Conspiracies to make a cat live from a tumor. Spell for healing a pet. A conspiracy to prevent a cat from spoiling

This article contains: prayer for healing a cat - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

The ritual must be performed on the waning moon on Friday. You will need: a bowl of water and a church candle.

To remove damage from a cat, dog or other small pet, pass a knife over the animal’s back, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under your belly with the handle forward and again over your back. Make three such complete circles with a knife around the animal, pronouncing the spell:

Pet treatment

three parts thistle,

You need to take dried herbs that are sold in pharmacies, or you can collect and dry them yourself. Pour hot water over the herbs.

Removing negativity from an animal.

Speak distemper to a dog

So, first stop the bleeding:

The brother runs, the sister screams, the mother-in-law grumbles. And be my word strong to calm the blood, to this hour, to this very minute.

If there is a difficult birth in animals.

What to do if a dog howls.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Speak fistula in animals.

Our animals need to be blessed and dedicated to God.

We must pray for them.

We must take care of their biological needs and their health.

We must educate them.

Animals that live in pairs must be kept this way.

Animals bred at home must have a sufficiently free environment for their existence. There should be no cramped small cages, cramped aquariums, etc.

Animals that somehow came to us from nature and are not capable of living in captivity must have the opportunity to return to nature.

We must thank God for the animals He has given us and teach other people how to treat animals properly.

So that the animal does not get lost

so this cat (dog) will always find its home.

Save and save my dog ​​(name),

In the house and around the house,

From an evil man

From the creeping serpent,

From the burning fire, from the ripping fangs,

From sticky diseases,

From envious eyes and words,

From unscrupulous arrogant thieves,

Be my words stronger than a strong knife,

And a damask sword,

The key is in the sea, the lock is in the company.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Amulet against the evil eye of animals

I prayed to God and started the business,

She consoled sorrows, touches and ghosts.

All the cleanliness, all the tracts,

Pinches, aches, evil eyes,

Aahs and aahs, fractures,

From a man - a heretic,

From a woman - simple hairs,

From the girl - long hairs,

From red, from black,

From the Church of the Rebellious,

All the trees are sleeping, all the roots are sleeping,

All people are sleeping, birds are flying,

All animals are walking

Don't know my dog ​​(name) evil eye!

Come together, lock up my order.

Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The stars in the sky are dressing up,

Reflected in the Jordan River,

like no one has ever counted the stars,

I didn’t take God’s sky down,

So that my luck is not taken away,

And they didn’t take it away, and they didn’t curse me with any word,

Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

And so, first, from a new skein of red thread or ribbon, unwind an arbitrary amount of thread or ribbon and cut it off. Read the plot over the cut threads or ribbon three times:

And I will make a profit, I won’t be sad about you anymore"

May you be well-fed, not know sorrow, kind hosts, or the warmth of home. Amen.

Healing of a cat by Saint Matronushka!

Healing of a cat by Saint Matronushka!

Z Hello, dear visitors of the Orthodox island “Family and Faith”!

Replenishing the “Miracles of St. Matrona” section, we are posting a story about an interesting miracle performed by the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow, which was sent to us by a visitor to our site, Irina:

Z Hello! I thought for a long time whether to write about my story or not. And so I decided to write anyway. I couldn’t find any similar messages here on the site, so if possible, I’ll briefly outline my story.

I have a cat at home, he is 13 years old, he is a full member of our family. Those who have pets at home, I think, will completely agree with me. In general, our cat fell ill sharply, quickly and very seriously. The operation cannot be performed on him, his heart is very weak. We spent a lot of money on treatment. I will not describe all the procedures that we performed on him. The cat did not eat, did not drink, suffered, and quietly faded away. They understood that they would have to put them to sleep (((.

The family hid in the corners of the house and cried quietly, away from each other. I lost 4 kg in 2 weeks. But that’s not the point. Our large family loves our cat very much and none of us could come to terms with the idea that he might soon be no longer with us. In a word, after 2 weeks of his torment, in my heart I turned to Matronushka to help in healing our pet.

