Inflamed lymph nodes: possible causes. Can lymph nodes become inflamed due to nervousness? What needs to be done for inflammation of the lymph node to go away?

Many people sometimes notice unnatural bulges on their neck, which are usually extremely painful. They can appear in both adults and children. What does this mean, why is it dangerous and how to treat such a disease? This syndrome is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the neck. The reasons for the situation can be varied.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

To find out why the lymph nodes in the neck hurt, first let’s understand what lymph and lymph nodes are and what function they perform in the body.

Lymph is a special fluid that resembles blood, except that it lacks red blood cells. The main type of cells found in lymph is . This type of cell is responsible for the body's immune response.

Lymph nodes are a collection of lymphatic vessels. The nodes perform a dual function - on the one hand, they are a barrier to the penetration of various infectious agents into the body, and also prevent the proliferation of pathological cells of the body itself. On the other hand, lymph nodes are the site of development of new lymphocytes. Antibodies and phagocytes can also be produced in the lymph nodes. In addition, these organs are responsible for the outflow of intercellular fluid.

Location of lymph nodes

There are many lymph nodes in the human body, but they are most densely located in the neck, groin area and armpit. Lymph nodes vary in size. The largest of them have a diameter of approximately 1 cm. There are several groups of nodes on the neck:

  • from the front of the neck,
  • from the back of the neck,
  • under the chin,
  • under the jaw
  • on the back of the head
  • in the ear area.

The largest ones and those located close to the surface of the skin can be felt with your fingers. They have a round shape to the touch and can roll slightly. However, in normal condition, the lymph nodes do not cause pain when touched.


Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. With cervical lymphadenitis, the nodes increase in size and become painful. They may feel hard to the touch. The size of the inflamed nodes can vary from the diameter of a pea to 5 or more centimeters.

Sometimes, however, there is no tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes. If the inflammation is severe, the skin around the lymph nodes may become red and inflamed. The disease can affect both lymph nodes on one side of the neck and symmetrical nodes on both sides. Sometimes several groups of nodes may be involved in the process.

Also, pain in the cervical lymph node can sometimes be felt not only when pressing on it, but also when swallowing, turning the head in different directions.

There are several risk groups whose members are more likely to get the disease:

  • people with weakened immune systems;
  • those suffering from chronic alcoholism;
  • people prone to allergic reactions;
  • patients with thyroid diseases.

It is customary to distinguish several types of lymphadenitis:

  • spicy,
  • catarrhal,
  • chronic.


With inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes, the causes can be varied. In most cases, lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but only a symptom indicating some problems in the body. These could be inflammations, infections or tumors. An experienced doctor can determine the location of the disease and its type based on the location of the affected node, its shape, size and degree of pain.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck may be associated with an increased concentration of pathogens in them, and an increase in their size may be associated with an increase in the production of lymphocytes.

Very often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is caused by diseases of the upper respiratory tract - rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, influenza, as well as inflammation of the middle ear - otitis media. Lymphadenitis can also be caused by oral infections - periodontitis, gingivitis, caries, stomatitis, inflammation of the gums and tongue.

Infectious processes on the skin - dermatitis, rashes, furunculosis, wounds and suppuration can also cause enlargement and inflammation of the nodes. These processes may be caused by exposure to the herpes virus, bacteria or fungi.

If the lymph node is very painful, this may be a symptom preceding the active phase of the disease. Microorganisms that can cause inflammation of nodes include pathogens, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, streptococci and staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic fungi.

Infection with bacilli, brucellosis and syphilis most often leads to a chronic form of lymphadenitis.

Also, enlargement and inflammation of the nodes can be caused by autoimmune diseases (rheumatism, gout, sarcoidosis, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), and chronic alcoholism.

There are often cases when lymphadenitis is just evidence of a weakened immune system (as a result of stress, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body). The opposite situation may also occur - when the nodes become inflamed due to an allergic reaction, that is, an enhanced immune response to any irritant. In such cases, however, enlarged lymph nodes may be accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of allergic reactions - rash, hives, swelling, etc.

AIDS is a serious viral disease that affects the cells of the human immune system. Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck, as well as lymph nodes located in other parts of the body, may indicate the presence of HIV in the body.

Can also lead to lymphadenitis. This is a disease in which pathological cells appear in the body, concentrating in certain organs, including the lymph nodes. Mononucleosis is characterized by a very strong enlargement of the lymph nodes, the size of which can reach 5 cm.

Tumors located in the upper part of the body can also cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck. In some cases, we can talk about tumors of the tissues of the lymph nodes themselves - lymphomas.

