Folk methods of treatment of trophic ulcers. Treatment of trophic ulcers on the leg at home. Local treatment of trophic ulcers and wounds

More than two million people around the globe suffer from trophic ulcers. Despite the development modern medicine, this disease is difficult to treat and threatens with serious consequences. A trophic ulcer on the leg is manifested by the destruction of the skin or mucous membrane and is characterized by a deep lesion of soft tissues, sometimes reaching the bone. There is constant inflammation around the ulcer. The disease proceeds sluggishly, as the tissues do not receive good nutrition, blood circulation and cellular nutrition processes are disturbed in them. Over time, persistent inflammation leads to weakening protective properties body, making it even more difficult to treat the disease.

Trophic ulcers are a secondary disease that is caused by a violation of blood circulation in the tissues. The result is always the same: as a result, the cells do not receive the right nutrition and begin to gradually die off, but the causes of the disease may be different. Depending on them, several types of trophic ulcers are distinguished.

Trophic ulcers are secondary disease

venous ulcer

This disease occurs when venous circulation is disturbed, which is often caused by varicose veins. Most often, an ulcer occurs on the inside or front of the lower leg, in other places it is extremely rare. The disease does not appear immediately, it has a number of signs that are often perceived as symptoms. varicose veins veins, and nothing more. Paying attention to them in time, you can avoid the disease, since it is very difficult to cure a trophic ulcer.

Harbingers of the disease include:

  • Swelling of the calf, increased girth of the ankle, feeling of heaviness;
  • Spasms begin to appear, especially during sleep;
  • Noticeable signs begin to appear on the skin vascular network, arise discomfort resembling itching;
  • Bluish and reddish spots appear on the site of the veins that have appeared, which merge into one big spot. It can occupy a very large surface and resemble an extensive hematoma;
  • The skin at the site of the spot becomes shiny and smooth, stretched, its sensitivity decreases;
  • Whitish scabs appear, severe peeling.

After the appearance of scabs, it will take several days, and an ulcer will appear. On initial stage only the surface of the skin is affected, but gradually the wound deepens, affects the muscles, tendons, and often reaches the bone.

Venous ulcers are dangerous because they cause many dangerous consequences and are capable of leading to the death of the patient in a neglected state.

atherosclerotic ulcer

Such ulcerations are frequent companions of ischemia of the soft tissues of the leg, most often the lower leg. Ischemia appears due to progressive, affecting the main arteries.

The cause of the onset of the disease is chronic hypothermia of the leg, constant uncomfortable (too narrow and pressing) shoes, leg injuries. Most often, this disease is experienced by older people who cannot walk a lot and spend a lot of time at rest.

The first symptoms of an atherosclerotic ulcer are a constant feeling of coldness in the legs, the limbs are almost always cold to the touch. With even a slight physical activity a person gets tired quickly, is observed at night It's a dull pain in the calf muscles.

Ulcers appear on the foot, often on thumb and heel. They are small in diameter, but deep, filled with pus. The edges of the wound are denser than the rest of the tissue, whitish, insensitive. If you do not take any measures, the ulcers quickly spread throughout the foot and foot, merge into one single ulceration.

Pyogenic ulcer

An ulcer, the appearance of which is not directly related to circulatory disorders, so ulcerative lesions occur at the site of multiple boils, abscesses and purulent eczema. Most often they are shallow and have a rounded shape.

In most cases, pyogenic ulcers occur in people who neglect personal hygiene and do not treat skin lesions. Solitary ulcers respond well enough to treatment if it is started on time. Ulcerations that occupy large areas can often lead to gas gangrene.

Martorella ulcer

This ulcer is also called hypertensive, as it occurs due to prolonged vasospasm. It occurs very rarely, mainly in women of mature and advanced age. At the initial stage, the disease manifests itself as swelling, pain, and a burgundy spot appears on the front of the lower leg, which soon turns into an ulcer. The disease develops very slowly and is characterized by extreme soreness, which does not give rest either day or night.

The main difference between a hypertensive ulcer is the symmetry of its manifestation. Papules and ulcerations appear simultaneously in the same places on both legs.

Ulcer neurotrophic

Occurs as a result of injury or prolonged illness of the head or spine. Trophic disruption causes ulcerative lesion tissue, which has a rounded shape with a small diameter. The depth of the ulcer is limited only to the bone, the surrounding tissues lose their sensitivity, and the ulcer hole is filled with pus and exudes an unpleasant odor.

