Severe cardiovascular disease. What is cardiovascular disease and what causes it

Cordially- vascular diseases have a lot of precursors and the most early symptoms, many of which can be easily confused with signs of other diseases. If you feel or notice any of the following listed symptoms, there is no need to panic, but you should not dismiss the warning signs either - it is important to consult a doctor in time, because vascular diseases can really be prevented with the help of proper prevention.


Usually, a cough speaks of colds and flu, but with heart problems, expectorants do not help. It is especially worth alerting if a dry cough appears in a lying position.

Weakness and pallor

Functional Disorders nervous system- distraction, increased fatigue, bad dream, anxiety, tremor of the limbs - frequent signs heart neurosis.

Pallor is usually observed with anemia, vasospasm, inflammatory heart disease in rheumatism, aortic valve insufficiency. At severe forms pulmonary heart disease changes the color of the lips, cheeks, nose, earlobes and limbs, which visually turn blue.

Temperature increase

Inflammatory processes (myocarditis, pericarditis, endocarditis) and myocardial infarction are accompanied by fever, sometimes even fever.


40,000 die every year due to cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure. At the same time, if you follow the rules for controlling pressure and do not provoke its increase, then you can avoid not only feeling unwell, but also more serious problems.

A sustained increase in blood pressure above 140/90 is a serious factor for concern and suspicion of the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Too rare (less than 50 beats per minute), frequent (more than 90-100 beats per minute) or irregular pulse should also alert, such deviations may indicate coronary disease, violation of the conduction system of the heart and regulation of cardiac activity.


Severe swelling, especially towards the end of the day, can occur due to an abundance of salty foods, kidney problems, including heart failure. This happens because the heart cannot cope with pumping blood, it accumulates in lower limbs causing swelling.

Dizziness and motion sickness in transport

The first symptoms of an impending stroke may be frequent dizziness, but they are also a manifestation of the disease of the middle ear and visual analyzer.

Headache, especially throbbing, and a feeling of nausea may indicate an increase in blood pressure.


Feeling short of breath, severe shortness of breath are symptoms that may indicate angina and heart failure. Sometimes there is an asthmatic variant of myocardial infarction, accompanied by a feeling of suffocation. Only a specialist can distinguish lung disease from cardiac dyspnea.

Nausea and vomiting

Vascular complications are very easily confused with gastritis or an exacerbation of an ulcer, the symptoms of which are nausea and vomiting. The fact is that the lower part of the heart is located close to the stomach, so the symptoms can be deceiving and even resemble food poisoning.

Pain resembling osteochondrosis

Pain between the shoulder blades, in the neck, left arm, shoulder, wrist, even in the jaw can be a sure sign of not only osteochondrosis or myositis, but also heart problems.

A symptom of angina pectoris may be the occurrence of such symptoms after physical exertion or emotional upheaval. If pain occurs even during rest and after the use of special cardiac drugs, such a symptom may indicate an approaching heart attack.

Chest pain

A feeling of burning and squeezing, obvious, dull, severe or periodic pain, spasm - all these sensations in the chest are the most certain. With spasm of the coronary vessels, the pain is burning and sharp, which is a sign of angina pectoris, which often occurs even at rest, for example at night. An attack of angina pectoris is a harbinger of myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease (CHD).

Severe prolonged pain behind the sternum, radiating to the left arm, neck and back, is characteristic of a developing myocardial infarction. Chest pain in myocardial infarction is extremely severe, up to loss of consciousness. By the way, one of the most common causes of a heart attack is atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels.

Pain in the chest, radiating to the back of the head, back, groin- a symptom of an aneurysm or aortic dissection.

Dull and undulating pain in the region of the heart, which does not spread to other areas of the body, against the background of an increase in temperature, indicates the development of pericarditis.

However sharp pain in the chest may indicate other diseases, for example, be a symptom of intercostal neuralgia, herpes zoster, sciatica in the neck or chest, spontaneous pneumothorax, or spasm of the esophagus.

Strong heartbeat

A strong heartbeat can occur with increased physical exertion, as a result of a person’s emotional arousal, or due to overeating. But a strong heartbeat is very often an early harbinger of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A strong heartbeat manifests itself as a feeling of malfunctioning of the heart, it seems that the heart almost “pops out” of the chest or freezes. Seizures may be accompanied by weakness, unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart, fainting.

Such symptoms may indicate tachycardia, angina pectoris, heart failure, impaired blood supply to organs.

If you have at least one of these symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor without delay and undergo tests that will reveal true reason ailments. One of the most effective methods of treating any disease is its early diagnosis and timely prevention.

This is the body, without the correct work of which a person's quality life is impossible. The heart is formed as early as the 5th week of a woman's pregnancy and accompanies us from this time until death, that is, it works much longer than a person lives. Under these conditions, it is clear that it is necessary to show to the heart Special attention, and at the first signs of a violation of his work, consult a doctor. We bring to your attention an overview list of heart diseases, as well as tell you about the main symptoms that you should pay attention to without fail in order to stay healthy and productive all your life.

Brief classification of heart diseases

One of the most common diseases of the cardiovascular system is arterial hypertension.

The heart is an organ with complex anatomy and physiology, therefore, heart diseases accompanied by a violation of its structure and function are diverse. They can be conditionally grouped into several groups.

