Love spell on clothes. How to choose the right place and time. How to make a spell on clothes

A spell for a loved one’s clothes is very popular. With its help, you can bewitch a man, attract his love, and return your husband.

Most love spells on clothes are done at night. The rituals are complex, but you can perform them yourself.

Why clothes?

To create a strong magical program, the subject’s personal belongings are often used:

Clothes that a person wears often, and not worn once, retain his energy circuit. She is saturated with all his states, knows about his fears, experiences, joys. Therefore, rituals using clothing are very powerful and effective.

Anyone can make love spells on clothes. This does not require serious magical skills. The number of attributes in rituals is also limited. Clothing already plays the role of the most powerful witchcraft attribute. Water is often used in rituals. Spring water has the greatest energy.

Are love spells on clothes safe?

The witchcraft love spell came to us from ancient times. This type of magic program has always been condemned by society. Many magicians compare a love spell with damage, and the bewitched person is called a victim. Some types of love spells have destructive power; they literally zombify and subjugate a man or woman to the one who performed or ordered the ritual.

Such love spells are dangerous for both the sorcerer and the victim. A woman, having completed the ritual, risks receiving the crown of celibacy and remaining infertile. Over time, the victim of the magical program will begin to suffer from depression, alcoholism, and lose the desire to live.

Spells for clothes are very powerful, but they belong to white magic. There are also black love spells on clothes, but it is very difficult to do them yourself. White magic has no harmful consequences for the performer. But before performing the ritual, you need to think several times, weigh the pros and cons, and evaluate the strength of your own love for the person.

Love spell as a gift

The ritual of conspiracy is carried out with a new shirt, which then needs to be presented to the beloved man. It is best to perform the ritual before the holiday so that the gift is appropriate and does not arouse suspicion. You also need to make sure that the man will wear the shirt himself and not give it to his dad, brother or friend. Otherwise, the magic will affect another man and troubles cannot be avoided.

What to prepare for the ritual

To perform magical actions you will need only two attributes:

How to perform the ritual

It’s easy to perform the ritual yourself:

  1. Lock yourself in a room alone at night.
  2. Pick up a new shirt.
  3. Stroke it with your hands, imagine your loved one in it, think about your feelings.
  4. Cast a spell:

“The sun saturates the shirt, my darling puts it on, and absorbs my love. He loves me alone, he wants to be with me alone.”

The next morning, the charmed item should be given to your loved one. It is advisable that he try it on immediately.

Spell with water from a spring

The ritual combines the power of crystal water and candle flame. Magical manipulations are performed at night. At this time, the object of witchcraft is asleep and cannot resist the powerful force. No one should know about the ceremony.

What is used in the ritual

To attract the love of the man you are interested in, you need to prepare magical accessories:

  • piece of clothing;
  • spring water;
  • candles white or red.

It is advisable to get clothes that the person wore recently. It is better to choose shirts or t-shirts.

How to perform the ritual

At night you need to stay alone in an empty room, do the following:

  1. Light candles.
  2. Hold the clothes in your hands and sprinkle them generously with spring water.
  3. Cast the spell quickly:

“Just as my tears watered your clothes, my dear (name of the chosen one), so your heart will suffer for me (my own name) and will not know peace. Both day and night, he toils, trying to connect with me forever. Pure natural water will help us connect. Amen".

  1. Spray a personal item and read the words thirteen times in a row.
  2. At the end of the ritual, you need to cross yourself.

After completing the ritual, the item must be dried and given to your loved one. Make sure he puts it on soon.

Conspiracy to return your husband

If a husband intends to leave forever for another woman, this is not a reason to shed tears. You can always return a man with the help of a conspiracy. It is only important to hide at home a very valuable item of clothing for your loved one, for which he will certainly come for it.

What is used in the ritual

To attract your husband to you, you need to prepare only two witchcraft attributes:

The words of the spell must be learned from memory. You shouldn’t just read the plot from a sheet of paper; it can disrupt the ritual.

