Train a dog at home. How to make a dog obedient and well-mannered - all about pet training. Basic dog training methods

WITHself-training dogs at home not such a simple matter, but if you love your four-legged pet worth a try.

Training our younger brothers becomes a necessity if a pet appears in the house. Absolutely anyone can raise a puppy, and subsequently train a dog on their own, without the help of a specialist, following the exact recommendations. The owner needs patience and hard work, which, together with the correct requirement to follow commands, will effectively and quickly allow him to train the dog independently.

IN Important questions such as training, training, commands, treats for puppies and dogs are provided on our website.

Commands for general training

All of the commands listed below are required, so it is impossible to exclude any of them. More Full description All commands can be read by following the links.
The basis of training is “control”, which deserves your attention. Without it there will be no successful training.
1. is a command that is used most often and is necessary to create contact between the owner and the pet.
2. - this command is used often; after mastering it, you can move on to other commands.
3. - rest for a change from other activities.
4. - It is equally important to train the dog to walk at the owner’s left foot.
5. - learns easily, but after the command “sit”.
6. - used more often than the command to lie down, it will be more difficult to teach, because it is not easy for the pet to stand still in place.
7. - the necessary command so that the pet knows its place in the house or apartment.
8. - a very important and necessary command prohibiting taking objects, pronounced with strict intonation.
9. - it is necessary for the pet to give back the thrown toy or stick. But it is undesirable to practice the command “give me your paw”, because every time the pet will give you its paw as soon as you bend down towards it.
10. — it is necessary to teach from a young age, it will help an active animal to walk and explore the area, which will be useful in the future.
11. “voice” - will help scare intruders.
12. - catches a thrown piece on the fly.
13. “ ” - follows in front of the owner, conveniently when boarding a vehicle, on a narrow path.
14. - you can teach this command to the defender only after the dog begins to follow all commands and obey you unquestioningly.
These are the most basic and necessary commands that need to be taught to your pet. To learn more about each team, follow the links.

How many and how to conduct classes

You can train the dog at home with such commands as “come”, “fu”, “lie down”, “place”, “sit”, but this will not be a full-fledged training of the dog, since it will not do much on the street. So put on a collar, fasten a leash, grab some treats and toys and go outside to train your pet. It is advisable to conduct the first classes in uncrowded places to avoid many irritants.

Teams need to study three days a week. If this is not possible, then at least twice. The first classes last 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the training to 1.5 hours.
In the first lesson, learn simple commands “come to me”, “next to me”, “lie down”, “sit”. The “come to me” command is trained by calling the animal to you from time to time.
In the second lesson, train in the same way as in the first.
In the third lesson, repeat the same, but enter the command “stand”, also increase the time to 1 hour.
In the fourth lesson, you work with the same commands, getting precise execution from the animal.
In the fifth lesson and all subsequent ones, continue to practice the same tasks. Require the dog to follow one command, achieve stable performance, and do not make concessions for incomplete execution of commands.

When working with commands, it is necessary to change their order. You can start practicing with the command “near”, and after 10 minutes with the commands “lie down”, “stand”, “sit”. After this, return to the “near” command and hold for another 10 minutes, after which you can practice the “give” and “fetch” commands.
At the next lesson, be sure to change the order, this will have an effective effect on the training process.

The main points in training a dog on your own

1. To simplify training, walk the animal longer; when it is tired, it will not be distracted by other stimuli, which will make training three times easier.
2. Take breaks after each command for up to 10 seconds; from frequent commands in a row, the dog will not have time to react with lightning speed.
3. The command should be given only once; if you repeat it, the pet will carry it out the second or third time.
4. Swap commands; she should not know exactly what task the owner will give her.
5. Do not overdo it when training your dog on your own; your pet may also get tired. Through certain time She will follow commands much better, and subsequently listen perfectly to her owner.
6. If during the first lessons your pet performs the given tasks with uncertainty and apprehension, perhaps you were very strict, or huge pressure. Then force her to carry out the simplest command, then reward her generously. Moreover, the praise should be more than usual. Then the animal will understand that it is approved and will work better. It's also a good idea to take a break from classes, you can play or just take her for a walk.
7. If the dog gets after someone, such as a cat or dog, during training, then it is necessary to practice restraint. For this you need a long leash, and you can quickly catch up with the animal.
8. Gradually teach your dog according to plan so that it obeys your commands in any situation. Start with basic commands, requiring instant execution in normal conditions. When all commands are carried out perfectly, complicate the training in an artificially created situation and achieve complete obedience of the animals.
9. The dog must follow commands from all family members, but it is not necessary for everyone to be present at the training site; it is enough to know how to require the pet to follow basic commands.