Thus, there are a huge number of reasons that can cause enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, and it is impossible to list them all in a short article. In total, there are more than a hundred diseases that can lead to a similar phenomenon. Therefore, it is usually very difficult to draw a conclusion about what problem underlies lymphadenitis without thorough tests.

In some cases, the patient can also draw a conclusion about the nature of the disease associated with inflammation of the lymph node by its shape and other external signs.

The presence of many small inflamed nodes indicates a weakened immune system. The uneven contours of the node, its immobility and painlessness is a reason to contact an oncologist.

Enlarged lymph nodes without pain when pressing may indicate certain stages of tuberculosis.

An increase in pain when pressing, a rounded shape and mobility of the node most likely indicate inflammatory processes in the throat and neck. The location of the inflamed node may also indicate this - as a rule, during infectious processes of the throat, the submandibular lymph nodes become inflamed. If, for example, the lymph node on the left hurts, this means that, most likely, the source of infection is also on the left side.

It is also impossible to exclude lymphadenitis, which is not associated with any infectious disease, but arises due to mechanical damage to the tissue of the node.

Lymphadenitis in children

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck during infections occurs especially often. The causes of frequent inflammation can be ARVI and rubella, scarlet fever, and infectious mononucleosis. Also in children, inflammation of the nodes can be an immune response to vaccinations, for example, BCG vaccination.


In most cases, the cause of the disease can only be determined by a doctor upon examination. However, it often happens that the presence of inflammation of the nodes coincides with respiratory symptoms: sore throat, cough, runny nose, and high fever. In such cases, there is no doubt that lymphadenitis is caused by an acute respiratory disease. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, enlarged lymph nodes may indicate a tumor, so if the nodes do not go away for a long time, then you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Which specialist is best to contact if the lymph nodes in the neck hurt? This is usually the prerogative of an otolaryngologist. He can send you for additional tests - a blood test, ultrasound, research on the genomes of microorganisms, or to other specialists, for example, to an infectious disease specialist, oncologist, hematologist, dentist, pulmonologist. If necessary, a biopsy of the node tissue can be used for diagnosis. To exclude tuberculosis, fluorographic examination can be used.


How to treat and how to treat lymphadenitis? In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes is a secondary symptom and therefore does not require separate treatment. It is enough to cure the underlying disease and the enlarged nodes will decrease in size. The exception is purulent inflammation of the nodes. In this case, surgery may be required.

What to do if the disease is bacterial in nature? In this case, antibiotics are taken. The specific type of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen and should be prescribed by a doctor. For fungal skin infections, antifungal drugs are used - Clotrimazole, Ketonazole.

If the disease is of a viral nature (influenza, ARVI, measles, scarlet fever), then, as a rule, symptomatic therapy is carried out. For herpes, Acyclovir is prescribed in the form of tablets or ointments. For infectious mononucleosis, drugs with interferon are prescribed.

If the cause of lymphadenitis is allergic reactions, then antihistamines are prescribed, and measures are taken to eliminate the effect of the irritant substance on the body. Children often experience inflammation of the lymph nodes as a protective reaction against animal saliva entering the body, for example, after playing with cats or dogs. In some cases, with primary lymphadenitis, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed.

In no case should you self-medicate, in particular, warm up the affected nodes, massage them or smear them with bactericidal ointments, as well as ointments and gels with a warming effect. In this case, the infection can spread far beyond the node throughout the body and even lead to blood poisoning.

But this is not even the main danger. Since lymphadenitis in most cases is a secondary disease, by focusing on the problem of pain and enlargement of the lymph nodes, treatment of the underlying disease can be started.

If the patient has a high temperature, bed rest and lack of physical activity are recommended. It is also recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks - up to 2 liters per day for adults, up to 1 liter for children.

Is it possible to use traditional medicine methods in the treatment of inflamed nodes? These methods can be useful to eliminate the hidden causes of the disease - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity. It is well known that with many inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, rinsing with extracts of sage, mint and, which have good anti-inflammatory properties, helps. However, it hardly makes sense to resort to traditional medicine until the cause of the disease is clearly established.

If the cause of chronic lymphadenitis is the patient’s weakened immunity, then in this case, restorative decoctions of ginseng, lemongrass, and echinacea can help. However, the possibility of oncological causes should be excluded, since in this case, herbal decoctions can aggravate them.


Untreated purulent lymphadenitis can lead to a number of complications:

  • phlegmon (purulent inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue),
  • periadenitis,
  • thrombophlebitis,
  • fistulas in the esophagus and trachea.

