In Oxford they proved the existence of parallel worlds. A group of scientists has published three main pieces of evidence for the existence of parallel universes

British scientists from Oxford have proven the existence of parallel worlds. The head of the scientific team, Hugh Everett, explained this phenomenon in detail, MIGnews writes on Friday.

Albert Einstein's theory of relativity was a consequence of the creation of the parallel worlds hypothesis, which ideally explains the nature of quantum mechanics. She explains the existence of parallel worlds even using the example of a broken mug. There are a huge variety of outcomes of this event: the mug will fall on a person’s foot and will not break as a result, the person will be able to catch the mug as it falls. The number of outcomes, as scientists previously stated, is unlimited. The theory had no basis in fact, so it was quickly forgotten. During Everett's mathematical experiment, it was established that, being inside an atom, one cannot say that it really exists. To establish its dimensions, you need to take an “outside” position: measure two places at the same time. Thus, scientists have established the possibility of the existence of a huge number of parallel worlds.

Parallel world: Will a person be able to live in another dimension?

The term “parallel world” has been familiar for a long time. People have been thinking about its existence since the beginning of life on Earth. Belief in other dimensions appeared with man and was passed down from generation to generation in the form of myths, legends and tales. But what do we, modern people, know about parallel realities? Do they really exist? What is the opinion of scientists on this matter? And what awaits a person if he ends up in another dimension?

Opinion of official science

Physicists have long been saying that everything on Earth exists in a certain space and time. Humanity lives in three dimensions. Everything in it can be measured in height, length and width, therefore within these frameworks the understanding of the universe in our consciousness is concentrated. But official, academic science recognizes that there may be other planes that are hidden from our eyes. In modern science there is a term “string theory”. It is difficult to understand, but is based on the fact that in the Universe there is not one, but several spaces. They are invisible to people because they exist in a compressed form. There can be from 6 to 26 such measurements (according to scientists).

In 1931, the American Charles Fort introduced a new concept of “teleportation places”. It is through these areas of space that one can get to one of the parallel worlds. It is from there that poltergeists, ghosts, UFOs and other supernatural entities come to people. But since these “doors” open in both directions - into our world and one of the parallel realities - then it is possible that people can disappear into one of these dimensions.

New theories about parallel worlds

The official theory of a parallel world appeared in the 50s of the twentieth century. It was invented by mathematician and physicist Hugh Everett. This idea is based on the laws of quantum mechanics and probability theory. The scientist said that the number of possible outcomes of any event is equal to the number of parallel worlds. There can be an infinite number of similar options. Everett's theory was criticized and discussed among scientific luminaries for many years. However, recently, professors from Oxford University were able to logically confirm the existence of realities parallel to our plane. Their discovery is based on the same quantum physics.

Researchers have proven that the atom, as the basis of everything, as the building material of any substance, can occupy different positions, that is, appear in several places at the same time. Like elementary particles, everything can reside at several points in space, that is, in two or more worlds.

Real examples of people moving into a parallel plane

In the middle of the 19th century in Connecticut, two officials, Judge Wei and Colonel McArdle, were caught in the rain and a thunderstorm and decided to hide from them in a small wooden hut in the forest. When they entered there, the sounds of thunder ceased to be heard, and all around the travelers there was deafening silence and pitch darkness. They groped for a wrought-iron door in the darkness and looked into another room full of a faint greenish glow. The judge walked in and instantly disappeared, and McArdle slammed the heavy door, fell to the floor and lost consciousness. Later, the colonel was found in the middle of the road far from the location of the mysterious building. Then he came to his senses, told this story, but until the end of his days he was considered crazy.

In 1974, in Washington, one of the employees of the administrative building, Mr. Martin, went out into the street after work and saw his old car not where he left it in the morning, but on the opposite side of the street. He walked up to it, opened it and wanted to go home. But the key suddenly did not fit into the ignition. In a panic, the man returned to the building and wanted to call the police. But inside, everything was different: the walls were a different color, the telephone was gone from the lobby, and there was no office on his floor where Mr. Martin worked. Then the man ran outside and saw his car where he had parked it in the morning. Everything returned to its usual places, so the employee did not report the strange incident that happened to him to the police, and only spoke about it many years later. The American probably found himself in parallel space for a short time.

