Proteus vulgaris as a representative of opportunistic bacteria. Proteus bacterium, treatment

Proteus(lat. Proteus) is a genus of Gram-negative, spore-forming, facultative anaerobic bacteria. Representative of normal, conditional pathogenic microflora human intestines.

Proteus. General information
Protea have the appearance of small, 0.3 by 3 microns, filamentous sticks. They are very different active mobility. Proteas have toxic (produce endotoxin) and hemolytic properties.

Proteas are considered sanitary-indicative bacteria. Number of detected Proteus mirabilis considered as an indicator of faecal contamination, and Proteus vulgaris- as an indicator of contamination of the object with organic substances.

Depending on the ability to produce indole, proteins are divided into indole-negative ( Proteus mirabilis, Proteus hauseri, Proteus penneri) and indole positive ( Proteus vulgaris, Proteus inconstans and others).

Proteas are able to produce urease, and therefore, when settling upper divisions gastrointestinal tract Proteus increases the likelihood false positive results in respiratory urease tests with the isotope 13C and others in order to identify Helicobacter pylori-infections (Standards for diagnosis and treatment ...).

Proteus - the cause of human diseases
Three species from the genus Proteus - Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris And Proteus penneri are pathogenic for humans, and 75–90% of infections are caused by Proteus mirabilis.

The most common acute intestinal infections caused by Proteus occur in children. early age: weakened or with reduced immunity. Proteus infection can also be caused by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. The disease usually occurs in the form of gastroenteritis, gastritis and colienteritis. Very often, acute intestinal proteic infections are accompanied by fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, short-term convulsions, there is also a change in the nature of the stool and its increase.

Bacteria of the genus Proteus, along with other microorganisms, can cause diseases of the human urinary tract and kidneys, in particular, acute and chronic prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, including most xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. Proteus mirabilis is the reason wound infections. Proteus vulgaris present in the intestines of healthy humans and many animals, it is found in manure, soil and polluted waters.

Proteus spp. is sown from the tissues of the anal canal in patients with chronic anal fissure (Adiev R.F., Maleeva E.A.).

Proteus in the results of the analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis
At microbiological analysis Proteus feces are considered in combination with other opportunistic bacteria belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family and included in the normal human intestinal microflora (except for Proteus, these are Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Hafnia, Serratia, Morganella, Providence, Citrobacter, etc.). Fine total these bacteria (colony-forming units, CFU) in 1 g of feces should be less than 10 4 . A greater number of these bacteria is a sign of dysbacteriosis.

Proteus is found in feces in 2.0±0.5% healthy people, and the average content in 1 g of feces is from 1600 to 4000 CFU of Proteus (M.D. Ardatskaya, O.N. Minushkin).

Therapy for overgrowth protea
Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 231 dated June 9, 2003 On approval of the industry standard “Protocol of patient management. Intestinal dysbacteriosis" with excessive growth of proteus ( proteus mirabilis, proteus vulgaris) bacteriophages "", "Bacteriophage proteic liquid", "Bacteriophage coliproteic liquid", "Coliproteophage in tablets", "Pyobacteriophage combined liquid", "Pyopolyphage in tablets", "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified liquid" are recommended for children.

Intesti-bacteriophage liquid is taken orally 4 times a day on an empty stomach, 1-1.5 hours before a meal. For children of the first months of life, the drug is diluted in the first two days of taking boiled water twice, in the absence adverse reactions(regurgitation, rashes on the skin) in the future, you can use the bacteriophage undiluted. Before taking bacteriophage, children over 3 years of age should take a solution drinking soda 1/2 teaspoon to 1/2 cup water or alkaline mineral water. single dose intesti-bacteriophage when taken orally: In an enema once a day:

  • children under 6 months - 10 ml
  • children from 6 months to 1 year - 20 ml
  • children from 1 to 3 years - 30 ml
  • patients older than 3 years - 40–60 ml
With excessive growth of Proteus, as a result of dysbacteriosis, in addition to bacteriophages, with drug therapy various probiotics are used (Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Acylact, Acipol, etc.) and / or antibiotics adequate to a specific strain of Proteus and the cause of dysbacteriosis (in adults).