And in the morning we couldn’t believe it, our cat came to life, became the same as he was before, eats, drinks, plays, despite his age. My heart told me to pour Holy water into his bowl. I’m sure that Mother Matronushka heard my request, and instantly. This is truly a Miracle!! Thank you Matronushka for your help. We are very happy. I have no words to express my gratitude to our Matronushka.

Even the smallest bird is not forgotten by the Lord (Luke 12:6)”

U Many of you may have a question: is it possible to give holy water to an animal?

Below we post the answer of Archpriest Mikhail Samokhin:

IN Why is it necessary to give something sacred to an animal? It all depends on the specific situation. Based on the literal interpretation of the words of the Lord: “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.” (Matthew 7:6) without special need, you should not give holy things to animals follows. At the same time, in church practice there are cases when, during a pestilence, animals were sprinkled and given holy water. The grounds for such boldness, as you see, must be extremely serious indeed.”

U Irina had just such a case when it was possible, and even necessary, to give holy water to a pet for healing. And through the prayers and intercession of the holy blessed Matrona, the Lord granted healing to her pet!

God is marvelous in His saints!

To the entry “Healing a cat by Saint Matronushka!” 16 comments left.

Dear brothers and sisters! Do not despair! 5 years ago, my 13-year-old cat was dying of kidney failure; 3 clinics offered to euthanize him after an ultrasound and tests. We refused. The day came when it was clear that everything was over. I have already prepared a box and a bag for disposal. My son printed out the prayer of St. from the Internet. Vlasius and black and white icon. And we prayed on our knees until 4 in the morning, in tears, and the cat still lay in a coma, but was still breathing. At 4 am we went to bed, and at 6 am I woke up from strange sounds. I saw my cat near the scratching post: he was standing, staggering, his legs couldn’t support him, and he was trying to sharpen his claws. Afterwards I ate a little meat, about 20 grams. And then a friend called and said that she had found a doctor for my cat. Isn't it a miracle? On the same day we received intensive therapy and prescribed treatment. We have been receiving treatment for 5 years now. We carry out all the appointments exactly, the cat is alive, although he is already old. Pray sincerely for the glory of God, and most importantly, do not allow yourself to love animals to the detriment of people. It is a sin.

Hello. Our cat was hit by a car and the nerves of his tail and pelvis were damaged, the doctor said if the nerves do not recover within three days, he needs to be put to sleep, since he cannot go to the toilet on his own. Please, write a prayer to Saint Matronushka. Animals are like children for us who don’t exist yet. We found this cat dying on the street, he has been with us for three years. He should live and be healthy

Thank you. My husband and I pray. Tomorrow we will go to the clinic, I will give the cat some holy water, and I want to wash it. Holy water, of course, cannot be given to animals, but it will help him along with prayers and doctors!

But it didn’t help me and Marquis half a year ago

The Holy Righteous Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, lifts up all our prayers to God, and prays to the Lord for our mercy and for the fulfillment of our petitions, if they are useful for the salvation of our immortal soul. But only God decides whether to grant us what we ask for or not. Everything is the Holy will of God!

Good afternoon. I’m appealing to everyone who loves and appreciates animals. My cat Ksya and I have been living together for 17 years. That’s quite a long time. 2.5 years ago we had an operation to remove a tumor. She went through it well. Thank God. And now two years later year appeared again. My soul hurts and my heart is crying, tearing me apart inside. I don’t want to lose my treasure, my guardian angel. She means so much to me. I ask everyone who can to pray for her health, so that the tumor does not grow, or goes away altogether. she really deserves the best. She has done so much for me. With pain in my heart I ask Mother Matronushka to protect my child, she is like a child to me. I ask for healing. thank you

Be strong. Accept God's will with humility and gratitude. Do not allow the sins of despondency and despair to take place.

I really ask for help from all good people!

Our cat Sashka, 13 years old, is in serious condition, we were offered to euthanize him. He underwent removal of the tumor, now there is a fistula there, problems with internal organs ((I’m sorry, help him with prayer, I really want a miracle to happen and he gets better! We love him very much and he wants to live and is fighting with all his might. Please help!! and God bless you and your pets!!

