Viral enteritis in dogs. Coronavirus and parvovirus enteritis in dogs Symptoms of enteritis disease in dogs

Despite the fact that all owners of dogs (cats, hamsters, fish and other pets) dream that their pets will grow up healthy, strong and cheerful, unfortunately, sooner or later they are faced with animal diseases.

Some of them respond well to treatment and do not leave serious consequences after recovery. Others are very severe, difficult to treat and often lead to death. One of these terrible diseases is parvovirus enteritis in dogs. Symptoms, treatment, necessary help for an animal - this is what every person who has a four-legged friend lives in their home should know.

What is parvovirus enteritis?

A highly contagious (infectious), acute and severe viral disease, which is characterized by high animal mortality, are brief characteristics of parvovirus enteritis. Enteritis of dogs of the second type, the most common in our country and the USA, has synonymous names: infectious enteritis, parvovirus infection, canine parvovirus.

Penetrating into the animal’s body, the virus attacks cells, usually the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, and immune blood cells (neutrophils and lymphocytes), which naturally causes a weakening of the immune system. More often, parvovirus enteritis in dogs is observed in young animals - puppies from six to twenty weeks, as well as in older individuals. It is these age groups that have the weakest immunity to this dangerous virus.

Parvovirus enteritis is very often complicated by the cardiac form. Even after complete recovery, the animal may still have the consequences of parvovirus enteritis. They can remain until the end of the dog’s life as a consequence of the development of acute inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis).

Parvovirus enteritis of carnivores is not transmitted to humans and people are not carriers of the virus.

Characteristics of parvovirus enteritis

Although the nature of this canine virus has not yet been precisely studied, there is an assumption that it originated from panleukopenia, a feline virus. It is a non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA virus that is resistant to most disinfectants and a wide range of pH and temperature.

The virus retains its ability to infect at room temperature in a room for at least sixty days. In the open air, when it is protected from direct sunlight and drying out, it is completely viable for years.

Types of enteritis

Veterinary virologists today distinguish two types of parvovirus enteritis, which can affect dogs:

  • CPV 1 - the first type.
  • CPV 2 is the second type.

CPV2 causes the most severe disease and affects not only domestic dogs, but also wild canids. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs of the second type can have the following varieties:

  • classic CPV-2.
  • CPV-2a.
  • CPV-2b.
  • CPV-2c.

2a and 2b are antigenic models that have quite a lot of similarities not only with each other, but also with classical CPV-2. Variant 2c has a unique antigenic pattern that distinguishes it significantly from other types. Moreover, any parvovirus enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms.

Differences in the 2c model have long led virologists to believe that vaccinating dogs is not effective in this case. However, recent studies have proven that the current vaccine against canine parvovirus enteritis based on the 2b virus provides the necessary level of protection against 2c.

What dog breeds are most susceptible to enteritis?

It must be repeated that puppies from six weeks to six months who have not been vaccinated at all or if the vaccination process was not carried out on time are especially vulnerable to this virus. For the health of the puppy, vaccination of the mother is of great, and sometimes even decisive, importance. The following breeds are most at risk of contracting parvovirus:

  • Doberman;
  • English Springer Spaniel;
  • Rottweiler;
  • American Pit Bull Terrier;
  • German Shepherd;
  • American Staffordshire Terrier;
  • Labrador Retriever.

By receiving colostrum, puppies born from a timely vaccinated mother are fairly well protected from the dangerous virus for the first few weeks of life. But over time, the young animal’s susceptibility to infection increases as the effect of the antibodies obtained from the mother’s milk weakens.

Parvovirus enteritis in puppies can develop due to weakened immunity caused by stressful events: malnutrition, weaning of sisters and brothers from the litter and other unfavorable factors. Among adult animals older than six months, males who have never known females are most often affected. In older dogs over seven years of age, parvovirus actively develops due to age-related weakening of the immune system.

Parvovirus enteritis: forms and symptoms of the disease

"Multican-6" - in addition to the listed diseases, this composition includes the prevention of leptospirosis.

If you had a dog in your house that had a viral infection, then before purchasing a puppy, thoroughly disinfect the entire apartment, quartz each room for an hour and do not bring the puppy into the house for a month. To prolong immunity and protect the puppy from possible infection with a viral infection, at one and a half months he will need serum against parvovirus enteritis.

A serum should be administered that will extend the puppy’s immunity to three types of infections for two weeks: plague, hepatitis and enteritis. This polyvalent serum is obtained from the blood of horses that have been hyperimmunized with strains of canine parvovirus, canine distemper virus, and canine adenovirus serotype 2. It is a clear light yellow liquid. Sometimes it has a reddish tint. The product is recommended for subcutaneous injections.

When storing whey, a small gray-white precipitate may appear, which is easily broken when shaken into a uniform suspension. The serum is available in glass bottles with a capacity of ten milliliters. It is administered under the supervision of a veterinarian, since the effect of prolonging immunity can only be achieved if the vaccination was carried out on an absolutely healthy puppy. If you administer it to a baby who has signs of illness that an inexperienced dog breeder may not be aware of, the effect may be the opposite: the picture of the disease will be blurred, since the serum has a therapeutic effect. The disease will take on a latent form and as a result may lead to the death of the animal.

Enteritis is a common disease that affects not only people, but also dogs. For animals, this pathology is extremely dangerous and can lead to serious complications, including death. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the dog owner needs to recognize the symptoms of infection in time and take the necessary measures. How does enteritis occur in dogs, what should be done to cure your pet?

