Proper sports nutrition for the week. Fundamentals of proper nutrition for athletes: products for a complete diet


Eat more protein: 2-3 g per kilogram of body weight.
Protein Sources:

  • Chicken breasts, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit.
  • Eggs chicken, quail.
  • Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, yogurt, milk).
  • Fat-free fish (tuna, pollock, hake).

Fats should be 1-2 grams per kilogram of body weight. You get them from animal products, or separately, in a tablespoon linseed oil and other unrefined species. And also a source of fats are nuts and seeds. They can be added to breakfast, and the oil can be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before meals.

Thus, you will consume no more than 10% of your calories as fat, possibly less. Because of this, you don't need to track your fat intake. If you constantly keep high content protein in the diet, all you need to do is adjust your carbohydrate intake, looking in the mirror, you will understand whether you need it or not.

When it comes to nutrition before and after training, it is important calculate ratio BJU for your weight, and break it down into 4-5 meals throughout the day. Your task is to saturate the body with long-lasting carbohydrates for energy and proteins, the same thing - you must close it, otherwise the muscles have nothing to increase their volumes and they will simply collapse.

Menu for an athlete for a week

Regardless of whether you have a training day or a day off, example of pre-workout nutrition can be a full snack no later than 16.00. Example "after training" suitable for a late, or last meal.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with 1 banana, 1 tbsp. l. raisins, 10–20 g walnuts; skimmed milk.
  2. Snack: whole grain toast with turkey or chicken, low-fat cheese, 1 apple.
  3. Dinner: chicken breast, baked potatoes, a glass of milk, 1 fruit (peach).
  4. Pre-Workout: Fruit shake (1 cup) fresh fruit and ½ cup juice), cereal bar.
  5. After training: a protein shake with milk or cottage cheese, bread.


  1. Breakfast: whole wheat porridge with low-fat milk and berries.
  2. Snack: cottage cheese with honey and walnuts.
  3. Lunch: beef steak, potatoes, asparagus, low-fat milk.
  4. Before training: fruits or juices, cottage cheese.
  5. Post workout: low-fat yogurt, eggs, crispbread.


  1. Breakfast: 2 whole eggs and 3 proteins, whole grain bread, tomato, low fat milk.
  2. Snack: chicken, carrot, cucumber salad with balsamic vinegar, 1 fruit.
  3. Lunch: cereals (buckwheat), baked fish, vegetable salad.
  4. Before workout: banana, glass of milk.
  5. Post workout: rice, vegetable and seafood salad.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal in milk with banana and raisins.
  2. Snack: chicken or turkey meat, vegetable salad, 1 fruit (grapefruit, orange).
  3. Lunch: steamed fish rice, pineapple, a glass of low-fat milk.
  4. Before workout: banana, raisins.
  5. After training: milk, cottage cheese (or).


  1. Breakfast: wheat groats with banana and milk.
  2. Snack: salad with tuna and vegetables, 1 fruit, low-fat yogurt.
  3. Lunch: buckwheat with chicken, vegetables.
  4. Pre-Workout: Whole wheat porridge with fruit.
  5. After training: kefir or fermented baked milk, eggs with vegetables and herbs.


  1. Breakfast: 2 whole eggs and 3 egg whites scrambled eggs with vegetables, low fat milk.
  2. Snack: vegetable and seafood salad, 1 fruit (pineapple).
  3. Dinner: boiled beef, rice, fresh vegetables.
  4. Pre workout: cereal bar, fruit salad.
  5. After training: fish (hake, pollock) with vegetables, kefir.


  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, milk.
  2. Snack: fruit, toast with low-fat cheese.
  3. Lunch: brown rice with steamed vegetables.
  4. Pre-Workout: A small tofu bun.
  5. After training: eggs, meat with fresh vegetables, kefir.


Proper nutrition for athletes plays no less important role than the training itself. How you work out your workout depends on what you eat. But also post-workout nutrition, you will not progress in growth if your diet lacks nutrients . Nutrition for muscle gain should be high-calorie, first of all, carbohydrates predominate in it. During the period of drying, or simply weight loss, carbohydrates are significantly removed, which leads to a calorie deficit, therefore, the body takes energy from subcutaneous fat. Therefore, a lot depends on the athlete's menu, the wrong diet can only hurt you. Set goals and work towards them the right way.