How to perform the ritual

To perform the ritual of conspiracy, it is important to retire indoors on a dark night. Place your husband’s clothes on your lap and say the words to them: “Come back for the clothes, turn around by yourself, you come back to me “husband’s name.” Get lost “Name of the homewrecker”, get lost, you won’t get it, amen.”

The charmed clothes will literally pull your husband home. He will gradually move away from his passion and return to his family.

How to sew your loved one to you

A simple conspiracy will help attract the attention and love of a man. It is very easy to carry out the ceremony at home. On your loved one’s clothes you need to make a small number of barely noticeable stitches, you can sew on buttons. The ritual is best performed at midnight, then it will have special power.

What is needed for the ceremony

To sew your chosen one to you, you need to prepare witchcraft attributes:

It is better to choose a shirt from your loved one’s wardrobe. Make sure that the clothes are worn, do not take a new thing, because your loved one will not have an energetic connection with it.

How to perform the ritual

Before performing a witchcraft ritual, you need to sit quietly for several minutes in the dark and alone. Collect your thoughts, think about your love. Then you need to carry out the ceremony.

  1. Take your loved one’s shirt in your hands and sit with it for a few minutes.
  2. Thread the needle. The thread should be long enough.
  3. Make a stitch on the shirt.
  4. Cast a spell:

I sew and sew, my beloved (name of the chosen one), I attach to myself. Just like a thread follows a needle, so does my darling follow me. I will open my heart to my dear one, I will put there: my beloved eyes, my unforgettable beauty, strong love for me and inescapable longing for me. In the heart of my dear one I will lock them forever with a needle-key. My stitch is strong and strong, the heart of (name of the chosen one) is locked.

  1. Cast the spell until the end of the work.
  2. Twist a bracelet from the remaining thread.

A thread bracelet should be put on your wrist, not parted with it for three days, and then burned. Give the charmed shirt to your loved one or discreetly put it in the closet.

How to get your husband's attention

Relationships in a married couple cool down over time. A ritual with nettles will help bring back your former passion. In the witchcraft ritual, the main role is played by the man’s clothing. With the help of a love spell, you can turn your husband away from another woman and make him yearn for his family. The ceremony takes place at midnight.

What is needed to perform the ritual

Magic accessories will help you return your spouse’s attention:

Nettles must be collected on the day of the ritual. In winter, you can use dry herbs from a pharmacy, but this will make the ritual weaker.

How to perform a ritual

When the clock hands point to 12, you need to lock yourself in the room. Perform the ritual completely alone:

  1. Place nettle leaves on the table.
  2. Place an item of clothing on the leaves.
  3. Slowly wrap the item in the grass, saying the spell:

“Just as the nettle burns the body of my beloved husband (husband’s name), so his soul (my own name) will greatly yearn for me. The heart is torn with anguish, the blood in his veins runs cold. An unbearable melancholy pushes him back to his home. Nettle is always stinging and it cannot get rid of its leaves, and my dear one will not be able to get rid of his suffering in the distance. He will calm down as soon as he is next to me. Amen".

After performing magical actions, the grass must be burned. You need to give the item to your husband in the morning so that he can put it on right away.

A love spell on an item is cast by the witch Stephanie Dvorskaya

A love spell on an item is cast by the sorceress Tatyana Moskovsk�

Conspiracy with the mirror

Mystical properties have been attributed to the mirror since ancient times. It connects worlds. All witchcraft manipulations with mirrors are very powerful and require certain skills. You need to perform rituals on clothes with mirrors carefully and thoughtfully.

What is used in the ritual

To perform the ritual, you need to prepare magical accessories in advance:

You need to buy new candles for the ritual. Using old candles can harm the effectiveness of the ritual and may even harm the person performing the ritual.

How to perform the ritual

The ritual is performed at night in complete solitude. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Lay a red tablecloth on the table.
  2. Place a mirror in the middle of the table and place candles on either side of it.
  3. Sit at the table, pick up the clothes of the man you are interested in, and place them in front of the mirror surface.
  4. Light the candles.
  5. Stroke the item with your hands and say a prayer:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), ask for the help of the heavenly powers. Connect with the power of fate the Servant of God, (name of your loved one), and the Servant of God, (your name). From now on and forever. Amen".