It is an infectious disease that develops due to the reproduction and activity of pathogenic microorganisms - parvoviruses, coronaviruses, rotaviruses. They cause inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and with prolonged course and some forms of the disease can affect the myocardium, kidneys, liver and other vital organs. The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms causes destruction of the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, it swells greatly, food digestion is disrupted, and nutrients are no longer absorbed into the blood.

Once entering the animal’s body, viruses immediately begin to multiply, triggering an immune response, but the amount of antibodies sufficient to effectively combat foreign agents is produced only on the 5-6th day. During this time, irreversible changes may already begin in tissues and organs, leading to the death of the dog.

For reference! Viral enteritis in dogs is not dangerous to people and other pets, with the exception of the rotavirus form, which can affect small children, so it is better to take precautions when interacting with it.

Causes of the disease

Pathogenic microorganisms that cause the development of the disease enter the animal’s digestive tract from the environment. They are contained in the saliva, feces and vomit of the virus carrier, and it is not at all necessary that the infected individual has been in the house - pathogens can be brought on shoes and clothes, or on the paws of other pets. The danger is that viruses begin to be released even during the incubation period, when the infected individual appears healthy.

In addition, the microorganisms that cause the development of enteritis are extremely tenacious and can easily tolerate high or low temperatures, as well as environmental changes, in particular, exposure to gastric juice. Research shows that at the height of the disease, an infected dog's vomit and feces contain enough virus to infect up to a million other dogs.

Who is at risk for infection with enteritis?

Not every dog ​​develops the disease, even if pathogens enter the body - the immune system of some animals successfully copes with foreign agents. At risk are weakened animals, as well as puppies aged 2 to 14 weeks.

Individuals from 20 weeks to a year tolerate enteritis a little easier, but it is still considered an extremely dangerous disease, and in older dogs (from one year to 7-8 years) it occurs practically without complications and responds well to treatment. There are a number of factors that contribute to the development of enteritis and increase the risk of infection.

  1. Lack of vaccinations. Vaccinated dogs rarely get enteritis, and if infected, the disease does not cause serious complications and is rarely fatal.
  2. Unbalanced diet. An incorrect diet, sudden changes in the usual menu, feeding prohibited foods, too hot or cold food lead to inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it easier for enteritis pathogens to carry out their task.
  3. Weakening of the immune system. If a dog’s immunity works normally, pathogenic organisms have no chance of reproducing, and in weakened individuals the disease progresses quickly and severely.
  4. Accompanying illnesses. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and other pathologies are also a predisposing factor to the development of enteritis.

For reference! A dog of any breed can get enteritis, but, according to the observations of veterinarians, East European Shepherds suffer from the disease more severely.

Enteritis in puppies

For puppies, enteritis is considered a very dangerous disease - it is extremely difficult to cure, and most infected individuals die. The destructive effects of pathogenic microorganisms are associated with the peculiarities of their life activity, as well as the physiological characteristics of small dogs.

Once in the bloodstream, viruses first begin to attack cells that are in the active growth phase - in puppies these are the cells lining the intestines, as well as the myocardium. Toxins produced by pathogens enter the liver, which, due to age-related characteristics, cannot neutralize them. Puppies that feed on the milk of vaccinated bitches develop immunity, but it does not last long, and young puppies become infected very easily - they only need to sniff infected feces or play on the grass where a carrier of the disease had previously passed. If the mother has not been vaccinated, the chances of her cubs becoming ill when exposed to the virus increase to 100%.

Symptomatic manifestations of enteritis

Enteritis does not have specific symptoms - its manifestations resemble those of other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. The incubation period, as a rule, lasts from 1 to 10 days, but the speed of manifestation, intensity and other features depend on the form of the disease, the number of viruses that have entered the body, and the general condition of the animal. Common symptoms of enteritis in dogs include:

  • lethargy, apathy and weakness (the animal refuses to play, moves with difficulty);
  • temperature increase by several degrees;
  • abdominal pain – when palpating or trying to touch the stomach, the dog will show anxiety, aggression or whine pitifully;
  • loss of appetite, and some individuals cannot even drink water;
  • vomiting of viscous or foamy masses, which appears a few days after the onset of the disease;
  • loose stools - feces are dark in color, sometimes contain blood and have a putrid odor.

Attention! Similar manifestations can be observed in infectious diseases caused by the activity of other microorganisms, therefore, before starting treatment, the virus should be diagnosed by passing the appropriate tests.

Video Enteritis in dogs

Types of disease in dogs

Depending on the virus that caused the disease, enteritis can be coronavirus, parvovirus and rotavirus. The parvovirus form of the disease is considered the most dangerous for dogs - 80-85% of sick dogs die from it. Coronavirus and rotavirus varieties cause death much less frequently (in 5-10% of cases), but can cause complications and secondary diseases.

Non-viral enteritis

The above forms of the disease are classified as infectious, but sometimes non-viral enteritis occurs - an inflammatory bowel disease caused not by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, but by other factors (poisoning, poor diet, burns of the mucous membrane, etc.). The symptoms of the disease are similar to the viral form of the disease with a slight difference - first the dog develops diarrhea mixed with mucus, and then blood. As the intestines cease to perform their functions, food decomposes and rots, which causes an unpleasant odor from the mouth and intoxication of the body. Vomiting is observed in the later stages of the disease - at first it is transparent and foamy, and then impurities of bile and blood appear.

The parvovirus form of enteritis is characterized by extensive damage to intestinal tissues - in severe, prolonged course of the disease, they are completely destroyed, and fragments are released with feces and vomit. This type of disease has three forms - intestinal, cardiac and mixed, each of which has its own symptoms.