In an ancient castle near Comcrieff in Scotland, two women disappeared one day, unknown to where. The owner of the building, named McDogli, said that strange things happen in it and there are old occult books. In search of something mysterious, two elderly ladies secretly climbed into a house that the owner had abandoned after an ancient portrait fell on him one night. The women entered the space in the wall that appeared after the painting fell and disappeared. Rescuers were unable to find them or any trace of the tartans. There is a possibility that they opened a portal to another world, entered it and did not return.

Will people be able to live in another dimension?

There are different opinions about whether it is possible to live in one of the parallel worlds. Although there are many cases of people crossing into other dimensions, none of those who returned after a long stay in another reality completed their journey successfully. Some went crazy, others died, others unexpectedly grew old.

The fate of those who crossed through the portal and ended up in another dimension forever remained unknown. Psychics constantly say that they come into contact with creatures from other worlds. Supporters of the idea of ​​anomalous phenomena say that all the missing people are in those planes that exist parallel to ours. Maybe everything will become clearer if there is a person who can get into one of them and return back, or if the missing suddenly begin to appear in our world and describe exactly how they lived in a parallel dimension.

Thus, parallel worlds may be another reality that has remained virtually unexplored over all the millennia of human existence. Theories about them so far remain only guesses, ideas, conjectures, which modern scientists have only explained a little. It is likely that the universe has many worlds, but do people need to know about them and get into them, or is it enough for us to simply exist peacefully in our own space?

Scientists have announced evidence of the existence of parallel universes

    The universe was born in infinity. Despite the fact that in our universe there is a huge amount of matter and variants of its interaction, the number of its constituent particles is finite. And yet scientists believe that there may be other particles from other universes that are simply invisible to the speed-limited universe.

    Our finite Universe has a number of infinite worlds. This conclusion comes from the fact that the Big Bang was not the beginning of existence, but only a process of transformation due to the accumulation of the space-time relationship. This means that an infinite number of finite universes were formed.

    There are other finite worlds around the universe known to man. If at first everything was absolutely the same in all the formed worlds, then quantum uncertainty came into play and an infinite number of options for change and development appeared.

Scientists prove the existence of parallel worlds.

  • “Parallel universes exist”: The theory states that many variations of Us live in alternative worlds that interact with each other.

  • Researchers claim that Parallel Worlds constantly influence each other.

  • This happens because, instead of collapse, in which quantum particles “choose” whether to occupy one state or another, they actually occupy both states simultaneously.

  • The theory may solve some of the puzzles in quantum mechanics.

  • The theory suggests that some worlds are almost identical to ours, but most of them are different.

  • The theory may one day allow us to penetrate these worlds.

According to a controversial theory proposed in 1997 by theoretical physicist Juan Maldacena, the universe is a hologram and everything you see—including this article and the device you're reading it on—is simply a projection.
So far this amazing theory has not been tested, but recent mathematical models show that the stunning principle may be true.
According to the theory, gravity in the universe comes from thin, vibrating strings.

These strings are holograms of events that occur in a simpler, flatter cosmos.

Professor Maldacena's model suggests that the universe exists simultaneously in nine dimensions of space.

In December, Japanese researchers tried to solve this problem by providing mathematical evidence that the holographic principle may be correct.
The holographic principle suggests that, like a security chip on a credit card, for example, there is a two-dimensional surface that contains all the information needed to describe a three-dimensional object - which in this case is our Universe.
Essentially, the principle states that data containing a description of a volume of space—for example, a person or a comet—may be hidden in the region of this flattened, “real” version of the universe.

For example, in a black hole, all objects that ever fall into it will be entirely preserved in the vibrations of the surface. This means that objects will be stored almost as a "memory" or piece of data, but not as an existing real object.
Like Everett, Professor Wiseman and his colleagues propose that the Universe in which we exist is only one of a gigantic number of worlds.
They believe these worlds are almost identical to ours, while most of them are completely different.
All these worlds are equally real, existing continuously in time, and have precisely defined properties.

They suggest that quantum phenomena arise from a universal repulsive force between 'neighboring' worlds, making them even more different.
Dr Michael Hall from the Griffith Center for Quantum Dynamics added that the Many Interacting Worlds Theory could even create a unique opportunity to experiment and search for these worlds.
“The beauty of our approach is that if there is only one world, our theory reduces to Newtonian mechanics, and if there is a gigantic number of worlds it reproduces quantum mechanics,” he says.

