Zhdanov's technique is complete for restoring vision. A set of exercises by Professor Zhdanov to restore vision at home

Greetings, dear readers! Unfortunately, most modern people lead an unhealthy lifestyle that Negative influence on the body. As a result of this, sooner or later, each of us has various kinds of problems, in particular with vision.

Today, there are several ways to deal with eye diseases, but one of the most effective is the restoration of vision according to the Zhdanov method.

Professor Vladimir Zhdanov developed this technique in order to combat eye diseases: hyperopia, myopia, strabismus, astigmatism, etc. Today I will tell you about the features of his technique.

The principle of Vladimir Zhdanov's methodology is based on the inseparable connection between the spiritual and physical health. Instead of wearing glasses that harm the eyes, the Russian professor encourages people to think about eliminating vision problems using his drug-free technique. When compiling it, he used popular ophthalmological methods and Shichko.

In addition to eye gymnastics, Zhdanov's philosophy includes:

Exercise Rules

The main conditions that will help to achieve high efficiency, consist in the systematic and correct execution of specific exercises. Before you start gymnastics for your eyes, you first need to familiarize yourself with a few rules for its implementation:

  1. For the duration of the specific exercises prescribed by the doctor, you need to take off your glasses.
  2. Under no circumstances should you do sudden movements All exercises must be performed smoothly.
  3. If a person has serious pathologies, you should limit the number of repetitions of each exercise (maximum 3 times with a strong degree of myopia and hypermetropia).
  4. During such gymnastics, the eyes are exposed to enough high load therefore, it should not be done on people who have had eye surgery within the last 4 months.
  5. In between exercises, it is recommended to do palming - it helps to relax the muscles and enhances the effect.
  6. Compulsory preparatory stage is blinking. Before starting gymnastics, blink for about 5 seconds to “stretch” your eye muscles a little.

Visual gymnastics according to Zhdanov

Useful complex restoration of vision from V. G. Zhdanov includes 6 exercises that must be performed in a certain order:

Eye gymnastics always ends with palming (about 5 minutes). By doing this gymnastic complex 3 times a day, your vision will improve in 2-3 weeks.

Restoring vision with sunbathing

One of the most popular and effective exercises proposed by Zhdanov is natural recovery vision (solarization). Its essence is to improve vision with the help of various sources Sveta.

It is best if the sun acts as such a source. Sit facing the sun, close your eyes and relax. Start tilting your head so that your eyes either approach the light or move away from it.

During this exercise, it is necessary to ensure that there is some kind of obstacle between your face and the light source (book, tree).

Accordingly, tilting the head first to one - to the right, then to the other - in left side will make it possible to Sun rays intermittently caught my eye. You should repeat this exercise about 5-15 times.

Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is studying various techniques restoration of vision without the use of operations. In particular, the professor talks about the restoration of vision using the Shichko-Bates method.

Who is Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov - is a famous Russian public figure. He is chairman of the Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety. Zhdanov conducts lecture courses in which he talks in non-medical ways. In addition, he is known for his methods of getting rid of alcoholism, smoking and restoring vision.

Many people know Zhdanov from vision restoration courses based on Bates method, supplemented Shichko's technique.

Professor Zhdanov Vladimir Georgievich

the Bates method is based on the fact that the process of accommodation is carried out by influencing the shape of the eye with the muscles that surround it. Bates argued that the main cause of visual impairment is mental stress. Each type of refractive error (myopia,) corresponds to its own type of stress, which this anomaly is caused by.

Method Definition

The methodology is based on the works two famous scientists: Gennady Andreyevich Shichko and William Bates.

Bates said that due to the fact that our eye changes its length with the help of oculomotor muscles, it builds an image of the object. On this basis, a set of exercises was created that promote relaxation and.

Psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko created the so-called Shichko ladder, without which, according to Zhdanov, it will not be possible to restore vision.

