation. Aggressive dogs immediately before the procedure put on a muzzle.

To conduct a survey ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs usually no special training is required, but some activities can improve visualization of organs and tissues and help the imaging clinician make a correct diagnosis.

For better visualization of small organs such as the pancreas and adrenal glands, as well as the vessels of the liver and lymph nodes the abdominal cavity, a starvation diet is recommended 8-12 hours before the study, water can be given without restrictions. For dogs miniature breeds 6 hours of fasting is enough.

For survey examination of the entire abdominal cavity and examination of the gastrointestinal tract(including liver and pancreas), starvation diet required (8-12 hours, for dogs small breeds- 6 hours), water can be given without restrictions.

For research genitourinary system in animals no special training is required. To assess the condition of the walls Bladder(for example, if you suspect cystitis - inflammation of the bladder) it is desirable that it is not overcrowded, but not completely empty. In this regard, for the study of the genitourinary system in dogs, it is recommended to take them for a walk 4 hours before the study. In the case of cats, 2 hours before the study, it is required to restrict access to the tray.

For examination of the organs of the reproductive tract(uterus, including for pregnancy, prostate) additional training not required.

For ultrasound of the adrenal glands you need to walk the dog well so that the feces are in colon did not interfere with the study. You can drink 5-30 ml in 4-6 hours vaseline oil, it will help to empty the large intestine.

In case of emergency studies (if pyometra is suspected, bleeding into the abdominal cavity, foreign objects V gastrointestinal tract, at severe pain in the abdomen) preparation for the study is not carried out. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a study as soon as possible! Of course, in such cases, it is advisable to immediately bring the animal to the veterinary clinic, where there is everything necessary equipment For quick help To your pet. But, if at this moment there is no possibility for transportation, an emergency ultrasound examination can be performed at home to assess the severity of the condition and make a preliminary diagnosis.

The ultrasound procedure itself is painless, however, most of our pets have a negative attitude towards fixation. The procedure always requires 2 people (in addition to the doctor performing the examination). Correct posture patient in the process of research is not a whim of the doctor, but a necessity. Many organs are examined in strictly regulated positions. Therefore, we recommend that you get an assistant in advance. In this case, the study will take significantly less time and cause less stress to your pet!

Immediately before the study veterinarian removes hair in the study area using a special animal clipper.

But, unfortunately, "not all yogurts are equally healthy." In the practice of a doctor, one has to deal with unfriendly or very shy dogs, less often cats. If your pet is seen in aggressive behavior towards strangers, in opposition to "self-abuse", we recommend that you get a muzzle in advance and, depending on the size of the dog, a pair strong men. For shy dogs better fit not fixation, but sedation (the use of sedatives), which will more carefully affect the pet's psyche in the future.

Some manipulations, such as diagnostic and therapeutic puncture, as well as fine needle biopsy, may also require sedation. Before using sedatives, a 12-hour fasting diet is necessary.

Everyone who has a pet in the house knows how hard it is to see him suffer during illness. And it is even more difficult because it cannot say or explain anything. That is why during an illness it is necessary to carry out a thorough comprehensive diagnosis of his body, so as not to miss something especially important. Such diagnostics should certainly include ultrasound for the animal, including ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Why is ultrasound for cats and dogs so popular?

Ultrasound is a very popular diagnostic method these days, not only in human medicine, but also in veterinary practice. This popularity is easily explained. The method provides reliable information about the morphological and functional state systems and organs. In addition, it is simple, takes little time, does not cause the patient discomfort, does not expose him to any danger.

Our clinic offers abdominal ultrasound for your animals. The specialists of our clinic have undergone special training - "Ultrasound diagnostics of dogs and cats" and continuously replenish their knowledge by attending various seminars, conferences and advanced training courses.

The list of examined organs of the abdominal cavity includes:

  • pancreas,
  • liver, bile ducts and gall bladder
  • gastrointestinal tract,
  • spleen,
  • prostate gland, urinary bladder,
  • adrenal glands and kidneys,
  • ovaries, uterus, definition of pregnancy,
  • main vessels ( portal vein, caudal vena cava and aorta).

Ultrasound options for dogs and cats.

The method allows you to evaluate the shape, structure and size of organs, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory elements and cysts, tissue density relative to the norm, anomalies in the development of organs, the appearance of free fluid in the abdominal cavity (urine, pus, blood, ascitic fluid, etc.), pregnancy, intestinal intussusception , the presence of stones in gallbladder, kidneys, bladder. Using the ultrasound method, you can control the development pathological process over time, visualizing how the state changes over time pathological tissue(for example, neoplasms), as well as to control the process of treating the animal.

Ultrasound for dogs and cats makes it possible to identify the disease long before it manifests itself clinically. This means that the veterinarian will be able to initial stages diseases to prescribe effective and timely treatment.

How to prepare an animal for an ultrasound?

The accuracy of the result depends on how you prepare your dog or cat for the procedure. First of all, stop feeding the animal 12 hours before the study. If he has a tendency to flatulence, give him espumizan for a few days. Food these days should not consist of gas-forming products. During the examination, the intestines should be empty, so take a walk with a dog or a cat 4-6 hours in advance. If the bladder, pelvic organs are examined, then no preliminary preparation is required.

How is the ultrasound procedure for cats and dogs?

Areas of the body that will be in contact with the sensor are pre-shaved. For the procedure, the patient is laid on his side, a special gel is applied to the stomach, which is absolutely harmless to the skin of the animal and is also harmless if the dog or cat licks the stomach after the procedure. The information obtained during the examination is stored in the form of a video or photograph. The owner receives a detailed written opinion.