The candles should burn out on their own. Clothes should be placed discreetly in their original place in the morning.

A spell on a loved one’s thing is very powerful and will help attract the attention of any man. You need to choose the ritual you like and believe in its magical power, then the result will definitely be positive.

A love spell on clothes is one of the most powerful rituals in white love magic. This is due to the fact that things are constantly in contact with the human body, so their energy trace is preserved on them. The rituals themselves are quite simple to perform. They can be carried out independently, without resorting to the help of magicians.

How to choose the right place and time

For a love spell with clothes on a man to be effective, you need to choose the right time for the ceremony. Magical powers work best in the late evening and at night, especially during the new moon. Most often, such rituals are performed at midnight. There should be no other people in the room and no lighting other than a candle.

How to protect yourself during a love spell

Many girls do not know that when performing a love spell, they must protect themselves so as not to “pick up” someone else’s negative energy. At any moment, a rollback may occur - the reverse effect of spells. Before you perform the ritual yourself, you need to learn how to set up protection.

If this is white magic, you can read a prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant. In addition, you should have a talisman with you. You can buy it or make it yourself and consecrate it in the church. When performing a love spell using black powers, you should not rely on a consecrated amulet. God and the saints will not help you in this dark matter.

What clothes should you take?

Only used clothes are taken for the ceremony. A person must spend at least 2 days in it. After the ritual, the item cannot be washed, because washing will remove all the necessary information from the clothing.

You should choose something that will be suitable for use without washing for a few more days. The best option is casual clothing. You can take a T-shirt or sweatpants that your boyfriend wears to workout at the fitness club, but you must be sure that your chosen one will not put them in the wash before putting these things on again. In addition, clothing should be selected according to the season. For example, if you perform a ritual on a scarf in the summer, the result will be zero.

What else to prepare for the ritual

In love spells on clothes, men's socks, shirts, blood, nails, hair, etc. are often used. For the ritual, it is better to take water from a spring, because a simple liquid can be harnessed with negative energy.

How to cast a love spell on clothes on a man

There are different types of love spells using clothes. Carrying them out does not require any special skills. It is better to perform magical rituals during the waxing moon so that their power gradually increases. All actions must be confident and firm. Let's look at several common options for a love spell on clothes.

For spring water

Take any item that your loved one has recently worn and put it in a safe place. At midnight, close yourself in a room, light candles, lay out the clothes of the person being bewitched in front of you and sprinkle them with spring water. In this case, you need to read the magic words 13 times:

“As tears wet your clothes, so your heart will begin to suffer for (your name) and there will be no rest for it. Day and night he will toil, trying to connect with (your name). Not for one moment or one day, but forever. Clean water from a spring will connect us for life. The water will go into the sky, and soul will press against soul.”

Dry the clothes and return them to their place. Make sure your loved one wears this item the next day.

With a glass of plain water

This love spell is used if you need to start a relationship with the man you like. The performed ritual will warm up the feelings of the chosen one, and he will definitely show interest in you. For the ceremony you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • shirt of the bewitched;
  • church candle.

A love spell is performed on the waxing moon on Women's Day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. The best time is twilight.

Seclude yourself in a room, sit by the window and light a candle on the windowsill. Place your loved one's shirt nearby. Stare at the candle flame for a few minutes. This will help you clear your mind and enter a state of light trance. Take a sip of water from a glass and start reading the plot:

“Water heals the throat and cleanses the soul. I will fly to my beloved and make him happy. He will begin to walk on a thread, on a rope, only (your name) will see and will want to be happy with her. Happiness is like drinking water from a glass. I’ll put on my sweetheart’s clothes and enter his thoughts. His heart is for my bewitch, I will make a husband out of him. He cannot resist, and he will not, because he loves as he has never loved anyone in his life. I will put on my beloved’s clothes, I will stay in them for the night, and I will put my love on him forever.”

Drink your water, put on a shirt and go to bed. You need to sleep in the shirt of the person you are bewitching for 7 nights. After this, the love spell will begin to work.