Only a small part has been written about independent training dogs. In the following reviews you will find more detailed articles about training puppies, about each team individually, and much more interesting information.

I bring to your attention a video about dog training

Any dog ​​needs training: small and large, young and old. Training will not only teach your dog to behave well, but will also help you strengthen your relationship. Training will also teach your dog what he can and cannot do, so he will always respond to your commands and stay safe. For example, if a dog runs away, your team can protect it from being hit by a car.


How to prepare for training

    Buy treats that your dog likes. Bring small treats with you - they will allow you to reward right action without worrying about the weight of the animal. Some dogs, especially Labradors and Beagles, become very obedient when they see food. Set aside a small amount of dry food as part of your dog's diet and use it to reward correct behavior.

    Choose a place where nothing will disturb you. The dog should listen to you, not watch other dogs. If you are just starting to train your dog and don't know how he will react, keep him on a leash. This way you won't have to shout to get her attention if she decides to move away. Gently pull the dog towards you.

    • Once your dog has mastered the basic commands, you can train elsewhere. Training in busy areas will be beneficial as it will teach your dog to obey you no matter what is going on around him.
  1. Try to keep your workout short at the beginning. It is enough to exercise your dog twice a day for 10–20 minutes. Remind your dog of commands at other times, too: tell him to “sit” before eating or “place” when you need to take the leash.

    • Just like people, the length of time they can remain alert varies from dog to dog. However, some breeds are more trainable, which means they have the ability to focus. These breeds include German Shepherds, Border Collies, Labradors and hunting dogs.
  2. Don't ask your dog to make rapid progress. Even an elderly dog You can teach new tricks, but it takes more time. Don't expect an adult dog to pick up everything on the fly, like a puppy during the socialization period. But don't be discouraged if progress is slow. Stick to your plan and your efforts will pay off.

    Teach your dog the “come” command. Start training your dog in a small space so that the dog cannot stray too far from you. When she turns to you, show her that she needs to come to you. Click the clicker, praise her and give her a treat. Repeat until the dog understands what to do on command. Use the command when calling your dog to feed him, and in any other situations.

    Teach your dog to go to the toilet outside. If the dog is not walk trained, you will have to start over and train the dog as a puppy. Walk and play with your dog, and then take him to a crate or small area (the dog should love his crate). Take your dog outside every hour. When he sits down, say "toilet" and when he's finished, give him a treat. Walk your dog in the morning and at night. Over time, the dog will remember that the easiest way to get a treat is to wait until walking.

    • If the dog doesn't make it to the street, don't scold it. Clean up after the dog, wipe the area with an enzyme solution so that there is no smell left on the floor and so that the dog does not decide to return to this place. Do not use common household products, especially those containing ammonia, as ammonia is found in urine and may increase the odor.
  3. Teach your dog the "fu" command. Wait for the moment when the dog takes something in its teeth (not a favorite toy). Let your dog take it in his teeth, and then offer him a treat in exchange for the item. When your dog drops something on the floor, give it to him. tasty treat. To get a treat, the item must be on the floor. As soon as the dog opens his mouth, say “ew”, then click the clicker and give the treat. Continue training your dog as you did with the other commands.

    • Once your dog remembers the command, start using it in all situations where you don't want your dog to eat or pick something up. Praise your dog when he turns his attention to you.
    • During training, remove the item from the dog if it gets in his way. But if the dog takes something into its mouth, especially if it is a dangerous object, press your fingers on both sides of the base of the jaw and praise the dog for releasing it from the mouth. Do not force the dog to throw something, unless it is a dangerous object (medicine, something sharp).
  4. Teach your dog not to climb on furniture. If your dog gets on the couch or jumps on you without your permission, tell him in a stern voice to stop and praise him if he obeys you. If necessary, push your dog down from the furniture. If the dog jumps on you, make a threatening noise and stick your knee forward to stop the dog from jumping. You can attach a leash to the collar and safely pull your dog off the furniture. Don't talk to your dog until he's on the floor.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance of a furry ball of dog in the house is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you don’t raise and train the puppy in time, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in an apartment is nothing compared to when the dog feels like he’s in charge and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training a puppy

So that you feel comfortable and the pet does not bring unnecessary problems and hassle, you need to start from day one educational process. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner’s task is to help it quickly get used to it and replace its mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the training method and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Dogs fighting breeds traditionally grown by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? A person with a strong, strong-willed character can cope with an animal. You can't control such a dog with affection. If the animal senses the weakness of the owner, it is better to abandon him. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize you can't handle it. Among the fighting breeds:

Peculiarity hunting dogs– passion for movement. They need long walks, jogging. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to give her training in special school, where breed-specific lessons will be held under the guidance of a trainer. They will begin to learn by solving hunting problems:

  • like - for fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - in burrows;
  • terrier - for aquatic game;
  • hounds - pursued by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Guard dogs are often stubborn and require a lot of effort to train. A Rottweiler, a German Shepherd, and a Spitz are good for apartment security. Guard breeds who can easily tolerate temperature changes can live on the street, protecting the house:

Small companion dogs often have good personalities, are affectionate, friendly, and easy to train at home. Puppies with one month old They become attached to their owners and get along well with children. Smart animals quickly learn commands. Among the pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should you train a puppy? It is considered right to start from the first day the baby appears in the house. This is not entirely true. The processes of education and training are different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets comfortable in the house and learns obedience. Day German Shepherd this happens at two months, for a Labrador a little earlier - at one and a half months.

How to raise a puppy

Once a puppy comes into the house, it must get used to it, get used to the new environment and smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach rules of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments is used. The basis of learning is a system of conditioned reflexes. Animals should not be physically punished. They understand well the stern intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. IN exceptional case You can grab it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, just like the mother does with the little dog.

Punishment should only be given at the moment of committing incorrect actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will have no educational value and may cause aggression in the animal. For a correctly executed command you are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

A dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and a person must become its leader - the main and authoritative one. The purpose of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To train it, you need to call it by name, and when it comes up, give it a treat. They also encourage when the dog comes to the sleeping place - it must be established immediately. If you allow me to sleep with you, it will be difficult to retrain later.

How to teach a puppy commands

To ensure that training does not cause problems, you need to train by following certain rules. Carry out independent studies in a good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • exercise before feeding;
  • achieve at least small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • avoid repeating the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • practice the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes outdoors in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, when trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note the following mistakes in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - there must be one leader;
  • often using nicknames and combining them with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • repetition commands;
  • cruelty;
  • deferred punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of treats - it is advisable to encourage with words.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful a puppy is, he must understand commands the first time. Completion of each task is reinforced with encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to its nickname, up to three months the puppy must learn the following basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - it will protect you from the dangers that await your dog on the street;
  • “Fu” - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, and save the puppy’s life;
  • “Fetch” – will increase the dog’s activity during a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to a club for training. He will pass general course training center, where specialists will train, will get used to a leash, collar, muzzle. To achieve results, the same incentives are used. Punish by using pulling, pulling on the leash, or pressing with the palm of your hand. In this case, you must not cause fear or aggression in the puppy. At this age he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: training a puppy at home

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Finally, this exciting day has come: the puppy has crossed the threshold of your home. He’s still just a baby, and you just want to cuddle and kiss this little one! I would like to tell you about how to properly build your relationship with your baby from the first day, how to train a puppy so that the little foolish naughty boy grows up to be a true devoted friend. Anyone who loves their dog can do this. It is only important to learn to understand it.

Alone in an unfamiliar world

There are many secrets a puppy needs to learn as it grows into adulthood. If you establish uniform rules for his entire life from the first day, it will be much easier for him to get used to order in the house, and in the future you will no longer need to torment the dog’s nerves. Imagine for a moment that you were torn away from your family and found yourself in a foreign country, where they speak an unfamiliar language and live by rules that are incomprehensible to you. Today you did something and did not react to it in any way, and the next day you were scolded for the same thing. How to get comfortable in such a situation? Or, from the very beginning, they took you by the hand and showed you where to sleep, explaining every day what you can do and what you can’t do. Here you want it or not, but you will try to adapt to local traditions, and over time you will learn to understand what is said and adhere to the rules.

The same thing happens with a puppy: human logic is incomprehensible to him. There are no stupid dogs, there are unscrupulous people. You are a person, an owner, and it depends only on you how smart and understanding your dog will grow up. Now there is a lot of different literature on how to train a puppy, read several books. Think over as many clear rules as possible, be able to convey them to the dog in an understandable form, and don’t be afraid to spend a lot of time on this. Your work will not remain meaningless, if you are patient, the dog will remember all the lessons and in the future will act correctly in various situations.

When should you start training your puppy?

Those who are seriously thinking about purchasing a dog are concerned about the question of how to properly train a puppy. Here training is intertwined with education in a thin thread. Yes, puppies, like children, need to be raised. And you need to start this from the very first days it appeared in your home.

