Swelling on the skin as if from nettles. Urticaria: forms of the disease, provoking factors, principles of therapy and prevention. Emergency care for urticaria

Urticaria can often be called urticaria, urticaria, or urticarial dermographism. This disease is mainly allergic, and is a rather difficult disease in terms of diagnosis and treatment.

When the first symptoms appear, you should seek help from an allergist-immunologist.. The skin can become covered with a rash such as urticaria for a variety of reasons, so it is necessary to conduct a full examination of the patient and prescribe an individual course of therapy.

The term “urticaria” today unites a large group of diseases that differ from each other in their nature, but have similar clinical symptoms: blisters form on the skin, looking like burn marks from nettles.

Causes of urticaria and its types

Depending on the complexity of the disease, experts distinguish two forms of urticaria: chronic and acute. The main sign of the chronic form is that relapses of the disease can occur either after a couple of months or after several years, often alternating with almost daily rashes and the formation of light gaps. Acute urticaria usually lasts.

Besides, in some cases, doctors diagnose artificial urticaria. This occurs when blister-like stripes of an edematous nature appear on the human body. A similar phenomenon can also be observed in patients suffering from ordinary urticaria.

Some experts also distinguish the so-called atypical form - persistent chronic papular urticaria. However, many doctors dispute the existence of this form due to insufficiently compelling reasons.

There is also a fairly rare disease called mastocytosis. Several of its forms can be called nothing other than urticaria pigmentosa. However, it is completely different from ordinary hives.

Special forms include:

  • Aquagenic;
  • Adrenergic;
  • Cholinergic;
  • Contact.

Depending on the clinical and pathogenetic features, the following types of this disease are distinguished:

  • Dermographic;
  • Vibrating;
  • Physical;
  • Cold;
  • Urticaria, the appearance of which is associated with increased blood pressure.

In fact, urticaria is a classic polyetiological disease. There are quite a large number of reasons for the appearance of the same symptoms.

The most widespread is allergic urticaria, which develops when a person has immediate hypersensitivity to various allergens. This mechanism is the basis of the majority of allergic manifestations. This type of allergy is observed mainly after an insect bite or consumption of any food product.

The immunocomplex type of urticaria develops as a pathological process caused by too active formation of special antigen-antibody complexes. Typically, a rash is a reaction of the body to the administration of serums or medications.

Skin problems are no less common. associated with the manifestation of anaphylactoid reactions. They are characterized by a fairly high ability of mast cells to secrete active proteins, as well as various enzymes. However, there is no effect on the cells of the immune system.

One of the important reasons for the development of urticaria, regardless of its form, is a disruption of normal liver function, which provokes disruptions in the process of destroying histamine, which is a fairly active component of inflammation of allergic etiology. Often the disease is a consequence of autoimmune inflammation, when the immune system mistakes its own body tissues for foreign ones.

Symptoms and manifestations

The main symptom of this disease is the covering of the skin with small blisters - protruding areas of the skin that are very similar to nettle burns or insect bites. Their occurrence is accompanied by quite severe itching. Around the blisters, the surface of the skin becomes reddish. Newly formed elements often grow to relatively large sizes, merging with each other. Such rashes are symmetrical in nature.

Urticaria is characterized by complete reversibility of all skin elements. This means that after the attack of the disease is stopped, the skin will return to its original state, completely cleared of traces of hyperpigmentation and whitish spots. It should be noted that scars do not remain.

Typically, the rash can damage the skin on any part of the body. In addition, they often migrate, appearing on the stomach, on the neck, or in other places. The entire process of urticaria disease is divided into three separate stages:

  1. The beginning of the so-called immunological stage coincides with the moment of direct contact of the human body with any irritant or allergen. Then the pathogen, along with the bloodstream, gradually spreads throughout the body, while the body secretes and accumulates the corresponding antibodies.
  2. During the pathochemical stage, the formation and release of ready-made mediators of the allergic reaction and their contact with the allergen are observed.
  3. The pathophysical stage of the disease is a response of various tissues and internal organs to previously released mediators. It is after an increase in the concentration of mediators in the blood that clinical symptoms of the disease appear.

During the course of the disease, a person experiences itching, which may intensify. Due to the constant desire to scratch areas covered with a rash, small wounds may form on the surface of the skin. What to do if it itches a lot? Everything here is simple and complicated at the same time. Try not to scratch.

Be patient. Yes, it’s difficult, but it’s necessary. You can be very careful, but if you scratch the wounds it will only get much worse and can lead to complications, which we talk about at the end of the article.

To distinguish urticaria from rubella, you need to know that the second case is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling worse a few days before the rash appears;
  • Headache;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Malaise;
  • Runny nose;
  • The surface of the pharynx takes on a reddish tint;
  • A couple of days before the rash, body temperature rises to 38.5-39 degrees;
  • The posterior cervical, occipital and postauricular lymph nodes enlarge, and their pain also increases;
  • The rashes, oval or round in shape and with a diameter of 2 to 5 mm, are light pink in color;
  • The rash is small-spotted and does not merge into one spot;
  • There are no elevations above the skin;
  • Thickening of the rash is typical for the back, extensor parts and buttocks;
  • Disappears after 1-3 days.

In some people, rubella is also accompanied by the appearance of asthenovegetative syndrome and quite severe aches in the joints and various muscles.

Often, based on the primary symptoms, urticaria can be confused with a regular allergy. However, with a simple allergic reaction, the rash usually covers the neck, upper and lower extremities, which very rarely occurs with the development of urticaria, which differs in its manifestation mainly on the torso.

Photo of urticaria on the body

Let's see what urticaria looks like in adults in photo pictures:

When to see a doctor? Diagnostics

If the first symptoms of urticaria appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist such as an allergist-immunologist.

Only he can confirm the diagnosis, because symptoms can be provoked by various factors, and therefore patients with suspected urticaria need to undergo many tests in order to determine the exact cause and prescribe correct and effective treatment therapy.

Standard examination plan:

One of the important components of the treatment course for urticaria is a special lifestyle and mandatory compliance. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that with this disease it is prohibited to take most of the medications that are often prescribed to treat diseases associated with urticaria. Read more about what to do.

Prohibited medications include: codeine, aspirin and any of its derivatives, as well as all kinds of ACE inhibitors. Therefore, it is necessary to warn the attending physician that the patient suffers from urticaria.

As a rule, to treat this disease, an allergist prescribes antihistamines. It is recommended to take the following medications: Zyrtec, Telfast, Erius and other third-generation medications. In some cases, the course of treatment takes at least three months. Don't forget about .

Enema for urticaria

Within three days you need to do a cleansing enema. To do this, you should prepare an Esmarch mug, the position of which will have to be constantly adjusted if necessary. Pure water is poured into it, heated to a temperature of approximately 400C. To achieve maximum emptying, add three teaspoons of rock salt to the water.

If desired, it can be replaced with a few tablespoons of glycerin. Some people use herbal infusions that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The pointed tip of Esmarch's mug is greased with vegetable oil or Vaseline to more gently insert the device into the anus.

Then air is released from the tube, and when liquid flows out of the tip, the tap must be turned off. In this case, it is enough to introduce about two liters of water, holding it in the body for about ten minutes. When repeating the procedure, you should wait about forty minutes so that the rinsing waters of the previous enema completely leave the body.

Does it affect the internal organs of a person - liver, intestines?

The occurrence of urticaria does not in any way affect the condition and functions of various internal organs, because this is a disease of the skin and its causative agent does not affect the tissue of the liver and kidneys, intestinal walls and other organs.

Consequences and complications

Urticaria is characterized by the fact that most people who suffer from it are children and adolescents. The development of the disease in them is caused by the entry of a food allergen into the body. But it is not always possible to determine what exactly is the causative agent of the disease.

The course of the disease should not be left to chance, because neglect of treatment leads to the fact that urticaria turns into an acute form, which worsens from time to time, and relapses can be repeated throughout life. Read about the dangers.

During an exacerbation, patients complain of severe itching, which brings real suffering, as well as scratching the skin until open wounds form on its surface, through which infection can penetrate.

Do they take you into the army if you have hives?

If a young man’s medical history indicates that he suffers from chronic urticaria, the duration of which is more than six months, then he is not subject to conscription into the army. In this case, it does not matter what caused the development of the disease.

Urticaria only seems like a completely harmless disease, but in fact this disease can last a lifetime, bringing many troubles: the body looks ugly due to rashes and scratched wounds, constant unbearable itching, as well as a fairly high risk of contracting other infections.

From the article, the reader will learn what urticaria is, its symptoms, treatment, what are the causes, how to protect yourself and loved ones from this problem. There will also be a lot of photos, we will find out possible complications, learn how to provide first aid, and I will share my personal experience, which is absolutely contrary to official medicine.
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Urticaria (urticaria) is the collective name for a large group of skin diseases, the external manifestation of which is similar to a nettle burn. Humanity has been familiar with this disease since ancient times. Almost a third of the world's population is susceptible to this disease.

Women from 20 to 60 years old become ill more often than men; the pathology is of a family hereditary nature.

Often the development of the disease is provoked by diseases of the digestive tract, especially the liver. As a result, histamine breakdown slows down and skin reactions occur. Other reasons:

  • foci of chronic infection - fungal, bacterial, viral
  • endocrine disorders
  • systemic diseases with connective tissue pathology
  • lymphatic disease, tumors

The cause of the disease can be food, severe stress. Allergens include medications, inhalation allergens (pollen, dust), physical factors (sun, heat, cold)..jpg" alt="Causes of urticaria" width="500" height="250" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C150&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Features of the disease

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Urticaria is characterized by the rapid development of blisters. A nettle rash may last for several minutes or may persist for several hours.

Another characteristic feature of a nettle rash is that it disappears without a trace. Which is not typical for other skin diseases. There are no scars or pigmentation on the skin.

Another feature is the lack of a specific localization.