Ulcer diabetic

- an incurable disease that leads to many serious complications, one of which is trophic leg ulcers. The formation of an ulcer begins with a violation of the innervation of the legs, most often the feet. A person first feels frequent numbness of the leg, then the sensitivity of the skin is greatly reduced, the limbs remain cold even in the warm season. The first wounds appear in places of greatest friction: on the thumb, on the protruding parts of the phalanges of the fingers, on the heel and front of the foot. ulcers appearance resemble atherosclerotic, but are devoid of symmetry. The main danger of such lesions is their insensitivity. Often, patients themselves accidentally injure their legs while walking and do not notice this, thereby exacerbating the problem. Diabetic weeping ulcers in a neglected state can lead to gangrene.

Treatment of trophic ulcers

The success of the treatment of an ulcer lies in the correct determination of the cause of its occurrence. Before treating the disease, the patient must pass a series of cytological and bacteriological tests that will help determine the type of ulcer.

Treatment should be complex, the doctor in some cases prescribes surgery, which is accompanied by medication. Physiotherapy treatments are also shown. Trophic ulcers - this is the case when doctors welcome reasonable treatment folk remedies.

Surgical intervention is necessary in the case of neurotrophic and atherosclerotic ulcers. Which are narrow channels filled with pus. During the treatment period, patients repeatedly have to pump out pus from ulcers.

If the ulcer is advanced and has affected a large area of ​​soft tissues, the attending physician may prescribe their excision and cleaning to avoid infection. Extensive ulcerations are divided into several small ones. surgically to reduce the area of ​​the lesion and stop the inflammatory process.

To begin treatment of an ulcer, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence.

In special cases, with extensive lesions, the patient is given a skin graft to reduce the area of ​​​​the wounds.

Medical therapy most often includes:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Antibiotics a wide range actions;
  • drugs.

Local treatment consists in regular cleansing, washing the wound and subsequent treatment with antibacterial ointments, applying a bandage. Ointment for trophic ulcers on the legs is prescribed by a doctor, given individual characteristics patient's illness.

If the ulcer is accompanied by severe edema and is of venous origin, then after applying the ointment, compression bandages should be used. They reduce swelling by temporarily reducing the diameter of blood vessels, making the treatment more successful. When the condition improves, compression bandages can be replaced with special stockings.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative treatment consists in the external treatment of the wound: its cleansing and application of antibacterial agents.

Herbal compresses have proven themselves very well - chamomile, string, celandine and calendula, which are applied for several hours. They not only disinfect the wound, but also promote the growth of new tissues, providing a soothing effect.

Considered a good tool Birch tar, or ointment. The product should be applied to cotton pads, applied to the wound and left for several days, then changed.

Important! Before applying any remedy the ulcer must be thoroughly washed, otherwise suppuration may increase, turning into blood poisoning. This is especially dangerous if the ulceration is in close proximity to deep large veins.

With weeping ulcers, tartar powder, poured into the wound, helps to fight. It is left under a bandage for 1-2 days, after which it is replaced with a fresh one.

It is impossible to cure a trophic ulcer on the legs with folk remedies alone, so consultation with a doctor is necessary.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure, for a trophic ulcer this is especially true. For prevention, it is recommended to closely monitor the condition of the veins, periodically apply gels and ointments that improve blood circulation, and avoid prolonged standing or sitting.

If circulatory problems are detected, it is necessary to perform regularly exercise therapy exercises and do not neglect examinations by a doctor. It is also important to remember that self-medication can be detrimental.

Long-term non-healing defects of the skin and surrounding tissues are called trophic ulcers. They appear as a result of a disorder of the lymph and blood circulation, which provokes the rejection of the necrotic area. The treatment of ulcers is to treat by special means.

Drug treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs

Therapy medications carried out in two main directions. One of them is the improvement of the blood circulation process. Additionally, measures are taken to eliminate the cause of the defect. For the treatment in this direction, the following drugs are used:

  • Antiplatelet agents: acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin). These drugs inhibit platelet aggregation, thereby preventing the formation of blood clots.
  • Antibiotics: Ofloxacin, Clindamycin. They are prescribed for infection, which is indicated by abundantly suppurating wounds and serous contents.
  • Phlebotonics: Troxevasin, Phlebodia. Contribute to the strengthening of the vascular walls.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac. Reduce the intensity of local inflammation.

