Taking off up the career ladder or how to organize your workspace according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui desktop. Attracting success

Anyone who has encountered the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui in practice knows that it works great. Feng Shui of the desktop is very light a way to improve your life in all directions by tidying up your workspace.

Boss Position

People practicing feng shui at home , very often they want to apply it at work. If you are one of them, know that it is very simple. It’s even easier than decorating a house using Feng Shui.

Many businessmen, managers, influential personalities, politicians, in principle, all those who have the opportunity to manage their workspace, independently plan it, carry out redevelopment, successfully transfer and apply the knowledge of Feng Shui to the workspace.

If you don’t have a personal office yet, you can still probably arrange your own according to Feng Shui:

    work area,



If you are working Houses, the rules of Feng Shui can also be applied to the area of ​​​​the home where you work.

Good feng shui work zone is when you:

    at a large clean desk,

    sit with your back to a wall that has no windows (or at least not with your back to a window),

    you see a fairly large office/room space in front of you,

    to your left is a wall with a window,

    in the vision zone (best of all - in front) is the front door.

The office of the German Chancellor fully complies with the rules of Feng Shui

So, the front door should be visible; behind your back, as well as on the left, you need to feel the protection of the walls; the light should fall from the left side on your desktop, which in turn should be solid.

This arrangement is called “Boss position” because it is the most comfortable to work in. This is how you will feel:



    seeing prospects,

    controlling the process.



    to everyone who improves their qualifications,

    to everyone acquiring new knowledge.

What to do if you Not Do you have the opportunity to change anything in your office or rearrange your desktop? Symbolically compensate"flaws":

  1. If there is no wall behind, put up a decorative screen.
  2. If there is no open space in front (you can see a wall or even lean against it), hang a picture or photograph at eye level that has an exit perspective (forward into the distance).
  3. If it is not possible to control the front door, place a mirror on or next to your desk to reflect the entrance.

Feng Shui desktop: cleanliness, order, symbols

As for directly on the desktop itself, in addition to the fact that it must be large, constantly kept clean ( it is very important!), it is necessary activate, that is, arrange according to Feng Shui in such a way as to achieve maximum success in your work.

The Ba-Gua grid can be conditionally applied to the surface of the desktop, just like any other space in the Universe.

First, you will need to determine the cardinal directions on your desktop, and then select 9 treasured zones of Ba-Gua.

Attention! You should not activate all zones on the desktop at once! This is not necessary, because the desktop is intended for work, therefore, here activate only those zones that will be conducive to self-realization as an employee, a professional, a businessman, a person who has reached heights in his career, that is zones:

    Careers. North. Here you sit, write or type on the keyboard.

    Wealth, money, material wealth. Southeast, far left corner of the desktop.

    Glory. South, the far side of the table is opposite you.

    Assistants, patrons. North-west, right corner of the desktop closest to you.

Feng Shui symbols are placed in these sectors, indicating respectively:

    material wealth (SE) - a piggy bank, three Chinese coins, a money tree (crassula), a figurine of Hotei, etc.;

    glory (Yu) - own awards, horse figurine, red crystals, pyramids, etc.

    assistants (SZ) - images of deities (Ganesha, reclining Buddha), heavenly assistants, bell, etc.

Examples of desktop organization according to Feng Shui

More details on how to activate:

    all feng shui zones,

    wealth zone.

What could be easier than improving your life by doing good desktop feng shui? It is as simple, incredible, magical, miraculously effective as feng shui card.

Do everything possible for your well-being! Feng Shui of the desktop is so popular because it is incredibly simple to use. All that is needed:

    clear the desktop,

    keep it clean at all times,

    put a couple of symbols of success in your work on it.

And we offer you one more way quickly, simply, and joyfully arrange your life in the best possible way. Combine knowledge of Feng Shui and design!

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The article focuses on the issues of designing a place to work according to Feng Shui in such a way as to attract wealth and achieve success in any endeavor.

Feng Shui workplace in the office, in the office to attract money and talismans

The location of the workplace should be such that you can feel the rear behind your back. This could be a wall, a cabinet or a high-backed chair. It would be nice to hang pictures behind your back with images of banks or others that will symbolize financial well-being and stability.

Mountains and everything connected with them symbolize determination. Images associated with water, be it a waterfall or the sea, are best avoided so as not to “wash away” strength and success. Nature and calm tones will create a good atmosphere conducive to a working mood.