  1. Cardiac ischemia
    • Sudden coronary death;
    • Unstable angina;
  2. Arterial hypertension and hypotension
    • Symptomatic arterial hypertension;
    • Arterial hypotension.
  3. Myocardial diseases
    • Myocardial damage in systemic diseases;
    • tumors of the heart;
    • Cardiomyopathy.
  4. Diseases of the pericardium
    • Tumors and malformations of the pericardium.
  5. Diseases of the endocardium
    • infective endocarditis;
    • Endocarditis of other etiology (including rheumatic).
  6. Heart defects
    • Congenital heart defects.
  7. Rhythm and conduction disorders
  8. Circulatory failure

The main symptoms of heart disease

Diseases of the cardiovascular system are diverse. They may be accompanied by the following main symptoms:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • headache;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • heartbeat;

Chest pain

Pain to the left of the sternum or in the area of ​​the left nipple is a common complaint in patients older than 40 years. Chest pain is less common but is serious diagnostic sign ischemic heart disease (CHD).
Pain in coronary artery disease is associated with a lack of oxygen in the heart muscle, caused by its insufficient blood supply. Violation of blood flow in the vessels of the myocardium occurs as a result of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that narrow the lumen of the arteries. With complete blockage of the arteries of the heart, myocardial necrosis occurs - a heart attack. Oxygen starvation of the heart is accompanied by anginal pain.
Anginal pain is localized most often behind the sternum, much less often in the epigastrium (upper third of the abdomen), and very rarely in the region of the left nipple (region of the apex of the heart). The patient cannot indicate the most painful point. As a rule, he covers the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpain with his palm. A very symptomatic gesture is a fist clenched at the sternum.

Typical anginal pain is compressive in nature, less often it is pressing or burning. Sharp, stabbing, cutting pains can occur with other heart diseases, but they are not typical for IHD. Irradiation of pain in the left shoulder, shoulder blade is not always associated with angina pectoris, it can also be non-coronary in nature. With IHD, pain can radiate to the jaw, teeth, collarbones, right ear, right shoulder.
Anginal pain occurs suddenly, paroxysmal, most often during walking, physical activity, with excitement, as well as when exposed to cold and walking against the wind. Pain associated with the movement of hands, a long stay in an uncomfortable position is most often not associated with heart disease. In some types of angina, typical pain occurs at night.

Anginal pain usually stops quickly, a few minutes after the end of the load. If the attack occurred while walking, stopping leads to a rapid cessation of the attack. Sometimes they talk about the "showcase symptom" when the patient, due to pain, is forced to a short time stop, pretending to look at a shop window.
Nitroglycerin, taken under the tongue, leads to a rapid cessation of the pain attack. If the pain in the heart area does not completely disappear after taking nitrates, it lasts for hours or even days - this is not angina pectoris. The exception is myocardial infarction, characterized by "insensitivity" pain syndrome to nitroglycerin.
If the patient makes a variety of complaints about prolonged pain in the region of the heart (in the region of the left nipple), writes them down for memory, remembers the details, most often angina pectoris is not confirmed.

Weakness and fatigue

These are nonspecific complaints, but they can be observed in many cardiac patients. Weakness is one of the early signs of circulatory failure. In this case, as a result of a decrease in the minute volume of blood circulation, oxygen starvation of tissues, in particular, muscles, occurs.
Weakness may accompany inflammatory diseases heart (endocarditis, myocarditis). It often accompanies neurocirculatory dystonia.
Weakness appears with the progression of angina pectoris and with myocardial infarction.


Headache may be a sign of increased blood viscosity, which occurs with secondary erythrocytosis against the background of heart defects. In arterial hypertension, headache is caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. Pain in neurocirculatory dystonia is associated with impaired vascular tone.
Episodes of headache in combination with transient dizziness appear with thromboembolism of the cerebral arteries against the background of atrial fibrillation, as well as with cerebral atherosclerosis.


A short-term loss of consciousness may be a manifestation of severe bradycardia (long pauses in the work of the heart against atrial fibrillation, sinoatrial or atrioventricular blockade). Fainting also appears with significant arterial hypotension.


Rapid heartbeat is one of the early signs of heart failure. It is especially enhanced after eating, drinking liquids (including alcohol), after exercise.
In severe cases of heart failure, the patient gets used to the heartbeat and does not complain about it. A combination of complaints rapid pulse and the absence of objective confirmation is a sign of a neurotic reaction.
An irregular heartbeat is most often a sign of atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). Rhythm disturbances occur when various diseases hearts, often complicating their course.


Shortness of breath is one of the main signs of circulatory failure, complicating the course of many heart diseases. At the beginning of the disease, shortness of breath occurs only with significant physical exertion. Gradually, exercise tolerance decreases, shortness of breath appears during normal activity, and then at rest. Attacks of suffocation appear at night: cardiac asthma.
Shortness of breath caused by circulatory failure may be accompanied by swelling of the wings of the nose, muscle involvement shoulder girdle. It intensifies when talking. In some cases, shortness of breath stops after taking nitroglycerin, in which case it is the equivalent of anginal pain.

Channel One, the program “Live healthy” with Elena Malysheva on the topic “3 unexpected signs of a sick heart”

Amyloidosis is one of the rarest chronic diseases of the heart muscle. With a certain type of ailment, the protein is located near the collagen, as a result of which the myocardium thickens.


Angioma - a benign tumor, accompanied by the growth of lymphatic (lymphangioma) or blood vessels (hemangioma), which are located under the skin. This defect is formed in the prenatal period and after the birth of a child, some elements may disappear by themselves.


Angiopathy is a group of diseases in which the vascular wall is affected. With this pathology, the tone of its wall is disturbed, temporary paresis and spasms occur. As a result, frequent bleeding may occur.

aortic aneurysm

Aortic aneurysm is a local, limited process in the aorta, manifested by stretching, protrusion and thinning of the vascular wall. The local expansion is 1.5 times its diameter. With an aneurysm, a gap is formed between the intima (inner shell) and the media (middle) or between the media and adventitia (outer shell), thus a new blood flow occurs, which accompanies the stratification of the formation.

Aneurysm of the abdominal aorta

Aneurysm abdominal aorta- this is a local process of stretching, protrusion and thinning of the vessel wall, localized in the abdominal part of the aorta. It is easy to identify by the feeling of pulsation near the umbilical region.