The second line of treatment is local therapy. It consists in treating the wound and applying dressings with medicinal ointments or gels. The main drugs for local treatment:

  • Furacilin;
  • Streptolaven;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Levomekol;
  • Dioxycol;
  • Actovegin;
  • Ebermin;
  • potassium permanganate solution;
  • Vishnevsky ointment.

The wound is bandaged every 3 days. Too frequent dressings can cause tissue injury

The most common drugs used to treat trophic ulcers at home:

Name of the drug

Main action

Mode of application



Price, rubles


Improves metabolic processes, activates regeneration processes and improves trophism.

Apply to the surface of defects in the form of dressings, which are changed 1 time every 4 days.

A variety of forms of release - in addition to the ointment, there are Actovegin gel and cream.

Efficiency unconfirmed by studies.


It activates the processes of tissue metabolism, stimulates tissue repair.

Apply the gel in a thin layer on wet wounds 2-3 times a day. Use the ointment for dressings already at the healing stage.

Quick Recovery damaged tissues.

A slight burning sensation may be felt at the site of application.


Acts as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent.

Use a sterile solution of Furacilin to treat wounds before bandaging.

Low price.

Not detected.


It has proteolytic activity and antimicrobial activity.

Before applying the ointment, all loose necrotic tissues must be removed, treated with hydrogen peroxide. Next, apply a thin layer of Streptolaven to the remaining areas of necrosis. Fill the wound cavity with gauze pads soaked in ointment.

High absorbency.

Local reactions in the form of a burning sensation, which disappears on its own after 10-15 s.

Wound dressing at home

It is possible to carry out the treatment and dressing of a trophic ulcer not only in the clinic, but also at home. Instructions for the procedure:

  1. Treat the area around the defect with 70% alcohol.
  2. Irrigate the wound itself with hydrogen peroxide, blot the remnants with a napkin.
  3. Apply the ointment to the ulcer and surrounding areas.
  4. Close the wound. It is better to use special dressings such as Silkofix or Hartman.
  5. At copious excretion lymph fluid process every day. If there is little discharge, then it is allowed to change the bandage after 2-3 days.

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers a variety of products that have healing properties. They should be used regularly until the defect is completely healed. For the treatment of trophic ulcers, the following compositions can be used:

  • Crumble several Streptomycin tablets onto the defect area. The wound must be clean and dry. This procedure has healing and analgesic effects.
  • Cut a leaf fresh white cabbage, lubricate with sea buckthorn oil and apply to the wound, fix with a bandage. Change the bandage once a day.


Judging by the reviews, the combustion products of linden or birch are especially effective for trophic ulcers.

How to use this wood ash:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water 2-3 tbsp. l. ash.
  2. Stir, let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  3. Moisten a cotton pad in the resulting infusion, wipe the trophic ulcer on the leg with it.
  4. Then pour abundantly on the wound with infusion of calendula.
  5. Repeat the procedure with each dressing until the defect is completely healed.


Treatment of trophic ulcers with folk remedies is also carried out with the help of resin. It is understood as a thick resinous mass that stands out from cuts on coniferous trees. Instructions for using resin:

  1. Place the resin in a glass container.
  2. Top with alcohol so that its level is 1 cm higher.
  3. Leave the product for 3 days until it softens.
  4. Rinse the ulcer, apply resin, bandage, leave the bandage for 3 days.
  5. Repeat the procedure for a month.


Aloe juice gently relieves redness and swelling around trophic ulcers on the legs. The use of this plant is also recommended for accumulation of purulent exudate in the depths of the wound. Instructions for using aloe:

  1. Rinse the aloe leaf, process with a meat grinder or food processor.
  2. Put the mixture on a sterile gauze cut, attach to a trophic ulcer.
  3. Secure with a bandage or other bandage. Leave the compress on for 1-2 hours.
  4. Repeat the procedure until the defect is completely healed.

Sores on the legs can be the result of a congenital or acquired disease. This is very unpleasant phenomenon which is quite difficult to deal with. For example, in accordance with official statistics, from trophic ulcers, affects at least 2 million people. The cause can be either a weakened immune system or a complication caused by diabetes mellitus.

About common symptoms of trophic ulcer

Sores on the legs, which are a trophic ulcer, are quite difficult to recognize on early stage. For example, if a person spends all day on his feet, then fatigue lower extremities and pulling pain he takes for the norm. Noticed redness, a small area of ​​white skin or swelling - for an insect bite or an allergy. At the same time, the main part of the population begins to think: how to smear the sores on the legs in order to eliminate the aesthetic defect? Zelenka, alcohol, ointment and much more are used, which only aggravates the disease.