Jpg" alt="Nettle spot" width="250" height="250" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=250&ssl=1 250w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w" sizes="(max-width: 250px) 100vw, 250px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Сыпь возникает на туловище, конечностях, в редких случаях на слизистых оболочках и может мигрировать. Например, если сегодня она была на животе, то завтра – на руках.!}

The rash is more severe in the evening and at night, due to the circadian rhythm of histamine formation. Some types of hives are characterized by pink or reddish spots.

What is urticaria, symptoms, treatment, photos, what it looks like

Urticaria or urticaria - we will consider its symptoms and treatment in both adults and children. Urticaria refers to a number of allergic diseases of an immunological nature.

The disease is insidious and difficult to diagnose due to the different nature of its origin. Usually occurs as the body's response to an allergen, external or internal. This also complicates diagnosis.

It manifests itself as skin rashes, the appearance of itchy blisters, similar to nettle burns. Sometimes the rashes are located on the mucous membranes.

It occurs due to the release of histamine into the bloodstream - a substance responsible for the allergic response, manifested in the form of redness (spots), severe itching and even swelling. The photo shows a diagram of the occurrence of an allergic response when histamine is released into the blood.

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Symptoms of nettle rash in adults, photos

The main element of urticaria is a very itchy blister with clear boundaries that does not contain fluid. The area of ​​the location varies from a small lesion to an extensive lesion. Typical symptoms of nettle fever in adults are:

  1. redness of the skin
  2. formation of bubbles of various sizes

In adults, urticaria always occurs with itching of the affected area. The rash is reversible - after treatment, marks on the skin completely disappear.

The rash appears chaotically, can be single or multiple, of varying sizes. Localization varies. Most often, rashes appear on the legs and arms, occasionally on the head and face. With relapses, the rash migrates.

Below you can see a photo of what urticaria looks like on your hands and face.

Jpg" alt="Symptoms of nettle rash in adults (on hands)" width="500" height="333" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C200&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Как выглядит крапивница на ногах — смотрим фото:!}
data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/kak-viglyadit-krapivnica-na-nogah.jpg" alt="(!LANG :Hives on legs" width="500" height="294" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C176&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Фото, как выглядит крапивница на лице:!}
data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/khapivnica-na-lice.jpg" alt=" Nettle rash on face" width="500" height="318" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C191&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Very rarely, a rash appears on the palms of the hands as a sign of a contact allergy. For example, after contact with animals, or use of household chemicals.

As additional signs, with a large area of ​​damage, deterioration of health is possible - weakness, high temperature, malaise, chills.

For the adult population, with correct diagnosis and timely treatment, urticaria is not dangerous. The exception is pregnant women. Urticaria occurs in them due to changes in hormonal levels. It appears in women who suffered from an allergic rash before pregnancy. See photos of rashes during pregnancy:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/krapivnica-pri-beremennosti.jpg" alt=" Photo of rash with pregnancy" width="500" height="375" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Pregnant women are at risk of the pathology becoming chronic. As a side effect, a woman experiences drowsiness, the activity of the cardiac system is disrupted, and she suffers from headaches. Severe itching contributes to:

  • nervousness, nervous breakdowns
  • sleep disturbance
  • general health suffers

Without treatment, a drop in blood pressure is likely, which can impair placental circulation and gas exchange in the fetus. Taking antihistamines is dangerous for a child and can lead to congenital heart disease.

Taking medications in the early stages is especially dangerous, it is at this time that all organs and systems are formed. Therefore, self-administration of medications is strictly prohibited.

There is also a danger in the development of an extensive allergic reaction, Quincke's edema, which without proper treatment can be fatal.

Symptoms of nettle rash in children, photos

Nettle pathology in children can occur starting from 3 months and lasts up to four years. The reasons vary depending on age. In newborn infants, urticaria occurs due to poor nutrition of the mother, or against the background of diathesis in “children”.
In infants, the body quickly reacts to the allergen - the symptoms are shown in the photo below.

Jpg" alt="Symptoms of nettle rash in children" width="500" height="332" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

The first symptom is redness of the skin, then blisters similar to a nettle burn. Then itching begins, accompanied by an increase in temperature.
.jpg" alt="Redness of the skin in a baby" width="520" height="382" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=520&ssl=1 520w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C220&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 520px) 100vw, 520px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
The localization of the rash is extensive, it “spreads” throughout the body. It even occurs on the mucous membranes of the eyes, genitals, and lips.

Small local areas on the child’s body are possible - spots on the face, arms, tummy and back, as can be seen in the photo below:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/syp-na-tele-u-rebenka.jpg" alt="(!LANG :Local areas of rash on the child’s body" width="500" height="375" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C225&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Infants experience abdominal pain, vomiting, and swelling of the face and limbs. Rarely, laryngeal or angioedema occurs, leading to anaphylactic shock.

Swelling of the larynx is accompanied by paroxysmal coughing and bluish discoloration of the nasolabial triangle. These symptoms are a reason to immediately call an ambulance.

In teenagers, the list of allergens is growing; they are the same as in adults. Adolescent urticaria is accompanied by typical symptoms: rash, blisters, itching. The rashes are clearly defined, rise above the skin, and have an irregular shape. A bloody crust may form at the site of the rash.

In severe cases there are:

  1. swelling, skin turns pale
  2. barking cough, hoarseness
  3. vomiting, nausea, diarrhea
  4. increased temperature, fever, cold sweat
  5. loss of consciousness

If these symptoms develop, immediate doctor intervention is required.

Diagnosis of urticaria

Diagnosis of nettle disease in its typical course is not difficult. Based on medical history, patient complaints and clinical manifestations.

For some forms (heat, cold) of urticaria, special provocative tests, hematological blood tests, blood tests for hormones and biochemical parameters are used. In the future, a comprehensive examination of the patient is required.

Urticaria: treatment and first aid at home

I give a doctor’s opinion on the traditional treatment of urticaria, as well as some traditional treatment regimens. We will also talk about the opinion of alternative medicine regarding skin diseases, including urticaria.

Drug therapy

Let us immediately clarify that there are no folk remedies that could be recommended for treatment at home, says the doctor... Therefore, do not waste precious time searching for them, but immediately contact a medical institution to see an immunologist-allergist, dermatologist or therapist.
Well, don’t take everything so seriously - this is how they teach you to treat in medical school...

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In some cases it is necessary to call emergency assistance. Before the brigade arrives, act independently:

  • eliminate the allergen that caused the reaction
  • give warm water
  • if necessary, drink Enterosgel, Smecta or activated carbon sorbent

For food allergies - gastric lavage. If you have an allergic reaction to the injection, apply ice to the injection area.

Further treatment will be carried out by a doctor. For nettle disease, the basis of treatment is antihistamines. Ointments and lotions to soothe itching and sedatives are prescribed. In difficult episodes, corticosteroid drugs and adrenaline are prescribed in emergency situations.

How to quickly cure hives using medications? To cure urticaria, in most cases it will be necessary to take the following antihistamines:

  • Tavegil
  • Diazolin
  • Suprastin
  • Diphenhydramine

Their plus is the quick effect of use, the minus is a short-term effect and a hypnotic effect (induces sleep), as well as all sorts of side effects, including cardiac arrest. One-time use or for a short period of time (maximum 5 days) is recommended, as the body becomes accustomed to the described tablets. There is incompatibility with other medications.

In 40% of cases, taking these drugs will relieve the symptoms of rash and itching, especially in the acute form of the disease.

In parallel, you can use non-medicinal products: menthol solution (aqueous) and soda baths or lotions with soda to relieve itching.

What to do if the relief was short-lived and it all happened again with even worse symptoms? Then it is necessary to apply a comprehensive systemic treatment, which will be selected by the doctor, taking into account all the nuances.

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Drug treatment for urticaria is limited to relieving symptoms. There are three lines of treatment for nettle rash. Based on analysis and laboratory tests, as well as the course of the disease, only a doctor can choose what is suitable for a particular patient.

1. Histamine blockers (H1 and H2), glucocorticosteroids - for a complicated form of the disease and adrenaline - for Quincke's edema.

2. Adding antihistamines, increasing doses of H2 histamine blockers, using a number of drugs: nifedepine, antidepressants, leukotriene receptor antagonist (inhibit the release of leukotrienes together with histamine).

3. The use of immune modulator drugs that inhibit it (cyclosporine, tacrolimus, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate); For idiopathic urticaria, the following drugs are recommended: warfarin, salbutamol, dapsone, sulfasalazine.

Histamine blockers H1 and H2, most effective in suppressing urticaria:

  • Ranitidine 150 mg orally 2 times a day.
  • Diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine) 25-50 mg orally 4 times a day).
  • Cyproheptadine (peritol) 4 mg orally 3 times a day.
  • Cetirizine - 10 mg once a day for two weeks (short-term) or more than two weeks and up to three months (medium-term).
  • Desloratadine 5 mg for at least the medium term and 20 mg for the short term.
  • Levocetirizine 5 mg was effective in completely suppressing urticaria in the medium term, and 20 mg was effective in the short term (lower doses were not effective).

Glucocorticosteroids (GCS) are hormonal drugs used to prevent edema:

  1. Prednisolone
  2. Prednisol
  3. Dexamethasone
  4. Nerobol

Most of the medications listed have dangerous side effects, so they can only be used as directed and under the supervision of a doctor.

Folk remedies

Although traditional medicine denies the effectiveness of folk remedies, they are used, especially for urticaria in young children or in those who are contraindicated in the above-mentioned drug treatment regimens for urticaria.

What do healers advise us? What herbs or mixtures can reduce symptoms, itching and blisters?