Hello! Please pray for my cats (5). They got an infection, we are trying to cure them. Pray that they get well and that everything goes well for them. For Tishenka, Thomas, Toshenka, Mason and Cleopatra. These are my beloved and dear babies. Thank you.

Dear pet owners! I ask you to pray for the health of my little dog Cherry. She underwent surgery to remove a kidney due to necrosis and urolithiasis, and removal of stones from the bladder. and many others. It all started a month ago with pancreatitis. And then, during the examination, other diseases began to come to light one after another. Now on the 11th day after the operation, one kidney is not coping well. The tests are bad and every day something is improving, and something is getting worse. I pray day and night to both the Lord and St. Blaise! Now, after reading your messages, I prayed to Matronushka and anointed her belly with oil from Matrona. It’s very difficult... Please pray for the healing of my dog ​​Cherry...

Hello! Having seen stories about healing animals, I decided to write my own story as well. My dog ​​contracted a severe infection from a tick bite. The case was neglected, the animal was dying from dehydration, and the veterinarians could not make a diagnosis. At night the dog came up and started waking me up, I thought it was easier for her and she wanted communication, but when I opened my eyes I saw that half of her body was paralyzed, and she walked only with her front paws and dragged her hind legs. Then she only got worse, and on the way to the hospital she began to have severe convulsions. I was very scared, I prayed to Matronushka for the dog’s healing, and applied petals to the paralyzed paws. In the morning, upon arrival at the clinic, the animal was completely paralyzed. My mother also prayed to Matronushka for the healing of the dog. That same evening a miracle happened: upon arriving at the clinic, we saw that our dog was alive and could even sit. She was still very weak, but the paralysis was passing. In the coming days, the correct diagnosis was made and the animal made a full recovery. The disease was very advanced, and the animal was weak and young. I believe that only through the prayers of Saint Matronushka the dog was brought back to life. Thank you Holy Mother Matrona, pray to the Lord for us.

Dogs, cats, birds and other living creatures are our little brothers! Of course, we must ask the Lord and His saints for their healing. Moreover, it is our duty!

The Lord, through the prayers of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow, granted your pet healing, and we are very happy about this!

God bless you!

Hello! I also admit that I anointed Matronushka with oil - the cat’s eyes (because I was desperate and no other ointments helped at all) I decided that if I was doing it wrong, then let Matrona forgive me, especially since the cat I was waiting for the kittens for a while. I started smearing and the putrefaction passed. It’s a miracle))) Matronushka helps everyone)))

help Saint Matryona to my cat Marik

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Conspiracies for pet illness

To meet the wishes of visitors, I am posting a selection of the best conspiracies and rituals on the requested topic:

Appeal to St. George

I'll come closer and bow lower!

Goy you are, Father Yegor the Brave,

accept my request and prayer,

run over my little animal (say the name of the animal, coat color, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail)

and unfasten 12 nails from the zealous heart, from the red face,

with black liver, with hot blood,

bone, joint, brain.

Protect my little animal from fire, water and wind (name the animal, color of fur, type: for example, the red cat Marsik with a white tip of the tail).

If your animal gets sick

Read the spell over the water, which you then sprinkle on the animal:

From grief, death from stabbing and swelling,

From any damage.

So that (nickname) drinks and eats to his heart's content

And so that from now on I don’t get sick.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Spell for treating pets

Props: a bowl of water and a church candle.

Forgive, God, the owners of this animal for their sins and sins, voluntary and involuntary.

Go away the pain, go away the disease, leave the body (name it) and go into oblivion.

Put out the candle without blowing it out (with your fingers, a spoon or a special cap) and hide it in case of such a ritual.

The final stage of the ritual is to wash and water the animal. Regarding giving you something to drink, I want to immediately make a clarification - it is enough for the animal to immediately take at least a couple of sips from the bowl or lick the water from your hand. Place the rest of the water along with the bowl next to his food and let him drink whenever and as much as he wants.

Getting rid of disease and damage to animals

To remove damage from a cat, dog or other small pet, pass a knife over the animal’s back, moving it from left to right with the tip forward. Next, bring the knife under your belly with the handle forward and again over your back. Make three such complete circles with a knife around the animal, pronouncing the spell:

Recoil from this beast, all your thinness, all your toil,

don’t hide in the fur, don’t take root in the belly,

You've gone across three seas and won't come back.