Many people know that professional athletes and amateurs should prioritize proper nutrition and special diets, which allow you to constantly keep yourself in perfect physical shape.

What does it look like healthy menu for every day for female athletes, what you need to consider when compiling your diet during sports, we will find out below.

Conditions for following a sports diet

Fitness diet for girls who exercise regularly is based on the right and healthy eating. She will fit for everyone who wants to get in great shape with sufficient physical activity.

However, making your menu for every day, athletes should still take into account the fact that the body needs to be saturated with healthy components that strengthen muscles and maintain tone.

A healthy athlete diet should be planned taking into account the following points:

  • The diet should be varied and include different products. Make your list of your favorite healthy foods and eat them every day, alternating and combining as you see fit;
  • you need to cook food correctly The fat content of the cooked dish should not exceed allowable norms according to your diet. Also, other constituents of the products, such as minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, must also be contained within the acceptable range;
  • practice fractional nutrition. Divide your diet for the day into 7 small portions and eat them every couple of hours;
  • don't eat before bed. The last meal is possible until 10 o'clock;
  • eat only natural and fresh products. The nutrition of athletes for burning fat should not include fast food, convenience foods, and so on.

The diet of athletes when gaining muscle mass and losing weight

Whether you are a professional athlete, or have just started going to the gym, consider your future menu, which will help you lose weight and strengthen muscles. When compiling a diet for every day, it is imperative to include those foods that contain components such as:

Proper nutrition before exercise

Athlete nutrition before and after training should be different from each other. So, before classes, it is desirable to include the following in the menu:

  • fish with vegetables;
  • lean meat steak with vegetable salad;
  • skinless bird with rice or brown bread;
  • baked potatoes with vegetables;
  • protein omelet with oatmeal;
  • yogurt or kefir.

But it is advisable to eat bulky meals in the form of a large portion of soup or salad a couple of hours before class, dense foods (cottage cheese or porridge) are consumed an hour before training. Half an hour before they are allowed one pear or apple, you can also drink coffee without sugar or a green hour to turn fat from special cells into energy raw materials for the body. So during training, more fat will be burned and less amino acids, glucose and glycogen. You will not be so tired after class.

What to drink before class

The athlete should drink water both before and after exercise and even interrupt them for drinking. This is very important because even slight dehydration will not give positive result . Dehydration can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • obsessive feeling of thirst;
  • dry or chapped lips;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness.

If you have any of them, stop exercising for a while and drink water. You can continue it when it gets better.

Be sure to drink a glass of water before your workout. During class need to drink water every 20 minutes to provide healthy hydration to your body when fluid is lost through sweat.

Nutrition of the athlete after the end of classes

You need to eat after a workout, so your figure will be slim and athletic. It is advisable to eat within 20 minutes after a workout, because during this period, the anabolic window appears in the body which metabolizes proteins and carbohydrates. All calories consumed will be used for muscle recovery and growth.

Choose liquid carbohydrates, particularly grape or cranberry juice. Also allowed carbohydrate nutrition without fat:

  • potato;
  • jam;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

After training you need to saturate yourself with lean protein foods:

  • chicken meat;
  • egg whites;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • legumes.

Unfried fish is allowed. All of the above can be eaten within an hour after class. The allowable dose must fit in the palm of your hand.. Within 2 hours after training, it is not recommended to consume products based on caffeine:

  • coffee;
  • cocoa;
  • chocolate.

Diet for athletes for weight loss

If you are not interested in muscle building during sports activities, but only in losing weight, then you need to plan your menu like this:

  • do not eat proteins 5 hours before class;
  • do not eat anything for two hours;
  • do not eat the same after;
  • protein nutrition 2 hours after training.

The results will not be long in coming. Do not forget about a special fitness diet. She is good because admits a large number of food and does not cause health problems. The conditions for this diet are as follows:

  • meals five times a day without long breaks;
  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • eat low-fat dairy products;
  • stew, boil or bake poultry meat and fish;
  • preferred fruits are citrus fruits and green apples;
  • rice is better to choose brown;
  • Drink only squeezed juices.

Sample sports diet menu for every day

Remember that the observance of this diet by those girls who are not athletes involves regular exercise. If you do not plan regular training and fitness, then choose a different diet.


The diet of the first day looks like this:


On the second day, the diet is as follows:

  • breakfast - a glass of milk, oatmeal and grapefruit;
  • lunch - chicken with rice;
  • afternoon snack - fresh vegetable with bran;
  • dinner - beef with corn.