The staircase is made up of six steps. Each step is a bad habit:

Vladimir Zhdanov claims that is bad habit which can and should be fought. If you try to correct your vision with glasses or, then they will only have a negative effect on the functioning of the eyes. If a person puts on glasses, then the muscles that regulate the length of the eye stop working. Therefore, over time, glasses have to be changed to stronger ones.

The technique for restoring vision according to Zhdanov consists in keeping a diary and regularly performing a special set of exercises for the eyes. According to the professor, in a week the vision will become much better, and it will be possible to forget about glasses.

The characteristics of children with visual impairment are described in this.

You need to keep a diary according to this technique in order to make notes about what you want. Thanks to such self-hypnosis, a person programs himself for a good result.

The effectiveness of the method depends on:

  1. Suggestibility of a person. Suggestible people have Great chance improvement of vision in functional disorders.
  2. Diagnosis. In the case when stress becomes the cause of visual impairment, and the eye has not changed its structure, then it is very easy to restore it using this technique.
  3. Systematic fulfillment and desire. The result will be only if a person directs all efforts to this and does a set of exercises and diary entries regularly.

The methodology also includes complete failure from contact lenses and points. But if this is not possible, then it is recommended to change lenses and glasses to weaker ones. This will activate the work of the oculomotor muscles.

Zhdanov says that full vision can be restored in the event that there is a desire and a specific goal is set. In this case, the effect will be significant. But do not hope that vision will be restored in a couple of weeks or months. But it happens that after the first month positive results may appear. The main thing is to keep faith in yourself and your strengths.

Method exercises


Eye fatigue or long work at computer take a break and do this exercise. Before starting, rub your palms together to make them warm. It is necessary to close your eyes and cover them from above with your palms. It is recommended to keep them like this for five minutes. Lye should not remain between the palms and the head, through which light can penetrate. Very important mental attitude on positive result. After that, the eyes feel rested like in the morning. If desired, you can increase the duration of this exercise.

Gymnastics for the eyes

This includes a complex of different exercises which can be combined with palming.

Exercises are contraindicated if you have recently had an operation on your eyes (it is possible only after six months) or there is a retinal detachment. Gymnastics should be done without glasses and lenses three times a day. Each exercise is repeated three times, but you need to increase it gradually so as not to overstrain the muscles. Everything is done smoothly and without sudden movements. Before this, it is recommended to blink quickly to relax the muscles.


It must be done either in the sun, or on some artificial light source. This exercise helps to restore vision and relax the muscles of the eyes. You need to close your eyes and move your head to the right and left. The sun should alternate with the shadow. After the exercise, you need to do palming until the sunbeams completely disappear.


Eye massage is very effective for,. It is good to use it as a means of prevention and. For the massage, you need to close your eyes and lightly press on special points. Each pressing must be done three times, after pressing on one point, it is necessary to blink. The points that need to be massaged:

pirate glasses

With these glasses, you can perform any daily work (reading, working at a computer, and so on). When they are worn, the eyes are trained and vision improves. If one eye is closed, then when a person blinks, the brain adjusts the sharpness again, at this time the oculomotor muscles are constantly working. Pirate glasses can very easy to make. For this you need a frame without lenses. One hole is covered with black cloth or paper. You don't need to close your eyes. Every thirty minutes, the black bandage is changed to the other eye.

Central fixation

This exercise must be done without glasses or lenses. It is necessary to blink and catch the focus of an object located in front of the eyes outside the window. When the focus is caught and the subject is clearly visible, you need to blink and focus on the window. Gradually move from large objects to smaller ones.


In addition to exercising and journaling, Zhdanov advises take and boost immunity. This includes aqueous extract propolis, extract of blueberries and bee bread (drug "Blueberry") and "Vetom".



The Zhdanov technique is aimed at restoring vision without any surgical intervention. But do not forget that you need to make a lot of efforts to restore vision in this way.

This technique contains, as well as keeping a diary. It is based on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Zhdanov says that it is necessary to observe morality, maintain peace of mind, adhere to healthy eating. Together, this will restore normal vision to the eyes.