The energy of places near stairs, and especially under them, is not favorable for financial growth. Cabinets and shelves should be on the sides symbolizing your protection. According to Feng Shui, a clock is an unfavorable symbol.

Talismans should be chosen from those that symbolize wealth and good luck. A frog on coins, a crystal pyramid will help to grow upward.

Arrangement of furniture in the office according to Feng Shui according to the cardinal directions

You cannot sit opposite the door and with your back to the window and door. You can sit facing the door diagonally to it. The table cannot be placed in a corner. It turns out that the ideal place would be if the table is placed between the window and the door.

It is worth paying attention to such details as paintings; they should not contain anything related to water, so as not to “wash away” your efforts and success. Symbols of wealth and success can be placed in different places, on shelves or on the table. The Northeast is a great choice for a workplace.

Workplace according to fee shui painting behind the back and places for painting

The best choice for a picture behind your back would be images of money and banks. Everything related to finance will bring success to the owner of the office. The water element should be abandoned so as not to be left with nothing.

The picture can hang anywhere, but the best place for it is behind your back. It is there that she seems to help, instruct on the right path, and help to achieve success in material terms.

Feng Shui workplace by date of birth

The Gua number is easy to calculate, you just have to pay attention to it. You need to take your date of birth and add the last two digits. For example, 1987 8+7= 15 1+5=6

For a woman, add 5 to the resulting number 5+6=11 1+1=2

Using these numbers, you can find out from a special table the ideal location not only for your office, but also for your main home.

Workplace according to Feng Shui at home Natalya Pravdina

Great importance should be given to the chair; not only should it be convenient and comfortable, so as not to distract attention to a stiff back. An even better choice would be the one with a high back. Thus, he will protect his master.

Feng Shui of the workplace if the door is behind and opposite the door rules, the direction of the table

Under no circumstances should you sit with your back to the door, as this could result in a knife in the back. Opposite the door is also not the best option; sitting diagonally from the door would be ideal.

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Finding a job is always a difficult process. Countless nuances that prevent you from getting a job, stress, the lack of any results - all this can last indefinitely if you do not understand in time that cardinal decisions are required, namely a change of thinking and the use of techniques that can influence the acceleration of the process itself and increase the likelihood of getting the desired position. The Eastern teachings of Feng Shui can effectively help in solving the issue of employment.

The ancient Chinese art of living is one of the most simple but effective ways to influence all aspects of life, including your career. If you are unemployed or stuck in the middle of your career, you should learn how to find a job using Feng Shui.

Where to begin?

The most important thing to do is to get things moving. It's easy to do. Before finding a job, according to Feng Shui, you need to clear all the space and clear away the rubble. Basic cleaning of the room will help you with this. Pay special attention to the northern part of the home, the one that is responsible for the career. Qi is an active energy; it fills the home only if it is kept clean. Old things that are no longer used, dust and dirt completely block the energy flow. All manipulations are carried out clockwise from the doorway.

  1. Get rid of old things, eliminate chaos. By throwing away the old, you open the door to the new, free yourself from unpleasant memories and prepare the way for change.
  2. Cleanse with water. Using salt, which has long been considered the most effective remedy, you can enhance the effect of cleansing and get rid of negative energy accumulated over the years. A pinch of salt can be added to water for wet cleaning; use it to wipe surfaces and wash the floor.
  3. Perform sound cleansing. There are several options, choose the one that is available to you. Clapping hands, ringing a metal bell or. This method helps in eliminating negativity, expelling evil spirits from the premises, and activates the flow of Qi in the house. Perform this action three times.
  4. Perform an aroma cleanse. To do this, go around all the rooms three times clockwise from the door. Use only suitable incense for fumigation: cedar, laurel, rose, orchid.

We are working on the premises

According to Eastern practice, the northern part of the home is associated with a career, life goals and aspirations, and advancement up the career ladder.

Strengthening this zone has a positive effect on everything related to work.

  • favorable colors: shades of blue, gold and silver tones, gray, all types of blue, white and black;
  • favorable shapes: wavy, sinuous or round;
  • dangerous symbols: red color, sharp corners, standing water, elements of fire and earth;
  • the main element is water;
  • damaging element - earth;
  • weakening element - wood;
  • the number of the northern sector is one.