To alleviate the condition of patients with nettle disease, medicinal herbs, bee products, various essential oils, and horseradish juice are used:
data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Screenshot_1.jpg" alt="Screenshot_1" width="640" height="100" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=670&ssl=1 670w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C47&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Огромное количество рецептов для разных видов сыпи найдете здесь. От себя могу добавить, что прием ванны с отваром крапивы отлично снимает зуд и припухлость кожи.!}

Collect a bucket of nettle leaves, brew with boiling water, cover with a lid until cool, strain, pour into the bath - the effect is amazing! You can even sleep, as the itching goes away...

Alternative medicine

From the point of view of alternative medicine, all skin diseases are associated with disruption of the functioning of our internal sewage system - lymph. Our blood moves due to the work of the heart and the contraction of the muscular lining of the blood vessels. With lymph everything is different. In order for the lymph not to turn into a stagnant swamp, it is necessary to move the muscles of the body and work the active points that the skin is rich in (oriental medicine actively uses them for various types of healing).

Any skin disease tells a person through the body that there is a problem with the lymph - it does not move and is not cleansed. Therefore, alternative medicine has a completely different approach to treating hives. Its goal is not to relieve the symptoms of redness and itching, but to remove the cause that causes it.

In simple and accessible words, it is necessary to clean the sewer so that lymph can flow freely and carry various waste products from the cells of our body to the excretory organs (kidneys, lungs, liver and sweat glands).

If there are too many of these waste products, lymph and blood cannot cope with their transportation and disposal. Then the liver sends some of the “deposits” to the subcutaneous fat layer in the form of cellulite, and some of them provoke various skin rashes - from urticaria to psoriasis. Dirt creeps through the pores...

That is, any skin problem is a signal that the body is too acidic, there are too many unutilized toxic waste products of the body, the immune system is also weakened due to a large number of toxins.

Now I have a question: do you think that various ointments or injections or tablets that are foreign to the body can remove the cause? Reduce pollution? No! On the contrary, they can aggravate the problem and drive the disease into a chronic form.

What needs to be done to ensure that the body copes with the removal of waste materials? First of all, help the liver in its work with cleansing blood and lymph.

In almost every article I mention the importance of natural cleansing of the body, which the Creator gave us - in time to remove bile from the body, which represents various waste and toxic substances collected by liver macrophages from the blood. To do this, you just need to have breakfast in the morning with a teaspoon of butter or other fat. Only the fat will open the gallbladder valve and release bile into the duodenum, from where it will naturally leave the body and carry away all the dirt.

Now answer yourself honestly, everyone who has skin problems and is still without them: do you really eat breakfast? Do you not just drink coffee or tea, but also take food with fat? Not oatmeal on water...

Neumyvakin about skin diseases

I like Neumyvakin’s video, where he talks about the effect of acidified pH on the state of the lymph, how he cures psoriasis in three weeks at his center in Kirov - completely non-medically, but using baths.

With the help of quartz, the geomagnetic field is transferred from places of pilgrimage, electromagnetic components of water are added, which provide turbulence to the water and this bath promotes healing. Water is used to massage the feet, calf muscles, thighs, tailbone, entire spine, kidneys, heart and lungs, collar area and back.

Thanks to the swirling water, the work of biologically active points is stimulated, they begin to work normally, the lymphatic and circulatory system receives a certain tone and skin diseases begin to disappear - psoriasis plaques disappear and new ones do not appear. The same methods can be applied to the treatment of nettle rash, because it is also caused by dirty lymph.

He also states an interesting idea: if you use modern shampoos and soaps, it is impossible to cure skin diseases, since they wash away the protective layer of the skin - acidic, with a pH of 5-6. As a result, all chemical dirt (flavors, dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers) enters the lymph through the skin and poisons it.

Personal experience with urticaria

You can use medicinal herbs both externally and internally - I prefer factory-produced phytocomplexes. Only thanks to them I got rid of numerous, different types of hives.

I was very skeptical about all kinds of cleansing of the body with the help of nutraceuticals (the same dietary supplements that work at the cellular level). But my experience in dealing with nettle rash confirmed the correctness of the approach of alternative medicine - traditional medicine could only cope for a short time.

Work in radioactive zones always - sooner or later - makes itself felt and hits a weak point. This place turned out to be an allergic rash. Then - cold, then food, chemical and the last nail in the coffin was solar urticaria.

After that, I began to look for more radical ways to solve the problem, otherwise I was offered hormonal drugs, since antihistamines only relieved the problem of itching and rashes for a short time.

I stopped eating all red berries, using washing powders, all disinfectants with bleach, wearing long sleeves in the summer and hiding from the sun. Antibiotics caused swelling. I was simply afraid to even look at honey...

Now there is none of this - and for a long time! I don’t believe there was such a period in my life! It’s true what they say - if you are really looking for something, the Creator will send it to you. He helped me meet with the phytocomplexes of the Choice company (CHOICE) - after six months I forgot what food and chemical allergies and edema were. A year later, cold urticaria disappeared. I am sharing a regimen for treating urticaria with natural herbal mixtures.

Scheme for cleansing the body with phytocomplexes

Here is a regimen for taking phytocomplexes to cleanse the body, which is designed for three months. I took it for 6 months (that is, three months twice) - during the examination they found almost the entire system of elements from the periodic table, including mercury. I see no point in describing the action of each phytocomplex - after all, the result is important to everyone.

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Third month- this is the purification of blood, lymph (intercellular space and the cell itself), restoration of the musculoskeletal system and vascular elasticity:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="https://prozdorovechko.ru/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/ochistka3.jpg" alt=" Body cleansing scheme: third month" width="500" height="300" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C180&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}
You can find the composition of each complex on the Internet or look at it. If you want to buy, write in the comments. I’m not involved in distribution myself, but I know who to contact in both Ukraine and Russia.

Why do I recommend these particular herbal mixtures? I tried cleaning products from other companies, but there was almost always a relapse. Perhaps because I had to go through the circuit twice. There has never been a relapse - since 2007! But I take the first month’s capsules every six months and the entire regimen once a year.

Types of urticaria, its causes and characteristics

Currently, there is no unified taxonomy of urticaria. There are a large number of different variants of the disease, depending on the cause of its occurrence and the mechanism of its occurrence. First of all, identify:

  • acute form of pathology development
  • chronic form of development

Acute nettle disease most often affects children, and the chronic form is more typical for adults aged 20–40 years.

Acute urticaria, photo

For acute form characterized by the sudden appearance of blisters of various locations, with itching and burning. The disease occurs in several outbreaks lasting from several hours to several weeks.

In acute urticaria, a characteristic symptom is the appearance of blisters, accompanied by a rise in temperature. Nettle fever is accompanied by a general malaise. Intestinal pain and neurological disorders occur.

The acute form develops as an allergic reaction to food and medications. In children there may be a connection with a viral infection.

Below are photos of acute urticaria in children, like food allergies.
.jpg" alt="Acute urticaria in children" width="500" height="250" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C150&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">1.jpg" alt="Blisters in acute urticaria" width="500" height="356" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i0.wp.1.jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i0.wp.1.jpg?resize=300%2C214&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1"> Посмотрите фото острой крапивницы у взрослых на прием антибиотиков.!}
.jpg" alt="Nettle rash as a reaction to an antibiotic" width="500" height="283" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C170&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Chronic urticaria, its types, photos

For hives in chronic form multiple relapses are typical. The disease lasts for months, even years. Characterized by paroxysmal blisters.

The disease is associated with chronic internal diseases, nervous diseases and the presence of a source of infection in the body. In the vast majority of patients, the cause remains unknown.
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In chronic pathology there are:

  • idiopathic urticaria, they account for up to 80%
  • allergic urticaria – it accounts for 5%
  • rashes caused by physical factors - about 15%

Physical allergies include cold, heat, sun, medication and others caused by physical factors.

Idiopathic urticaria disease, photo

When the causes of the disease cannot be identified, we are talking about idiopathic urticaria. It is often called chronic idiopathic urticaria due to the duration of its course. Occurs as a reaction to an allergen.

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It can be caused by the following diseases of organs and systems:

  1. renal disorders
  2. malignant neoplasms, lymphogranulomatosis
  3. diseases of the biliary tract, thyroid gland, diabetes
  4. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus

Populations with alcohol and drug addiction and metabolic disorders are susceptible. Medicine suggests that idiopathic rash contributes to the development of leukemia and lymphoma.

Due to autoimmune processes, the body produces antibodies that destroy the immune system.

The main symptoms of this form are similar to those of other forms. This is a rash, watery, outlined blisters, unbearable itching and swelling. The temperature may rise, weakness and chills may appear.

The rash on the body persists for a long time, up to 1.5 months, changing location. Relapses often occur, exhausting the patient.

Treatment is difficult due to a lack of understanding of the cause of the disease and ignorance of the provoking factors.

Allergic urticaria, photo

Contact with allergens leads to the development of an allergic rash in adults, as in children. The most common allergens:

  • food supplies and additives – eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables, nuts
  • medications
  • pollen
  • viral infection

The main symptom is a outlined, pale rash that rises above the surface. The size and amount of the rash varies.
.jpg" alt="Allergic urticaria" width="500" height="328" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=300%2C197&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">1.jpg" alt="allergies, rash" width="500" height="500" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i1.wp.1.jpg?w=500&ssl=1 500w, https://i1.wp.1.jpg?resize=150%2C150&ssl=1 150w, https://i1.wp.1.jpg?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" data-recalc-dims="1">!}

Diagnosis is difficult, and sometimes the allergen cannot be identified. Treatment is carried out according to standards for allergic diseases. First of all, it is necessary to exclude contact with provoking factors and start taking antihistamines.

Rash caused by physical factors

There are a number of skin rashes caused by physical factors. Consider this type of skin rash.

Nerve rash, photo

A rash from nerves occurs as a reaction of blood vessels to stress. Women get sick more often and more severely. External symptoms are the same as for all types of nettle disease. Watery blisters forming red spots, severe itching.

The occurrence of a nervous rash is promoted by diseases of the cardiovascular, reproductive systems and digestive tract. People who are unstable to stress and easily suggestible are susceptible.