Aneurysm of the aortic arch

An aortic arch aneurysm is pathological process, which passes in the vascular wall of the aortic arch, is accompanied by its uncontrolled expansion and a change in the configuration of the vessel. The disease can be manifested by shortness of breath, cough, dysphagia, hoarseness, swelling and cyanosis of the face, swelling of the jugular veins, which is associated with compression of nearby organs.

Aneurysm of the descending thoracic aorta

Descending Aneurysm thoracic aorta- This is a local pathological process that takes place in one of the parts of the aorta, which manifests itself in the form of bulging, expansion and thinning of the organ wall. The disease is accompanied by pain in the sternum, an increase in shortness of breath, cough, anemia. If a pathology is detected, urgent or planned surgical resection is indicated, followed by reconstruction of the removed area.

heart aneurysm

An aneurysm of the heart is a disease of the cardiovascular system, in which there is a pathological protrusion of the heart walls at the site of thinning. An aneurysm may present with dyspnea, palpitations, orthopnea, asthma attacks, severe cardiac arrhythmias, and thromboembolic complications.

Aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva

Sinus of Valsalva aneurysm is a pathological heart defect that is complicated by a process such as heart failure. The clinic develops when an aneurysm of the sinus of Valsalva ruptures, which may be accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, and an increase in malaise.

Ebstein anomaly

Ebstein anomaly is pathological disease of the cardiovascular system, which results in valve dysplasia and its displacement into the cavity of the right ventricle. Signs of malaise are low physical endurance, shortness of breath, paroxysmal tachycardia, cyanosis, cardiomegaly, right ventricular failure, arrhythmias.

Abnormal pulmonary venous drainage

Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage is a pathological congenital heart disease, which is based on the process of flow of the pulmonary veins into the right atrium or into the large vena cava. It all depends on the complete or partial anomaly. IN full version there is no communication between the right and left sections of the myocardium at the level of the atrium, an urgent operation is required to save the life of the newborn during the first weeks. In the second - an overload of the right sections of the myocardium, an increase in pressure in the vessels of the lungs, signs of right ventricular failure are added.

Aortic insufficiency

Aortic insufficiency is chronic illness of the cardiovascular system, in which there is an incomplete closure of the aortic valve leaflets, which leads to a reverse flow of blood from the aorta into the left ventricle.

aortic stenosis

Aortic stenosis is a disease in which there is a narrowing of the outlet aortic valve, which leads to restriction of blood flow from the left ventricle towards the aorta.

Heart arythmy

Cardiac arrhythmia is a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions. This phenomenon occurs when the electrical impulses that stimulate stroke volume do not work properly. As a result, the heart begins to beat too slowly, too quickly, or irregularly.

Arterial hypertension

Arterial hypertension is a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is characterized by the syndrome of persistent increase in blood pressure (PAD). At the same time, systolic pressure (SD) exceeds 139 mmHg, and diastolic (DD) - 89 mmHg.

Arterial hypotension

Arterial hypotension- a syndrome that is characterized by a periodic or systematic drop in blood pressure (the upper indicator is less than 100 mm Hg, the lower one is less than 60 mm Hg).


Atherosclerosis is a disease of the blood vessels that is affected by harmful effects such as nicotine addiction, high cholesterol levels, and deterioration of the great vessels. Wrong diet nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress - all this leads to this disease.

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis is a condition that is a consequence of coronary heart disease. The disease is formed due to progressive atherosclerosis in the coronary vessels of the heart.

Tricuspid valve atresia

Tricuspid valve atresia is an anomaly in the structure of the heart of a congenital nature, which is characterized by the absence of a natural communication between the right atrium and the right ventricle.

Atrioventricular block

Atrioventricular blockade is a disease in which the conduction function of the heart is impaired, as a result of which the passage of impulses from the atria to the ventricles may slow down or stop altogether. As a result, the rhythm of the heart and hemodynamics of the blood are disturbed.

Blockade of the legs of the bundle of His

Blockade of the legs of the bundle of His is a condition characterized by conduction disorders inside the heart. Electrical impulses pass with a slowdown or are not completely conducted through the corresponding cells.

Heart diseases

Heart disease is a heterogeneous group of diseases that lead to various disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These diseases can have a variety of causes of development.


Bradycardia is a type of arrhythmia in which the heart rate (HR) is less than sixty beats per minute. Normally, this condition can occur in professional athletes, but in most cases it accompanies some kind of pathology.


Vasculitis is a group of diseases characterized by inflammation in small blood vessels. As a result, over time, their elasticity and elasticity are lost, the vessels become brittle. Anyone can get sick, regardless of age.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in children

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD)

Vegetovascular dystonia(VSD) is a symptom complex of various clinical manifestations that affects many organs and systems. As a result, pathologies develop in the structures and functions of the central and peripheral autonomic nervous systems.

Congenital heart defect

Congenital heart disease is a congenital anatomical defect of the myocardium, its valves or blood vessels. This condition inevitably leads to changes in the activity and systemic hemodynamics of the heart. In most cases this pathology requires immediate treatment.

Secondary cardiomyopathy

Secondary cardiomyopathy- changes in the structural and functional order in the tissues of the heart, the occurrence of which is due to the action primary diseases different nature or pathological conditions.

Hemochromatosis of the heart

Cardiac hemochromatosis (pigmented myocarditis, siderocardiosis) is a disease that is characterized by a malfunction of the organ as a result of a defect in iron metabolism.

Hypertonic disease

Hypertonic disease- This is a disease that is characterized by an increase in blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg and may have periodic or constant rises in blood pressure.

hypertensive crisis

Hypertensive crisis is a disease in which a sudden critical increase in blood pressure occurs, due to which neurovegetative disorders, deviations in cerebral hemodynamics, and the occurrence of acute heart failure are observed.


