Magic rituals on the full moon. Effective spells for the full moon phase that will help attract various benefits

Everyone thinks about making a lot of money, so conspiracies to attract money into your own life are in great demand. Many of them are simple, so they can be carried out independently without any negative consequences.

The most powerful rituals

Conspiracies and prayers for money on the full moon are considered the most powerful. This is because the full moon symbolizes stability and prosperity. Magical rituals to attract money performed during the full moon remain effective throughout the entire lunar cycle. They guarantee the possibility of receiving a large amount of money in the near future. That is why such rituals are in great demand among those who pay off bank loans or other debts, and, therefore, live, limiting themselves in everything.

A simple ritual

A simple money ritual is performed for three nights in a row:
    On the night before the full moon, an empty wallet (preferably a new one without negative energy) is placed on the windowsill under the rays of moonlight and the following magic words are spoken:

    “Just as there are a huge number of stars in the dark sky, just as there is no measure of water in the blue boundless ocean, so in my wallet there will always be a lot of different coins and banknotes. May God's servant (own name) have enough money for all good purchases. Amen!".

    On the night when the full moon appears in the sky. It is necessary to put the wallet on the windowsill again, having first put a small amount of money in it, and the words of the spell are repeated again. On the first night after the full moon, the wallet is laid out on the windowsill with the maximum possible amount of money, and the same magic words are spoken again.

With holy water and coins

A very effective full moon ritual that attracts money is a ritual that uses holy water and coins. Holy water can be collected in the temple after the Sunday morning service. First you need to prepare seven large denomination coins. On a full moon, you need to put a glass of holy water on the windowsill and put the coins in it. After this, you need to read the following plot:

“Just as water gives life to all living things on the planet, even the dead roots of a tree wake up under your influence, so let my money multiply and I become richer day by day. Amen!"

After this, the coins need to be taken out of the glass and buried in a pot with a house plant, and the enchanted holy water needs to be poured over it. You should know that you cannot carry out several rituals on a full moon, which include conspiracies and prayers to attract money. Their magical directed effect will be significantly reduced, and they will not be effective.

The night of the full moon has long been associated with the mysteries of the transition of lunar energy into our world. Wasting its power, the Moon endows all life on Earth with special magnetism. That is why people try to strictly follow the rules regarding what is not allowed and what can be done during this time. For example, on a full moon, you can collect medicinal herbs, perform various rituals in order to gain beauty, luck, money, wealth, and meet love. And in this article you will find conspiracies that should be read on the full moon in order to attract magic to fulfill your cherished desires.

Every powerful magical spell involves turning to the Moon. However, if you use all its power when you see the full lunar disk in the sky, you can strengthen the effect of the conspiracy several times.

This plot can be read on a full moon by those who have a lover in mind. A spell can also be useful for those who want to tie their loved one to themselves forever, so that his feelings are realized only with you. Having calculated the night of the full moon according to a special calendar, you can begin to implement your plans. To do this, you will need to get some holy water in advance and fill a glass with it. Then, after waiting for the hands to approach 12 on the clock, place the container near the window. You must first select the window sill where the moonlight will shine as long as possible. Place a glass next to it so that the full moon is reflected in the water.

In order for the full moon love spell to be successful, you must then follow these steps. You should run your right hand along the edge of the glass seven times, each time pronouncing the name of your lover. Looking at the reflection of the lunar disk, say the magic words:

“Clean, transparent water, may the Moon fill you with strength, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved man) may see my beauty. May he come and remain with me forever, God’s servant (his name). Together we spend our days and our nights. Let it be so! Amen".

Leave the container containing the love spell on the windowsill until the morning. The water in it will be saturated with a strong magical flow, which will help attract love. And in the morning, quietly add the charmed liquid to your loved one’s tea (or other drink or treat).

Charming water to attract your betrothed

There is another powerful ritual, which, when performed on a full moon, can attract your lover to you in order to awaken mutual feelings and passion in him. In this case, the plot is read under the full moon for water, which you will need to drink yourself. The result of the ceremony, as a rule, is a quick marriage.

