Does not apply to bad habits. The most bad habits and how to deal with them

Each person has their own preferences and habits. They can be harmful or helpful, bad or good. This article will focus on the consequences of bad habits. You will also learn what exactly are bad hobbies.

Habit: general description

To begin with, it is worth talking about the concept of this expression. A habit is an activity that a person uses constantly. Some preferences haunt a person every minute of life.

Of course, all people have habits. Whether they are good or bad is up to the owner to decide. No one has the right to judge a person, but some individuals can be given good advice.

Bad habits of a person - what are they?

There are many preferences that can be called useless or bad. Let's try to consider the main ones. About the consequences of bad habits, you will learn a little later.

Drug use

Perhaps one of the most dangerous habits that are considered bad is drug addiction. The use of certain substances that affect the brain and nervous system has an irreparable effect on general state organism.

It is worth noting that such a person is very dangerous. They are hard to get rid of, and getting used to them is almost instantaneous. Man can drink plain pills or enter narcotic substance into the blood with a syringe.

Drinking alcoholic products

Another bad habit is the use of alcoholic products. It is worth noting that a person suffering from such an ailment almost always denies this. Addiction appears very quickly and accompanies a person throughout life.

Alcoholism can be different. Such a habit always has one stage or another. Some people prefer to drink soft drinks in large quantities, while others drink moderately, but often. It is difficult to get rid of such a bad habit, but it can be done faster and easier than curing drug addiction.

Tobacco smoking

Another bad habit is smoking. It is worth noting that in Lately There are far more women who are addicted than men. Cigarettes are a more harmless habit than drug addiction or alcoholism. However, it is quite difficult to give up such an addiction. Need amazing and desire.

The Ministry of Health is against bad habits in the form of smoking. Each pack of cigarettes has pictures that show possible consequences such a passion.

Improper nutrition

There is another bad habit that can be called bad. This is the wrong food for man. Many people are used to snacking on the run. Some people also eat food. fast food drinking carbonated sweet water.

This habit is even more harmless than the previous ones. You can get rid of it easily, but only if you have a strong desire to change something in your life.

Good Habits

An alternative to the bad habits listed above will not only help you get rid of the latter, but also significantly improve your health. Among the good addictions, too, there are many. Let's consider a few of them.


Any correct exercise stress positively affects human health. Muscles begin to work, burned excess fat and cleanse the vessels. The right load will be only if the right muscles are involved. To do this, you can contact a specialized room or do independent study this question.

Drinking clean water

Surely every doctor will tell you what to drink clean water very helpful. A person should consume more than one liter of simple liquid per day. Do not replace water with juices, tea or coffee.

Start your day with one glass of plain water, this will become a good habit for your well-being. Water will help energize and wake up everything internal organs.

Proper nutrition

If you eat the right food, the result will not be long in coming. The improvement in well-being will be almost instantaneous. At the same time, it is worth abandoning all the junk food that was described above. Give preference to vegetables, fruits and greens. Avoid pastries and sweets.

By following this diet, you will feel much better. This will indicate that health is returning to normal.

What are the consequences of bad habits?

If you have these or other bad addictions, then you need to know what consequences they can have. Perhaps, after a general acquaintance, you will begin to speak out against bad habits.

Social degradation

Alcoholism and drug addiction are such harmful addictions that can greatly affect. Perhaps at first it will seem to you that no one notices this condition. However, this is not at all the case.

An alcoholic or drug addict can quickly be fired from work. As a result, a person may be left without a livelihood. Also, such individuals quickly lose good friends and miss useful acquaintances.

External changes

Bad habits can greatly affect the image of a person. Drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking always have a negative effect on a person. A person ages faster, wrinkles on his face and swelling appear.

If a person prefers malnutrition and this is an inveterate bad habit, then obesity may be the result of such an addiction. A person quickly gains weight and accumulates fat. In the absence of a sports load, external changes occur quickly and irreversibly.

Health problems

Bad habits and health are practically incompatible. If a person has bad addictions, then after a while he begins to feel much worse. When smoking tobacco, problems with the lungs begin. Pneumonia or even cancer may develop. Alcoholism greatly affects the liver and kidneys. If a person is a drug addict, then for the most part the brain suffers, but all organs of the body are affected.

What can we say about pregnant women who have bad addictions. IN this case there is an irreparable effect on the fetus.

How to get rid of bad habits?

The negative impact of bad habits on health has long been proven. If you decide to give up a bad addiction, then you need to start immediately. Don't make promises to yourself that you will stop doing something bad tomorrow or next week. Do it right now.

Enlist the support of loved ones and relatives. They are likely to appreciate your desire to become healthier. Give yourself the right attitude and stick to it. Nothing should stop you from reaching your goal.

