Replacement of expensive drugs with their analogues. Russian analogues of imported drugs: an adequate replacement

Do you save on medications? Many people today are accustomed to saving - on food, clothing, shoes, cosmetics. But are such savings justified? Purchasing cheaper products can affect the functioning of the body and overall health, and purchasing cheaper clothes can affect their service life.

Is it possible to save on medications? This question interests many. And the answer to it is simple and short - it is possible and even necessary!

Some people believe that buying medicine at a low price is throwing money away or saving on health. This assumption is wrong. By purchasing a medicine at a low price, but with a similar composition and effect, you will not lose anything, but, on the contrary, you can buy something you need with the money you save.

If you do not want to overpay at the pharmacy, check out the table, which indicates which affordable analogue can replace the expensive product.

A drug Active substance Drug price,rub Generic Pricegeneric, rub
Belosalik (ointment, 30 g) 527 Akriderm SK 371
Bepanten (ointment, 30 g) Dexpanthenol 379 Dexpanthenol 122
Betaserc (tablets, 30 pcs) Betagistine 584 Betagistine 103
Bystrumgel Ketoprofen 298 Ketoprofen 86
Viagra Sildenafil 2773 Dynamico 850
Voltaren Diclofenac 319 Diclofenac 78
Gastrozol Omeprazole 142 Omeprazole 70
Heptral Ademetionine 1652 Heptor 903
De-nol Bismuth subcitrate 965 Gastro-norm 220
Detralex Diosmin, hesperidin 806 Venarus 546
Diprosalik Betamethasone, salicylic acid 542 Akriderm SK 371
Diflucan Fluconazole 455 Fluconazole 79
For the nose Xylometazoline 101 Rhinostop 32
Zantac Ranitidine 272 Ranitidine 22
Zyrtec Cetirizine 301 Cetirinax 70
Zovirax Acyclovir 189 Acyclovir 23
Immunal Echinacea extract 308 Echinacea 156
Imodium Loperamide 417 Loperamide 22
Iodomarin Potassium iodide 135 Potassium iodide 80
Cavinton Vinpocetine 281 Vinpocetine 95
Klacid Clarithromycin 711 Clarithromycin 437
Claritin Loratadine 262 Loragexal 55
Xenical Orlistat 3061 Orsoten 2208
Lazolvan Ambroxol 168 Ambroxol 36
Lamisil Terbinafine 542 Terbinafine 78
Lyoton Loratadine 373 Loragexal 55
Maxidex Dexamethasone 206 Dexamethasone 33
Mezim (Forte, 20 tablets) Pancreatin 83 Pancreatin 21
Midriacil Tropicamide 388 Tropicamide 318
Miramistin Miramistin (in generic form – chlorhexidine) 250 Chlorhexidine 11
Movalis Meloxicam 713 Meloxicam 196
Neuromultivitis Vitamins B1, B6, B12 497 Pentovit 132
No-shpa Drotaverine 229 Drotaverine 41
Normodipine Amlodipine 676 Amlodipine 140
Nurofen (gel, 5%, 50 g) Ibuprofen 160 Ibuprofen 98
Omez (20 mg, 30 pcs) Omeprazole 329 Omeprazole 70
Panangin Potassium aspartate magnesium aspartate 137 Asparkam 56
Pantogam Hopantenic acid 388 Pantocalcin 433
Panadol Paracetamol 62 Paracetamol 5
Preductal MV Trimetrazidine 796 Trimetazidine MV 220
Rhinonorm Xylometazoline 75 Rhinostop 32
Sumamed Azithromycin 479 Azithromycin 86
Trental Pentoxifylline 1513 Pentoxifylline 370
Trichopolum Metronizadol 83 Metronizadol 13
Triderm Gentamicin, betamethasone, clotrimazole 674 Akriderm GK 514
Troxevasin Troxerutin 175 Troxerutin 51
Ultop Omeprazole 299 Omeprazole 70
Ursofalk Ursodeoxycholic acid 2016 Ursosan 1595
Fastum-gel Ketoprofen 342 Ketoprofen 86
Finlepsin Carbamezapine 250 Carbamezapine 40
Flucostat Fluconazole 369 Fluconazole 56
Furamag Furazidin 625 Furagin 198
Hemomycin Azithromycin 292 Azithromycin 86
Enap Enalapril 86 Enalapril 67
Ersefuril Nifuroxazide (in generic form – furazolidone) 485 Furazolidone 130

Expensive medicines and their cheap substitutes: why such a difference in price?