In our body can live the most different bacteria, which do not make themselves felt in most cases. However, with the assistance of certain circumstances, such particles begin to actively multiply, becoming the cause of the development of certain diseases. One of the microorganisms of this type is Proteus, which is capable of provoking a number of very different ailments, let's try to figure out how such pathological conditions are treated, what symptoms are characteristic of them, and also determine the main causes of their development and consider existing species protea.

In most cases, Proteus lives in the intestines, while being part of natural microflora. Such a microorganism belongs to facultative anaerobes, is small in size (no more than 3 microns) and looks like filaments or filamentous sticks with high mobility.

What is proteus, what are its types?

There are several varieties of Proteus: Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Proteus myxofacins, Proteus houseri and Proteus pennery. All such bacteria are capable of producing endotoxin (characterized by toxigenic qualities) and have hemolytic properties.

Not all types of proteus can provoke the development various diseases. Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, and also Proteus penneri can become dangerous for us.

Where does proteus come from, what are the reasons for its appearance?

Pathogenic species of Proteus are transmitted to humans from sick people, in addition, animals also pose a danger of infection. The feces of infected individuals enter the external environment, and can remain viable there for a long time.

People with reduced immunity, the elderly and newborn babies, as well as patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and peritoneal organs can get sick. Those who take antibiotics uncontrollably also fall into the risk group.

How is proteus manifested, what are its symptoms?

From the moment of infection to the onset of the first manifestations of ailments, it can take from several hours to three days. Pathological types Proteus most often provoke damage to the digestive tract. In this case, patients have symptoms of gastroenteritis or enterocolitis, in addition, gastritis may appear.

Ailments usually start acutely - with weakness, headaches, loss of appetite, fever (from 37 to 39C). The main symptoms of gastritis and gastroenteritis are nausea, vomiting, stool disorders (watery stools with especially fetid odor), patients are concerned about abdominal pain, flatulence. The duration of the disease is four to five days.

At severe forms protein infection of the intestine can develop anemia, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, as well as acute kidney failure.

Sometimes infection with proteins leads to the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Such an ailment makes itself felt most different symptoms associated mainly with stool disorders.

With the defeat of the proteus of the urinary tract, the development of cystitis, prostatitis or pyelonephritis can be observed. Such diseases have corresponding symptoms - pain during urination and in the lower abdomen, a general deterioration in well-being, fever, etc.

Proteus mirabilis can cause wound infections. Similar situation observed in patients with trophic ulcerative lesions, in patients undergoing treatment in burn hospitals or trauma departments.

In certain cases, proteus provokes the occurrence nosocomial infections. They can be represented by various ailments, including otitis and cholecystitis, lesions of the urinary system. Newborns have such pathological conditions presented with severe forms of meningitis or sepsis.

How is proteus corrected, what is the treatment for it?

With excessive growth of protein in digestive tract the patient is shown taking specific bacteriophages, represented by Bacteriophage Proteus Liquid, Bacteriophage Coliproteus Liquid, and Intesti-Bacteriophage Liquid. In certain cases, Pyobacteriophage combined liquid or Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified liquid can also be used. Such formulations should be taken only under the supervision of a physician, combined with the consumption of alkaline mineral water.

In order to restore the optimal flora of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is shown taking probiotics and symbiotics, represented by acipol, acilact, bifidumbacterin, linex, bifiform, etc. Such formulations should be consumed on an empty stomach for at least two weeks.

If in adult patients there is a particularly active growth of the proteus, they are prescribed antibacterial drugs, among which there may be amoxicillin, nifuroxazide, as well as fluoroquinolones, etc.

Also, the treatment of diseases provoked by Proteus involves symptomatic measures. These are treatments for the symptoms of a specific ailment and may include medication to reduce fever, detoxify the body, and relieve pain and inflammation. Often, correction involves taking compounds that normalize water and electrolyte balance.

Treatment of ailments caused by Proteus can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.


Proteus (lat. proteus) - a genus of Gram-negative, spore-forming, facultative anaerobic bacteria. A representative of the normal, conditionally pathogenic microflora of the human intestine.

