Popular courses. What courses can you complete to earn extra money?

The first step is to decide what knowledge or skill you want to acquire. There are several main areas that offer courses:
1. Obtaining a new specialty;
2. Improving existing qualifications;
3. Housekeeping;
4. Handicrafts and hobbies;
5. Personal development.

In fact, all courses are divided into 2 large categories: the first promotes success in work and society, and the second reveals talents and abilities.

Courses for business success

This category includes everything that helps a person either get a new job or move up the career ladder in an existing position. For office workers, this could be training in successful sales, telephone conversations, business etiquette, office work, secretariat, and marketing. For managers – management and management.

The economic direction offers courses, specialists in the field of warehouse accounting and everything related to working with numbers. In a short time you can master knowledge from the field of jurisprudence, but it is worth remembering that such complex specialties in the courses are considered structurally and in a general way.

For almost all office specialties, computer literacy is a must. And in this area, educational institutions are full of proposals. You can learn anything, from the skills required by a simple user to programming. The field of information technology lures its students to obtain professions as installers and adjusters of computer networks and systems, web designers and web programmers, database administrators, software and hardware specialists, and much more.

Another universal position is the study of foreign languages. This direction is useful for career advancement and personal development, because such knowledge is never superfluous.

For creative people, you can choose training in interior and exterior design, hairdressing, or master the profession of a stylist. Another area that allows you to realize yourself is courses for a massage therapist and cosmetologist in the field of body care.

But for blue-collar professions, they offer classes that help you become an electrician, welder, service technician, and learn various construction specialties.

Courses for personal development and hobbies

This direction includes all kinds of studying techniques and techniques for correct speech, communication, speed reading, quick memorization of information, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) skills and correct thinking. This also includes various courses in general psychology and family relations.

As for learning how to manage a household, you can learn how to cook masterfully in courses for chefs and pastry chefs; by the way, such knowledge can be not just a hobby, but a new specialty. Cutting and sewing, knitting, beadwork and macrame courses are perfect for developing creative abilities and handicrafts. You can sing or dance. The main thing is to choose a business you like!

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 4 minutes


Education received within the walls of a university or technical school is quickly losing its relevance. There is a demand for new professions in the labor market. In such conditions, the strong half of humanity has to change their specialization from time to time in order to ensure a decent income. What courses should you take in 2019 to earn a lot?

Choice #1: An unfading IT star

In this century, the labor market is experiencing a serious need for IT specialists. The world needs programmers, designers, layout designers, and professionals in the field of website promotion.

Conclusion: Courses for learning basic programming languages ​​can be completed in 3-4 months, while training in design, SEO or layout can take only 1-2 months. All that remains is to get a job in a decent company or try to realize yourself in the field of freelancing. The average salaries of specialists in this field are now 30,000 – 50,000 thousand rubles. per month.

Advantages: Experience and continuous training are a guarantee of professional growth and a significant increase in income.

Choice #2: SMM specialists are conquering social networks

Specialists in promoting products, services, and work on social networks could be classified as IT workers. However, this is a slightly different direction, which is also associated with marketing and psychology. Employers are ready to carry specialists who know how to find potential buyers of a product or service, and even build a plausible reputation for the company, from the labor exchange in their arms.

Conclusion: Courses on studying the features of promotion in social networks (SMM) can take 2-3 months. You can try searching for tutorials on the Internet. Further work can be carried out both remotely and within the office. The average salary of a good SMM specialist is now at least 20,000 - 40,000 thousand rubles. per month.

Advantages: Ease of learning - unlike programming, social media promotion seems to be a more accessible skill to understand.

Pick #3: Sales geniuses on trend

The ability to sell is a skill that will not lose its relevance in the era of a market economy. That is why in 2019 there will be a demand in the labor market for sales managers, brand managers and sales agents. At the same time, you should not think that you can learn to sell on your own. In reality, it is easier to comprehend the recipes of trading geniuses and start making serious money.

Conclusion: Courses on active sales techniques, consumer behavior management and marketing can be completed in 1-2 months. It is advisable to add several seminars of professional practitioners to them. In this area, you can count on an income of 30,000 rubles. per month. (a good salesperson can earn on average 100,000 - 300,000 thousand rubles / month, depending on the field of work)

Advantages: Most often, sales specialists receive not a fixed income, but a percentage of sales. Accordingly, the more effort you put in, the more you can earn.

Choice #4: Working professions are always relevant

In addition to beautiful websites, interesting advertising and developed trading services, potential consumers are also interested in much more pressing issues. Installing plumbing, repairing wiring, carrying out high-quality repairs - these important details of everyday life have not been canceled. This means that fitters, carpenters, plasterers, and plumbers will also earn good money in 2019.

Conclusion: It is best to study any of the working specialties within the framework of short-term programs of a vocational school or technical school. This will take from 2 to 6 months. However, in the future, the family breadwinner will be provided with work and a decent salary for many years. Specialists in blue-collar professions now receive training starting from 30,000 rubles. /month

Advantages: Blue-collar professions are classics of the labor market that will not lose their relevance.

Choice No. 5: The service industry is a simple and profitable path

For those who dream of quickly learning a simple profession and earning a good salary, there is a direct path to the service sector. Computer maintenance, repair of mobile phones and household appliances, furniture assembly, transportation - all this is simple, profitable and convenient.