The modern pharmaceutical industry has a large number of medications. They all differ in composition, effect and action. However, there are a large number of cheap analogues that are no different from expensive ones. And imported medicine is not always more effective than domestic medicine. But the difference in price and “impact on the wallet” can be significant.

Each person has probably found himself in a situation where, upon requesting one medicine from a pharmacy, the pharmacist lists a lot of others, the cost of which differs significantly from the price of the requested product. So why do almost identical medications vary so much in price?

In this case, it should be understood that scientists spend a lot of money, time and money on the production and search for the chemical formula of a new drug. Further, these drugs are studied and various tests are carried out. After this, the pharmaceutical company buys the patent and only after that the medicine goes on sale.

The cost of a new drug is high, since first of all it is necessary to recoup the investment. After the patent expires (after approximately twenty years), the product can be produced by any company. Then the manufacturing company develops an improved version, again invests money, and thus the second and third generation medicine enters the pharmaceutical market.

When a new drug appears in a pharmacy, it is expensive. But after several years, its value decreases. And this is due to the production and marketing of new medicines.

Moreover, the decrease in cost does not mean that the product is no longer as effective as it was several years ago. This is simply the law of pharmaceuticals. New drugs are replacing old ones.

Many people have probably noticed how some products suddenly disappear from sale. And what’s most interesting is that those medicines that literally cost a penny are disappearing. Why? - you ask. It's simple. Their production has become unprofitable.

Here is an example, the effective drug Kalceks, was sold for a very long time at a very low price, around 40 rubles, then suddenly disappeared. Or here’s another thing - Salicylic-Zinc Paste (used to treat skin diseases) and cost about 45 rubles, also disappeared from sale without a trace. And there are a lot of such drugs.

So how can you save on medications? Are there any differences between expensive drugs and their substitutes?

Differences between expensive medicines and cheap analogues

Substitutes for the original medicine are called generics. The cost of such products differs significantly from the original. Several medications appear on the pharmaceutical market with almost identical composition and properties, but different prices and names.

The main differences between expensive medicines and generics include;

  • Degree of purification and side effects. The second and third generation products have a much higher degree of purification. As for the therapeutic effect, it is the same, only the analogue may have more side effects. For example, the long-known antiallergic drugs Tavegil and Suprastin cause drowsiness and decreased performance, but they are inexpensive. Many doctors continue to prescribe them to this day. New generation allergy medications, including Erius or Telfast, have fewer side effects, but their cost is many times more expensive and amounts to about 400 rubles for plate No. 10.
  • Compound. Original medicines have a large number of components and a wide spectrum of action. For example, the drug Theraflu, along with its antipyretic effect, also has an antiallergic effect. In addition, the drug contains ascorbic acid. But its cheap analogue has one property - antipyretic.
  • Ease of use. Expensive medications, unlike generics, are more convenient to use. Expensive medications last longer. In addition, they need to be taken less often, while analogues have to be taken several times a day.

Advantages and disadvantages of cheap products

The main advantage of analogues of expensive drugs is their low cost. In addition, cheap drugs are practically not counterfeited, since this is unprofitable from an economic point of view.

The therapeutic effect of generic drugs does not differ from the action of original drugs. Therefore, there is no need to overpay for popular medications. Always ask the pharmacy for a cheaper alternative, and if you don’t trust pharmacists, ask to read the instructions for a particular medicine.

As for the shortcomings of generics, although they are insignificant, they still exist. The active component in both the original medicine and the analogue is the same; the composition and quality of the excipients and the production technology itself will differ.

Therefore, if you do not want to overpay for medications, before going to the pharmacy it is better to first look for analogues.

The most popular analogues

Almost every expensive medicine can be replaced with a cheaper one. Moreover, the savings will be without harm to health.

  1. Looking for cheap antipyretic drugs. The most common drug used to lower fever is Paracetamol. The minimum number of tablets in a plate is 10. The drug is also produced in other forms, for example, a syrup form that is more convenient for children. A medication similar in composition and properties is Panadol. Only its cost is several times more expensive.
  2. We choose a cheap mucolytic. The main active ingredient in almost all cough syrups and tablets is ambroxol. This substance helps to liquefy mucus and quickly remove it from the respiratory tract. The most affordable option is Ambroxol. Expensive popular analogues are Linkas, Lazolvan, Ambrobene. They cost several times more.
  3. In the fight against allergies, generics will cope no worse than the original. Affordable and effective antiallergic medications include: Loratadine, Diazolin, Ketotifen.
  4. The cheapest but most effective sedatives. The most economical drugs with sedative properties include: Valerian, Sedavit, Sedafiton. Their expensive analogues are Novo-passit, Persen.