Treatment begins with eliminating the stress factor and taking sedatives and antihistamines, which will be prescribed by an allergist.

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Demographic or dermographic rash, photo

Distributed in 5% of the world's population. No inflammatory processes occur at the site of the allergic reaction. Does not affect general well-being.

Symptoms disappear after a few hours. At the site of contact, stripes or other shapes appear, like those of an irritant. Over time, the pattern becomes swollen and rises above the surface.

In rare cases, blisters may occur. Within a few hours, symptomatic signs disappear.

To recognize the disease, it is enough to conduct a test yourself. Scratch a shape on your forearm, white stripes will appear. Which will turn red after some time. Then after about an hour they will disappear. There is no itching or pain.

Diagnosis is not difficult. Specific treatment is usually not required. But this must be decided by the doctor.
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Solar urticaria or photodermatosis

The name of the disease speaks for itself - it occurs due to high susceptibility to UV rays. More than 3% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Children and women with white, thin skin are more susceptible.
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Unprotected parts of the body are affected - face, arms, neck, back, legs. After an hour or two exposure to the sun, red spots and small blisters appear.

Unbearable itching occurs, fever and chills appear. In the shadows, the manifestations of the reaction disappear. Symptoms return when exposed to the sun again.

Photodermatosis is classified as a false allergy due to the lack of antibodies in the blood. The main help is to reduce sun exposure. Walk only in the mornings and evenings.

To protect yourself from the sun, you need to use special products with UV protection. Wear closed clothing. To drink a lot of water. For drug treatment, see a doctor!

Cold rash, photo

Cold urticaria is an allergic response of the body to exposure to cold. Red itchy sores, blisters, and rashes appear on the skin. Everyone's body's reaction to cold is different. Some people tolerate the symptoms quite easily, while for others they cause severe discomfort.

Cold allergies can come in two forms:

  • acquired, lasting 3-4 hours
  • hereditary, duration is more than 30 hours

In the hereditary form of the disease, the skin turns red and severe itching appears. This is accompanied by fever, pain in the joints and head, and weakness. There is an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

Cold allergies are characterized by instantly appearing large watery blisters, swollen lips and a swollen tongue. The rash appears on the hands, face, lips. It quickly spreads to free areas, increasing in size and merging with each other. The blisters disappear within a day.

Fever is often accompanied by a cough, which can lead to bronchial asthma. As a complication - anaphylactic shock, with difficulty breathing, fainting. Possible death.

The causes of cold allergies are unknown. The risk of inheritance is 50%. Cold rash is a disease of the autoimmune system when the body's defenses cannot cope with antibodies.
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In some episodes, cold urticaria turns out to be a symptom of another somatic disease. Diagnosing the disease is not difficult. Patients with this pathology should avoid low temperatures.

Warm compresses on the affected areas and immediate medical attention are indicated as first aid. It is recommended to avoid long walks in the cold, drink plenty of fluids and moisturize the skin.

Drug rash, photo

Drug-induced urticaria occurs as an acute reaction, begins suddenly and ends quickly. Appears after several days of treatment, rarely after several hours.

A dangerous complication of drug rash is Quincke's edema; if timely assistance is not provided, death can occur. Common causes of drug-induced urticaria:

  • personal intolerance to the drug, tendency to allergies
  • slow metabolism of medications
  • overdose and simultaneous use of several medications with different chemical compositions that are incompatible with each other
  • drinking alcohol with medications
  • liver and kidney failure

An allergy, once arising to a drug, will manifest itself all the time. Often antibacterial drugs, barbiturates, painkillers, anesthetics, and vitamins A and B act as allergens.

The disease occurs acutely with characteristic symptoms: unbearable itching of individual areas or the entire body. The surface of the skin turns red, rashes and blisters appear throughout the body or in localized areas.

The following areas of the body are most susceptible to rash (see photo):

  1. areas of skin on the bends of the limbs - on the arms, legs, palms
  2. facial skin
  3. stomach

In rare cases, the eyelids, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth are affected, and much less often the genitals.

The main symptoms include fever, runny nose, lacrimation, headache and joint pain, bronchospasm and difficulty breathing, the heart and kidneys are affected.

Children's drug-induced urticaria occurs with more severe symptoms, with fever and increased temperature. The rash appears in skin folds, on the neck, genitals and causes severe discomfort.

High room temperature increases the risk of complications. Scratching the blisters can cause infection in the wound, which can lead to dermatitis.

To make the treatment more effective, you need to drink a lot, humidify the air in the room, and wear loose, natural clothes. Take a bath with herbal infusions.

For diagnosis, a hematological blood test is performed. The detected increased eosinophilia indicates the presence of an allergy.

Treatment begins with discontinuation of the drug that caused the allergy. Antihistamines are prescribed, preferably in a course.
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Prevention of urticaria, diet

Prevention consists of sanitizing foci of infection, diseases of the digestive tract, and nervous system. Avoid exposure to allergens again. It is required to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, avoid food additives, dyes and stabilizers.

A radical change in living conditions and lifestyle, avoiding stress, normalizing intestinal function. Minimize the use of household chemicals.

So, now you know what urticaria is, its symptoms and treatment, and what its causes are. How the disease progresses in adults and children, how to properly protect yourself and loved ones from this problem, you know what first aid to provide.

If you are prone to allergic reactions, do not forget about prevention throughout your life, and you will get rid of many unpleasant moments.
The most important thing is to cleanse the intercellular space and lymph - then you will forget about it forever! I succeeded, so you can too.

I suggest watching a video about urticaria in the famous program “Live Healthy.”

Many people do not know what urticaria looks like, so they do not immediately seek medical help.

Urticaria refers to a number of diseases that are similar in symptoms, but different in development and causes of occurrence. Specifically, it is an immediate allergic skin reaction.

Failure to go to the hospital in a timely manner increases the risk of the disease becoming chronic.

The occurrence is determined by various factors. This disease is one of the most common.

Every third person has encountered it at least once: It ranks second among all allergic diseases, right after asthma.

The disease is characterized by:

  • the appearance of spots;
  • the occurrence of blisters;
  • swelling, hyperemia of the dermis;
  • intense itching;
  • skin rashes without pain;
  • Quincke's edema (sometimes).

The rash disappears within a day. There are no residual effects in the form of scars or cicatrices on the dermis of the body or face. Outwardly, it looks like an insect bite or a nettle burn.

The average size reaches several centimeters. It rises above the surface of the dermis and has clear boundaries.

The term “urtica,” which translates as “blister,” was first proposed by the scientist Kuplen. According to statistics, more than 15% of the world's inhabitants suffer from urticaria, more than half of them with an acute form, the development of which is more common in children. The chronic course is more often diagnosed in adults.

There are several varieties: cholinergic, dermographic, solar. The acute course of the disease is characterized by a rapid onset. The rash appears suddenly.

They can cover any area of ​​the skin. First, intense itching of the dermis appears, then swelling and hyperemia of the dermis, followed by the formation of bright pink blisters. Exudate due to the release of blood cells from the vascular bed can become hemorrhagic in nature.

In the acute form, rashes can be localized both on the body (abdomen, back, legs, arms) and on the face. If a person knows what urticaria looks like, he will be able to go to the hospital in time (in the initial stages), be cured, and also prevent the pathology from becoming chronic.

Main signs of acute and chronic forms

There are acute, chronic and episodic urticaria. The acute stage is characterized by a rapid course. From the appearance of the first blister to the disappearance of the last, as a rule, a month and a half passes.

The main signs of the acute stage are intense itching of the skin, malaise, headache, and increased temperature. Often there is a merging of the elements of the rash with the formation of large foci. Often the disease affects the arms, torso, and buttocks.

Often the tongue, lips, nasopharynx, and larynx are affected by the rash. Because of this, there are complaints of difficulty breathing and swallowing. Clinical symptoms in the acute course do not last long: after several hours they disappear. The diagnosis of chronic form is established in case of prolonged course, more than six weeks. Signs: undulating long course, mild rash, joint pain, fever, headache, intense itching.

If damage to the gastrointestinal mucosa occurs, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are noted. Often, in the chronic type, urticarial elements transform into papular ones.

Due to scratching, pustules appear. If the first signs of illness occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

After a thorough examination, he will prescribe treatment. There is also an episodic manifestation; it has an acute short course.

Symptoms and treatment

There are cholinergic, dermographic, papular and solar urticaria.

The dermographic type is the most common; it occurs due to mechanical irritation of the dermis and is accompanied by the appearance of stripes protruding above the dermis. The rash and blisters are localized along the scratching path.

Rashes appear on the body. There are primary and secondary dermographic forms. The occurrence of the primary is caused by exposure to an allergen on the skin: wool, chemicals, and the secondary is caused by an existing disease (serum or mastocytosis).

There are several types of this type of pathology:

  • immediate type. Characterized by the onset of symptoms within a few minutes of exposure to the allergen. The duration of the flow is half an hour;
  • medium type. It develops in about half an hour and lasts up to nine hours;
  • late type. The rash appears five hours after exposure to the irritant and goes away within two days.

Cholinergic urticaria is no less common. The risk zone includes people 15-30 years old. Development is provoked by emotional stress, intense physical activity, increased sweating, and hot showers. A sign of a cholinergic course is the appearance of small, pinpoint blisters of a pale pink color.

Symptoms disappear half an hour after the end of the stimulus. Elements of the rash appear either on large areas of the body or not on the entire body. Sometimes symptoms such as bronchospasm, headache, pre-syncope or fainting appear. The occurrence of solar urticaria is provoked by ultraviolet radiation. Women are at greater risk of developing the disease.

Localization - face, shoulders, arms. This disease is characterized by seasonality. It often appears in spring and summer. Accompanied by swelling, itching, and rash. The development of the papular stage is provoked by the transformation of a long-lasting urticarial rash into a papular one.