As soon as the process of development of a trophic ulcer began, an urgent need to go to an appointment with a phlebologist. These are the following symptoms:

  • heaviness and buzzing in the legs;
  • weakness, growing in the evening;
  • unpleasant itching, causing a slightly noticeable inflammation of the skin;
  • swelling that appears after prolonged sitting, drinking plenty of fluids or long walks;
  • convulsions calf muscle that occur at the moment when complete relaxation occurs (deep night or morning).

Sores on the legs with diabetes

Patients with diabetes eventually begin to notice sores on their legs - the skin is rough and flakes noticeably. Hair becomes dull, palms and soles become covered with cracks and calluses, and skin covering takes on a yellowish tint. Nails can also become deformed and thickened.

Many types of sores on the legs, as well as dermatological disorders, indicate the presence of diabetes even before the doctor makes a diagnosis.

To avoid skin lesion possible through strict adherence to the rules of hygienic care. The use of conventional cosmetics should be kept to a minimum, as, for example, exposure to toilet soap can lead to a decrease in the acidity of the skin and its ability to resist microbes. For washing hands and feet, as well as for washing, it is necessary to use a pH-neutral soap. To cleanse the face, you can use cosmetic milk or water lotion.

Types of ulcers

Many people suffer from leg ulcers. This disease looks like a deep defect in the skin or basement membrane and inevitably causes inflammation. The cause of an ulcer is a malnutrition of the cells, which, in turn, impairs the ability to recover.

Ulcers are:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • pyogenic;
  • diabetic;
  • neurotrophic.

Emerging open sore on the leg for a long period of time (2 months or more).

The main causes of leg ulcers

Ulcers can be caused by arterial insufficiency, diabetes, and other factors.

As for diseases, the appearance of ulcers can be caused by varicose veins, thrombosis, incompetence of perforating veins. These diseases lead to stagnation of blood in the veins, malnutrition of tissues and their destruction.

Arterial insufficiency can lead to the appearance of ulcers due to Menckeberg's arteriosclerosis. In addition, the cause of the development of trophic ulcers may be hidden:

1. In various infections:

  • fungal (coccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, etc.);
  • bacterial (ecthyma, boils, etc.);
  • protozoan (leishmaniasis).

2. In metabolic disorders:

  • Gaucher disease;
  • skin calcification;
  • gout;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • bullous pemphigoid, etc.

Leukemia, sarcoma, melanoma, metastases and any other malignant neoplasm can provoke the appearance of an ulcer.

Sores on the legs can also be the result of common calluses, burns, insect bites, frostbite, radiation dermatitis and other factors.

How to recognize an ulcer on the leg?

The process of the occurrence of an ulcer is difficult not to notice, since the symptoms are quite obvious. It all starts with the appearance of burning, itching and redness, as well as a slight coarsening to the touch.

Got spots on your legs? There is no need to wait for skin peeling and the appearance of long-term non-healing wounds, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, because if you leave the disease unattended and run, it can “hook” the muscles and even the periosteum.

Prevention of the appearance of a trophic ulcer

A person suffering from varicose veins or another condition that increases the likelihood of leg ulcers should adhere to the following guidelines:

  • wearing compression stockings and elastic bandage;
  • minimizing prolonged stress and physical inactivity;
  • avoid overheating and hypothermia.

Venous ulcers on the legs

The following symptoms indicate that the leg was struck by a venous ulcer:

  • puffiness;
  • dryness, itching, thickening, and sometimes a brownish color (if there is severe swelling, the skin looks stretched and shiny);
  • with the development of varicose eczema, scalyness and small cracks are observed;
  • the inflammatory process of the ulcer may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor and the release of a pale yellowish-greenish liquid.

The location of a venous ulcer is usually inner side legs slightly above the ankle.

Factors provoking venous ulcer

A venous ulcer can be aggravated or provoked by the following:

  • a healed ulcer that damaged the venous system;
  • fracture or any other injury;
  • thrombus in a deep vein;
  • surgical intervention;
  • working conditions in which a person sits or stands for a long period of time;
  • inflammation of deep veins;
  • pregnancy;
  • overweight.

How to cure leg ulcers?

