Rising shower: an effective procedure for prevention and treatment. Contrast shower for hemorrhoids

A common practice today. The benefits of such procedures were discovered in ancient times. At that time, water was considered healing and healing.

Now this method of healing is in great demand due to its availability and low cost. Of all hydrotherapeutic procedures, the shower is the most widespread. There are several types of it. A shower, as a type of hydrotherapy, can be: needle, Scottish, ascending, circular, and so on. Each is used to treat specific diseases. Almost all types of showers are used for cosmetic purposes. The exception is ascending. This type is used purely for medicinal purposes.

What is the procedure

An ascending shower is the effect of a stream of water on the body, the temperature and pressure of which is regulated by a specialist depending on the disease. This type of hydrotherapy has a second name (perineal) due to the fact that a stream of liquid is directed specifically to this part of the human body.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • A person sits on a special chair.
  • Water of a certain temperature and required pressure is turned on from below. These indicators depend on the disease.
  • After a period of time prescribed by the attending physician, the water is turned off. The procedure is considered completed.

Rising showers are made with hot and cold water. The first option is used to heat the perineal area. This is necessary for inflammatory processes of the female genital organs, proctitis and others. An ascending shower is carried out with a cold or slightly warm stream of water for the purpose of cooling. This version of the procedure is used in the treatment of impotence. Water irritates the skin in the perineal area, and this stimulates the functioning of the nerve endings located inside.

Rising shower: indications

As already mentioned, this type of hydrotherapy is used exclusively for medical purposes. It is used for healing, prevention and in the post-morbid period.

Rising shower is used for gynecological and urological diseases. The main diseases treated by the procedure include:

  • Impotence
  • Rectal fissures.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Chronic constipation.
  • Childlessness.
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Proctitis.

Rising shower: contraindications

There are no age restrictions for the medical procedure. Rising shower is used in the treatment of both children and elderly people. This procedure also does not have any special contraindications.

It is important to consult with your doctor before undergoing this type of hydrotherapy, as there are still cases in which an ascending shower is not advisable.


  • Severe stages of diseases of internal organs.
  • Bleeding.
  • Body temperature is higher than normal.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Diseases of the epidermis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Hypertonic disease.

Carrying out the procedure at home

You can perform an ascending shower yourself. But this, as in the case of any other medical procedure that you are planning to carry out at home, should only be started after consultation with a specialist. After all, only the attending physician will be able to calculate the correct temperature and the required duration of exposure of the jet to the body.

Most often, a soft hose is used for an ascending shower, the water pressure from which is directed to the perineum area. The duration of this medical procedure at home should not exceed five minutes in any case.

Hydrotherapy is a wide range of techniques for influencing the human body with waters of different physical and chemical qualities.

Among them there is the so-called ascending shower, which has become known to doctors for a very long time and is actively used in the treatment of certain ailments.

It is distinguished from other hydrotherapy procedures by its narrow medical specialization and complete inadequacy for use in the cosmetology industry. Its energy can only be used for medicinal purposes.

How does an ascending shower affect the body?

Perineal shower is another name for this procedure. The name is fully justified, because the jets of water, which are the main active components of the treatment, are directed from below to the pelvic area.

Due to the fact that the rising shower has virtually no contraindications, it is prescribed even to children and the elderly.

At the same time, it affects pathologies of the pelvic organs and has the following effects on the body:

  • tonic;
  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • strengthens the pelvic muscles;
  • improves blood circulation and oxygen exchange.

How does the procedure work?

To carry out the “rising shower” procedure, the patient does not have to prepare himself in any way separately. True, it is better to empty the bladder and intestines.

In medical settings, special equipment is used, and the doctor, at certain intervals, is interested in the patient’s condition and sensations - in order to avoid any unpleasant consequences.


To take a shower, you need a special stool, the seat of which is a rim, and at the bottom there is a small pipe for supplying water. The angle of the mesh tip is changed depending on the indications for a particular person.

For women, there is a separate bidet stool, in which, if necessary, you can sit down to take gynecological baths. In this case, the mesh tip of the pipe is clogged so that the water does not escape.

Session duration, temperature and water pressure

Therapeutic ascending shower is carried out at a water temperature of 25 to 40 degrees.

This indicator may change during a session, depending on the disease. The upper temperature range has a relaxing effect, the lower, on the contrary, tones.

The pressure in the water supply tube varies in the range of 1-2, less often 3-4 atmospheres.

Moreover, for any reason, men should protect their scrotum from exposure to water; they need to sit in such a way that the rim of the seat does not allow the stream to hit it.

One session of a perineal shower can last from 4 to 15 minutes. In this case, the procedure is carried out either daily or every other day. The entire course of treatment is usually designed for 10-20 visits to the hydrotherapy room.