To the nettle

If you notice that a man has begun to stare at other women, cast a love spell on your loved one’s clothes using nettles. It is advisable to collect the grass on the day of the ceremony so that it is fresh. If this is not possible, buy a package of dry nettle at the pharmacy.

At midnight, pick up your loved one’s things and sprinkle them with nettle leaves. Think about how the stinging leaves touch the body of a loved one and thereby cause him to suffer. Say the following words out loud:

“Just as nettles sting and burn with fire the body of (the chosen one’s name), so his soul will yearn, his mind will grow cold, and his blood will run cold. Longing will draw him home to his destiny. Just as you cannot throw off the burning leaves, you cannot disperse the sadness of (the name of your loved one) until he returns to his destiny. When he comes, he will swear eternal love.”

On a wooden spoon

Before performing the ritual, you need to concentrate as much as possible on your feelings for the person being bewitched. For the love spell you will need:

  • a photograph of a loved one taken recently;
  • 14 church candles;
  • small saucepan with water;
  • wooden spoon;
  • 7 tablespoons of salt;
  • a thread or button from the chosen one’s clothes;
  • an item of clothing from which a button or thread has been cut.

The ritual should be performed late in the evening in the kitchen. It is better to turn off your mobile phone first so that an accidental call does not interfere with your business. Place lighted candles on the table. Mount the photo on the wall at eye level. Place a pan of water on the fire, add salt and cook for 7 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. At the same time, you need to repeat the words: “Be near, love forever.”

Take a photograph off the wall, place it face down on the table, drip some wax from a candle and press a thread or button into it. Drip wax on top again and say the words:

“Stick to (your name) chosen one, like a button (thread) sticks to a photograph. Stay with her forever."

When the wax has completely hardened, remove it from the photo along with the pressed element and sew this part into the clothes of the person being bewitched. Return the item to its place and wait for the man to put it on. As soon as this happens, the love spell will begin to work. The chosen one will begin to show interest in you, but you should not count on strong love, because his feelings will not be sincere.

After this, drain the water into the sink, extinguish the candles and go to bed. Don't tell anyone about the love spell. If someone else finds out about the magical effect, it will not work.

On the grave ground

The most dangerous love spell is cast on the ground from the grave. To do this you need to go to the cemetery at night. The ritual must be performed alone. Don't forget to take the clothes of the person being bewitched with you. In the cemetery, find three graves with a name like your lover's, and take a handful of dirt from each. Scatter this earth on the path, place the thing on top and cast the spell:

“The deceased (name of the person) and the living (name of the betrothed) should not wear a hat; without (your name) you cannot live in peace.”

The plot is repeated 9 times. This ritual can greatly harm a person. In this case, not only the person being bewitched will suffer, but also the one doing the love spell, so the ritual should not be carried out without prior preparation.

With a mirror

Casting a love spell on a guy on clothes with mirrors is a powerful ritual that requires special knowledge. To carry it out you need to prepare:

  • item of clothing of the person being bewitched;
  • two church candles;
  • red tablecloth;
  • mirror.

The ritual must be performed alone with the following sequence:

  1. Cover the table with a tablecloth.
  2. Place a mirror in the center of the table and candles on the sides.
  3. Place your clothes in front of the mirror.

Light the candles and, stroking the item with your hand, read the spell:

“I (your name) ask the forces of heaven to unite by fate with the servant of God (name of the chosen one). From now on and forever."

When the candles burn out, remove everything from the table to a secret place. In the morning, put your clothes back and wait for the love spell to take effect.

Through woman's blood

This ritual will help you bind your loved one to you forever. Choose a day on the waxing moon. Prepare:

  • your loved one's hair and your hair not from your head;
  • saucer without pictures;
  • igloo;
  • red candle

Wait until evening, light a candle and begin the ritual. Tie your hair into a knot, stick a needle through any finger on your left hand, and squeeze out some blood onto a saucer. Soak the hairs in your blood, wrap them in clean paper and hide them under the mattress on the bed where you sleep. As long as the package lies in its hiding place, your loved one will always be nearby. You may also find it useful

For my husband's return

If your husband has left for another woman, you can perform a simple ritual for his return. Take any item from the wardrobe that the man did not have time to take, but will definitely return for it. Read the spell on her:

“Return for your clothes, return of your own accord to (the name of the abandoned wife). Get lost (name of your rival), homewrecker, you won’t get (name of your husband), it’s better to get lost right away.”