With phlegmon, a painful swelling forms in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Also, phlegmon is characterized by pain when swallowing and opening the mouth, and an increase in temperature.

Prevention of lymphadenitis

Preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of lymphadenitis include timely treatment of diseases that can cause it - influenza, acute respiratory infections, rhinitis, oral sanitation, personal hygiene, which will reduce the risk of boils. It is also important to strengthen the body as a whole and the immune system. People with hypersensitivity to allergens should avoid exposure to them.

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and produce cells that help fight infections. These are a kind of biological filters that trap various infections and prevent them from penetrating the entire body.

The appearance of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck is a fairly common occurrence, most often found in children. Scientifically it is called cervical lymphadenitis.

The inflammation is localized in the cervical lymph nodes, and it is very dangerous because these same lymph nodes are located quite close to the brain. This means that if the cervical portion of the lymphatic system does not cope with the infection, then the risk of its penetration into the brain tissue will increase significantly.

If the cervical lymph nodes are inflamed, you should urgently consult a specialist. To diagnose and provide effective drug treatment in a timely manner.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

An enlarged lymph node is a signal from the immune system, which means that it is no longer able to protect the body itself from an infection that has penetrated into it or frolicking autoimmune inflammation. The most lymph nodes are located on the human neck, these are:

  • submandibular,
  • chin;
  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • anterior and posterior ears;
  • submandibular;
  • retropharyngeal;
  • occipital

Depending on which group or which lymph node is enlarged, the cause of inflammation can be suspected. The functions of the lymph nodes are:

  • participation in biochemical processes - metabolic;
  • formation of immune cells – immunopoietic;
  • stimulation of cell proliferation in some organs – stimulating;
  • preventing the penetration of foreign substances into the body - barrier.
  • formation of blood cells - lymphocytes - hematopoietic;

Normally, peripheral lymph nodes, including cervical ones, are defined as single round formations with a diameter of 3 to 8 mm (submandibular - up to 1 cm, inguinal - up to 1.5 cm), soft consistency, mobile, not fused with each other and surrounding tissues, painless.

As it increases, the formation loses its elasticity and becomes somewhat painful due to irritation of the nerve receptors of the surrounding tissues.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Why do the lymph nodes in the neck become inflamed? There can be quite a lot of reasons for this. Typically, cervical lymphadenitis is not an independent disease, but is a complication of an inflammatory process at a different location (usually organs located in close proximity to the lymph node).

In some cases, lymphadenitis occurs primarily: the infectious agent penetrates the lymphatic network through mechanically damaged skin or mucous membrane.

The main causes of inflammation of the lymph node in the neck:

Less commonly, enlarged lymph nodes may indicate disorders in the body due to:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • alcoholism;
  • allergic reactions;
  • connective tissue diseases.

In most cases, lymphadenitis is formed when pathogenic microorganisms enter the body. These often include staphylococci and streptococci. If the body is slightly damaged, there may be no response from the lymphatic system.

Symptoms of cervical lymphadenitis

When the lymph nodes are inflamed, the following symptoms are observed:

  1. Significant increase in size of cervical lymph nodes;
  2. Subjective local symptoms (lymph nodes in the neck hurt, pain increases significantly during swallowing, as well as when palpating the affected area);
  3. General symptoms (general malaise, fever, constant feeling of fatigue, weakness).

It is important to understand that lymph nodes consist of lymphatic tissue. It is in the lymph nodes that there are a large number of protective cells that help fight bacterial and cancer cells. Lymph nodes are important for immunity; with their help, the body actively fights viruses and microbes.

What to do if the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed

The lymph node in the neck is inflamed, what should I do? Initially, you need to visit a medical facility; diagnosing this disease is not particularly difficult for a qualified specialist. The diagnosis is based on studying the patient's medical history, interviewing him, examination results and studying complaints.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are prescribed:

  • radiography of soft tissues of the neck and submandibular area;
  • biopsy of the affected lymph node;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • lymph node excision with histological analysis.

Since lymphadenitis has serious consequences for the human body, treatment should begin immediately after diagnosis.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes

Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is predominantly a secondary condition, so first of all it is necessary to cure the underlying disease, and getting rid of lymphadenitis will be facilitated by removing the infection and increasing immunity.

Most often, inflamed lymph nodes in the neck area are treated with conservative methods. The patient is advised to remain in bed. You cannot walk for a long time, be exposed to the wind or extreme heat, play sports, or actively walk around the rooms. Antibiotics are recommended, selected taking into account the sensitivity of the infectious pathogen, mental and physical rest. Also, along with various medications, it becomes mandatory to take multivitamins, immunostimulating drugs and foods high in vitamin C.