How not to overpay

If you want, you can avoid spending more than you need on essential medications. To do this, you don’t need much - you just need to know not only what can be replaced, but also where to buy it. Choose pharmacies with optimally reasonable prices. In addition, if you have a long course of therapy, buy medications in bulk. By purchasing several packages at once (as many as you need for the course) you will save a significant amount.

If you are collecting a home first aid kit, there is no point in buying expensive products. But if you suffer from chronic illnesses, it is better not to experiment - minute savings will cost you new expenses.

Being sick is expensive: you have to spend money on medicine instead of working, and the prices for some pills are horrendous. Most of the popular antiviral drugs will not cure ARVI and flu, but if you feel safer taking your usual pills, then at least don’t overpay.

Ekaterina Tabatchikova

doesn't overpay

Remember this list of analogues of expensive drugs: they contain the same active ingredient, the only difference is in the manufacturer and auxiliary components.


If the doctor prescribed a certain medicine and says that you need to take it and not the generic, do not look for a replacement. It is possible that in addition to the main active ingredient, auxiliary ingredients also play a role: in a substitute they may be incompatible with other drugs used.

Remedies for ARVI

The best remedy for ARVI is warm drinks, rest and topical medications: vasoconstrictor drops for the runny nose, sore throat lozenges. The drugs that Russians who have a cold are so fond of are expensive, but cheap analogues of the drugs are also sold. It is better to spend the savings on buying fruits, juices and vegetables - they will help the body recover faster.

Expensive medicinePriceCheap analoguePrice
meglumine acridone acetate
353 RUR for 20 tablets
242 RUR for 10 tablets
482 RUR for 10 tablets
thymogen sodium
325 RUR for 12 tablets
491 RUR for 7 tablets
142 R for 10 tablets

Drugs for 150 and 500 rubles act the same: they form immune bodies and help fight the disease, regardless of the active ingredient of the antiviral drug.

Flu remedies

The seriousness of the flu is that it can cause severe complications in people with weakened immune systems. You can cope with flu symptoms with the help of pharmacists' developments: branded European drugs and their Russian analogues are on sale.

Cough medicines

A cough can be caused by inflammation in the respiratory tract or mucus from the nasal cavity. There are two types of cough medications: mucolytic and antitussive drugs. Each of them includes expensive drugs and cheap analogues.

Expensive medicinePriceCheap analoguePrice
539 RUR for 20 effervescent tablets
192 RUR for 20 effervescent tablets
371 RUR for 120 ml
276 RUR for 120 ml
324 RUR for 200 ml
216 RUR for 20 tablets

Remedies for runny nose

A runny nose can be infectious or allergic. The choice of medication is determined by the diagnosis, so you need to contact an otolaryngologist and determine the cause of its occurrence. Vasoconstrictor medications will help eliminate any type of runny nose - they relieve nasal congestion equally well, regardless of price.

Expensive medicinePriceCheap analoguePrice
149 RUR for 10 ml
14 R for 10 ml
168 RUR for 10 ml
32 RUR for 10 ml
191 RUR for 10 ml
105 RUR for 10 ml

Medicines to reduce fever

Antipyretic medications are prescribed to treat symptoms of viral infections. These remedies should quickly bring down the temperature, relieve aches and pain in muscles and joints.

Imported medicines are not affordable for everyone, but many drugs have cheap analogues. Where do expensive and cheap medicines come from? Scientists spend years searching for a formula for a cure for any disease, spending a lot of money on testing. The pharmaceutical company then buys the patent and the new drug is released. To “recoup” the money invested, manufacturers set the highest possible price for the drug. Once the patent expires (usually about 20 years), the drug can be released by any pharmaceutical company. An analogue of the original medicine is called a generic, it costs much less than the original. Meanwhile, the creator company is developing an improved version. Thus, several drugs appear on the market, similar in composition and action, but with different names and prices.
Chief physician of the Republican Center for Human Reproduction and Family Planning Mikhail Koryakin:
– For our not very rich country, generics and cheap drugs are the way out. They can be of high or low quality, it depends on the producing company. For example, in Russia there are many drugs made in one southern country. Doctors know that they are ineffective and prescribe them only if the patient has little money. Under no circumstances replace expensive medications with cheap ones yourself! Only your doctor knows how each drug works, and only he can decide which is right for you.
Pros and cons of generics.
1. Plus:
Lower price than the originals.
2. Plus:
Cheap medicines are almost never counterfeited: there is no economic benefit.
3. Plus:
Generics contain ingredients identical to those included in the original products, and therefore their therapeutic effect is the same.