Opinions often differ on when to start training a puppy. Some say no earlier than six months, others suggest starting with one year old. As you know, 1 year of a dog is equivalent to 7 years of a person. Imagine that the child is not limited in absolutely anything, he is allowed everything and is not taught anything until he is 3.5 or even 7 years old. Will it be easy to catch up later? Therefore, we repeat: take care of the puppy from the first days of his appearance in your home. If you don’t set your own rules, with a high degree of probability the dog will try to set them himself, and this is fraught with big conflicts with the owners.

First rules

The first and most important rule that every novice dog breeder needs to learn is consistency in everything. The puppy should eat at a certain time in a specially designated place, and not from the owner’s table when he has lunch. Show the puppy where he will sleep. Let his rug be in a secluded corner where he can retire and no one will disturb him.

Don't take him to your bed. Letting your puppy sleep with you a few times will not only leave you with fur in the bed, constant struggle for a place (even the most small breed can push you a lot), but you also lower your own authority. The animal must be accustomed to the “Place” command. Every time a satiated puppy looks for a place to lie down to rest, pick him up and take him to his place, while saying the command. If he tries to escape, hold him, repeat the “Place” command again, and when he calms down, pet him and praise him. If after the exercise he still tries to run away, repeat it all over again.

You will have to practice commands and rules several times a day until you fully understand them. Let us repeat: no matter how you train your puppy, what commands you teach him - be consistent in everything. If, for example, a puppy is not allowed to jump on people, then this should not be allowed even during play. Gently push him away, accompanied by the command “Fu”, “No”. If any game must stop at your command, then at the end there is no need to succumb to emotion, looking into pleading eyes, and continue fussing.

What a puppy needs to know at the age of 1-3 months

Let's look at how to properly train a puppy aged 1-3 months. He has already gotten used to you and the rest of the family, to his place, nickname, and feeding. At this age, he still needs to master a lot of things: be calm about the collar and leash, tolerate cleaning and washing, approach the owner (the command “Come to me”), leave him (“Walk”), stop unwanted actions (“Fu”, “No”), communicate with other dogs and behave correctly on the street during walks. Initial training Getting a shepherd puppy, like any other breed, is a very exciting and responsible process. At this age, puppies easily develop positive skills associated with various active work, especially if compliance with the required commands is rewarded with treats. Little puppies are very inquisitive, active, they are interested in learning and engaging with their owner. But their skills based on inhibitory reactions are still difficult to develop.

How to accustom a puppy to a collar and leash, the “Come to me” command

Before you get your puppy's vaccinations, you have time to prepare him to go out into the world. Big world" When practicing commands, do not forget to accustom the puppy to the collar and leash in advance. Put the collar on and immediately distract him with a toy or treat. When the puppy forgets, quickly fasten the leash, again try to redirect his attention, let him walk like this for a while. Then take everything off and let him run free. By doing this from time to time, you will ensure that the puppy stops paying attention to the equipment.

Team "Come to me" plays important role, because it is most often used in Everyday life. Regardless of what age you started training your puppy, pay maximum attention to mastering this skill. Be patient, because puppies usually have a lot of things to do that distract them and prevent them from approaching their owner when requested: they need to bark at the cat, run up to a passerby and sniff the peacefully crawling beetle. And after playing, the puppy can easily get lost. The team begins to be studied immediately after contact is established with the owner, accustomed to the nickname and place. Unquestioning compliance can be achieved if the puppy associates the command with subsequent reward. When he runs 6-8 steps away from you, say your nickname, and only after his attention is focused on you, give the command. As soon as your pet runs up to you, praise him and give him a treat. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times daily.

Commands that a puppy needs to learn at the age of 3-6 months

During this period, you need to not only continue to consolidate basic skills, but also start learning commands such as “Near”, “Lie down”, “Sit”, “Fetch”, teach the puppy to show his teeth, overcome low obstacles, climb stairs and go down with it, you can calmly endure travel in transport. The necessary skills are developed not only through treats, but also through mechanical influences (light tug or tension on the leash, palm pressure, etc.). By the age of 3 months, the puppy is already able to ask for a walk in a timely manner, however, mistakes can still happen quite often; after playing too much, he cannot always correctly interpret the body’s signals. Take the puppy out after each meal, after waking up, or when you see that he is nervous, hesitates, and seems to be looking for something. In order to avoid further mental problems, it is important for your pet to communicate with peers as often as possible, take care of this.

