Is pregnancy possible with cervical erosion: how does this formation affect conception and reviews from women. Does cervical erosion prevent you from getting pregnant? How does cervical erosion affect conception?

Erosion is a disturbance integrity of the outer layer of the surface of the cervix. Its presence negatively affects the entire reproductive function, especially if it is detected during pregnancy. Therefore, any woman for whom the preservation of reproductive function is a priority is worried about the presence of erosion.

Pregnancy with erosion requires special attention

Causes of erosion and its symptoms. How erosion affects conception. Is it possible to get pregnant if you have cervical erosion? Treatment of pathology

There may be several reasons for the manifestation of this cervical pathology:

  • Deviations in the functioning of various body systems, which provoke sudden changes in hormonal levels.
  • Various sexually transmitted infections that are acquired from an infected partner.
  • Mechanical injuries of the pelvic organs and reproductive system.
  • Early acceleration and promiscuity associated with it.
  • The presence of constant inflammatory processes.


Erosion, if it does not have multiplefoci and is not a malignant degeneration of tissues, does not interfere with the patient’s management usual way of life. The disease proceeds latently, revealing itself during the primary planned gynecological inspection .

If the pathology is malignant, then the woman notes the presence of bloody discharge on days other than the cycle. There are frequent cases of pain in multiple cases of erosion.

Is conception possible in the presence of erosion?

Most women do not know the answer to the question: is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion. And experts in the field of gynecology give a clear answer: the presence of such a pathology does not in any way affect the process of conception. Only if the appearance of such a disease is not associated with hormonal imbalances. Where, when an imbalance is detected, all systems of the female body are affected.

Although erosion does not cause problems with conception, it requires special attention. After all, this neoplasm is a precancerous condition of the main organ of the reproductive system, the uterus.

Conception has nothing to do with the presence or absence of erosion


Modern medicine has several ways to combat various neoplasms on the surface of the cervix:

  • Surgical intervention.
  • Hormonal therapy.
  • Traditional medicine.

Each of these methods cannot be used independently, with the exception of surgical intervention. Surgical intervention for the treatment of cervical erosion means destruction of the affected tissue in some way. The most effective method of destruction of affected tissue, which is used if a woman has not given birth, is cryodestruction. The impact on pathological tissues is carried out using cold (liquid nitrogen), which avoids scarring of cervical tissue and does not affect subsequent births.

If the erosion is small and does not affect: conception, childbirth or the general condition of the body, then the patient is limited to the use of traditional medicine. In the arsenal of modern traditional medicine there are remedies that have a therapeutic effect on small areas of erosion.

Most of them do not affect conception, and if the patient has hormonal changes, they bring the background back to normal.

The use of hormonal contraceptives in equal measure with folk remedies helps solve the problem with small foci of erosion. In this case, conception is excluded; the drugs should not be used during pregnancy. Therefore, treatment of damage to the cervical epithelium with hormonal drugs is carried out as part of preparatory therapy for pregnancy planning.

Hormonal medications should not be taken during pregnancy

Pregnancy and the presence of erosion

When conception has already occurred, and only after the woman registered with a gynecologist, erosion was discovered, during this period full control is necessary.

After all, the presence of such a pathology during pregnancy can cause:

  1. Premature termination of pregnancy. The uterine os is not tightly closed, which is a risk of miscarriage.
    1. The fetus and mother can become infected with various infections through damaged vaginal epithelium.
  2. Places where erosion is localized may burst during childbirth, which will cause heavy bleeding and seriously complicate the birth process.

Although a woman can become pregnant even with cervical erosion; this pathology should be eliminated as soon as possible. After all, it is erosion that causes rare but dangerous complications of its progression.

A woman who wants to give birth to a child can find out after an examination whether it is possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion. An expectant mother, having chronic diseases or prerequisites for their occurrence, seeks to find out whether they can affect a future pregnancy or whether it is possible to give birth to a child even with these pathologies. One of these diseases is cervical erosion. How it affects pregnancy will be discussed below.

Damage to the cervical epithelium

Does erosion prevent a woman from getting pregnant? If during the examination it turns out that the expectant mother has signs of pathology, then there is no need to postpone family planning. Almost half of nulliparous women on the planet have this damage to the columnar epithelium on the cervix (outwardly it looks like a red spot around the opening of the uterine canal).

The disease is a pathological change in the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. It can take place in 2 forms:

If the first form of pathology is detected in the expectant mother, then fertilization and conception proceed almost like in any healthy woman. Pregnancy proceeds normally, since damage to the epithelium on the cervix does not affect the woman’s health during fetal development. At the birth of the baby and the passage of the fallopian tubes, no problems arise, since the epithelium does not touch the child. Most often, erosion in such patients is treated with cauterization.