On this day, the menu may be as follows:

  • breakfast - milk, muesli, fruits, a couple of eggs;
  • second breakfast - carrot juice and cottage cheese;
  • lunch - chicken salad, potatoes, apple;
  • afternoon snack - low-fat yogurt with fruit;
  • dinner - fish, boiled beans and salad.
  • breakfast - a glass of juice, scrambled eggs, oatmeal and peach;
  • second breakfast - rice and vegetable juice;
  • lunch - turkey meat with an apple;
  • afternoon snack - cottage cheese and salad;
  • dinner - chicken meat, pita bread or pita, salad.
  • breakfast - oatmeal, scrambled eggs and fruit;
  • second breakfast - cottage cheese and banana;
  • lunch - fish with rice and salad;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt and fruit;
  • dinner - turkey, corn and salad.


On the sixth day, you can eat the following:


The last day includes the following diet:

  • breakfast - milk, a couple of eggs, muesli and grapefruit;
  • second breakfast - peach and rice;
  • lunch - chicken meat, pasta, salad, Orange juice;
  • afternoon snack - yogurt and an apple;
  • dinner - beef and vegetable salad.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with a fitness diet for athletes, and it suits absolutely everyone who loves to play sports and want to get back in shape. Sport in itself is very good for health, and in combination with proper nutrition, it will be doubly great.

It is important for both professional athletes and ordinary people involved in fitness to improve their figure and promote health, to eat right. It has been proven that on average 70% of the result depends on the chosen nutrition system, and only 30% comes directly from training.

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A common misconception is that you need to monitor nutrition only when losing weight, and for gaining muscle mass you can eat almost everything. But this is not so, because to build beautiful body with developed muscles without a special diet will not work.

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    Fundamentals of Nutrition for Athletes

    Basic principles of nutrition for athletes:

    1. 1. The need to count calories. In order for nutrition to help achieve a specific goal, you need to calculate the calorie content of the diet. To lose weight, you need a calorie deficit, and to gain muscle mass, you need a surplus.
    2. 2. You need to eat every 3-4 hours. Then digestion will function properly. This principle works for both weight loss and muscle building. Only the portion size will differ depending on the required daily calorie content.
    3. 3. When compiling a diet, you should take into account your body type. Ectomorphs who have difficulty gaining weight need to eat in a calorie surplus. Mesomorphs with a proportional build can only keep fit by consuming their daily calorie intake. Endomorphs who easily gain weight should eat at a deficit, that is, spend more than they consume.

    Body Types

    The quality of the body is also determined by what exactly a person eats, that is, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Therefore, it is important to know which foods are allowed to be consumed by athletes, and which ones should be discarded.

    Approved Products

    The diet, both when burning fat and when gaining mass, must necessarily include all macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

    Therefore, the nutrition of an athlete should be varied and complete.

    Proper nutrition for weight loss - principles, menus with recipes


    Protein is needed to build muscle fibers. Therefore, it should be consumed in sufficient quantities by all people involved in sports and taking care of their figure. After all, the muscles are responsible for the quality of the body, making it elastic and toned.

    Useful protein foods for athletes are:

    • lean meats (lean beef, chicken breast, turkey, etc.);
    • dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese, milk);
    • eggs;
    • fish;
    • legumes.

    Moreover, you need to cook the listed products correctly. For example, it is advisable not to fry meat, but to stew or boil. Indeed, during frying, the amount of protein in the dish decreases. In addition, if you use a lot of oil, fats (saturated and trans fats) that are harmful to the human body are formed.


    Often, losing weight diligently avoid foods containing carbohydrates. It is believed that this will help to quickly get rid of excess weight. However, carbohydrate-free diets are not only ineffective, but can also be dangerous to human health.

    This is due to the fact that during intense training, the body needs energy to burn fat. Its main source is carbohydrates, with a lack of which there is a breakdown, a decrease in brain activity, etc. Therefore, carbohydrates must be introduced into your diet in sufficient quantities. But it is worth remembering that they are divided into simple and complex.

    The former are also called fast, since they almost instantly break down to sugars and enter the bloodstream. This leads to an increase in sugar levels and the production of insulin. As a result, fat-burning processes are blocked, and eaten sweets are deposited on the sides, thighs, etc.