On the night planned for the ceremony, fill the glass vessel with holy water halfway. Holding it in your hand, whisper the following words of the full moon love spell over the water three times:

“Just as grass dries up without rain, just as a tree burns from the flame of fire, just as a fish does not live outside a reservoir, so may the servant of God (the guy’s name) not be happy away from me. As soon as I drink this water, which I have enchanted, the servant of God (his name) will have longing and strong love for me. Let him see my beauty, let him not admire me enough. Amen".

As soon as you pronounce the text, drink the charmed composition in one gulp. Remember that unlike the previous full moon spell, this water cannot be stored.

Ritual to attract good luck

If the purpose of the ritual is to attract good luck to all areas of your activity, this full moon spell is suitable for you.

To attract wealth, money and luck into your life, you need to perform the ritual twice.

Having calculated the phase of the full moon using the lunar calendar, read the following magic words at dawn and then at sunset:

“Just as the morning dawn cannot meet the evening dawn, so that my house becomes a full cup. So that wealth and other benefits fill my home, there is always money in it, and luck does not pass me by. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Just keep in mind that when pronouncing the text in the evening, you need to swap some words. Thus, from your lips it should sound: “How can the evening dawn not meet the morning.”

As a rule, such rituals (for good luck, wealth, money, other material goods) performed during the full moon are the most powerful and effective. Full moon conspiracies, if read correctly, begin to “work” almost immediately.

Conspiracy to attract money

If you want to attract wealth and good luck in financial matters into your life, read a special spell for money on the full moon. The ritual should be performed three nights in a row when the full moon appears in the sky.

For the ritual you will need:

  • wallet;
  • coins;
  • bills.

On the first night, place an empty wallet on the windowsill so that it receives direct moonlight. Read the money plot over him:

“As the night sky is strewn with stars, so may there be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the servant of God (her name) always has money, so that there is always enough for prosperity. Amen".

Before the second night, put a few coins in your wallet. Next, do everything in the same way as described above. On the third night, you should place a wallet filled with banknotes under the moonlight. Next, you should pronounce the magic words described above. Despite the fact that this money plot is very strong, it can be read on every full moon.

A ritual to become more attractive

This full moon spell helps girls who are not very confident in themselves to attract beauty or preserve the one given by nature. To perform the ceremony, prepare:

  • large mirror;
  • two church candles;
  • fireproof dish.

On the full moon, at exactly 12 am, stand naked in front of the mirror, placing lit candles on a platter in front of you. Say the magic text:

“I will leave the house, go to an open field, to the golden throne. On that throne I will meet an angel. I will ask him, crossing myself and praying, for unearthly beauty. So that I become brighter than the sun, whiter than snow. Amen".

Having repeated this full moon spell three times, go to bed. Leave candles to burn out on a platter to enhance their natural beauty.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the money magic of the full moon for good luck. Who would refuse a happy life, luck, prosperity? Nobody. And never. In their dreams, people see themselves as strong and free, powerful, and superior to others. Practical magic can provide this. Today, I am magician Sergei Artgrom, I want to offer you several proven rituals and spells for money on the full moon. And among them there will be a strong ritual, to which I want to draw your special attention. The witchcraft ritual to attract money is not for beginners. You need to work on black energies, have contact with them. This is a powerful full moon ritual to fulfill a wish by the power of the Dark Prince Kharlam. So, let's begin.

The power of full moon spells to attract money

In the practices of ancient magic there are many independent full moon spells for money:

  • for good luck and luck,
  • for the growth and harvest of money,
  • greater profit in trading,
  • for success in business,
  • luck stealers
  • and the overall well-being of the family.

Many of them are ancient, very strong for independent use. There are, of course, new magical rituals, the authors of which are modern practicing magicians. Money rituals work well on a full moon even for beginners; they have been tested and practiced many times.

But, let's not forget that the effect of each money ritual that is performed during the full moon is individual. For one magician the same ritual will work one way, for another it will work differently, and for someone else it won’t work at all. Many factors play a role in magical workings. If there is an evil eye on affairs, business, or damage has been caused to lack of money, then, no matter how many of the most powerful rituals for wealth are performed, which ones are read at home full moon spells to attract clients, there will be no positive changes in life.

Until the negative is diagnosed and removed, the desired result will not be achieved. In witchcraft, work is done directly with energies, and this is a very subtle, sensitive and vulnerable matter. For this reason, any problem should be considered from different angles, with mandatory diagnosis.