In purulent forms of lymphadenitis, the resulting lesions are opened, drained, and enhanced antibacterial therapy is necessarily prescribed. Such patients are usually treated in a hospital under the supervision of qualified professionals.


Under no circumstances should the disease be treated at home. This is due to the fact that the cervical lymph nodes are located close to the brain and the ascending pathological process threatens to reach the brain and lead to.

Also, advanced lymphadenitis threatens infection in the blood, which means blood poisoning can occur and the infection can spread throughout the body. In this case, the patient’s life is in mortal danger.


What to do after recovery to avoid inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck? Since lymphadenitis refers to a disease that can develop for many reasons, it can be understood that as such, advice and recommendations for the complete prevention of this disease do not exist.

To prevent the occurrence of cervical lymphadenitis, try:

  • maintain a healthy immune system;
  • do not cause acute infectious diseases;
  • exclude the possibility of exposure to drafts or hypothermia;
  • it is correct to temper regularly;
  • prevent the occurrence of microtraumas, as well as infection of wounds;
  • Maintain personal hygiene and use a gauze bandage during the epidemiological season.

If the lymph node is still inflamed and causes inconvenience, then the first thing to do is consult a doctor. Especially when there is a suspicion of purulent lymphadenitis. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis and tell you what to do.

I should be wary. In most cases, the cause is infectious processes. When pathogenic microbes enter the body, white blood cells begin to activate in the lymph nodes, which destroy the invading microorganisms. In some cases, there are so many foreign substances that the protective cells cannot cope with their task. Then they begin to multiply to fight the infection with redoubled force. As a result, they increase in size and become painful. These can occur both with serious and severe illnesses, and with the onset of a common cold.

Therefore, the main thing is to identify the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in time. It is quite difficult to determine this. Contact specialists competent in this matter - a surgeon, oncologist, infectious disease specialist, hematologist. Do not delay visiting a doctor in the following cases: - if the lymph node is significantly different in size from the rest; - if all nodes; - if you have no signs of a cold; - if signs of inflammation remain two weeks after identifying and eliminating all the causes that caused them .

To find out the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes, the following methods are used: - survey, study of anamnesis; - medical examination - inflamed lymph nodes, their size, consistency, and so on; - blood test; - x-ray or computed tomography; - lymph nodes in complex cases - during this procedure, lymph node tissue is taken for examination.

The choice of treatment will depend on the inflammation. If it is caused by a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed. Aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen are used to relieve fever and pain. For an immune disorder such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, specific therapy is prescribed. If the cause is, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy may be needed.

If the lymph nodes are inflamed, you should not rub, massage, or heat them, as this only intensifies the inflammatory process. In addition, iodine nets and active tanning are contraindicated.

Self-medication in this case is very dangerous. When using folk remedies, be sure to consult your doctor. To treat enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes, traditional medicine suggests using echinacea tincture. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself. Take 4 times a day, 10 drops in a glass of water. A decoction of chicory has a similar effect. Brew 20 g of chicory in 200 ml of boiling water and drink in two doses.

Lymph nodes are organs of the immune system that serve as protection against pathogens. They filter the source of infection, destroy pathogenic viruses and bacteria and prevent them from entering the body.

If the lymph nodes swell and increase in size, this indicates the presence of an infection nearby. This may be a reflection of a specific independent disease, or an indirect echo of other pathologies of the body.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

The inflammatory process occurring in the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis.

In this case, when pressing on the inflamed cervical lymph nodes:

  • there is a feeling of pain;
  • there is general malaise;
  • body temperature rises;
  • headache appears.

Sometimes there may be pain when swallowing.

In the most severe cases of lymphadenitis, suppuration forms in the area of ​​the nodes and the neck swells greatly.

Cervical lymphadenitis is the most common, it occurs due to:

  • tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • flu;
  • caries;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease.

What does inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck look like: photo

Unfortunately, lymph nodes can become very swollen, and not only in adults.

What tests should be taken for inflammation of the lymph nodes and which doctor should I contact?

First of all, you need to contact general practitioner or family doctor. He in turn will conduct visual inspection , will find out the presence of chronic diseases and diseases suffered previously. Next are appointed blood and urine tests to check for infection. The infection is present in any case, once the lymph nodes have reacted to the pathogen.

Lymph nodes near the ears, jaw, and neck indicate infection in the mouth, upper respiratory tract, ears, and nasal cavity. In such cases, additional consultation with a specialist is required. otolaryngologist . He can guide you take a culture from the pharynx and nasal cavity for the presence of pathogenic microflora . You may need to undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

If everything is fine with the above organs, then enlarged nodes may be a symptom of other diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, diseases related to the thyroid gland , For example.