Almost everyone notices a decrease in visual acuity over time. This may be due to various factors: heredity, frequent work at the computer, influence environment and so on. Moreover, vision problems occur not only in the elderly, but also in children and adolescents. It is very important to choose correct methods to help prevent the situation from worsening. IN modern medicine both surgical and medical therapies are used. However, they always have contraindications, which is why they may not be suitable for everyone. There is another method - doing special exercises. They are simple and affordable, suitable for almost everyone, do not require financial costs. Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov has proven itself well.

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is a well-known scientist and public figure who in the nineties developed his own method of restoring vision, based on the methods of Bates and Shichko. The technique has proven itself throughout the post-Soviet space, and to this day it is used by a large number of doctors and ordinary patients.

Eye training according to Zhdanov is a special set of exercises aimed at relaxing the eye muscle during focusing.

  • If you wear glasses, take them off before exercising.
  • You need to perform gymnastics smoothly and measuredly.
  • At serious violations functioning of the organs of vision, it is recommended to limit the number of approaches: with severe myopia up to two, with a retinal detachment - up to one.
  • After surgery, exercise should be postponed for 3-6 months.
  • The muscles of the face and body during gymnastics should not move - relax them.
  • It is also important to remember about general condition organism. Zhdanov advises to lead healthy lifestyle life and take care of spiritual growth.

The indications for doing gymnastics are as follows:

  • Myopia;
  • Farsightedness;
  • Astigmatism;
  • Strabismus;
  • eye fatigue;
  • Prevention of diseases of the organs of vision.

Gymnastics can be performed not only for people who already have visual impairments, but also for those whose activities are associated with eye strain. Exercise relaxes muscles, helps restore their work, improves cerebral circulation. The technique can help restore vision without surgery. IN in large numbers cases, it gives the patient the opportunity to refuse glasses.

Exercises for the eyes of Professor Zhdanov

There are seven basic eye exercises to improve Zhdanov's vision. They help restore visual acuity in refractive diseases, help prevent ophthalmic problems. The exercises are as follows

  • "Blink". The main exercise on which the whole technique is built, and which will be found in all other exercises. You need to blink your eyes the way a hummingbird flaps its wings, that is, as quickly and easily as possible. At the same time, try not to strain your muscles. Exercise helps to relax the eye muscles.
  • Draw horizontal lines with your eyes from left to right and right to left (5 times), then blink for a few seconds.
  • Now draw horizontal lines from the lower left corner to the upper right and back, then from the lower right to the upper left - five times. Then blink.
  • Draw a vertical line with your eyes, five times from top to bottom and from bottom to top, then blink for a few seconds.
  • Draw a rectangle with your eyes. Its beginning should be taken in the right side line, and then counterclockwise, as if erase what you drew.
  • Now you need to draw a horizontal line with your eyes in a zigzag, first from right to left, then in the opposite direction, blink.
  • Draw a circle with your eyes. Imagine that this is a clock face and move your eyes as if you are looking at the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12.

This gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov is indicated for myopia.

If you have farsightedness, after the main complex, also do the following gymnastics for Zhdanov's eyes:

  • Squeeze your palm into a fist, stretch thumb up. Look at it carefully, then move your gaze to the most distant object located outside the window. Blink for 15 seconds and focus on your finger. Gently bring your hand closer to your face without taking your eyes off your finger. Start retracting the hand again when there is about 15 cm between the tip of the nose and the fist. Repeat these steps 15 times, then blink.
  • Clench your hand into a fist, raise forefinger. Place your hand so that your index finger is about 10 cm from your eyes. Focus on a specific object in the distance. You need to quickly move your fingers left and right, while despite it. Take your hand first 20 cm to the left, then 20 cm to the right. Repeat ten times, then you also need to blink.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov: exercises for astigmatism and fatigue

With astigmatism, before the start of the main complex, it is imperative to perform "Palming", both in a sitting and standing position. This will enable the eye muscle to relax faster, saturate the tissues of the eye with oxygen and nutrients.