Hypertension is a disease of chronic origin, in which there is a constant or periodic increase arterial blood pressure.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy- This is a disease that is characterized by a primary lesion of the heart with the appearance of thickening of the walls of the left ventricle and the further development of heart failure according to the diastolic type.

Left ventricular hypertrophy

Left ventricular hypertrophy is a disease characterized by induration in the left wall of the ventricle of the heart. If the patient has a seal in the septum between the right and left ventricles, this condition may lead to a loss of elasticity in the walls.

Right ventricular hypertrophy

Right ventricular hypertrophy - pathological condition, in which the right ventricle increases in size, which leads to the development of serious ailments and overload of the heart.

Purulent pericarditis

Purulent pericarditis- a disease characterized by infectious inflammation serous membrane heart, accumulation in the pericardial sac (pericardial sac) of purulent fluid.

Wegener's granulomatosis

Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) is a fairly rare disease characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels and the formation of granulomas on the human body - accumulations of infected cells. The disease can affect various bodies, for example, ENT organs, lungs, kidneys.

Angina pectoris

angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - an attack of severe pain in the heart as a result of a spasm of the cardiac arteries (coronary, coronary). With this pathology, blood circulation is disturbed, there is a lack of intake nutrients and oxygen in a certain area of ​​the heart muscle.

aortopulmonary septal defect

Aortopulmonary septal defect (aortopulmonary septal defect, fenestrationa, orthopulmonary fenestra or aortopulmonary fistula) is a congenital anomaly of intrauterine formation of the heart, which manifests itself in the presence of a hole through which communication between the aorta and the trunk is possible pulmonary artery.

Atrial septal defect

Defect interatrial septum- it is common congenital pathology heart, which has big hole in the septum separating the right and left atria.

Dilated cardiomyopathy

Dilated cardiomyopathy is a diffuse pathology of the myocardium of unknown origin, in which all cardiac chambers expand with a pronounced violation of contractile function.

Ventricular extrasystole

Ventricular extrasystole is a violation of the heart rhythm, accompanied by the appearance of additional heart impulses in ectopic foci located in the wall of the ventricles, which contribute to defective contractions of the heart. This is the most common type of arrhythmia, which occurs in different age categories.

Peripheral artery disease

Peripheral arterial disease is the most common ailment that leads to a gradual narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, as well as complete blockage (occlusion) of the main arteries and aorta.

Abramov-Fiedler idiopathic myocarditis

Abramov-Fiedler idiopathic myocarditis is a severe pathology of the myocardium, accompanied by cardiomegaly, heart failure, arrhythmias and production disturbances, and thromboembolic syndrome.

myocardial infarction

Myocardial infarction is the necrosis of a section of the heart muscle with a sharp imbalance between the myocardium's need for oxygen and its delivery to the heart.

Infectious-allergic myocarditis

Infectious-allergic myocarditis is a disease of the heart muscle that is caused by an infection. A characteristic ailment can begin at any age, but most often people aged 20 to 40 fall into the risk group.

Cardiac ischemia

Coronary artery disease (CHD) is a disease that occurs when there is a limited supply of oxygen through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle.


Cardiosclerosis is a pathological condition of the heart, characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the heart muscle, which replaces the muscle fibers of the heart.

Coarctation of the aorta

Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital malformation that manifests itself in segmental narrowing of the aortic lumen and leads to left ventricular hypertrophy, vascular hypertension upper limbs and hyperphysiology of the abdominal organs.

Combined tricuspid heart disease

Combined tricuspid heart disease is a combined defect that includes tricuspid valve insufficiency and stenosis of the right atrioventricular orifice.

Eisenmenger complex

The Eisenmenger complex is a complex congenital malformation of the heart muscle, which includes a defect and hypertrophy. interventricular septum and right ventricle.

Pulmonary heart

Pulmonary heart- the process of increasing right side heart, which appears due to a disease-causing change in blood pressure. Also, this disease appears due to a serious deformity chest And different kind diseases of the blood vessels of the lungs, their blockage and related damage.

Mesothelioma of the pericardium

Pericardial mesothelioma is considered the rarest tumor and is malignant. As a rule, it is formed from the cells of the pericardium (mesothelial).

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation- a form of violation of the normal contractile activity of the heart. It is accompanied by a violation of the work of the heart muscle and frequent twitching of the atria.


Myxoma is a benign tumor formed from connective tissue. The content of the myxoma has a jelly-like consistency. It can appear on almost all organs, mainly in the subcutaneous tissue, on the limbs, on the walls Bladder, V oral cavity or in the region of the heart. Myxoma usually has a stalk.

Myocardial dystrophy

Myocardial dystrophy is a lesion of the heart muscle of a non-inflammatory nature, characterized by a violation of its metabolism, the occurrence of dystrophic processes as a result of the influence of various factors.

Mitral insufficiency

Mitral insufficiency is a valvular disease of the heart muscle and is characterized by loose closure of the left valve during systole. Because of this, there is a reverse outflow of blood from the ventricle to the atrium.

Mitral aortic defect

Aortic-mitral ailment combines negative impacts on the valves of the heart muscle. Manifested by narrowing of the 1st valve or stenosis (both valves).

Mitral tricuspid disease

Mitral tricuspid disease is a defect that refers to combined heart defects, including disturbances in the functioning of the mitral and tricuspid valves.

mitral stenosis

mitral stenosis is a contraction phenomenon mitral orifice, as a result of which the normal passage of blood from the left ventricle to the atrium is disrupted (it is between these chambers that the bicuspid mitral valve is located).

Circulatory disorders

Circulatory disorders - a type of pathological condition that develops as a result of a change in the volume and properties of blood in the vessels or the release of blood outside the vascular bed.

Aortic valve insufficiency

Aortic valve insufficiency is one of the most common types of heart disease, which is characterized by insufficiently tight closure of the aortic valve cusps, due to which, when the left ventricle of the heart relaxes, part of the blood flows back (reverse flow).

