What to give your dog for diarrhea. Diagnosis or finding out the cause. Proper use of Levomycetin

Indigestion affects not only mankind, but also the animal world. Often in puppyhood, dogs have diarrhea. If the dog defecates 2-4 times a day, the feces have a dense structure - this is the norm. When the animal begins to defecate more often, and the stool becomes liquid and watery, you should start to worry. Hosts often don't know what to do or just don't pay attention.

Such a careless and inattentive attitude to the health of the pet can cost the baby his life. When diarrhea appears, it is a mistake to both panic and hope for a spontaneous cessation of the disease. It is important to assess the severity of the ailment and take Urgent measures recovery!

Causes of malaise

Diarrhea in a dog is manifested as a result of:

If diarrhea in a dog occurs for the above reasons, it is required to immediately take appropriate measures. Protracted diarrhea will lead to dehydration and death of the animal.

Forms of the disorder

There are a number of varieties of the disorder, thanks to which it is possible to determine why the dog has diarrhea.

  1. Acute diarrhea is characterized by the duration of loose stools (2 weeks). If additional symptoms did not appear (lethargy, temperature), the disorder could be caused by the use of dairy and fatty products, poor-quality food, perhaps not suitable for the breed. This kind of disorder is easy to fix. on their own, however, with a negative result (diarrhea did not go away or worsened on the 3rd day of treatment), a visit to the veterinarian is required. Small decorative breeds chihuahua type have a sensitive stomach and are often prone to this disorder.
  2. Second form acute diarrhea characteristic of unvaccinated puppies. It is caused by the presence in the body various diseases- from enteritis to plague. The cause is poisoning with various poisons and chemicals. An urgent visit to the veterinarian is required.
  3. Chronic diarrhea is characterized by loose stools lasting more than 2 weeks. This form is manifested as a result of the appearance and development of diseases in a dog. chronic type(pancreatitis, gastritis, salmonellosis, dysbacteriosis, the appearance of helminths, etc.).

Varieties of manifestations

It is important not to let the body become dehydrated, so the dog is provided with plenty of water, even forced to drink by force. Water is poured into oral cavity using a syringe or douche. Causes of diarrhea:

  • or poisoning
  • or beriberi.

Diarrhea and vomiting

Diarrhea and vomiting in a dog are common and indicate the presence of acute poisoning, non-infectious or infectious disease. Puppies are most at risk, as symptoms are the result of penetration into the body. viral infection.

However, one should not draw hasty conclusions, otherwise it is easy to heal the baby if there are manifestations of simple poisoning.

Are celebrated typical diseases characterized by a combination of diarrhea and vomiting:

  • Parvovirus enteritis. The disease affects babies 2 - 18 months. The duration of symptoms reaches a week, the signs are accompanied by a decrease in temperature and refusal to drink and eat. The disease is characterized high performance mortality.
  • Infectious hepatitis/Adenovirosis. In this case, the dog will suffer at any age. The duration of symptoms reaches 2 weeks and is accompanied by an increase in the liver and the development of keratitis, an increase or decrease in temperature.
  • Enteritis, corona virus, rota virus. Pets of any age are at risk. Characteristic manifestation of temperature, light flow. Symptoms last for a week.
  • Worms. Any age, the temperature remains normal, after feeding, hiccups and gag reflexes are observed, the pet is rapidly losing weight. The duration of the disease is not limited.

The presence of gag reflexes and the rare manifestation of diarrhea are the genetic characteristics of the dog's body, which inherited this from its ancestors. The absence of other symptoms indicates the absence of the disease. Dog diarrhea does not need to be treated.

Diarrhea with blood

Bloody diarrhea in a dog is a common reason for owners to contact a veterinarian for an upset stomach and intestines. The decision is correct, because the pet needs an urgent examination for the presence of infections in the body. This is a sign of serious illness.