Activation of the northern space and placement of talismans

The ship of wealth is a sailing ship loaded with gold. You can do it yourself, thereby charging it with your own energy. You can buy a sailboat and load it with “gold”. It is better if the model is gold or metallic. The ship is placed at the door, its sails must be inflated. The bow should be positioned towards the north side of the room, it should not be pointed at a door or window, and prototypes of lost ships should not be used as a mascot. You can use a drawing of a ship packed to the brim. The presence of waves is especially appropriate in a talisman.

A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth - and longevity. The toad should be metallic, gold or silver in color. It “spits out” the coin, so make sure the coin is removable. Place the toad on the floor or windowsill where everyone can see it. It should be treated with respect and watered with running water. It's good if the toad sits in the bowl of the fountain.

Dragon turtle sitting on a pile of gold. Material: gold, copper or bronze, color: gold or metal. The turtle will help you realize your ambitious intentions. It is used in many cases, but remember that the number of the northern sector is one, so there should only be one such centenarian in the house. Respect the turtle, it is forbidden to put a coin in its mouth, otherwise it will be offended and luck will turn away from you. You can also use a drawing of a turtle.

Arowana (goldfish). It can be a glass fish or live in an aquarium. It will bring happiness, prosperity and prosperity needed by all job seekers.

— a metal talisman placed in the northern part will promote the active flow of Qi and dissipate the energy coming from negative objects that are forced to be in the northern sector.

The Vase of Wealth is a round metal bowl. This talisman is an activator of wealth energy. The vase is placed away from prying eyes and filled to the top with symbols of prosperity. Place a yellow cloth on the bottom, close the lid and do not open.

The aquarium plays a protective role. A mandatory condition in this talisman is that the water must flow freely, so change the aquarium filler often. You can stock it with goldfish or another species with a powerful fin (guppy).

A fountain with a toad, a turtle or Chinese coins will enhance the effect of the talismans thanks to the constantly flowing water.

Strengthening the northern sector with elements and creating tools of desires

The element of the northern part is water. Water is taken into a glass, coins are placed in it, with the Yang side facing up.. As you fill the glass and drop in the coins, imagine your future job. The higher the salary you want, the larger the coins you use. Standing water is prohibited in the server sector, so you need to clean coins and change the water very often.

A circle of creation is formed in the northern part. It is based on the interaction of the five elements. To launch a desire instrument, clearly formulate it. Use only the present tense; the presence of the particle “not” is unacceptable. This may sound like “I quickly find a job in a friendly team.” Arrange the five main elements in clockwise order of creation:

  • water - place a container of water;
  • wood - place a piece of wood or an uncovered wooden object;
  • fire - place a lit candle;
  • earth - place a clay object;
  • metal - place a piece of metal or a metal object.

Sit near the circle and repeat the wish. This must be done for at least five minutes; at the end of this time, thank the supreme powers and put out the fire. Use the circle for a week, be sure to change the water in the glass.

As you search for a job, keep in mind other areas that, if strengthened, will lead to positive results. The southeast is a sector of wealth and prosperity, use it to find a job with a high income. The south is the glory sector, if title and rank are important to you in your new job, do not forget about this part of the house. The West is a creative sector, why not take the chance to find the interesting job that you have been dreaming about. Analyze your goals before using the teaching.

When you are looking for a Feng Shui job, it is important to know that there are only two quadrants that can be used. Combine them wisely to enhance your influence on the job search process and career advancement. And be sure to exclude the Feng Shui zone in which the bad monthly or annual star is located. If you are satisfied with all aspects of life, activate only the career zone.

And remember: no teaching, no matter how popular it may be, is a guide to how to find a job through inaction. Work will come only to those who strive for it. By following Feng Shui and using its beneficial recommendations, you remove obstacles in this process.

Feng Shui is the art of living, and not just the blind execution of a ritual. This is a change in consciousness towards positivity and harmony. This is training of attention and subconsciousness. And only then, combined with practice, will you see amazing results both in your job search and in all aspects of your life.

Now you know how to find a job using Feng Shui, and you can find the path to prosperity.

Feng Shui for an office means a harmoniously organized workplace. It is advisable to sit with your back to a blank wall so that it is convenient to communicate with colleagues and clients entering the office. You can hang a picture of your favorite image on the wall. This will allow you to feel support coming from the rear.