Pulmonary valve insufficiency

Pulmonary valve insufficiency is one of the defects of heart disease. There is an incomplete closure of the valve during diastole of the right ventricle of the opening of the pulmonary artery, which leads to the occurrence of a reverse flow of blood into the ventricle from the artery.


Cardiopsychoneurosis(NCD) is a disease that is characterized by damage to the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, which leads to disorders of neuroendocrine regulation and the appearance of various clinical signs lesions that occur against the background of stress and with intolerance to physical exertion.

Obliterating atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis obliterans is a disease of peripheral arteries, which is characterized by a violation of the patency of the vessels of the lower extremities, which leads to insufficient blood flow.

Obliterating endarteritis

Obliterating endarteritis is a disease characterized by a violation of the patency of the peripheral arteries, which leads to an acute reduction in the blood supply to the lower extremities.

Acute mesenteric vascular occlusion (OMS)

Acute occlusion of mesenteric vessels (OMS) is a dangerous pathological condition in the body associated with impaired patency of the vascular bed that feeds the mesentery.

Acute vascular occlusion of the extremities

Acute vascular occlusion of the extremities - sudden onset obstruction peripheral vessels, which is caused by spasm, trauma to the arteries, thrombosis or embolism.

Acute rheumatism

Acute rheumatism (acute rheumatic fever) - systemic disease connective tissue. It is characterized by damage to the cardiovascular system, the development of arthritis (joint disease), erythema (skin syndrome) and chorea (neurological syndrome). It can be observed in children of primary school age, in adolescents against the background of the body's immune response to group A streptococcus antigens and human cross-reactivity.


Paroxysm - a condition in which there is an increase in any painful attack (shortness of breath, pain, fever) to the maximum degree. Sometimes this concept refers to attacks of the disease returning with a certain frequency. Simply put, paroxysm is not a disease in itself, but some sudden attack characteristic of a particular pathological condition.


Pericarditis is an inflammatory process that affects outer shell hearts. This disease is usually a complication of a number of other diseases.

Postinfarction angina

Postinfarction angina is a syndrome that characterizes the appearance of anginal attacks during periods of time from a day to two weeks.

Postinfarction cardiosclerosis

Postinfarction cardiosclerosis refers to a form of ischemic disease of the heart muscle and is characterized by the replacement of the heart tissue with connective tissue.

Acquired heart disease

Acquired heart disease is a disease associated with a violation of the activity of the heart, which is due to morphological or functional changes in the functioning of its valves.

Mitral valve prolapse

Mitral valve prolapse is a pathology characterized by dysfunction of the valve located between the left atrium and ventricle. Violation of the structure of the valve leads to the lowering of its valves into the cavity of the left atrium at the time of contraction of the left ventricle, respectively, a certain amount of blood flows back into the atrium. With a slight regurgitation, it does not manifest itself in any way and does not need treatment. If part of the reverse amount of blood is large, it requires treatment, sometimes surgery.

Mitral valve prolapse in children

Dissecting aortic aneurysm

Dissecting aneurysm of the aorta is the occurrence of a defect in the inner lining of the aorta, followed by the penetration of blood under it and the separation of the vascular layer with the further formation of an intramural hematoma.

Rheumatism of the heart

Heart rheumatism is a chronic disease accompanied by an inflammatory process of the membranes of the heart associated with connective tissue disorders, the formation of rheumatoid nodules, which leads to the development of cardiosclerosis and heart defects.

cardiac asthma

Cardiac asthma is a serious condition of the patient, which is accompanied by the appearance of suffocation, shortness of breath. Requires urgent medical attention, as it can be fatal.

Heart diseases are among the most common among the adult population, while the profession and age of the patient Lately they don't play like that important role, like before. To prevent development possible complications in the form of a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest, you should listen to your body and monitor the symptoms of cardiac pathologies.

The main pathologies that can affect the heart muscle include the following.

  1. Cardiac ischemia, it occurs due to severe oxygen starvation, when the coronary arteries simply do not cope with their task. Usually, atherosclerotic plaques formed on the walls of blood vessels, which narrow the lumen of the vessel, provoke violations.

  2. Arterial hypertension and hypotension. These disorders can be triggered by many reasons, ranging from alcohol consumption to vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  3. Myocardial diseases. They are also called different reasons, including due to infection and insufficient oxygen supply to the muscle. In most cases, myocarditis is asymptomatic and ends full recovery. If available clinical manifestations, the prognosis is worse: recovery occurs only in half of the cases, the rest develop dilated cardiomyopathy. Myocarditis is also dangerous for rhythm disturbances, which can lead to sudden death.
  4. Diseases of the endocardium. In most cases, endocarditis is not an independent disease, but is a particular manifestation of other diseases. Subacute bacterial endocarditis, which is more often caused by streptococcus, is of independent importance. When this inflammation is localized on the inner shell of the heart muscle.
  5. Pericarditis, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of the serous membrane of the heart. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the pericardial region, as well as the formation of fibrous strictures, which leads to difficulty in the work of the organ.

  6. Heart muscle defects. They occur due to a malfunction of the valves, when the heart cannot hold blood and makes a reverse ejection. The defect can be congenital or acquired. Heavy physical exertion, inflammatory processes and a number of other reasons can contribute to this.
  7. Heart failure. This is a syndrome in which the heart cannot provide the metabolic needs of the body due to a violation of its pumping function, or does this by increasing the work of the ventricles.

In addition to pressure problems, overweight body, addiction to alcohol and smoking, a tumor can also become a factor in the development of heart disease. Oncology can be localized in any part of the heart muscle, which can cause the development of several pathologies at once.

Reasons for the development of heart disease

The listed factors can become a source of the development of heart disease, you can also get acquainted with the frequency of their manifestation.