Self-treatment is useless - an immediate examination by a veterinarian is necessary. Even waiting hours will be critical! Lost time threatens the dog with death.

colored highlights

Sometimes the dog develops yellow or black diarrhea with mucus. Such manifestations mean:

  • yellowness of diarrhea tells the owner about the development of parvovirus enteritis in the dog;
  • a similar diagnosis is made with gray manifestations of loose stools;
  • black diarrhea is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic, followed by an examination, this is typical internal bleeding in the intestines;
  • distemper is accompanied by loose stools of a characteristic dark green color;
  • the whiteness of loose stools indicates an abnormal development of the liver.

Causes of stool with mucus

  • infection with parvovirus enteritis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • a substance that caused putrefaction has entered the intestines;
  • symptom of infectious or inflammatory processes.


The treatment of indigestion in a dog depends on 2 factors - how dangerous it is and how long it takes. For short-term indigestion and mild form the owner will eliminate the diarrhea on his own. Severe diarrhea is treated by eliminating the disease that caused it.

Self-treatment of acute diarrhea, diarrhea with blood or mucus is prohibited. Folk remedies will not help, medical intervention is required.

It is important to stop the dog's food intake when loose stools appear. Skip several feedings or keep the dog without food for a day. What to feed a dog? Small selection - rice water or boiled rice, sour milk. Good for disorders helps weak, slightly sweetened tea. After treatment, it is not recommended to immediately include severe fatty foods. It is optimal to keep the pet on sour-milk products and rice porridge for some time.

You can give the dog from diarrhea, first of all, activated charcoal. Among the harmless and simple means decoctions are distinguished on the basis of sage and St. John's wort, oak bark, bird cherry, blueberries, pomegranate, alder. Useful are tinctures of burnet or serpentine, which have an astringent effect. Specified funds give a dog if diarrhea lasts no more than 2-3 days, with a long-term illness, they seek treatment from veterinarians.

Indigestion (diarrhea) in pets is always a problem not only for the animal itself, but in more for the owner. The question immediately arises, how to respond, to whom to turn for help, what may be the causes of the disease. Indeed, in veterinary clinics, diarrhea in dogs occupies one of the leading places among all appeals.

Table of contents:

Owners at the sight of loose stools are most often lost, especially owners ornamental breeds. However, for large dogs(For example, german shepherds) diarrhea is no less terrible. Therefore, it is necessary to quickly deal with the causes of diarrhea, consult with a veterinarian, and then decide what to do. Proper Treatment Thus, it can be both medicinal in nature and can be reduced to dietary correction in the most simple cases.

Causes of loose stools in large dogs

Often, the color of loose stools can tell the causes of diarrhea:

  • diarrhea yellow color, as a rule, occurs with parvovirus enteritis (it can be mixed with blood or mucus);
  • black color of diarrhea is characteristic of intestinal bleeding;
  • liquid stool white color can talk about liver disease;
  • green diarrhea is one of the symptoms of canine distemper.

Any abnormal color of diarrhea in a dog (especially a puppy) should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. The excretion of blood in the stool during diarrhea is also dangerous, because this symptom characteristic, including atypical shape rabies. In addition, the causes of diarrhea with blood and vomiting may lie in chemical poisoning, injuries internal organs or side effects when using some tablets. In milder cases, such blood discharges are caused by microtrauma to the walls of the anus in a dog. Loose stools with mucus impurities can be caused by disorders digestive system. A foreign body or substance could enter the intestines, which began to cause putrefaction. Also, mucus with diarrhea is the main symptom of some infectious and inflammatory diseases. In any case, if you find loose stools in your pet, you should take prompt measures to treat it (if necessary, even with pills).

Long-lasting diarrhea in a dog or puppy can provoke other unpleasant changes in the body: severe vomiting, fever, cough, lethargy, inactivity and drowsiness. Diarrhea combined with vomiting (especially in a puppy) is most often provoked acute poisoning, as well as infection with something. Nausea and vomiting in dogs with diarrhea is a fairly common symptom, it can be characteristic of a wide range of diseases (infectious and non-infectious genesis). Rarely, when an animal vomits several times a month, and there is no liquid stool, this turns out to be a feature of physiology inherited by modern tetrapods from their ancestors.

Forms of diarrhea in large dogs

Allocate acute and chronic forms of diarrhea.