After this, go to a deserted place, stick the knife into the ground up to the hilt and summarize your actions:

If you remove the induced evil from large animals... from an elephant, for example, then do it with an assistant, to whom you pass the knife over the back and take it from him under the belly of the animal.

Treatment of pets with spells.

We heal animals with the Word of God. And these words need to be said as often as possible if your beloved family member, a dog or cat, gets sick:

I will go out into an open field under the red sun on the Okiyan Sea.

On Okiyan - the sea there is a church of God. In God's church the throne is golden.

Behind the golden throne is the Lord Himself. Jesus Christ sits and chastises 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.

And the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ Himself, takes three iron rods and beats (the dog, the cat, the gender and the color of the coat).

And kills 74 nails, 74 claws, 74 sorrows, 74 diseases.

What was left unsaid, said over, then there will be a word ahead.

The ring finger does not have a name, and will not have a name.

From century to century, from now to century.

So that the dog or cat does not run away.

Anyone who keeps dogs knows that dogs have days when they run away from home, and the owners, feeling sorry, write advertisements and promise a reward for their lost four-legged friend.

Cut off the hair of the dog (cat) from the head, back and tail and tuck it into the cracks at the threshold or drive it directly into the threshold with the words:

Remove damage from animals

Take a cup of salt water. Walk around the spoiled animal three times and say, spraying on the animal:

I won’t let anyone spoil mine, someone else’s, or a stupid person.

Not out of stupidity, not out of greed, not out of envy, not out of self-interest, not out of anger.

My foot will stand forward, my hand will fall over, and the damage will disappear.

To prevent the dog from tearing the door in the apartment

If your pet has a bad habit of tearing up doors, cross out the doors with a candle left over from a big holiday (for example, Easter). You'll see, the dog won't break the doors anymore.

Remove damage from a kitten or puppy

Through pets, damage passes to humans. Most often this happens while he is stroking or caressing his pet. Therefore, in order to remove damage from a person, it must first be removed from an animal.

Time spending: Any day.

Required accessories: Milk / icon, church candle

1. So, if you have damaged a kitten, take a saucer of milk and cast a spell over it:

I'll give the kitten some milk,

I will cure you from the evil eye!

If you drink milk, you'll get something good!

Grow big, beautiful,

Don't hurt children, play with kittens!

Down with the evil spirit - be yourself!

After the spell is pronounced, give the kitten milk to drink. Make sure he drinks it all the way to the bottom.

2. If damage has been caused to a puppy, make a small bed for it and put the puppy there to sleep. Then take the icon in one hand and a lit church candle in the other and read the plot:

Go to bed

To the healing bed!

And you will wake up healthy,

Handsome and cheerful!

You will stay awake, play,

Have fun and jump!

You will be safe and sound

Come on, damage, quickly disappear!

Repeat the spell over the sleeping puppy three times and leave the candle to burn out.

I was incredibly surprised to find cat conspiracies in yellowed manuscripts. If your cat runs away or shits anywhere, perform a simple ritual.

Pets are our favorites, which, while delighting us, cause a lot of trouble.

Having taken a kitten from the street, you have to tame it and teach it to go to the litter box.

What should you do if a cat got through the open door of your cozy apartment and jumped out into the street?

My dears, try to pull yourself together and carry out special spells that will work in the coming days.

A conspiracy to prevent a cat from spoiling

Everything is as simple as shelling pears.

Sit at the table, place in front of you a handwritten piece of paper with a magic spell.

Holding your beloved kitten in your hands, whisper these occult lines repeatedly:

As soon as the cat scratches its paw, it will immediately go to the tray. He won’t shit anywhere, he won’t push him away. Amen.

While reading a strong plot, gently stroke the cat's fur.

Perform the ritual until the expected result occurs.

And don’t forget about the folk methods of training a kitten to use a pike perch.

Conspiracy to make the cat come back

Try to calm down.

This is necessary for the ritual to work successfully.

Sit down at table. Calm down.

Clearly imagine a runaway cat and how it comes back safe and sound.