Proteus in the taxonomy of bacteria

Genus Proteus (proteus) belongs to the family enterobacteria(enterobacteriaceae), order of enterobacteria (enterobacteriales), class of gamma-proteobacteria (γ proteobacteria), type of proteobacteria (proteobacteria), kingdom of bacteria.

Genus Proteus includes the following species: proteus hauseri, proteus mirabilis, proteus myxofaciens, proteus penneri, proteus vulgaris.

Previously belonging to the genus Proteus, bacteria of the species proteus morganii were transferred to the genus morganella morganii of the Enterobacteriaceae family, and proteus rettgeri was reclassified to providencia stuartii and providencia rettgeri.

Proteus. General information

Protea have the appearance of small, 0.3 by 3 microns, filiform sticks. They are very active. Proteas have toxic (produce endotoxin) and hemolytic properties.

Protea are considered sanitary-indicative bacteria. The number of detected proteus mirabilis is considered as an indicator of faecal contamination, and proteus vulgaris as an indicator of contamination of the object with organic substances.

Proteus - the cause of human diseases

Three species of the genus Proteus - proteus mirabilis, proteus vulgaris and proteus penneri are pathogenic for humans, and 75–90% of infections are caused by proteus mirabilis.

The most common acute intestinal infections caused by Proteus occur in young children: weakened or with reduced immunity. Proteus infection can also be caused by uncontrolled use of antibiotics. The disease usually occurs in the form of gastroenteritis, gastritis and colienteritis. Very often, acute intestinal proteic infections are accompanied by fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, short-term convulsions, there is also a change in the nature of the stool and its increase.

Bacteria of the genus Proteus , along with other microorganisms, can cause diseases of the human urinary tract and kidneys, in particular, acute and chronic prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, including most xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. Proteus mirabilis is the cause of wound infections. Proteus vulgaris is present in the intestines of healthy humans and many animals and is found in manure, soil and polluted waters.

Proteus in the results of the analysis of feces for dysbacteriosis

In microbiological analysis of feces Proteus considered in combination with other opportunistic bacteria belonging to the family enterobacteria and included in the normal microflora of the human intestine (except for Proteus, these are Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Hafnia, Serratia, Morganella, Providence, Citrobacter, etc.). Normally, the total number of these bacteria (colony-forming units, CFU) in 1 g of feces should be less than 104. A larger number of these bacteria is a sign of dysbacteriosis.

Proteus is found in feces in 2.0 ± 0.5% of healthy people, and the average content in 1 g of feces is from 1600 to 4000 CFU of proteus (M.D. Ardatskaya, O.N. Minushkin).

Proteus in urinalysis

Bacteriuria - the presence of bacteria in the urine can be a sign of inflammation in the urinary tract, bladder, kidney. In the absence of any symptoms, true bacteriuria (infection urinary tract) is diagnosed in the presence of at least 105 microbial bodies of Proteus (or other enterobacteria) in 1 ml of fresh urine, otherwise it is assumed that urine contamination occurs during its collection. If bacteriuria is not accompanied by any symptoms, then it is called asymptomatic bacteriuria. Asymptomatic bacteriuria does not always require immediate treatment.

In the presence of symptoms or when urine is collected by catheter, the diagnostic threshold can be significantly reduced. In particular, if there is an appropriate clinical symptoms(fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, pain in the lumbar region, dysuria) and the release of at least 10 leukocytes in 1 µl of urine, a criterion for diagnosis acute pyelonephritis is the presence of at least 104 Proteus (or other pathogenic enterobacteria) in 1 ml of fresh urine.

The activity of antibiotics against the protein

Antibiotics active against Proteus: rifaximin, nifuroxazide. Antibacterial agents, active against proteus mirabilis: amoxicillin (with the exception of indole-positive strains of Proteus (proteus vulgaris) which, on the contrary, are resistant to amoxicillin). Nifuratel is less active (only against proteus mirabilis and proteus vulgaris). Most strains of proteus mirabilis, unlike proteus vulgaris, are sensitive not only to ampicillin, but also to cephalosporins. Proteus mirabilis and proteus vulgaris are sensitive to levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. Proteas are resistant to tetracycline.