1. Minus:
Frugal pharmaceutical companies often use old equipment and cheap ancillary components. There may be violations of the technology and composition of the drug.
2. Minus:
The consumer cannot understand for himself whether a cheap medicine is effective; in some countries, for example in America, generics that do not fully correspond to the original are assigned a certain classification so that doctors and patients are aware of their low quality; in Russia there is no such practice.

1. Degree of purification and side effects.
Over time, drugs are improved, drugs of the second, third, etc. generation appear. They have the same therapeutic effect, but the new drugs are better purified and have fewer side effects.
For example, the old anti-allergy medications Suprastin and Tavegil cost about 150 rubles for 20 tablets, but cause drowsiness, fatigue, addiction, and reduce performance. The latest generation drugs ERIUS and TELFAST already cost about 400 rubles for 10 tablets, but do not have such unpleasant consequences.

2. The number of medicinal components.
For example, expensive Theraflu (10 sachets - 250 rubles) can be replaced with cheap Paracetamol (20 tablets - 45 rubles).
They both lower the temperature, but Theraflu also contains antiallergic agents and vitamin C, and the body really needs them when there is a cold.

3. Ease of use.
You can save a huge amount, for example, when treating a herpes infection.
If you replace Valtrex (10 tablets - 1200 rubles) with Acyclovir - acri (20 tablets - 160 rubles). But Valtrex needs to be taken 2 times a day, and acyclovir-acri – 5 times every 4 hours. Not every working person is able to withstand such a strict schedule of taking pills.

Some doctors receive a percentage from pharmaceutical companies for each drug they prescribe. If a doctor overly praises an expensive drug, he has prescriptions on which its name is already printed, he directs you to a pharmacy or warehouse, where, according to him, this drug will cost you less, there is no doubt - you have run into a “travelling salesman” " You may not need this medicine at all. See another doctor.

1. Do not buy medicine at the first pharmacy you come across.
2. The price of the same drug in different places may differ by more than 20%.
3. Do not ignore pharmacies that deliver medications to your home.
As a rule, their prices are much lower, since their owners do not pay for renting premises for a retail outlet. In addition, such pharmacies have days of the week when they offer a 3-6% discount. Find out from the operator which days the discount is greatest.
4.Simple over-the-counter medications, such as vitamins, activated carbon, herbal remedies, are cheaper in pharmacies than in large pharmacies.


Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory.
Aspirin 100 mg 20 tab. 95 rub. - Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg 20 tab. 2 rub.
Brufen retard 800 mg 30 tab. 135 RUR - Ibuprofen 200 mg 50 tab. 12 rub.
Ketoprofen 200 mg 20 tab. 290 rub. - Ibuprofen 200 mg 50 tab. 12 rub.
Coldact lorpils 20 tab. 25 rub. - Paracetamol 200 mg 10 tablets. 96 kopecks
Fervex 8 sachets 83 rub. - Paracetamol 200 mg 10 tablets. 96kop.

Antispasmodics and analgesics.
Voltaren acti 12.5 mg 20 tab. 65 rub. - Diclofenac 25 mg 30 tablets. 3 rub.
Pentalgin-N 20 tab. 79 rub. - Spazgan 100 tab. 14 rub. 50 kopecks
No-spa 40 mg 100 tab. 115 rub. - Drotaverine 40 mg 20 tablets. 7 rub.
No-spa 40 mg 100 tab. 115 rub. - Spasmol 40 mg 100 tablets. 35 rub.
Fastum gel 2.5% ointment 30 g 102 rub. - Ortofen 2% ointment 30 g 6 rub. 60 kopecks

Digestive enzymes.
Creon 350 mg 20 capsules 263 rub. - Pancreatin 250 mg 50 tablets 36 rub.
Mezim forte 250 mg 20 tablets 41 rub. - Pancreatin 250 mg 50 tablets 36 rub.