Summing up and conclusion

Now you know the consequences of bad habits. Try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Of course, you can not be in everything. However, you need to strive for this. Prefer good habits all harmful. Only then can you always

How much is said today about the most harmful habits, about the damage they cause to human health and life. But you should know that bad habits are not only gross, but also more subtle, mental, which bring much more harm and are the basis for gross bad habits.

In this article, we will look at all kinds of bad habits and some ways to overcome them. To begin with, I propose to deal with the term "bad habit" and define what it is.

What is a bad habit?

There are many definitions of this concept on the Internet and most often it is outright nonsense. Basically, bad habits are taken to be those that are negatively evaluated by society, etc. But a person has his own destiny, which does not care about the opinion of society, even if it is the majority of people.

As one wise man said: most often the opinion of the crowd is wrong. And today society is run like a herd of well-known animals. This is done, by the way, with the help of the spread of bad habits, among other things.

In our case, bad habits are those habits that harm the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person.

If we have any habit and it harms our health at least on one level, this means that it is harmful and something needs to be changed. Understand that this life is very serious and any mistakes have consequences. Do not underestimate even small bad habits, thinking that nothing bad will come of them. It will be, how it will be.

Well, now let's start with the well-known bad habits that lead to a lack of energy, an increase in negative qualities of character, illness, suffering and death.

List of gross bad human habits

  • Drug use (alcohol, smoking, etc.)

This is the number one bad habit among the most bad human habits. alcohol, tobacco, e-Sigs, light and hard drugs - all this literally destroys a person, rapidly turning him into an ordinary animal in terms of the level of consciousness and developing a wide variety of diseases in the body.

Alcohol is a poison in any form and in any quantity. There is no justification for drinking alcohol other than attachment and dependence on this poison. Alcohol is deliberately distributed in the world to make it easier to control the masses of people.

Smoking is one of the main causes of diseases of the respiratory system, including lung cancer. And if you add here impotence, infertility and more, the picture is even more impressive.

As for the rest of the drugs, the picture is the same sad picture. I recommend watching a video on this topic:

  • Overeating and malnutrition

Improper nutrition no less dangerous than drug use, just the effect of it stretches over time and initial stage works imperceptibly to untrained eyes.

It is very important what we eat, who cooked it, in what conditions, and so on. There are no trifles in nutrition, as in any other matters of life. So healthy eating the path to changing lives and improving health begins. Being healthy and happy is impossible in principle if we do not follow.

Overeating is a type of addiction, especially often it manifests itself when a person refuses alcohol, smoking and other drugs. You should know that any excess food in our stomach is not digested and turns into toxins. Simply put, an extra or junk food begins to rot in the intestines.

Much depends on how active a person leads a life. If this is a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then diseases will inevitably arise in the body. At first it will be a metabolic disorder, lack of energy and banal depression. Then there are more serious illnesses.

It is imperative to lead an active life, play sports, give preference to outdoor activities. A healthy mind in a healthy body, and healthy body becomes when it moves, and does not lie or sit.

  • Violation of the daily routine

This is the second main cause of problems in human life. Improper nutrition and improper daily routine are the most harmful habits for human health. In order to destroy your psyche, it is enough to periodically go to bed after midnight and get up at 9-10 in the morning. Irritability, apathy, depression, followed by illness in the physical body are inevitable.

The correct mode of the day is when we go to bed at 21-22 hours and get up at 4-6 in the morning. Deviation from these hours is already a violation of the daily routine, leading to certain consequences.

Much has been written about the daily routine in the following articles:

  • Drinking a small amount of liquid

The physical body of a person mainly consists of water, so the body must necessarily have a certain water balance. If there is a lack of water in the body, then this leads to problems with digestion, premature aging, the formation of toxins and slags.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking pure raw water. The amount of water is selected individually, depending on the constitution of the body and sensations. Usually it is 1-2 liters per day, not counting soups, etc. Freshly squeezed juices from natural fruits are also excellent. Start with the simple habit of drinking a glass of water every morning as outlined in

  • Obscene expressions (obscenities, slang, etc.)

Everything in the world is made up of energy. Our speech is also energy and it greatly influences fate. If we use obscenities and various slang in our speech, then this lowers the level of our consciousness, and, accordingly, life in general. A swearing person literally attracts everything negative into his life.

Learn to speak beautifully, to the point, not to criticize or condemn. To do this, you need to listen to wise people more and read reasonable books. An excellent book on the subject is

  • Drinking black tea and coffee

These beloved drinks are weak drugs and harm the body. For many people, this may be bad news, but it is true. These drinks are as addictive as alcohol and tobacco. They dehydrate the body and take energy.

A temporary burst of activity in a person after drinking them is caused by the fact that coffee and black tea cause stress in the body. To be honest, I don’t recommend drinking green tea from the store either, since it produces about the same effect. Replace those drinks clean water, freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.

