Root, oil, rosehip flowers, their medicinal properties. Rosehip - benefits and healing properties

Bisexual flowers with a diameter of 1.5-10 cm can be either single or collected in corymbose or paniculate inflorescences. Some species have bracts. The pedicels are short, 0.55-1.75 cm long. The hypanthium is ovoid, spherical, bottle-shaped or pitcher-shaped, with a narrowing at the throat. Corollas of large size, with five petals, occasionally semi-double. Coloring can be red, yellow, creamy or white.

Sepals of the entire type may have an extended cusp. A pair of sepals has a bilateral dissection, and one has a one-sided dissection. Numerous and freely located stamens are complemented by two-nested anthers. The pistils, most often of a sessile type, adherent to the receptacle, are arranged spirally at the bottom of the hypanthium. Ovaries with hairs, single-nested type, freely located. The ovules are single-coated.

Medical and healing properties wild rose flowers are used very widely.

Beneficial features

The beneficial qualities of rosehip flowers are easily explained by their chemical composition:

  • essential and fixed oils providing astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory qualities;
  • organic acids;
  • glycosides and flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • wax;
  • vitamin C or ascorbic acid.

Rosehip: harm and benefit (video)

The flowers of this ornamental culture are an excellent raw material for obtaining rose oil, which is very actively used in aromatherapy. On the basis of rose oil, Bulgarian manufacturers have launched the production of the famous drug "Rozanol", used in the treatment of diseases of the biliary tract, liver diseases, as well as to improve the condition of people suffering from urolithiasis. Ointments, gels and lotions with rose oil can heal long-term non-healing wounds.

Flower extracts are used to improve palatability and drug odor. Dried and ground rosehip petals are a popular addition to herbal fillings and soothing pillows.

The benefits of rose petals also determine their presence in a variety of herbal preparations used in folk medicine to increase immunity, strengthen strength in colds and flu, in the treatment of neurasthenia. Means based on rosehip flowers have proven themselves well in getting rid of conjunctivitis, hemorrhoids, and reducing the risk of allergic manifestations.

Medications based on rosehip petals for internal use used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of diarrhea, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.


Expressed contraindications for the use of wild rose flowers are almost completely absent. It is necessary to limit the use of preparations based on rose petals with a tendency to allergies, and also be careful in taking such drugs in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and individual intolerance to the components.

Indications for use

Decoctions and infusions based on rose petals are used for the preparation of both external and internal funds. External agents are in demand for the treatment of blepharitis, conjunctivitis, skin ulcerations, burn surfaces, dermatitis and psoriasis, purulent dermatological infections, acne and furunculosis.

Medicines with rosehip petals for oral administration are in demand in the treatment of pathologies of the urinary system, atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, heart attacks and pre-infarction conditions, ischemia and hemorrhagic strokes. Such drugs are recommended for reduced levels of pancreatic enzyme production and reduced appetite.

Infusions and decoctions of rose petals can heal:

  • cholecystitis with the formation of stones;
  • exacerbations with hepatic and renal colic;
  • disorders in the hematopoietic systems;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • conditions accompanied by beriberi and insomnia.

A positive effect is observed in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections.

Application methods

On the basis of rosehip flower petals, decoctions are prepared that have a pronounced healing effect in the presence of erysipelas skin and eye diseases. To prepare the product, pour 0.1 kg of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and boil for an hour. Then the broth must be cooled and filtered. It is used as a lotion that is applied to the affected areas.

How to make a rosehip tincture (video)

Rosehip flowers are widely used in cosmetology in the form of compresses with decoctions or water infusions, which allow you to rejuvenate the skin, restore its smoothness and elasticity, eliminate puffiness and various defects, help get rid of age spots And spider veins. Cosmetologists recommend taking baths with the addition of rosehip flowers: this procedure moisturizes well and effectively softens the skin, relieves skin irritation And inflammatory processes, and also helps to get rid of cellulite and postpartum stretch marks.

Wild rose is an unpretentious and ubiquitous medicinal plant. Preparations based on it have a complex effect on the body, maintaining strength, facilitating the work of the heart and blood vessels, saturating it with vitamins, microelements, and normalizing metabolism. Regular use in the food of flowers and berries of the bush serves as a prevention of many diseases and is necessary for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Especially in demand are fresh and dried rose hips, known for their medicinal properties and rich composition.


Composition features

Rose hip - valuable source natural ascorbic acid in an easily digestible form. It is also extremely rich in carotene, B, E, P, K vitamins, salts of potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. The plant contains citric and malic acids, pectins, tannins, sugars, essential oils, phytoncides.

Rosehip May (cinnamon) and wrinkled have the most "concentrated" composition, which determines their pronounced medicinal properties, however, berries of any kind of shrub can be used in the treatment of various diseases in the absence of contraindications. IN folk recipes leaves and flowers of the plant, roots, branches, oil from its fruits are also used.

Rules for the preparation of medicines

Rose hips are harvested from August to October while they are firm. Frosts negatively affect the medicinal properties of fruits, reducing the content of vitamins. For drying, an oven preheated to 70-75 ° C is used: obtaining high-quality material takes about 3.5 hours with the door ajar for ventilation.

You can harvest both peeled berries, cutting them fresh and removing nuts and hairs, and whole ones. After drying, they should retain their original color. Darkening indicates that a significant proportion of vitamins and useful substances have undergone destruction, serves as a contraindication to the use of such fruits for food.

The preparation of home remedies from rose hips requires the use of glass, porcelain or enamelware. You can infuse berries using a thermos with a glass flask. In it, crushed rose hips give the largest extraction of vitamin C in 6-9 hours, after which its destruction begins. Whole berries reach this figure after 35 hours and keep it up to 42 hours.

Advice: When using a conventional thermos to infuse rose hips, it is better to use a smaller glass vessel to avoid contact of the drink with the stainless steel walls.

Video: About the properties of rose hips and the rules for its preparation in the program "About the most important thing"

Fortifying and multivitamin drugs

Rosehip infusions and extracts help to strengthen the body's resistance to infectious agents and cope with intoxication. To get rid of fatigue, it is enough to chew a few berries of the plant and drink them with clean water.