How to teach a shepherd puppy the “Fu” command

It’s not enough to want to raise a puppy, it’s important to know how. It is necessary to train a German Shepherd puppy, just like dogs of other breeds, throughout their life, but the older they get, the more demands are placed on following commands.

To develop the skill of stopping unwanted actions, proceed as follows: as soon as the puppy tries to pick up food waste from the ground, starts barking or rushing at the cat, chewing shoes - loudly and menacingly say the command “Fu”, then secure this with mechanical force (a blow to the area with a twig). croup or jerk of the leash). Both the team itself and what follows mechanical impact should be moderate, not damaging to the puppy’s psyche.

Teaching the commands “Fetch” and “Give”

Do you want to know how to train a shepherd puppy and accustom it to the “Fetch” command? There is nothing simpler, because it is in the blood of shepherds to serve objects. Engage your pet in play with his favorite toy. Holding it in your hand, say the command “Aport” and throw it a couple of steps. If the puppy does not want to approach the toy, run up yourself, dragging him along with you. As soon as he approaches the toy and grabs it, run back and give the command “Come to me.” Seeing that you are moving away and hearing the already familiar command, the puppy will rush after you. When he approaches, say the command “Give” and take the toy with your hand. If the puppy does not want to give up the toy, show the treat in your left hand. After the toy is in your hands, reward your baby with a treat and the exclamation “Well done, good.” Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

How to train a husky puppy: what should you pay attention to?

The Siberian Husky is a very intelligent and hardworking breed. These are confident, balanced dogs with nerves of steel. Huskies are completely unsuitable for protection, since from time immemorial they have acted as sled dogs in distant Siberia.

If you active person who loves to travel and spends a lot of time outdoors - this is the breed for you. Huskies are highly trainable, but they are leaders by nature and can show their own character. Even if you want a professional to train your dog, remember that you will have to train him too. Due to their good endurance, huskies can be trained for any weather conditions, you should also set aside time for long walks on fresh air, morning jogging.

Behavior and training of Labradors

The Labrador is a companion dog and is perfect for families with children. In order for you to have a wonderful friend, you need to have basic knowledge of how to train a Labrador. A puppy can be trained to do everything necessary commands at home. Dogs of this breed completely trust a person, they do not expect any nasty things from the trainer, so they can exercise for a long time and with great pleasure. They love human interaction, so they will happily accept a stroke or a kind word as praise instead of a treat. The Labrador is a very peaceful dog, he will be less distracted during training on other animals, unlike fighting breeds. These dogs have an excellent temperament - they cannot be called lethargic, but they are not impulsive, moderately active, with a healthy motor activity- just what is needed for successful training.

From personal experience

  • you should not start training if you are in a bad mood, dogs are excellent psychologists, and your depression can rub off on them;
  • both puppies and adults copy the owner in everything, loving dog will try to be with you always and everywhere;
  • dogs are also manipulators - they are able to find something for everyone individual approach for the sake of satisfying one's own whims.

In general, no two puppies or adult dogs are alike; each of them has its own character and varied habits. Something is inherent in nature, and something is acquired during life. How you train your puppy will to some extent determine its future character. It depends only on you whether your pet will grow up to be a cheerful and devoted friend or a nervous, unsociable creature.

Dog training is something that owners of these smartest animals face. And you shouldn’t think that highly intelligent dogs of service breeds are already born with working skills, while hunting dogs can immediately follow the trail of their prey. In order for the dog to show obedience, respect and perform even complex tricks, the owner will need a lot of time, effort and patience.

When can you start training?

When a puppy appears in the house, owners have many questions. And one of them: at what age can a puppy be trained? And rightly so, it should be asked as early as possible so as not to miss time.

A baby can master his first skills and rules of behavior from the first days of his arrival in a new home. From 1 month. And don’t think that a funny toddler with a cute face is not capable of mastering commands. In the period from 1 to 3 months, the pet can learn to respond to its name, learn its place, bring objects and give them away.

At the same time, it is necessary to decide whether the puppy will be trained at home or whether professional help will be required. Owners should evaluate their capabilities and skills in this area, determine what, in addition to obedience, they expect from their pet.

In addition, it is important breed characteristics, dog size, character and other nuances. So how to properly raise a puppy?

What are the rules for training dogs?

Before starting to teach a pet basic skills, every owner must understand the truth: there are no stupid dogs. You should not think that raising a dog related to the smartest breeds easier than a dog with average intelligence. After all, with the wrong approach, the pet will use intelligence and cunning to avoid training.

When something doesn’t work out for a puppy, you can’t blame everything on his weaknesses. mental capacity. Perhaps training the dog is too much for the owner.