In the second case, the presence of pathology can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. This occurs due to the woman’s reduced immunity (a natural phenomenon that prevents the expulsion of the fetus as a foreign body from the pregnant woman’s body), which leads to the penetration of various pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the epithelium. Their activity is manifested in the appearance of colored discharge.

If this discharge is brown or red in color, then the woman can give birth to a child with virtually no interference. She will have cauterization done after giving birth.

In the presence of chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and the penetration of microbes into the uterus, yellow discharge appears. This color indicates the presence of pus in erosive effusions. If a woman is going to give birth, then for the safe birth of the child, she will undergo cauterization during pregnancy, otherwise a miscarriage is possible due to detachment of the uterine tissue or premature birth will occur.

What can happen due to cauterization

Does treatment affect my ability to give birth? When treating erosion with cauterization, a scar remains on the cervix. For a pregnant woman, the presence of this scar threatens difficulty in opening the uterus during childbirth. The organ is stretched, which can lead to rupture at the location of the scar. Therefore, treatment should be carried out using any gentle methods that do not leave scars on the cervix.

Most often, doctors mean ectopia (pseudo-erosion) by erosion. It is not as dangerous as true erosion, which is quite rare. Therefore, most women can freely become pregnant and give birth to children with ectopia.

If the pathology is detected in a woman before fertilization, then doctors recommend a course of treatment. If this disease is detected, treatment is transferred to the postpartum period.

With erosion, a woman who knows about the presence of the disease can easily become pregnant. But she must monitor the condition of the uterus. If you do not do this, then there is a chance to miss the development of cancerous tumors. Therefore, the expectant mother should visit the gynecologist’s office on time.

Ectopia requires urgent treatment if the area of ​​damage to the columnar epithelium on the cervix is ​​quite large. A course of treatment is also required if an inflammatory process is detected in the organ. These damage to the epithelium can lead to the proliferation of sexually transmitted viruses and bacteria on its surface. To eliminate the danger, doctors use:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antimicrobial drugs.

They destroy invading microorganisms, which allows a woman to give birth to a child normally after a therapeutic course.

Chronic diseases of the genitourinary tract can lead to an inflammatory process that will affect most of the uterine mucosa. They can provoke the appearance of erosion on the epithelium. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, a woman must undergo an examination and then a course of treatment for identified pathologies. Only after this can you become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Childbirth after cauterization

Many women are interested in the possibility of becoming pregnant after cauterization of erosive pathology on the epithelium of the cervix. To get an accurate answer, the expectant mother must undergo an examination, take the appropriate tests and smears. Most often, doctors give permission for the birth of a child after cauterization if more than 12 months have passed since the operation.

If the procedure was carried out using a gentle method, for example, or using radio waves, then after such cauterization there are no scars left (if the woman follows all the instructions of the treating doctor during the recovery period).

In the case when the area of ​​epithelial damage is small and the woman wants to give birth to a child, doctors will not interfere with the expectant mother. The cauterization procedure, as mentioned above, will be postponed until the postpartum period.

There is a false understanding of the impact of this disease on the development of infertility. This pathology itself has nothing to do with the fetus, since erosion has no contact with it. Patients confuse diseases that lead to miscarriages or infertility with erosion provoked by the same diseases. Pathology on the cervix cannot in any way harm the developing fetus, since it has sufficient protection in the form of amniotic fluid. In this regard, the danger to the unborn child is represented by microorganisms that penetrate the uterus and cause inflammation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion or does it need to be cured first, and only then plan a child? There are many myths about erosion among Russian women. It is believed that any pathology of the cervix is ​​a precancerous disease, that treatment can only be done after childbirth, and that it is generally impossible to conceive with erosion. How much of this is true?

Description of the pathology

Most of you know that erosion is usually called any wound. And reasoning logically, we can assume that erosion on the cervix is ​​its trauma resulting from childbirth, sexual intercourse, during masturbation or gynecological examination, etc. However, many Russian gynecologists also call ectopia of the cervix or pseudo-erosion. To understand what it is, let's take a quick look at female anatomy.

The cervix opens into the vagina through the external os. The cervical canal runs inside the cervix. It is covered by single-row columnar epithelium. The external pharynx is covered with stratified columnar epithelium. The border between them can be visible if it runs along the external pharynx. And all girls have this feature from birth and persist at a young age. Gradually, the epithelium transforms into a multilayered one and the border rises inside the cervical canal. So this very border is what our doctors call erosion. Such cervical erosion can also appear during pregnancy and when taking hormonal contraceptives. Some time after childbirth or after stopping taking contraceptives, everything returns to normal on its own.