You can learn about the dangers of coffee from the video:

  • Use of medicines without special need

Another bad news for you. The modern pharmaceutical industry is a common business and its goal is not to cure a person, but to make him a regular customer of pharmacies. Medicines are not able to cure diseases, but only drown out external symptoms.

Diseases in the physical body are already last stage manifestations of the problem. All the roots of problems come from a more subtle mental level. Accordingly, if you want to stop getting sick, then you need to start working on your mental state, which means improving the qualities of character, raising the level of consciousness, getting rid of selfishness, etc.

Medicines are needed only in extreme cases, when there are no other ways out of the problem, and the situation itself requires an immediate solution. It is very stupid to swallow pills and antibiotics at a temperature of 37.5, you can’t even imagine how much harm drugs bring to our body, primarily to the liver and kidneys.

Video for thought:

Computer games are the big problem of our age. Many children, teenagers and adults suffer from this addiction. In short, the psyche is destroyed from the passion for computer games, a person breaks away from real life, wastes time of his life in vain, leads a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

This is another of the many ways people are manipulated. What such a “gamer” needs is new games with exciting special effects or updates to existing games. And he will no longer be particularly interested in everything that happens around him, including in his life.

  • Passion for gambling (casinos, slot machines, bookmakers)

Excitement, the desire to get money "for free", without giving anything in return and without benefiting the world is a real disaster today. People go crazy trying to get as much money as possible. They do not want to be realized, to become useful and necessary for others. For them, the main thing is money to satisfy their insatiable selfish desires.

Gambling and everything connected with it has an extremely negative effect on a person's character. And according to Eastern psychology, changes in the fate of a person begin with a change in character. Excitement develops greed, greed, selfishness, lust and other vices in a person. If the character deteriorates, then life will deteriorate in the future.

It is better to make an effort to find your purpose in the activity and begin to be realized in it. This is what benefits everyone around us, and we are happy and satisfied. This article will help you find your purpose:

  • Promiscuous and illegal sex

Sexual energy is the main energy and it is important to be able to manage it harmoniously. Having sex with an unloved person or even with a random partner takes a lot of energy and defiles the mind. Excessive passion for sex also negatively affects the energy and health of a person.

If a man constantly loses semen (sperm), then he becomes weak and it is much harder for him to achieve success in life, and a woman carries a certain energy memory of all her past sexual partners.

The ideal option is pure sex in goodness with your beloved husband or wife without any perversions. By the amount of sex, everything is individual, but the sages advise striving to have sex no more than once a week, even better - once a month, ideally - only for conceiving children.

  • Masturbation and pornography

These manifestations in human life also do not bring benefits. Pornography is especially dangerous, the hobby of which can close the future and make life miserable. All pornographic and even erotic scenes carry the energy of lust, debauchery, lust and violence. What then can be expected by a person who voluntarily comes into contact with these energies?

First of all, you need to reduce your lust. To do this, you need to create a family and be faithful to her. It is also necessary to raise sexual energy from lower energy centers to higher ones and be realized in creativity, work, service to others.

How to give up gross bad habits?

Initially, you need to understand why you want to refuse them, why it is important for you. When you are clearly aware of all the harm from a bad habit, then you quite easily give it up.

Suppose you have this or that bad habit and you want to give it up. At first study the materials about it, why it is harmful. Just look for adequate sources, not those criminal materials that say that alcohol is “healthy”, etc.

Start playing sports, develop in creativity, work on yourself spiritually, listen to lectures on self-development, read reasonable books. Choose books from those I do

This standard set action to change your life. Take action and remember that our life in this world is very short and there is no time for various nonsense.

We have analyzed the most harmful habits on the rough plane, now let's move on to more subtle ones.

Subtle (mental) bad habits

  • Greed

Greed means the desire to consume more than to give. In today's consumer society, the idea is cultivated that the more material goods you have, the happier you will be. But the facts say otherwise: the more greedy and greedy a person is, the more unhappy he is. Such people cannot have normal relations with others, since no one wants to communicate closely with the greedy. And in general, greed and other vices listed below are a sin.

  • Anger

Anger arises when we don't get something we want or our expectations are not met, or someone spoils or criticizes what we have achieved at the cost of great efforts. That is, we become angry, judgmental, or annoyed as a result of the destruction of our attachments to material things, lifestyle, moral principles, and so on.

Anger is acceptable only in certain situations when it is really needed. For example, when the boss needs to reprimand subordinates for misconduct. In this case, outwardly anger manifests itself, but inside you need to remain calm and detached from the situation.

  • Lust

Lust is expressed primarily in sexual attachments. The highest material enjoyment is sex, and it is very easy to become strongly addicted to it. Attachment to sex breeds attachment to everything else. If a person indulges his lust in every possible way, looking for sex always and everywhere, then he will destroy his life. Lust makes us do sometimes terrible things. This is a huge separate topic for discussion.