    Complex carbohydrates feed the body for a longer time, as they take longer to break down. They should form the basis of a sports diet to provide the body with enough energy.

    • buckwheat;
    • whole wheat bread;
    • oatmeal;
    • potato;
    • durum pasta.

    Simple carbohydrates can be obtained from the following foods:

    • sugar;
    • fruits and vegetables;
    • White bread;
    • honey, jams, jams;
    • cakes, pastries, sweets, chocolate, buns and other sweets.

    Exclude completely simple carbohydrates even if you're losing weight, it's not worth it. They can be consumed (in reasonable amounts) immediately after training. This will allow you to quickly restore the energy resources of the body and block the processes that destroy muscles.


    An important component of the athlete's diet are fats. They are necessary for normal functioning body in the same way as proteins and carbohydrates.

    The opinion that all fats are harmful, deposited in problem areas and form cholesterol plaques, is erroneous. There are also healthy fats that help strengthen hair, nails and immunity. In addition, they are involved in the production of growth hormones and help muscles recover faster.

    Healthy (unsaturated) fats include:

    • natural vegetable oils (olive, corn, linseed, etc.);
    • fish (tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel);
    • nuts;
    • sunflower seeds;
    • avocado.

    Saturated fats do not harm the body and even promote muscle growth, but their proportion in the diet should be very small. Otherwise, you may experience an increase in blood cholesterol levels.

    • dairy products (milk, cheeses, butter, etc.);
    • egg yolks;
    • salo;
    • sausages, bacon.

    The third category includes trans fats derived from the hydrogenation of oils. plant origin. Often they are used in the preparation of fast food (fries, chips, pies, etc.). It is strictly not recommended to eat them, as this leads to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, metabolic deterioration, decreased sexual function and other backfire.

    Recipes for sports nutrition

    To eat right when playing sports, you need to know how to cook healthy meals. Doing this is not as difficult as it seems. Many people think that proper nutrition is tantamount to lean and tasteless. But that's not the case at all. Dishes for athletes can be not only healthy, but also very tasty.


    Granola is usually served for breakfast. This dish is a mixture of nuts, dried fruits, seeds and some other ingredients. It can be purchased at ready-made or make your own at home.

    In the second case, you will need to take the following components:

    • 1 glass of oatmeal;
    • 100 grams of nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.);
    • dried apricots - 5 pieces;
    • dried dates - 5 pieces;
    • dried figs - 4 pieces;
    • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds.

    Cooking method:

    1. 1. Rinse nuts and dried fruits under running water.
    2. 2. Putting the nuts on a baking sheet, put it in the oven. Dry for 5 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
    3. 3. Cut dried fruits into cubes.
    4. 4. Pour onto a baking sheet for nuts cereals, pumpkin seeds and put chopped dried fruits.
    5. 5. Once again setting the temperature to 180 degrees, bake the dish for 7 minutes.
    6. 6. Wait for the granola to cool. If desired, you can grate dark chocolate on top. A small amount of it is not contraindicated even when losing weight.

    Granola is eaten with yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk or kefir. It is prepared very quickly and easily, does not contain sugar and flavors, unlike store-bought counterparts. In addition, this breakfast option is suitable for vegetarians who especially need a sufficient amount of protein.

    Per Serving Provides 12g Protein, 38g Carbs, and 21g healthy fats. The calorie content of a serving is 471 kcal.

    protein pancakes

    Pancakes count harmful dish for athletes, as they are high in calories. You can make it useful by slightly changing the usual recipe.

    This will require the following ingredients:

    Cooking steps:

    1. 1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
    2. 2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
    3. 3. Mix everything necessary ingredients and, if necessary, add water to the dough so that it resembles thick sour cream in consistency.
    4. 4. Heat the pan and pour the dough onto it.
    5. 5. Flip the pancakes when the edges start to brown, frying them on both sides.
    6. 6. Protein pancakes go well with peanut butter.

    Pancakes prepared according to this recipe can be eaten both when losing weight and when gaining muscle mass. 100 grams contains as much as 32 g of protein, only 16 g of carbohydrates and 9 g of fat. Calorie content - 272 kcal.

    Salad with chicken breast and broccoli

    At home, you can cook a salad with chicken breast and broccoli. It contains a large amount of protein and healthy fats for the body. Therefore, this dish is perfect for a light lunch or dinner.