If, due to insurmountable circumstances, you are forced to sit with your back to the front door, then you can fence yourself off with a closet or screen, and if there is a window behind you, place a plant on the windowsill. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a wide range of plants can be used in the office workplace, but the most common are Dieffenbachia, Croton and Chinese rose.

When you are at the table, sharp corners should not be pointed at you. Such objects, like a poisonous arrow, send you negative Sha Chi energy. This energy constantly interferes with your work, provokes various diseases and unfounded accusations directed at you.

Your desk should not be between closely spaced cabinets or in a corner of the office. Leave a clear path to your workplace. It will symbolize your perspective.

Even in a limited space, it will not be difficult to organize Feng Shui of the workplace. If you are forced to work in a cramped cubicle or there is a partition close to you, then you should expand your visual perspective. To do this, you need to hang a reproduction on the wall depicting the surface of the sea, a flowering field, etc.

Setting up your office according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui of an office is a complex but fascinating process that is built gradually. Decorate your workplace with a figurine or a symbolic image of the wise Turtle and the powerful Dragon. To implement your plans, install in the eastern part of the room, which will be illuminated by sunlight for at least three to five hours a day.

The table should not be placed under an air conditioner, bookshelf or ceiling beam. A threateningly overhanging structure is a source of disease and adversity. It is unacceptable in feng shui at work.

Choose a chair with a high back and armrests. It is a symbol of confidence, stability and support. A chair that does not completely cover your back cannot bring good luck.

Keep your work area tidy at all times. All necessary papers must be stored in special folders. Shelves, cabinets and tables should not be cluttered. Otherwise, stagnant energy will begin to accumulate in the room. You can install it in the work area. This powerful Feng Shui talisman helps attract financial flows.

Keep all necessary papers and documents at your fingertips. If you hide them somewhere far away, you will subsequently have to look for them for a long time and lose the positive energy that comes from them. Never put off cleaning until later. Start right now and get rid of everything unnecessary!

Collect the wires used to connect office equipment into one bundle. Cables lying haphazardly create erratic energy flows.

The workplace should have sufficiently bright lighting, but it is desirable that the light does not irritate the eyesight. Choose table lamps that are comfortable and well adjustable. Any metal object or table lamp standing on the left side of the table attracts material well-being.

A Feng Shui work table for money should be relatively light (so that it can be easily moved), but at the same time quite stable. Place a photograph of yourself on the table showing you during your work process. This will help attract the energy of professional success.

Office windows that open outward will promote career growth. Windows that open inward, on the contrary, will limit your prospects.

Feng Shui desktop to attract money

Many people use Feng Shui for work and career. There is a special hieroglyph that ensures well-being and activates monetary energy. This powerful amulet is suitable for any company that offers its services or products. It attracts clients like a magnet and helps you make useful connections. To make a talisman you will need two cards with its image.

You probably already noticed that in addition to the hieroglyph, the picture also shows three coins. This is a monetary symbol of wealth and material success.

A business mascot is used as follows. You need to print a couple of cards and then carefully cut out the image. On the reverse side you can write your own name and wishes. For example: “I am the best salesman.” It is recommended to print the image in the following format - width 2.82 cm, height 5.35 cm.

The resulting card should be placed in the most visible place - the desktop, so that it is always in front of your eyes and activates the positive processes of feng shui in the office. The second card should be kept with you at all times, for example, in your wallet or in any other convenient place. From now on, no matter where you are, the attention of customers will be drawn to you. Nothing more is required from you, trust the magical energy of Feng Shui!

Feng Shui is working with energies that permeate all space. If used incorrectly, they can cause harm, but if used correctly, they can improve our lives. Apply Feng Shui at work and you will soon notice how the atmosphere in the team has warmed up, you have begun to cope with your responsibilities better, and your career has taken off.

The best time to go back to work after vacation is Thursday. Although in terms of its energy it is not very successful, and you are unlikely to be able to complete any global tasks that require concentration. But it is on this day of the week that you will most easily integrate into the work process. When you come to work, first of all put things in order: wipe the dust from the table, computer, shelves, throw out unnecessary papers, check whether the pens are writing, etc. From now on, constantly monitor the cleanliness of your workplace so that the beneficial energy of qi circulates freely, bringing you success in business.