Imodium 2 mg 20 capsules 164 rub. - Loperamide 2 mg 20 capsules 19 rub. 30 kopecks

Lowering blood pressure and heart.
Arifon 2.5 mg 30 tab. 268 rub. - Indap 2.5 mg 30 capsules 62 rub. 80 kop.
Valocordin 20 ml 34 rub. - Corvaldin 25 ml 8 rub.
Cordipine 10 mg 10 tab. 41 RUR - Cordaflex 10 mg 100 tab. 57 rub. 90 kopecks
Panangin 50 tab. 60 rub. - Asparkam 50 tablets. 8 rub. 60 kopecks
Enap 200 mg 500 tab. 1823 rub. - Enalapril 20 mg 20 tablets. 5 rub. 60 kopecks

Improves brain activity.
Nootropil 400 mg 60 capsules 169 rub. - Piracetam 400 mg 60 capsules 21 rub.
Pantogam 250 mg 50 tab. 219 rub. - Calcium hopantenate 250 mg 50 tablets. 139 rub.
Phenotropil 100 mg 30 tab. 711 rub. - Piracetam 200 mg 60 tab. 11 rub.

Lazolvan 30 mg 50 tab. 169 rub. - Ambroxol 30 mg 20 tab. 16 rub.
Sumamed 500 mg 6 tablets. 362 rub. - Azithromycin 250 mg 6 tablets. 86 rub.
Flemoxin solutab 250 mg 20 tablets. 95 rub. - Amoxicillin 250 mg 20 tablets. 10 rub. 50kop.
Flucostat 150 mg 1 capsule 135 rub. - Diflucan 150 mg 7 capsules 298 rub.
Forkan 150 mg 4 capsules 319 rub. - Diflucan 150 mg 7 capsules 298 rub.

Antiviral and anti-infective.
Zovirax 5% ointment 10 g 248 rub. - Acyclovir 5% ointment 10 g 18 rub. 10 kopecks
Tiberal 500 mg 10 tab. 346 rub. 56 kopecks - Metronidazole 250 mg 20 tablets. 3 rub. 90 kopecks
Trichopolum 250 mg 20 tablets. 55 rub. - Metronidazole 250 mg 20 tablets. 3 rub. 90 kopecks

Claritin 10 mg 30 tab. 395 rub. - Clarotadine 10 mg 30 tablets. 142 rub. 49 kopecks

Notta 50 ml drops 154 rub. - Novo-passit 100 ml solution 65 rub.

Replacement of expensive drugs with analogues (generics).

Belosalik (380 rubles) and Akriderm SK (40 rubles)
Bepanthen (250 rubles) and Dexpanthenol (100 rubles)
Betaserc (600 rubles) and Betagistin (250 rubles)
Bystrumgel (180 rubles) and Ketoprofen (60 rubles)
Voltaren (300 rubles) and Diclofenac (40 rubles)
Gastrozole (120 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Detralex (580 rubles) and Venarus (300 rubles)
Diflucan (400 rubles) and Fluconazole (30 rubles)
For nose (100 rubles) and Rhinostop (30 rubles)
Zantac (280 rubles) and Ranitidine (30 rubles)
Zyrtec (220 rubles) and Cetirinax (80 rubles)
Zovirax (240 rubles) and Acyclovir (40 rubles)
Immunal (200 rubles) and Echinacea extract (50 rubles)
Imodium (300 rubles) and Loperamide (20 rubles)
Iodomarin (220 rubles) and Potassium iodide (100 rubles)
Cavinton (580 rubles) and Vinpocetine (200 rubles)
Claritin (180 rubles) and Loragexal (60 rubles)
Klacid (600 rubles) and Clarithromycin (180 rubles)
Lazolvan (320 rubles) and Ambroxol (20 rubles)
Lamisil (400 rubles) and Terbinafine (100 rubles)
Lyoton-1000 (350 rubles) and Heparin-acrigel 1000 (120 rubles)
Lomilan (150 rubles) and Loragexal (50 rubles)
Maxidex (120 rubles) and Dexamethasone (40 rubles)
Mezim (300 rubles) and Pancreatin (30 rubles)
Midriacil (360 rubles) and Tropicamide (120 rubles)
Miramistin (200 rubles) and Chlorhexidine (10 rubles)
Movalis (410 rubles) and Meloxicam (80 rubles)
Neuromultivit (250 rubles) and Pentovit (50 rubles)
No-spa (150 rubles) and Drotaverine hydrochloride (30 rubles)
Normodipine (620 rubles) and Amlodipine (40 rubles)
Nurofen (120 rubles) and Ibuprofen (10 rubles)
Omez (180 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Panadol (50 rubles) and Paracetamol (5 rubles)
Panangin (140 rubles) and Asparkam (10 rubles)
Pantogam (350 rubles) and Pantocalcin (230 rubles)
Rinonorm (50 rubles) and Rinostop (20 rubles)
Sumamed (450 rubles) and Azithromycin (90 rubles)
Trental (200 rubles) and Pentoxifylline (50 rubles)
Trichopolum (90 rubles) and Metronidazole (10 rubles)
Troxevasin (220 rubles) and Troxerutin (110 rubles)
Ultop (270 rubles) and Omeprazole (50 rubles)
Fastum-gel (250 rubles) and Ketoprofen (70 rubles)
Finlepsin (280 rubles) and Carbamazepine (50 rubles)
Flucostat (200 rubles) and Fluconazole (20 rubles)
Furamag (380 rubles) and Furagin (40 rubles)
Chemomycin (300 rubles) and Azithromycin (100 rubles)
Enap (150 rubles) and Enalapril (70 rubles)
Ersefuril (400 rubles) and Furazolidone (40 rubles)">