Mentally drive away dangers from her in the form of evil dogs and nasty people.

Repeatedly whisper a special spell to return the kitten.

Let the cat come back from the street and burst into my house unspeakably. Nothing will happen to her on the way, and she will return healthy. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!

After completing the magic spell, make independent attempts to find the runaway cat.

Don’t worry: a magical spell will help her find herself close to home.

Conspiracy against cat disease

Just like people, cats can get sick.

The poor animal is suffering, but cannot say anything.

My heart breaks in pain.

If you suspect a cat disease or know the diagnosis for sure, treat the animal at a veterinary clinic, while at the same time performing a simple ritual.

Seclude yourself in a locked room.

Sit down at table. Quiet all sorrowful thoughts.

Imagine a healthy kitten expelling disease on an energetic level.

Proceed to repeatedly and confidently repeat the magic spell against cat disease.

Let my cat be healed, her pain will end forever. He won’t feel sleepy, he’ll sleep and wake up, and the disease will be gone forever. Let it be so done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

If God wills, the disease will recede, and your cat will bring peace and joy for a very long time.

And God said to Noah and his sons with him:
Behold, I establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you,
And with every living creature that is with you, with the birds and with the cattle, and with all the beasts of the earth that are among you, with all those who came out of the ark, with all the animals of the earth...

From the church prayer book:

Lord, save, preserve and have mercy on Your creation (name), amen.

Prayer for the blessing of animals

Master, Lord our God, who has power over all creatures, we pray to You, and we ask You, as You blessed and multiplied the flocks of the Patriarch Jacob, bless also these dumb creatures of Your servant (Name) and multiply, and strengthen, and create thousands, and deliver from the violence of the devil, and from foreigners, and from all slander of enemies, and the air of death, and destructive illness: protect your holy angels from all weakness, all envy, and temptation, sorcery and sorcery, found from the work of the devil, driving away from it: for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

About healing animal diseases pray
Holy Martyr Huar.

Prayers to help pets read:

Martyrs Florus and Laurus
Great Martyr George,
St. Archangel Michael,
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker,
St. Gerasim of Jordan,
St. Seraphim of Sarov,
St. bliss Euphrosyne Kolyupanovskaya
St. much Tryphon.

Martyrs Florus and Laurus

Dear martyrs Flora and Lavra, it is not the earth that has hidden you, but heaven has welcomed you, so that you may be prayer books and intercessors for those who honor your honorable memory with love. Pray for us, kindly hard workers, that the Lord will move us, in our labors and oppression, to do His commandments, not only about food and drink, but also about how to please the Lord; bless us with our sorrow and sighing, and may our souls not become embittered to the end, but may they be inflamed with love for each other, may we remain in peace and unanimity, like you, in self-bred bliss. Most of all, confirm us in the holy and right faith that is in our hearts, we will not be afraid of reproach and humiliation and any circumstances in which we are possessed, but since we have accepted this test of the strength of our faith with thanksgiving, we will keep the good confession, and in it we will pass on from this vale to the eternal Kingdom of our Lord, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Praises to the martyr Flora and Lavra, pray to the Lord our God for us and for our little animal.

Prayer for the flock

Master, Lord our God, who has power over all creatures, we pray to You, and we ask You, as You blessed and multiplied the flock of the patriarch Jacob, bless the herd of these cattle of Your servant (name), and multiply, and strengthen, and make them into thousands, and deliver from the violence of the devil, and from foreigners, and from all slander of enemies, and the air of death, and destructive illness: protect with your holy angels, all weakness, all envy, and temptation, sorcery and sorcery, from the actions of the devil, driving away from him: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen

Prayer to the saints and ethereal heavenly forces for animals and plants

Holy God and rest in the saints, glorified by the thrice-holy voice in heaven from Angels, praised on earth by man in His saints: having given grace to each by Thy Holy Spirit according to the bestowal of Christ, and by that ordaining Thy holy Church to be Apostles, prophets, and evangelists , you are shepherds and teachers, preaching in their own words. You yourself, who act all in all, have accomplished many holiness in every generation and generation, having pleased you with various virtues, and leaving us with an image of your good deeds, in the joy that has passed, prepare, in it the temptations themselves were, and help us who are attacked. Remembering all these saints and praising their godly lives, I praise You Himself, who acted in them, and believing in Your goodness, the gift of being, I diligently pray to You, Holy of Holies, grant to me a sinner to follow their teaching, moreover, by Your all-effective grace, heavenly ones with them be worthy of glory, praising Your most holy name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Prayer of the humanist Albert Schweitzer
Prayer by humanist Albert Schweizer