The acute form is considered the presence of loose stools for several weeks. If at the same time others dangerous manifestations no, then the reasons most likely lie in poor-quality feed or excessive amounts of milk and fat that the animal was fed. Liquid stools can then be defeated at home. If the diarrhea does not go away after self-treatment even after a day, it is better to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that in unvaccinated puppies, such violations indicate possible dangerous diseases. This applies not only to distemper, but also to various genesis enteritis, adenovirus hepatitis, salmonellosis, helminthiasis and others dangerous diseases. Therefore, in the acute form of diarrhea, medical intervention is most often necessary.

The mildest case of chronic diarrhea can be caused by a pet's banal tradition of a favorite treat. Owners, family members, guests tend to pamper the puppy, they constantly try to feed him "yummy", which is actually extremely harmful. Malabsorption - a violation of not only the digestion of food, but also absorption useful substances- also one of the etiological components, when the secretion of the intestine is finally broken, chronic diarrhea begins. Moreover, it is often the result long-term illnesses(more than two or three weeks). Often these are chronic diseases: pancreatitis, gastritis, enteritis, jaundice and others - metabolic disorders can also be to blame. This loose stool can have a relapsing course with periods of exacerbation and remission. At the same time, not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also endocrine system. It is important to find out the reasons similar diseases for the treatment to be effective.

Dog food during and after diarrhea

Having found loose stools in your pet, you must promptly begin to eliminate it. The answer to the question of what to do specifically will depend on the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, however, it is possible to adjust the diet at home. Of course, it is worth doing this in the absence of additional symptoms, whether it be vomiting, fever or lethargy. On the first day, it is recommended not to feed the animal (especially by force), to give clean water room temperature. In addition to water, special infusions of herbs (St. Using a syringe without a needle, if necessary, you can give rehydron drugs, and to prevent intoxication - adsorbents (including puppies). Then for several days it is advised to give food that is easily digestible: boiled meat (chicken, beef), low-fat cottage cheese, steamed rice. Possible inclusion of low-fat broths and some fermented milk products that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Of the tablets, neither an adult dog nor a puppy will hurt a single dose activated carbon(1 tablet per 10 kg of weight), otherwise the specialist should decide what to do. Switching to the menu familiar to the dog is possible only with the complete cessation of painful symptoms. At the same time, after getting rid of the disease, it is recommended to include bifidobacteria in the menu for several weeks to return the intestinal macroflora to normal state. To prevent such painful conditions It is advised not to feed the dog food from the human table.

Medical treatment for diarrhea in dogs

In a veterinary clinic, treatment is prescribed to the dog individually. To normalize the microflora suitable remedy will be "Lactobacillin". In the treatment of chronic diarrhea, drugs are used according to the etiology of the disease. For example, in case of pancreatic insufficiency, these will be mainly enzymes, namely Mezim, Festal, Creon, Pancreatin. If the bile ducts are clogged, then stimulants for its excretion are relevant, such as Ursofalk, Allohol. cure chronic diarrhea- is a very difficult task. To do this, the pet must undergo thorough examinations (including ultrasound, x-rays), pass blood, urine and feces tests. To confirm the diagnosis, they are carried out not once, since with serious illnesses strong morphological changes in tissues are possible. In any case, it is important to see a permanent veterinarian and look for real reasons ailment.

German Shepherd

Some owners think that due to their spartan nature, German Shepherds do not need to be carefully monitored and cared for. This is not so, because best qualities breeds can only appear when excellent health against the backdrop of care and good care. in maintaining optimal physical condition important for a shepherd balanced diet, with a predominance of protein foods (meat). Fish, boiled eggs, dairy products, cereals, vegetables are also useful. With natural feeding, shepherd dogs are recommended to give vitamin supplements to food. Potatoes are poorly digested by this breed, therefore it turns out to be practically useless. pasta and flour products and are completely harmful due to the fact that they can lead to obesity and deterioration of working qualities. It is also not advised to offer legumes, smoked and pickled foods, sausage. A single serving of adult food is calculated based on the weight of the shepherd dog, as well as the nutritional value of the product itself (it is advised to give more high-calorie food in smaller portions). For the correct formation of the skeleton of German Shepherd puppies, it is advised to feed using a special stand at chest level. Specific to this breed are hereditary diseases musculoskeletal system, as well as the eyes. Keep a shepherd dog like another dog large breed, optimally in an aviary on the street (in the courtyard of a private house). However, she can also live in an apartment, it is only important to let her feel her importance and have an object that needs to be protected.