The disease is characterized by the addition of persistent edema with cellular infiltration of hyperpigmentation of the dermis, as well as thickening and keratinization of the skin. Localization - bends of the limbs. Papules are bright red in color. In children, the pathology is more severe than in adults. It is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the limbs and torso, intense itching, and fever. The child becomes irritable and whiny.

The duration of the disease can range from half an hour to several days. There are acute and chronic childhood urticaria. In children, the disease has more severe symptoms. The most dangerous variant of the course is Quincke's edema, accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the lips, cheeks, tongue, and larynx. Swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is fraught with difficulty breathing, coughing, and suffocation.

If such symptoms appear, you must call an ambulance. When the gastrointestinal tract is affected, rapid diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, malaise, and presyncope are noted.

With timely treatment, urticaria disappears without a trace by the age of five to seven years. But it happens that it transforms into diffuse neurodermatitis or pruritus. The child's symptoms are similar to scabies.

This point must be taken into account when making a diagnosis. For therapy, along with eliminating the effects of the irritating factor and following a diet, antihistamines are prescribed: Loratadine, Ebastine, Cetirizine. If these drugs do not bring the desired result, hormonal medications are prescribed - Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

People with the autoimmune form are also prescribed immunosuppressants (Cyclosporine), as well as the use of antiallergic ointments (Fenistil, Psilo-Balm, Soventol, Flucinar, Fluorocort, Advantan, Cloveit). The patient's diet should consist of hypoallergenic foods.

The use of products with preservatives, emulsifiers, and dyes is strictly prohibited. It is not recommended to consume tomatoes, strawberries, coffee, alcoholic beverages, seasonings, milk, poultry, nuts, oranges, tangerines, grapes, mushrooms, and honey. It is recommended to consume porridges with water, vegetable soups, baked apples, fermented milk products, olive oil, and apple compote. In addition, it is important to maintain a drinking regime.

You need to drink at least two liters of purified still water per day. For prevention and during treatment, doctors recommend avoiding contact with allergens, as well as keeping a food diary. People suffering from the chronic form are advised to keep antiallergic medications (Cetirizine, Loratadine) on hand. They will help quickly eliminate symptoms.

The hives rash occurs suddenly. It is difficult to miss due to the blisters and severe itching. The disease can be acute or chronic. It is diagnosed in both infants and adults. Urticaria is classified as a multifactorial pathology. Its treatment does not begin until the origin of the rash, which may be allergic or non-allergic in nature, is established. Urticaria comes in many varieties, and its symptoms are similar to those of other skin diseases. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, dermatologists cannot do without conducting a differential analysis.

What is urticaria

Urticaria, or as skin rash is also called, nettle fever, is a disease that is characterized by the sudden formation of itchy, flat blisters of a red or pink hue. The elements of the rash have a dense structure and different sizes, which can reach the size of the palm of an adult. The rash does not disappear from the skin until a couple of hours, after which it gradually goes away. But in the absence of proper treatment, new blisters appear in place of old blisters.

Urticaria can be acute and (rarely) chronic, recurrent. The acute form of the pathology lasts 2-3 days. Chronic symptoms can torment a person for several months or even years. In complex cases, urticaria is accompanied by general malaise (fever, chills, headaches, drowsiness, etc.).

Doctors divide nettle fever into the following types:

  • Sunny - its appearance is provoked by prolonged exposure to the sun (more than 20 minutes). The cause of sun rash is sometimes the components of skincare cosmetics, which, after application to the skin, increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation (photosensitizers).
  • Cold (reflex) - itchy rashes occur due to prolonged exposure to the cold or consumption of very cold foods/drinks. The rash occurs either immediately after exposure to a provoking factor, for example, after contact with water, or after 8-9 hours.
  • Aquagenic is a rare form of the disease, which is an allergy to water or other liquid (a person’s own sweat), observed mainly in adults. Aquagenic urticaria is progressive in nature, that is, its symptoms become more pronounced every day. Doctors have clarified what causes urticaria in adults after contact with liquids. The provoking factor is not moisture, but its constituent components. For example, tap water contains chemical compounds that enter it from pipes and adapters, which means copper, lead or iron can become an irritating factor.
  • Food - an allergic reaction of the body to certain foods. Usually observed in infants when complementary foods are introduced. In adults, food urticaria occurs against the background of diseases of the digestive tract. Nettle rash is accompanied by swelling of the larynx, cheeks and lips, more often than other types of urticaria it is complicated by Quincke's edema. The risk group includes adults with gastrointestinal dysfunction.
  • Dermographic - nettle rash as a result of skin injury (friction by clothing, bruise). Occurs immediately during or after prolonged skin irritation. Dermographic urticaria is typical for people with a hereditary predisposition, ulcerative and endocrine diseases.
  • Cholinergic - a rash is formed as a result of exposure of the skin to high temperatures, with increased sweating (long stay in the sauna, physical activity). The development of pathology is based on the body’s high sensitivity to acetylcholine (an important mediator of the nervous system). When a mediator is suddenly released into the blood, itchy urticaria appears on the skin.
  • Psychogenic (neurogenic) - this urticaria appears against the background of prolonged stress. Sometimes, a few hours after the rash, angioedema appears (affects the larynx and the mucous membrane of the digestive tract). If you do not get the help of a doctor, the swelling spreads to the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The risk group includes hot-tempered, irritable people.
  • Infectious - appears against the background of a viral infection (flu, ARVI). It is characterized by a maculopapular rash, which can cause exanthema to be misdiagnosed.
  • Hormonal - occurs in pregnant women and women in labor due to changes in hormonal levels. During this period, emotional stress and weak immunity contribute to the appearance of a rash. Without the necessary treatment, urticaria becomes chronic.

A common complication of acute urticaria is a bacterial infection (streptococci, staphylococci), which penetrates the skin when itchy blisters are scratched. As a result, the skin becomes covered with ulcers and boils.

What do skin rashes look like?

The nature of the rash with urticaria depends on the type of pathology. Here are some features and description of the rash:

Sunny - the blisters are small, approximately 1-2 mm, sometimes they increase to 1-2 cm. The color of the rash is pink, the edges of the elements are red.
Cold - the sizes of nettle spots are different (small, extensive). The color is whitish or pink.
Aquagenic - elements of the rash appear in the form of painful red spots, reminiscent of burn injuries. Some people develop this type of urticaria without a rash; the only symptoms are dryness and itching.
Food - manifested by pink-red small blisters that constantly itch.
Dermographic - elements of the rash are linear blisters, similar to scars. The blisters are swollen. They are pale in color, and the surrounding areas are pink to dark red.
Cholinergic - characterized by the appearance of a small itchy maculopapular rash on the body.
Psychogenic - represents large oval or round blisters that merge into one, which leads to extensive damage to the skin. Elements of the rash are white or pink, some are white with a pink outline.
Infectious - the characteristics of the rashes are different; dense pink or red nodules, blisters with purulent bloody contents, erosions, and dried crusts may appear on the skin.
Hormonal - manifests itself as bright red blisters with severe itching.

In complex cases, urticaria is accompanied by a deterioration in general health (fever, chills, headache).

Where can a hives rash appear?

Urticaria rashes can affect any area of ​​the skin:

  • With the solar type of urticaria, blisters appear on exposed areas of the body (arms, face, neck).
  • With urticaria, which occurs against the background of hormonal imbalance, the rash first appears on the stomach, and then spreads to the thighs and buttocks.
  • Rash from exposure to cold most often occurs on the neck, face and arms, and can also appear on the thighs and calves.
  • Aquagenic urticaria affects the skin of the knees and elbows, and the inner thighs.
  • The rash of the dermographic type most often appears on the neck, hands, navel and inner thighs.
  • During emotional and physical stress, a nettle rash usually affects the skin of the body, in particular the chest, abdomen, lower back, as well as the skin of the arms and neck.

Additional symptoms

The main symptom of nettle fever is a rash and severe itching. But in advanced cases, for example, if urticaria is accompanied by an infection or the patient has Quincke's edema (usually in the food form of the pathology), itchy blisters not only appear on the skin. Swelling develops, in particular, of the upper respiratory tract. Additionally, this condition may be accompanied by nausea, cough, redness of the sclera of the eyes, headache, severe abdominal discomfort, and stool disturbances.

How to distinguish an allergy rash from other diseases

Symptoms of urticaria are similar to those of the following pathologies:

  • Lymphostasis (impaired lymph outflow) - the disease provokes swelling, a rash on the skin of the extremities, characteristic of urticaria.
  • Recurrent erysipelas is an infectious disease in which the skin is attacked by streptococci. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of red spots and an increase in temperature.
  • Melkerson-Rosenthal syndrome is a neurological disorder accompanied by swelling of the face and lips.
  • Children's (nodular) prurigo - manifests itself as itchy nodules on the skin, observed in children under 5 years of age and in the elderly.

The differences between urticaria and the listed pathologies can only be identified by a doctor during differential diagnosis.

The main distinguishing signs of urticaria are the rapid appearance and disappearance of swelling, rash, and itching. Symptoms disappear if there is no physical or chemical effect on the skin for 24 hours.

Principles of treatment

Comprehensive treatment helps get rid of hives. If the rash is very severe, the person feels very unwell, is suffocating, emergency assistance must be provided.

First aid

Stages of first aid for nettle fever complicated by angioedema or anaphylactic shock (the person’s face turns red, breathing is difficult):

  • Call an ambulance.
  • Provide air access to the lungs through narrowed airways. The patient should be placed horizontally, the neck should be straightened, nothing should be placed under the head. Check the oral cavity for the presence of foreign objects (chewing gum, tablet, lollipop).
  • Maintain blood pressure levels. The patient should lie horizontally, his legs bent at the knees.
  • Inject 0.5% adrenaline intramuscularly into the upper thigh once, 1 milliliter; if there is no effect, repeat the injection after 10 minutes. Adrenaline eliminates spasms and relaxes the muscles of the respiratory tract. If there is no injection, then you should wait for the ambulance to arrive.