  • Pride and selfishness

Thinking of yourself as the most worthy or considering yourself better than others is selfishness and pride. Such a person seeks to live for himself, maximum for his family. He is very proud of his accomplishments and brags about them at every opportunity.

Selfishness and pride bring a lot of suffering to a person, make him consider himself mortal physical body. They bring a lot of anxiety for everything accumulated in life, give rise to fear and fill a person’s life. constant worries. Diseases, mental disorders, problems at work and in personal relationships also come.

How to give up mental bad habits?

The main way to get rid of greed is through selfless acts, including donating at least 10% of your income to charitable causes. It is important not to expect anything in return and not to tell anyone what a great benefactor you are.

To deal with anger, reproaches, insults and others need to understand that Anything can happen in this world at any moment., and against our will and contrary to our expectations. It must be remembered that everything is the Will of God and learn to accept your fate without pretensions.

The development of love for God will help to cope with lust, the ability to live in the present moment and the ability to periodically move away from everyday fuss, from relationships and experiences, to reflect on the meaning of life and strive for the main

You can get rid of selfishness and pride only by realizing your true spiritual nature., the essence of which lies in selfless service to all living beings. You need to switch your attention from yourself to others and start doing something for them, while not expecting anything in return.

The most bad habits of men

In men, and in women, many of the above gross and subtle bad habits are found. As for men, it is worth highlighting:

  • Addiction to drugs (including alcohol and tobacco);
  • Propensity to debauchery;
  • propensity to gamble;
  • Plebeian speech (with obscenities);
  • A penchant for computer games;
  • Passion for pornography;
  • Greed;
  • Irresponsibility;
  • Laziness;
  • Envy;
  • Condemnation and criticism;
  • Lack of goals in life;
  • The image of a victim of fate.

A man needs to work on eradicating all these very bad habits. How to do it is also a big topic. But I think that these articles can help you with this:

The most harmful human habits: summary

So, in this great article, you have learned a huge number of bad habits that bring problems into our lives. And we can safely say that these are far from all the most harmful human habits. If desired, these lists can be continued.

But you need to start working at least on what was discussed in this article. For this you will need more than one year. If you decide to leave everything as it is, then in the future do not be surprised that illnesses, sufferings, misfortunes, etc. come into life.

Once again, I will list the most harmful habits that have a detrimental effect on the body and human life.

Gross bad habits:

  1. Drug use (alcohol, smoking, etc.);
  2. Improper nutrition;
  3. Inactive lifestyle;
  4. Wrong daily routine;
  5. Drinking insufficient fluids;
  6. Dirty and empty speech;
  7. Drinking tea, coffee, soda;
  8. The use of drugs without extreme necessity;
  9. Computer games;
  10. Excitement;
  11. Illicit sex;
  12. Pornography and masturbation.

Mental bad habits:

  1. Greed;
  2. Anger, reproaches, condemnation, irritation;
  3. 20 most bad habits leading to degradation and death

Each person at least once noticed some kind of addiction, but not all of them are safe for the person himself, his environment. A lot has been said and written about bad habits and their impact on health, their types and causes, the fight against them and prevention, but this topic has not exhausted itself. Are there any reasons for this? Yes! Despite the huge number social advertising, bad habits render pernicious influence on people and their families.

What are bad habits

Addictions that harm health, relationships, self-development, financial situation, are called bad habits. Some of them are perceived adequately, for example, tobacco smoking, although nicotine contributes cancer while others, on the contrary, cause a lot of negative emotions in society. However, all of them do not carry anything good in themselves, they turn a person into a hostage, make him dependent on a certain factor. If the object of desire is taken away from him, then even common sense does not stop the obsession to get what he wants.


It has long been proven that dependencies and their harmful effects adversely affect the health and psyche of others. The simplest example is passive smoking, during which the nicotine contained in tobacco smoke, causes more harm to the body of an outsider than to the smoker himself. Representatives of young people, including schoolchildren, smoke, drink alcohol, indulge in soft drugs, so that in ten years they will begin to suffer from alcoholism, substance abuse, be treated for infertility, heart problems, lungs, etc. The health of teenagers deteriorates instantly.

Experts identify three addictions that have gained widespread popularity among men and women over the past few decades. They lead to chronic diseases, destroy the brain, heart, blood vessels. Pregnant women, drinking or smoking, have no idea how alcohol or nicotine affects the intrauterine development of children, what heredity they pass on to offspring. Most importantly, they destroy families. Bad habits include alcoholism, drugs, gambling. These are the three horsemen of the apocalypse modern world that are harmful to health.


Heavy drinking is not just an addiction. This is a huge health hazard. The mechanism of poisoning is based on the influence of such a poisonous substance as ethanol or ethyl alcohol. He begins his insidious action a minute after entering the stomach. However digestive tract- this is far from the only system that suffers from drunk alcohol.

