Valentin Yudashkin's disease. Valentin Yudashkin is seriously ill. Valentin Yudashkin - illness

Fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin underwent kidney surgery. Now the couturier is not in danger, but due to surgical intervention he had to miss his own show, which took place as part of Paris Fashion Week, because doctors did not allow him to leave Moscow. Before the start of the fashion show, viewers watched a video message from Valentin Yudashkin, broadcast on the big screen. Yudashkin apologized in French for his absence. Instead, the designer’s daughter Galina Maksakova and her son Anatoly took to the podium. Among the celebrity guests of the event were fashion critic Suzy Menkes, head of the Russian branch of Conde Nast Karina Dobrotvorskaya and editor-in-chief of Russian Vogue Victoria Davydova.

Valentin Yudashkin's illness: optimistic news

Valentin Yudashkin underwent emergency kidney surgery and was unable to attend the show of his collection in Paris. The operation was unplanned and could not have been foreseen in advance. But the fashion week of the Russian house Valentin Yudashkin was not cancelled. Instead of the ill couturier, his wife Marina and daughter Galina and their family came to the French capital.
“We spent a whole week preparing the show, doing fittings, selecting hairstyles and makeup, and casting models,” Galina describes the preparatory work on social networks.

“The doctors didn’t let me go, they said it was better to stay in Moscow, because due to flights and changes in blood pressure, it’s better not to take risks,” explained the designer’s wife Marina Yudashkina. - Actually, these are kidneys. It was an easy operation. It happened, no one expected it. Two weeks before the show, the doctors said: we won’t let you go. Although the collection was already ready, everyone was sitting on their suitcases. We took off and waited until the last minute for him to arrive, but the doctors did not allow it.

Published 09.10.16 18:58

52-year-old Valentin Yudashkin was hospitalized right before the show of his new collection at Paris Fashion Week, which gave rise to rumors about the designer’s terrible illness.

Illness prevented Valentin Yudashkin from taking part in the fashion show at Haute Couture Week in Paris

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Famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin was forced to miss his own show at Paris Fashion Week, which gave rise to rumors that he had serious health problems.

According to media reports, the 52-year-old couturier was hospitalized right before the collection show in Paris, and therefore all the work intkbbee The presentation was conducted by his daughter Galina, art director of the fashion house.

Couturier only left a video message apologizing for his absence in French. After the show of his collection, the designer’s daughter Galina Maksakova appeared on the podium with her little son Anatoly.

Later, the fashion designer’s wife, Marina Yudashkina, reported that Valentin had undergone emergency kidney surgery and was now undergoing rehabilitation; his health was no longer in danger, however, doctors did not recommend that he leave Moscow until he had fully recovered.

“Valentin Abramovich feels good, much better than before the show in Paris. He is very pleased with the results of French Fashion Week. He doesn’t have time to be sick, because the show is coming to Moscow very soon. He will present his collection here too. So, everything is fine with us!” - Marina Yudashkina said in an interview with StarHit.

Now the fashion designer is being looked after by his wife and his mother.

Meanwhile, some Russian media wrote that the 52-year-old couturier was diagnosed with cancer, but no other details were provided.

Recently, fans of the fashion designer’s work have noticed that Valentin Yudashkin has lost a lot of weight and looks pale and haggard.

Maxim Fadeev told the truth about Yudashkin’s illness

A close friend of Valentin Yudashkin, the famous producer Maxim Fadeev, who has also been suffering from kidney problems for several years, confirmed that the couturier was operated on abroad.

“Valya is in the hospital. I know what it is. It hurts! It’s unbearably painful... what he feels. Well, naturally, I wish Valyusha a speedy recovery. He wasn’t at the show, but if a person who has been for a long, long time this he’s cooking, and suddenly he can’t go out on his own, this is already serious,” the producer said in the NTV program “You Won’t Believe It!”

“No one has ever placed such a responsibility on me,” Yudashkina shared. “I remember how my dad called a few days before the show and said: “Galya, I won’t come!” I suspected that this was possible, but until the last I believed that he will be able to fly to Paris. So I pulled myself together and did everything not to let him down."


Valentin struggled with the disease for several months. Due to his illness, he changed not only externally (Valentin lost a little weight), but also internally. “Dad is already actively working and traveling. The illness forced him to pull himself together and start acting. He proved that we cannot be defeated so easily,” Hello magazine quotes Yudashkina.

According to her, Valentin dotes on Anatoly’s little grandson. “It seems to me that after the birth of his grandson, dad changed a lot: he became softer. He enjoys playing with our son when he has time. Tolik is not a problem for us, and parents get a thrill from communicating with him,” Galina said.

As the site wrote, Galina and her husband Petr Maksakov communicate with their first-born in two languages ​​- Russian and English. “Many people told us: “Well, how can this be? It is too early! He’s very small!” No, on the contrary, children under three years old very quickly absorb all the information, and now we see that Tolya understands everything perfectly. If I say: “Come to me,” he goes. And if Petya through for a minute he shouts: “Come to me!” – he runs towards him,” Yudashkina shares.