Warning: You should thoroughly rinse your mouth after eating rose hips or taking therapeutic agents based on it, since they have the property of actively corroding tooth enamel. Liquids are best drunk with a straw.

Recipe for an infusion of unpeeled fruits

Unpeeled rose hips in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. grind with a wooden pestle, pour the powder into prepared dishes and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cover the vessel and hold in a water bath for about 15 minutes, then remove to infuse for 24 hours. Ready drink strain and drink half a glass twice a day for several months.

Recipe for infusion of peeled fruits

Crushed fruits in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. steam with boiling water and hold in a water bath for 7-10 minutes, then remove to infuse for 2-3 hours and drain. Drink half a glass of liquid twice a day, adding sugar, honey or fruit juices to improve the taste of the drink and enhance its medicinal properties.

Berry Strengthening Drink Recipe

Grind in a mortar 3 tbsp. l. dry berries of the plant, steam the vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water, boil for 3 minutes and place in a thermos. After 4 hours, drain the liquid and drink half a glass three times a day.

Healing drink recipe

Dried rose hips in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. process in a coffee grinder, add 3 cups of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Move the infusion into a separate bowl, and again pour hot water into the berries and boil the mixture. Combine the resulting liquids, put honey to give good taste and enhance beneficial properties. Drink as desired several times a day.

Multivitamin Tea Recipe

Prepare a composition of 3 shares of carrots, rose hips, nettle leaves and 1 share of rowan (currant) berries. Grind the mixture, put 4 tsp. into the prepared container and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Allow the drink to brew for 60 minutes, maintaining its temperature at 60-70°C. Strain the liquid, take 3 or 4 times a day, 100 ml for 30 days.

Recipe for an infusion of rose hips and red rowan

Mix wild rose and red rowan berries in the same amount, pour 1 tbsp. l. obtained plant material 400 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Leave the liquid for 5 hours, drain it and drink 2-3 times a day. The course of drinking the drink is 1-3 months. It is permissible to store the finished infusion for no more than 48 hours in the dark and cool.

Recipe for an infusion of cinnamon rose hips and chokeberry

Take 3 volumes of sugar, 1 share of black chokeberry and wild rose berries. Process the fruits in a mortar with a wooden pestle, stir with sugar and put in a tightly closed container. To make a drink 1 tbsp. l. add the mixture to a glass of boiling water and leave for 60 minutes, then take it warm several times a day for 1-2 months.

immune boosting tea recipe

Prepare a mixture of 3 volumes of rose hips, 2 volumes of nettle leaves and 1 volume of raspberries. Grind the wild rose and combine with the rest of the ingredients, 1 tbsp. l. collection, pour 400 ml of boiling water, tightly cork the dishes and let the drug brew for a quarter of an hour. Take a glass of drink twice a day for 1-3 months.

Video: Nutritionist Natalya Sargsyan on the benefits of rose hips for human health

Treatment of colds

The medicinal properties of wild rose are indispensable in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, influenza and sinusitis. Drugs based on it can effectively reduce body temperature, stimulate the immune system and facilitate recovery after a long illness.

Recipe for tincture to eliminate the symptoms of a cold

Rose hips - 1 cup
Vodka - 200 ml
Sugar - 0.3 kg
Water - 1.5 cups

Crush the berries, cover with sugar, add boiled water, previously cooled to room temperature, put the mixture in the sun for 5 days. Pour in vodka, leave the dishes in the dark and cool for another 5 days. Drain the liquid well and squeeze out the sediment. Use 1 tbsp. l. tinctures in the morning 60 minutes after breakfast and in the evening, as soon as signs of illness appear.

Recipe for getting rid of a cold

A mixture of rosehip oils, sea buckthorn and aloe juice, taken in equal proportions, must be instilled 3-5 drops into each nostril several times a day. Can be limited to oil wild rose using 2-3 drops per nostril.

Recipe for a medicinal drug for inhalation with sinusitis

Pour a few drops of propolis tincture into a boiling rosehip broth. It is necessary to breathe over the resulting mixture for a quarter of an hour, adding fresh hot liquid as it cools down.

Recipe for a remedy for angina

Prepare a warmed rosehip infusion, pour dry celandine grass in an amount of 2 tbsp. l. glass of drink, leave for 3 hours. Consume in small doses throughout the day.

throat gargle recipe

Mix equal amounts of chamomile and celandine, steam 1 tbsp. l. mixture for half an hour with 1.5 cups of hot rosehip infusion, then strain. To get rid of sore throats, rinses should be done every 2 hours.

Antipyretic recipe

Half a glass of wild rose berries and red viburnum, taken in equal proportions, steam 200 ml of boiling water, insist with a thermos. Strain off the liquid and drink 100 ml every 60-120 minutes.

Diaphoretic recipe

Recipe for a drink for the treatment of angina pectoris

Prepare a glass of hot infusion on rose hips and steam with a drink 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers. Leave the liquid in a thermos for a day, then strain and drink a glass 30 minutes before meals.

Recipe for infusion for the treatment of chronic ischemic disease

Pour 0.2 liters of hot rosehip infusion 1-2 tbsp. l. raw valerian, leave for an hour, then drain the liquid. Take medicine for 1 tbsp. l. four times a day.

Recipe for a means to normalize the work of the heart

Put 50 g of St. John's wort in 1 liter of infusion of wild rose berries, boil in a water bath or low-power fire for 10 minutes and leave for half an hour in a warm place. Strain the liquid and add 100 g of honey to it, drink 50 ml half an hour before a meal.

Drink recipe for recovery after a heart attack, stroke

Crushed rose hips - 2 tbsp. l.
Pine needles cut with scissors - 5 tbsp. l.
Onion peel - 3 tbsp. l.
Water - 700 ml

Pour vegetable raw materials cold water and cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Wrap the dishes, leave the drink for 2 hours and drain. For a day, take 0.5 liters of the drug in several doses, the course of treatment should be carried out for at least 60 days.