If we are alone in the Universe, then perhaps our brothers in mind “live” in others - parallel worlds? Why not admit that our world has its own “double”? It may contain habitable planets, and their inhabitants may well be similar to us. You ask: where is the scientific evidence? Although indirect, there is evidence. (website)

Parallel worlds exist!

Everyone probably knows the hypothesis about the existence of parallel worlds. The version that, as a result of random quantum processes, the Universe “multiplies” and forms a large number of copies of itself is very attractive.

You can also cross out the laws of physics and consider them a pure abstraction. More recently, researchers from the European Space Agency made a truly sensational discovery. Using super-powerful telescopes, scientists have discovered anomalous areas in the Universe that glow so brightly that this phenomenon simply does not correspond to physical laws. This fact confirms the theory of parallel worlds capable of penetrating each other, as if seeping through. And the “luminous spots” represent a trace of long-standing contact with another space. Different measurements may have different physical constants.

Ranga-Ram Chari, a Californian astrophysicist of Egyptian origin, analyzed a series of data and discovered “noise” that could only be caused by the contact of two spheres. It is in these spheres, or bubbles, that the birth of universes occurs.

Mythology and modern physics about parallel worlds

At the Max Planck Ranga-Ram Chari Observatory, it was possible to obtain photographs from space depicting flashes, which, apparently, are the places of contact of the two universes.

In this regard, we recall the ancient Indian myth about the god Vishnu, who supports the entire universe and gives creation impetus. Every second, the pores of his body give birth to spherical “bubbles”, that is, universes. As we see, the discoveries of modern scientists confirm ancient myths.

According to the multiverse hypothesis that is popular today, the birth of universes occurs at a short distance from one to another. At the place of their contact, bright rings appear - exactly the same as those found in the photographs by Chari.

We are simply not allowed into parallel worlds

Ancient sources speak repeatedly about the existence of another Universe. It is noteworthy that Tsiolkovsky, the father of cosmonautics, believed in its existence, but at the same time said that we would never be allowed there. What did the brilliant scientist mean? If we assume that in a world parallel to ours, the physical laws known to us do not work, then how will we get there? After all, all the technologies that a person can create will be built in accordance with the standards of this, but not the neighboring world. We know nothing at all about him...

It turns out that the latest discovery by scientists has no practical benefit for humanity? Not certainly in that way. It will at least once again make us think: how does the universe really work? And what place does man and his still imperfect consciousness occupy in it?.. In the end, this explains such a phenomenon as anomalous zones, which may well be gates to parallel worlds.

Do you think that parallel Universes are just an invention of science fiction writers? Not at all. Scientists around the world have long been approaching the solution to parallel worlds and are finding more and more evidencethat they really exist. Until now, scientists have limited themselves only to theoreticalmodels of parallel Universes, but over the past 10 years several scientificconfirmation of these theories.

The first confirmation was found during the study of a map of cosmic microwave background radiationspace. Let us recall that cosmic microwave background radiation is electromagnetic radiation in Space,which was discovered in the 20th century. Its existence was predicted by astrophysicist GeorgiyGamow, who is one of the creators of the Big Bang theory. According to this theory, inprimordial electromagnetic radiation must exist in outer space,appeared with the formation of the Universe.

In 1983, experiments were carried out to measure the cosmic microwave background radiation, as a result of whichIt turned out that the temperature of this radiation is not uniform throughout space. This is how maps of cosmic microwave background radiation appeared, on which colder and hotter areas are marked. ExceptIn addition, accurate measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic microwave background radiation were made using satellites, andit turned out that it fully corresponds to the radiation spectrum of a completely black body with a temperature 2.725 Kelvin.

Let's go back to the present day. In 2010, scientists from University College London, studying mapscosmic microwave background radiation, discovered several round zones with anomalously high radiation temperatures. According to scientists, these “potholes” appeared as a result of the collision of our Universe with parallel Universes due to their gravitational influence. Scientists suggest that our worldis just a small “bubble” floating in space and colliding with othersworlds-Universes similar to it. There have been no fewer such collisions since the Big Bang.four, say the researchers.