Effective spells for money and good luck during the full moon

With the arrival of the full moon, the world is filled with magical energies. It is difficult for people to withstand their influence, because during this period:

  • perception is heightened,
  • changes in reflexes are observed,
  • emotional outbursts - from delight bordering on despair to fatal doom,
  • people with vulnerable psyches develop inexplicable phobias.

The full moon can influence the emotional and mental state of a person, and not only medical specialists know about this, sorcerers are also aware of this. And if ordinary people have a hard time withstanding the 14-17 lunar days, then people who cast spells on powerful streams of lunar cosmic energy achieve excellent results in their rituals. Strong conspiracies and rituals for money and luck, which are done on the full moon, usually unfold quickly and bring changes to the physical plane that a real magician needs.

Full moon spells for money and profit - to increase money through cat hair

Many people have a cat or cat at home. Energetically, cats are close to humans due to their unique ability to feel and feel. The mysticism of cats is fascinating, it is as ancient as humanity itself. Use the magical power of this animal to improve your financial well-being. Perform a home ritual on the full moon to attract money for cat hair.

Made at home Ritual for money and good luck on the full moon, in the following way. Brush your cat with a brush and pick up any shed hair.

At the same time, throughout the process, read the conspiracy to receive money:

“As much hair comes off a cat, as much life will come to me. Come before me, (name) on the first and second day, on the third and fourth, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on the new moon and on the waning one, on the black moon and on the full moon. All days are for me. Amen".

Then melt some wax, mix with wool and roll into a ball. Place it in an amulet and wear it around your neck.

Money plot on the full moon - for wealth for 6 funerals

To independently perform a ritual to attract money and good luck on the full moon, you need to attend six funerals at the cemetery. It is permissible to do more than one day, since this is not a prerequisite. Slowly approach the grieving relatives, stand a short distance from the coffin, look at the deceased, and whisper a powerful spell for money on the full moon:

“Just as they bury a dead person, so they would bury all my poverty. The first one will take it, the second one will drop it, the third one will pick it up, the fourth one will find what was forgotten, the fifth one will take it, the sixth one will take away all my hunger and poverty. I conjure with all the forces of earth and air. I have a rich life, and the kingdom of heaven belongs to the dead. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracy to attract money read at full moon 1 time is enough (but you can say 3 times), and leave. The gender and names of the dead do not matter; witchcraft does not work through attachment to a specific dead person, but according to a different principle. Additionally, nothing needs to be done regarding the deceased. But you need to enter and exit the cemetery, observing the general rules of cemetery work. Be sure to leave the payoff to the Owner.

As for the lunar phase, this independent ritual for money is not at all tied to the moon; The ritual can be carried out on the full moon, on the waxing and waning moon, since the witchcraft ritual to attract good luck and money is universal, it works both as a cleansing of negativity on finances and as a conspiracy to attract cash flow.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

If you manage to carry out an effective ritual to receive money in a day by attending 6 funerals, well, not bad. I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, however, I think that technically it is quite difficult. If we assume that the cemetery is in a metropolis, and people are buried at approximately the same time in different ends of the cemetery, it is very problematic to attend all the funerals before the coffin is lowered into the pit. What can we say about small towns and village cemeteries, where burials are not so massive! On one day, the ritual can be performed in several cemeteries, remembering that they are all connected by an invisible thread - the energy of cemeteries. Every sorcerer who works on graves knows and feels this. So, the conclusion: cemetery ritual for money and wealth can be carried out on one day, or on different days, but during the period of the same moon. This magical ritual is old, and many sorcerers who performed it to get rid of poverty and attract money and good luck on the full moon were satisfied with the result.

A powerful full moon spell for money luck - to become rich through demons

What is needed for a magical ritual to get rid of poverty:

  • pinches of earth or dust from 9 graves
  • nickel coin
  • sacrificial black chicken
  • ritual knife

Do it on a waxing moon, or on a full moon. On Thursday, take dust from 9 women’s graves and go to the dirt intersection on foot after midnight. Not to a cemetery, but to a demonic place. Stand in the center of the intersection, turn your face to. Pour the dust collected from the graves into a heap, and put a nickel on top. Cut off the head of the black chicken and place the head near the hill. Then take a step back, throw the chicken carcass to your left, and then read the spell for a love spell for money and good luck on your own during the full moon:

“Nine women, and nine devils, then through dead maidens, they multiplied with fruits, tossed and turned in their wombs, and this time they multiplied me with money. Amen".