You need to understand the system for creating and selling medicines. Original drugs are the first to appear on the pharmaceutical market. The factory spends a huge amount of money on developing the drug and eventually receives a patent for production and distribution. As a rule, the validity period of a patent is 10 years. During this time, no one has the right to create medicines.

Once the patent expires, the drug becomes available to everyone. It is from this moment that the creation of analogues begins.

Thus, it turns out that it costs several times more because it has been tested by people for 10 years. In addition to the costs of developing the drug, huge amounts of money were also spent on refining and improving it.

What are the differences between cheap analogues of expensive drugs?

Firstly, it is worth noting that not all analogues have a completely identical composition to the original. Most often, only the active substance is identical. But besides it, the medicine also contains additional elements responsible for the delivery of the substance, its absorption into the body and activation. But it is thanks to additional substances that some drugs act as quickly as possible.

As a rule, large pharmaceutical companies care about the high quality of raw materials. It also takes a lot of money to process and clean it. Cheap analogues very often contain substances of poor quality, imported from India and Eastern Europe.

You can also notice that using the original, the patient gets back on his feet in a matter of days, but there is no effect from taking generics. And although, at first glance, the compositions of these two drugs are the same, the effect is different. This is because research was carried out on the originals for 10 years under exclusive rights. There may simply be a tiny difference in composition that cannot be calculated or standardized, as a result of which the effectiveness has become much higher.

What to take? Original or analogue

First of all, you need to look at the severity of the disease. If a person’s life depends on a medicine, then there is no point in experimenting. It is better to take a time-tested drug. If the disease is not critical, then you can try taking an analogue. There is a possibility that the effect on the body will be similar to the original, and will cost an order of magnitude less.

It is important to remember which analogues did not work before. Most likely, if you purchase them again, they will also not give any effect.

There are situations when the use of medications is inevitable - these are severe infectious diseases, various neoplasms, the consequences of heart attacks and strokes, and so on. But, as our grandmothers said, pills cure one thing and cripple another, and indeed they are right, in some cases you can do without medicine. In what situations can tablet drugs be replaced with food?

Many people know that some products contain much more vitamins and microelements than tablets from a pack or jar. And they are absorbed much better. For example, bananas are great for coping with depression, blues, insomnia and muscle cramps, onions and garlic help with colds, potato juice eliminates high stomach acidity and much more. In addition, there are a lot of products whose medicinal properties are unknown to most people.

Premenstrual syndrome

If the hormonal balance is disturbed before menstruation, many women may be overly aggressive or, on the contrary, depressed; in such situations, almonds will be a real salvation. It contains vitamin B2 in huge quantities, which can have a sedative effect, is involved in the formation of the hormone of joy and happiness, and helps relieve muscle spasms. 100 g of almonds covers 50% of the daily requirement of B vitamins. Almonds can be eaten as a separate dish, or they can be added to cereals, yoghurts, desserts, etc.


In addition to medications that can be purchased at the pharmacy, soda is considered the most popular remedy for heartburn, but frequent use is contraindicated. Regular beans will help cope with periodic heartburn due to the large amount of fiber. People who regularly eat legumes suffer from heartburn 20% less often than those who refuse peas and beans.