In addition to the main complex, which helps to quickly restore vision, Zhdanov offers several other simple exercises that will help you quickly remove fatigue from your eyes when doing written work or spending time at the computer for a long time.

  • "Palming". Both eyes should be closed with crossed palms. This is done as gently as possible, without the use of force. The palms should cover the organs of vision so that the light does not fall on them. The doctor advises at the same time to think about something pleasant. Keep your eyes closed until the bright flashes disappear.
  • "Candle". Take a candle, light its wick. Sit at a distance of 20 cm from her and close your eyes. You need to wait until the feeling of flickering and flashes disappears, then put out the candle. You will immediately feel relaxation both in the eyes and in the body.
  • "Further closer." You need to imagine that you have a bug sitting on the ceiling. Focus your eyes on this bug, imagine that it flies in the direction of your nose. Now examine this bug on your nose, blink and look back at the ceiling. Blink again.

The last exercise is especially important if you work at a computer - it helps to train the longitudinal and transverse muscles eyes.

Exercise "Palming"

A lot of attention is paid to this exercise in the complex, so you need to consider it in more detail. It is aimed at relaxing the eye muscles. It is performed as follows:

  • The palms should be rubbed until they feel warm.
  • Squeeze the fingers of each hand in the form of a ladle.
  • Cross the fingers of the palms at a right angle.
  • Cover your face with your palms so that the crossed fingers are in the middle of the forehead, and the nose is located between the little fingers. The eyes should fall into the center of the dimples on the palms.

Special instructions:

  • The palms should be pressed tightly together, without gaps - this will help to achieve complete darkness.
  • Breathe through your nose, calmly. The eyes must be closed.
  • Fix your elbows: press them to your chest or put them on the table.
  • Keep your head straight so that it is an extension of your back.
  • It is important that your emotional condition during exercise was calm and relaxed. Imagine your eyes being sharp and sharp and healthy.
  • In order to eliminate residual visual phenomena, imagine that you are in a theater box where the lights go out and the hall plunges into complete darkness.

Exit from palming:

  • Sitting upright, close and relax your eyes under your palms.
  • Without opening your eyes, move your head without tension in order to restore cerebral circulation.
  • “Dab” your eyes with your fists, as children do.
  • Breathe in and out and open your eyes with quick blinks.

This exercise perfectly helps to relieve eye fatigue after exercise. It is enough to devote 3-5 minutes to it.

In a standing position, palming is performed as follows (usually it is recommended to perform it after the Candle exercise and other exercises with light sources):

  • Close your eyes, turn your back to the light source.
  • Warm your palms, breathe on them and rub them together.
  • Place your palms on your closed eyes and relax.
  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your arms at the elbows, head should be tilted forward.
  • When the images disappear in front of the eyes, blink several times.

Like other exercises, palming is contraindicated in exfoliation eye retina and within 3-6 months after any surgical intervention on the eyes.

How often can you exercise

Exercises for the treatment of eyes according to Zhdanov, according to the author himself, are suitable for everyone from the age of five, but they are especially useful for people of age. Gymnastics is completely safe, and it has almost no contraindications. Only one moment, which has already been said: after operations on the eyeball and retinal detachment, you need to start doing gymnastics only from the moment full recovery which usually occurs within 3-6 months.

The doctor advises to do exercises every day at least twice, better in the morning and in the evening. If possible, you can perform them up to four times a day.

Despite all the benefits, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist before starting the exercises - a specialist will be able to determine whether this technique is right for you.

Can be found different reviews about the Zhdanov method, but the fact that it is really effective is recognized by thousands of people. Recovery gymnastics simple and affordable, it can be performed anywhere, and at the same time it gives good results. To better understand how the complex is performed, the exercises in the pictures will help you, as well as the videos below.