Turn around and leave quickly, without stopping at the intersection. The demons will come quickly, and you need to find the victim and see him, then everything will work out, your request will be fulfilled. In this magical ritual for money and wealth, which is done on a full moon, the appeal is not to dead women, but to devils. They also use the sacrificial chicken. At the cemetery, taking earth and dust from the graves, leave a memorial for the nine deceased. Don’t forget about the Cemetery Master; leave gifts for him at the cemetery crossroads, or where he himself indicates.

Those dead women should have many children. The ritual of attracting good luck and money is old. Previously, sorcerers in villages knew exactly who had how many children. Today this is more difficult. It is impossible to determine how many children the deceased had. And therefore, at a minimum, those women should not be childless, so young deceased women are not suitable through whom the sorcerer wants to attract money on the full moon, and the more children, the better.

How to attract good luck and money on a full moon - ask for good luck through a black hole

You should make a black hole in the forest. In the evening of the full moon, on any of the three days of the full moon phase. For a monetary ritual to attract good luck, take:

  • golden thing
  • axe

In the evening go to the forest where birch trees grow. Go to any birch tree you like and dig a hole at the roots with an ax. Throw gold there and read the spell for good luck on the full moon three times:

“Not from above, but from below, I knock on the ground, and with an ax I open the doors, and I cry out the demonic power from the earth with a secret word, yes, you are the demonic power, hidden by the rawhide earth, I whisper to you with this verb, you have money, ladles of clay, and ladles of iron forged, and all the gold is filled with money, leather purses, and weaver's purses, made of flax, so they contain human money, royal money, repaired for your kingdom, so you reign over it as a kingdom, like a father bears children, so you multiply and multiply money, yes to the white man, yes to a strong deed and not a yardstick, yes to countless money, yes to money that is marked with silver, and with gold like the ebb of the wind, to go around nine mountains, to cross nine rivers with a cut, like a traveler around the world, according to my words, you will go, and to collect gifts for you , but not in grains, but with ore gold, and to hide all sorts of money, goldsmiths, and silver coins from the royal barns with a stripe, and everything that you inherit throughout the world, everything that you take by demonic power, then into the bowels of rawhide, then into the bowels of mother earth you will tear down and throw away what was dug with my gold, the demon himself has thrown it, but the measure of it cannot be measured, it cannot be grasped with a grasp, distant secret, and barns of gold. What he buried in a black hole, the demon himself raised thirty times over. So, not with the word of the church, not with the priest’s cross, but with an axe, created through the earth, to walk in demons, I am destined in the masters. So it is said. Amen".

After reading the strong words of an independent conspiracy to cast a love spell on yourself three times, fill the hole with earth. Plunge the ax into the tree trunk and say:

“The black hole grows in growth, guaranteed by demonic power, so the money is a whirlwind, but it comes to me (name), so it’s cut into a birch tree with an ax. Nima."

Leave without looking back so as not to ruin things. This is a proven ritual. A practical witchcraft ritual will help attract money on the full moon. The presence is usually felt very strongly. There are special effects, this is normal, this often happens when witchcraft is done in a place of Power. And this is just such a magical ritual, and not a home spell for good luck on the full moon. But the payoff is good, the witchcraft ritual to attract money on the full moon unfolds quickly.

Here gold is purchased, so nothing additional is needed. But, if your intuition tells you, you can place a separate payout at the nearest intersection. In my opinion, the magician Sergei Argrom, it wouldn’t hurt to make a purchase for the demons before the ritual to attract good luck on the full moon, and ask for help in your own words. The Lesovik also needs to make an offering so as not to offend.

  • strong alcohol,
  • tobacco,
  • large bills,
  • Golden coins.

They turn to the Great Demon at pedestrian crossroads, standing facing north-west, bowing three times to the ground. His appearance is accompanied by an animal roar. The presence is very obvious, and it is an animal roar. When the moon is waxing or during the full moon, ask for profit, but in order to take it from someone - during the waning phase.