    Required Ingredients:

    • 200 g chicken breast;
    • broccoli - 1 piece;
    • 50 g of peeled peanuts;
    • one bell pepper;
    • half a red onion;
    • 3 tablespoons olive oil.

    Step by step preparation:

    The cooked salad contains 24 g of protein, 13 g of carbohydrates and 27 g of fat. Energy value the resulting dish - 376 kcal.

    banana cookies

    Another dessert useful for athletes is an oven-baked banana cookie.


    • 3 bananas;
    • 2 cups of oatmeal;
    • 1 cup dried dates;
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla.

    Cooking instructions:

    1. 1. Mash the bananas.
    2. 2. Add dried fruits, oatmeal and vanilla.
    3. 3. Pour a third of a glass of sunflower oil into the same place.
    4. 4. Thoroughly mix the dough and leave it for 15 minutes.
    5. 5. At this time, turn on the oven and preheat it to 175 degrees.
    6. 6. Put the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, forming individual bars.
    7. 7. Bake cookies for 20 minutes until light brown.

    100 grams of cookies contain 43 g of carbohydrates, 5 g of protein and 15 g of fat. Calorie content - 359 kcal.

    Rules for compiling a diet

    Now it is worthwhile to understand in more detail which scheme power fit to achieve one goal or another. After all, eating for weight loss and weight gain is necessary in different ways.

    Many fitness beginners are interested in whether it is possible to build muscle and get rid of fat at the same time. excess fat. It is impossible to do this in the same period of time, since the nutritional conditions will be different.

    For gaining muscle mass

    To build muscle, the body needs a lot of resources. After all, growth in a vacuum is impossible.

    That's why the main objective on a set of mass - to ensure the supply of a sufficient amount of nutrients. This is necessary for both men and women. Girls are often afraid to eat in a calorie surplus. But without this, to make the forms more expressive, and the body elastic will not work.

    Basic Rules

    Calorie rate \u003d weight (kg) x 30

    It is this number that needs to be increased by an average of 20-30%. Ectomorphs should add more - 40-50%. Endomorphs can be limited to an increase of 10-15%, otherwise there is a high risk of gaining excess fat.

    After calculating the calorie content, you need to distribute the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. They should be about the same.

    BJU Ratio for Muscle Growth

    Carbohydrates make up the majority, as they are needed to maintain energy stores and prevent muscle breakdown.

    Proteins play a special role in muscle building. Without them, building muscle fibers is impossible. The norm of protein for weight gain is 2 grams per kilogram of weight per day. That is, an athlete weighing 70 kg needs to eat 140 g of protein every day.

    sample menu

    An example of how you can create your own menu for a week during the period of gaining muscle mass is presented in the table.

    meal Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    BreakfastCottage cheese with sliced ​​banana, milkRice porridge with milk, appleOmelet, orange juiceCottage cheese with milk, dark chocolate, teaBoiled eggs, cheese, cherry juiceOatmeal with milk, orange
    LunchNuts, yogurtCereal with milk, orange juiceBoiled eggs, kefirCheese sandwiches, teaProtein barTwo bananas, an appleBoiled eggs, kefir
    DinnerRice, lean beef, vegetable saladBaked potatoes, boiled chicken breastBuckwheat, tunaRice, turkey, vegetable slicesBuckwheat, steamed chicken breastPotatoes with dill, beefChicken breast with vegetable stew
    afternoon teaProteinProteinProteinProteinProteinProteinProtein
    DinnerBuckwheat, chicken fillet breadedRice, turkey, cucumber and tomato saladOven baked potatoes, beefBuckwheat, trout baked in the ovenBrown rice, chicken cutlets, vegetable saladFish baked with vegetablesBoiled potatoes, lean beef, mixed vegetables
    Evening snackCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheeseCasein protein or serving of 9% cottage cheese

    Portion size should be determined independently, focusing on the calculated individually calorie rate. Also, when compiling the menu, it is worth considering the way the meals are distributed throughout the day.

    For weight loss

    When losing weight, you must adhere to other principles in nutrition. You will need to spend more energy than you consume with food. Only then will the pounds begin to melt.

    But this does not mean at all that it is necessary to set strict restrictions and eat only vegetables. In order for the body to become not only thin, but also toned, and the lost weight does not return after the diet is completed, you need to make a balanced healthy diet.

    This is especially true of adolescents, who are most susceptible to the influence of newfangled diets. Torturing a growing organism with hunger strikes is a very bad idea, which can lead to serious problems with health.