Thoroughbred Shar Pei is distinguished by chic watchdog qualities and strength. Sharpei is very smart and independent. Because of this, it cannot be locked in a cage or cramped enclosure. Special coat and ears can become weak points dogs, therefore, when bathing, it is advised to close the ears, and then dry the coat thoroughly, otherwise microbes can develop in it and develop skin diseases. Most often, sharpei do not have good appetite. Walking along with physical activity will help to improve it. They are very demanding on the composition of the feed and the quality of nutrition in general. If a representative of this breed is regularly overfed, he will become very lazy and clumsy, which will immediately affect the health of the kidneys. Because of the tendency to food allergies you should not change food often, and up to a year and a half it is even better to give special dry food with the necessary vitamin supplements. After switching to natural nutrition the emphasis should be on beef, chicken, some vegetables and cereals. Sharpei are forbidden to give liquid food(in particular broths), the food should be thick and dry. Just a few times a week you can pamper your four-legged friend fish, egg or kefir.


External wild beauty, combined with endurance and intelligence, give an almost perfect combination of the characteristics of the Siberian Husky breed. Even a puppy needs constant physical exercise and movement. Although they can live in an apartment, they need the opportunity to run in nature for at least an hour a day. Huskies are very simple in keeping, as they are clean by nature and do not smell, practically do not shed. Their main diseases include eye ailments (for example, inversion of the eyelid, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy) and atopic dermatitis. Feeding a Husky is ideal right after a walk. The amount of food will depend both on the age of the dog and on his living conditions. It is not difficult to choose dry food for this breed, it is important to have a balanced diet, taking into account individual characteristics. The hosts also give them dog food, natural food(fresh or frozen). These dogs eat homemade meals with pleasure, they treat canned food of a semi-liquid consistency and dry food with more restraint.

Diarrhea in dogs can occur as a result of poisoning, be a symptom of any serious illness.
Not every owner knows what to give a dog for diarrhea, so you need to contact your veterinarian.

It's a reaction digestive tract indicates that the body of the animal has internal problems that should be identified and treated.

How does it manifest

All symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on its neglect and severity. Diarrhea can have the following manifestations:

  1. A change in the nature of the stool - stool softens and becomes more liquid.
  2. The feces become watery, blotches of blood appear in them, there is Strong smell.
  3. The color of the feces changes - they can become brown, green, black or yellow.
  4. During defecation, the animal experiences pain, during defecation, it groans or whines.
  5. The bowel movements become more frequent, the volume of feces is small.
  6. With stomach problems, mucus appears in the feces.
  7. The dog begins to worry too much or, conversely, becomes lethargic, she whines all the time or sighs heavily.
  8. The dog becomes nauseous and may vomit.
  9. The body temperature rises.
  10. Rumbling is heard in the stomach.

All signs can occur independently, and in any combination.

If at least one of these manifestations was noticed in an animal, then it should be shown to a specialist.

Puppy is bleeding

If there are inclusions of blood clots during diarrhea, then most likely this is evidence of a serious pathology. You need to take your dog to the doctor.

Diseases accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Poisoning. The dog sometimes picks up different objects or products from the ground. When they enter the stomach, they lead to intense irritation of the intestinal walls, resulting in diarrhea with blood particles.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs. This pathology usually affects young individuals between the ages of two and twelve months. Often the disease ends lethal outcome if adequate time is not implemented medical assistance.
  3. Traumatic enterocolitis. Bloody diarrhea can be the result of eating animals foreign bodies, which lead to injury from the inside of the walls of the intestines, stomach.
  4. Adverse reaction to the use of analgesics.

Acute illness

The owners are faced with an acute form of diarrhea. It comes on suddenly and is usually short-lived. Acute diarrhea in dogs does not last longer than three weeks, but this does not make it any less dangerous and should be treated.