Feng Shui Mistakes in the Workplace

By the way, are you sure that your workplace is located according to the rules of Feng Shui? Let's check and if we find errors, we will try to correct them.

  • You absolutely cannot work with your back to the window: you constantly lose energy. Because of this, you get tired quickly, it’s difficult for you to concentrate, and you make mistakes.
  • It's even worse if you're sitting with your back to the door. This arrangement not only takes away energy and deprives you of self-confidence, but also threatens you with the loss of your job: your colleagues may seriously set you up.
  • It is also impossible to work on the window-door line. The energy quickly rushes from the door to the window, without stopping near you and without providing recharge. As a result, your productivity is low, you are torn between endless small tasks to the detriment of the main thing.
  • You should not sit with your back to open shelves, bedside tables or cabinets: corners generate streams of negative energy, which, like arrows, pierce your energy field and weaken it.
  • It is unfavorable if employees sit facing each other. This can cause irritation, hostility, and internal tension that interferes with work. Ideally, there should be a wall behind your back - it symbolizes reliability, support, gives self-confidence and secures your position in the company.

Desk according to feng shui

Desktop color. If your desktop is black or very dark, you will constantly “slow down”: be distracted by extraneous things, think sluggishly, and get tired quickly. A countertop in light shades, on the contrary, gives energy and a sense of security - if possible, choose just that.

Desktop size. The table should not be too big or too small. It’s very good if you can easily reach any thing on the table without getting up from your chair.

Desktop shape. For office work, rectangular or square tables are suitable, and for creative work - with smooth lines: steep, oval or in the form of a semicircle. A table in the shape of the letters “P” or “G” hinders career growth. The work chair should have armrests, and the back should be slightly higher than your head when you sit in it.

Interior items in the office according to Feng Shui

Mirrors. Mirrors are not desirable in the office. They symbolically double everything that is reflected in them, and therefore the amount of work. If there is a mirror hanging or standing near your workplace and it is not possible to remove it, make sure that your desk is not reflected in it.

Cords and wires. Cords from phones or computers should not pass through the workplace: they interfere with negotiations and provoke an outflow of money. Place phones (both mobile and office) to your right if you are right-handed, and to your left if you are left-handed. When we try to grab an object on the opposite side of the body with our hand, the flow of positive energy is blocked.

Lamps and shelves. There should be no objects above your head: lamps, shelves, ceiling beams. They negatively affect a person’s energy, suppress, and create obstacles in business.

If the table cannot be moved

There are situations when it is not possible to move the table to a more favorable place. Then you can resort to protective Feng Shui techniques. For example, if you sit with your back to a window, keep it curtained. In other cases, talismans will help (they will attract more positive energy to the workplace) and amulets (they will protect you from negative influences).

1 . On the desk, in the far right corner, place a houseplant, preferably in a red pot. The cactus will neutralize the negative energy emanating from the sharp corners of the furniture, and at the same time take away your own negativity caused by stress. Plants with oval leaves attract financial luck. Under the pot, place three Chinese coins with a hole, tied with a red ribbon: they will give stability and help increase income.

2 . Place a table lamp or shiny metal object in the far left corner of the table to attract financial success.

3 . You can also put a photo of your loved ones on the table: it will reduce your stress level and inspire career growth.

4 . Select a fountain as your computer screensaver - this will have a beneficial effect on your workflow.

5 . If you are forced to sit facing a wall or partition, hang a picture of a beautiful landscape on it, preferably with the element of Water.

6 . Place a crystal pyramid in front of you. Size doesn’t matter: even a very small one, it will help you grow in your profession and reach new career heights. Wipe the pyramid from dust often and do not let anyone pick it up so that it is tuned only to you.

7 . Keep a figurine of a rooster on your desk - this born fighter will protect you from office intrigue.

Hieroglyphs in the workplace

These intricate writings are extremely powerful. Keep them on your desk, hang pictures of them on the wall, or carry them with you (for example, as a design on a T-shirt or just in your purse). The most effective hieroglyphs are those that you draw with your own hands. The hieroglyph “Wealth” will help those who dream of a salary increase or expect to receive a bonus. And “Business Success” will open up new prospects in business and accelerate career advancement. Look at the hieroglyph more often, mentally “remind” it of your order - and wait patiently. Your wish will definitely come true!

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