The brain is one of the most important organs person. Excessive attachment to a glass causes persistent mental disorders, memory loss is observed. Because of toxic effects alcohol on the body, you can get alcoholic encephalopathy, which is a complex psychosis, a "delirium tremens" syndrome, consisting of somatic and neurological disorders. Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, which takes the brunt of it. Cirrhosis of the liver is a slow but inevitable death.


More terrible than alcoholism can only be the use of drugs, which often consist of chemical harmful components. The impact of bad habits on the human body is enormous. Drugs affect the nervous system, there is a complete change in a healthy body for the worse. A person who takes drugs eventually becomes dependent on the state in which he stays, forgetting about the dangers of harmful substances. With constant doses develops chronic poisoning organism, such diseases occur:

  • damage to internal organs;
  • disruption of work nervous system;
  • brain atrophy;
  • violation of the production of hormones;
  • liver and heart failure.

drug addicts, unlike healthy people more likely to become depressed and commit suicide. Rare cases of overdose fatal. This is the risk of contracting AIDS and other infections that are transmitted through the blood. Such people cannot get rid of drug addiction on their own, they need qualified help from doctors and psychologists. Recovery is very difficult, often with relapses.

gambling addiction

Bad habits and their impact on health are not limited to drugs and alcohol alone. Gambling is another scourge modern society. A person, falling into such dependence, becomes lost to society. Gambling entails the following problems:

  • mental illness. An Internet player can sit in front of a monitor for hours. He may not spend even a ruble, but he will forget about real life and the people around. There is a degradation of the personality, the absence of any vital activity, in addition to virtual world games.
  • Impact on health. Internet players forget about sleep, food. Cases have been recorded when such people go to the toilet for themselves. As a result, the Internet player becomes like a drug addict.
  • Memory loss, decreased intelligence.

Consequences of bad habits

People addicted to addictions destroy their mental and physical health. Close people suffer from the consequences of such addictions. Drug addicts and alcoholics rarely admit that they are sick. This state of affairs aggravates the treatment, and such people need to be treated seriously, without delay. For these purposes, organized medical and psychological centers for work with youth and adult patients, where doctors and psychologists conduct complex therapy, explain how bad habits affect human health.

Bad habits and their consequences

A habitual action is a habit. But, on the one hand, there are good, useful habits and manners, and, on the other hand, there are bad or harmful habits.
We can call good habits such as doing exercises in the morning, washing hands before eating, putting all things away, brushing your teeth every day, etc.

A bad habit can be seen as a disease or pathological addiction. But along with bad habits, there are unprofitable actions that cannot be considered as a disease, but which arise due to the imbalance of the nervous system.

What can be called bad habits?

Alcoholism- the most common bad habit, often turns into a serious disease, characterized by a painful addiction to alcohol (ethyl alcohol), with mental and physical dependence on it, accompanied by systematic consumption alcoholic beverages despite the negative consequences.

Alcoholism is an auto-destructive (self-destructive) type of deviant, dependent behavior. The emergence and development of alcoholism depends on the volume and frequency of alcohol consumption, as well as individual factors and characteristics of the organism. Some people are at greater risk of developing alcoholism due to specific socioeconomic environments, emotional and/or mental predispositions, and hereditary causes. The dependence of cases of acute alcoholic psychosis on the type of the hSERT gene (encodes the serotonin transporter protein) has been established. However, so far it has not been found specific mechanisms implementation of the addictive properties of alcohol.

Drug addiction is a chronic progressive (development of the disease with an increase in symptoms) disease caused by the use of drug substances.
Different drugs cause different addictions. Some drugs cause strong psychological dependence, but do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary, cause a strong physical dependence. Many drugs cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Distinguish between positive attachment - taking a drug to achieve a pleasant effect (euphoria, a feeling of cheerfulness, increased mood) and negative attachment - taking a drug in order to get rid of tension and poor health. physical addiction means painful and even painful sensations, disease state during a break in the constant use of drugs (the so-called. withdrawal syndrome, breaking). These sensations are temporarily relieved by the resumption of drug use.

At the end of the 20th century, Russia, following many countries of the world, faced an epidemic of drug addiction. According to estimates by the Federal Drug Control Service, currently in Russian Federation there are up to 2.5 million drug addicts. The vast majority of them, about 90%, are heroin addicts. Since the early nineties of the XX century, drug addiction has become an epidemic and is a threat to the national security of the country. The country annually loses 30-40 thousand young people from heroin. Narcotization of the population is the main reason for the spread serious illnesses: HIV and viral hepatitis. Of the 500,000 officially registered HIV-infected people in Russia, about 60% are people who became infected through injecting drug use. Up to 90% of drug addicts have hepatitis B or C.