How can you make this process as comfortable and efficient as possible? First of all, a novice trainer should take care of a calm environment in which the puppy will not be distracted or frightened, and it is best to begin training in familiar, home conditions. In addition, other aspects are important:

  • what kind of praise is best to use;
  • what mistakes should be avoided;
  • How can you learn to better understand your four-legged friend?

To understand how to train a dog at home, dog experts recommend the following stable dogmas:

  1. Puppies, like adult dogs, have difficulty understanding difficult to pronounce words that have many syllables, especially if the owner does not pronounce them expressively. Commands should be pronounced clearly and moderately loud.
  2. The duration of the first classes should not exceed 10 minutes, but you can do 2-3 approaches per day.
  3. Each lesson begins with repetitions of already acquired knowledge.
  4. Before training, the dog should be given time to frolic so that the dog gets rid of excess energy and calms down.
  5. Do not train dogs immediately after eating, late in the evening, or if the pet has just woken up. In these situations, you should wait for a more convenient time.
  6. As a rule, raising a puppy combines both reward and punishment. But rough is not recommended physical impact: hitting, grabbing by the scruff of the neck or screaming. Tell the trainer in a rather stern voice: it’s bad, it’s impossible, ay-ay-ay, or shame in other words.
  7. Quite effective is dog training at home, which takes place in game form: a good mood of all participants is the key to fruitful work.
  8. You cannot force a puppy and force it to follow commands. The process will be more fruitful if he is interested.
  9. Praise naturally helps in training and should not be stingy: the dog responds well to the joyful voice of the owner.
  10. You can train a dog if you say the command 1-2 times. Phrases like “fu, fu…” said a hundred times not only do not give positive result, but also allow the pet not to strive to quickly complete tasks.
  11. In order to reap the benefits of raising a dog for up to a year as early as possible, you should work with your pet daily so that he does not forget the knowledge he has already acquired. Don’t think that this will take a lot of time: 1 course of repetitions lasts on average 10 minutes.

Experts warn that if you do not pay attention to such little things, you can make mistakes that will be very difficult to correct.

If you plan to train a dog on your own, then it is worth remembering that these animals are very sensitive to changes in the owner’s mood: they are able to detect irritated notes in the voice and react to sharp gestures. Therefore, dog handlers suggest where to start training - with Have a good mood And friendly attitude to your pet, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a big dog or a tiny baby.

The first knowledge acquired by the pet

We have already managed to find out at what age a puppy can be trained, but what should be the first steps in raising it if we are talking about the age of 1–3 months?

  1. First of all, it is recommended to accustom your pet to cleanliness. However, often used by owners, poking their muzzle into puddles will not have a positive effect. It is worth being patient and watching the baby. As soon as he starts to worry and whine, you should go outside with him. If this cannot be done (for example, when the pet has not been vaccinated), it must be placed on a diaper or in a tray.
  2. In addition, you need to start training your puppy by teaching him his nickname. To do this, it should be said every time you need to attract the pet’s attention. However, you cannot replace the command “near!” with a nickname; it is a signal for the next actions.
  3. Then you can begin to teach the basics of dog training, asking your pet to follow simple commands. During games, he can easily master the “near!” command, which is recommended for children early age. It should be said before feeding, and during walks, a treat should be used as a stimulus. As a result of this approach, the dog will associate this phrase exclusively with positive aspects. This great option, how to teach a puppy to follow commands without using threats and punishment.
  4. If your dog is showing obedience more and more often, you should give him treats less often. But at the same time, we must not forget that the baby must be praised so that he continues to try.

If you give a puppy necessary knowledge That's right, the rest of the learning process will be easier.

Puppy and leash: how to make training comfortable

Perhaps this is the most serious problem, and you can often observe how the owners literally drag the poor fellow, who does not want to come to terms with his situation. How to accustom a puppy to a leash quickly and painlessly? Step-by-step plan:

  1. Introducing the collar. If puppies are marked almost from birth by wearing a colored thread, and later it is replaced with a ribbon-collar, then there will be no problems. Otherwise, you will need to wear this accessory for a while, periodically extending the wearing time.
  2. Learning to walk on a leash. First of all, you should learn how to train your dog to use a leash. To do this, it is enough to fasten the equipment at home so that your pet can run with it. Ideally, the baby does not pay attention to this object, and can run for about half an hour without showing interest in the leash. Usually by 3 months the pet is fully vaccinated, and by this time the owner should know how to raise a puppy in outdoor conditions. And the first thing a child must master for his own safety is walking on a leash. In that important point You should be careful and walk next to the puppy, avoiding pulling on the leash. If the baby runs in the wrong direction, you cannot correct his movement by pulling the leash. You should pick him up and carry him to safe place. This is one of the axioms of how to properly raise a puppy: he should be given the opportunity to choose a route until he begins to perceive fastening the leash as a good sign of a quick walk.
  3. Walk on a leash without pulling it. To a well-mannered puppy It’s not good to pull your owner, so the owner should pay attention to this point Special attention and choose a weaning method - loyal or tough.