After midnight, come to the crossroads with rich gifts.

Stand in the center and read a conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the full moon:

“Dead to the dead, living to the living, and my sacrifice is to the demon of the night. I summon you, devilish prince, magician, with six words unspoken, six deeds not done, six speeches not spoken, six roads not traveled, six paths not taken, six letters not written. You, devilish prince Kharlam, accept the black sacrifice, and rise up as my faithful help, and with six servants, black demons, and with six spirits of darkness, and with six fallen angels, and with six reckless devils, and with six water murderers, and with six black ancestors, sorcerers and veritenitniks, who did not live according to the law of Christ, if they did harm to souls. Yes, come to me, Prince Kharlam, with the army of the crown, fulfill my request, as it was said.”

Prince Dark Kharlam, grant me

Since Old Testament times in Slavic magic (as well as in the esoteric traditions of Ancient Hellas, Rome and Scandinavia) it was believed that thunder and lightning are independent, thinking entities that are in the power of the Higher Gods.

Among the Russians, for example, Perun was considered the supreme deity.

And when necessary, our ancestors the Magi exclaimed: "By, Perune!" , and then they indicated who or what exactly needed to be beaten: the names of ill-wishers were named, problems that needed to be gotten rid of (hunger, pestilence, crop failure), or requests to prevent bloody raids of enemy peoples (for example, the Khazars, Polovtsians) were listed.

And to this day, healers, removing damage, in their conspiracies turn to Perun or Ilya the Thunderer, asking him to send thunder and lightning to help in the healing process...

Carefully observe the lightning - where and how far from you they strike (this is judged by the time interval between the flash and thunder), how their arcs bend.

Try to imprint this picture in your memory as accurately as possible, and if one day you happen to find yourself in a difficult situation, close your eyes for a couple of minutes and evoke a thunderstorm in your memory with maximum reliability.

You will feel as if an energy discharge has pierced your mind and body. You will have the strength to overcome all difficulties, and you will find a way out of a situation that even seemed completely dead-end.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic and clairvoyant abilities, and this miraculous power also remains in rainwater left after a thunderstorm. Such water must be collected in glass or ceramic vessels with ground-in lids made of the same material - they isolate its energy.

Water becomes especially effective if you put several dried leaves of wormwood in the same vessel - a plant that is also capable of enhancing telepathic energy.

The vessel is left to stand under the moonlight for three nights preceding the full moon.

Then, on the night of the full moon, when it is completely dark, draw a circle on paper or on the ground in any way and place all the things you want to charge inside it.

From harmful people

A stone “charged” with a thunderstorm is a simple and reliable talisman that will help you cope with many problems. In particular, with the help of a “thunderstorm” stone you can silence a grumpy neighbor, spouse, harmful boss, in short, any brawler.

How to do it? If you find yourself outdoors during a thunderstorm, as soon as you hear the rumble of thunder, pick up the first stone you come across from the road with your right hand.

Having crossed the threshold of an apartment, office or other place where you have to constantly be in contact with your tormentor, say, holding a stone in your right hand:

“The thunder will subside, the storm will pass, and (name) will not approach me with evil. Just as a stone is strong, so is a curse. Truly!

Then place the stone under your bed or office desk and do not touch it for 7 days.

Love spell

A “thunderstorm” stone can also become a love spell. Some difficulty is that to do this you will have to go out into the rain. As you pass the stone over your body, with each clap of thunder, recite the following spell:

“Mother thunder arrow smashed the seas and rivers with stones, with my words bring your loved one to me. Be my words strong and sculpted.”

This must be repeated seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunderclaps must sound. You need to take the stone for your next meeting with the object of your feelings.

Love spell

For women there is another, simpler love spell (though its effect is less reliable).

When you hear thunder, light a wax candle (not a church candle), stand facing east and read the spell three times:

“As you, thunder, knock, thunder, so your heart trembles, takes your breath away, so the heart of a man (name) would knock and tremble for me, your woman (your name). He would have been tossing about, suffering, not sleeping at night, if he had not seen me, the woman (name), for a long time, had not breathed the same air as me. Just as you can’t stop thunder from thundering, you can’t interrupt my words, and you can’t separate a person (the man’s name) from me, you can’t alienate him. Truly!