Table 1. Features and clinical course of forms of parvovirus enteritis.

Form of the diseasePeculiarities
IntestinalThe main signs are lethargy, lack of appetite, and the appearance of uncontrollable vomiting in foamy, viscous masses. After vomiting, there is watery stool and sometimes fever. After a few days, the diarrhea becomes bloody and the dog begins to experience severe pain in the stomach area. Without treatment, the animal may die from dehydration within 2-3 days.
HeartMost often diagnosed in young animals under 9 weeks of age. The puppy becomes apathetic, sleeps all the time, refuses to eat, but there is no pain in the abdomen, diarrhea or vomiting. There may be rumbling in the stomach and breathing problems - severe shortness of breath or, conversely, too quiet, shallow breathing. Most sick puppies die, and the rest acquire chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system.
MixedThe disease affects both the gastrointestinal tract and the heart muscle, so the dog may experience symptoms of the intestinal and cardiac forms. The disease is most susceptible to weakened dogs, puppies of unvaccinated bitches, as well as those who suffer from concomitant infections - adenovirus, rotavirus.

The intestinal form of parvovirus enteritis is observed in 80% of cases, the cardiac form - in 20%, the mixed form is diagnosed much less frequently.

Coronavirus enteritis

With coronavirus enteritis, the pathological process affects only the tops of the intestinal villi, so it proceeds much more easily and leaves the dog a better chance of recovery. Only weakened animals and puppies die; adults survive and are completely cured. Pathology caused by coronavirus can occur in two forms - mild and acute.

  1. The mild form often goes unnoticed by the dog owner, and goes away after treatment with conventional absorbents, and sometimes without any therapy. The animal's appetite decreases, slight lethargy appears, fever, severe vomiting and diarrhea are absent - mild digestive disorders in the form of semi-liquid stool are possible.
  2. The acute form develops quite quickly - the dog stops eating and drinking, moderate vomiting and loose, bright yellow stools appear. After a few days, a secondary infection occurs, the stool becomes light brown, the dog becomes apathetic and lethargic.

Important! Animal owners are often interested in the clinical course and treatment of adenoviral enteritis, but veterinarians say that this type of virus is incapable of causing inflammatory processes in the intestines, so we are most likely talking about the parvovirus form of the disease.

The rotavirus form of the disease develops quickly - within about a day after the virus enters the body, but the pathological process practically does not threaten the life of the animal. The dog becomes lethargic and apathetic, after a while diarrhea appears with the release of dark yellow feces. Bowel movements occur 6-8 times a day, sometimes a sick animal’s temperature rises and vomiting begins.


Veterinarians identify parvovirus and coronavirus gastroenteritis as a separate type of disease - pathological processes that affect not only the intestines, but also the stomach. Gastroenteritis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea, usually mixed with blood;
  • abdominal pain;
  • flatulence;
  • lethargy, refusal to eat and drink;
  • temperature increase;
  • heavy, hoarse breathing.

A dog with gastroenteritis

The danger of these diseases is that they can occur in a latent form (the dog becomes lethargic and eats poorly, there are no pronounced symptoms), which is why there is no timely treatment. In the fulminant form, veterinarians may not have time to save the pet - some individuals die within several hours.

Characteristic signs of enteritis in dogs

Enteritis has no specific symptoms, but based on some signs the owner may suspect the disease and begin treatment. Infectious inflammation of the intestines can be suspected when the dog’s condition worsens sharply and quickly, and the manifestations cannot be associated with external factors - food eaten, changes in diet, etc.

The second alarming sign is uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhea. In case of poisoning and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea are usually periodic, and with enteritis, bowel movements can occur every 20-40 minutes. Defecation in dogs suffering from the parvovirus form of the disease has one peculiarity - feces fly out in a stream, at a distance of a meter from the animal, and flakes and tissue fragments can be seen in the masses.

Dogs with this diagnosis are severely weakened, but cannot lie on their stomachs due to stomach pain - they try to sit with their front legs spread wide apart, and if they are severely dehydrated and weak, they lie on their sides.

Attention! Severe vomiting and diarrhea in a dog are always warning signs and require immediate medical attention.

What to do if you suspect enteritis

At the slightest suspicion of enteritis, you should take your pet to the clinic as soon as possible - if you start therapy in the first two days of illness, the chances of recovery increase significantly. The dog needs to have its temperature taken and also pay attention to its stool – the presence of foam or blood is a bad sign. Any features of the course of the disease can play an important role in making a diagnosis, so they need to be remembered, or even better, written down.

You should not give any medications before the dog has been examined by a specialist - improper treatment can lead to a worsening of the condition. The only thing the owner can do is buy a solution at the pharmacy to restore water and electrolyte balance and give the animal a little every 10 minutes. In addition, an infected dog should be isolated from other pets and small children, feces should be removed as quickly as possible, and hands should be washed thoroughly after any manipulations with the patient.

Diagnosis of enteritis

To diagnose the disease, an external examination of the dog is carried out, palpation of the abdomen, temperature measurement, after which blood and stool tests must be taken. To isolate the virus that caused the pathological process, feces and blood are examined using PCR and ELISA.

To determine the extent of damage to internal organs and assess their condition, an ultrasound or x-ray is performed. Differential diagnosis is carried out with infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, severe poisoning, hepatitis and other ailments that have similar symptoms.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs

At home, enteritis in dogs can be treated only in mild cases - in severe cases (especially if symptoms are observed in puppies, elderly or weakened individuals), you should immediately go to a veterinary clinic. Therapy is aimed at combating pathogenic microorganisms, eliminating dehydration and intoxication, restoring the normal functioning of systems that have been affected by the pathological process.