Love spell on socks

Buy socks for your loved one. When the seller gives them to you, mentally say:

“Socks, I’m attracting my darling.”

When you get home, turn both socks inside out and in the places where your toes will be, embroider small crosses using any thread. While working, say:

“I’m not embroidering a sock, but sending a message to my beloved’s heart.”

After this, turn the socks back inside out, fold them carefully and read the spell:

“Just as you can’t live without socks, you can’t live without (your name). They save you from the cold, and (your name) from heartache. Socks protect your feet, and (your name) your heart and soul. I will be with you every minute, day and night, always. If I give you socks, I’ll give you love, if I give you myself, I’ll receive love.”

A love spell on socks is carried out on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It will begin to act after you give the socks to your chosen one.

How to bewitch a girl on clothes

Take a girl's favorite item that she wears most often. Lock yourself in a room, put your clothes in front of you and read the plot:

“As (the girl’s name) loves this thing, so I will be loved - forever and endlessly. Just as a child cries without mother’s milk, so (girl’s name) cannot live without me. So that she misses (your name), grieves, wants to hug, does not know another man. She will wear this thing and remember her loved one. Let it be as it is said.”

Bring the item to your lips and whisper three times:

“It will be so! It will be so! It will be so!”

Quietly return the clothes to their place so that the girl does not suspect anything.

Consequences of a love spell

Love spells on clothes are considered safe, despite the fact that they are performed late in the evening or at night. But this is not a sign that the rituals belong to black magic rituals. At such a time, a person’s energy becomes weak and cannot resist the influence of magical forces. In addition, it is easier to get a piece of clothing at night.

But, despite this, after you cast a love spell on socks or any other thing, after 1-2 weeks the negative consequences of outside interference in a person’s energy may appear.

The most common problem is jealousy, which makes living together unbearable. In addition, difficulties at work may arise or health may deteriorate. A love spell has a strong influence on a person’s mental state. If he already has any deviations, performing a magical ritual will significantly strengthen them.

The most powerful ritual is for blood, and especially with the use of menstruation. It creates a powerful sexual desire. The consequences of such love spells can be the most terrible, so it is better to refuse to use them and choose a more harmless option. If a woman makes a mistake during the ritual, it will turn against the bewitcher. This can be a strong surge of conflicting emotions that disrupts the functioning of the whole organism. The woman will feel constant fatigue and emptiness. This will be followed by illnesses and other troubles.

Online fortune telling: is this love spell right for you?

Have you chosen your version of the ritual? Check if it is suitable for you and your destiny?

A love spell on clothes has been known since ancient times, but after centuries it is still one of the most powerful and effective rituals in love magic. The ancient tradition itself is most likely due to the fact that clothing, according to biblical legend, became salvation for the first people Adam and Eve, expelled from the Garden of Eden. In addition, clothing, constantly in contact with the human body, retains its energy trace.

Effective rituals for your beloved's belongings

The magical rituals themselves with clothes, as a rule, belong to white magic and are quite simple and safe. Very often, water is used along with clothes in a love spell. But since it is a natural energy carrier, it must be collected from a spring, well, or first consecrated in a church.

Popular method

Almost always a love spell on clothes is carried out after midnight. Most likely, this is due to the fact that at this time there are no problems getting your loved one’s clothes. After all, at this time he is fast asleep, having taken off his clothes. For one of the most popular rituals using clothing, you should additionally prepare:
    Nettle leaves; A couple of candles; Spring water.
The sequence of actions during the ritual is as follows:
    The chosen one’s things should be placed on the floor; Candles are lit next to the things; Nettle leaves are wrapped in one of the items of clothing and the words are pronounced:

    “As this nettle burns my hands, so let longing for me burn your heart.”