What will the doctor prescribe?

Drug treatment includes drugs from the following drug groups:

  • Antihistamines (Diazolin, Loratadine, Trexil) - make the symptoms of urticaria less pronounced, help the rash and swelling disappear. They are prescribed for 5-7 days, no more.
  • Vitamins B, C, A - reduce the manifestations of skin pathology, strengthen capillary walls, improve metabolic processes in the skin, strengthen local and general immunity. The duration of taking vitamins is prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.
  • Sorbents (activated carbon, Polysorb) - remove toxic substances from the body, thereby promoting skin healing. Duration of treatment is 6-8 days.
  • Local medications alleviate the patient’s condition, but do not eliminate the cause of urticaria. Hormonal ointments Prednisolone, Advantan, Flucinar quickly improve the appearance of the skin, but have many contraindications and a serious side effect in the form of withdrawal syndrome - when, after stopping treatment, the symptoms of the pathology return with a vengeance. Non-hormonal ointments zinc paste, Fenistil, Bepanten, La-cri relieve itching and inflammation, have an analgesic effect, and heal the skin.
  • Diet therapy - for any form of urticaria is an important condition for recovery. Allergenic foods, sugar, spicy, salty, smoked foods are excluded from the patient’s menu, otherwise it is impossible to improve the skin condition.
  • Physiotherapy - includes electrophoresis sessions, ultrasound therapy, therapeutic baths, UV irradiation. They promote recovery and strengthen the body's protective function.
  • Antibiotics - are prescribed with caution only to those patients whose urticaria is caused by an infection. Antibiotics of the penicillin and sulfonamide series complicate the course of the pathology and stimulate anaphylactic shock. The duration of the appointment is at the discretion of the doctor.

During the treatment of urticaria, the doctor prescribes the patient to follow a diet, which comes in two types:

  • Elimination (excluding) - strict or gentle, used in the first stage of treatment if urticaria is caused by a food allergen. Involves complete or partial refusal of food. Then different dishes are introduced into the menu gradually, which makes it possible to identify specific allergenic foods.

Hives- a group of diseases, the main symptom of which is itchy rashes, ranging in size from several millimeters to several centimeters, rising above the surface of the skin, having clearly defined outlines.

  • Urticaria has been known since the time of Hippocrates (IV century BC). For the first time, the term “urtica” in Latin - blister, was proposed by the scientist Cullen.
  • More than 20% of the world's population suffers from urticaria, of which 60% is acute urticaria.
  • Acute urticaria is more common in children, chronic urticaria is more common in adults.
  • Chronic urticaria occurs in 30% of cases and most often in middle-aged women, while the disease is mainly familial in nature.
  • Only in 50% of cases does urticaria occur in isolation; in 40% does it occur together with Quincke's edema.
  • The cause of recurrent chronic urticaria in adults remains unknown in 90% of cases.

What causes hives, causes?

Cause Description
Medications More often, allergic urticaria is caused by antibiotics (penicillins, sulfonamides, rifampicin, polymyxin, streptomycin, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, etc.) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, aspirin, etc.).

Immune mechanism for the development of urticaria:

  • Type I reaction. Most cases of urticaria occur along this route. Essence: When an allergen first enters the body, the immune system produces specific defense proteins (antibodies, often IgE). They accumulate and attach to special cells of the immune system (mast cells and basophils). These cells store biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, heparin, etc.). Thus, when the allergen re-enters the body, it combines with IgE antibodies, which subsequently combine with mast cells. This in turn leads to the release of biologically active substances (histamine, etc.) from these cells. Which causes a number of effects: vasodilation, swelling, itching, redness, and in the case of urticaria, the appearance of characteristic rashes (pink or red blisters that rise above the surface of the skin). The appearance of blisters is associated with the dilation of skin vessels and an increase in their permeability to blood elements.
This type of reaction is called immediate, since it occurs very quickly, from a few seconds to several minutes or ten minutes from the moment the allergen enters the body. On average from 5 to 30 minutes.
The following types of urticaria occur through this mechanism: urticaria caused by food, inhaled allergens, hymenoptera venom, urticaria caused by infection, cold, solar, vibration urticaria.
  • Types II and III reactions are much less common than the first. It is assumed that some forms of chronic urticaria also occur as a type IV allergic reaction.
Non-immune mechanism for the development of urticaria:
  • The bottom line is that the release of biologically active substances from mast cells and basophils occurs without a whole chain of immune reactions as described above. With a non-immune mechanism, the release of histamine and other biologically active substances occurs directly. It turns out that some drugs (aspirin, indomethacin, etc.), as well as other external stimuli, can directly act on mast cells and cause the release of active substances from them.
Most often, chronic idiopathic urticaria occurs along this path.

The mechanism of formation of the main element of urticaria - a blister.

The main element in the manifestation of urticaria is a blister. The blister occurs as a result of swelling of the papillary dermis. Swelling in the skin occurs due to the release of biologically active substances (histamine, bradykinin, etc.). These substances lead to the expansion of capillaries, increasing the permeability of their walls to blood elements, which is manifested by the formation of a characteristic blister.

Types of urticaria

Types of urticaria depending on the duration of the disease:
  • Acute urticaria. When urticaria lasts up to 6 weeks, it is considered acute. The duration of the disease is determined from the appearance of the first rash until the disappearance of the last.
  • Chronic urticaria. If urticaria lasts more than 6 weeks, it is considered chronic.
  • They also highlight episodic urticaria. This is urticaria, which has an acute onset and a short course.
Types of urticaria depending on its cause:
  • Physical
    • Dermographic
    • Cholinergic
    • Slowed down by pressure
    • Cold
    • Caused by physical effort
    • Aquagenic
    • Solar
    • Vibrating
  • Allergic or contact
  • Medicinal
  • Urticarial vasculitis
  • Urticaria of unknown cause (idiopathic)

Dermographic urticaria

  • Dermographism: a reaction of the skin to mechanical irritation, manifested by the appearance of stripes protruding above the skin.
  • With dermographic urticaria, itching and blisters appear as you scratch.
  • Such urticaria can occur on any area of ​​the skin, even on the face, but much less frequently.
  • Dermographic urticaria can be primary, that is, it develops directly due to exposure to an allergen (for example, wool, chemicals, etc.). And it can be secondary, when urticaria develops against the background of an existing disease (mastocytosis, serum sickness, etc.).
  • There are 3 types of this type of urticaria: 1) immediate type(most common), onset of symptoms 2-5 minutes after exposure, duration 30 minutes; 2) medium type, onset in 30 minutes -2 hours, duration up to 3-9 hours; 3) late type(the most rare), onset after 4-6 hours, duration up to 2 days.
Definition test dermographic urticaria:
  • When the skin is irritated with a spatula or other blunt object, characteristic blisters appear at the site of irritation 10-15 minutes or later. The duration of preservation of the blister varies from 30 minutes. up to 3 hours.

Nervous urticaria

  • This type of urticaria most often occurs between the ages of 10-30 years.
  • The main reason for the development of urticaria is the stimulation of specific nerve fibers (postganglionic sympathetic nerves) by various factors. More often these provoking factors are: emotional stress, physical activity, hot shower, sweating.
  • Typically, the symptoms of such urticaria disappear on their own 20-50 minutes after the end of exposure to the provoking factor. The rash often covers large areas of the body or the entire body. Symptoms such as: respiratory failure due to bronchospasm, headaches, pain, and fainting develop very rarely.
  • Small, pinpoint blisters indicate cholinergic urticaria.
Test to determine cholinergic urticaria:
  • Running in place for 5-15 minutes, intense walking for up to 30 minutes, immersion in a bath with hot water (42 C) lead to the appearance of characteristic symptoms of urticaria.

Cold urticaria or cold allergy

  • The first mention of this type of urticaria was recorded in 1936, when a shock-like state was described in a patient who swam in cold water.
  • Cold urticaria is considered as a disease that occurs against the background of another pathology, either as a congenital disease, or as a form of urticaria that occurs for no apparent reason.
  • The incidence of this type of urticaria is 5% of all physical urticaria. About 30% of cases of cold urticaria occur in people living in cold climates.
  • Cold allergies develop with equal frequency in both adults and children.
  • First symptoms congenital cold urticaria occur in children under 6 months of age.
  • Cold urticaria against the background of any disease is more common at the age of 40-49 years.
  • Attacks of cold urticaria may recur in patients throughout their lives. However, in some cases they may resolve spontaneously after 5-9 years or 3-4 years after onset. But it is worth remembering that in some patients with cold urticaria, the possibility of developing anaphylactic shock after swimming in bodies of water persists throughout their lives.
  • Symptoms of cold urticaria that occur in the cold (itching, swelling, blisters) persist for another 20-30 minutes after warming up and then disappear without a trace.
  • Cold urticaria can be limited or systemic, that is, it can involve many organs and systems. Thus, the manifestations of urticaria may be limited only to the area exposed to low temperatures, or may involve several organs and systems. Allergies may involve the following organs and systems: central nervous system (dizziness, headache), respiratory system (shortness of breath, bronchospasm), circulatory system (low blood pressure, increased heart rate), gastrointestinal tract (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting), etc.
  • 1/3 of people with cold urticaria develop symptoms Quincke's edema. For example, eating cold food may cause swelling of the tongue or lips.
  • General cooling when swimming in a cold pool or pond can cause a systemic allergic reaction with loss of consciousness and the development of shock literally within a few minutes. The risk of developing anaphylactic shock in patients with cold urticaria is 50%.
  • There is such a thing as congenital cold urticaria, fortunately it occurs with a frequency of 1:100,000. The disease usually manifests itself before 6 months of age. The first symptoms of the disease appear in the form of a red rash within 1-2 hours after cooling. The interval between the beginning of contact with cold water and the appearance of the first symptoms can extend up to 8 hours. Some patients may experience muscle pain, sweating, headache, conjunctivitis, thirst, and vomiting. The duration of one episode of urticaria is at least 12-24 hours. With this type of urticaria, there is no likelihood of developing severe life-threatening conditions.