Video gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov

Modern devices, such as TVs, computers, smartphones, tablets and others, can very quickly spoil a person’s eyesight. Statistics show that almost every person with vision problems has some kind of modern gadget. Many are frightened and pay a lot of money for procedures that are either not needed at all at this degree of the disease, or they can be done independently, at home and for free.

There is a wonderful and effective methodology gymnastics for the eyes according to V.G. Zhdanov, which is very successful. You can use these exercises both as a treatment and as a prevention of visual impairment and various diseases.

The professor collected in his methodology research work the famous American eye doctor Dr. Bates, and also included some developments of Indian yoga experts. Vision correction according to Zhdanov includes not only the creation of balance eye muscles and relaxing too tense muscles, but also adjusting the rules of nutrition, playing sports in nature, normal daily routine and the transition to a completely healthy lifestyle.

Eye exercises according to Zhdanov help fight diseases such as farsightedness, astigmatism,. For each of them, Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov developed whole sets of exercises that will definitely help, you just have to practice systematically and follow the following rules:

  1. Before starting gymnastic exercises, you need to remove lenses and glasses, if any.
  2. As already mentioned, do the exercises systematically and three times a day.
  3. It is recommended not to make sudden movements eyeballs to avoid any problems.
  4. Perform gymnastics not with facial muscles, not with head turns and neck tilt, but only with eyeballs.
  5. Each gymnastic exercise perform at least three times.
  6. With myopia -4 or more, it is worthwhile to perform these exercises with caution.
  7. It would be a plus to visit an ophthalmologist before starting classes for additional advice.

It is important to know that gymnastics should not be practiced by those who have undergone eye surgery within six months. Also, with retinal detachment, this gymnastics is contraindicated.

Now that all the rules are clear, you can proceed to the following exercises.

In order to start classes, it is worth making two tables with inscriptions, as in an optometrist's office. The text can be anything, for example: “I will soon be able to cure my eyes”, “It is very easy to treat my eyes”. The main rule is that each line below is less than the previous one. One table should be large (you can use A2 format), and the second - like a regular sheet used for printing on a printer (A4).

The algorithm for execution is the following:

  1. Stand at such a distance that only the first (upper large) line is clearly visible. The second you should see weaker.
  2. Close one eye with your hand.
  3. Pick up a small sheet with a table of inscriptions.
  4. Focus on the top line big table, and then look at the top line of the small sheet. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  5. Do the same exercise, looking at the second line. Since you see it worse, you will have to strain your eyes, as it should be. Repeat this part of the exercise three times.
  6. Close the first eye with your hand, and open the second.
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second eye.
  8. Over time, master all the rows of the table.

The professor explains that this algorithm will be able to restore normal focus, which will have a beneficial effect on restoring visual acuity.

The following exercises are used to strengthen the eye muscles. I remind you that you can’t move your head and neck, only do it with your eyes.

  1. Blink. Blinking - the basis of all exercises, will be found in all subsequent paragraphs. You should blink easily and without closing your eyes to achieve maximum muscle relaxation.
  2. Look up and down, up and down. Do it for five seconds, then blink.
  3. Look left and right, left and right. Also perform for five seconds, then blink.
  4. Left and up, left and down. It turns out a diagonal. Draw 5 lines with your eyes on each of the two sides, blink.
  5. Right and up, right and down. 5 times on each side, then blink.
  6. We draw a rectangle with our eyes, starting from the upper right corner. Then draw a rectangle in the opposite direction. We repeat several times and blink.
  7. The bridge of the nose is the base of the clock hands. We draw a circle, like a clock face. We blink. We go in the opposite direction. We blink again.
  8. Draw a snake with the eyes. First from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. We blink.

Exercises will be effective if they are performed according to the requirements indicated above. It is worth remembering that the abuse of the technique can not only harm, but also aggravate the situation.

Exercises for farsightedness

With the help of the following exercises, the oblique muscles of the eye are strengthened by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Lesson 1
. You will need a pencil, pen or art brush. You can also use your thumb or index finger.