Recipe mixture for the treatment of hypertension

Grind unpeeled lemon, mix it with 1 tbsp. l. cranberries and the same amount of ground rose hips. Grind the composition with a glass of honey, eat 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.

Recipe for tincture for the treatment of hypotension

Process 100 g of rose hips in a coffee grinder, add 500 ml of vodka, remove for infusion in a dark, cool place for 7 days. Take 25 drops of the product 30 minutes before meals.

Treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver pathologies

In the treatment of the digestive system with rosehip formulations, care must be taken and existing contraindications taken into account. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of a specialist, coordinating with him the actions on the use of home remedies for healing.

Recipe for a decoction for the treatment of gastritis with low acidity and heartburn

Pour 1 tbsp. l. peppermint 200 ml of rosehip infusion, boil and boil for 2 minutes. Leave the liquid for half an hour, drain, drink 200 ml per day for 14 days.

Recipe for a mixture for gallstone disease

Rosehip infusion mixed with lemon, radish juice and olive oil in equal volumes. Take the remedy for 1 tbsp. l. every morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 months.

Recipe for the treatment of hepatitis and biliary tract pathologies

Rosehip infusion in the amount of 100 ml is mixed with the same volume of apple juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey and drink 60 minutes before meals.

Infusion recipe for inflammation of the bile ducts

Put 1 tsp in a glass of hot rosehip infusion. marigold flowers, leave to brew for 60 minutes and drain the liquid. Drink 100 ml of drink an hour after a meal.

Therapy of male diseases

The properties of wild rose are well combined with the action of hawthorn herbal raw materials, and therefore it is often used in combined recipes for the treatment of impotence and prostatitis.

Recipe for a drink for the treatment of prostate adenoma

In a hot infusion of rose hips with a volume of 1 liter, put the roots (leaves) of a large burdock in an amount of 2 tbsp. l., put the mixture for 10 minutes on water bath, set aside for 2.5 hours, drain. Treatment is carried out in courses of 30 days, you need to drink 1-2 tbsp. l. funds 30 minutes before meals.

The recipe for an infusion to increase male strength

Fold 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers in a glass of rosehip infusion, boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, leave for 60 minutes to cool and strain. Drink 200 ml of medicine per day in equal portions half an hour before meals.


The specific properties of wild rose determine contraindications to its use. Despite the relative safety of the plant, there are a number of situations when medicines based on it must be treated with great care:

  1. Absolute contraindications are thrombophlebitis, heart failure in the dystrophic stage, endocarditis, individual intolerance and allergy to rosehip preparations.
  2. gastritis with high acidity, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum limit the use of products containing significant amounts of vitamin C.
  3. Eating large amounts of wild rose pulp during pregnancy can cause miscarriage.
  4. Large stones in gallbladder are a contraindication to its treatment with traditional medicine: possible serious complications up to blocking the flow.
  5. Alcohol tinctures of rose hips increase blood pressure, they should not be taken with hypertension.

Reception of trains with high content rose hips during long period worsens the condition of the liver. Preparations based on shrub roots, in turn, can provoke constipation, weaken the secretion of insulin and bile.

Warning: home treatment using folk remedies should be agreed with the doctor.

Video: Elena Malysheva about rose hips in the program “Live is great!”

Perennial plant of the wild rose family How decorative flower has no particular value. However, the benefits of rosehip petals are undeniable and relieve many ailments. A bush of wild rose flowers will always find a place in the garden.

The value of rose hips is based on the rich content of vitamin C. Compared to lemons, its content is 40 times higher.

IN medicinal purposes use the fruits, flowers, leaves and roots of wild rose. According to the description, they contain - organic acids, minerals, vitamins, carotene, phytoncide, sucrose and essential oils.

They are widely used in folk and modern medicine. Healing parts of wild rose have the following properties:

  • cleanse the circulatory system;
  • improve metabolic processes;
  • strengthen weak immunity;
  • the body is enriched with vitamins;
  • used for anemia;
  • used in kidney disease and Bladder;
  • prescribed for liver problems;
  • used as a diuretic and tonic.

Useful properties of flowers are very high. They are collected during the flowering period and dried in partial shade., or buy a ready-made pharmacy fee.

If the flowers are not collected, after the rose hips bloom, fruits are formed. Fruit color is red. They are harvested in autumn, before the onset of cold weather.. At this point, the fruits dry up.

If you need roots, in the fall they dig a bush, chop off the right amount. Pieces of roots, washed and dried.

It is important to know that you need to store the collected raw materials in a dry place, and the tincture in the refrigerator.

In care, the plant is unpretentious, grows in any soil. Seated with the help of sprouts, roots and seeds that are in the fruit. They are cared for like ordinary roses, watered and pruned in autumn.

Traditional medicine for many decades has drawn attention to the benefits of rose hips. Calorie content of dry raw materials - 284 kcal, freshly harvested 51 kcal.

Phytotherapeutist Efimenko N.Yu about the medicinal properties of the plant and its use:

Harm and contraindications

Against the background of useful properties, like any remedy, raw rosehip bush has its own contraindications. In addition, you need to take according to the recipe without exceeding the recommended proportions.

To protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences, people should be taken with caution:

  • with thrombophlebitis and with a tendency to form in venous system blood clots;
  • abuse is contraindicated with increased gastric acidity;
  • frequent use contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer, take with caution;
  • with increased pressure, you can not use alcohol-based tinctures;
  • the use of a large number of decoctions and tinctures can cause jaundice of non-infectious origin;
  • a decoction based on the roots can slow down the release of bile from the bile ducts;
  • rosehip flowers are not recommended if a person suffers from constipation.

They also have contraindications for people who have dermatological problems. The high content of vitamin C contributes not only to healing from many ailments, but also may cause allergic reactions in the form of a rash.

Therefore, before use, it is better to consult a doctor. In everything you need to observe the measure, caution will avoid sad consequences.

Daily dose of rosehip: 7-8 berries, 1-3 tablespoons flowers or dry roots. You should pay attention to the recommended doses, it is better not to exceed them.