Causes acute form diarrhea are the same factors that cause ordinary indigestion. Among the symptoms can be called liquid stools, sometimes they may be interspersed with blood.

In this state, the dog often defecates, a large amount of fluid is lost, which leads to significant dehydration of the body.

Turned into chronic

If diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then we are talking about a chronic process. There is often mucus or blood in the stool.

With prolonged diarrhea, the animal's body weight decreases, appetite worsens, hair grows dull or falls out, the dog ceases to enjoy life.

Why does

normal work intestines can be disturbed different reasons, these include, for example:

Before starting treatment this pathology it is necessary to reliably determine the cause of its occurrence. Only after all diagnostic procedures can accept everything necessary measures to save the health, and possibly the life of the pet.


What to use

When the very first symptoms appear, you need to take the animal to a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home. The veterinarian will prescribe necessary medicines how the cause of the disease will be determined.


Often the owners are interested in what to give the dog from diarrhea from human medicines. This is unacceptable, since you cannot calculate the dosage.

All groups of medicines should be prescribed only veterinarian and just how the animal will be carefully examined. No drugs can be used on their own to treat an animal.

We treat at home

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian, then you can help your dog defeat the disease using effective, but safe and gentle means.

What can you give your dog for diarrhea?

  1. Rice decoction. To prepare it, rice groats are boiled in a small amount of water, then the rice itself must be removed and the animal should be given the resulting broth to drink.
  2. Herbal preparations. A dog can be given an infusion of various medicinal herbs. Alder seedlings, blueberries, St. John's wort or sage are well suited for this.

What to feed your dog with diarrhea

During the period of illness, the animal usually feels unwell. If the dog refuses to eat, then you cannot force feed it. The dog must drink water in large numbers.

Rules of nutrition that must be observed during illness:

  • on the first day, it is better not to feed a sick animal at all, and if the dog has an appetite, then you can give it a little boiled rice;
  • on the second day, you can connect fermented milk products so that the digestive process returns to normal;
  • if the condition of the animal began to improve, then on the third day you can enter foods with a small amount of fat into the menu - boiled eggs, fish, chicken meat.

For all three days, the pet can be fed with boiled rice.

It is important to always remember that a sick animal needs to drink plenty of fluids. Even plain water will serve as a medicine, tea with sugar, rice water, infusions of medicinal herbs are well suited.

Effective prevention

As preventive measures, pet owners should adhere to the following recommendations:

Every owner must remember that he is responsible for the health and well-being of his pet and even a slight indisposition of his dog should not be left unattended.

What is this

Veterinarians face a challenge. However, the owners are not always able to immediately figure out what medicine to give the dog for diarrhea.

A negative state can be observed only during the day. In the most dangerous situations diarrhea can continue in the animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is no cause for concern.

If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give the dog with diarrhea. The choice of pet care depends on general condition animal, the structure of feces, their shade.

Viral infection

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of the defeat of the animal's body by pathogens of viral infections. The most common symptoms of diarrhea are caused by the following diseases. Parvovirus enteritis - popularly known as "dog distemper". Often this virus affects immature dogs.

Puppies a few months old are especially susceptible to this viral infection. Characteristic features development of parvovirus enteritis are frequent urges to a bowel movement severe vomiting, appearance copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal.

It is not pleasant for a dog owner to see their pet suffer. Diarrhea is a huge nuisance. What to do if your dog has diarrhea? First of all, find the cause and eliminate it. Diarrhea can be considered a bowel movement more than three times a day. In this condition, the dog needs to drink plenty of water.

What to give a dog for diarrhea and how to treat it

Every pet owner should have basic first aid skills for a pet. If the pet has diarrhea, then the owner should observe the animal. At this point, indicators are important.

  • Chair composition.
  • Availability of food in a chair.
  • heyday bowel movements.
  • Amount of mass chair.
  • Quantity bowel movements per day.