Migraine is one of the types of headaches when the pain is localized in a specific point, for example, in the temple, back of the head or in the frontal lobe. It is not easy to get rid of such a headache; strong analgesics are often used, but they bring little benefit. To relieve migraine pain, it is enough to consume pumpkin seeds daily, in an amount of about half a glass. This amount of seeds covers the body’s daily need for magnesium, the deficiency of which causes headaches.


During frequent flights, when changing time zones alternates, it is recommended to consume sour varieties of cherries, which contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms.

Muscle pain

Any muscle pain, especially those that occur after active physical work or training, will help eliminate ginger, thanks to its gingerol content. It is this substance that gives ginger its bitter, pungent taste. In addition to the analgesic effect, ginger helps cope with nausea, motion sickness, improves digestion and stimulates the immune system. You can make drinks from ginger or add it to main dishes.


The inability to fall asleep on time and get a full night's sleep can be caused by various factors. Kiwi will cope with this problem; 1-2 fruits consumed every night will help make your sleep longer and of better quality. It is not necessary to consume kiwi in its pure form; it can be added to fruit salads, smoothies, purees, and baked goods.

Sometimes patients do not know that there are cheaper analogues of expensive drugs, and the full list of them in 2017 is quite large. During illness, a person does not care what medicines to buy, the main thing is that they help. Despite the fact that they are advised by a doctor, a person humbly goes to the pharmacy and buys expensive drugs.

Many medicines are quite expensive, however, this does not mean the quality of the drugs. The price of many drugs includes additional markups associated with marketing. How to make the right choice and save money at the same time.

Complete list of drug analogues 2017

1. Drugs that help fight psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen simplex chronicus, and eczema.

Belosalik - the price of the drug is 350 rubles.
Akriderm SK - price 180 rubles.

2. Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the mucous membrane.

Bepanten - cost of a tube is 230 rubles.
Dexpanthenol - price 83 rub.

3. Medicines to get rid of dizziness, nausea, headaches, and hearing impairment.

Betaserk - 520 rub.
Cheap analogue in 2017: Betagistine - 220 rubles.

4. Agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect for sprains, tears, and bruises.

Bystrumgel - 150 rub.
Ketoprofen - 60 rub.

5. Drugs intended for the treatment of rheumatism, reduction of edema, and chronic polyarthritis.

Voltaren - 284 rub.
Diclofenac - 28 rub.

6. Medicines prescribed for ulcers.

Gastrozol - 100 rub.
Omeprazole - 44 rub.

7. For convulsions and venous insufficiency, the following medications are prescribed:

Detralex - 600 rub.
Venarus - 360 rub.

8. For psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and urticaria, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Diprosalik - 280 rub.
Akriderm - 180 rub.

Diflucan - 400 rub.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.
The complete list of drug analogues 2017 shows a significant difference between cheap analogues and expensive drugs.

10. In case of acute rhinitis, the following medications should be used to cleanse the nose:

For nose - 80 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

11. For treatment and preventive purposes for heartburn and ulcers, experts recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

Zantac - 250 rub.
Ranitidine - 22 rub.

12. For conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and skin itching, you should turn to the following medications:

Zyrtec - 240 rub.
Cetirinax - 70 rub.

13. Drugs intended for the treatment of herpes.

Zovirax - 250 rub.
Acyclovir - 30 rub.

14. To treat diseases during colds and fatigue, specialists prescribe medications:

Immunal - 210 rub.
Echinacea - 50 rub.

Imodium - 300 rubles.
Loperamide - 15 rubles.

16. For preventive purposes in case of iodine deficiency, pregnant women are recommended to take the following vitamins:

Iodomarin - 200 rub.
Potassium iodide - 90 rub.

17. For mental disorders, headaches, a complete list of drug analogues 2017 offers cheap analogues of expensive drugs

Cavinton - 600 rub.
Vinpocetine - 225 rubles.

18. For rhinitis, edema, conjunctivitis, allergies after insect bites, the following drugs will be an excellent help:

Claritin - 160 rub.
Loragexal - 50 rub.

19. The following drugs are antibiotics; they are prescribed for bacterial infections, otitis media, and ulcers.

Klacid - 615 rubles.
Clarithromycin - 175 rubles.

20. For colds, experts recommend paying attention to the following medications:

Lazolvan - 320 rubles.
Ambroxol - 15 rubles.