The use of flowers in traditional medicine

Rosehip - the most valuable medicinal plant in nature, freshly picked and dried flower petals are used for treatment. Prepare decoctions, alcohol tinctures and teas.

Herbalists and healers treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. Decoctions of wild rose flowers are recommended to drink with jade.

Petal tea is prescribed for colds, low hemoglobin and as a general tonic.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, a decoction of flowers can be consumed in small quantities.

When breastfeeding, consult your doctor first, as rosehip can cause diathesis in a child.



Take 1.5 tablespoons of petals, place in a thermos with a capacity of 1 liter and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 12 hours. It is better to do this at night.

Use in medicinal and preventive purposes 2 spoons a day. Recommended for colds and beriberi.

Alcohol infusion

100 g of petals, put in a glass jar, tamp and pour alcohol. insist in dark place at least 3 weeks.

Keep refrigerated. Use strictly as directed, do not give to children.

Take orally with water, or as a compress. Especially effective for runny nose, toothache, gum disease, heart palpitations, nausea.

Alcohol infusion was used by Avicenna, he recommended taking it with noise in the head.

Folk omens associated with wild rose

Among the Slavs, rose hips have always been a symbol of heroic health., prosperity, love. Folk omens are associated with wild rose flowers.

In tsarist times, pharmacists' access to rose hips was monitored, and its squandering was punishable.

Ancestors celebrated on June 6 the feast of wild rose. On this day, it was customary to dance, sing ritual songs and generously set the tables.

among the people flowers can be used to set clocks, petals bloom between 4 and 4.30 am.

Shamans banished diseases, whipped sore spots with spiked rods from a wild rose bush. In the people, flowers were considered a talisman: as a remedy for evil spirits and witches.

In addition to traditional medicine, pharmacists prepare preparations from rosehip flowers - Holosas and vitamin syrups.

Enough information is provided about the merits of rosehip flowers and fruits. After studying the material, you can compare the benefits and possible harm from the use.

Growing rose hips on a personal plot is a very profitable and useful business.

Park roses in the photo

Park roses are the oldest group of roses, which, as a rule, have large bushes, simple (five petals), less often double, flowers of various colors. They are winter-hardy, unpretentious, do not require annual pruning, relatively resistant to pests and diseases. Used as ornamental shrubs; especially good during flowering and fruit ripening. Not suitable for cutting flowers. great place rose hips occupy this group of roses.

About 50 species of wild rose plants grow only in Russia, and more than 400 are known in the world. This prickly shrub grows from North Africa to the Arctic Circle, southern Iran, Afghanistan and further east to the Philippine Islands, North America and North Mexico.

The main characteristic of the wild rose plant is its frost resistance and light-loving nature. This shrub is demanding on fertility and soil moisture, responsive to fertilizers. Blooms in May-July, flowers with pink, white, yellow or red petals. The flowering bush looks very decorative. Fruits from 2-3 years of age.

Common rosehip in the photo
Common rosehip flower in the photo

wild rose- This is a thorny shrub, up to 2 m high, unpretentious, winter-hardy and drought-tolerant. Grown mainly as an ornamental plant, used for hedges. But knowledgeable people, knowing about the characteristics of wild rose, cultivate it as a medicinal, vitamin, food, honey plant.

Currently, a number of cultivars of this type of wild rose have been created, which are distinguished by high productivity and vitamin content, ripening time, resistance to diseases and pests.

Rose hips are able to grow rapidly, thanks to this characteristic, park roses serve as an excellent hedge. Their arched shoots are tied to a fence, the distance between plants is 3.5 m. Bright pink, fragrant petals during flowering and red-orange fruits during ripening make the shrub very beautiful.

Rosehip planting material is easier to buy, but there is no guarantee that you will get good fruit. Rosehip itself can be propagated from a valuable mother bush by root shoots, layering, green cuttings.

The most common method of propagation is by sowing seeds. Seeds have a very strong shell, which makes stratification difficult. Many are haunted by failures - the seeds have been sown, but there are no seedlings.

There is a secret here: for sowing seeds, the fruits must be harvested unripe, brown, in August. Immediately release the seeds from the pulp and store them until autumn in damp sand in the refrigerator. Freshly harvested seeds on the same day I sow in a pre-prepared bed, compacting the soil well. In the spring I get friendly shoots.

The best time to plant rose hips in the garden is in spring, before buds open. Can be planted in autumn.

Before planting, the roots and shoots of seedlings are shortened. In a permanent place they are planted 4-6 cm deeper. The shoots are pruned, leaving 2-3 strongly developed buds.

It is necessary to plant several plants with the same flowering period in close proximity to obtain a stable high yield of fruits, because the wild rose needs cross-pollination.

Rosehip begins fruiting in the 4-5th year. Further care for the ground part of the shrub consists in the regular annual removal of part of the fruit-bearing branches, which leads to rejuvenation of the plants and good yields for 20-25 years.

Agricultural practices associated with caring for wild rose: watering, fertilizing, weeding, loosening, protection from pests and diseases - everything is like in all garden crops.

See what the rosehip looks like in these photos:

Common rosehip is a thorny shrub (photo)
It looks like an ordinary wild rose (photo)

Useful properties of rose hips

The most famous dog rose, "dog", refers to the types of low-vitamin. In high-vitamin fruits, the sepals remain erect until ripening, while in low-vitamin fruits, they fold back immediately after flowering and mostly fall off long before ripening.

To preserve vitamins, rose hips must be collected as they ripen, when they are still firm to the touch, but have already acquired their characteristic this species coloring.

Dry the fruits naturally, without resorting to exposure high temperatures. Spread them in a thin layer on burlap in a well-ventilated shaded place. When drying, protect from the sun. Properly dried rose hips have a brownish-red color, wrinkled surface, sour-sweet taste, odorless. The walls of dried fruits are hard, brittle. Please note that during thermal drying in the oven is lost significant amount vitamins. During the winter, rose hips are stored in cotton or linen bags, or in cardboard boxes.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are due to the fact that they contain sugars, pectin and tannins, citric, malic and other acids, carotene, vitamins - B2, K, P, C. Rosehip has no competitors in terms of the supply of vitamins C and P, and ascorbic acid is 10 times more than in blackcurrant berries.