    Basic Rules

    The key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. Without this, any physical exercise will be ineffective.

    The deficit should be 10-20% of daily allowance calories calculated using the above formula. You should not cut calories more strongly, as this will not accelerate weight loss, but will lead to a slowdown in metabolism.

    The ratio of BJU for burning fat will also differ from that recommended for mass gain.

    That is, the greater the calorie deficit, the higher the proportion of protein in the diet should be. Many believe that it is more important to use protein food when recruiting muscles, but this is not the case. When losing weight, the norm is an average of 2.2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. And on drying, when you need to get rid of fat to the maximum, this value can be increased to 2.5 grams.

    After all, the main goal of drying is to make muscle relief visible. If there is not enough protein, the muscles will begin to break down. As a result, after weight loss, the body will become thin and flabby.

    sample menu

    A sample menu for every day for weight loss is presented in the table.

    meal Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
    BreakfastFat-free cottage cheese, orange juiceBoiled eggs, a couple of pieces of dark chocolate, green teaOatmeal on the water, apple, kefirFat-free cottage cheese, yogurtOmelet, orange, teaMuesli with skim milkOatmeal on the water, orange
    LunchApple, banana, kefirMuesli with skim milkTwo apples, yogurtProtein bar, kefirCurd, appleboiled eggs, yogurtNuts, kefir
    DinnerBrown rice, chicken cutletsBuckwheat, beef, pumpkin saladVegetable stew, roasted turkeyGreek salad, chicken filletBrown rice, baked fish with lemonBuckwheat, chicken breast, vegetable slicesVegetable stew, steamed fish cakes
    afternoon teaProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein barProtein bar
    DinnerVegetable stew, chicken filletVinaigrette, steamed fish cakesBrown rice, brizol, cucumber and tomato saladBuckwheat, chicken cutletsVegetable stew, beefPeppers stuffed with meatBrown rice, roasted turkey, vegetable salad

    Cooking preferably without the use of oil. The meat should not be fried, but boiled or steamed. Salads should not be dressed with mayonnaise. It is better to use a small amount of low-fat sour cream or olive oil. In addition, you need to carefully monitor the amount of salt. It only takes a small pinch to add.

    Sports supplements

    It will be useful for athletes to use various supplements. Their intake allows athletes to improve their strength and speed performance, increase endurance and achieve their desired goal faster.

    But you need to understand that sports supplements by themselves do not lead to weight loss or weight gain. Take them only with regular training. Then the effectiveness of classes will increase, which will give a positive result.

    It concerns natural supplements, not changing hormonal background person. Steroids work a little differently - special preparations that affect the production of hormones and give quick results. But it is not recommended for ordinary people to drink them, as they are unsafe for health. Such supplements are usually used by professional strength athletes and other athletes preparing for competitions.

    Natural sports supplements that have been proven to be effective and safe include the following.


    Protein - powder, on the basis of which a protein shake is prepared. It contains virtually no carbohydrates and fats, so it is suitable for both muscle building and weight loss, when you need to gain protein without exceeding calories.

    In addition, the protein contains a whole range of valuable amino acids. The protein obtained from this supplement is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than when eating solid food.

    The intake of sports nutrition can be an outlet for vegetarians who want to build muscle. Indeed, without the use of animal products, there is a protein deficiency, so it becomes very difficult to pump up. In this case, you can drink soy protein, which contains only vegetable proteins, as well as essential amino acids and other useful trace elements.


    Gainer, in addition to protein, contains a large amount of carbohydrates. This allows you to block the processes of muscle destruction and provide the body with energy.

    Its reception is indicated for building muscle mass and is contraindicated for weight loss. Best of all, the gainer is suitable for ectomorphs, who practically do not gain fat. The rest should be used with caution.


    BCAA is an amino acid complex that is a combination of leucine, isoleucine and valine. These three amino acids are directly involved in the process of muscle growth and prevent their destruction.

    The body cannot synthesize BCAAs on its own, so they must be obtained from food. But it is quite difficult to get the required amount of essential amino acids from food for athletes. For this reason, it is recommended to take a special supplement.


    Creatine is a substance produced in the human liver. It is necessary for the resynthesis of energy during exercise.

    The natural supply of creatine is sufficient for ordinary people. But with severe physical work it dries up very quickly. You can replenish it with food. However, the content of creatine in them is low, so it is easier to take this substance in pure form in the shape of sports supplement.