Proteus is a bacterium found in normal microflora intestines, however, under the influence of adverse factors, it can become the causative agent of certain diseases. The elimination of such a microorganism is carried out by conservative methods.

The Proteus bacterium is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, since it is part of the normal microbiome of the intestinal microflora, but in cases where it is exceeded normal amount the development of the pathological process.

Infection is observed everywhere, which means that there are no restrictions regarding age category or the gender of a person, which is why the bacterium can be found even in children and in females during pregnancy.

Because Proteus belongs to intestinal microflora, then in the symptoms of infection, clinical signs from the gastrointestinal tract will be observed. This means that the main symptoms will be nausea and vomiting, a violation of the act of defecation and a decrease in appetite.

Diagnosis of infections caused by such a microorganism is based on laboratory tests, but a physical examination also occupies an important place. It may be necessary to clarify the diagnosis instrumental methods examinations. Proteus treatment is based on admission medicines.

Proteus is a small microorganism that does not exceed three micrometers in size. The shape is a thread or thread-like sticks, characterized by high mobility.

The bacterium is relatively resistant to external environment- perfectly tolerates cold temperatures and freezing, but is destroyed when exposed to high rates. It dies within an hour at 600 degrees, and at 800 - in about five minutes. It is worth noting that it also adapts to disinfectant solutions.

In total, six varieties of Proteus are distinguished, however, some species belong to other groups. Only three types of danger pose a danger to humans:

  • proteus mirabilis - occupies a leading position, since in more than half of the cases it is the causative agent of the infectious process;
  • Proteus vulgaris;
  • proteus pennery.

It most often damages the intestines and stomach, but a pathological effect on other internal organs is not excluded.

The formation of a particular disease can occur both after the activation of a person’s own conditionally pathogenic microflora, and in cases of contact with large doses proteus from environment. The carrier of such a microbe is a person or an animal. Most of it lives in:

  1. faeces.
  2. decaying meat.

There are several routes of infection that are no different from the ways the pathogen enters. intestinal infections. Among them it is worth highlighting:

  • alimentary or food way - is considered the most common route of infection. The most high concentration found in protein-enriched foods such as meat, milk, fish, organ meats and seafood, in particular when the shelf life is violated or exceeded;
  • water - according to medical statistics, it occurs several times less often than the previous one. In the vast majority of cases, infection occurs while swimming in polluted water bodies, which are often located near livestock grazing areas;
  • contact-household, namely through dirty hands.

Among the predisposing factors that cause the activation of the opportunistic proteus mirabilis in the intestine, it is worth highlighting:

  1. malnutrition, when the basis of the diet is harmful and heavy food.
  2. decreased resistance of the immune system.
  3. adverse environmental conditions.
  4. indiscriminate use of certain drugs, especially antibacterial substances.
  5. perennial addiction to bad habits.
  6. prolonged exposure to cold temperatures on the body, or vice versa, prolonged exposure to solar radiation.
  7. exposure to frequent nervous strain and stressful situations.

The main risk group is:

  • infants and children of the preschool age category;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with a history of chronic diseases affecting the lungs, intestines and other organs of the digestive system;
  • people with wound infections.


The appearance of the first clinical signs Proteus infection will depend on several factors:

  1. the amount of penetration of the pathological agent.
  2. route of infection.

Thus, if a bacterium enters the alimentary route in large quantities, the disease will develop quite rapidly. At the same time, if the pathogenesis is contact-household method, then the disease will not be so acute, with a slow progression of symptoms. Often incubation period from two hours to three days.

The most common symptoms of infection are:

  • constant nausea and vomiting. The frequency of vomiting can vary from three to ten times a day, while not always they improve a person's well-being;
  • soreness, heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • the appearance of a characteristic rumbling in the abdomen;
  • increased gas formation;
  • violation of the act of defecation, which can be presented in the form of diarrhea or constipation, as well as in the alternation of such signs. Fecal masses often have fetid odor, and sometimes foam is observed;
  • an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • aversion to food.

If you start treatment in a timely manner, then the symptoms subside on the third day. With a severe course of infection are expressed:

  1. severe seizures.
  2. disturbance of consciousness.
  3. signs of dehydration.