Development riskFrequency of manifestation
Rheumatic manifestations due to viruses and bacteriaOften
Penetration into the body of streptococci and gonococciOften
Hepatitis in the bodyRarely
Syphilitic lesionsRarely
Smoking and alcoholOften
Oncological diseasesRarely
Prolonged infection of the bodyOften
Constant stress and depressionOften
Digestive problemsRarely
Large amounts of cholesterol in the bloodOften
Eating a lot of fatty foodsRarely
congenital problemsOften
Low physical activityOften
Burdened family history of cardiovascular disease.Often

Attention! Several factors can provoke development at once, which can significantly complicate its diagnosis and subsequent treatment.

You can suspect that you have heart problems by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of shortness of breath and lack of oxygen even with a slight physical effort;
  • constant feeling of weakness and low stamina;
  • the appearance of a dry cough without any reasons in the form of respiratory diseases;
  • systematic acceleration or deceleration of the heart rate and breathing;
  • feeling of suffocation and strong constriction in the chest during physical exertion, ischemia usually manifests itself this way;
  • the presence of dull aching pain in the chest and liver;
  • swelling of the lower extremities, especially in the evening;
  • unconscious desire to rise upper part torso in a horizontal position to facilitate the breathing process;
  • persistent sleep problems, including insomnia;
  • back pain, even at rest.

Attention! Symptoms are not always present in full and may first manifest themselves from time to time. But due to deterioration and further development heart disease symptoms may become permanent.

Treatment of heart diseases

During the initial examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis, listens to all complaints, measures pressure, pulse, pays attention to the intensity of breathing. If there are suspicions of possible heart problems during an internal examination, the patient is prescribed examinations. You need to take blood and urine tests. Be sure to conduct an ECG, if necessary with physical activity. It is carried out with the help of an exercise bike. 24-hour monitoring, echocardiography, chest X-ray are also performed. In case of problems with blood vessels and arterial conduction, the doctor will prescribe coronary angiography.

After the examination and the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, adhere to a diet and take appropriate medications.

Attention! If drug treatment does not lead to the desired result or there is a pathology that is not treated conservative methods the patient may need surgery. For example, if there is a congenital heart valve disease or a rhythm disorder that is not amenable to drug therapy, then the valve can be replaced with an artificial one, and maintain normal rhythm an implanted pacemaker can.

Medical treatment of heart disease


They are prescribed in situations where viruses and infections have given complications to the heart. The course of therapy in this case is approximately 7-10 days, in severe cases, an increase in the duration of treatment up to two weeks is allowed. Along with antibiotics, drugs are taken to reduce intoxication and irritation of the gastric tract.

Medicines for high or low blood pressure

They must quickly stabilize blood pressure to avoid complications such as stroke, heart attack and cardiac arrest. Are used long time in combination with other drugs. ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, diuretics, and calcium channel blockers are excellent for these purposes.

Antiatherosclerotic drugs

Their effect is aimed at lowering blood cholesterol, as well as dissolving atherosclerotic plaques. They can be used for a long and short time, it all depends on the current condition of the patient and his response to treatment. It is advisable to use these drugs in combination therapy and should also follow a low-fat diet.


For this, diuretics, or simply speaking, diuretics are used. The drug is used exclusively for its intended purpose for a strictly defined time. This is due to the possibility of rapid leaching of vitamins and minerals. mineral complexes from the body. Along with diuretics, it is worth taking B vitamins, which will significantly strengthen the heart muscle.

Zinc, magnesium and iron preparations

These include vitamin complexes that can be prescribed to patients as a therapeutic combined complex or used for preventive measures. Vitamin complexes should be taken in courses so as not to cause hypervitaminization and hypermineralization of organs.

Attention! All drugs should be prescribed by a cardiologist only after receiving all the tests and examination results. This is the only way to prescribe the most accurate dosages and stop the disease.

Examples of drug treatment


Can be used for ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, pressure problems. The patient is prescribed in the first weeks of treatment no more than 5 mg of the substance, so as not to provoke side effects and bradycardia. Gradually, the dose is increased to 20 mg. If the patient has already been diagnosed with some degree of heart failure, he is prescribed 2.5 mg of the drug. The duration of therapy is strictly individual.


The drug belongs to the class of diuretics. Depending on the patient's condition, he may be prescribed from one to four tablets. In this case, the duration of therapy is completely individual. If the patient is prescribed Chlorthiazide as a long-term treatment, it should be taken no more than three times a week, observing the same interval between doses.


The drug belongs to the class of antibiotics, it is used for inflammatory processes in the heart - for diseases of the endocardium and pericardium. To get real therapeutic effect the patient should take 0.6 g of the drug twice a day. In this case, the treatment lasts no more than four weeks and no less than two. Linezolid may be used as monotherapy or combination therapy.


It is necessary to use the drug for arterial hypertension and for problems with the conduction of arteries and blood vessels. The initial dosage of the drug is 40 mg of the active substance, with arterial hypertension - 80 mg. Gradually, the amount of Nadolol increases to 240 mg, with arterial hypertension up to 180 mg. The duration of therapy can be long and is determined taking into account the patient's condition.


A medical remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels and the heart and establishing its blood supply. To obtain a real therapeutic result, the patient must receive treatment in the amount of 1-2 tablets three times a day. Therapy with Ascorutin should last from 21 to 30 days, after which it will be necessary to cancel it or prescribe another medicinal product. You can take the remedy regardless of the meal.


The drug is prescribed to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques and lower cholesterol levels. First you need to take Cholestide five grams, after two months, double the dosage. This must be done every two months until the amount of active substance reaches 30 g. After that, the use of Cholestide ends. Sometimes the doctor may increase the dose of the medicine every month.

The treatment of heart disease is a laborious process that includes diet, medication, and feasible physical activity. But such a state is easier to prevent by observing elementary preventive measures. Quitting smoking, alcohol, taking vitamin complexes and healthy eating- this is what can help you stay healthy for many years.