    L-carnitine is used in sports to burn excess fat. This substance is also produced in the human body. Its supplementation improves brain activity and increases resistance to stress.

    In addition, L-carnitine has a fat-burning effect. The mechanism of its work is quite simple: fats are transported to the mitochondria, where they are destroyed, accompanied by the release of energy.

    But L-carnitine will work only with regular exercise. It can be either cardio or power training. Taking the supplement will also increase stamina and reduce fatigue, as a result of which classes will bring a much greater effect.

    Sports supplements help to achieve results faster, but completely replace food with no means is it possible. After all, food contains many other components, vital necessary for the body. Therefore, the athlete's diet should be varied and balanced.

    And some secrets...

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Many young athletes pay a lot of attention to various training programs, watch videos on how to do exercises correctly. Quite a few of them completely forget the fact that the menu proper nutrition an athlete is the key to success, without which it is simply impossible to gain muscle mass and not remove excess adipose tissue.

Proper nutrition is the key to success in training

When compiling a proper nutrition menu for an athlete, it is possible to improve both strength indicators and overall muscle endurance, as well as their level of return from training and recovery speed.

The menu of proper nutrition for athletes is by no means monotonous and consists of a large list various products. During a set of muscle mass, the diet is fundamentally different from the food that is consumed when drying muscles. The main rule, which is suitable for both set and drying, is to eat healthy and wholesome food a large number of times a day, but in small portions.

Proper nutrition menu for athletes

Of course, proper nutrition for athletes for every day should be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of metabolism and the quality of digestibility of certain products. But you can highlight the main features that should be in the daily menu:

  1. Breakfast. As a first breakfast meal, many athletes prefer oatmeal with milk or a protein shake. This combination allows you to replenish the reserves of carbohydrates and protein in the body, which were used by the body during sleep. Proper nutrition for athletes for every day must necessarily begin with breakfast.
  2. Lunch. After a light morning cardio workout, you need to have a hearty breakfast. Use porridge as carbohydrates, and chicken or any other meat is suitable as protein. And do not forget about the need to eat porridge and meat along with light salad, as it will contribute to the rapid absorption of food by the body. You can also add a serving of vitamins and minerals to your food.
  3. Dinner. Before lunch, one of the athlete's main training sessions usually takes place. At this time, the body needs nutrients and trace elements. Proper nutrition for athletes for a week allows even a little fatty foods. Try to eat as densely as possible, while soup or other liquid must be taken at least half an hour before the main course.
  4. afternoon tea. Try to set aside some time for an afternoon snack. Take a small portion of porridge and meat, drink tea. This technique food is necessary so that your body does not experience hunger until the moment you eat dinner.
  5. Dinner. Unlike lunch, this meal does not have to be heavy. You can't fill your stomach varied food. A light dinner should consist of moderate amount proteins and carbohydrates. Either completely remove fat, or limit its amount to a minimum level. Proper nutrition for athletes for a week should end with a light dinner saturated with proteins.
  6. Second dinner. Before going to bed, it is recommended to consume a small amount of protein. As a meal, you can eat a small amount of fat-free cottage cheese. It can be replaced with a protein shake.

Diversify your diet

If we consider proper diet nutrition for an athlete, it is important to give the body the opportunity to "take a break" from large amounts of food taken. In modern dietology, this is called fasting days. It will be enough to eat less high-calorie food once a week, eat more salads, fruits, vegetables. This will help during the next "hard" week to improve the digestibility of food.

It should be remembered about the program of proper nutrition for athletes, it must be healthy, the diet must contain as much as possible a variety of vitamins, minerals and other trace elements. By eating right and following the above rules, you can help strengthen your own health and achieve even greater sports results.

The nutrition of athletes differs from the diet of ordinary people for several reasons. Firstly, active sports require much more energy than work in an office or even in production. Secondly, heavy loads and rather specific requirements for the functionality of the athlete's body require a special approach to the composition of the diet.

Proper nutrition for athletes should be high-calorie, healthy and varied.

To achieve high sports results, it is important to correctly dose the loads and ensure recovery after them. Recovery is not possible without good nutrition- this is what supplies the body with energy and material for the reproduction of new cells.