Treatment of enteritis in dogs is divided into two parts - antiviral and pathogenetic therapy.

  1. Antiviral treatment involves fighting pathogens - blocking the proliferation of viruses and destroying them.
  2. Pathogenetic therapy includes restoration of water balance in the body (rehydration), detoxification and elimination of symptoms of enteritis.

There is no universal treatment regimen for enteritis - individual drugs and their combinations must be prescribed by a doctor. Most often, the following drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • immunoglobulin, hyperimmune and anti-enteroviral serums (effective in the first 3 days of the disease);
  • to prevent secondary infection;
  • saline solutions to restore water balance in the body and prevent dehydration;
  • antispasmodics and painkillers to alleviate the condition and eliminate pain;
  • immunomodulators - drugs that activate the immune system and help the body effectively fight the disease;
  • and enemas are prescribed to remove toxic substances and toxins;
  • vitamins and glucose help maintain the animal’s body, avoid exhaustion and metabolic disorders;
  • cardiac medications are necessary in cases where the pathological process affects the myocardium.

Attention! In the first 1-2 days, all medications are administered exclusively - due to constant vomiting, giving them in the usual way (orally) is impractical and ineffective.

Video Treatment of enteritis in dogs

How to properly feed a dog with enteritis

For the first day, it is best for the dog to be on a starvation diet - you can eat food only when the vomiting has completely stopped and the four-legged patient has an appetite. Meals should be fractional - small portions 5-6 times a day, and strictly dietary.

At first, you can only give low-fat chicken or beef broth, preferably the second boil (the water is drained after boiling, the meat is poured with clean water and cooked as usual) and heavily boiled rice porridge. If the digestive tract reacted normally to the start of feeding, you can introduce finely chopped lean meat, fermented milk products, and boiled vegetables into the diet. The list of prohibited products for enteritis includes:

  • semi-finished products and sausages;
  • fatty, floury and sweet dishes;
  • spices and herbs;
  • bones and offal.

Restoring intestinal functions after enteritis can take more than one week, so you can carefully switch to the previous one only a month after recovery.

Consequences of the disease

Viral enteritis often causes complications and health problems even with timely treatment. The most common consequences of the disease include:

  • lameness, gait disturbance;
  • polyps in the oral cavity;
  • myocarditis and heart failure;
  • developmental delay in puppies;
  • infertility in bitches.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the condition of the dog’s body and the timeliness of treatment, complications can go away on their own within 9-12 months, or remain for life.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

The most effective means of protection against enteritis is vaccination of dogs with mono- and polyvaccines. The risk of infection in a vaccinated individual is 4-5%, the disease is mild, and there are practically no deaths. The standard vaccination schedule is as follows:

  • 1 vaccination – at 4-6 weeks with “baby” serum;
  • 2nd – at 8 weeks, a vaccine for adult dogs;
  • 3rd – 3-4 weeks after the second vaccination;
  • 4th – at 6-8 months.

Further, to maintain normal immunity of the pet, it is recommended to revaccinate annually. At the time of administration of the drug, the dog must be healthy, and two weeks before the procedure, anthelmintic therapy should be carried out. Before vaccination, puppies need maximum protection from infection with the virus - approach the offspring only in clean clothes, wash your hands before picking up dogs, and do not give them to strangers or guests.

Enteritis is an extremely dangerous disease for dogs, which leads to death in approximately 50% of cases.

The best protection against infection is timely vaccination of your pet, but if the dog does catch the infection, there is no need to give up - modern medications are quite capable of curing a four-legged patient even in a severe case.

Having adopted a dog into a home, a person must be aware of all the responsibility placed on him, because in order to raise a healthy and happy animal it will take a lot of effort. Four-legged friends, just like people, suffer from various diseases, including life-threatening ones for furry pets. One of these insidious diseases is enteritis - an inflammatory process of a viral nature, which can sometimes be quite problematic to cope with.

What is enteritis

Enteritis is understood as inflammation that develops in the digestive organs; in addition, as a result of the disease, the heart muscle - the myocardium - is often affected. Enteritis is a viral pathology that is quickly transmitted from one animal to another. An animal of any age can become infected with enteritis; puppies and dogs under 1 year of age are most often susceptible to the disease.

According to statistics, in a bitch that is not vaccinated against enteritis, the mortality rate of puppies from the disease reaches more than 80%.

Currently, virology scientists have not yet developed an effective antiviral medicine, but it will help protect the animal from death in a timely manner. This does not mean that a vaccinated dog is not capable of contracting enteritis, but in a vaccinated animal the disease progresses much more easily and death in this case is almost impossible.

Infection of dogs occurs through contact of a healthy animal with a sick one (through feces, saliva, discharge from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose). Sharing pet care items also increases the risk of disease in previously healthy animals. There are frequent cases when a healthy dog ​​became ill with enteritis, but did not have contact with infected relatives. Scientists have found that a dangerous virus is often brought into an apartment on the owner’s street shoes, and it is this factor that is the cause of “non-contact” infection.

Types of enteritis

Veterinary specialists know 2 types of viral enteritis: parvovirus and coronavirus.

Parvovirus enteritis

The causative agent of parvovirus, having penetrated the dog’s body, destroys the large and small sections of the intestine, and the tissue of the heart muscle is often affected. Parvovirus is able to change the structure of the walls of blood vessels and even affect the composition of the animal’s blood. As a result, the mucous membranes of the digestive organs become hyperemic, erosions almost always occur on them, and the digestive function is completely disrupted. The body of a sick dog suffers from very severe intoxication, which ends in dehydration of all organs and tissues, and then the death of the animal.