How to treat sores on the legs? It all depends on the factors that caused the ulcer or prevented its healing. Once each of these is brought under control, such as blood sugar levels, the skin lesion will go away on its own.

Treatment usually includes cleaning the wound, using anti-inflammatory drugs, and using dressings. If you have healthy arteries, you can also use pressure bandages.

A positive effect can be achieved through vascular surgery. The implantation of a new leg artery, or balloon angioplasty, is a procedure that expands a narrowed artery and eliminates its blockage.

Sometimes, in order to hide the ulcer, they resort to plastic surgery- transplant the skin from any inconspicuous area to the surface of the wound.

home treatment

The main rules for the treatment of trophic ulcers include:

  • Special diet: carbohydrates should be reduced, vegetables and fruits should be significantly increased, and spices and spicy foods should be completely eliminated.
  • Bed rest. Of course, it’s not worth lying in bed all the time, but rest should be daily.
  • Special exercises of a regular nature, aimed at eliminating blood stasis and improving metabolism: flexion and extension of the legs in the prone position, rotation of the feet, crossing the legs extended upwards, etc.
  • Wearing special orthopedic shoes that reduce the risk of injury.

Several recipes for the treatment of trophic ulcers:

  • The Tatar has proven himself quite well. Dry leaves must be ground to a state of dust, and then sifted, folded into a jar and placed in dark place. After treating the wound with some kind of pharmaceutical agent (for example, "Rivanol"), you need to blow the powder on it and fix it with a bandage. The result - the ulcer dries up, and the resulting crust disappears over time.
  • Tool based curd whey. From homemade milk, you must first make curdled milk, then pour the resulting product into gauze and hang it up. Serum is recommended to be used to lubricate the sore, and cottage cheese - to apply to the affected area.
  • Streptomycin. A few crushed tablets can not only relieve pain, but also quickly heal the wound.

What is swelling of the lower extremities?

Edema in the legs is pathological process, congestion-causing in the intercellular space of various volumes of fluid. Outwardly, this phenomenon looks like swelling.

At the same time, a person begins to feel heaviness in the legs or even pain. As a result of pressure, a fossa is usually observed. The occurrence of puffiness is usually accompanied by the following points:

  • increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels;
  • violation of the lymphatic and venous outflow of fluid, which leads to high blood pressure in these vessels;
  • the chemical composition of blood plasma and tissue fluid does not correspond to the norm.

Causes of edema

Edema in the legs may appear due to hemodynamic disturbances in the zone of osmotic regulation. The location of these zones is the atrium, therefore, the result of their reaction to such a failure is a significant decrease in blood flow in the extremities. Next, there is a sympathetic reaction nervous system, leading to an increase in the blood level of catecholamines, which reduce the excretion of fluid from the body and lead to a narrowing of peripheral vessels.

The role of the endocrine system in the process of regulating the amount of fluid in the body cannot be ignored. If the hypothalamus begins to produce, then this inevitably leads to an increase in the total volume of blood circulating through the vessels. Such a change can lead to an increase in pressure, including hydrostatic pressure, which greatly complicates the evacuation of excess fluid from the tissues. In addition, the presence of a large volume of blood stretches the vascular walls, which leads to an increase in permeability and the entry of protein molecules from the blood must into the tissues. The result is venous stasis, causing vasospasm lymphatic system, which further complicates the outflow of fluid from the tissues.

Causes of skin rashes

The spot on the leg itches - what to do? First you need to find out the reason for its appearance: to determine what kind of disease caused it. The primary action is to contact a qualified specialist who will find out exactly why the skin has changed color and select the necessary treatment.

Hormonal failure, a disease of any internal organ or the manifestation of allergies - these are the main causes of skin rash. Every person periodically encounters the appearance of red spots, but if they are present on the body from birth, then you should immediately seek help from a vascular surgeon and phlebologist.

You can get rid of it by reviewing your own diet. The exclusion of spicy, smoked and fried foods can significantly refresh the skin color and improve its condition. A dry sore on the leg will pass much faster if you do not comb it.

A bright pink rash can be triggered by a lack of vitamins. In this situation, it is recommended: drink plenty of water, proper nutrition(more fresh fruits and vegetables) and bed rest.

The cause of the malaise can be anything, from an allergic reaction to the use of depilatory cream or cosmetic product and ending with uncomfortable shoes.

Sores on the legs do not go away? An injured part of the body will heal much faster if it is carefully treated immediately after the injury has been received. especially severe cases require qualified assistance medical workers who will suture if necessary and help the victim valuable advice and helpful tips.