Hear our humble prayer, Lord!
We pray for all our animal friends,
Especially for those who suffer,
For all those who are hunted, who are lost,
Who has been abandoned, who is scared or hungry;
For everyone who needs to be put to sleep.
Have pity on them, be merciful!
And to those who should take care of them,
Give hearts full of compassion,
Give them kind hands, tell them kind words.
May we be true friends for animals!
May we share your mercy and grace with them!

Hear our humble prayer oh God,
for our friends, the animals,
especially for those who are suffering:
for any that are lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry.
We entreat for them all
the mercy and pity, and for those
who deal with them, we ask a
heart of compassion and gentle hands
and kindly words.
Make us ourselves, to be true friends
to animals and so to all
wistful creatures in captivity. . .
. . . that we may share thou blessings
of the merciful.

O Gott, erhöre unsere demütige Bitte
für unsere Freunde, die Tiere,
und ganz besonders für die verfolgten Tiere,
für die überlasteten, Hunger leidenden
und für die grausam behandelten Tiere!
Fur jene armen,
in Gefangenschaft befindlichen Geschöpfe,
die mit ihren Flugeln
an die Gitterstabe ihrer Kaäfige schlagen;
und für diejenigen,
die verjagt, verloren
oder in Schrecken und Hunger preisgegeben sind,
sowie für jene, die getoötet werden sollen.
Wir bitten, Herr, fur sie,
um dein Mitleid und um deine Gnade;
und für diejenigen, denen ihre Pflege obliegt,
bitten wir um ein barmherziges Herz,
Weiche Hande und gutige Worte.
Schaffe aus uns, Herr, wahre Freunde unserer Tiere,
mit denen wir den Segen deiner Grossmut teilen dürfen.


Ascolta la nostra preghiera Signore,
la nostra preghiera per i nostri amici animali,
specialmente per quelli tra loro che stanno soffrendo,
per quelli tra loro che sono cacciati o sono perduti,
o sono soli, o terrorizzati, o affamati;
per tutti coloro per i quali e gia stata decretata la morte.
Imploriamo per essi tutta la tua misericordia e tutta la tua pieta.
E per chi ha costanti rapporti con loro
Chiediamo un cuore pieno di compassione, mani delicate, e parole gentili.
Rendi ciascuno di noi, un autentico amico degli animali
e permettici di condividere la benedizione della compassione.

Since ancient times, many people have lost their four-legged charges. Therefore, a strong tradition has developed of using special spells in this case. They did not always fully help, but their use is a much better solution than just useless despair. In addition, you need to think about the fact that a pet most likely will not be able to survive without human help in the wild.

Even convinced atheists and doubting skeptics, having gone through long fruitless searches and severe grief for their loved ones, tend to resort to old, proven methods.

Then special spells for the missing animal come to their aid. Recognized esotericism experts strongly recommend trying them in any case.

There is a fairly strong ritual that helps any desperate animal owners. It applies to any animal that has a permanent owner.

These include:

  • geese;
  • cow;
  • pig;
  • calf;
  • chickens.

The ritual usually does not give an immediate effect. You need to pronounce his words twice a day for a week.

Usually the spell is said where the missing pet was the last time its owners saw it:

“Get ready, my dear beast (nickname),
every night to your home,
how the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing.
How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king,
and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them.
And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my beast (name and name of cat, dog, other type of animal),
flowed towards my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, flowing into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

This ritual always helps to find a lost animal. It also restores hope to a person and gives strength to new, thorough searches.

In cases where the pet, unfortunately, is no longer alive, the ritual allows the owner to endure grief with the least emotional loss.

However, it helps only those people who firmly believe in its fulfillment. Therefore, you must first tune in to carry out a conspiracy, and then try to invest the maximum amount of internal energy into it.