    After this, you should wash yourself with spring water and not dry yourself; Stand so that the drops from your face flow onto your clothes with nettles and say:

    “Just as your clothes catch my drops and tears, so do you catch my every glance and my every word.”

Rituals for clothes as a gift

If you cannot take the clothes of your chosen one because you do not live together, then you should buy new clothes and give them as a gift for some holiday or birthday. It is important to choose such things that he will want to wear them as often as possible. A spell for clothes to be given as a gift is carried out late at night. It sounds like this:

“The bright sun will saturate the shirt, let my dear one put it on, and with it completely absorb my love. He loves only me dearly, he passionately desires me alone, and he will always be with me only.”

It is important to give the enchanted item the next morning, since with every hour of the day the power of the love spell decreases. To return your husband to the family and try to restore the relationship, you can use the following conspiracy. His words sound like this:

“My husband “husband’s name” come back for clothes, and immediately turn around and come back to me “own name”. Perish, home-wrecker “Name of the home-wrecker,” perish, you won’t get my husband. Amen".

A strong love spell is performed using cemetery soil. This ritual belongs to the means of black magic, so it should be performed only when you are confident in your own feelings for the person. In addition, it is important to get into the right mood for the action and strictly follow all the recommendations. A love spell on clothes is carried out in a cemetery at night on the new moon. Look in advance at three graves in which people are buried who during their lifetime had the same name as your beloved. On the day chosen for the ritual, go to the cemetery, taking with you the clothes of your lover. There you should go to the three selected graves and collect a handful of earth from them. After this, return to the path leading to the cemetery and scatter the collected soil on it. You should place the item you brought on it and say the following spell:

“A dead person “name of the deceased” will never wear a hat, so my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) without me, the Servant of God “own name”, will not walk the earth. Amen".

Magic words are spoken nine times. At this time, nothing should distract you, otherwise you can harm not only the victim of the love spell, but also yourself. After this, the charmed item is shaken off and neatly folded. The love spell is completed and you can go home. The person must wear the enchanted item as soon as possible.

The danger of this love spell ritual is that with a powerful directed message, a loved one can be turned into a zombie. Therefore, it is important to understand how strong your energy is by nature. But on the other hand, a person with weak natural energy will not be able to fulfill the promise and will only harm himself by awakening otherworldly forces. You should know that it is very difficult to determine your own energy power, so professional magicians do not recommend performing such rituals on your own. There are a huge number of white rituals in which clothing is used. They differ in the strength of their impact and their consequences. But among them there are no love spells that can destroy a person’s energy field and turn him into a zombie. Therefore, when performing independently, they should be given preference. Most likely, they can be treated as short-term energy connections that will allow you to develop harmonious relationships, and in some cases, create a prosperous family. In order to perform an effective love spell on clothes, you should first prepare for this. If there are no contraindications, then during the day before the ceremony you need to fast, excluding any food of animal origin from your diet. The main thing is to carry out the ritual in a positive mood, predicting a positive result.

Hello, my name is Valeria. And the young man’s name is also Valery.. We broke up.. out of stupidity because of evil tongues and gossip. I left. And after a while I returned, we met by chance.. And I realized that I still love him

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Love spell on clothes. How to do it right? The consequences of a love spell on clothes.

This article talks about what a love spell on clothes is and what consequences it can entail, and also provides recommendations for performing the ritual.

1. Love spell on clothes. General information

Items of clothing occupy a special place in magical practices, since they are in direct contact with the human body for a long time. This allows you to form a strong and sustainable energy connection. Therefore, clothing is widely used in many rituals - when casting damage, the evil eye, in healing practices, and, of course, in.

For obvious reasons, a love spell on clothes is considered a method that is mainly suitable for already established couples to eliminate relationship problems. After all, such a love spell involves manipulating the personal clothing of the object of the love spell (which is usually possible for close people), or giving the enchanted items of clothing (which, as a rule, is considered a rather intimate gift). Although, of course, this is largely a matter of personal dexterity. In addition, a love spell on clothes requires at least minimal sewing skills, since it necessarily involves working with a needle and thread.