Smoking is the inhalation of the smoke of preparations, mainly of plant origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the body with the substances contained in them. active substances by their sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Gaming Addiction - intended form psychological dependence, manifested in an obsessive passion for video games and computer games, as well as gambling addiction - a pathological addiction to gambling consists in frequent repeated episodes of participation in gambling that dominate a person's life and lead to a decrease in social, professional, material and family values, such a person does not pays due attention to its responsibilities in these areas.

The most addictive games are most often considered online, especially MMORPGs. There are cases when too long a game led to fatal consequences.

Oniomania (from the Greek onios - for sale, mania - madness) - an irresistible desire to buy something, not paying attention to the necessity and consequences. Shopping becomes both recreation and entertainment, and an independent meaning. In common parlance, this mania is often called shopingolism or shopaholism.

According to doctors, most often oniomania develops in women due to lack of attention, feelings of loneliness and inner emptiness, the need for recognition and love, as well as during a period of depression due to the loss of a partner. There are other reasons as well:
. Thirst for adrenaline.
The body quickly gets used to adrenaline and begins to need more and more doses of it. These people are into extreme sports. In the store you can also get a dose of adrenaline - making a purchase decision and possible disappointment are microstresses.
. Illusion of power. It is not so much things for personal consumption that are bought as certain attributes of power, including in the form of the attitude of sellers to the buyer: respect, helpful treatment, flattering praise, branded shopping bags.
. The illusion of freedom and control over your life.Shopping removes depression and anxiety from a shopaholic, increases self-esteem and self-confidence - he can afford to buy what he wants now, and not what was recommended or what is simply necessary. And a person gets a feeling of freedom from shopping, even if he does not need things. And if you go to the store unnecessarily or needlessly.

Psychogenic overeating
- an eating disorder, which is overeating, leading to the appearance excess weight, and which is a reaction to distress (negative non-specific reaction of the animal's body to any external influence. The most severe form of distress is shock.). May follow the loss of loved ones, accidents, surgical operations and emotional distress, especially in persons predisposed to fullness.

Psychogenic overeating is complex problem which combines both purely psychological and purely physiological factors. Physiological factor are problems associated with overweight: metabolic disorders, increased load on the body, etc. Psychological factor- on the one hand, these are difficult emotional experiences of a person suffering from psychogenic overeating, and on the other, the difficulties associated with a person's diet. As a consequence, psychogenic overeating often requires dealing with both factors at the same time, through both a psychologist/psychiatrist and a nutritionist/physician.

TV addiction.
Television has become the most common way to escape from oneself into the world of illusions. It has entered the life of almost everyone. modern man became a familiar companion of his life.
According to statistics, on average, each person spends about 3 hours a day in front of the TV. This is about half of his free time and about 9 years of everyone's life. People regularly give their leisure time to television. Despite the fact that viewers often negatively assess the quality of programs, consider themselves capable of turning off the TV “right here and now”, the same people continue to wait for hours near the TVs, being unable to “break away” from watching. That is, we are talking about a partial loss of control over the attraction to watching TV shows.

Signs of TV addiction are:
1. bad feeling, anxiety, irritability, weakness at the end of TV viewing;
2. a feeling of loss of reality, confusion when the TV is suddenly turned off;
3. unscheduled viewings;
4. the failure of actions aimed at reducing the time spent in front of the TV and the feeling of guilt associated with this;
5. focus on events, TV storylines, the desire to translate the topic of conversation into a discussion of what was seen on TV;
6. decrease in professional activity or neglect of family responsibilities because of the TV;
7. any other forms of recreation (reading, walking, sports, hobbies) begin to give way, the time previously spent on them is filled with watching TV;
8. If you refuse to watch TV for 3 days or more, the following phenomena occur: discomfort, weakness, loss of strength, apathy, indifference, melancholy, anxiety, a feeling of emptiness, irreparable loss, dissatisfaction with life, reduced disability and family conflicts, aggression, irritability.
internet addictionmental disorder, an obsessive desire to connect to the Internet and a painful inability to disconnect from the Internet in time. Internet addiction is a widely discussed issue, but its status is still at an unofficial level.
British scientists believe that excessively active Internet surfing leads to depression. Those people who spend a lot of time online are prone to bad mood and often feel unhappy.
The study showed that about 10% of users worldwide suffer from Internet addiction. Some of them self-admit their illness and report that they spend a lot of time in chats and social networks.
The main problem of many users is too much time spent online. Many people cannot control how much time they spend on the Internet. This prevents them from leading a fulfilling life.

The main 6 types of internet addiction are:
1. Obsessive Web Surfing - Endless Journeys world wide web, search for information.
2. Addiction to virtual communication and virtual acquaintances - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chats, web forums, redundancy of acquaintances and friends on the Web.
3. Gaming addiction - an obsessive passion for computer games over the network.

4. Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.
5. Addiction to watching movies via the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without breaking off due to the fact that you can watch almost any movie or program on the network.
6. Cybersex addiction - obsessive attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex.