Not only the stone - you yourself, or rather, your inner self can also be charged with a thunderstorm. To do this, you don’t even need to leave your home - just when you hear the first rumbles of thunder, go out onto the balcony or stand by the open window.

Increasing the power of talismans

“Thunderstorm” water infused with wormwood will increase the power of any talismans, but it is especially good for objects that are used in fortune telling and clairvoyance sessions - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulums.

Dip your fingers into this highly charged potion and wet each object with it, saying these words:

“Thunder and lightning, wormwood and the moon, your powers will soon pass into this amulet.”

Then leave all the objects soaked in the medicine under the moonlight, but be sure to remove them before sunrise.

Storm Charged Clothes

When you hear distant rumbles of thunder, hang clean clothes on the street or on the balcony that will not be damaged by water and that do not need to be ironed (underwear is most suitable for this purpose). They should also dry outside after rain.

Then they are placed one at a time in bags made of natural fabric or large paper bags - so that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry herb that has miraculous properties to the package.

Such charged clothing should be worn at especially important moments in life: it sharpens intuition, gives stamina, protects from energy vampires and weakens enemies.

From diseases

Water collected during a thunderstorm also has healing properties. She, too, should be allowed to stand overnight under the moonlight, and then at noon the ritual should begin.

Cover the table with a clean white tablecloth, light two wax candles (not church candles), put water on the table and speak into it twelve times:

“Lord, all-righteous and consubstantial! Water flowing from Thy heavens, shot by thunder, scorched by lightning, wash the whole body of Thy man (“the woman of God” - if the ritual is carried out to cure a woman) from black sickness, from exhausted illness!

As thunder thundered and subsided, as lightning flashed and went out, so the itchy pains, prickly pains will leave the man of God (woman of God) (name of the patient), and he may be healthy, according to God’s work - both his yellow bones and his white body. Truly!

Effective spells for the waxing moon or during the full moon help a person of any age and gender achieve the desired results without dangerous consequences. The magic that is used to meet a soul mate or get rich is powered by a person’s inner strength and is directly related to the power of Moonlight. Conspiracies on the Full Moon for health help protect against any illness, and rituals to fulfill a wish attract everything that the soul of the conspirator desires.

Full Moon conspiracies are the simplest and most effective to perform. They are easy to carry out at home without lengthy preparation and excessive costs. Both a novice practitioner and an experienced magician can use spells on the Full Moon.

Magic on the Full Moon

Conspiracies during the Full Moon have special power. If on the days when the Moon is waning you can say goodbye to everything that prevents a person from growing and improving, then during the period when the month is growing you can increase profits or make a love spell, then the Full Moon gives strength for special conspiracies. On the Full Moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and not be afraid that the magic used will turn against the conspirator. A rollback during this period is not destructive.

Prayers for repayment of debt or love are read during the Lunar period only with sincere faith in magic. Both young ladies and adult women can make amulets at night, when the full moon appears in the sky. The silver patroness is more favorable towards women. For a girl who cannot meet her betrothed, prayers during this period of the month will protect her from damage and help her to remove the crown of celibacy. An effective ritual for the full moon will provide the necessary protection to the family, bring prosperity and allow you to find harmony in your own soul.

How Full Moon spells work

There comes a time in every person's life when he does not know what to do to improve his standard of living. Only those individuals who are not afraid to perform magical rituals can get out of a difficult situation. Prayers that are read on special days, charged with the necessary energy, are a real weapon in capable hands. Before reading the plot, a person must understand what magic on the Full Moon is intended for and how it works.

Rituals that are performed for enrichment, for prosperity, for love can work on any other day of the week. To do this, you just need to find a suitable ritual and strengthen it with magical attributes. On the full moon, ordinary conspiracies are enhanced without additional attributes and items. Success in trading is attracted, a fateful meeting and winnings are attracted (if the lottery is approaching). Black or white magic for the full moon will help improve the life of any person.