Parvovirus was described in more detail earlier:

Coronavirus enteritis

Coronavirus enteritis is not as destructive to dogs as parvovirus. During coronavirus infection, crypt cells cannot be destroyed, so the disease is much easier and with less likelihood of the dog’s death. However, coronavirus is dangerous for puppies, because their immune system does not yet have sufficient strength to overcome this disease.

Symptoms of enteritis in dogs

Depending on what type of enteritis the dog is infected with, one can judge the signs of the disease. Parvovirus enteritis has 3 forms:

  • Cardiac;
  • Intestinal;
  • Mixed.

In the cardiac form of enteritis, the animal experiences general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, severe shortness of breath, cyanosis or pallor of the mucous membranes, bradycardia, and cold extremities. As a rule, the death of a sick dog occurs from acute heart failure.

With the intestinal form, the dog looks lethargic, drowsy, there is a loss of appetite, and an increase in body temperature. Then the animal begins to suffer from vomiting (the discharge is usually foamy and viscous). Through 2-3 days the pet develops, the smell of stool resembles rotting meat. Later 1-2 days the stool takes on a bloody consistency, the dog begins to experience severe pain in the abdominal cavity, and whines at the slightest touch to the stomach. The final stage of the intestinal form is dehydration of the animal’s body and, as a consequence, death.

Coronavirus enteritis is not accompanied by such clear symptoms as parvovirus. The animal may refuse food, but still drink water; diarrhea and vomiting are rarely recorded; abdominal pain is mild.

Coronavirus enteritis has 2 courses:

Acute – the animal quickly weakens, lethargy is noted. Often, with this course, a secondary infection develops, from which only puppies with low immunity die; adult dogs almost always recover.

Mild - appears mainly in adult animals and, as a rule, is asymptomatic. A sick dog loses its appetite, is weak and indifferent to everything. After a few days, the animal’s condition improves significantly.

If there is a suspicion that your pet has become infected with enteritis, you should under no circumstances hesitate. The owner must take his pet to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible, otherwise there is a high risk of the animal’s death.

Diagnosis of enteritis in dogs

Since enteritis in dogs has similar symptoms to other dangerous diseases (salmonellosis, infectious hepatitis), only a preliminary diagnosis is made based on general clinical signs. The veterinarian makes a final verdict only after additional laboratory tests:

  • taking fecal samples from sick dogs to detect the causative agent of the disease. The most commonly used method is polymerase chain reaction (PCR);
  • hemagglutination reaction (HRA) allows you to detect virus antigen in the blood of an animal;
    general urine analysis;
  • ultrasound examination of the sternum and abdominal cavity;
  • fluoroscopy;
  • enzyme immunoassay (ELISA).

During post-mortem diagnosis of the animal, the specialist notes an acute catarrhal hemorrhagic process of an inflammatory nature in the small intestine. The mesenteric lymph nodes are always filled with blood, swollen and increased in volume. Also, for pathoanatomical diagnosis, a histology method is used, which allows identifying a decrease in lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue of the small intestine and foci of necrosis on crypt epithelial cells.

Treatment of viral enteritis

When a dog is diagnosed with viral enteritis, treatment should begin immediately. Parvovirus is especially dangerous, because in the absence of veterinary care, the animal dies within a few days. Coronavirus often goes away on its own, but only in adult dogs with strong immunity. In puppies, coronavirus enteritis almost always ends in the death of the animal.

The following methods are used to treat enteritis:

  • administration of hyperimmune serum and immunoglobulin to sick dogs;
  • saline solutions (sodium chloride, Ringer-Locke) are administered using droppers;
  • as nutrients - intravenous glucose solution and ascorbic acid;
  • use of antimicrobial agents to suppress secondary infection;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • painkillers to relieve spasms;
  • cardiac medications to improve myocardial function;
  • antiemetics, which help prevent dehydration;
  • adsorbents.

During the first stages of treatment, it is contraindicated to feed the animal; you can only give clean, fresh water (if the dog is very weak and does not drink on its own, it needs to drink water through a syringe without a needle). After a few days, the animal is given some soft food or liquid soup; rice water is also recommended. The animal should not be allowed dairy products into its diet for a week. The entire time the dog is receiving therapy, it needs complete rest and careful care.

Prevention of enteritis in dogs

It is much easier to prevent enteritis than to treat this disease later, therefore the most correct preventive measure is considered animal vaccination. Small puppies should not be walked outside until they have received their first vaccination against the virus.

It’s easy to prevent your dog from getting infected; you just need to follow certain recommendations:

  • shake out and treat dog beds as often as possible;
  • do not share toys, carriers, or equipment with other dogs;
  • do not allow your pet to come into contact with homeless and sick relatives;
  • feed your pet only high-quality and balanced food;
  • deworm dogs in a timely manner;
  • Take daily active walks with the animal.

At the first manifestations of enteritis, it is unacceptable to make a diagnosis and independently treat the animal. It is important to remember: with coronavirus (in puppies) and parvovirus enteritis, the animal can die within a few days. Animals that have recovered from the disease usually acquire lasting immunity for the rest of their lives.

Consequences of enteritis

Even those dogs that have had enteritis may experience lifelong complications in the form of lameness, infertility, dysfunction of the liver, gall bladder, and gastrointestinal tract. Often, dogs that have recovered from the disease subsequently suffer from heart failure. In small puppies who have suffered a dangerous disease, there is a delay in development, and in the case of the cardiac form of the disease, there is a disruption in the functioning of the heart muscle.