A love spell on clothes belongs to, and has a not very strong, even gentle effect. This is largely due to the fact that the human biofield perceives clothing as part of itself from an energetic point of view, and the love spell does not act so painfully. Moreover, the effect of such a love spell lasts quite a long time, up to several years.

2.How to correctly cast a love spell on clothes

The main thing in this love spell, of course, is the actual items of clothing. As a rule, already worn clothing is used, preferably meeting the following rules:

  • It is better to choose items of clothing that the person being bewitched has been using for a long time.
  • Favorite things that are worn often and with pleasure increase the effectiveness of a love spell.
  • The closer to the body, especially to bare skin, things are worn, the stronger the impact will be. Therefore, underwear would be an ideal option, but outerwear is not suitable.
  • During the ritual, you need to make at least a few stitches, so you should choose things with which this can be done without fear of arousing suspicion in the object of the love spell.

Sometimes they also use items of clothing that are going to be donated. On the one hand, this makes the ritual itself easier - you can sew this thing, decorate it with your own embroidery, or simply alter the buttons yourself. On the other hand, this requires careful planning, because the item intended as a gift must definitely please the bewitched person and be guaranteed to be worn by him.

In addition to clothes for a love spell, you will need a needle and thread, as well as other items necessary for your chosen handicraft (buttons, embroidery hoops, etc.). The ritual is carried out as follows:

  1. A love spell on clothes is not demanding on the situation, and yet it is necessary to find at least fifteen minutes at the beginning of the ceremony to relax and sit with your eyes closed. Take in your hands the thing to be enchanted, as well as threads and other objects. Focus on the goal.
  2. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do with the clothes - mending them, embroidering them, sewing on buttons - the main thing is not losing concentration on the goal. Throughout the work, say the following spell:
    “I sew and sew, I attach my beloved “name” to myself.
    Like a thread behind a needle, my little darling follows me.
    I’ll open my sweet heart and put it there:
    My beloved eyes, my unforgettable beauty,
    The love for me is strong, the longing for me is inescapable.
    With a needle-key I will lock them forever in the heart of my dear.
    My stitch is strong and strong, the heart “name” is locked.”
  3. Try to calculate the number of threads so that at the end there is enough left to tie it around your ankle or wrist. This “bracelet” must be worn for at least three days. If it breaks earlier, it will mean failure. After use, the bracelet should be burned.
  4. If possible, put your clothes under your pillow at night (even better if it's a shared bed).
  5. Give the item to the person being bewitched.

Solving “heart” problems with the help of conspiracies has been used for a long time. Here is just a small fraction of the heritage of magicians and sorcerers. From the article you can learn a conspiracy on how to bring your husband back, to longing (reviews), from a photograph, 49 simple rules, how to read 7 days and 9 times and all for free and white magic. There are options to be nearby or quickly call, for underwear and return, so that he returns, and send a call yourself to thunder at home.

How to forget a loved one plot

The same is done to give gifts, dream only about me (about you), give money, cool down after a squabble, receive a call or invitation (to force a call), call (take) to marry and want to see, and also get bored, apologize and look for a meeting.

A conspiracy that is read on the waning moon will help you forget your loved one:

“I grieved and grieved for (so-and-so).
She stirred up her soul and his.
Take away, star, my pain-sadness
into the black sky, into the distant distance!
Let the sadness retreat from me,
and peace returns to the soul.
Lord help me! Have mercy and save! Amen."

Read white magic spell on your loved one's clothes

Pick up your loved one’s clothes and say:

“Don’t lie idle,
Help me meet!
Served well more than once
so help me this time too!
Let it be true!”

Read the plot to bring back your loved one while biting your tongue

I’ll bite myself and tie (name of my loved one) to myself.
So that he misses me, sighs with melancholy.
Dark night, white day,
to think about one thing -
how to meet me! Amen.

Bring your loved one back, restore your relationship, plot

Take two willow branches, tie them with red thread and sweep the corners of the house, saying:

“The willow is pure, the word is true.
Just as I sweep a house, I will return you to it.”