Some people mistakenly believe that the most useful rosehip infusion can be obtained from the roots. Delusion! All parts of the wild rose - and fruits, and roots, and even leaves - are equivalent. But, having dug up the root, we destroy the wild rose completely and forever.

Of all the ways to prepare and use rose hips, it is better to choose an infusion of fruits. 1 glass of whole (not crushed) fruits are washed, and placed in a liter thermos, poured with boiling water, insisted for 6-8 hours. As the infusion is used, I pour boiling water over the fruits in a thermos a second, third and even fourth time. Each subsequent infusion is ready for use after 2-3 hours.

If there is no thermos - still do not boil the fruit. Bring to a boil and cover the bowl.

The beneficial properties of rose hips are used to increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Infusion of rose hips tones, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a choleretic effect, weakens the development of atherosclerosis. The infusion is used for gastrointestinal diseases, as an antimicrobial and analgesic, as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

The best combination of vitamins than the one that nature has created in the form of rose hips is still unknown. As a multivitamin, rosehip is used in the form of purees, drinks, infusions, decoctions, extracts, syrups, tablets, sweets, dragees. Rosehip oil is not inferior sea ​​buckthorn oil In many cases medical practice. The systematic use of wild rose in food contributes to the prevention of many diseases. Jam, vinegar, rose water are prepared from the petals, decoctions or alcohol tinctures are prepared from the roots. fruit syrup - cholagogue in diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal diseases. Infusions and decoctions of the fruit are used for diseases of the heart, bladder, kidneys.

It is necessary to collect the fruits on time. The degree of their maturity affects the concentration of ascorbic acid: not fully ripened fruits have less vitamin C than mature ones, and in overripe fruits, its amount decreases sharply, which must be taken into account when practical use fruits.

Below is a description of what the wild rose of different types looks like.

Rosehip cinnamon: photo and description

To get started, check out the photo and description of the cinnamon rosehip. According to the content of vitamins, it has no equal in the diverse plant world.

Cinnamon rosehip is a low shrub with thin twig-like branches (photo)
Rosehip cinnamon (photo)

Look at the photo - cinnamon rosehip is a low shrub with thin twig-like branches and shoots covered with shiny brown-red bark and small paired sharp hooked-curved thorns, as well as numerous straight bristles.

The leaves of the Brown Rosehip are complex, pinnate (photo)
The flowers of the brown rosehip are large, 3-7 cm in diameter, often solitary in the photo

Flowering shoots without thorns. The leaves are compound, pinnate, of 5-7 small oval leaflets 1.5-5 cm long, dark green above, glabrous, bluish-green below, pubescent, single-toothed. The flowers are large, 3-7 cm in diameter, often solitary, rarely 2-3 pcs. with pale and dark red fragrant petals. Blooms in June. When describing the cinnamon rosehip, its fruits deserve special attention: they are elongated, fleshy, smooth, orange or red. Ripens at the end of August. It has the ability to produce a significant number of offspring.

All types of wild rose are valuable, but especially those with edible fruits, they have the highest amount of vitamins. These include cinnamon rosehip, or it is also called May. It contains a record amount of vitamin C (900-1250 mg per 100 g fresh fruits); the main acids are malic and citric; and a complex of other vitamins - B1, B2, K, carotene, tannins and all P-active substances. In the fruits of cinnamon rose hips there are traces of vanillin, essential oil.

Dogrose Gray in the photo
Rosehip flower Gray in the photo

In addition to cinnamon, rose hips have a high content of vitamins,

Rosehip "Marre" in the photo
Rosehip flowers "Marre" in the photo


Briar "Yundzilla" in the photo
Rosehip flowers "Yundzilla" in the photo


As you can see in the photo, all these types of wild rose are distinguished by long, straight-elongated sepals that remain until ripe:

And other dog roses have no sepals or they are short and recurved, almost adjacent to the fruit.

Rose hip wrinkled: photo, names and description of varieties of the species

In the wild, wild rose wrinkled (rosa rugosa) grows on Far East: in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, on Sakhalin, South Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. When describing the wrinkled wild rose, it is especially worth noting its frost resistance - these plants are successfully grown even beyond the Arctic Circle. In addition, it is immune to powdery mildew.

Pay attention to the photo - wrinkled wild rose is good both in decorative groups and in single plantings:

Rosehip grows in a dense compact bush (photo)
Rosehip wrinkled in the photo

Rosehip wrinkled - a wonderful garden decoration. True, inexperienced gardeners are confused by the not entirely harmonious name of the plant, which is given to it for its heavily wrinkled leaves. Rosehip grows in a dense compact bush. The crown is rounded, up to 2 m high, the shoots are densely covered with thorns. The shrubs are attractive even without flowers due to their glossy dark green foliage. Winters without shelter. It is best to plant in sunny places.

The color of the flowers of wrinkled wild rose is usually purple-crimson, but there are varieties with a different color:

"Agnes" - with yellow flowers (photo)
Rosehip "Agnes" in the photo

"Agnes" - with yellow flowers;

Rosehip "Kaiserin des Nordens" - with carmica-red double flowers (photo)
Rosehip "Kaiserin des Nordens" in the photo

"Kaiserin des Nordens" - with crimson-red terry;

Rosehip "Konrad Ferdinand Meyer" in the photo
"Konrad Ferdinand Meyer" - with white or silver-pink double flowers (photo)

"Konrad Ferdinand Meyer" - with white or silver-pink terry,

Rosehip "Nova Zembla" in the photo
"Nova Zembla" - with white and cream flowers (photo)

"Nova Zembla" - with white and cream.

Rosehip "Pink Grotendorst" in the photo
Rosehip flowers resemble carnation flowers (photo)

Variety "Pink Grotendorst" is very interesting in that its flowers resemble carnation flowers: their edges are with a jagged edge. The flowers are pearly pink, double. This variety is recommended to be planted closer to the resting place, as it is difficult to see the beauty of the flower shape from afar.