Viral enteritis is a dangerous disease for all dogs, regardless of the breed and age of the animal. Only timely immunization and vaccination, quality nutrition, as well as careful care of four-legged friends can prevent the development of a serious illness.

Enteritis is quite common and is characterized by inflammatory processes in the intestines. This is a dangerous disease that can affect both young animals and adults. Enteritis in puppies is much more common than in adult dogs. The problem may be viral or non-viral.

The first option is more common. The pathogen enters the animal's body through saliva or feces. It is impossible to recognize the problem immediately; only after the incubation period (from 2 to 5 days) does the first symptoms of enteritis in puppies and dogs begin to appear.

If treatment is not started, the animal’s condition will gradually worsen. In an adult dog, this period lasts from several days to 1-2 weeks; puppies without proper treatment die within 1-3 days. You need to contact a veterinarian immediately, he will prescribe the correct treatment and create a diet for the animal.


Enteritis in dogs is classified based on the lesion or pathogen. In the first case, two types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Primary. If the disease affects only the intestinal tract, it is classified as primary enteritis.
  2. Secondary. When enteritis is not the main disease, but only a symptom of some other disease, this is secondary enteritis.

From the pathogen side, several types of viral enteritis in dogs can be distinguished.


The disease affects the intestines and only in some cases the myocardium is affected. There are two forms of the disease:

  1. Intestinal. Affects animals of any breed and age. Progresses quickly. The temperature first rises (just a little by 0.5-1 degrees, it’s easy to miss), and then decreases (after 1-2 days).
  2. Heart. Appears in puppies up to three months. The pathogen penetrates the myocardium, disrupting the functioning of the lungs and heart. May cause irreversible heart problems. It is important to notice the problem immediately, otherwise the puppy may die.


Several types of bacteria can cause bacterial enteritis.


There are more than 2,000 species of salmonella in the world, and you can catch them through water or raw/spoiled food. Meat (raw) of pigs and chicken is especially dangerous. Symptoms: gurgling sounds in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, fever. The first signs will be visible in the first 1-2 days after infection.

Symptomatically, salmonellosis is similar to other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so only a doctor will probably be able to determine the disease after passing the necessary tests.


You can understand that the animal’s body has been attacked by these bacteria by a noticeable symptom – profuse diarrhea. They can enter the body through feces or dirty water. The bacteria are destructive to young animals (up to 5 months). If you notice the first symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting, fever), immediately call a veterinarian. The sick pet will be given antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medications, and may be given an IV. The process of recovery and rehabilitation is long.


Poor nutrition and prolonged stress can cause the appearance of clostridia. Signs are similar to other infectious diseases: lethargy, diarrhea, lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting. Antibiotics can help cope with the problem. But you should not carry out therapy at home, so as not to confuse the dosage; it is better to immediately call a doctor.

You can avoid bacterial enteritis and related diseases, just carefully monitor what your dog eats. Do not give him raw meat or allow him to eat anything outside the house, because you cannot know how dangerous this product is.


With coronavirus enteritis in dogs, the tips of the intestinal villi are affected. The disease occurs in two forms:

  1. Easy. Not a dangerous form of the disease. It develops slowly, adults do not die from it, cases of death in puppies are rare.
  2. Spicy. It develops quickly, if there is no necessary treatment, complications begin in the form of secondary intestinal infection and concomitant diseases. Puppies can die; dogs under 6 months often die.

Read more about how to treat coronavirus enteritis in dogs in this article.

Sometimes dogs can develop a chronic form of enteritis. Metabolism is disrupted, the body begins to deplete. Regardless of the form of your pet’s disease, you must consult a doctor, otherwise the virus will progress and the consequences can be fatal.

There is also non-infectious (non-viral) enteritis. It manifests itself in a similar way to an infectious type (diarrhea, vomiting, etc.), so you definitely cannot miss it.


Only a veterinarian can prescribe treatment for enteritis in dogs; it is impossible to do this at home. But in order to understand what happened to the animal and how to behave, it is better to know the symptoms of each type of disease.


Unlike other types of enteritis, parvovirus does not “drive” the temperature, and there is no fever either. Therefore, many animal owners do not suspect that the problem is very serious; they attribute the symptoms to simple poisoning. This behavior can lead to serious complications and death of the pet. The main symptoms of parvovirus enteritis:

  • abdominal pain (this can be noticed if you touch or stroke the dog);
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • strong smell of vomit and feces.

In the first days the symptoms are not too scary, but gradually the problem gets worse. The animal will have diarrhea, but at first it is watery and clear, and the smell is unpleasant. On days 2-3, diarrhea may be bloody, the dog will whine from any touch to the stomach, and severe vomiting will begin (sometimes with blood).

The death of an adult can occur in 5-7 days, the puppy dies within 1-3 days.


Bacterial enteritis occurs in adult or older dogs. The reasons are poor nutrition or a love of street “delicacies”. Main symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea (sometimes with blood);
  • stomach ache;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • fever.

It is important to immediately go to the clinic; modern veterinary medicine quickly determines which bacterium caused the dog’s poor health. The sooner you get tested, the sooner the doctor will prescribe treatment.


The symptoms of this type of enteritis are similar to parvovirus. The main symptoms are diarrhea and vomiting, but unlike parvovirus, there is no blood in them. Adult animals tolerate diseases relatively easily, but puppies can be seriously ill for a long time, making it difficult to endure the recovery period.

Both adult and small dogs need proper treatment, including antibiotics and antiviral drugs. Against the background of coronavirus, a secondary infection (pathogenic bacteria) may develop; an antibiotic is needed to combat it.