Nail biting habit. Science still doesn't know what makes people bite their nails. Although there are a lot of theories trying to explain why people bite their nails: from thoughtfulness to tension.

One of the most common theories is that nail biting is caused by stress. They chew to relax, they chew to think better, they chew when they're nervous.
French sociologists conducted a survey on a funny topic: "Who and in what situations bites their nails?". It turned out that the French most often provoke work situations to bite their nails. 26.5% of respondents bite their nails when thinking about work issues or feeling anxious about work. Among the reasons in second place in popularity is biting nails while shopping(which, apparently, symbolizes the pangs of choice), then follow thinking about the economic situation and worrying about children or parents.

Habit learned from parents. There is a “folk” theory, according to which heredity is to blame for the habit of biting nails: they say, if parents bit their nails, then the children will do the same, there’s nothing to be done.
But don't blame behavioral genes for something that has a much simpler explanation. The child sees the parents biting their nails. In the same way, he sees how parents cross the road at a red light, are rude to others and pick their nose.

Aggression so and splashes. Another theory links nail biting to self-directed aggression. That is, a person who bites his nails has something to present to himself: he literally gnaws at himself, is busy with self-accusations and self-flagellation. It is difficult to object to the authors of the theory: to any argument, like: “But I bite my nails, but I don’t blame myself for anything,” you can always object: “It’s just that you, my friend, are good at suppressing your feelings. But your subconscious at this very time ... ".

Obsessive-compulsive disorder. It happens that nail biting becomes a sign this syndrome. Its essence is that people constantly have obsessive, disturbing ideas, and in order to curb anxiety, they have various rituals: twist their hair around their fingers, constantly adjust their collar or bite their nails.

fragility nail plate. Sometimes nail biting is associated with the fragility of the nail plate. Some believe that if the nails are regularly exfoliating and breaking, it is easiest to bite the damaged nail. Many of them then try to correct the shape: “bite” to perfection, without resorting to nail scissors and nail files.

The habit of picking the skin.
This can be picking the skin of the face and / or body, scalp, skin of the fingers, etc.
Sometimes it has the character of a habit to independently get rid of imperfections on the face - independent mechanical cleansing of the face, in the worst case, the habit of constantly touching the skin and squeezing inflamed areas with your nails or peeling off drying sores.

At the same time, there is a high probability more inflammation, as well as deterioration of the skin condition, the formation of scars, large open pores, including the risk of blood poisoning. IN rare cases the owner of this habit picks at the skin and puts the contents into his mouth.

. This habit may hide a neurosis caused by stress and expressed in the need to inflict physical pain on oneself after receiving emotional pain - pantonomy. Inflicting physical pain on oneself brings temporary relief, if one forbids this to oneself, a "breakdown" may occur, anxiety appears, the habit is transformed into new, other forms - picking one's nose, biting one's nails, etc.
. The same neurosis can be expressed in the need for the constant use of hands - in the constant activation fine motor skills. Transforms into a kind of ritual to calm the nerves.
. Mania for the perfect face: the slightest bump or pimple causes displeasure and a desire to remove it by picking it up.
. The problem of psychosomatics is obsessive actions, obsessive movements hands, rituals.

Rhinotillexomania is a human habit of extracting dried secretions from the nostrils with a finger.
Moderate picking is not considered a deviation from the norm, but excessive enthusiasm for this activity may indicate a psychological or psychiatric disorder. Prolonged picking can cause nosebleeds and more serious damage.Many medical sources consider nose picking as one of the symptoms of deviation from normal behavior in children. In particular, this activity is considered a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Nose picking is also observed in cases of more serious abnormalities, for example, with Smith-Magenis syndrome (a genetic disorder that occurs when a small portion of the 17th chromosome is missing and manifests itself in a characteristic body structure, developmental and behavioral features. The first group of children was described in 1980 in US clinician Ann Smith and cytogeneticist Ellen Magenis).

Clicking knuckles
Sometimes there are lovers of deliberately performing "music" on their fingers. This "craze" usually begins in childhood, it is done again and again to the delight of the astonished public, and as a result, the habit of "crunching fingers" remains for life. In this case, the joints are constantly injured and lose mobility. And at the same time, the risk of early arthrosis increases. Its appearance can be unaware for quite a long time. Articular cartilage is destroyed over the years. Their smooth, mirror-like surface cracks, and the adhesive lubricant covering it gradually loses moisture. As a result, the bones at the junction acquire irregularities and roughness. The friction between them increases, and their movement relative to each other is accompanied by a specific crack. The cartilages themselves do not have nerve endings, so there is no pain. But with age, all these changes progress, and the bones combined into the joint are completely exposed. And in them just nerve endings are present. When moving, the heads of the bones rub against each other, causing severe pain. Around the joints is a large number of tendons, which are also drawn into the process of destruction, are deformed, various inflammatory phenomena begin in them.