Conclusion: In this case, you can master a new profession in just 1-1.5 months. After this, it is more profitable to work independently on orders and develop a customer base. Provided you perform high-quality and active work in this area, you can earn from 20,000 rubles. per month.

Advantages: When there is an urgent need to find a job with a decent salary, you can quickly retrain and start working in the service sector.

The above review suggests that even in times of crisis, men will be able to find a worthy area of ​​application for their labor. will not take much time and will easily pay for itself in the next few months.

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Anyone who has tried to find a decent job at least once probably knows how exaggerated employers' demands are sometimes. It is especially difficult to convince them of your competence if you only have a university behind you.

However, you can impress a picky employer if you stock up on the skills that are most in demand on the labor market. We are in website We decided to compile a list of free courses, the completion of which will significantly increase your chances of finding a job.

“Advanced PC user” - this line in a resume will not surprise anyone. The more firmly virtual products are woven into our daily lives, the more The ability to manage them becomes more in demand.

Interactive Russian language courses on HTML are offered by the HTML Academy platform with 19 free sections. And training in English conducted by the University of Michigan.

Labor psychology

The job of an HR manager is not only to select suitable personnel, but also to maintaining the corporate spirit of the company. That is why a self-respecting employer will not hire an insufficiently competent person for such a position.

But acquiring the necessary skills is not difficult if you take courses in occupational psychology in Russian. The English-language equivalent can be found in the profile of the University of Western Australia on the platform Coursera.

Academic English

Requirement for knowledge of English can be found in every second job advertisement. However, there are many people who possess the necessary linguistic skills.

You can surpass your competitors by passing Academic English courses on the Coursera platform The course is suitable for those who already speak at least a little in English, since it is in this language that training is conducted.

Application Development

An employee who is able to create a certain virtual product without resorting to the help of third-party specialists is always valued above ordinary employees.

You can acquire the necessary skills, for example, while passing the corresponding Russian-speaking course from Microsoft Virtual Academy. You can obtain the same knowledge in English through courses at the Hong Kong University of Technology.

Corporate finance

Any employer will be glad if his employee can not only maintain the current image of the company, but will also be able increase the fundamental value of the enterprise.

In order to master these skills, you can enroll for free in Russian-language online courses on the basics of corporate finance from the Higher School of Economics. Education in English runs the University of Pennsylvania.

Adobe Photoshop

Program Adobe Photoshop installed on many corporate computers. And if the company’s activities are even slightly related to design, almost every employee is required to have the ability to work in a popular graphics editor.

The Russian-language Adobe Photoshop course on the “Learn New” platform will help you not to fall flat on your face. In English teaches graphic design lessons

As they say, learning is light, but new knowledge is usually not obtained for free. But there are also pleasant exceptions, so let’s look at what you can learn in Moscow for free.

Free courses or open lessons are a great way to brand yourself as a business or public organization. And despite the fact that such a gift is both attractive and alarming, events of this kind are always a success among those who are able to believe that not everything in this world has to be paid for.

Naturally, the professional secrets of cooks, hairdressers or florists are not revealed in such classes; you can still learn something useful, as well as make new acquaintances and like-minded people. All that remains is to choose a suitable free course or open lesson.

Free culinary master classes and courses

The most common sources of culinary training programs are a variety of restaurants.

Cooking classes for children at Jamie Oliver's restaurant

Every Sunday at 13:00 at the JAMIE'S ITALIAN restaurant, free culinary and creative lessons await children. The restaurant is easy to find, because it is located in the very heart of Moscow in the Fashion Season shopping center at Okhotny Ryad, 2. The lesson program is updated every month See the current schedule on the corresponding page of the restaurant's website. Don't forget to make an appointment in advance by phone.

Cooking pizza at the Italian restaurant Da Pino

The Da Pino restaurant on the Novoslobodskaya metro station offers free cooking lessons for children from 4 to 13 years old every Saturday. Adults are also not left out of attention and can join the appropriate groups of novice cooks.

Participation in the master class requires prior registration. Details can be found on the official website of the restaurant.

In Moscow, a lot of restaurants offer free master classes for children on weekends. Please also pay attention to the following events:

  • Family weekend at Tarantino restaurant,
  • culinary master classes at the Papricolli restaurant,
  • classes Young cook at the Scottish Cell restaurant, etc.

Seminars on manicure and nail extensions in Moscow are held in MASURA training center. Participation in the seminar is by appointment. The schedule of seminars can be seen on the website.

Free creative master classes: knitting, sewing, embroidery

Free courses and master classes related to applied creativity are rather a seasonal phenomenon. However, you can inquire about the availability of these at the nearest House of Culture or creativity center and it is likely that you will find a suitable option.

If we talk about specially held master classes, then you can attend them by going to the annually organized exhibition "Handicraft Formula". The 25 master classes announced as part of the exhibition are mostly free, only some may require prior registration. Entrance to the exhibition - 200-250 rubles. Details are on the website.

Regardless of which free course or master class you like, don’t forget that it’s never too late to gain new knowledge. Therefore, make the most of this opportunity!

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