Video - Dangerous symptoms of heart disease

Diseases of the cardiovascular system (CVD): overview, manifestations, principles of treatment

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most pressing problem modern medicine, because mortality from the pathology of the heart and blood vessels came out on top along with tumors. Millions of new cases are registered annually, and half of all deaths are associated with some form of damage to the circulatory organs.

The pathology of the heart and blood vessels has not only a medical, but also a social aspect. In addition to the colossal costs of the state for the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases, the level of disability remains high. This means that a sick person of working age will not be able to fulfill his duties, and the burden of maintaining him will fall on the budget and relatives.

In recent decades, there has been a significant "rejuvenation" of the cardiovascular vascular pathology, which is no longer called the "disease of old age." Increasingly, among patients there are persons not only mature, but also young age. According to some reports, among children the number of cases of acquired heart disease has increased up to ten times.

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases according to the World Health Organization reaches 31% of all deaths in the world, coronary disease and strokes account for more than half of cases.

It is noted that diseases of the cardiovascular system are much more common in countries with an insufficient level of socio-economic development. The reasons for this are the inaccessibility of quality medical care, insufficient equipment medical institutions, shortage of personnel, lack of effective preventive work with a population, most of which lives below the poverty line.

We largely owe the spread of CVD to the modern lifestyle, diet, lack of movement and bad habits, therefore, today all kinds of preventive programs are being actively implemented, aimed at informing the population about risk factors and ways to prevent pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

Cardiovascular pathology and its varieties

The group of diseases of the cardiovascular system is quite extensive, their list includes:

  • – , ;
  • ( , );
  • Inflammatory and infectious lesions-, rheumatic or other nature;
  • Diseases of the veins -,;
  • Pathology of the peripheral blood flow.

For most of us, CVD is primarily associated with coronary heart disease. This is not surprising, because it is this pathology that occurs most often, affecting millions of people on the planet. Its manifestations in the form of angina pectoris, rhythm disturbances, sharp forms in the form of a heart attack are widespread among middle-aged and elderly people.

In addition to cardiac ischemia, there are other, no less dangerous and also quite frequent varieties of CVD - hypertension, which only the lazy have not heard of, strokes, peripheral vascular disease.

In most diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the substrate of the lesion is atherosclerosis, which irreversibly changes the vascular walls and disrupts the normal movement of blood to the organs. - severe defeat walls of blood vessels, but in the diagnosis it appears extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that clinically it is usually expressed in the form of cardiac ischemia, encephalopathy, cerebral infarction, damage to the vessels of the legs, etc., therefore, these diseases are considered the main ones.

Ischemic heart disease (CHD) is a condition when the coronary arteries altered by atherosclerosis deliver insufficient blood volume to the heart muscle to ensure the exchange. The myocardium experiences a lack of oxygen, hypoxia sets in, followed by -. Pain becomes the answer to circulatory disorders, and pain begins in the heart itself. structural changes- grows connective tissue(), the cavities expand.

factors in the development of coronary artery disease

The extreme degree of malnutrition of the heart muscle results in heart attack- myocardial necrosis, which is one of the most severe and dangerous types of coronary artery disease. Men are more susceptible to myocardial infarction, but in old age, gender differences are gradually erased.

Not less than dangerous form damage to the circulatory system can be considered arterial hypertension. It is common among people of both sexes and is diagnosed already from the age of 35-40. Increased blood pressure contributes to persistent and irreversible changes in the walls of arteries and arterioles, as a result of which they become inflexible and brittle. Stroke is a direct consequence of hypertension and one of the most severe pathologies with high rate mortality.

High pressure also affects the heart: it increases, its walls thicken due to increased load, and blood flow in coronary vessels at the same time, it remains at the same level, therefore, with a hypertensive heart, the likelihood of coronary artery disease, including myocardial infarction, increases many times over.

Cerebrovascular pathology includes acute and chronic forms of circulatory disorders in the brain. It is clear that acute in the form of a stroke is extremely dangerous, because it makes the patient disabled or leads to his death, but chronic variants of the lesion cerebral vessels cause a lot of problems.

typical development of ischemic brain disorders due to atherosclerosis

Encephalopathy against the background of hypertension, atherosclerosis, or their simultaneous influence, it causes disruption of the brain, it becomes increasingly difficult for patients to perform work duties, with the progression of encephalopathy, difficulties in everyday life appear, and the extreme degree of the disease is when the patient is incapable of independent existence.

listed above diseases of the cardiovascular system are so often combined in the same patient and exacerbate each other, that it is often difficult to draw a clear line between them. For example, the patient suffers high pressure, complains of pain in the heart, has already suffered a stroke, and the reason for everything is atherosclerosis of the arteries, stress, lifestyle. In this case, it is difficult to judge which pathology was primary; most likely, the lesions developed in parallel in different organs.

Inflammatory processes in the heart() - myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis - are much less common than the previous forms. Most common cause they become when the body reacts in a peculiar way to a streptococcal infection, attacking not only the microbe, but also its own structures with protective proteins. Rheumatic heart disease is the lot of children and adolescents, adults usually already have a consequence - heart disease.

Heart defects are congenital and acquired. Acquired defects develop against the background of the same atherosclerosis, when the valve leaflets accumulate fatty plaques, calcium salts, and become sclerotic. Another cause of an acquired defect can be rheumatic endocarditis.