  1. Extend your arm straight in front of you, hold the brush. Look first into the distance, then at the brush, but before that, blink.
  2. Without taking your eyes off the brush, bring it closer to the eyes so that the distance between the brush and the eyes is approximately 15 cm.
  3. Extend your hand slowly again.
  4. Blink and look into the distance.

Perform the first lesson five to ten times, not forgetting to blink.

Lesson 2.

  1. The gaze on the completion of this entire task looks into the distance.
  2. Bring the pencil to your eyes and begin to quickly swing it to the left and right.
  3. Next, it is worth taking the pencil to the left by 20 cm, continuing to hold it at eye level. After returning it back.
  4. Move the pencil 20 cm to the right and repeat the end of step 3.

The duration of the session is three minutes.

Exercises for astigmatism

The lack of focusing of vision is associated with a violation of the sphericity of the cornea or lens of the eye. Astigmatism can be congenital or acquired, for example, in case of any injury, incorrect operation, etc. If not treated this disease, this can lead to serious consequences, such as reduced vision or even strabismus. The exercises are famous for many grateful responses from people who have improved their eyesight.

It is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  1. View eyeballs from top to bottom and from right to left.
  2. Draw a circle with your eyes and then a square.
  3. Draw a figure eight and then an inverted figure eight (in other words, the sign of infinity)


  1. Warm up the palms by rubbing against each other.
  2. Place warm palms on the face so that the eyes are closed and the nose can breathe freely.
  3. Close your fingers. It is impossible for light to break through.
  4. Close your eyes and sit, relaxing and thinking about something good. The latter is very important.
  5. In order to get out of palming, you need to straighten your back. Squeeze your eyes under your palms. Remove your hands from your face. WITH eyes closed gently raise your head up, and then lower it down. Then make smooth tilts from side to side (right to left). Gently rub your eyes, open and blink frequently. Exercise completed.


Exercise is done under any light source (sun, lamps, candles, lanterns), except for fluorescent lamps.

  1. Stand facing the light. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, relax your body and close your eyes.
  2. The body must turn to the right, raising the heel of the left leg.
  3. Turn to the left, lifting the heel of the right foot.

Repeat turns 20 times until you begin to notice sunbeams under closed eyelids.
After that, you need to do palming while standing. This will get rid of sunbeams and relax tense eye muscles.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

The help of gymnastics with strabismus is necessary, since this disease not only spoils the eyesight, but is also not very pleasant cosmetic defect that can ruin the lives of both adults and children.

The professor claims that these two exercises give a good result in strabismus. Dr. Zhdanov also emphasizes that it is simply necessary to think about something pleasant and good while doing all these exercises, since the morale and good mood are also very important for achieving good results. If you believe in a positive result of the technique, then it will definitely appear soon.

Almost every person sooner or later faces vision problems. The modern way of life negatively affects the health of the body, including the eyes. Increasingly, patients with complaints of visual acuity are turning to ophthalmologists. Gymnastics, created by a Russian scientist, effectively fights many ophthalmic ailments. Restoring vision using the Zhdanov method is a great way to get rid of eye ailments without surgery and the use of various medications.

The Russian public figure gained popularity thanks to non-medical methods of eliminating alcohol and tobacco addiction. Vladimir Georgievich is the chairman of the Council for People's Sobriety.

The professor also created full complex exercises to restore vision, based on the development of Bates and Shichko.

The essence of the technique

Gymnastics for the eyes of Zhdanov was formed on the basis of the assertion of the American oculist William Bates that the reason for the deterioration in sharpness lies not in the pathology of the lens, but in the dysfunction of the muscle group of the eyeball.

The Russian professor is categorically against wearing corrective optics, he is sure that the products are still applied more harm human health and offers to deal with pathologies in non-drug ways.