Such manifestations can lead to the development of infectious-toxic shock, which is fraught with a fatal outcome.

It is also necessary to remember that in children the disease develops several times faster and is more severe.

In addition to the above symptoms, clinical picture there may also be signs characteristic of the following diseases:

  • gastritis and enterocolitis;
  • gastroenteritis and pancreatitis;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • pyelonephritis and cystitis.

Several times less often, proteus pathologically affects genitourinary system, organs of vision and hearing, as well as the skin.


play an important role in confirming infection laboratory research biological fluids patient, however, diagnosis requires an integrated approach.

Primary diagnostic measures include:

  1. studying the medical history and collecting the patient's life history - to determine whether the person is at risk or not.
  2. a thorough physical examination, including palpation of the anterior wall abdominal cavity, examination of the condition of the skin and measurement of temperature.
  3. a detailed survey of the patient - for a detailed clarification of the sequence of occurrence and severity of symptoms.

The Proteus stick can be detected by carrying out the following laboratory tests:

  • bacterial culture - the material for analysis can be feces and urine, blood and breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid and discharge from the wound. In some cases, food products that are presumably contaminated with Proteus can serve as the subject of analysis. The results of tests for the determination of proteus in the culture will be received approximately one week after the delivery of the biological material to the laboratory;
  • serological studies - to determine the presence of antibodies in the blood. This diagnostic technique is used extremely rarely;
  • general clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • microscopic examination of feces - will help to detect proteus in the feces of a child or an adult.
  • To determine the severity of the patient's condition, as well as to identify lesions internal organs, instrumental examinations are carried out, appointed in individually for each patient.


Confirmation of the presence of proteus mirabilis in a smear, blood, or stool is an indication for starting medical therapy, which may include taking:

  1. specific bacteriophages.
  2. probiotics and symbiotics aimed at restoring normal intestinal microflora.
  3. antibiotics - the course is compiled personally for each patient.
  4. medications to relieve symptoms.

Among the specific bacteriophages, it is worth highlighting:

  • "Proteus liquid bacteriophage";
  • "Intesti-bacteriophage liquid";
  • "Pyobacteriophage polyvalent purified liquid";
  • "Bacteriophage coliproteic liquid";
  • "Pyobacteriophage combined liquid".

Such substances should be taken before eating, and single dosage and the duration of the therapeutic course is calculated depending on the age category of the patient. Any medications are used with caution in cases of detection of proteus mirabilis during pregnancy.

Symptomatic treatment is based on:

  1. antispasmodics and painkillers.
  2. enterosorbents.
  3. antipyretic and antidiarrheal substances.
  4. anti-inflammatory agents.
  5. preparations aimed at normalizing the water and electrolyte balance.

Possible Complications

Ignoring characteristic symptoms and untimely seeking qualified help causes the development of a severe form of protein infection, which in turn is fraught with the formation of:

  • anemia;
  • acute form of renal failure;
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome.


To avoid that proteus spp. in the feces are increased, or in other analyzes will be noted high performance, necessary:

  1. completely give up bad habits.
  2. take medication strictly as prescribed by your doctor.
  3. carefully monitor the quality of consumed products.
  4. observe safety rules when swimming in suspicious water bodies.
  5. completely exclude contact with an infected person.
  6. wash hands after every visit.
  7. engage in strengthening the immune system.
  8. complete several times a year medical examination, including an infectious disease specialist.
  9. eat right and balanced.
  10. Minimize stress and stress as much as possible.

Similar preventive actions will help not only to avoid infection with the Proteus bacillus, but also will not allow the activation of their own opportunistic intestinal microflora. early detection and adequate treatment increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome and reduce the chances of developing undesirable consequences.

Irina asks:

Hello! My daughter is 2 years old, from the age of 1 month she has been tested for dysbacteriosis with Proteus Mirabilis 10 * 8, sensitivity to coliproteus phage. Now we have constipation, the child is afraid to go to the toilet. We have already been treated 3 times, but not one treatment has helped ! this time we are treated with bactisuptil for 7 days - bifiform baby-motilium and that's it, we are treated on the 10th day, but we still have constipation. ?Can it help with a decrease in the growth of proteas? Thanks in advance!