The disease can be mild or severe. In the first case, there may be no symptoms, or they will be minor (lethargy, drowsiness, poor appetite).

The animal’s immune system can cope with the problem on its own, but you shouldn’t hope for it. If you notice the slightest change in your pet's behavior, get examined by a doctor.

If the problem occurs in an acute form, then the symptoms will be noticeable:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • refusal of food and water;
  • increase in body temperature.

Not viral

First, diarrhea begins (mucous with foam). As the disease progresses, blood appears in the stool and the smell is strong and unpleasant. It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of non-viral enteritis.

The animal tries to empty the digestive tract, so vomiting occurs. It may contain bile and blood. The pet begins to lose weight sharply, he does not want to eat or drink, so he becomes very weak, practically does not get up, and sleeps constantly. His stomach hurts, so the dog may whine due to any touch.

Enteritis in young animals

Often, viral enteritis appears in young animals, and adult dogs suffer from a bacterial type of disease. In most cases, puppies “catch” coronavirus or parvovirus enteritis.

Symptoms are no different from those seen in adults. The difference is that small dogs are more difficult to tolerate the disease and can die if it is not noticed in time.


There are several main causes of the disease.

Lack of vaccinations

The risk of infection in a puppy born from an unvaccinated female is very high. He can “catch” the virus simply by playing with an infected animal or smelling its feces. An infected dog will begin to infect other animals, so he will have to be quarantined during treatment.

Therefore, small puppies must be vaccinated against enteritis. They are made in the clinic using a special vaccine; the favorable age is 8-16 weeks from birth.

Helminths bring a lot of trouble to the animal (problems with appetite, exhaustion, vomiting, enteritis, etc.), so you should not treat them as commonplace. Yes, this problem is not uncommon in dogs, but it is absolutely necessary to fight it.

Infectious diseases

In this case, enteritis is a symptom. To get rid of the problem you need to cure the underlying disease.

Drastic change in diet

You cannot suddenly switch your dog from food to natural food and vice versa, this can cause many health problems. The same thing will happen if you suddenly stop feeding your dog fried or fatty foods. Make the transition gradually.

Weakened immunity

Weak immunity leads to a variety of diseases. Proper nutrition and a complex of vitamins will do their job, and soon there will be no trace of problems left.

Poor nutrition

The dog should eat at the same time. Food, whether it be food or regular products, should be fresh and healthy. If you follow these rules, no problems will arise.

Incorrect food temperature

Not all dog owners know that food temperature matters. Too hot or cold food can cause enteritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the causes can be prevented if you properly monitor your pet and periodically get tested at a veterinary clinic.

The right diet

In the first days of illness, the dog will refuse to eat - this is normal, there is no need to force food in. When he comes to his senses a little, an appetite will appear, but there is no need to give your pet everything, the food should be light and dietary. Neglecting this advice will have consequences: the dog may start vomiting, and there is a risk of complications. For the first 2-3 days, give your pet:

  • rice porridge cooked in water;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • plenty of clean, cool water.

On day 4-5, add to the animal’s diet:

  • lean meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • low-fat kefir.

Divide the daily food intake into 5-6 meals; split meals will benefit the patient. All products must be fresh and natural. Make sure food is not hot or very cold.

Proper nutrition alone is not enough for diarrhea to go away, so you need to take medications that improve intestinal microflora.


Although there are several types of the disease, they are similar to each other. Therefore, we can highlight the main methods of combating enteritis:

  1. Enemas. They help cleanse the intestines of toxic stool.
  2. Droppers. They are effective against dehydration, which is sure to occur, because the disease provokes vomiting and diarrhea.
  3. Antibiotics. Help prevent the development of bacteria and reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Saline solutions. Restore water-salt balance. This is another useful method to combat dehydration.
  5. Enterosorbents. Activated carbon is used, it fights toxins.
  6. Painkiller. Helps relieve stomach pain.
  7. Drugs to support the heart. Puppies and older dogs especially need such medications.
  8. Vitamins. Supports the body as a whole. Vitamins are not given immediately, but only when the pet begins to recover.

Knowing what type of disease your dog has, you can choose the right treatment method:

  1. Bacterial. You need a diet, antibiotics and special medications to combat diarrhea.
  2. Parvovirus. Treatment consists of proper nutrition, taking medications to support the heart and medications to improve intestinal microflora.
  3. Coronavirus. You will need medications to support your immune system and fight diarrhea. You need to follow proper nutrition and drinking regime.
  4. Not viral. You need a diet and means to improve microflora. Painkillers will help relieve pain.

If you suspect enteritis, you should do the following:

  • separate the sick dog from other pets and family members;
  • periodically measure the animal’s temperature;
  • Make sure that the dog is clean, remove all discharge immediately;
  • change the water periodically;
  • look at your pet’s feces (notice whether changes occur in it);
  • You cannot force an animal to eat, but your pet must drink (puppies can be given water using a syringe).

Consequences and prognosis

Even if the illness was relatively mild, there is no guarantee that when the dog gets sick, no complications will arise. Frequent complications after enteritis:

  1. Lameness. The problem disappears within 2-3 months, sometimes after a year. But if lameness appears in an elderly dog, it may remain forever.
  2. Infertility. Infertility, like lameness, can be either temporary or permanent.
  3. Heart diseases. This often affects dogs that suffered from enteritis when they were puppies (at 1-3 months). Less commonly, the problem affects adult dogs.
  4. Polyps in the oral cavity. The problem is solved surgically.
  5. Developmental problems. A complication affecting young animals. If a dog gets sick at a young age, he may be severely delayed in development. Over time the situation is improving.