Rising shower at home

When a person is prescribed such a procedure, he almost immediately asks a fair question: “Is an ascending shower possible at home?”

Still, today most residents of Russia have a bath or shower, which also has a corresponding watering can. Why not influence the small pelvis through regular water supply?

In fact, such questions and doubts are inappropriate. Not a single person without medical and, coupled with it, plumbing education will be able to organize at least a similar procedure in his own bath.

The fact is that it is impossible to regulate the pressure of the jet, choose the right temperature and time for an impromptu shower without special equipment.

In addition, you need to know the exact indications for the procedure. For example, a warm ascending shower for hemorrhoids aggravates the situation one or two times, as does the same ascending shower for prostatitis.

No one other than a qualified physician can correctly select all three indicators of the procedure. This means that a home caretaker is not destined to replace a doctor.

Indications and contraindications

The ascendant soul has a rather narrow specialization. It cannot be used to get rid of ailments of the musculoskeletal or respiratory system, this is clear to everyone.

The entire area of ​​its influence is the pelvic organs, which is why the procedure is prescribed for the corresponding diseases.

If we talk about contraindications, then the perineal shower does not have any as such, but sometimes any water treatment is contraindicated for patients - in such cases they refuse it too.

In general, all indications and contraindications can be expressed in a table:

Indications for treatment Contraindications
Cool waterWarm water

In particular, it has no cosmetic benefits, and lovely ladies need to use other means to maintain their beauty.

The rising shower, the indications and contraindications of which are discussed above, has been known to the world for a long time. Any physician knows exactly in what case and to whom this procedure should be prescribed and what characteristics to establish.

Self-medication with this type of hydrotherapy is impossible - a home shower cannot provide either the required pressure or temperature.

And if it can, then the patient himself does not have the resources to evaluate these factors. Therefore, all treatment takes place either in physiotherapy rooms of hospitals or in health resorts.

With the right approach to treatment with an ascending shower, a course of procedures can significantly improve the patient’s condition, relieve pain, overcome inflammatory processes and restore the original functions of organs.

But violating the rules for its use will not only not help fight illnesses, but may also worsen the condition. This is why consulting a doctor is necessary.

Video: Rising shower

Rising shower is used to treat hemorrhoids and diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems in men and women. This procedure has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain, and helps normalize blood circulation. Hydrotherapy should be used in combination with drug treatment.

Impact on the body

This method of therapy has a local effect. A stream of water is directed to the perineum area, providing a healing effect on the body.

Exposure to water jets improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, prevents the appearance of thrombosis, and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic. The procedure relieves inflammation and strengthens muscles locally. Metabolism is normalized.

For hemorrhoids, this method of therapy reduces blood flow to the nodes, helping to reduce their size. An ascending shower has an analgesic effect on the human body, relieves constipation that causes disease, and relieves swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Hydrotherapy is prescribed for diseases of the reproductive and excretory systems, as well as for varicose veins of the rectum. The technique is used in gynecology, urology, andrology and proctology.

This technique is used to treat pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly, and children.

This method of treatment is prohibited for rashes in the perineal area, cancer, severe hypertension, and active tuberculosis. People with blood flow problems should not be treated with an ascending shower. You should refrain from performing the procedure during infectious diseases, bleeding, severe diseases of internal organs, or elevated body temperature.

Only a doctor can prescribe hydrotherapy.

How does the procedure work?

An ascending shower for hemorrhoids should be performed in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor.

The male patient should protect the scrotum area from powerful jets. Liquid supplied under high pressure can injure the organ and lead to disruptions in its functioning. Therefore, you need to sit down so that the seat protects the scrotum from aggressive mechanical influence.

The procedure is painless and, when used correctly, does not cause any discomfort to the patient.

The man sits down on the seat, the doctor turns on the water supply. For hemorrhoids, a narrow perforated nozzle is placed on the shower head. For prostatitis, a wide rain nozzle is used. The sprayer is tilted at such an angle that the liquid falls on the damaged area. During the therapy session, doctors monitor the patient’s well-being.


To carry out the procedure, special equipment is used. You need a stool whose seat is a ring with a hole. For the treatment of women, a bidet shower is suitable, in which, if necessary, you can take healing baths.

"Sedentary" disease. Haemorrhoids

Neumyvakin Hemorrhoids

A shower head is installed under the seat. The angle of its inclination should change. Some seat models are equipped with a built-in additional tip that massages the patient's back in the lumbar and sacral areas.