Another confirmation of the theory of parallel worlds was discovered by mathematicians from Oxford. Byin their opinion, only the theory of splitting the Universe into an infinite number of parallel worldscan explain some phenomena of quantum mechanics. As is known, one of the fundamentallaws of quantum mechanics is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. This principle states that forIt is impossible to simultaneously determine the exact speed and exact location (coordinates in space and trajectory) of the same particle. And this is not a theory, this isa fact that scientists have encountered in advanced research. Trying to measure the particle's speed, they could not determine itlocation, and while trying to identify the position, they could not measure the speed. Thus,both began to be determined by probabilistic characteristics.

In general, all quantum mechanics is built on probabilities, since precise measurements in it are practicallyimpossible. Many scientists who undertook the study of quantum phenomena came to the conclusion thatour Universe is not completely deterministic, that is, it is only a collection

Probabilities. For example, the famous photon experiment, where a beam of light is directed atplate with slits, showed that in principle it is impossible to determine which photon passed throughwhat kind of gap, but you can create a so-called “probability distribution” picture.

Thus, scientists from Oxford concluded that it was Hugh Everett's theory of fissionuniverse into many copies of itself can explain the probabilistic nature of quantummeasurements. Hugh Everett is one of the founders of the theory of the existence of parallel realities. In the mid-20th century, he presented a dissertation on the topic of the splitting of worlds. According tohis theory, every moment our Universe creates an infinite number of copies of itself, and theneach copy continues to split in the same way. Splitting is caused by our decisions and actions,each of which has countless options for implementation. Everett's theory is longremained unnoticed and, of course, was not taken seriously. However, they remembered her afterfruitless attempts to explain the absolute uncertainty of quantum phenomena and states.

Of course, science fiction writers were the first to write about parallel worlds, but gradually their ideas migrated toscientific direction. Since then, the idea that the theory of parallel Universes has become stronger in the minds of scientistsmay become a new scientific paradigm in the future. Hugh Everett's ideas were developed and supportedsuch scientists as Andrei Linde - professor of physics at Stanford University, Martin Rees -Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at the University of Cambridge, Max Tegmark is Professor of Physics andastronomy at the University of Pennsylvania, etc. Perhaps very interesting discoveries await us in the future.

If you are a lover of scientific secrets and the latest discoveries, then pay attention to the sensational books by Anastasia Novykh called “Sensei” (below is one of the quotes from these books). From them you can learn even more about the mysteries of the universe, as well as about scientific discoveries, on the threshold of which modern Scientists are just standing. It's surprising, but many recent discoveries by scientists were described in detail in books several years before they were announced. You have a rare opportunity to find out what really awaits us. You can download all books from our website completely free of charge.

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

And there really are a lot of forms of life! If people have time, they will be able to study the parallel paradox. There is nothing complicated there. All you need is... However, we won’t go into details. In short, there is nothing complicated; with the development of modern technologies, it is quite possible to go to a parallel world and find there a completely intelligent life with the appropriate intelligence. Why look for it somewhere on Mars with its dangerous microbes for people, if it is nearby? Life is full. By and large, the Universe is life itself, life in its most extensive manifestation and diversity.

- Anastasia NOVIKH "Ezoosmos"

Parallel worlds have attracted thousands of researchers; it has already been proven that this is a reality that exists in parallel. The physics of space can be both similar and different, there is witchcraft and magic, time flows differently. People who managed to accidentally find a portal to a parallel world were absent for a long time, and only hours passed in another reflection.

Parallel worlds - what is it?

The idea that there are many worlds was put forward by the ancient philosophers Democritus, Metrodorus of Chios and Epicurus. Later, scientists developed the same theory, based on the principle of isonomy - equal being. The laws of physics argue that all dimensions are connected by photon tunnels, this allows you to move through them without distorting the law of energy conservation. There are versions about such portals:

  1. The door to another world opens in “black holes,” since these are funnels that suck in matter.
  2. It is possible to open a portal to a parallel world with correctly designed models of different mirrors. Such stone surfaces were found near the Tibetan pyramids, when expedition members began to see themselves in a different reality.

Parallel worlds - evidence of existence

For many years now, scientists have been debating: do parallel worlds exist? Serious study of the problem was carried out in the middle of the last century, when the scientist Hugh Everett published the materials of his scientific work, giving a formulation of photon mechanics through the convention of states. The physicist was the first to notice the discrepancies between the wave and matrix formulas, which formed the basis of the theory of the Multiverse:

  1. During the selection process, all its possibilities are realized.
  2. Each choice is different from the others because it is implemented in a different reflection.
  3. It does not matter who makes the choice: an electron or a person.