Read the spell for the wind on your loved one

The plot is read when the wind blows in the direction where the loved one lives:

“Winds, winds, fly like an arrow,
whisper my name through the leaves.
Let the slave (name of your loved one) smell him,
Until he sees each other, he won’t spend the night.”

How to get rid of your rival and return your beloved man - plot

Just as a mole has no eyes, butterflies have no ears, fish have no voice,

He will return to me alone. Amen.

Full moon spell to return a loved one at home, on a waxing moon

As the moon grows in the sky,
So the love of (the name of the beloved) for (one’s own name) gains strength.
Like the month grows every night,
so you can’t stand it anymore -
want to see me, hear me, caress me, hug me,
I can no longer control myself.
Come back. Come back. Come back!

Conspiracy of a loved one on a towel, on his thing

Don't lie idle
Help me meet!
Served well more than once
so help me this time too!
Let it be true!

Conspiracy of a loved one in the photo, for menstruation

Draw a heart on a joint photo with a drop of monthly blood so that your images are inside it. Say:

"I'm luring you into my network,
so as not to escape from them forever.
To merge into one
two halves: from you (your loved one’s name) and me (your name) together. Amen."

Conspiracy of a loved one for food, hair, apple

Take an apple and cut it into two halves, but not all the way. Place 2 hairs in the middle of the apple – one from your loved one’s head, one from your own. Place the apple on the windowsill for 1 night so that moonlight falls on it:

“The moon is shining, (name of your loved one) and (your name) will meet, help!
Tie our hair, unite our hearts, so be it! Amen."

You should eat an apple in the morning on an empty stomach.

A very strong conspiracy of a loved one from alcohol

The spell is cast on holy water, which is then poured into the drunkard’s food:

“Holy water, cleanse the soul of God’s servant (name) from hops and dope.
Give him strength not to drink anymore. Amen."

Sleep spell for a guy to dream about

Take the feather out of the pillow you sleep on and throw it out the window:

"Fly feather
to the sweetheart's nest.
Bow down from me
and dream about my image!

A conspiracy so that my beloved would come quickly, be generous, be only mine, leave his rival

It is advisable to do the conspiracy in a joint photo where all three are captured - you, your loved one and your rival:

“Just as a mole has no eyes, butterflies have no ears, fish have no voice,
so you (name of rival) will not be (name of loved one)
seen, heard and loved!
As I said, it will come true!
He will return to me alone. Amen."

While pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, draw a line with your finger that separates your loved one and your rival.

Conspiracy to meet your loved one

Cut the pear in half, then fasten it with a match, wrap it in paper and leave it in a deserted place, saying:

“I connected the pear,
so that I don't feel sad anymore.
I leave loneliness here -
I force you to climb into the pear! Amen."

Conspiracy of a loved one for rain, for Christmas

This spell is intended for Christmas days; as an exception, you can pronounce it in rainy weather. You need to soften and twist two candles together, then set them on fire and until they burn out, say out loud the wishes that you imagine your betrothed to be.

A conspiracy to make your loved one marry and want a child

The time has come for us to be together,
build a family nest.
The hen and the rooster have chicks,
A horse and a horse have foals,
And (their names) are little guys.

Conspiracy to divorce a loved one from his wife

Burn a box of matches, lighting them one after the other and repeating the spell:

A magical spell for a loved one or an independent love spell

Light a candle with the words:

“As I light a fire, I ignite your feelings! Amen."

Hold the match that was used to light the candle vertically until it goes out. If her head, having burned, turned away from you, you do not have magical abilities or fate has prepared another betrothed for you.

There is also an option from cheating on a name when he sleeps on a ring so that he loves only me (for the love of a loved one), forget the boy at a distance or show up and pay attention (do it on clothes and bewitch).

No one is stopping you from doing the above in order to dream about your loved one, go for reconciliation (make peace), and also fall out of love, so that you get jealous, get divorced (on your shirt) and dream about it. Speak in quiet words in order to make an offer, for slippers, shoes (for withholding, this is what the forum advises), for a T-shirt so that he comes, or for generosity (for a toothbrush).

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