In order to timely identify the pathology and successfully cope with it, we recommend that pet owners undergo an annual medical examination with them, which must necessarily include an ultrasound examination.

Ultrasound (ultrasound) is a widely used, affordable and painless method for diagnosing the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, both in humans and in cats and dogs. The technique is the use of ultrasonic waves to visualize the morphology, structure, presence pathological changes in the tissues of internal organs. The text will discuss how ultrasound is done to cats, and to whom the procedure is indicated.

An ultrasound machine is in any modern veterinary clinic, works on the principle of echolocation and emits high-frequency sound waves. These waves, hitting the organ, ripple away from it and return back to the device, which interprets them as an image on the screen. However, these waves are difficult to pass through hollow organs and bones.

Advantages of the method:

  • Safe for the body.
  • Completely painless.
  • Non-invasive (without damage to tissues and organs).
  • Has no contraindications.
  • Informative and accurate.
  • Shows the state of internal organs using ultrasonic waves: kidneys, spleen, liver, gallbladder, uterus and ovaries, stomach, pancreas, large vessels. Gives an image of the shape, size, structure, the presence of pathological changes in organs.
  • Shows pathological and functional changes in the organs on early stages diseases when clinical symptoms not yet expressed.
  • Allows you to control the results of treatment. You can compare pictures before treatment and after treatment.
  • Can be done multiple times.
  • Affordable price.

How to prepare a cat for an ultrasound examination

To obtain reliable data from the examination of a cat, it is necessary to adhere to some simple rules to prepare your cat for an ultrasound:

  • Get rid of flatulence (accumulation of gases in the intestines). To do this, the cat must be provided with a starvation diet 6-12 hours before the ultrasound. For a few days, eliminate foods that increase gas formation from the diet. The day before the procedure, once again 6 hours before, and again 2-3 hours before, give activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 5 kg of body weight or 0.5 ml of espumizan 2 times a day. These rules are necessary because gases and undigested food residues will distort the image and make the diagnosis more difficult.
  • Be sure to conduct an ultrasound on an empty stomach.
  • Shave your pet in the desired area on the abdomen. Or it will be done by a veterinarian in the clinic immediately before the procedure.

When is an ultrasound done?

Veterinarians for accurate diagnosis of diseases in addition to standard analyzes (general and biochemical analysis blood, urine and feces) an ultrasound examination of the cat is prescribed.

To determine such diseases in an animal:

  • Neoplasms and metastases of the abdominal cavity;
  • The course of pregnancy in cats (predicting the course of pregnancy, the number of fetuses and their viability, the date of birth);
  • Pathologies of the genital organs (uterus in cats and prostate in cats);
  • Urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • Polycystic kidney disease.

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity of a cat is performed to diagnose the following organs:

  • Liver. Determine the size, structure, homogeneity, blood supply of the organ. It is possible to diagnose focal changes (tumors) and diffuse (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  • Gallbladder and ducts. Assess the size, the presence of stones, congestive changes, wall thickness.
  • Pancreas. Visualize the shape, size, condition of the parenchyma. Diagnose inflammatory process, oncology.
  • Hollow digestive organs (stomach, intestines). The study of these organs is difficult due to the presence of gases in them.
  • Kidneys and adrenal glands.
  • Heart and great vessels.

Ultrasound of the kidneys is performed to diagnose urolithiasis, neoplasms, nephrosclerosis, improper placement of the kidneys, and their inflammation. Urolithiasis disease in cats is a common pathology, as a result malnutrition. The bladder is examined to diagnose sand and stones in it. To perform an ultrasound of the bladder, it must be filled, but not overdistended. To do this, try not to let the cat go to the tray a few hours before the procedure.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs includes a study of the bladder, uterus and ovaries (in cats), prostate (in cats).

Ultrasound of the uterus in a cat is done to diagnose diseases of the uterus and ovaries (neoplasms, inflammations), as well as to monitor pregnancy and fetal development. Ultrasound of the prostate gland in cats determines the presence of nodes, cysts, tumors, inflammation.

An ultrasound of the heart is called echocardiography. informative method diagnosis of heart diseases, heart defects. This technique determines the size of the heart and its contractility, the thickness of the myocardium of the ventricles and atria, the condition of the valves, the presence of stenosis and regurgitation.

In addition to these organs, ultrasound can be used to examine thyroid gland, eyes, brain. Ultrasound is also used for proper conduct puncture biopsy of organs.

What symptoms in a cat indicate the need for an ultrasound:

  • The presence of blood in the urine.
  • Mass loss.
  • Elevated temperature.
  • Dyspeptic phenomena (vomiting, diarrhea).
  • Difficulty urinating.
  • Suspicion of cancer.
  • Soreness of the abdominal organs during examination and palpation by a veterinarian.
  • Reproductive dysfunction.
  • Pregnancy of a cat.

How is an ultrasound performed on a cat?

For an ultrasound procedure, the cat is placed on a special table covered with a disposable napkin, on its back or on its side. Usually the animal calmly and obediently endures the ultrasound procedure, but there are aggressive or nervous animals. In such cases, it is necessary to administer sedatives to the cat and sedatives. IN severe cases anesthesia may be used.

The owner must be present next to the animal and, if necessary, fix it by the paws. The hair on the belly should be removed. A conductive gel is applied to the skin without hair, and the veterinarian passes a special sensor over the area under study, carefully studying the necessary organ. The examination time is about 10-20 minutes. Then wash off the gel with a clean cloth. The specialist will make a diagnosis or give an opinion after the examination and give the resulting image.

Ultrasound for cats is a modern and frequently used diagnostic procedure, which helps veterinarians to correctly diagnose pathology in an animal for timely and effective therapy a range of diseases.

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