52-year-old Valentin Yudashkin was hospitalized right before the show of his new collection at Paris Fashion Week, which gave rise to rumors about the designer’s terrible illness.

Famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin was forced to miss his own show at Paris Fashion Week, which gave rise to rumors that he had serious health problems.

According to media reports, the 52-year-old couturier was hospitalized right before the collection show in Paris, and therefore all the work for the presentation was done by his daughter Galina, the art director of the fashion house.

Couturier only left a video message apologizing for his absence in French. After the show of his collection, the designer’s daughter Galina Maksakova appeared on the podium with her little son Anatoly.

Later, the fashion designer’s wife, Marina Yudashkina, reported that Valentin had undergone emergency kidney surgery and was now undergoing rehabilitation; his health was no longer in danger, however, doctors did not recommend that he leave Moscow until he had fully recovered.

“Valentin Abramovich feels good, much better than before the show in Paris. He is very pleased with the results of French Fashion Week. He doesn’t have time to be sick, because the show is coming to Moscow very soon. He will present his collection here too. So, everything is fine with us!” - Marina Yudashkina said in an interview with StarHit.

Now the fashion designer is being looked after by his wife and his mother.

Meanwhile, some Russian media wrote that the 52-year-old couturier was diagnosed with cancer, but no other details were provided.

Recently, fans of the fashion designer’s work have noticed that Valentin Yudashkin has lost a lot of weight and looks pale and haggard.

A close friend of Valentin Yudashkin, the famous producer Maxim Fadeev, who has also been suffering from kidney problems for several years, confirmed that the couturier was operated on abroad.

“Valya is in the hospital. I know what it is. It hurts! It’s unbearably painful... what he feels. Well, naturally, I wish Valyusha a speedy recovery. He wasn’t at the show, but if the person who has been preparing this for a long, long time, and suddenly he can’t go out on his own, this is already serious,” the producer said in the NTV program “You won’t believe it!

Doctors again saved Joseph Kobzon from inevitable death.

Many years ago, fashion designer Valentin YUDASHKIN decided that he was the best gift for women on March 8th. Since then, on this day in the Kremlin Palace, fellow artists perform songs in outfits created by the couturier, and the culmination of the holiday is the presentation of the new collection.

Many were initially worried whether the show would take place Yudashkina this year. Recently, in the “Live Broadcast” program, he thanked the attending doctors, luminaries in the field of oncology, and emphasized that his family and friends are helping him fight this serious illness.

And now Valentin Abramovich, very haggard, but not losing his fighting spirit, welcomes guests to his holiday. Although everyone had to worry a lot.

Trouble has come to our house. Of course, the first thing that comes is shock,” thought Yudashkin’s longtime friend Philip Kirkorov. - Thank God, we made it in time. Things could have been much worse. I have never seen a man more courageous than Valentin. And maybe that’s why he defeated the terrible disease, and everything is behind him.

Although, of course, cancer is an insidious disease and the fight against it will be serious. A regular participant in Yudashkin’s show knows this better than anyone else - Joseph Kobzon. Doctors more than ten years ago diagnosed the master with prostate cancer. The fact that the great singer recently suffered a relapse and spent more than a month in a foreign clinic was revealed by an old friend of his on his social network page. Nikolai Werner, living in Berlin.

Dear friends! I ask you to unite our kind prayers for the recovery of Joseph Davydovich Kobzon! - he wrote. - Since January 16, he has been very ill, weeks of hard struggle in the hospital! According to the tests, there is an improvement, but he still feels bad and has very little strength. I believe that if many kind, bright people light candles and pray for the health of Joseph Davydovich in churches, synagogues, mosques, then this powerful healing energy will certainly crush the evil that hovers over him.

The 39-year-old Jasmine(Sarah Manakhimova), it seems that the white stripe will not start either. Not only is her current husband Ilan Shor is still under house arrest in Moldova in the case of the theft of $1 billion, as recently it became known that a criminal case had been initiated against the singer’s previous husband, a businessman Vyacheslav Semendueva. He is suspected of stealing $5 million that was allocated for the construction of a residential complex in Sochi. According to the investigation, part of the money is in the accounts of Semenduev, whose company carried out the construction of this project. Jasmine categorically refused to comment on the latest events, and the attention of the writing fraternity immediately switched to Nikolai Baskov.

Meet, Alina August! - he introduced his companion.

Kolya didn’t even try to convince her that this was his “new girl”, and honestly explained that he was finally getting into show business in earnest - one of these days he was opening a production center, and this was his ward.

Philip Kirkorov’s dad, 84-year-old Bedros, came not alone. He was also accompanied by a pretty blonde.

Marta Eduardovna, a representative of the Happy Children Foundation, began to brush aside all frivolous suspicions Kirkorov Sr.. - I meet her at work.

And, taking the beauty by the elbow, he hurried away. Nothing other than discussing work issues.

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