Of course, much depends on when the disease was discovered, how it was treated and in what form (mild or acute) it occurred. Most complications go away within a year after recovery, some can last a lifetime. If the disease has become “attached” to the puppy, then the most important thing is to identify it and cure it in time. If he survived this, then everything will be fine.

Older dogs often experience complications, but if you support the body with vitamins and medications, the dog will feel fine.


Simple preventive measures will help prevent recurrent enteritis:

  1. Do not allow a mother who has been walking outside to see the puppies right away. First, treat the fur and paws with a disinfectant.
  2. Get vaccinated. The first vaccination is carried out at 2-4 months, then every year.
  3. Do not allow puppies outside until vaccination.
  4. Clean your pets' things more often.
  5. Don't let your animal play with other dogs outside.
  6. Watch what your dog eats.
  7. Get checked periodically by a veterinarian.
  8. Carry out preventive treatment for helminths.
  9. Don't give your dog hot or cold food.
  10. Make sure that the animal does not eat outside.

Even following these rules, you cannot be 100% sure that your pet will not “catch” the disease, but you can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

The dog needs regular walks outside. And during this, the dog marks the territory and comes into contact with other animals. Sometimes he picks something up from the ground and eats it. And this threatens the emergence of a number of diseases. From simple indigestion to more serious illnesses. In addition to rabies and distemper, one of the most terrible diseases at the moment is enteritis. What enteritis is in dogs: symptoms and treatment, as well as prevention - all this will be discussed in the article.

The diagnosis of enteritis in dogs means inflammation of the small intestine. The disease is caused by viruses, bacteria and a number of other reasons. Enteritis is considered a relatively new disease. However, extremely dangerous. In terms of the number of deaths, enteritis is on a par with plague.

The first case of enteritis in Russia was recorded in 1980. At that time, animals did not yet have natural, developed immunity. Therefore, most of them died. For puppies and young dogs, enteritis is especially dangerous today.
Even if you manage to save the animal, the consequences can be very serious.

How dangerous is enteritis?

Of course, you need to know how to treat enteritis in dogs, but it is much better to prevent its occurrence, because the consequences of the illness can lead to serious complications.

Let's look at why enteritis is so dangerous and how to avoid worsening the condition.

The likely consequences and complications are given below:

Complications appear as a result of poor care and improper therapy. For example, some owners treat enteritis in dogs at home, selecting medications and dosage on their own. This is absolutely impossible to do. Therapy should be selected by a qualified, experienced doctor.

Why does enteritis occur?

Any illness does not arise out of nowhere. Special conditions are required for its development. Let's consider what conditions are needed for enteritis.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of this disease include the following:

What are the symptoms of enteritis?

Before looking at the symptoms of enteritis in dogs, it should be noted that this disease comes in different types. Primary and secondary enteritis occurs. Primary is characterized only by a problem with the intestines. Secondary is a symptom of another disease. Depending on the pathogen, parvovirus, coronavirus and bacterial types are distinguished. The clinical picture of each of the varieties has certain characteristics.


This type of enteritis makes itself felt quickly. Symptoms develop almost immediately after infection. A puppy can die within just a few days of the virus entering the body. Therefore, it is so important to start treatment in a timely manner.

The peculiarity of parvovirus is that in this case the dog will not be hot. There is no fever. Body temperature is within normal limits. The pet sometimes remains active and eats well. However, signs of poisoning may appear.

The clinical picture looks like this:


The clinical picture of coronavirus enteritis is similar to parvovirus. However, the symptoms are slightly milder. This is how the dog has a bloated belly, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, there is no blood in the discharge. True, it all depends on the form in which the disease occurs: mild or acute.

Signs of an acute course appear 2-5 days after infection. As for the mild form, the symptoms are almost invisible. A sick dog lies down all the time, lethargic. The temperature rises to 39 degrees. Feces are characterized by an unpleasant odor. The consistency is mucous and watery.
They have a green tint. But it happens that the pet behaves as usual. If the animal’s immunity is strong, in order to overcome the disease, you only need a properly selected diet and adherence to the drinking regime.

However, if convulsions are observed, you should not hope that everything will go away on its own. It is better to contact a good veterinarian. The count goes on for a day. And even one day can cost a pet’s life.

If enteritis is suspected, experts advise sending stool to the laboratory for analysis. This will help determine the type of pathogen. This means understanding how to treat a dog, what medications to use. Enteritis is often mistaken for an intestinal disorder or helminthic infestation. Therefore, it is important to find a qualified specialist. You should contact reliable and trusted veterinary hospitals.

How is enteritis treated?

It should be noted that treatment of enteritis in dogs will differ depending on the type of disease. Thus, one scheme is selected for an infectious disease, and another for a non-infectious disease. Some owners try to treat the animal at home using traditional methods. It is important to remember here that viral enteritis cannot be overcome without the use of specific serum with immunoglobulins.

Antibiotics are those medications for dogs that prevent the development of bacteria. They help reduce the risk of complications. Therefore, qualified veterinarians prescribe them in any case.

Today, most veterinarians use Sinulox 500 mg for dogs, which is a new generation of antibacterial agents. Usually it is given for a week, twice a day. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually: depending on the condition and weight of the animal. Typically, there are 12.5 milligrams of the drug per kilogram of dog weight.

The tablets are great for home treatment.

But in a veterinary hospital, Synulox injections for dogs are used: they are considered more effective. The dosage is 1 milliliter per 20 kilograms of weight. The injection is given once a day.

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