Here you can see photos of varieties of this type of dog rose:

The flowers of wrinkled rose are large, up to 8-10 cm in diameter, with a strong pleasant aroma. It blooms long and profusely. A good decoration: the shrubs are also large bright red fruits, shaped like apples. They are edible, rich in vitamin C and carotene.

From the petals of wrinkled rose hips are prepared delicious jam and kissel. They can be used to produce rose oil and fragrant rose water. But as a rootstock, this type of wild rose is not the best, because it gives too much wild growth.

This plant for its endurance and beauty deserves the widest distribution.

Below is another selection of photos of wild roses with a description.

What are the best types and varieties of park roses: photo and description

Rusty rose in the photo
Rosa rubiginosa in the photo

Rusty rose, or rubiginose

This rosehip is found throughout Europe. The flowers are small, simple and semi-double, usually bright pink, but there are also hybrids with flowers of different colors. The flowering of this type of park roses occurs at the end of June and lasts for two weeks. The leaves are small and have a pleasant apple flavor. Bushes erect, with a large number of covered

Rosehip "Fritz Nobis" in the photo
The color of the petals is light pink with a salmon tint in the photo

"Fritz Nobis"- the best variety of park roses of French selection, in culture since 1940. The flowers are not very large, collected in racemose inflorescences. The color of the petals is light pink with a salmon hue. The leaves are grey-green. Bushes are vigorous, sprawling, up to 2 m high.

Rosa "Sizaya" in the photo
Rosa "Glauka" in the photo

Gray rose, or glauca

This shrub with simple pink or white branches collected in many-flowered apical inflorescences is one of the original rose species. The leaves are reddish, with the underside of the leaf being two-tone—half the leaf is silver-green and half is pink. Bush up to 3 m high.

The rose is unpretentious, winter-hardy and drought-resistant. This is the kind of park roses that can be used to create hedges and as an accent in compositions. It is important for the design that the shoots are exposed from below - they definitely need padding.

Park "Yellow Rose" in the photo
The flowers are large, solitary, densely double in the photo

rose yellow

Due to the strong bad smell this dogrose is sometimes also called the stinky rose.

Yellow rose bushes are found in nature in Central and Asia Minor, and this is reflected in the requirements for growing conditions - the rose does not tolerate stagnant moisture. Flowering is very plentiful, but short-lived. The flowers are large, solitary, densely double. Bushes 50 to 100 cm high.

Of greatest interest is the variety of this rose:

Park rose "Jon Bicolor" in the photo
Flowers are large, simple, orange-red (photo)

"Jone Bicolor" which blooms for 20 days with very original flowers. They are large, simple, orange-red with a brown tint, bright yellow below. In addition, this variety has a pleasant smell.

These photos show park roses, the description of which you have read in this article:

Rose "Alba" in the photo
The flowers are white or pink (photo)

rose alba

The oldest rose known since antiquity. The flowers are white or pink, with a strong aroma. Blooms once in June. The leaves are grey-green. The bush is vigorous, with straight shoots. Valuable for garden design, as it grows well in the shade.

Rosa centifolia in the photo
Centennial rose in the photo

Rosa centifolia, or centifolia

These roses appeared in Holland in the 16th century, and today they include moss and damask roses. They came from the Gallic rose, so they are often included in the group of Gallic roses.

Centipede roses are densely doubled, their flowers are large, bright pink, bright red and white, exude a strong aroma. Flowering is single, falls on the second half of June. Leaves and young shoots are covered with glandular hairs. Spreading bush, shoot length 1-1.5 m.

Park rose "Fantine Latour" in the photo
The flowers are not very large, densely doubled (photo)

What is a rose hip:

What is rosehip, useful properties and contraindications of rosehip, and does this plant have any medicinal properties? These questions often arise among those who care about their health and are interested in folk methods treatment, in particular to treatment with medicinal plants. And this interest is understandable. Maybe in this article, to some extent, you can get an answer to these questions.

Rosehip (Rōsa) is a genus of plants in the Rosaceae family of the Rosales order. Both the family and the order to which it belongs were named after this genus. It has many cultural forms bred under the name Rosa. In botanical literature, rosehip itself is often called a rose.

The wild rose (Rosa majalis Herrm.) has the greatest distribution and economic importance.


Rosehip is a shrub 20–200 cm tall, with slender branches covered with shiny brown-red bark. Old branches brownish-brown. The flower-bearing branches are planted with sparse, sickle-shaped thorns bent downwards, flattened at the base, usually sitting in pairs at the base of the leaf petioles; rarely flower-bearing branches are devoid of thorns. Barren branches (especially in the lower part) and turions (one-year-old sterile shoots) with thin, straight or slightly curved spines.

The leaves are compound, pinnate, with 5–7 pairs of lateral leaflets. Petioles shortly pubescent, unarmed or with scattered short spines, often seated with short-stalked glandules hidden under pubescence. The stipules on the leaves of sterile shoots are narrow, with tubular edges, while on the leaves of flower-bearing shoots they are wide, flat, with diverging points and with non-glandular or low-glandular ears at the edges. Leaflets are thin, contiguous, 1.4–6 cm long, 8–28 mm wide, oblong-elliptic, oblong-ovate, ovate or obovate, narrowed towards the base, rounded or short-pointed at the apex, with wide, non-glandular teeth

The flowers are large, 3–7 cm in diameter, with 5 rose petals and a five-part cup; many stamens and pistils. Flowers solitary, rarely 2–8, on short pedicels, 5–17 mm long, covered with lanceolate bracts. Hypanthia (fruits) about 10–15 mm in diameter, glabrous. Sepals up to 3 cm long, narrow, directed upwards in fruits, entire, very rarely external ones with single, short filiform "feathers", at the apex drawn into a lanceolate appendage, pubescent along the edges and on the back, with glands (almost hidden pubescence) , upright after flowering, remaining until fruit ripening. Petals pale to dark red, broadly obovate, slightly notched at apex. The columns form a large, woolly head; stigma with short stalk. The mouth of the hypanthium is wide, up to 2 mm in diameter, the disc is narrow. Inside the hypanthium there are hairy, hard nutlets, between which numerous sharp bristly hairs are located along the inner walls of the receptacle. The fruits are spherical or flattened-spherical, rarely ovate or elliptical, smooth, orange or red, fleshy, crowned with remaining sepals.