The athlete's diet should be developed taking into account the following tasks:

  • Providing the body with the necessary amount of calories, trace elements and vitamins (caloric content depends on specific sports tasks);
  • Activation and normalization metabolic processes(this item provide biological active substances and various natural additives);
  • Weight regulation (on different stages athletes need to increase, decrease or maintain mass in an unchanged state);
  • Changes in morphological parameters (increase in muscle mass and decrease in body fat).

Athletes spend a huge amount of energy on maintaining the most important vital functions(work of the heart, digestion, respiration): internal organs during athletic exercises work in an enhanced mode. If there is not enough nutrients, an energy imbalance will occur, which will lead to exhaustion of the body.

This is why proper athlete nutrition is so important. The athlete's diet should be optimally balanced and cover energy costs: the composition of the food consumed should include exclusively natural and healthy foods plant and animal nature.

Diet for athletes

The qualitative composition of food for athletes should be selected taking into account individual physical characteristics, features of sports discipline, level of loads. But no matter what kind of sport an athlete is engaged in, his food should contain all the necessary macro- and microelements.

According to the qualitative composition, proper nutrition for an athlete should be close to the formula: 30% - proteins, 60% - carbohydrates, 10% - fats. It should also be remembered about microelements and vitamins, which can be supplied to the body both as part of a variety of foods, and in the form of special medicinal complexes.


This overriding component in sports nutrition. The importance of proteins in the body is multifaceted:

The main sources of proteins for athletes are:

  • Fish (in addition to proteins, fish also contains fatty acid and vitamins)
  • Meat (for athletes it is better to use low-fat meat varieties - poultry, rabbit, tender varieties of veal);
  • Eggs (the egg contains the most important amino acids for the body, as well as fats and vitamins);
  • Dairy products (in milk protein contains a lot of methionine - essential amino acid which is not produced by the human body).


Carbohydrates are the basis for metabolic and energy processes. During exercise, carbohydrate compounds are consumed especially intensively. For athletes, it is more beneficial to consume "complex" carbohydrates, which are found in brown rice, wheat, black bread, fruits and vegetables, rather than "simple" ones - those that are in excess of sugar, sweets and lemonade. It is better for athletes to replace sugar with honey, which, in addition to carbohydrates, contains an incredible amount of vitamins and trace elements.


Another source of energy and building material, which is included in all cell membranes. The main percentage of fat consumption in athletes falls on the performance of labor-intensive and slow exercises, to maintain constant temperature body and stable work internal organs during loads.

In the athlete's menu for a week, it is advisable to combine vegetable and animal fats that perform in the body various tasks. Fats of plant origin must be supplied to the body as part of vegetable oil(better - olive), fats and fatty acids of animal nature are found in butter And fatty varieties fish.

Sports menu examples

IN sample menu an athlete per day, taking into account the formula for the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, may include:

  • 400 g poultry meat;
  • 4-5 eggs;
  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 30 g of oil;
  • 200 g of bread;
  • 500 g of porridge from healthy cereals;
  • 300 g of fruit;
  • 300 g of vegetables.

The diet of sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass for strength athletes should include additional sources of protein. Some athletes prefer special supplements - gainers, amino acids, proteins for making protein shakes.

Proper nutrition for female athletes also has its own characteristics. Their menu should be dominated by vegetable fiber, complex carbohydrates and mono unsaturated fats. In addition, fractional meals are preferable for girls: breaks between meals should not exceed 3 hours.

An approximate menu for girls who are actively involved in sports should look like this:

  • Breakfast number 1: 100 g oatmeal and 3 eggs;
  • Breakfast number 2: 0.5 l of kefir or milk;
  • Lunch: 200 g of fish or white poultry meat, 150 g of rice (preferably brown), salad from fresh vegetables with olive oil;
  • Snack: 200 g cottage cheese + nuts;
  • Dinner: 200 g fish (meat), fruit or salad;
  • Before going to bed: half a liter of kefir or other fermented milk product.

The athlete's diet for a week (month) should be compiled according to the same principles. Two conditions that the consumed products must satisfy are variety and naturalness.

Foods to Avoid sports menu - sugar, common table salt (should only be used sea ​​salt With useful elements), fried, spicy food, mushrooms, alcohol, semi-finished products, powdered fruit juices, yoghurts.

Athletes should not overeat and remain hungry. Hurrying is contraindicated during meals and thorough chewing of food is strongly recommended. It is also important to constantly monitor your weight and well-being, as well as the mood to win.

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