Provoking factor Development mechanism External manifestations
External cold exposure (water, cold wind, snow, cold objects, etc.); Ingestion of cold foods (drinks, water, ice cream, etc.). Administration of medicinal solutions (t = below 6 C); The most common provoking factor is cold water. The development of allergies occurs a few minutes after exposure to the provoking factor.
With the development of allergies, non-immune mechanisms predominate, in which direct stimulation of mast cells occurs and the release of biologically active substances.

In order to recognize cold urticaria, a special provocative test is performed:
  • Applying an ice cube to the skin for 10-20 minutes and then warming the skin to normal temperature leads to swelling at the site of the cube.

Sun allergy

Description: Hives occur in the first minutes after the sun's rays hit exposed skin. It is worth noting that a systemic development of a severe allergic reaction with a sharp decrease in pressure, bronchial obstruction and loss of consciousness is possible. However, such reactions are very rare. In most cases, solar urticaria appears on areas of the body that have been exposed to sunlight. Some medications (tetracyclines, sulfonamides, fluoroquinolones, etc.) can increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight and trigger the occurrence of urticaria.

Test for determining solar urticaria:

  • When the skin is irradiated by sunlight or light of different lengths, characteristic symptoms of urticaria appear within 1-2 to 10 minutes.

Drug-induced urticaria

The number of cases of allergic urticaria is growing every year. The use of medications can cause both acute and chronic urticaria. In some cases, urticaria begins a few minutes or tens of minutes after taking the medication. In others, a few days or weeks after completion of treatment. For example, urticaria may begin 2 weeks after finishing a course of penicillin.

Contact urticaria

Contact urticaria occurs when the skin is exposed to an allergen (wool, latex, various chemicals, etc.). Rashes (blisters) appear at the site of exposure to the provoking factor.

Contact urticaria test:
The suspected agent is rubbed into a small area of ​​skin and a characteristic reaction appears within 1 hour.

Symptoms of urticaria, photo

What does hives look like?

Symptoms What does it look like?
Itchy pink or red blisters size from several millimeters to several centimeters, clearly limited, rising above the surface of the skin. Blisters can occur on any part of the skin and cover large surfaces, reaching 10 cm in diameter. When you stretch the skin or press on the blister, they disappear. Usually, hives blisters go away within 24 hours, leaving no pigment spots behind.
Itching: often occurs in areas of the skin where there are no rashes, and can also occur without characteristic rashes. The itching usually gets worse in the evening.
Pain and burning not typical for urticaria, they can usually occur with concomitant Quincke's edema. see Symptoms of Quincke's edema
Hives on the body
Hives on hands
Hives on legs
  • Individual rashes usually disappear within 24 hours.
  • Sometimes with hives from pressure or hives from insect bites, the rash can last up to 48 hours.
  • With allergic urticaria, the rashes disappear without a trace, leaving no vascular pattern, peeling or pigmentation.
  • In the case of urticarial vasculitis, blisters can persist for up to several days or more, after which pigmentation remains on the skin, which also disappears over time.
  • After eating a certain food, urticaria symptoms usually appear within 15-20 minutes (no later than 1 hour).

Symptoms of danger

It is often one of the manifestations of anaphylactic shock, and is also often combined with Quincke's edema. In this regard, if the following symptoms appear, immediate medical attention should be provided:
  • Reduced blood pressure;
  • Breathing disorders (the appearance of hoarseness, hoarseness, lack of air);
  • Swelling of the tongue, neck;
  • Acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • Loss of consciousness.

How to assess the severity of urticaria?

Treatment of urticaria

Do I need to call an ambulance?

An ambulance must be called in the following circumstances:
  • Severe form of urticaria and Quincke's edema in the larynx
  • Absolutely all cases of anaphylactic reaction, which is accompanied by urticaria. See article Anaphylactic shock
  • Severe exacerbations of chronic urticaria and angioedema that cannot be treated at home.
However, first cases of urticaria, especially cases of urticaria in children, require special attention, and calling an ambulance is recommended. This will help to avoid unforeseen consequences and correctly formulate further treatment tactics.

First aid for hives

What can you do at the first symptoms of urticaria?
  • First, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms anaphylaxis, since hives are often part of anaphylactic shock. In this case, urgent medical assistance is necessary. (cm. First aid for anaphylaxis)
  • Secondly, urticaria is often combined with angioedema, in which case appropriate treatment should be provided. (cm. First aid for Quincke's edema)
After making sure that this is not anaphylactic shock or angioedema, you can begin treatment according to the scenario below.
First you need to eliminate the effect of the allergen on the body:
  • Stop taking medications.
  • In case of food allergies, take enterosorbents (white coal, enterosgel, etc.), rinse the stomach, take a laxative.
  • For insect bites, remove the source of poison (for example, the sting).
  • If a contact allergy occurs, remove the irritant from the surface of the skin.
  • And so on.
The next step of treatment is taking medications.

Tablets, ointments and other remedies for urticaria


When treating urticaria, antihistamines are the first choice. There are 2 generations of such drugs. Currently, preference is given to the second generation (recommendations of the World Allergy Organization). And it is recommended to start using first-generation drugs only when second-generation drugs are unavailable or when they are ineffective even in maximum doses. However, the first generation of drugs is also used and has its own characteristics.

Algorithm for prescribing antihistamines for urticaria:

  1. Start with a standard dose of second-generation histamine blockers:
  • Loratadine (Claritin, Lomilan) – 10 mg per day
  • Fexofenadine (Telfast) – 150 mg per day
  • Ebastine (xysal) – 10 mg per day
  • Desloratadine (Erius) – 5 mg per day
  • Cetirizine (Zyrtec, Zodac) – 10 mg per day
  1. If the first point is not effective, the dose of the prescribed drug should be increased (up to a maximum of 4 times, taking into account body weight).
  2. If points 1 and 2 are ineffective, another second generation antihistamine should be added to the drug used.
  3. Prescription of first generation drugs

  • Diphenhydramine (Diphenhydramine, Allergin) – 25-50 mg, 4 to 6 times a day
  • Suprastin - 25-50 mg per day in the form of tablets or in the form of injections 20-40 mg Tavegil (clemastine) - 2 times a day, 1 mg in tablets or in injections 2 mg 2 times a day.
  • Acrivastine – 3 times a day, 8 mg
  • Cyproheptadine 3 times a day, 2-4 mg;
Antihistamines Duration of action and frequency of administration Mechanism of action and effects Side effects
I generation (diphenhydramine, pipolfen, suprastin, tavegil, diazolin, etc.) Duration:
  • 4-12 hours
Frequency of reception:
  • 2-4 times a day
Mechanism: The drugs inhibit the release of the main biological substances that determine the allergic reaction. The release of histamine, leukotrienes, etc. is mainly blocked. They act on both central and peripheral H1-histamine receptors. The effect on central receptors causes many side effects, especially drowsiness.
Drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, sometimes nausea, temporary decrease in blood pressure (pipolfen), irritation of the gastric mucosa.
II generation (loratadine, ebastine, desloratadine. Zyrtec, etc.) Duration:
  • From 7 to 48 hours
  • Erius – 27 hours
  • Zyrtec – 7-9 hours
  • Loratadine – 12-24 hours
  • Ebastine – 48 hours
Frequency of reception:
  • 1-2 times a day
Mechanism: Second generation drugs act more selectively, only on specific receptors (H1-histamine receptors). This ensures a more effective and rapid onset of effect, as well as the absence of side effects.
Effects: elimination of itching, swelling, rashes, redness.
Dry mouth, headache, abdominal pain - rare.
  1. If antihistamines are ineffective, you should take hormonal drugs (prednisolone, dexamethasone);
  • Prednisolone 20 mg 2 times a day for 4 days or prednisolone 50 mg per day for 3 days;
  • Dexamethasone – 4-20 mg per day
  1. Immunosuppressants are prescribed to patients with severe autoimmune urticaria who have not responded to antihistamines. For urticaria, cyclosporine is most often used.
  • Cyclosporine at the rate of 4 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day; The drug often causes side effects.
Ointments for urticaria
Ointments are an aid in the treatment of allergies and are usually prescribed after the use of tablets or injections. However, in mild cases of urticaria, administering ointment alone may resolve the situation. There is a wide variety of ointments for allergies. But which one to choose? To begin with, it should be said that all ointments for allergies can be divided into 2 large categories: 1) ointments that do not contain hormones and 2) ointments containing hormones. The first group of ointments is safer, but not always as effective as we would like. In the second category, there are ointments with varying strengths and safety. The strength of action is determined by the hormone and its amount in the ointment.