21. In case of damage to the skin and nail plates by fungal infections, doctors prescribe the following medications:

Lamisil - 380 rubles.
Terbinafine - 100 rubles.

22. For preventive purposes and for the treatment of hemorrhoids, swelling, various types of bruises, hematomas, injuries, it is recommended to use the following medications:

Lyoton-1000 - 320 rubles.
Analog: Heparin-acri gel - 90 rubles.

23. For rhinitis, swelling, conjunctivitis, allergic reactions to insect bites, you must choose the following medications:

Lomilan - 140 rubles.
Loragexal - 48 rubles.

24. For conjunctivitis, retinitis, after surgery, for otitis media, you can select the following medications:

Maxidex - 110 rubles.
Dexamethasone - 40 rubles.

25. For diarrhea, indigestion, and leading a passive lifestyle, you should pay attention to the following medications:

Mezim - 275 rubles.
Pancreatin - 27 rubles.

26. For inflammation, ophthalmologists use the following tools for diagnosis; in the complete list of drug analogues 2017, expensive drugs can be replaced with cheap analogues.

Midriacil - 350 rubles.
Analog: Tropicamide - 100 rubles.

27. The following drugs should be chosen as an antiseptic to treat wounds:

Miramistin - 225 rubles.
Chlorhexidine - 12 rubles.

What other analogues of expensive drugs exist?

28. For arthritis, inflammation of the joints, which is accompanied by unbearable pain, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Movalis - 400 rubles.
Meloxicam - 120 rubles.

29. A neurologist often prescribes the following vitamins to his patients:

Neuromultivitis - 100 rubles.
Cheap analogue: Pentovit - 40 rubles.

30. If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, colic, ulcers, if there is a threat of premature birth, after labor pains, experts advise paying attention to the following medications:

No-shpa - 180 rubles.
Drotaverine - 30 rubles.

31. For angina pectoris, these drugs are among the best:

Normodipine - 650 rubles.
Amlodipine - 40 rubles.

32. Painkillers that help cope with various ailments: radiculitis, migraine, toothache, after surgery. The best medicines are the following:

Nurofen - 100 rubles.
Ibuprofen - 12 rubles.

Omez - 165 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

34. For infectious diseases, as an anesthetic for migraines and toothaches.

Panadol - 40 rubles.
Paracetamol - 4 rubles.

35. In cases of brain damage in elderly people, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Pantogam - 320 rub.
Pantocalcin - 250 rub.

36. For acute rhinitis, otitis media, the following medications can be found in the pharmacy to cleanse the nasal passages:

Rhinonorm - 45 rub.
Rinostop - 20 rub.

37. Antibiotics to fight infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

Summed - 430 rub.
Cheap analogue: Azithromycin - 100 rubles.

38. In cases that arise from circulatory disorders in the brain, after a heart attack, or with asthma, experts recommend replacing expensive drugs with analogues of cheap drugs in the full list of analogues 2017.

Trental - 220 rub.
Pentoxifylline - 50 rub.

39. Antibiotics that help fight pneumonia, sepsis, abdominal diseases, and meningitis are the following drugs:

Trichopolum - 80 rub.
Metronidazole - 10 rub.

40. The following remedies are intended for patients with varicose veins, skin lesions, dermatitis, hemorrhoids, and diathesis:

Troxevasin - 210 rub.
Troxerutin - 120 rub.

41. For ulcers, specialists prescribe the following medications:

Ultop - 250 rubles.
Omeprazole - 44 rubles.

42. If there are difficulties during movements, sprains, swelling, ruptures, bruises, doctors recommend turning to the following medications:

Fastum-gel - 240 rubles.
Cheap analogue of the drug: Ketoprofen - 60 rubles.

43. For epilepsy, attacks accompanied by convulsions, during anxiety, to improve sleep, you should pay attention to the following drugs:

Finlepsin - 250 rubles.
Carbamazepine - 40 rubles.

44. For meningitis, skin infections, and for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to choose the following drugs:

Flucostat - 150 rubles.
Fluconazole - 25 rubles.

45. For purulent wounds and infections affecting the female organs, the following medications are used for preventive purposes after surgery:

Furamag - 350 rub.
Analog: Furagin - 40 rub.

The complete list of drug analogues 2017 allows you to replace expensive drugs with cheap analogues. This will help not only provide effective treatment, but also save the family budget. The most important thing is to study in advance which medications will be an excellent replacement for expensive medications. After which you can safely begin treatment and expect a positive result.

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