If there is no qualified specialist nearby, then it is recommended to use any antiseptics that are at hand: brilliant green, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc. After treatment, the wound should be covered with a temporary sterile dressing. It is necessary to bandage the damaged areas at least 2 times a day and remember that different means must be used to treat wet and dry wounds.

A trophic ulcer requires long-term treatment and care. It won't disappear on its own, but improper care behind the wound surface will only exacerbate the problem and will prevent tissue from healing.
That's why proper cleansing trophic ulcers from pollution, pus and dead tissue is an important component of treatment.
Ulcer in the exudation phase (fluid exit through vascular wall into the inflamed tissue) is inflamed, has foci of necrosis and profuse bloody or serous discharge. Microbes enter the wound and join bacterial infection. The goal of treatment at this stage is to clear the ulcer to prevent infection.
Cleaning methods are varied: in addition to washing the wound laundry soap and a soft sponge, there is also:
  • vacuum cleaning,
  • scraping the wound with surgical instruments.

Benefits of treatment at the ISC

In our Clinic, we use washing of the wound with laundry soap and treatment with low-temperature plasma, as well as vacuum therapy as a cleansing. This allows you to speed up the healing and cleansing process. Staged necrectomy ( debridement wounds) and treatment with a special water jet from the Versajet apparatus allows you to achieve cleansing of the trophic ulcer in the shortest possible time.

Traditional wound cleansing

Wound cleansing should be done daily.
The first step is to remove any debris or dead tissue from the ulcer, and the second is to apply an appropriate dressing. This provides best conditions for healing.
Use mild soap and water as a cleanser. The method of cleaning with saline has also proven itself well.
Antiseptic solutions are also used to wash the ulcer, for example, chlorhexidine, weak solution furatsilina, decoction of chamomile or succession.
Avoid using cleaning antiseptics such as iodine and hydrogen peroxide, which often damage sensitive skin and may interfere with healing.
Some ulcers improve with the use of moist gauze bandages, which dry out after application to the wound. Dead tissue sticks to the gauze and is removed when you change the dressing.
Daily hot tub or hydrotherapy can also be helpful as a method of cleaning the ulcer and reducing tissue that is dead or contaminated.
In order for the dead tissue to be better separated into the wound after washing, chymotrypsin is placed and covered with a napkin. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and healing effects. This dressing is done twice a day.
To relieve inflammation, hormonal ointments are used (they are used for no more than 5 days and are not rubbed into the wound, but applied in a thin layer under a dry napkin).

Phases of the wound process

Purification stage

With abundant purulent discharge or the presence of necrosis, bad smell cleansing of the ulcer from infection and dead tissue is required. It is achieved by washing the ulcer with a sponge lathered with laundry soap. To separate dead tissue, chymotrypsin powder or enzyme nets (parapran) are used, which are placed in the ulcer after washing, covered with a napkin. Dressings are repeated 2 times a day before going to bed and after waking up. Before each dressing, the ulcer is washed with a soft sponge and laundry soap. Dressed over the bandage in the morning compression stocking or golf 2-3 compression class, in last resort using a fresh elastic bandage. If the skin around the ulcer is eczematous, then it is necessary to reduce inflammation; if there is redness of the skin around the ulcer, hormonal ointments (Lorinden, Fluorocort) are used, which are applied in a thin layer under a dry cloth at night and are not rubbed. Hormonal ointments used for no more than 5 days.

Stage of healing (granulation)

When good granulations appear - a bright red color of the ulcer, relative purity, a decrease in its depth, treatment is required to stimulate healing and protect the granulations from damage. We use special wax nets (voskopran) over which ointments are applied that promote healing - olazol, curiosin, gel dressings. The compression rules remain the same. You can wash the ulcer at this time without a sponge and gently. Dressings 1 time per day. Improving the outflow of blood - is achieved by an elevated position of the leg during sleep (15-20 degrees), and mandatory compression with a stocking or bandage during wakefulness. Elastic compression is necessarily used for venous ulcers; for arterial ones, it is contraindicated, since, on the contrary, it can harm.