With damage to the valve leaflets, both narrowing of the hole () and expansion () is possible. In both cases, there is a violation of blood circulation in a small or big circle. Stagnation in a large circle manifests itself typical symptoms chronic heart failure, and with the accumulation of blood in the lungs, shortness of breath will be the first sign.

the valvular apparatus of the heart is a "target" for carditis and rheumatism, the main cause of acquired heart defects in adults

Most heart failures eventually end in heart failure, which can be acute or chronic. Acute heart failure possible against the background of a heart attack, hypertensive crisis, severe arrhythmia and is manifested by pulmonary edema, acute in the internal organs, cardiac arrest.

chronic heart failure also referred to as forms of coronary artery disease. It complicates angina pectoris, cardiosclerosis, previous myocardial necrosis, long-term arrhythmias, heart defects, dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the myocardium. Any shape cardiovascular pathology can lead to heart failure.

Signs of heart failure are stereotypical: patients develop edema, an enlarged liver, skin become pale or cyanotic, shortness of breath torments, fluid accumulates in the cavities. Both acute and chronic forms of heart failure can cause death of the patient.

Vein pathology in the form of varicose veins, thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis occurs both among the elderly and young people. In many ways, the spread of varicose veins contributes to lifestyle modern man(nutrition, hypodynamia, excess weight).

Varicose veins usually affect the lower extremities, when the subcutaneous or deep veins of the legs or thighs expand, but this phenomenon is also possible in other vessels - the veins of the small pelvis (especially in women), the portal system of the liver.

A special group of vascular pathology are congenital anomalies such as aneurysms and malformations.- this is a local expansion of the vascular wall, which can form in the vessels of the brain and internal organs. In the aorta, aneurysms are often atherosclerotic in nature, and dissection of the affected area is extremely dangerous due to the risk of rupture and sudden death.

From when the developmental disorder occurred vascular walls with the formation of abnormal tangles and tangles, neurologists and neurosurgeons face, since these changes are most dangerous when located in the brain.

Symptoms and signs of cardiovascular disease

Having very briefly touched on the main types of pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is worth paying a little attention to the symptoms of these ailments. The main complaints are:

  1. Discomfort in the chest, heart failure;

Pain is the main symptom of most heart diseases. It accompanies angina pectoris, heart attack, arrhythmias, hypertensive crises. Even a slight discomfort in the chest or short-term, not intense pain should be a cause for concern, and with acute, “dagger” pain, you need to urgently seek qualified help.

In coronary heart disease, pain is associated with oxygen starvation of the myocardium due to atherosclerotic lesions of the heart vessels. Stable angina occurs with pain in response to exercise or stress, the patient takes nitroglycerin, which eliminates the pain attack. Unstable angina is manifested by pain at rest, drugs do not always help, and the risk of a heart attack or severe arrhythmia increases, so the pain that arose on its own in a patient with cardiac ischemia serves as the basis for seeking the help of specialists.

Acute, severe pain in the chest, radiating to the left arm, under the shoulder blade, to the shoulder, may indicate a myocardial infarction. P taking nitroglycerin does not eliminate it, and among the symptoms appear shortness of breath, rhythm disturbances, a sense of fear of death, severe anxiety.

Most patients with pathology of the heart and blood vessels experience weakness and quickly get tired. This is due to insufficient provision of tissues with oxygen. With an increase in chronic heart failure, resistance to physical exertion sharply decreases, it is difficult for the patient to walk even a short distance or climb a couple of floors.

symptoms of advanced heart failure

Almost all cardiac patients experience shortness of breath. It is especially characteristic of heart failure with damage to the heart valves. Defects, both congenital and acquired, can be accompanied by stagnation of blood in the pulmonary circulation, resulting in difficulty breathing. dangerous complication such damage to the heart may become pulmonary edema, requiring immediate medical attention.

Edema is associated with congestive heart failure. First they appear in the evening on the lower extremities, then the patient notes their spread upwards, the hands and tissues begin to swell. abdominal wall, face. In severe heart failure, fluid accumulates in the cavities - the stomach increases in volume, shortness of breath and a feeling of heaviness in the chest increase.

Arrhythmias can be manifested by feeling strong heartbeat or fading. Bradycardia, when the pulse slows down, contributes to fainting, headaches, dizziness. Rhythm changes are more pronounced with physical activity, experiences, after a heavy meal and alcohol intake.

Cerebrovascular diseases with damage to the vessels of the brain, manifested by headaches, dizziness, changes in memory, attention, intellectual performance. On the background hypertensive crises in addition to the headache, the heartbeat, the flickering of “flies” before the eyes, and the noise in the head are disturbing.

An acute circulatory disorder in the brain - a stroke - is manifested not only by pain in the head, but also by a variety of neurological symptoms. The patient may lose consciousness, paresis and paralysis develop, sensitivity is disturbed, etc.

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases

The treatment of cardiovascular diseases is carried out by cardiologists, therapists, vascular surgeons. Conservative therapy is prescribed by a polyclinic doctor, and if necessary, the patient is sent to a hospital. Possibly also surgery certain types of pathology.

The main principles of therapy for cardiac patients are:

  • Normalization of the regime, excluding excessive physical and emotional stress;
  • A diet aimed at correcting lipid metabolism, because atherosclerosis is the main mechanism of many diseases; with congestive heart failure, fluid intake is limited, with hypertension - salt, etc .;
  • Rejection bad habits And physical activity- the heart must fulfill the load it needs, otherwise the muscle will suffer even more from “underload”, therefore cardiologists recommend walking and feasible exercises even for those patients who have had a heart attack or heart surgery;
  • (verapamil, diltiazem); indicated for severe defects, cardiomyopathies, myocardial dystrophy.

Diagnosis and treatment of pathology of the heart and blood vessels are always very costly activities, and chronic forms require lifelong therapy and observation, therefore, an important part of the work of cardiologists. To reduce the number of patients with pathology of the heart and blood vessels, early diagnosis of changes in these organs and their timely treatment by doctors in most countries of the world, preventive work is actively carried out.

Need to be informed as soon as possible more people oh the roles healthy lifestyle life and nutrition, movements in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system. With the active participation of the World Health Organization, various programs are being implemented aimed at reducing the incidence and mortality from this pathology.

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