When the pet is found, the result of its long-awaited discovery will seem twice as joyful to the owner.

Spell on pets

The following ritual is provided for residents of city apartments. He is very strong. It can equally effectively return a cat, dog, pet rat, ferret or turtle to its owner.

You need to wait for the sun to rise and stand near an open window in its rays. You need to remember the animal very clearly and say three times:

“Lord of the forest, drive my cattle home to a warm barn.”

The conspiracy resonates with the forces of nature and is heard by absolutely all representatives of flora and fauna. Moreover, with its help it is possible to attract a disappeared person, if he is still alive.

The ritual should be resumed until news of the lost pet appears. It is best to cast the spell until the animal is back in its usual place in the house.

Searching for a dog

There is a ritual that people perform if their beloved dog is lost.

It can disappear while walking on the street, can be stolen by criminals, or left by mistake while traveling in public transport.

You need to take a piece of paper from a notebook and write down the dog’s name on it. Then it should become part of the words of the conspiracy.

They pronounce it where the domestic animal was last seen. It is advisable to read the text twice a day during the lunar month. The ideal option is to carry out the ceremony until the dog returns to the owner’s house:

Let's go home, my dear dog, my (dog's name, color, breed). You took a walk with the air, let the wind blow in the direction where the house is. Let the road to your home ring like a bell, may you be safe and sound.

The ritual is very simple and it is necessary to carry it out, even if all hope is already lost.

Conspiracy for a missing cat

To search for a lost cat, a different ritual is used. It is very effective.

The more they worry about the animal, the more effectively it works.

After posting notices, searching through neighboring gateways and combing the neighboring park, a person begins to think about more effective methods.

As in previous cases, you need to stand where the cat last devotedly caressed his beloved owner and say:

The spell is cast only during the new moon in the morning, looking at the sun rising from the horizon.

Search for a runaway animal

In cases where the animal not only disappeared, but ran away during a walk or jumped out of the door, a special ritual is performed.

It should be done twice a day for seven days.

If the owner does not know exactly how the pet left the home, then you need to stand near its bed.

If the owner knows the way he escaped, then they stand there.

The ritual has a strong effect on practically all urban animals

“Get ready, my dear animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, cat, dog, other type of animal), to your home every night, just as the Orthodox world gathers for the ringing of bells and church singing. How Ant's children serve and obey their ant king, and how honey bees flock to their nests and do not forget their children and do not leave them. And just as fast rivers, small and large, flow into the glorious ocean-sea, so would you, my animal (name, color of the animal’s fur, breed, name a cat, dog, other type of animal), flow to my voice from all sides: from behind the lakes, from the shifting mosses, from the black swamps, from behind the rivers, from behind the streams, from behind the forests, the night flowed into my house to spend the night, forever. Amen".

It is carried out on your own, at home, so you should not neglect it.

Searching for rural animals

Livestock also goes missing from time to time. A sheep or goat sometimes strays from the herd or simply leaves the yard.

It is necessary to light the stove at sunrise and wait until the smoke begins to come out of the chimney. Then they call the animal, calling it by name and read the spell:

“Forest Tsar-Father, Bring and hide my little cow.”

Then they spit over the left shoulder three times.

Ritual for a village pet

The way to find a cat or dog in the countryside is different from the city. You need to tie twine around all the legs of the dining table.

Then, silently, they constantly begin to call out to their animal, calling its exact name.

It is also worth offering a bowl of milk and pies to the Brownie, who makes sure that happiness does not leave the home.

He usually favors cats and dogs as guardians of the hearth. They put the bowl away from prying eyes and try to look into a secluded place less often.

If the owner discovers that the offering has not been accepted, then it is necessary to freely ask the Brownie for help in finding the pet. It is also necessary to make the treat for him more tasty and plentiful.

The ritual is carried out for seven days, then an interval is made and the result is awaited. If it is not there, then after an equal amount of time the ritual is resumed.

Requests to the Saints

You don't have to resort to magic. There are very effective prayers for finding lost animals.