In the first case, you need to stop every time the puppy starts to pull on the leash and wait until he pays attention to the owner. At this time, you should treat him with a treat and encourage him with a kind expression, and then slightly change the course of action. After 3-4 weeks, the baby will understand that his haste leads to movement stopping completely.

For large puppies At the age of 4–5 months, this manipulation can be replaced by a more strict method - jerking.

In this case, it is better to use a children's strict collar with rounded teeth and a leash made of nylon thread as ammunition. The pet should be given 2-3 meters of freedom, but as soon as it starts to pull on the leash, it should be stopped with a jerk. Usually a week is enough for the dog to realize that pulling on the leash causes discomfort.

In the future, there will be no difficulties in raising a puppy and accustoming it to behavior on the street, especially if you follow the rules and consistency.

There is another 4th stage - learning to walk side by side. It is recommended to use a loose leash for walking until the pet can master the basic commands - ew, place, sit, next. Afterwards, you can begin a more complex task: teach your pet the “near!” command. In this case, it is recommended not to overload the dog with activities, otherwise it will be difficult for him to concentrate.

You should sit him next to your left leg, and hold the free end of the leash and a treat or toy with your right hand. Then you need to start moving with the command “near!”, maintaining the half-tight position of the leash, not allowing the pet to overtake the owner. The main thing is to understand how to train a puppy and show persistence: any attempts to pull on the leash must be stopped immediately!

As soon as the puppy has taken the desired position, he should definitely be praised, and for this it is enough to say “good” and repeat the command so that he understands what he has done to deserve the owner’s approval.

During 1 walk, 2-3 approaches are enough.

Give me your paw, four-legged friend!

Any well-mannered dog It should be a shame if she doesn’t know the command “give me your paw!”, no matter how many months or years old she is. This task is not so much an indicator of good manners as a convenient skill that makes caring for a pet easier.

How to teach a dog the command “give me your paw!”, and most importantly, why? First of all, the command will come in handy when your pet needs a manicure, wash its paws, or inspect its pads. Many tricks contain a similar element. To teach your puppy to give paw, you can use the following method:

  1. Using the command “sit!”, you need to sit the pet in such a way that it can reach the owner without getting up.
  2. Then you should take right hand tidbit, show it to the puppy and hold it in your palm.
  3. You need to wait until attempts to get to the treat using your nose are unsuccessful, and the pet uses its paw.
  4. As soon as the puppy’s limb is on your hand, you need to say the command and hold the paw for a few seconds.
  5. Afterwards, you should carefully lower the paw, praise the baby and give away the earned treat.

Now we need to clarify how to teach a dog to give a paw so that he doesn’t forget this command in a few days. You need to refresh your baby's memory every day by asking him to give you a paw 3-4 times, doing several approaches a day.

Mastering important commands

Professionals know how to properly train a puppy and can tell you how to do it yourself. Typically, learning basic commands begins at 3–4 months of age, and the complex includes extremely useful skills that even the most careless student can master.

"Near!". Grow obedient dog Without training this command is almost impossible. To master it, it is advisable to have an assistant who will hold the puppy in his arms or an adult dog by the collar. The owner should praise the dog and treat it with something tasty, and then ask another person to move the pet 2-3 meters away from him and hold it at such a distance, but so that the dog can see the owner. After 5–10 seconds, the owner commands “near!” and slaps his hand on his thigh, and the assistant lets him go.

If the dog refuses to run, then you should lure him with a treat.

When the command is executed correctly, you should praise him for his efforts, and then consolidate the skill by repeating the exercise several more times.

"Ugh". For trained dog Obedience is important, and this command allows the owner to correct the behavior and actions of the pet. It should be worked out using the method of coercion, or rather punishment, since the dog hears this only when it behaves incorrectly. Most often, owners begin to use the word “fu” from the first days of the arrival of a new family member in the house, since the baby immediately integrates into research activities and not always within the limits of what is permitted.