Then give directions to:

  • endocrinologist;
  • immunologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

To eliminate the possibility of cancer cells forming, An x-ray or computed tomography may be prescribed.

If the tests and studies prescribed by the doctor did not help determine the cause of the increase lymph nodes , then it is necessary to carry them out biopsy . Tissue is collected from the inflamed node, which is then examined in the laboratory. This method of research is done as a last resort, but its result is the most accurate.

In each individual case, the doctor may prescribe a number of additional tests.

Why is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck dangerous?

If you let the problem of swollen lymph nodes take its course, serious complications can arise. The cervical lymph nodes are located close to the head, that is, to the brain, its inflammation may begin - meningitis .

Also, pus that accumulates in inflamed lymph nodes, may contribute to blood poisoning - sepsis . The infection spreads through the blood to all organs and systems, and this is extremely dangerous.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in an adult at home?

Traditional methods of treatment can only serve as an adjuvant to the main treatment , helping to relieve pain and swelling. Before self-medicating, consult your doctor.

Before you start using a folk remedy, make sure that it does not cause you an allergy.

To remove toxins from the body, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. To prepare healing infusions:

  • Combine oregano, yarrow and dried hop cones. Take 1 tsp of this collection and 2 tsp of horsetail, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth brew, then strain it. Take 0.5 tbsp half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • The same can be done only with horsetail. For 1 tbsp – a glass of boiling water. If the course of treatment is long, alternate it with knotweed every seven days.
  • Instead of plain tea, brew lavender, wormwood, and elderberry twice a day. To collect, take an equal amount of these plants.
  • Fresh mint and blackcurrant leaves are also suitable for brewing.

The following tinctures are used as general tonics:

  • ginseng;
  • propolis;
  • Echinacea.

Take these drugs to boost immunity according to the instructions, diluting the required number of drops in water.

Rinsing will help if the source of infection occurs in the oral cavity, use solutions with the following components:

  • Salt;
  • Baking soda;
  • Pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Aloe juice.

It is impossible to heat or apply warm compresses to the inflamed lymph nodes, this can only aggravate the situation.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck: how many days does it take to go away?

  • If inflamed lymph nodes are an indirect symptom of some not very serious disease, then their swelling goes away on its own in a few days or weeks . As the inflammation in the “affected” area subsides, the enlarged lymph nodes will return to normal.
  • Only a doctor can determine the severity of the disease, which results in enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If there is pus in their inflamed lymph nodes open and install drainage .
  • If the node has increased in the presence of oncology patient, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy may be required.
  • It happens that with its increase lymph nodes react to the allergen . Then you need to eliminate the irritant and undergo a course of anti-allergenic therapy. In such cases, the degree and speed of recovery depends on the quality of treatment and the protective forces of the human body.

Inflammation of the lymph node on the right side of the neck: what does it mean and how to treat it?

If the lymph node on the right side of the neck is enlarged and bothers you, this may indicate:

  • Infections of the mouth, throat;
  • Malfunction of the right side of the thyroid gland;
  • Enlargement of the right tonsil.
  • Other diseases that occur due to infections of the tongue, teeth, mouth, face. But they tend to be diagnosed less frequently than the above.

Inflammation of the left lymph node in the neck

Pain in the lymph nodes on the left neck is usually caused by the same factors as in the cervical lymph nodes on the right. But besides this, it can be assumed that left-sided inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs due to inflammation in the peritoneum and abdominal organs.

Also in connection with this, the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis.

According to statistics, every fourth case of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is accompanied by general inflammation of the entire lymphatic system. This in turn manifests itself in a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, in any case, you need to see a doctor in order to identify the disease in time and not let it worsen.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the neck

Often enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the neck occurs due to manifestations of infectious mononucleosis . This disease is also accompanied by swelling of the face and neck pain. Children are more likely to experience these symptoms than adults.

The development of mononucleosis is provoked by Epstein-Barr infection Therefore, if a disease is suspected, a study is carried out to determine its presence.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck behind the ear

The parotid lymph nodes are located along the line of the posterior auricular vein. In the presence of inflammation, they harden, swell and increase in volume.

This is often caused by the following diseases:

  • otitis;
  • boil of the external auditory canal;
  • eustacheitis;
  • inflammation of the auditory nerve;
  • mumps;
  • rubella.

Also, this inflammatory process can be caused by diseases developing in the oral cavity.