Zhdanov believes that getting rid of ophthalmic diseases impossible without a ladder created by psychoanalyst Gennady Shichko. It consists of six steps, each of which is an addiction:

  • Program. Includes a person's environment (family, media), which affects the formation of harmful addictions;
  • Communion. Even if the program is laid down, you can always choose your own path;
  • Habit. Daily repetition of the same action;
  • Need. The need for an object of addiction;
  • Installation. The habit is transformed into an integral part of life;
  • Grave. There is no way back.

The essence of Zhdanov's technique is to keep a special diary, where you need to regularly make notes about the exercises performed. According to Vladimir Georgievich, the improvement will come after seven days. Notebook entries - good way self-hypnosis, thus, a person programs himself for success on a subconscious level.

The effectiveness of the technique depends on several factors:

  • Suggestibility of the patient. The higher it is, the greater the chance of success;
  • Diagnosis. If the reason for the drop in visual acuity lies in stress and the structure of the eye is not deformed, then it is very easy to restore the health of the eye using the Zhdanov method;
  • Regularity. When exercising once a week, no therapeutic effect you won't get it.

Indications for the application of the technique and rules for implementation

  • Overload of the organ of vision;
  • Myopia;
  • Astigmatism;
  • Farsightedness;
  • Strabismus.

Zhdanov's exercises are suitable not only for those who have deviations in the work of the visual apparatus, but also for people whose activities are associated with regular eye strain. Daily performance of techniques helps to relax the muscles and normalize blood circulation.

Professor's gymnastics is ideal for those who are afraid of surgery. According to patients, the technique really gives results. Many people who have problems with refraction have been able to give up glasses and lenses.

The main condition for achieving maximum result- This is a daily and accurate performance of gymnastics.

  • If you use corrective optics, be sure to remove it before starting exercises;
  • All techniques are performed smoothly and easily, no sudden movements;
  • With serious deviations in the work of the organ of vision, the number of repetitions should be limited. Patients with severe myopia are not recommended to perform more than four approaches. After retinal detachment, the maximum number of repetitions is one time.

Do not forget to give your eyes a rest in between work. To do this, it is enough to draw various figures in the air with your eyes for several minutes.


Exercises to restore Zhdanov's vision are not recommended for use with detachment retina(or existing risk) and in postoperative period(for six months).

There is no need to immediately perform the entire complex, at the first stage three or four exercises are enough. Gradually, the list of techniques can be expanded.

Basic exercises

Vladimir Georgievich is sure that the effectiveness of his methodology largely depends on preventive measures. The following tips will help you succeed:

  • Look at the sunlight more often;
  • Even if you are very busy, take a few minutes so that your eyes can rest and relax;
  • If possible, stop using glasses and lenses. According to Zhdanov, they play the role of "crutches", while not correcting the pathology.

Success largely depends on the diligence and accuracy of the patient. If he regularly performs gymnastics and does it correctly, then the effect will definitely appear.

Eye exercises for nearsightedness

To start gymnastics, prepare two plates with inscriptions, for example, "It is very easy to cure eyes." The main condition is that each line must be less than the previous one. Make one poster in A2 format, the second on a plain sheet of paper (A4).

When performing the exercise, adhere to the following algorithm:

  • Stand at such a distance that the topmost line is clearly visible;
  • Cover one eye;
  • Pick up an A4 sheet;
  • Focus on the top line of a large table, then look at the same text on a small poster. Repeat three times;
  • Do it similar actions with the second line. Since there are problems with far vision, you will see less of her and this is normal. We'll have to strain the visual apparatus. Repeat thrice;
  • Change eyes and duplicate the above exercises.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

It helps to strengthen the oblique muscles by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles.

Exercise number 1. To complete it, you need a pencil or pen, or use your index finger:

  • Extend a hand with an object. Look into the distance, then focus on the subject, first you need to blink;
  • Do not take your eyes off the pen, slowly bring it closer to your eyes. There should be about fifteen centimeters between the organ of vision and the object;
  • Extend your hand again;
  • Blink and look into the distance.