Stage of epithelialization (final closure with new skin)

After the ulcer begins to heal, only light protective coatings are used, such as the same mesh, gel dressings such as "hydrocol" can be used. If a small dry crust forms, then it is not necessary to remove it on purpose. After the appearance of young skin, it will fall off by itself. With venous ulcers, after elimination venous congestion(sclerotherapy, laser or surgery) the ulcerative surface closes in 2-6 weeks. With arterial ulcers, the situation depends on the degree of restoration of blood circulation. With good circulation, ulcers usually heal in 1 to 3 months.

Vacuum wound cleaning

Vacuum therapy or negative pressure therapy is a method of removing serous fluid and dead tissue from a wound or surgical site.
Currently, vacuum ulcer cleaning can be used on all types of wounds: acute, subacute or chronic. It reduces swelling, promotes rapid healing and the formation of young connective tissue.
The essence of the method is that a piece of porous sponge with silver ions is inserted into the wound, then all this is covered with a transparent membrane. A hole is made in it and a drainage tube is inserted, which is connected to a vacuum source. Fluid is drained from the wound through the sponge into a reservoir for disposal.
The membrane prevents air from entering and allows a vacuum to form inside the wound, reducing wound volume and facilitating fluid removal.
Before starting the procedure, the ulcer should be washed.
The duration of treatment depends on the size and depth of the wound.
The bandage is changed every 24-48 hours.


At proper care the surface of the ulcer closes after 1.5 months.
The use of vacuum therapy allows you to accelerate healing:
  • Optimizes blood flow
  • Reduces swelling of local tissues,
  • Removes excess fluid that can slow cell growth
  • Reduces the number of bacteria.
  • In addition, negative pressure changes the structure of cells in the wound layer, causing a cascade of intracellular signals that increase the rate of cell division and granulation tissue formation.

Trophic ulcers on the legs are a formidable complication of many vascular diseases, however, most often venous insufficiency of the vessels of the lower extremities leads to their appearance. The trophic ulcer of the lower extremities does not heal quickly, therefore, even if the initial period of treatment is carried out in a hospital, most of the therapy is carried out at home. Therefore, it is important for a person to figure out for himself which treatment of trophic ulcers at home is most productive and leads to a speedy recovery.

Official medicine approach

Treatment of trophic ulcers of the lower extremities, including at home, is a multidisciplinary task. Often, one medicine is not enough to finally cope with the pathology and restore health. Therefore, it is necessary to treat an ulcer on the leg in a complex way, combining several means at once. In addition, the treatment of any trophic ulcer of the lower extremities must begin with an impact on the cause of its occurrence. If the cause is not treated or the influence of provoking factors is not eliminated, then the formation on the leg will not be completely cured.

For the treatment of trophic ulcers on the legs at home, systemic and local drugs can be used. One commonly prescribed group is broad-spectrum antibiotics. According to most doctors, it is not worthwhile to immediately treat trophic disorders on the legs by taking antibiotics orally - this is not the safest group of medicines. Better apply local forms antibiotics, as well as antiseptics that have a similar focus of action.

The high efficiency of therapy was noted by patients who tried to treat trophic ulcers of the lower extremities with the following drugs:

  • Iodopyrone.
  • Dioxidine.
  • Miramistin.
  • Preparations with high content silver ions.

For example, Iodopiron in the form of an aerosol or a 1% solution of a substance will help treat trophic ulcers on the legs. To apply the medicine in the form of an aerosol, the balloon must be shaken, put on a special nozzle and gently press its head. One press results in the release of up to 100 ml of foam, which corresponds to 1.0 g of pure substance. The foam should be evenly distributed with a clean object over the surface of the trophic ulcer on the leg with a layer 1–1.5 cm thick.

Doctors recommend starting treatment with a topical drug.

A solution of Iodopyrone is also applied topically, but gauze swabs soaked in the solution and placed directly into the wound will help to cure trophic ulcers of the lower extremities faster. If this is the first time you want to use this way, then how exactly it is necessary to treat the pathology, the attending physician should show. Side effects of treatment: allergic reactions, burning, quickly passing after application. Special contraindications no to treatment.

Another commonly used antiseptic that helps treat trophic leg ulcers is Argosulfone. Medicine not only serves local antiseptic, but also has analgesic properties due to its hydrophilic properties. Argosulfone is produced in the form of ointment and cream. It is used both openly and under occlusive (closed) dressings. Contraindications for use: individual intolerance to any component of the drug, pregnancy and prematurity. Rare side effects of treatment may include irritation, allergic skin reactions occurring on the lower extremities. Less commonly, leukopenia develops (with prolonged treatment with large doses).