If the lymph node does not hurt and there is no suppuration in it, then the inflammation will go away on its own due to the elimination of the underlying disease. If the lymph node is affected by the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, then lymphadenitis begins to develop.

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes in the neck

Temperature due to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Among the general symptoms that manifest themselves with inflammation of the lymph nodes, an increase in temperature is also indicated. As usual, if it exceeds 38°C, then you need to take an antipyretic. When anti-inflammatory therapy for the underlying disease is carried out, the accompanying symptoms disappear and lymphadenitis gradually disappears.

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes has acquired chronic form , then with a decrease in immunity or hypothermia, it repeats again and again. Then temperature may increase slightly . It is necessary to thoroughly examine and completely disinfect the source of infection.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck with sore throat

In case of contact with the oral cavity pathogenic microflora first contacts the palatine tonsils . If they cannot cope with microbes, a person gets a sore throat or chronic tonsillitis, for example. The palatine tonsils, like the lymph nodes, are part of the lymphatic system of the human body and perform the same drainage function. Therefore, their connection is very close. When the tonsils are affected, the infection spreads further, covering nearby lymph nodes. In this case - cervical.

It hurts to swallow when the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed

One of the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes is pain when swallowing. The reason for this may be infections of the ENT organs. Or areas of the oral cavity are affected by various pathogens, and there may be dental caries.

Chronic and frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

In the chronic form of inflammation of the lymph nodes, they enlarge, but all other symptoms characteristic of inflammation may be absent. The pain may not bother you. The most common cause of chronic lymphadenitis is a decrease in the body's defenses. Therefore, the patient’s therapy will be aimed at increasing immunity in general.

This is facilitated by taking various immunomodulators. But only a specialist can identify the cause of the disease and prescribe effective and safe treatment.

In this case, it is worth conducting an examination and excluding the presence of tumors.

Severe purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes is acute and accompanied by suppuration, then you must follow all the doctor’s advice:

  • Take a course of antibiotic therapy. The dosage and duration of administration must be strictly observed.
  • Maintain bed rest, drink plenty of fluids, immunostimulants and vitamins.
  • Possible physical therapy , if there is complete confidence in the absence of tumors: currents, laser radiation, phonophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck?

Anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

If the inflammation was caused by viruses, then restorative therapy for the body with an immunomodeling effect is prescribed, helping to cope with this virus. For example, such drugs:

Tablets for inflammation of the lymph nodes

In some cases, the doctor prescribes drugs similar to adrenal hormones; they are very effective in combating inflammation, these are:

Ointment for inflammation of the lymph nodes

For effective complex treatment of inflamed lymph nodes, both internal and external methods of treatment.

Ointment-lubricated bandages can be applied to enlarged lymph nodes, for example:

  • Heparin ointment improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, removes stagnation.
  • Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment have antibacterial properties and are good at drawing out purulent masses, relieving inflammation.
  • Pain relieving ointments for external use: DIclofenac, Ketoprofen also relieve swelling.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

In case of damage to the cervical lymph nodes by microorganisms , and not viruses, the patient is prescribed taking antibiotics . To determine which microbes affect the body, you will need to undergo a lot of research and tests. In the meantime, the disease will progress, so broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. If you independently reduce the amount of the drug used, then the weak units of the pathogen will die, and the strong ones will become even stronger. They will receive so-called immunity to the drug.

Injections for inflammation of the lymph nodes

Antibiotic injections are considered the most acceptable option for taking medications. Intramuscular administration of the active substance does not affect the stomach and liver. Therefore, intramuscular injections are recommended for patients who have problems with these organs. In addition, in this way the drug begins to act instantly, when when taken orally you need to wait some time.

But there are exceptions to every rule: an antibiotic administered intramuscularly is excreted by the kidneys, and if you have serious problems with the genitourinary system and kidneys, this option is contraindicated for you.

Alcohol compress for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

For such a compress, you can use regular medical alcohol, or you can use various tinctures. For example, echinacea tincture. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and applied with moistened gauze to the lymph node overnight.

Painkillers for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Painkillers also have an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby performing a dual function. These remedies also eliminate swelling and reduce temperature if necessary:

These can be tablets, syrups, suspensions, depending on the age of the patient.

Such a seemingly simple symptom as enlarged lymph nodes (LNs) may turn out to be a sign of not at all trivial diseases. Some of them are simply unpleasant, while others can lead to serious complications and even a tragic outcome. There are not very many diseases that lead to the appearance of this symptom, but they all require thoughtful diagnosis and careful, sometimes very long-term treatment.

What are lymph nodes needed for?