Hilak forte has no activity against pathogenic intestinal flora. In order to get rid of the protein, it is necessary to take a bacteriophage sensitive to it. Moreover, its evening dose must be administered to the child in the form of an enema, since bacteriophages are almost completely destroyed in the intestine.

Alexandra asks:

My child is a year and 8 months old. Proteus was found in him as a result of bacteriological analysis. How can proteus be cured without antibiotics? What should be the regimen for a child? Can he walk? Prompt, what drug is better to cure Proteus.

The regimen and nutrition of the child may remain the same. Of course we need more fresh air and vitamins, but there are no special restrictions (provided that the child's nutrition is initially balanced and age appropriate). Medical treatment can only be prescribed by a pediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist after a personal examination of the child and familiarization with the results of the examination. About general principles treatment of this condition, you can read in the article All about dysbacteriosis in infants.

Svetlana asks:

Hello, the child will soon be 1 year old., in the maternity hospital, both the child and I took antibiotics, at 4 months we were tested for dysbacteriosis, Proteus was found. We took bacteriophage coli-proteus 2 courses, 7 days, 2 times a day, 5 ml, the condition of the stool improved, at 11 months. suffered bronchitis, were treated with cefazolin, after which the dysbacteriosis intensified. We take bifidumbacterin 3 times a day, bactisubstyl 2 times a day and linex 3 times a day. in addition, food is not digested, we take mezim 2 times a day, a quarter of a tablet. stools about 6 times a day, earlier 1 time a day, stools are liquid - water, lumps of undigested food, it is necessary to first restore fecal masses and take an analysis for dysbacteriosis? Or is it possible to give a child a bacteriophage coli-Proteus without re-testing? I think the analysis is still necessary? How long after treatment can it be taken?

It is still advisable to pass a second analysis, however, for 2-3 days before the examination, stop using additional microflora (Linex and Bifidumbacterin), so that the result of this examination is more accurate.

natka asks:

we are 5 years old, passed the analysis for dizbak - proteus vulgaris 10v6. constipation. phage resistance. what to treat? Recommendations (! The doctor who did the analysis gave only recommendations - having paid attention to resistance to phages, the attending physician prescribed them ...) - amoxiclav, ceftazidime, cefixime, amikacin, levomycetin,
Mushrooms of the genus Candida - 10v6
for mushrooms - nystatin, fluconazole, ketoconazole
Entoroccoci -

It is recommended to consult with an infectious disease specialist to select the optimal treatment according to the obtained antibiogram. Requires 1 antibiotic and 1 antifungal drug as well as a probiotic. Read more in the article: "Dysbacteriosis"

Allah asks:

my daughter is 4 months old. From birth, the stool is liquid, with white lumps, yellow color. Coprology is normal, bacterial culture is Proteus. Treated with phages, enzymes, without effect. Breast milk is sterile, I do not feed anything. Can properties breast milk affect the baby's stool? What should we do?

ella asks:

Hello. I have already used your services. thanks for the answer. I have one more question. my daughter is 4 months old. put PEP. prescribed dibazol, pagluferal 1/3 tab at night, veroshpiron 1/3 tab. morning for 9 days. the child has a tremor of the hands. she sleeps badly at night, wakes up often, asks for breasts, sleeps after feeding. day on hand. may be used to it. fontanel 0.5x0.5. the volume of the head is 39 cm. The doctor says that it is very small. I looked at your website and it seems to be normal. what do we do about the tremor. Thank you very much in advance.

Olga asks:

Hello! My child is 3 years old. Got sick with a rotavirus infection. The doctor ordered a stool test. In conclusion, it is written: Proteus mirabilis 10v6 growth is noted, enzymatically defective coli, clostridia against the background of a decrease in the growth of lactobacilli, normal Escherichia coli. Please help me decipher this statement.

Similar results may indicate that the child has intestinal dysbacteriosis. Proteus and clostridia are opportunistic microflora, which, when the body's defense reactions are weakened, can begin to multiply excessively on the intestinal mucosa. In this situation, it makes sense to undergo treatment with sorbents and probiotics to restore the normal balance of microflora. You can read more about this problem in our thematic section:

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