Conditions for performing rituals

Strong rituals require concentration of all forces and complete dedication from the conspirator. If strong rituals are carried out on salt, a bill or hair of the object of love, it is necessary to charge the attributes in advance. To do this, you need to read the Lord’s Prayer late at night, and then hide the bill or coin securely. Before any Full Moon ritual, the conspirator prepares physically and mentally:

  1. Only people with pure thoughts and a purified soul are able to attract prosperity and bind a loved one to themselves. For spiritual cleansing, before the ceremony you need to visit church and repent of all sins. A week before the ceremony, you should wake up early in the morning at dawn and, under the words of the prayer “Our Father,” wash yourself with holy water.
  2. Energy cleansing should be done in your home or workplace. An important stage of preparation is to free the house from any negativity. Effective rituals work instantly only in a house in which there is no damage or curse. There is a lot of power in the Full Moon that should not be missed, so you should start preparing a week or two before the ritual.
  3. In order for a quick ritual to work today, you need to have something with you that is saturated with the energy of the object of the conspiracy (the thing of a married man or a loved one who left of his own free will, his photo and hair). A powerful and quick ritual will allow you to get rid of your rival if the conspirator has a photograph or item belonging to the enemy.
  4. The bill for the ceremony should be prepared without unnecessary witnesses (speak in prayer). After this, the paper money is hidden. To attract customers using magic, money is used, which is taken from the proceeds.

Effective banknote rituals will be useful in the life of any person. If the Full Moon has a lot of power that gives impetus to new things and protects the personality from loss, then there is nothing wrong with using such magic.

What can be attracted with the help of the magic of the Moon Disc

There is a lot of power in the Full Moon, but what do magicians use it for? White or black magic are levers for fulfilling desires. Any effects that can be observed in the following days are due to man, not magic. A properly selected ritual will allow you not to be afraid of your desires, and to receive them without complications for the whole family.

Rituals (white or black magic gives rise to them, it doesn’t matter) that are performed on the Full Moon without extra eyes and ears:

  • strong rituals for fulfilling the wildest desires (universal conspiracies and whispers);
  • rituals for marriage (for a successful marriage with a suitable partner);
  • energy-cleansing rituals with water;
  • strong rituals for good luck (for money luck, for luck in professional and personal life);
  • salt spells for monetary success.

Whatever conspiracies and powerful rituals a person chooses, special magic words are read from memory, with full awareness of each spoken word. To fulfill wishes, they additionally use omens (there are many random magical phenomena and signs during the Full Moon) and amulets. Amulets will help protect you, no matter what type the conspirator chooses: jewelry, wall amulets or charmed pins.

Love spells

Love is something to which every person is drawn at any time, in any century. If people have different attitudes towards money, then in order to achieve a certain status a person is ready to make any sacrifice. Women strive to start a family, and men want to put down roots. A complete home is important for a person: full of joy, prosperity and harmony. The right ritual will give the conspirator what he wants.

For love magic, it is important that excess negativity does not accumulate in the house. Various fortune telling and magical diagnostics with salt will help identify damage or the crown of celibacy that prevents you from building harmonious relationships. A person has only one way out - with the help of holy waters on the night of the Full Moon, to carry out a secret magical action.

Preparing for the ritual

The Full Moon spell can be carried out both in bad weather (rain will only strengthen the spell) and in a strong blizzard. A conspiracy is read on the Full Moon to fulfill a desire in your personal life after sunset, at home, in conditions comfortable for a person. The fulfillment of a secret desire for a man and a woman can happen in completely different ways; if a young lady is focused on marriage, fate will send her many opportunities to meet the right person. A Full Moon conspiracy for men will allow you to find a faithful spouse who will not deceive and will not become a burden.

The realization of your plans (any innermost personal desires) will be ensured by simple magical attributes:

  • red candle;
  • caraway seeds;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • saucer and clean napkin.

The simplest spells are always the most effective. If the ritual is being performed for the first time, difficult work should be postponed on the chosen day. Confidence in a favorable outcome of the entire event will also strengthen the position of the conspirator. It is very important that any desires coincide with the inner feelings of a woman or man.

On the day of the Full Moon, as soon as the first ray of sun appears, the conspirator carries out the simplest preparatory measures. A man goes out into the street and, worshiping all four ends of the world, reads the words of the conspiracy:

“Beauty and goodness, blooming and short-lived - all this exists and they give strength to all of this. The warmest, brightest, fastest feelings come to me.”

Every word must be spoken with hope and faith in the heart. After all, only then will words become action.