It is not recommended to treat the animal on its own in the first place, what the pet owner should do is to exclude all food that was previously given. The pet must be on a diet. Provide a constant and plentiful drink to the dog. In case of fever or atypical discharge, activated charcoal should be given to the dog. And urgently deliver the pet to veterinary clinic.

Causes of diarrhea

Diarrhea in a dog can occur against the background of a violation of work gastrointestinal tract. This could be for various reasons.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea

The main problem in the development of diarrhea in an animal is the presence of certain nutritional problems. Overfeeding your pet is one of the causes of diarrhea. Incorrect and poor-quality food quite often leads to the development of diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be caused by existing allergic reaction. Quite often, feeds contain livestock products and by-products. Rejection of the body can manifest itself as diarrhea. Quite often, pet owners are unaware that switching from one diet to another can cause diarrhea. Thus, the body resists. Undoubtedly salty, fatty and sweet food is detrimental to the stomach of the animal, so the occurrence of diarrhea is inevitable. In addition, the cause of diarrhea can be dry food, to which the animal is allergic. Or switch from wet food dry food or vice versa.

Diarrhea in an animal can develop periodically, for example, once a week. After, go to chronic course. After you casually give your pet a treat, the dog may have a reaction in the form of diarrhea. Another reason for the development of diarrhea is poisoning. As a result of a poor-quality product or that it has become unusable, diarrhea may occur. With diarrhea comes vomiting. Treatment of the animal will directly depend on the stool itself and its content.

Regardless of the cause of diarrhea in the house, you need to preventive measures animal using anthelmintic preparations.

Diarrhea color

The color of diarrhea in a pet in the home plays a crucial role in diagnosing the cause and prescribing the appropriate treatment. Consider the main indicators of the presence of a particular disease.

Some causes of diarrhea can be eliminated at home. But if diarrhea occurs along with vomiting, high temperature and many others additional symptoms, then such a course can become the presence of a serious disease. Without additional diagnostics and examinations will be difficult to eliminate the cause at home.

Prevention of diarrhea in dogs

The main thing in carrying out prevention in dogs is to exclude human ready meals. Do not give to a dog fried food, spicy dishes. In no case, you can not feed the dog salads, dumplings. Proper nutrition is the key to your pet's health. A complex diet for a dog must strictly observe the proportions of dishes.

In order to determine the presence of an animal's predisposition to allergies, it is quite enough to conduct special tests. To date, there are several laboratory tests to help identify allergens certain products. By establishing an accurate connection, you can avoid further development diarrhea.

Taking care of the health of the animal is the main point in the care and maintenance. The owner of the pet must vaccinate the dog every year. In addition, you need to follow the treatment against worms. In order to determine real reason diarrhea, you need to consult a veterinarian. The presence of helminths often becomes the main cause of diarrhea.

Every pet owner should understand that you should not self-medicate diarrhea. Uncontrolled use of one or the other means can lead to the development of disastrous consequences.

Treatment for diarrhea in dogs

At the dog yellow diarrhea and the frequency of bowel movements exceeds three times, you will need urgent consultation specialist. Only he can prescribe treatment for the dog. It is worth noting that diarrhea can lead in some cases to the death of the animal. Therefore, it is best to help the animal at the beginning of its development.

  • The animal must drink as much as possible. During the development of diarrhea, the animal develops dehydration. In the event that the animal refuses to drink on its own, it is recommended to give it a drink with a syringe.

In order for the animal to make up water balance, doctors prescribe a solution of rehydron. It helps to normalize the water level in the body. If vomiting is present, it helps eliminate it. And also, the pet needs to be given activated charcoal, which will help remove toxins from the body. The dosage of activated carbon is determined by one tablet per ten kilograms of weight. And also, you can use smectite to remove toxins. With a solution of the medicine, you need to gradually drink the dog. If the animal suffers from sharp pains, then you will need to give no-shpu or papaverine.

Prebiotics are often used to treat diarrhea. And also, groups of vitamins B and E can be used.

To complement the complex of treatment will help folk remedies, which also effectively help in the treatment of diarrhea. In the treatment of diarrhea, decoctions and infusions of plants are often prepared. They have a regenerating, enveloping and astringent agent.