Lymph nodes are small collections of lymph tissue scattered throughout the body. Their main function is the filtration of lymph and a kind of “storage” of elements of the immune system that attack foreign substances, microorganisms and cancer cells that enter the lymph. The nodes can be compared to military bases, where in peacetime troops are located, ready to immediately move out to fight the “enemy” - the causative agent of any disease.

Where are the lymph nodes located?

Lymph nodes are a kind of collectors that collect lymph from certain areas of the body. This fluid flows to them through a network of vessels. There are superficial lymph nodes and visceral ones, located in the cavities of the human body. Without the use of instrumental visualization methods, it is impossible to detect an increase in the latter.

Among the superficial ones, depending on their location, lymph nodes of the following localizations are distinguished:

  • popliteal, located on the back of the knee joints;
  • superficial and deep inguinal, localized in the inguinal folds;
  • occipital - in the area where the neck meets the skull;
  • behind the ear and parotid, located in front and behind the auricle;
  • submandibular, lying approximately in the middle of the branches of the lower jaw;
  • submental, located a few centimeters behind the chin;
  • a network of cervical lymph nodes, densely scattered along the anterior and lateral surfaces of the neck;
  • elbow - on the front surface of the joint of the same name;
  • axillary, one group of which is adjacent to the inner surface of the pectoral muscles, and the other is located in the thickness of the fiber of the axillary region.

Thus, there are quite a few places where enlarged lymph nodes can be detected, and an attentive doctor will definitely probe them to obtain additional information about a possible disease.

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes

There are no natural causes for lymph node enlargement. If they have become larger, it means that there must be some kind of pathology in the body. The appearance of this symptom indicates the occurrence of:

With different diseases, lymph nodes enlarge in different ways. In addition to sizes, indicators such as:

  • surface structure, which may remain smooth or become bumpy;
  • mobility - in some diseases, lymph nodes become fused to each other or to surrounding tissues;
  • consistency - dense, soft;
  • condition of the skin above them - when the lymph nodes are inflamed, the skin may become swollen and reddened.

And now it makes sense to consider enlarged lymph nodes in relation to the diseases that most often cause this symptom.


This disease is characterized by the most striking symptoms of lymph nodes, which significantly increase in size, become sharply painful, and immobile. The skin over them turns red, local swelling is observed. As the disease progresses, the temperature rises more and more, chills appear, and intoxication symptoms increase.

Most often, the occurrence of lymphadenitis is preceded by some purulent disease of the corresponding area:

  • carbuncle;
  • phlegmon;
  • felon;
  • abscess;
  • infected wound;
  • erysipelas, etc.

Microbes from the source of infection enter the lymph node through the lymphatic vessels, provoking an inflammatory reaction in it, first catarrhal (without pus), and then purulent. The extreme degree of development of lymphadenitis is adenophlegmon - in fact, a complication of this disease. In this case, the pus permeates the fatty tissue surrounding the lymph node.

Other complications of purulent lymphadenitis are purulent thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, and sepsis.

A pediatrician talks about lymphadenitis in children:

Treatment of lymphadenitis

For catarrhal lymphadenitis, the underlying purulent disease is treated first. With timely intervention, there is a high chance of subsiding the acute process in the lymph node.

With the development of purulent lymphadenitis or adenophlegmon, surgical intervention is required - opening the abscess, cleansing it using antiseptics and antimicrobial agents, draining the abscess cavity.

Respiratory diseases

This group of diseases is the most common cause of enlarged lymph nodes. This symptom manifests itself most clearly in various forms of tonsillitis (tonsillitis). Along with an increase in lymph nodes, high fever is observed during swallowing, severe weakness and malaise.

Somewhat less often, lymph nodes increase in size due to inflammation of the pharynx - pharyngitis. The symptoms of this disease are similar to the clinical picture of tonsillitis, although they are inferior to it in the severity of manifestations.

With respiratory infections, the lymph nodes become dense to the touch, moderately painful, and their mobility during palpation remains.

Treatment of respiratory infections

Treatment tactics depend on the type of pathogen that caused the disease. Thus, when the pathology is bacterial in nature, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, when it is viral, symptomatic therapy is used, and when it is fungal, specific antimicrobial agents are used. In parallel, general strengthening measures are carried out while taking immunomodulators.

Specific infections

Most often, enlarged lymph nodes are accompanied by specific infections such as tuberculosis and syphilis.

Tuberculous lesion

In pulmonary tuberculosis, the intrathoracic lymph nodes are first affected. Without special research methods, it is impossible to detect their increase. If left untreated, the tuberculosis process can spread throughout the body, affecting superficial lymph nodes:

  • submandibular;
  • cervical;
  • axillary;
  • inguinal;
  • elbows.