Blossoms (depending on the growing area) in May - July; hypanthia ripen in August - September.

In medicine, hypanthia (commonly called fruits) of wild rose and other high-vitamin types of wild rose are used.

Useful properties of wild rose were known in ancient Greece. In the IV century. BC. Theophrastus in his "Natural History" described this plant so reliably that its description passed from one book to another for centuries, without amendment. Is it possible to treat rose hips? We know something about it.

In Islam, rosehip has long been considered a sacred flower that can give health to a person. IN Ancient Rus' also knew rose hips. Healers applied dressings to wounds moistened with a decoction or infusion of flowers or rose hips to prevent gangrene.

To preserve the beneficial properties of rose hips, rose hips are harvested before the start of frost, when their color becomes orange-red, and while the fruits are still hard, the soft ones lose some of their nutrients during the drying process. Frosts also affect the composition of the fruit. Rose hips are dried in special dryers at a temperature of 80-90°C.

If you are the owner of your own dacha, and you want to plant a wild rose, then this should be done in the fall. If you plan to collect fruits, it is better to plant several types of wild rose at the same time, which bloom at the same time. Usually, the fruits on the wild rose appear in 3-4 years. Dried fruits will become raw materials for beauty in winter. vitamin drink. One - two glasses of it a day will help prevent beriberi, which inevitably accompanies the winter period.

Useful properties of wild rose:

Rose hips are rich in various biologically active compounds, but quantitatively prevails in them vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Rose hips are said to have phytoncidal and strong bactericidal properties.

In Chinese medicine, in the treatment of rose hips, its roots are used as a means of normalizing the work digestive tract, means against helminths. Tibetans also used rose hips in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenia, blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

Brown rosehip petals are used to make jam or use them for chewing - they are considered an anti-arrhythmia remedy that favorably affects the heart muscle.

If you insist on rosehip petals, you get a gentle-smelling, popular remedy in cosmetology - rose water.

And more about the beneficial properties of rose hips. Rosehip oil - substance plant origin, has medicinal properties due to the content of a number of vitamins - ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins of groups B, E, P, carotene (vitamin A). It has a beneficial effect on general condition body, stimulates tissue repair and hormone production, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, affects the flow of carbohydrate and mineral metabolism relieves inflammation. Strengthening effect on humoral and cellular immunity.

Rose hips can be used to make infusions, syrups, extracts and powders to treat conditions caused by vitamin C deficiency (scurvy, for example) and other biologically active substances. Rose hips, the beneficial properties of rose hips, will benefit those suffering from diabetes - as a tonic, with physical or mental overwork.

In the treatment of cancerous neoplasms, patients need large doses vitamin C, and again, rosehip treatment is suitable for this.

Napar from rosehip leaves stimulates gastric motility, and a decoction of the roots is used as an astringent for gastrointestinal disorders, kidney and liver stone diseases. Rosehip seeds are used to produce oil that has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic properties.

Yes, by the way, a decoction of rose hips is especially widely used in folk medicine, as a general tonic, with kidney stones and cholelithiasis, with peptic ulcer, gastritis, colitis, anemia, malaria, gynecological diseases. Several courses of treatment with rosehip decoction per year will have a beneficial effect on the liver. Just before using rose hips as a medicine, do not forget to consult your doctor.

Useful properties of rose hips:

In terms of the amount of vitamin C in them, rose hips surpass even black currants - ten times. A lemon - fifty times!

Rose hips are an effective natural bactericidal agent. Rosehip helps eliminate inflammation, has a diuretic and choleretic effect, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The great advantage of rose hips is that, with all its properties, it does not have a negative effect on kidney tissue. Vitamin C in rose hips affects the redox processes in the body. In addition, rosehip prevents deposits in blood vessels, lowers blood cholesterol levels and is useful for atherosclerosis.

Carotene (provitamin A) in rose hips helps strengthen immunity, vitamin K improves blood clotting and promotes the formation of prothrombin, vitamin P strengthens capillary walls (it also promotes the absorption of vitamin C), vitamins B2 and B1 are important for hematopoiesis, help produce visual purple and yellow enzyme.

Rosehip tea:

Rosehip tea is prepared in the same way as a decoction. It needs to be insisted, only in this case you will benefit from the wild rose. Tea, infusion, decoction - they all strengthen the immune system, increase mental performance, help overcome fatigue and headache prevent the formation of plaques.
½ cup of wild rose is washed, poured with 1 liter of water, boiled for about 10 minutes, poured into a thermos and allowed to brew (about 8 hours). Then strain and drink with honey or sugar.

Useful properties of rosehip leaves:

Rosehip leaves have interesting properties. First of all, their vitamin and mineral composition should be noted. They are rich in vitamin C, various flavonoids, tannins, catechins and saponins. Some varieties of rose hips contain carotenoids, polysaccharides and essential oils. A large number of The tannin in rosehip leaves makes them an excellent brew for flavored tea.

Still young rosehip leaves can be an ingredient for vitamin salads from fresh vegetables and herbs. And an infusion of dried leaves useful for the treatment and prevention of rheumatism and sciatica. A decoction of the leaves is good for colds, scarlet fever, gastritis and colitis, various digestive problems.

Rosehip leaf tea:

Tea made from dried rosehip leaves is useful for rheumatism and sciatica and will help prevent these ailments. Medicinal raw materials are steamed in a teapot (1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water) and infused for 15 minutes. Honey and lemon and honey are put in the resulting drink (if there are no contraindications to their use).

Rosehip leaf tea makes the course of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, scarlet fever, colitis and gastritis, and digestive disorders less severe. According to research results, this drink is effective against malaria.

Useful properties of rosehip root:

Most of all draws attention to the roots of the wild rose ethnoscience. There are many of the most different recipes containing this plant. But don't think that traditional medicine neglects medicinal plants. Specialists-phytotherapists also prescribe rosehip root to patients with different kind ailments.