You should turn to the Lord first. The request to him applies not only to missing pets, but to all domestic animals in general:

“Hear our humble prayer, Lord! We pray for all our animal friends, Especially for those who are suffering, For all those who are hunted, who are lost, Who are abandoned, who are afraid or hungry; For everyone who needs to be put to sleep. Have pity on them, be merciful! And to those who should take care of them, Grant hearts full of compassion, Give them kind hands, suggest kind words. May we be true friends for animals! May we share your mercy and grace with them! Amen!".

If the animal is missing, then the prayer must be said first. You should not wait until it becomes clear that the cow, cat or dog is lost. It is advisable to read it as soon as the first alarm about his absence appears.

There are other ways to find a missing pet without resorting to magical rituals.

There is a prayer to Saint Tryphon regarding the loss of animals. People say that he never refuses a request made to him.

He also responds to pleas for:

  • missing;
  • searching for the lost;
  • undergoing an interview for a vacancy;
  • obtaining housing, etc.

If you address him with special words, he will never leave them unattended:

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!
Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory.
You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse is evil.
And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us.
Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.

To help in the search for the missing animal, they offer prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious, the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who help catch the runaway horse, as well as Blasius for the well-being of the cow and other farm livestock.

Saints never ignore the pleas of a desperate animal owner.

It is best to contact them in the temple. You need to light a candle near the required icon and turn to it with all your heart. You should ask with ardent faith, sincere love and selflessness.

Sometimes the animal does not return on its own, but a person is given a signal from above about where to look for it or he is visited by a guess about its whereabouts.

Therefore, if an animal goes missing, you should definitely contact a higher power.

You need to think not only about your loss, losses or inconveniences, but also about what it’s like for your pet now. In this case, all means are good.

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Many people go out of town, to their dachas, fishing, picking mushrooms, etc. Including our children. It wouldn't hurt to back up your knowledge about magical recipes for dog bites, of which there are plenty outside the city, as well as how to charm the bites of these animals.

Conspiracy against attacks by stray dogs

Read it for yourself or your child three times before leaving home.

“On the sea - ocean, on the island of Buyan, on a high mound, there is a black hut without windows, without doors, without dogs and people. You can’t hear barking in that house and you can’t see dogs in the house. And be, my words, strong, and be, my deeds. are true. For now, for centuries, for all bright times. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and throughout the age of centuries. Amen."

So that no dog will ever bite.

On July 6, you need to get a tuft of hair from a dog, bring it home, read it and hide it well at home. Everyone who lives in this house will never be bitten by any dog.

A dog ran and met Satan, who gave her the order: “Do not bark, do not growl, do not gnaw, do not bite, but remain silent.” From now on, and forever, lie, wool, in the corner. Fear me, dog, and my whole family. Amen.

How to speak to a dog bite.

Holding the edge of the knife, move the handle around the wound counterclockwise, saying:

Kula, kula! Count the dog's teeth. Break one fang, don’t let this wound hurt.

Conspiracy a dog bite.

Cover the wound with both hands and say:

They tore with my teeth, I spoke with my lips. I cover it with my hands and reprimand with my skill.

One - no pain, two - heal, three - overgrown. Amen.

Spell against barking dogs.

To pass unnoticed and without being barked by dogs, read in front of the gate of the yard, where you must go secretly. Speak 3 times.

You were a blind puppy, now be dumb.

At the same time, spit to the left every time.

A conspiracy to prevent dogs from throwing themselves at people.

Some dogs bark endlessly at passers-by. There is little good in this: adults get scared, children cry. I know one girl even started to stutter out of fear.

If you spray medicated water on an animal for three days in a row, it will not cause you any trouble.

The plot is like this:

Silent, Sapun, Ugomon, I give you the commotion with (dog's name). Now, forever and forever. Amen.

Spell “So that the dog does not follow you”

All healers should know that when going to get water from the river or for other witchcraft matters, they should go completely alone, silently and without looking back. But sometimes along the way a dog unexpectedly gets attached and follows, thus ruining the master’s work. To prevent any dog ​​from clinging to you, you need to spit over your left shoulder and say:

My angel, follow me, stand behind me everywhere. The third one cannot follow me, To be without dogs on my path. Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

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