Reading the plot

To fulfill a desire in your personal life, you read Full Moon conspiracies for a quick marriage. Women who are tired of waiting for happiness find salvation in the Full Moon. A chance to find love comes into their life and they take it without hesitation. For personal desires, no matter what goals a person pursues, they read simple conspiracies, and then wash themselves with holy water throughout the week.

At night, to ensure family happiness, the conspirator remains alone and places the prepared attributes on the table (the day before, he spoke well to each of them and sprinkled them with holy water). As soon as the conspirator senses the right moment, he lights a red candle and pours salt and cumin on a saucer. Place a napkin on top of the saucer.

To enhance the effect, leave a personal item of the beloved on top of the napkin and read the spell:

“In a dense forest, in a damp forest, there is a hut. An evil witch sits in that forest house. I’ll go to that forest, walk along it, and remember the road. You, evil witch, take everything I don’t need, take my rival, hoard her anger. Yes, leave me the golden key to the heart of the young man (the name of his beloved). I will command the old woman with my pure word, I will command with my strong will. Well done (name) will love me, he will love me, and he will only be mine.”

Alternative love spell

To meet your soulmate (your love, your future spouse), for happiness in the family, in a strong union, only the most powerful Full Moon rituals are used. For men, such rituals are just as useful as for free women. Vanga's old spells for good luck, winning, or meeting a lover are still in great demand to this day. Natalia Stepanova's spells help you find your destiny and your soul mate. Such conspiracies save men from betrayal (if carried out on the Full Moon, on Sunday or Monday).

An alternative plot to make your loved one miss you can be carried out:

  • you can induce melancholy through underwear (panties or nightgown);
  • for jewelry with stones (pearls, semi-precious stones);
  • to punish an unfaithful husband.

White and black rituals for abundance, love, for an offender or for a loved one require full concentration of strength. It is very difficult to remove a love spell on the Full Moon. The best conspiracies read for mental illness, for the pain of lost love and after the departure of a spouse are not pronounced in the presence of strangers. Conspiracies and prayers for marriage on the Full Moon are strengthened by special amulets charged on the day of the ceremony.

Preparation for the ceremony

In youth, in adulthood, a conspiracy read on the day of the Full Moon saves you from damage to love and from loneliness. To carry out the attraction you will need a glass (an ordinary transparent glass) and some holy water. In order for the guy to return or the conspirator to find new love, it is necessary to fill the glass with water at exactly 23:00. While it is a clear day outside, the ritual cannot be performed.

The conspirator runs his finger along the rim of the glass (clockwise) and pronounces the words of the spell:

“I’ll throw the key to his heart, the golden key falls into the deep sea and hides under a stone. No one can drink the water in that sea, no one can get the golden key. Yours is not mine, mine is not yours. Let it be so. Amen".

The plot is repeated exactly 7 times. At night, the glass remains on the windowsill, and as soon as day comes, the charmed water is mixed into the drinks of the object of sympathy or a loved one. Conspiracies for the love of a man on the Full Moon cannot be repeated earlier than six months later.

A Full Moon spell to make a wish come true is read on any thing that is associated with money (wallet, paper money, coins). Before the ceremony, you need to buy a wallet, but you shouldn’t use old things to attract wealth. On the Full Moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies and love spells on your wallet, which begin to work the next day.

Carrying out the ceremony

Full Moon conspiracies for money: how to read them and what is needed for this? On the Full Moon, you can read the most powerful conspiracies, and then charge your attributes from moonlight all night. By candlelight, the conspirator takes out a new wallet and speaks very quietly with the words:

“There are so many stars in the night sky. Just as there is a lot of water in the sea, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet. So that the servant of God (name) has plenty of money and has enough for everything. Amen".

You only need to read such a plot on the Full Moon three times. To attract wealth, the wallet is placed on the windowsill all night. By candlelight, you can repeat the spell the next day, and in the morning use the wallet for its intended purpose.


Very simple rituals for health or good luck (for a winning ticket) are performed by candlelight. On Wednesday, the candle is spoken of not only for health, but also for the fulfillment of even the wildest desire. By candlelight (church or regular candles), magicians cleanse an apartment or house during the Full Moon. A strong and effective love spell on the Full Moon will bring everything that the plotter dares to dream of.

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