It is recommended to treat trophic disorders on the legs, in particular ulcers, with antiplatelet agents. This group medicines improves the rheological properties of blood, blood circulation in the lower extremities, and is also used to prevent the occurrence of thrombosis. Commonly used drugs are Pentoxifylline, Reopoliglyukin, acetylsalicylic acid derivatives. Dosages, multiplicity and how long the process on the legs should be treated with antiplatelet agents is negotiated on an individual basis.

Drugs of the antiplatelet group improve the rheological properties of the blood.

Often, a trophic ulcer formed on the leg is accompanied by excruciating pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help to anesthetize and improve the condition of a person in this situation. Medicines are used at home, mainly inside, but ointments or gels may be prescribed. An example of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the local treatment of trophic ulcers on the lower extremities is Diclofenac (also known under the names Voltaren, Diclobene). The drug is applied to the affected area on the leg 3 - 4 r / day.

In case of ineffectiveness of anti-inflammatory and large defects in the skin of the lower extremities, drugs with a hormonal component may be prescribed. They help to quickly and effectively cure an ulcer at home, but they have a number of side effects. It should also be remembered that the long frequent treatment hormonal drugs can lead to the formation of addiction, so you can not use only one drug. It is better to combine and treat each new case of trophic ulcers on the legs with different means.

  1. Acortin, hydrocortisone.
  2. Advantan.
  3. Beloderm (used in the case of a far advanced process).
  4. Lorinden.

As symptomatic treatment at home, histamine receptor blockers or antiallergic drugs can be added to the treatment of trophic leg ulcers. Means have an antipruritic effect, reduce capillary permeability, which in some way helps to reduce swelling. A frequently prescribed remedy is Fenistil (applied to the legs 2 - 3 r / day).

Ointments and gels are used to accelerate the regeneration of affected areas.

To help the body in the fight against trophic ulcers of the lower extremities can drugs, the action of which is aimed at accelerating the regeneration of the affected area. For example, ointments and gels obtained in a special way from the blood of young animals, Actovegin and Solcoseryl. Preparations improve cellular metabolism (metabolism), accelerate energy metabolism and also have antioxidant properties. The average course of treatment is 12 - 14 days when applying the ointment at least 2 r / day. Rare side effect drugs are allergic reactions, and contraindications to the application of drugs to trophic leg ulcers are exclusively individual intolerance.

popular and effective way treatment of trophic ulcers at home is to wear compression stockings. The method of compression has been known for a long time - even grandmothers, in order to get rid of the pathology, tightly bandaged their legs. Now bandaging does not make sense: in many pharmacies you can find specialized knitwear suitable for wearing on skin with trophic ulcers. More often, for this purpose, stockings for legs of 2-3 compression classes from Sigvaris, Safena, and Medi are used.

Many people try to cure trophic ulcers with folk recipes. Indeed, herbs and other substances have healing effect, moreover, have a relatively low risk of side effects and a small number of contraindications.

At home, you can use herbal compresses.

Traditional healers for home treatment recommend the following recipes:

  • Application of the powder of crushed leaves of the tartar. The plant must be collected in a clean place and dried according to the rules, but it is better to purchase ready-made plant materials in a pharmacy. According to the recommendations, in order to achieve the desired effect of the treatment, before applying, it is necessary to clean the surface of the trophic ulcer from tissue decay products and only then apply the powder. After you need to make a bandage and leave it overnight.
  • Often recommended at home self-cooking golden mustache juice. The plant is unpretentious and is a frequent inhabitant of apartments. To obtain juice, it is necessary to use carefully washed young leaves. The juice itself is applied to a cotton pad, which is applied to the surface of the defect.

There are also more complex folk recipes. For example, you can treat trophic ulcers by making your own propolis ointment with goose fat at home. For its preparation, 3 g of pure propolis and 100 g of quality goose fat. The ingredients are mixed and boiled in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After that, the cooled fresh mixture is applied to the bottom of the trophic ulcer on the leg, covered with waterproof paper for compresses, bandaged and left with a bandage for several hours.

Whatever method of treatment at home you choose, the main thing is that it turns out to be effective and does not harm your health yet. more harm. Therefore, the choice of drugs, as well as the use people's councils it is better to carry out under the guidance of an experienced doctor who has an idea about the specifics of the interaction of drugs with each other, side effects and the presence of contraindications to drug treatment. Only such an approach will help to achieve get well soon and prevent the formation of new trophic ulcers.

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