Session duration, temperature and water pressure

A stream of water is supplied to the patient's perineal area under a pressure of 1-2 atmospheres. Sometimes they can use a more powerful jet, supplied under a pressure of 3-4 atmospheres.

Cool or hot water is used for the procedure. Liquid at a temperature of +25… +36ºС tones blood vessels and improves blood circulation. Liquid with temperatures up to +40ºС is used to eliminate the inflammatory process.

A therapy session lasts from 5 to 15 minutes.

In order for the treatment to bring the desired effect, sessions are carried out every other day or daily in a course of 10-20 procedures.

Rising shower at home

Rising showers should not be performed at home. The procedure should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor; self-medication can be harmful to health. The specialist selects the water temperature and pressure depending on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of its course, and the individual characteristics of the patient. You may independently choose the wrong settings that are not suitable for treating your stage of the disease.

At home, it is better to use a contrast shower. Hydrotherapy should begin with 3-5 alternations of cold and warm showers. The cold water temperature should not be too low. It is better to gradually make the liquid cooler, increase the number of repetitions and the duration of stay under cold water.

You need to complete the procedure with a warm shower. Then it is important to wipe yourself dry and warm up.

A contrast shower strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolic processes, slows down aging, and relieves swelling. Before starting the procedure, consult your doctor.

Wellness using water procedures is in great demand today. The beneficial properties of hydrotherapy were discovered during the period of antiquity. At that time, water was considered a life-giving and healing liquid for people.

All therapeutic, rehabilitation, as well as preventive measures with its help are very accessible and at the same time simple.

The most popular type of hydrotherapy among many patients is the fan shower. The principle of this type of treatment is to influence certain parts of the human body with directed jets of water. Their pressure, as well as temperature, varies. There are many types of souls, but in this case it is worth talking about such a type as ascending.

Medicinal properties

This type of water procedure, unlike the Scottish or Vichy shower, is not used for cosmetic purposes, but as a medical procedure.

Most often it is prescribed as a course of treatment, prevention, and recovery for patients who have or have had diseases associated with gynecology or urology. Moreover, such a procedure is prescribed regardless of the person’s age. For example, it is prescribed to children to treat enuresis, and to elderly people for radiculitis.

Sessions of such a shower allow you to speed up healing in case of inflammation. The reason for this is that the main means of such therapy is precisely the massage effect that a stream of water under pressure has on the corresponding parts of the body. Due to this, blood circulation improves and muscles are strengthened.

This version of the shower is a type of point therapeutic shower, which is also called perineal, due to the area that is affected.

The essence of the procedure

The operating principle of this hydrotherapy procedure is that a person is seated on a seat that has a hole, and jets of water at a given temperature and pressure are applied to the lower part of his body.

Due to the fact that the water supply goes from bottom to top, the shower got its name - ascending.

Such a shower has a direct effect on all organs in the pelvic area, due to which it is prescribed for patients with pathologies:

  • gynecological nature;
  • urological;
  • proctological type.

Note: the use of such a shower, due to its massage effect, allows you to improve not only blood supply, but also speed up the recovery of the body in case of inflammatory processes.

The pressure with which the jets are supplied can vary up to 4 atmospheres. As for the temperature, it also varies, ranging from 25 to 40 degrees Celsius. Moreover, all these changes have different effects on the corresponding parts of the body and organs.

For example, if water is supplied at a temperature of 25 to 36 C, it will have a tonic effect. And in case of inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to heat the water to a level of 40 degrees Celsius.

Most often, treatment with this procedure is prescribed as a whole course, which lasts from 10 to 20 sessions.

It can be carried out either every day or every other day. In this case, one session lasts on average up to 5 minutes.

To treat radiculitis of the lumbar and sacral region, the treatment procedure is combined with taking a sitz bath. In this way, three areas of the body will be affected simultaneously.


The installation itself for such a shower looks like a stool with a ring-shaped seat, to which a massage sprayer is mounted with the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.

First of all, the required temperature is set in the device, after which the patient is invited to sit on this stool.

The water itself will come from a mesh made like a rain shower, installed in such a way that the holes are directed upward. If the patient is male, the seat should protect his scrotum.

In the case when an ascending shower is prescribed to a woman, it looks like a bidet shower, which can also be used for a local gynecological bath (with anosma herbs). Moreover, the design of such a device has the shape of a faience bowl, where an ascending shower is installed, and there is an outlet hole at the bottom.

If the latter is closed, the device can be used just as a bath for necessary gynecological procedures. It is worth noting that such a device can supply a hot and warm stream of water if hyperemia is necessary. In this case, the use of the Unispok pulse apparatus is additionally prescribed.