The theory developed by physicists about the existence of many worlds is called the superstring theory or the theory of the Multiverse. Parapsychologists, for their part, argue that there are supposedly more than 40 portals to other dimensions in the world, 4 of which are located in Australia, another 7 in the USA, and 1 in Russia, in the Gelendzhik region, in an old mine. There is evidence that the young guy who decided to go down there disappeared for a week, and came up already very old, and did not remember anything about what happened.

How many parallel worlds are there?

Physicists suggest that the existence of parallel worlds is confirmed by superstring theory. It testifies that all the elements of the world are made of oscillating threads and membranes of energy. According to this theory, there can be from 10 to the 100th power to 10 to the 500th power of other dimensions. Mathematicians present their proofs. If parallel lines can coexist in two-dimensional space, and parallel planes can coexist in three-dimensional space, then parallel three-dimensional spaces can also coexist in four-dimensional space.

What does a parallel world look like?

Scientists find it difficult to describe parallel worlds, because the parallels cannot intersect, and it is difficult to visit that reflection for the sake of experience. In this matter we can only rely on the words of eyewitnesses. In their vision, parallel worlds are:

  • nature of amazing beauty, inhabited by elves, gnomes and dragons;
  • an area similar to a volcanic crater, bathed in crimson light;
  • rooms and streets reminiscent of childhood places, filled with light.

The only thing in which the descriptions are similar is in the strong stream of light that appears from the void. Scientists saw similar phenomena in the pyramids of the pharaohs; researchers came up with the version that the chambers were covered with unique alloys that glow in the dark. When you try to expose the chip to sunlight, these alloys disintegrate, it is impossible to study them, so there is no exact data.

How to get to a parallel world?

Traveling to is one of the popular themes of science fiction writers and the dream of many inhabitants of the Earth. According to theorists, the simplest way is a dream, in which information is received and transmitted many times faster than in reality. If we talk about conscious movement, then the situation is somewhat different. According to esotericists, it is possible to get into another world, but it is very dangerous, since the different nature of the emitted waves can negatively affect the structure of the human brain. But through trial and error, several ways have been developed to help make such a journey:

  1. Lucid dream, which involves turning off consciousness and immersing yourself in another reality.
  2. Meditation. The techniques are similar.
  3. Using a mirror. Since ancient times, magicians have created special rituals for this.
  4. Via elevator. The transition is best done at night, alone, pressing the floor numbers in a certain sequence.

Creatures from parallel worlds

It’s difficult to say what parallel worlds are and what lives there. But a great many people have observed creatures from another reflection of reality at all times. It's not just about humanoids. The most famous cases of such meetings:

  1. '93 In Rome, people saw a glowing, golden ball that floated across the sky.
  2. 235 year. In China, the warring parties saw a large scarlet ball, which threw out rays in the form of daggers, moving from north to south.
  3. 848 The French noticed objects in the sky that were shaped like glowing cigars.
  • fairies;
  • poltergeists;
  • Critters.

Movies about parallel worlds

There are many films about parallel worlds; directors and writers call this genre fantasy. There our world is depicted as part of the multiverse. All categories of viewers love to watch about parallel worlds. Most popular films:

  1. “Parallel Worlds” (2011, Canada)- adventure, fantasy.
  2. "The Chronicles of Narnia" (2005, USA)- pure fantasy.
  3. “Sliding” (1995 - 2000, USA)- a series closer to science fiction.
  4. “Fierce Planet” (2011, USA)- adventure, fantasy, thriller.
  5. "Verbo" (2011, Spain)- fantastic.

Books about parallel worlds

Are there parallel worlds on earth? – writers have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time. The very first tales about the Gardens of Eden, Inferno, Olympus and Valhalla completely fall under the category of stories about parallel worlds. The specific concept of the existence of other dimensions appeared already in the 19th century, with the light hand of Herbert Wells. There are hundreds of novels about time travel in modern literature, but the following classics are called the pioneers:

  1. H.G. Wells, "The Door in the Wall."
  2. Herbert Dent, "Emperor of the If Country."
  3. Veniamin Girshgorn, "Unceremonious Romance".
  4. Jorge Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths.
  5. “Multi-tiered world” is a cycle of fantasy stories.
  6. “The Chronicles of Amber” is the most striking reflection of other dimensions in literature.

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