Repeat the technique five to ten times, do not forget to blink.

Exercise #2:

  • Throughout the reception, look into the distance;
  • Bring the pen to your eyes and swing it in different directions;
  • Then take the object to the left twenty centimeters, keep it at eye level. Return to starting position;
  • Repeat the steps above, but move the handle to the right side.

The duration of the exercise is three minutes.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov with astigmatism

The complex of techniques helps to relax the eye muscles, helping to normalize vision. Also, the technique prevents the occurrence of mimic wrinkles, which often appear when the eye is tired.

To avoid overexertion of the visual apparatus when reading, take care of sufficient illumination. If the letters begin to “run up” and you feel that your eyes are tired, you need to put aside current affairs and do therapeutic exercises.

From the video you will learn how to properly perform exercises for astigmatism.


Reception helps to relieve fatigue from the organ of vision:

  • Rub your palms to warm them up;
  • Put warm palms on your eyes, while the nose should be open;
  • Close your fingers as tightly as possible so that the light does not fall on the eye;
  • Close your eyes, relax, remember something pleasant. Sit like this for five minutes;
  • It is important to get out of palming correctly. Straighten your back, slightly close your eyes under your palms. Slowly move your hands away, do not open your eyes! Gently raise your head up, then down. Make several tilts to the left and right side. Lightly rub the organ of vision, open your eyes and blink frequently.

Solarization of the eyes with a candle

Reception well restores the sharpness of the eyes and relaxes the muscles of the organ of vision.

  • Stand facing the sun with your eyelids closed. Place your legs at shoulder level, arms hang freely;
  • Turn your face and chest to the right side, scroll to right leg, left heel must be raised. The luminary at this time is located on the left;
  • Now turn to the left side, the sun is in the opposite part. Repeat the turns twenty times, say the phrase aloud: “The sun is on the right, the sun is on the left”;
  • During solarization, the eyes should always be closed. In a few minutes, bunnies will “dance” in front of the eye. It is the rays of the luminary that penetrate the eyelid and activate the work of the retina.

Palming and solarization for strabismus

With a similar disease of the visual apparatus, it is imperative to perform gymnastics. Since she is in complex treatment an anomaly that can not only spoil vision, but is also a cosmetic defect.

Palming and solarization are recommended for strabismus by Zhdanov himself. The main condition when performing techniques is to think about something pleasant. Since the right attitude and positive mood play a big role in achieving high results.

Exercise near and far

The essence of the technique is to shift the gaze from a near object to a distant one. It perfectly relieves stress from the organ of vision after a tiring day at work.

  • Imagine that a butterfly is sitting on the ceiling. Try to carefully consider it;
  • Then imagine that she took off and sat down on your eyebrows. Visually track the trajectory of her flight and how she returns to the ceiling;
  • The butterfly moves again, now it has sat on the wall, and then landed on the tip of the nose. Examine it carefully, blink and return to the ceiling;
  • Now the insect sits on the floor, smoothly flies away from there and sits on your upper lip.

Charging with alternating eye movements

  • Move your eyes around, blink;
  • Look in different directions, then with right side to the left. blink;
  • Visually draw a diagonal, repeat three times;
  • Mentally create a rectangle, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Perform three times, blink at the end of each repetition;
  • Watch the dial on the clock, keep your eyes on the numbers 3,6,9,12. Repeat three times clockwise, then the same number of times against it;
  • Draw a snake, first from head to tail, then in reverse order. At the end of the exercises, do not forget to blink;
  • Visualize a bow three times;
  • draw hourglass, blink;
  • Create a clockwise spiral. Start with the nose, and gradually gaining momentum, stretch it to the ceiling, floor, wall;
  • Spin the globe around the equator with your eyes, bring it to six circles. At the same time, you need to strain the muscles of the face, neck and ears.

Remember to blink at the end of each exercise. Unaccustomed load may cause pain, in this case, stop doing gymnastics for a couple of days.

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