The only way to break this habit is to use willpower. drug treatment does not exist. And that stiffness in the fingers, which is formed if you do not crunch for a long time, passes with time.

Be careful with bad habits, they often lead to adverse consequences, or are harbingers of serious diseases.

In the life of any person, there are a number of automatic constantly repeating actions. This is what we call habits. They can be helpful, neutral or harmful. But they all have one similar quality - they are hard to get rid of. Especially from bad habits that have negative impact on human health and social life.

There are a huge number of bad habits. Man consciously uses them to achieve his goals. But systematic abuse leads either to dependence or to their unconscious reproduction. A person perceives bad habits as a particle of his personality. And when you try to get rid of them, it often fails.

What are bad habits

There are many types of bad habits. They can be divided into two large groups.

The first group is actions aimed at the unconscious satisfaction of internal needs. Their roots stretch from early childhood. But the emergence of an acute need and the desire to satisfy it can manifest itself at a conscious age against the background of severe stress. It is they who are reborn into pathological dependence. These include:

  • alcoholism, drug addiction, tobacco smoking, substance abuse;
  • manic need for shopping (shopaholism);
  • gambling (gambling addiction);
  • gluttony (food addiction);
  • Internet surfing (computer addiction);
  • the need to obtain sexual satisfaction from watching pornographic scenes, masturbation, promiscuity (sexual addiction);
  • and etc.

The second group includes unconscious actions associated with neurotic disorders. They also originate in the depths of the psyche. Such obsessive actions are often perceived as personality traits. Some are quite positive habits: washing hands, brushing teeth, etc. However, excessive use of them negatively affects health. These include:

Bad habits of a person originate from internal needs. Their task is to satisfy their cherished desires in any way. The most common example is alcoholism in people who are in a constant state of stress. The desire to relax comes up against the inability to cope with internal restlessness. Alcohol dulls the feeling of anxiety, thereby bringing short-term relief.

Bad habits serve as an assistant to a person to fill the inner emptiness or help reduce anxiety. But this only brings temporary relief. Chemicals or shopping alleviate anxiety, but can be addictive and adversely affect health and economic well-being. This, in turn, increases the feeling of anxiety, forcing you to deal with it in the already familiar way. Thus, a person finds himself in a vicious circle.

Bad habits are easily accessible. They do not require much effort to secure. Their task is to quickly and easily facilitate emotional condition person. Physical discomfort, pain, economic decline when using these habitual means, is much less significant than the inner state of peace and contentment.

The social environment has at least importance to form bad habits. This is especially evident in adolescents. Imitating idols or significant adults encourages them to copy behaviors. The image of an adult independent high school student (student, friend, members of a small social group) with a cigarette can have an impact on a teenager's cravings.

The impact of bad habits on human health

Drinking alcohol helps relieve psychological condition person. But due to its harmfulness, alcoholism has a negative impact on health, social sphere and family relationships. addiction to use chemical substances destroys not only internal organs. The statistics on divorces and layoffs due to alcohol and drugs are high.

Non-chemical addictions worsen the social position of the addict: leading to poverty (gambling), to the loss of loved ones (religious and Internet addiction), etc.

Seemingly harmless activities in the form of excessive body washing, cleansing auricles affect human health. Mechanical and chemical impact destroys the protective layer of the skin, mucous membranes, destroys beneficial microflora. All this can lead to chronic diseases.

The benefits or pleasures of such habits are short-lived and minimal. But they do more damage. To refuse them means to face strong inner experiences. Continue to use - face illness, social rejection, loneliness.

Obsessional habits are often symptoms neurotic disorders. Activities such as nail biting, frequent washing hands and other obsessive actions help to alleviate the emotional state, which is why it is so difficult for a person to get rid of them. Neurosis has a negative impact on the mental and physical work Therefore, without appropriate treatment by a psychotherapist, a person experiences serious difficulties.

How to get rid of bad habits

The power of habits is great. Sometimes we automatically perform actions that are no longer necessary. For example, the unconscious desire to receive sympathy makes you stroke your own hair. It makes it easier internal stress from need. But the force of habit will push us to repeat this gesture, even when it is not necessary.

Deal with yourself bad habit sometimes it comes easily enough by realizing that it is no longer needed. With help volitional efforts and control, a person can successfully refrain from actions that are harmful to his health or social position. But it doesn't always work out that way.

The power of habit lies in its illusory help. Like an antipyretic, they temporarily relieve the symptom. But not able to help with the main problem. If you can’t get rid of weaknesses on your own, you need to seek qualified help.

Psychologists and psychotherapists successfully help to get rid of bad habits. The task of a psychologist is to teach a person to independently cope with internal experiences, without resorting to third-party destructive help. Awareness of one's own internal resources and correction of personal characteristics help to overcome the force of habit.

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