  1. Decoction of oak bark, quite often offered to a dog during diarrhea. The crushed bark is brewed in a glass of water. The cooled broth is given every two hours to the dog.
  2. Anti-inflammatory agent is a decoction of chamomile, cinquefoil or St. John's wort. The dosage is one spoonful for every hour. In this case, an infusion of plants is prepared in the same portion.

If a dog has diarrhea, questions arise - what to do? What to treat? Who to contact? A dog that doesn't have health problems typically goes to the toilet about two to four times a day. At the same time, her feces are strong, well-formed, and do not spread. If the bowel movement is carried out more often, and the stool is watery, there is cause for concern.

Why do dogs get diarrhea? Here are some causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • poor quality and for some reason not suitable products for a dog
  • abrupt, unprepared change in diet
  • ingestion of foreign objects
  • infectious diseases
  • the presence of worms
  • chemical poisoning
  • allergic reactions
  • lack of vitamins
  • if the dog is old, diarrhea may occur due to disruption of the intestines
  • and many other reasons

In the presence of diarrhea, it is worth carefully studying its cause. Usually the right approach provides positive result as quickly as possible. This is very important when it comes to puppies, as diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration, and therefore death.

It is worth noting that quite often diarrhea in a dog can appear after childbirth. This is usually based on the fact that the bitch eats the afterbirth. In order to prevent this complication Better not let her do it.

If your dog has bloody diarrhea

Bloody diarrhea in a dog can be a sign of a serious illness

If traces of blood are present in the stool, this may indicate serious illness. In this situation, it is very important to quickly contact a specialist. What causes bloody diarrhea? It can be all kinds of poisoning that occurs due to the fact that the dog picked up and ate something on the street.

Also, the reason may be parvovirus enteritis- the disease is typical for puppies, whose age is from 2 months to a year. Sometimes adult dog or a puppy can pick up and swallow a sharp object, thereby causing enterocolitis, as a result - diarrhea with blood.

Black diarrhea in a dog can occur due to bleeding in the intestines, as well as if there is a disease such as cirrhosis of the liver. If the dog has yellow or green, then this may indicate the beginning of such dangerous disease like a plague.

What should you do if your dog has diarrhea?

Daily fasting - effective remedy against diarrhea

What to do if your dog has diarrhea? As already mentioned, it directly depends on the reason that caused it. If, in general, the pet has no other signs of malaise, then it is enough to reduce the fat content of the food.

If the dog has diarrhea due to poisoning, then treatment as such is not required, it is enough to put the pet on a daily fast, while ensuring constant drinking from fresh water. Upon exiting the fast, it is recommended that the dog be fed only easily digestible and not fatty foods, such as boiled egg, fish, boiled rice. Dog food should also be special for indigestion.

If the dog looks bad, sleeps a lot, diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, you should immediately contact a specialist, visit a veterinary clinic, where effective treatment will be prescribed.

What to give a dog for diarrhea?

Treatment must be prescribed by a doctor

In order to answer the question of how to treat diarrhea in a dog, what pills or remedies to give, you need to find out the cause of the disease. As a rule, for effective treatment diarrhea are prescribed drugs that kill a variety of infections.

If the examination revealed ulcerative lesions intestines, then astringents and special enveloping agents are prescribed. As soon as the main symptoms disappear, it is worth giving drugs that restore the microflora.

In the early days acute condition, in order to stop diarrhea in a dog, it can be given a solution of Regidron, from about 1 cup to 2 liters per day, it all depends on the size of the animal, or other medicines for diarrhea in dogs.

In order to remove toxins from the body, drugs such as Polyphepan, Enterosgel and Enterodez are prescribed. To restore the microflora, it is worth giving drugs such as Lactobifadol or other drugs that contain bifidobacteria.

Diarrhea prevention

Do not forget that the most effective method The treatment for diarrhea in a dog is its prevention. Owners are advised to carefully monitor the nutrition of their pet. It is important to provide him with the ideal drinking regimen, it is also necessary to protect the pet from spoiled products.

If the problem still appears, you should take timely measures and strictly follow the prescribed treatment, this is the only way to stop diarrhea in a dog.

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