When is treatment needed?

There is no need to treat ectopia, and when there is erosion of the cervix, you can get pregnant without problems. However, this does not mean that the condition of the cervix does not need to be monitored at all. Every woman should visit a gynecologist once every 6-12 months and have a special smear. Using it, a laboratory method can detect atypical cells - precancer. Dysplasia in the early stages is not visible during a gynecological examination and can only be detected by smear results. Grade 2 and 3 dysplasia requires treatment. Depending on the area of ​​the lesion, the results of the biopsy, the treatment method may be “cauterization” (with radio waves, laser, liquid nitrogen or electricity) or surgical intervention - conization of the cervix. Specifically, ectopia requires treatment only if its area is large or it provokes an inflammatory process.

If this is your situation, a natural question may arise - is it possible to get pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion. Yes, of course, if an oncological process is excluded. After gentle “cauterization,” there should be no scars left on the neck. However, if the situation persists, a woman planning a child should not cauterize “for prevention.” Since gynecologists answer the question “when can you get pregnant after cauterization of erosion” - in about a year.

Meanwhile, ectopia in most cases does not cause any harm. And it never leads to infertility, miscarriage or premature birth. Cervical erosion during pregnancy is not treated unless there is an inflammatory process or suspicion of cancer.

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There are many myths about cervical erosion among women of childbearing age. Most believe that erosion should be treated only after children are born. Undoubtedly, many are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant with erosion, and whether this disease will cause problems with bearing a baby? Let's try to find answers to all these questions together and at the same time find out what is true and what is false, and whether women with erosion have a chance to get pregnant.

What is cervical erosion?

The cervix is ​​the organ that connects a woman's vagina to the uterus. When the epithelium that covers the neck is damaged, erosion occurs. There are many reasons that can provoke the appearance of erosion, including mechanical damage to the epithelium, disruption of a woman’s hormonal levels, infections, and past inflammatory processes.

As a rule, erosion is detected during examination by a doctor, but there are certain symptoms that may indicate the presence of this disease. You should be concerned if you are bothered by spotting after sex, the amount of leucorrhoea has increased, or you have pain in the lower abdomen - this may indicate the presence of this disease.

Is it possible to get pregnant with cervical erosion?

Fortunately, women with erosion can become pregnant, since its presence does not affect the process of conception. But during pregnancy, erosion can manifest itself and affect the process of bearing a baby.

Due to a violation of the integrity of the cervical epithelium penetration of infections most likely to affect the health of the unborn child. It is also worth noting that areas where there is erosion are exposed to ruptures during childbirth. That is why, before planning a pregnancy, it is better to undergo special treatment. Sometimes doctors recommend treating this disease after childbirth, if the erosion is small.

It is worth noting that in most cases, cervical erosion does not cause any harm to either the pregnant woman or the fetus. The presence of erosion cannot lead to infertility, premature birth or cause a miscarriage.

Definitely, you can get pregnant with erosion. Note that in some cases there is a need to treat erosion during pregnancy. During pregnancy, erosion is treated if an inflammatory process occurs or cancer is suspected. In other cases, erosion is treated after childbirth.

Treatment methods for cervical erosion

If you are planning a pregnancy and the doctor has detected erosion in you, then do not be upset. A few years ago, treatment of cervical erosion was carried out only by cauterization, after which scars formed on the cervix. They negatively affected the process of stretching and opening of the cervix during delivery, which is why erosion was not previously treated before childbirth.

Currently, there are many alternative methods for treating erosion that make it possible to restore the integrity of the epithelium in more gentle ways. Therefore, if erosion is detected, it is best to undergo treatment before pregnancy.

So, we found out that with erosion you can get pregnant without any problems. You should consult your gynecologist about the method and time of treatment for erosion (before or after childbirth). Only a doctor can give correct recommendations regarding the treatment of this disease based on tests and gynecological examination. You should not be too careless about this disease. It requires specialist supervision and proper timely treatment.

How erosion is treated (video)

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Cervical erosion, and more often pseudo-erosion or ectopia, is the most common diagnosis given to women during a routine examination by a gynecologist.

This condition represents either a violation of the integrity of the surface (with true erosion), or the replacement of the squamous epithelium characteristic of the cervical canal with a cylindrical one.

Women who have heard such a verdict based on the examination results may be interested in the question: how will erosion affect pregnancy and subsequent childbirth?