However, serious mastery of this skill comes at a later stage. late period: at the age of six months, when the puppy is already familiar with basic commands and completely trusts its owner. Of course, this is the most unpleasant dog command, which limits the rights and freedoms of the pet, so dog experts recommend selecting training individually, based on the characteristics and temperament of the dog.

The main thing is that the goal of interrupting the pet’s unwanted attempts without putting your hands to it is achieved.

The following techniques can be used:

  1. You should call the puppy by name, and if he ignores, say clearly and strictly “ugh!” Afterwards you need to call him over and lure him into playing.
  2. If the dog is distracted by the owner's calls, but not enough to run to him, the owner can tease him with a treat or toy.
  3. When the dog already knows some commands, you can clap your hands, and as soon as the pet is distracted, give him quickly and clearly the tasks he has mastered previously. This will certainly confuse the puppy, which means the result has been achieved.
  4. If the dog shows stubbornness and still commits an offense, he should be caught up, restrained and said a few phrases in a frustrated and offended voice, and shamed.

Composure is a basic skill in training, allowing the dog to carry out other commands more efficiently, and the owner not to waste time. As for the very concept of endurance, it is the fixation of the accepted position for the required period, i.e. the dog will sit or lie until the owner gives the go-ahead.

Additional commands

First, you need to bring the dog to a place chosen in advance, command “sit!”, and when the dog sits down, add “wait!” Afterwards, the owner should slowly back away from the pet, and if the pet is about to move in his direction, repeats: “sit, wait!”

For the first attempts, 5-6 steps are enough, and if the puppy shows restraint, you need to immediately return to the dog, reward and release, giving the command “walk!” The initial exposure time is 10 seconds, but should be gradually increased, as should the distance. The further the owner goes, the longer it takes him to return.

Raising a dog on initial stage- do not take your eyes off your pet, and as soon as he is about to jump up, repeat the command in time. If the puppy shows excitement and cannot sit still for a second, he needs to be returned to his original place, calmed down and calmly begin training.

"Sit!". A basic skill that is the starting point for many teams. Dogs remember it very quickly, as it is a comfortable position for dogs that does not require any effort.

You just need to help your pet a few times by saying “sit!”, lightly pressing on the croup area, and when the dog sits down, give him a treat and praise so that he understands what is required of him. Subsequently, the skill will need to be consolidated, but after 5–7 days the pet will be able to perform this simple task without a word.

Adult dog training

It is believed that it is easiest to raise an animal during puppyhood, and there is some truth in this. But what if the pet came into the house a little later? Don't despair and give up. How to train an adult dog?

They describe a number of subtleties that are best taken into account so that training and education do not become stressful for a new family member:

  1. There are various rules for training dogs, among them the one that indicates that if a pet has just appeared in the family, there is no need to overload it from the first days. You need to wait for the pet to calm down and get used to new people and surroundings.
  2. Training adult dog at home will not be successful unless the owner confirms his authority and establishes contact with his pet.
  3. Raising a dog that has already had a certain, not always positive, experience is challenging task. Therefore, if knowledge and experience do not allow you to train dogs on your own, you should seek professional help.
  4. If the owner is ready to train himself in order to select best technique for your pet, then it is worth looking for theoretical dog training lessons that include modern approaches without traditional rewards and punishments. In most cases, changing owners is a huge stress for these animals, so harsh methods can only increase the dog’s nervousness.

How to train a dog using the latest technology“stimulus-response” based on the work of I.P. Pavlov? This method helps to teach an adult pet commands, developing conditioned reflexes based on innate ones. To develop a conditioned reflex in your pet, experts recommend buying a clicker in the pet products department - a box that, when pressed, you can hear a click.

Just like training a puppy, training a dog begins with practicing familiar material. In addition, a calm environment and comfortable conditions should be ensured. After a couple of days, you can replace home exercises with street training.

As soon as the pet begins to correctly follow commands, after each success you need to reward the pet and press the clicker.

This promotes the production conditioned reflex: completing the task - click - get a treat.

Owners may be wondering when to start introducing distractions? This can be done when the dog makes tangible progress. If he is distracted during training, then you should not punish him for this, just press the clicker, thereby returning the animal’s attention.

As soon as the dog understands that obedience is well rewarded and it is worth being more active, the clicker will no longer be needed. Do not forget that puppies require less time to master tasks than an adult animal, so you should not demand the impossible from your pet.

When purchasing a four-legged friend, the owner should not be afraid of the fact that he does not know how to raise dogs. In fact, most pets need a strong hand and a consistent approach, and this is often enough to make the dog obedient and willing to follow commands. If they get a less flexible individual, the owners always have the opportunity to turn to professionals for help.

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