Often, rosehip root is used for gallstone and urolithiasis, with hepatitis, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis and trophic ulcer. It can also be added to tea - for prevention, to strengthen immunity and increase the body's resistance to disease.

Rosehip Root Tea:

Rosehip root tea is wonderful, delicious drink. But still this remedy. Rosehip roots have interesting property- dissolve in human body various stone deposits. Therefore, tea from them is a widespread folk remedy against kidney diseases and diseases of the biliary tract. It is not difficult to prepare it, and the course of treatment can last from 2 weeks to 3 months. Just be sure to check with your doctor first!

Rosehip roots are placed in a ladle, poured with 1 glass of water. When the water boils, make the fire the smallest and simmer for about 10 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve. The drink is consumed warm, 1/3 cup, 10-15 minutes before meals.

Rosehip contraindications:

Everyone knows that wild rose - richest source vitamin C. And that's fine, but don't forget - vitamin C is ascorbic acid. People suffering hyperacidity, those who are sick with gastritis or, moreover, with peptic ulcer, should use rosehip infusion very carefully.

Drinking a strong infusion of wild rose can have a very bad effect on the health of your teeth. Therefore, rinse your mouth with water after drinking it.

There are situations in which it is absolutely impossible to use wild rose! Contraindications of this kind apply to people prone to the formation of blood clots and thrombophlebitis.

If you are a core, you should also use rose hips carefully. For example, with inflammation of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis) and even with some heart ailments, it is impossible to use rosehip preparations in large quantities.

As you can see, with all the useful properties that rosehip has, it also has contraindications. It is not recommended for people with circulatory disorders; at elevated pressure, its alcohol tinctures are contraindicated. Such funds are usually advised to hypotensive patients. And in order to reduce blood pressure use exclusively water infusions of wild rose, which are not recommended for those who are prone to hypotension.

With a very long use of rosehip preparations, negative effects in the liver may occur. Even non-infectious jaundice is possible.

Preparations from the roots of wild rose reduce the secretion of bile. Also, preparations from the roots are contraindicated for constipation - this can worsen the condition.

To avoid possible negative effects on the digestive organs, celery, dill or parsley are used simultaneously with rose hips. This reduces gas formation that can occur due to the abundant consumption of rose hips.

These are the contraindications of rose hips. Not like you see, it's a simple plant. Rosehip contraindications also apply dermatological diseases- if any, use rose hips with caution. In any case, before treatment, consult your doctor!

Rosehip flowers:

Rosehip flowers can also be used as medicinal raw materials. Now they are not officially used in our country, but at one time they were part of the pharmacopoeia. An infusion of petals is used as a laxative ( White Rose) or astringent (red rose) agent, for gargling with sore throat, and oral cavity with stomatitis, as a wound healing, as strengthening and soothing, for women's diseases.

Traditional medicine uses a decoction of rosehip flowers for baths with conjunctivitis, blepharitis, to relieve inflammation, with arrhythmias, to eliminate itching and heal wounds.
An infusion of rosehip flowers is used as an analgesic, antimicrobial and stomach remedy.

Briar harvesting:

Collection of rose hips:

The beneficial properties of rose hips are strongest from August to October, when the fruits turn red or orange, but still firm. They should be collected before frost, since thawed fruits are not so rich in vitamins.

How to dry fruits. Usually, an oven is used to dry rose hips. The berries are dried in the oven with the door ajar for ventilation at a temperature of +70..+75C, for about 3-4 hours. When dried, the fruits practically do not change color. If the color has become maroon or brown, it is believed that a lot has collapsed. beneficial vitamins. You can dry rose hips for the winter “unpeeled” (whole) and “peeled”. To get “peeled” fruits, they are cut while still fresh, nuts and hairs are taken out, and dried.

Collection of rosehip leaves:

The collected rosehip leaves are dried under a canopy, in a small draft. Then they are cut into tea leaves and fried a little on a baking sheet - then the infusion will turn out darker.

Collection of wild rose flowers:

Rosehip flowers are harvested shortly before they begin to fall. Dry them in a shaded and ventilated place, trying to turn them over often.

Collection of rosehip roots:

Rosehip roots are dug up in autumn. They need to be thoroughly washed, cut and dried in the shade in a draft. Dried rosehip roots keep well in a dark, cool place (not in the refrigerator). As a container for them, you can take paper bags, fabric bags, wooden or cardboard boxes.

Diet for weight loss with rosehip decoction:

If you are determined, you can arrange for yourself a whole diet based on the use of a decoction or infusion of wild rose:

1 day. Breakfast: infusion of wild rose. Lunch: 2 hard boiled eggs, a glass tomato juice, Boiled Cabbage Salad With Olive Oil. Dinner: boiled fish.

Day 2 Breakfast: rosehip infusion, 1 cracker. Lunch: boiled fish, fresh cabbage salad with olive oil. Dinner: boiled beef. You can drink a glass of kefir for the second dinner.

Day 3 Breakfast: rosehip infusion, 1 cracker. Lunch: zucchini fried in vegetable oil, 2 apples. Dinner: boiled beef, fresh cabbage salad, 2 hard-boiled eggs.

Day 4 Breakfast: infusion of wild rose. Lunch: 3 boiled carrots with olive oil, a slice hard cheese and a hard boiled egg. Dinner: 2 apples.

Day 5 Breakfast: salad raw carrots With lemon juice, rosehip decoction. Lunch: a glass of tomato juice, boiled fish. Dinner: 2 apples.

Day 6 Breakfast: rosehip broth. Lunch: salad fresh carrots and cabbage, boiled chicken. Dinner: 2 hard boiled eggs, fresh carrot salad with vegetable oil.

7 and 8 days. Breakfast: infusion of wild rose. Lunch: 200 g boiled beef, 2 apples, orange. Dinner: any of the proposed options, except for dinner on the third day.

If you strictly adhere to the presented menu, without changing anything in it, then after this diet you will be able to lose 3-3.5 kg. It is recommended to repeat it no earlier than a year later.

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