Let's take a closer look at whether cervical erosion prevents you from getting pregnant? Is it possible and how to get pregnant after treatment, is this possible after cauterization and when - how long should I wait?

Will it be possible to conceive with this disease?

This pathology does not affect the ability to conceive in any way..

If the hormonal level and patency of the fallopian tubes remain normal in the presence of erosion and there are no other diseases that can prevent pregnancy, then conception is quite possible with unprotected coitus.

Difficulties in getting pregnant may be, only they arise not because of the pathology itself, but in connection with the diseases or conditions that caused it. For example, erosion may be the result of a hormonal imbalance that prevents conception.

Timely prescribed and administered antibacterial or hormonal therapy can cope with problems of conception. This will make it possible for the desired pregnancy to occur.

Therefore, if a woman is planning a pregnancy and during this period finds out that she has erosion, she should not give up her intentions.

Ectopia itself will not prevent you from getting pregnant. However, it is better to find out why it appeared; perhaps the reasons for the difficulties in conceiving lie precisely here.

Ectopia does not require treatment if it is not complicated inflammation or other diseases. However, treatment before pregnancy is supported by the fact that erosion is an entry point for infection, which is very dangerous for the fetus.

If treatment is still necessary, then for those planning to give birth soon, some methods are strictly contraindicated. Ectopia may also be an age-related feature, which will pass only in a few years.

Often this condition leaves no trace. Therefore, if such a diagnosis is made, you need to be thoroughly examined and discuss with your doctor the need for therapy, if necessary.

Erosion and ectopia of the cervix - what is it and why does it occur:

How long after treatment and cauterization is it better to get pregnant?

Some methods promote the formation of scar tissue in the cervical canal area. This leads to miscarriage, and during childbirth - to rupture and large-scale blood loss.

The result is a burn, and, as a consequence, a scar. After such treatment, it is better to abstain from conceiving for at least two months (before this, you must undergo an examination with a colposcope).

Doctors say that the danger of miscarriage accompanies a woman after diathermocoagulation for about five years. However, this method of treatment is outdated, more modern and safer methods are now being used.

They, like diathermocoagulation, are based on the removal or destruction of cells in the ectopic area, but differ in the methods of influence:

    The affected area is exposed to liquid nitrogen, which freezes it.

    Cryodestruction does not cause scar tissue, but several such procedures will be required to heal the eroded surface.

    Healing will occur no earlier than in one and a half to two months.

    Cryotherapy is not suitable for patients with HPV (HPV), as it does not have a very large penetration depth.

    Coagulation of modified cervical canal cells with a laser beam.

    The ectopic area “resolves” without scar formation. Gynecologists believe that you can plan to conceive within a month after the procedure.

    Laser treatment has some disadvantages: it is expensive and is not used everywhere.

    It does not provoke the formation of scar tissue at the site of destruction and eliminates contact with the affected surface during treatment.

    This is the most modern and effective method and has an antimicrobial effect. Suitable for treatment immediately before the expected conception (but taking into account the sexual rest prescribed by the doctor for a certain time after the procedure).

After destruction by any of the methods, discharge of ichor from the vagina is observed for several days.

Treatment methods for cervical erosion:

Planning pregnancy: how to prepare and avoid complications

If a woman intends to become a mother, and during a routine gynecological examination she is diagnosed with cervical erosion, you should get tested first:

  • analysis ;
  • PCR test for sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacterial culture from the vagina to detect dysbacteriosis;
  • smear cytology analysis;
  • if the doctor suspects malignancy of the ectopic site, then it will be necessary to do;
  • blood test from a vein for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • examination with a colposcope.

If it has already begun, there may be periodic bleeding from the genital tract.

As already stated, the disease is often accompanied by a risk of infection or inflammation. If this was discovered during pregnancy, then therapy is required. The infection is very dangerous for the fetus.

Infection of the membranes is possible, which can result in miscarriage or frozen pregnancy. And if it persists, it results in developmental pathologies. Infection has a very adverse effect on the developing nervous system of the fetus, other systems and organs.

Erosion or ectopia do not interfere with conception, if they are not complicated by additional diseases. That's why If erosion is detected, a thorough examination is necessary.

If there is inflammation or other problems, they need to be treated without delay. During pregnancy, doctors usually advise treating it immediately after birth, but it is likely that it will go away on its own after delivery.

But there is also a risk of rupture in the cervical canal during childbirth.

Therefore, a woman who has been diagnosed with this Do not neglect routine examinations during pregnancy. This can protect her from various complications.

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