If necessary, such a shower is made cold or cool. Procedures of this kind are aimed at influencing innervation centers (this may be necessary for certain types of impotence). Cooling procedures are also prescribed for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

The duration of the session itself directly depends on the water temperature:

  • in the case of taking a warm ascending shower, this procedure should last no more than 6 minutes;
  • Cold therapy sessions do not exceed 3 minutes, although they are often shorter.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is prescribed to those patients who have problems of the following nature:

  • urinary incontinence;
  • various gynecological diseases, including infertility problems;
  • prostatitis or impotence;
  • diseases of the rectum (using a cooling shower);
  • proctitis

Contraindications to the use of Silkut shower are diseases associated with fever, oncology, tuberculosis or any infectious virus.

Such procedures are often prescribed in conjunction with galvatherapy (also called electric mud).

Home self-medication

Most often at home, a regular shower hose is used as such a shower, which is placed in such a way that water is supplied from the bottom up.

However, based on patient reviews, it is better to carry out this procedure in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor.

It is the specialist who must determine what type of procedure should be taken in a particular case (temperature and pressure) or whether it is not necessary.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains for which diseases the use of an ascending shower and contraindications to it are indicated:

The hydrotherapy section includes several types of showers and baths. All of them have many therapeutic, preventive and cosmetic effects on the human body. The ascending, or perineal, shower stands apart from other hydrotherapy procedures - it is a technique of exclusively local influence with a narrow list of indications. Moreover, these indications relate directly to medicine, and this physical procedure has nothing to do with it. We will talk about what an ascending shower is, how it affects the body, when it is prescribed and in what cases it is contraindicated, as well as the technique of its implementation in our article.

Rising shower - what is it? Rising shower effects

As mentioned above, an ascending shower is a technique of local influence. And this effect is carried out on the most intimate area of ​​the human body - the perineum. The procedure is often prescribed by gynecologists, urologists and proctologists.

It affects pathological processes occurring in the pelvis, providing tonic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects, improving blood circulation and strengthening the pelvic muscles.

The rising shower is approved for use by children and elderly patients, since it is a painless procedure, does not cause complications and has virtually no contraindications.

Indications and contraindications

An ascending (perineal) shower will benefit people suffering from the following diseases:

  • chronic adnexitis and salpingitis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility;
  • chronic prostatitis;
  • impotence;
  • spontaneous urination (including in children);
  • chronic constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • rectal fissures;
  • proctitis and paraproctitis.

In some cases, this technique is used to treat people suffering from lumbosacral radiculitis.

The ascending shower has no contraindications. However, if you have diseases such as an active form of tuberculosis, severe hypertension, chronic circulatory failure of the third degree, malignant tumors, skin rashes, especially in the perineal area, increased tendency to bleeding, please warn your doctor about them.

Equipment and methodology for the procedure

To take a perineal shower, you will need a special stool, the seat of which is an open ring. At the base of this chair there is a mesh shower head, the angle of which can be adjusted. Some models are equipped with another shower head to act on the lumbosacral region of the patient.

For women, there is a separate model of a chair - the so-called bidet shower, which can be used not only as a shower, but also as a local gynecological bath - if necessary, of course. The bidet shower has the form of a bowl into which a crotch shower with its ring-shaped seat is mounted. This bowl has a hole at the bottom, which can be sealed and you can use it as a bidet.

Water at a temperature of 25 to 40°C is supplied through a mesh shower head to the patient’s perineum under a pressure of 1-2, less often 3-4 atmospheres.

It is worth noting that the temperature of the water depends on the effect you expect from the procedure: cold and cool water (25-36°C) has a tonic effect, and warm and hot water (up to 40°C) has an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissue.

Men should avoid hitting the scrotum with the jet - it is necessary to sit on a stool in such a way that the seat protects it.

The therapy session lasts from 4-5 to 10-15 minutes. The procedures are carried out daily or every other day, the course of treatment is 10-15-20 sessions depending on the disease.

Treatment at home – is it possible?

Many patients are interested in the question: is it possible to carry out ascending shower sessions at home using a regular shower head or remove it altogether and direct one powerful stream of water to the perineum? It is extremely undesirable to do this, since the temperature of the water used in the rising shower directly depends on the disease, and it is determined exclusively by the doctor. By choosing the wrong temperature, you may not only fail to cure, but also aggravate the disease. And it is not possible to determine the jet pressure and adjust it at home.

Concluding the article, I would like to repeat that the ascending shower is a local physiotherapy procedure used for the treatment of urological and proctological diseases. It is painless and has no absolute contraindications. Despite this, only a doctor should prescribe this method of physiotherapy. It will determine the required water temperature, jet pressure and duration of the procedure - an ascending shower with exactly these parameters will bring maximum benefit in each specific case.

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