Therefore, there is a certain approach to prescribing antiallergic ointments. At the beginning of treatment, ointments that do not contain hormones are prescribed. If there is no effect, ointments containing a hormone with little activity are prescribed. Next are ointments with a more powerful hormonal component, and so on, depending on the response to treatment. The principle is to use hormonal drugs as little as possible, and especially ointments with a powerful hormonal component. Ideally, the attending physician should administer the ointment. Below are some examples of ointments for urticaria:

  1. Ointments that do not contain hormones:
Drug name Start of action and
Side effect
Fenistil gel Active ingredient: Dimetindent – ​​H1-histamine receptor blocker Onset of action after 2-3 minutes, maximum effect after 2-4 hours.
Relieves itching, swelling, redness
Rarely – dry skin, burning sensation. In isolated cases, possible: skin rash, itching.
Soventol Active ingredient: Bamipin - H1-histamine receptor blocker
The drug eliminates itching, redness, and swelling.
Rarely - burning; with prolonged use on large surfaces of the skin, increased fatigue and anxiety in children are possible.
Psilo-balm Active ingredient: diphenhydramine - H1-histamine receptor blocker Reduces pain, relieves itching, inflammation, swelling, redness, and has a pleasant cooling effect. Very rarely – an allergic reaction to the drug;
  1. Ointments containing hormones:
Hormonal ointments are divided according to the strength of their action:
  1. Weak
  • Sinaflan
  • Flucinar
  • Hydrocortisone
  • Laticort
  1. Medium strength
  • Triamcinolone
  • Afloderm
  • Fluorocort
  1. Strong
  • Advantan
  • Lokoid
  • Celestoderm – B
  • Elokom
  1. Very strong
  • Cloveit
  • Dermovate
Drug name Composition and active substance Start of action and
Side effect
Active ingredient: fluocinolone acetonide - glucocorticoid Onset of action in a few minutes.
Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling, itching, redness.
The following side effects are possible:
stretch marks, skin atrophy, rosacea, decreased skin elasticity, acne, various skin infections. The higher the strength of the drug, the higher the risk of side effects. The duration of use and dose of the hormone determine the occurrence of complications. With long-term use of drugs on large areas of the skin, systemic side effects may develop: decreased bone density, increased body weight, the appearance of edema, muscle weakness, etc.
Fluorocort Active ingredient: Triamcinolone - glucocorticoid

What are the measures to prevent urticaria?

There are no special measures to help prevent the development of urticaria. But you can reduce the risk of a skin reaction by following some tips:
  • Avoid contact with potential triggers. Try to figure out what factors cause your skin reaction. These could be some medications, food products, household chemicals, high or low temperatures.
  • Keep a food diary. If you suspect a food is causing your hives, but you don't know which food, start keeping a food diary in which you write down everything you eat and your symptoms.
  • Keep antihistamines on hand, For example loratadine (Claritin) or cetirizine (Zyrtec). They will help quickly relieve symptoms and relieve itching.
  • Apply cool, wet compresses. They will help soothe the skin.
  • Take a cool bath. You can add baking soda, raw or colloidal oatmeal to it. This will help relieve the itching.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing. Avoid wearing rough, tight, itchy clothing, especially wool. This will help prevent skin irritation.

How is urticaria coded in ICD 10?

The general code in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision, which designates all types of urticaria is L50. Designation of individual forms of the disease:
  • L50.0: allergic urticaria;
  • L50.1: idiopathic urticaria;
  • L50.2: urticaria caused by exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • L50.3: dermatographic urticaria;
  • L50.4: vibration urticaria;
  • L50.5: cholinergic urticaria;
  • L50.6: contact urticaria;
  • L50.8: other urticaria;
  • L50.9: unspecified urticaria.

Is hives contagious? Can it be transmitted from person to person?

Urticaria is a non-infectious disease, so infection from another person is impossible even with very close contact. Although in some cases, the initial cause of the skin reaction may be an infection or helminthic infestation, which can be transmitted to another person. However, this does not mean that his disease will also lead to an allergic reaction and skin rashes.

A predisposition to hives and other allergic reactions can be inherited. This is evidenced by the fact that urticaria occurs more often in people whose close relatives are also prone to one form or another of allergies.

What questions might the doctor ask at the appointment?

During your appointment, your doctor may ask the following questions::
  • When did skin rashes start appearing?
  • After what did they arise? On what part of the body did they first appear?
  • Does the patient come into contact with substances that can cause allergic reactions in everyday life or at work? For example, this could be latex gloves, some harmful chemicals, animal hair, etc.
  • What medications, dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes does the patient take?
  • What diseases did the patient have previously? What chronic diseases does he suffer from?
  • Has the patient been bitten by an insect before?
  • Do close relatives suffer from urticaria?
In approximately half of all cases, the doctor and the patient cannot figure out what triggered the occurrence of hives. Often, skin reactions go away on their own within a few days and never recur. If the doctor believes that the cause of the hives is an allergic reaction, the patient will be referred to an allergist, who will prescribe special tests and conduct skin tests to identify the allergen.

If urticaria lasts more than 6 weeks, then the role of external triggers is usually very small, so allergen tests do not make much sense. However, it is worth remembering that some external factors can provoke exacerbations of the disease.

What tests and studies can a doctor prescribe for urticaria?

Most often, doctors prescribe the following tests and studies to patients with urticaria (usually in the chronic form of the disease, in order to identify its causes):
– insufficient function.
  • Liver function tests. They help to figure out whether there are any problems with the functioning of the organ.
  • Can vaccinations be given if a child has urticaria?

    As a rule, urticaria in children is an allergic disease. Which means Vaccination of such a child requires compliance with certain rules:
    • Vaccinations can only be done during remission, when the child feels well, and the symptoms of urticaria are absent or very mild.
    • Before vaccination, the child must visit an allergist, undergo an examination, the allergen and substances that can provoke skin reactions must be determined.
    • Depending on the results of the examination, the child should adhere to hypoallergenic diet. All foods that can provoke an allergic reaction should be excluded from the diet.
    • Before vaccination, an examination by a pediatrician, immunologist, neurologist, dentist, or ENT doctor is required.
    • More than one vaccine should not be administered at the same time. The interval between different vaccinations should be longer than in healthy children. This will help prevent overtaxing the immune system, monitor your child's condition, and, if an allergic reaction occurs, understand which vaccine is causing it.
    • Before vaccination, you need to carry out medication preparation. Antihistamines, calcium supplements, and various herbal remedies are used (as recommended by a doctor).
    Contraindications to vaccination:
    • severe allergic reactions;
    • severe symptoms of urticaria;
    • allergic reaction to a previous vaccine.

    What can be the complications of urticaria?

    Complications of acute urticaria.

    The most dangerous complications of urticaria are severe allergic reactions, such as swelling of the throat and tongue, which impairs breathing, and anaphylactic shock. In this case, emergency medical care is required, otherwise the patient may die. Quincke's edema usually goes away on its own within three days.
    In approximately 30% of patients, the disease becomes chronic.

    Complications of chronic urticaria:

    • Approximately 50% of patients suffering from chronic urticaria will improve over the next 3-5 years.
    • In 25% of patients, symptoms will persist for 10 years.
    • In 15% of patients, prolonged course of urticaria leads to the development of depression. If you begin to notice symptoms of this condition, you need to report them to your doctor. Depression is treatable.
    Urticaria can be a manifestation of various diseases, including severe ones, such as cancer. In this case, the prognosis becomes much worse.

    What is aquagenic urticaria?

    « Aquagenic urticaria" is a term that often refers to a skin reaction in response to contact with water and other liquids (tears, sweat, etc.).

    Water cannot act as an allergen due to the peculiarities of its chemical structure and the fact that a person himself is 70% water. With aquagenic allergies, substances dissolved in water act as irritants.

    Symptoms of aquagenic urticaria appear a few minutes after contact with the liquid and can last from 10-15 minutes to several days.

    Measures for the prevention and treatment of aquagenic urticaria:

    • You need to figure out what factors cause reactions on the skin and avoid contact with them. You may have to avoid visiting the pool or wet cleaning, during which your hands come into contact with water.
    • You need to install good water filters on the taps in your house.
    • The duration of water procedures should be reduced to 3-5 minutes a day.
    • It is better to wash and bathe in boiled water (especially important for young children).
    • You should avoid using shampoos and shower gels. It is better to use baby soap without unnecessary additives instead.
    • To treat the aquagenic reaction, the same medications are used as for other forms of urticaria.

    Why does hives occur during menstruation?

    When a skin reaction appears during menstruation, we are most often talking about idiopathic urticaria. Possible reasons:
    • allergic reactions to tampons and pads that a woman uses during menstruation;
    • allergic reactions to douching;
    • allergic reactions to various products that a woman uses to relieve menstruation symptoms, for example, to various dietary supplements, herbal tampons, etc.;
    • allergic reactions to various foods that a woman begins to consume during menstruation due to changes in taste preferences (for example, chocolate).
    In each individual case, the causes of urticaria must be dealt with individually.

    There is also a condition such as autoimmune progesterone dermatitis. This is a rare autoimmune disease in which a woman develops an allergic reaction to the hormone progesterone.

  • Urticaria occurs, in comparison with these changes, less frequently.
  • The causes of urticaria during pregnancy are the same as in non-pregnant women. It’s just that, due to changes in the body, the expectant mother’s sensitivity to various negative factors increases.
  • One in 150 to 200 pregnant women develops a more severe skin lesion that resembles hives, known as PUPP syndrome.
  • What is PUPP syndrome?

    PUPP syndrome is a condition in which itchy skin appears on the abdomen, arms and legs. papules, blisters, plaques. Most often, PUPP syndrome occurs during the first pregnancy, and in subsequent pregnancies it almost never occurs. To date, its causes are not fully known. It is believed that PUPP syndrome may result from genetic disorders.

    How to treat hives during pregnancy?

    A small rash may go away on its own without treatment. For more severe symptoms, with the permission of a doctor, you can use antihistamines– some of them are allowed during pregnancy. For PUPP syndrome, the doctor prescribes special treatment.

    What is the difference between acute and chronic urticaria?

    Main differences between the two forms of the disease:
    Acute urticaria: Chronic urticaria:
    • occurs more often than chronic;
    • most common among children and adolescents;
    • symptoms usually persist for several days, but always less than 6 weeks;
    • rashes most often appear as small red spots, pink or light red blisters more than 1 cm in diameter;
    • More often than in the chronic form, angioedema occurs, which requires emergency care.
    • duration of the disease – more than 6 weeks;
    • most often found among people aged 20-40 years;
    • the course of the disease is wavy: periods of exacerbations alternate with periods of improvement ( remission);
    • rashes most often appear as pale pink spots, the size and number of which may vary depending on the exacerbation or remission; blisters rarely occur.

    Urticaria - causes, symptoms, what to do and what will help? - Video

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