At the initial stage, they increase and are moderately painful. As the inflammatory process flares up, the lymph nodes become fused with each other and with the tissues surrounding them, turning into a dense conglomerate, which then suppurates, forming a long-term non-healing fistula.


Since the increase in lymph nodes here is caused by the main disease - tuberculosis, it is this that is treated. Special anti-tuberculosis drugs are used according to special dosage regimens.


In the case of syphilis, the lymph nodes grow in size only a few days after the appearance of primary syphilide, known as chancroid. Due to the fact that the predominant place of occurrence of chancre is the genitals, the inguinal nodes most often become enlarged.

However, with chancramygdalitis (syphilitic tonsillitis), for example, the symptom may appear from the submandibular or mental nodes.

Important: With syphilis, lymph nodes can reach the size of a nut, while maintaining their consistency, remaining painless and not fused to the tissues. Often, at the same time, lymphangitis occurs - inflammation of the lymphatic vessels, which can be felt in the form of a cord, sometimes with thickenings along its length.


Syphilis at any stage responds well to antibiotic therapy. Penicillin drugs are mainly used. If complications develop, treatment of the infection may be significantly delayed.


With rubella, this symptom appears one of the first, several hours ahead of the onset of the rash. Most often, the occipital, cervical, and parotid nodes enlarge, becoming painful, however, without adhering to the surrounding tissues.

In uncomplicated rubella, a rash may remain the only striking symptom, although along with it there is sometimes a fever (moderate) and a runny nose.


A patient with rubella is isolated and, if necessary, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Serious measures are taken only when complications develop. For example, for joint damage, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and for encephalitis, corticosteroids, diuretics, anticonvulsants, etc. It should be noted that rubella is a relatively benign infection and in most cases goes away without treatment at all.

HIV infection

With this most dangerous disease, lymph nodes of all locations can become enlarged. Often it is this symptom that makes the doctor suspect HIV infection, which may not manifest itself in any other way for a long time.

When the disease passes into the AIDS stage, the increase in lymph nodes becomes permanent, and their inflammation occurs.


It is well known that there are no methods to definitively cure an HIV-infected person. Doctors focus all their efforts on suppressing the activity of the virus, for which they use special antiretroviral drugs. In parallel with this, concomitant infections are treated, the development of which is most often the cause of death in people with AIDS.

Lymph nodes in autoimmune diseases

An autoimmune process is a group of diseases in which the immune system ceases to consider cells of various organs as “its own”. Mistaking them for a foreign substance, the body activates defense mechanisms in order to destroy the “aggressor”. One of the manifestations of this activity is an increase in regional lymph nodes.

An autoimmune process can affect almost any organ, from joints to endocrine glands and even the nervous system. Such diseases have a long, chronic course and are quite difficult to treat, leading the patient to disability and sometimes death.


In the treatment of autoimmune diseases, drugs are used that suppress the excessive activity of the immune system - immunosuppressants and agents that block certain chemical reactions in the cells of the lymphocytic system.

Enlarged lymph nodes in oncological pathologies

Oncologists use this symptom as one of the diagnostic criteria for a tumor process. LNs enlarge only in malignant tumors when cancer cells are separated from the site of the primary focus and enter the node with the lymph flow. Here they are “attacked” by the body’s defenses, trying to prevent the process from “breaking out into the open spaces” of the body. The appearance of this symptom is an unfavorable sign indicating the spread of the tumor process.

However, there are also malignant oncological diseases that directly affect the lymphatic system itself:

  • Hodgkin's lymphoma, otherwise called lymphogranulomatosis;
  • non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are a group of over 80 types of tumors originating from lymphatic tissue and with great differences in both the course of the disease and its causes and mechanisms of development.


Several methods are used in the fight against cancer pathology:

  1. cytostatic chemotherapy with drugs that stop tumor growth;
  2. irradiation of lymph nodes with a flow of ionizing radiation:
    • X-rays;
    • gamma and beta radiation;
    • neutron beams;
    • flow of elementary particles;
  3. immunosuppressive therapy with powerful hormonal agents.

Special schemes for the use of complexes of various types of treatment have been developed to suppress the tumor process and prolong the patient’s life.

Note: It must be remembered that enlarged lymph nodes are only a symptom of various diseases. Therefore, self-medication, and even more so using traditional methods, instead of seeing a doctor, is unacceptable. Delay in diagnosis and treatment of some diseases can cost the patient's life.

You can get more information about the possible causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes by viewing this review:

Volkov Gennady Gennadievich, medical observer, emergency physician.

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