Congestive excitation in the cerebral cortex. Nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. Preservation of traces of excitation

A healthy person interacts with the world thanks to irritability (irritation) - the property of the nervous system to respond to environmental stimuli and form a physiological response to it. However, various brain diseases damage nervous tissue, causing irritation in the cortex to appear independently, without external stimuli.

What it is

Irritation of the cerebral cortex is a pathological condition that manifests itself in the form of spontaneous formation of a focus of irritation and excitation in a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex. Symptoms of irritation are determined by the localization of the pathological condition.

It is necessary to distinguish between normal irritation - irritation of nerve fibers in response to an external stimulus and the formation of an adequate response. For example, when the eyes are exposed to bright light, the pupil contracts (reduces the flow of photons) as a result of irritation of the optic nerve. Pathological irritation is a spontaneous irritation that has no obvious origin and leads to a deterioration in the patient’s quality of life.

Irritation is not included in the list of independent diseases; it is not in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision. Irritation of the cerebral cortex acts as a manifestation of the underlying pathology, for example, a tumor of subcortical structures.

Irritation can be focal, when irritation is present in a separate area of ​​the cortex (in the visual or frontal) and diffuse (the entire cortex is irritated).

Irritation of the cerebral cortex also occurs:

  1. Asymptomatic - irritation of the cortex may not reach the threshold level and not cause signs of the disease.
  2. Symptomatic - irritation enters the sensitivity threshold and determines the clinical picture.


Pathological irritation of the cerebral cortex has the following causes:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system: neurosyphilis, herpetic encephalitis,.
  • Complications of major diseases: malaria, rubella, measles,.
  • Circulatory disorders in the brain: atherosclerosis, transient ischemic attack, embolism.
  • Violation of intracranial pressure due to a tumor.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: concussion, bruise.
  • Dislocation syndrome.
  • Bad habits.
  • Working and living in polluted conditions.


Signs of cortical irritation are determined by the localization of irritation. Symptoms are directly related to the area of ​​the cortex where focal spontaneous irritation occurs:

  1. Frontal zone. Accompanied by the occurrence of motor reactions. Muscle contraction depends on the location of stimulation in the precentral frontal gyrus. After irritation of the frontal area, complex motor patterns may appear: the patient will begin to tie his shoelaces in the air.
  2. Temple area. Simple auditory hallucinations (acoasms) and complex hallucinations appear, accompanied by a voice commenting on the content.
  3. Occipital zone. Accompanied by simple (photopsia) and complex visual hallucinations. Photopsia are second-long hallucinations: flashes of light, a small spot. Complex hallucinations consist of images, the content of which is determined by the patient’s inner mental life.
  4. The parietal zone is an area of ​​general sensitivity. Tingling, numbness, and crawling sensations occur in different parts of the body. Irritation in this area is also accompanied by perverted sensations of touch, pain, heat or cold.

Diffuse irritation of the cortex is accompanied by small (petit mal) and large (grand mal) convulsions.

Petite seizures include myoclonic spasms of individual muscles. Muscle contraction is characterized by rhythm and absence of complications. Petit mal also manifests itself as absence seizures – short-term loss of consciousness while maintaining muscle tone throughout the body. After 20-30 seconds of “switching off”, patients come to their senses and continue their work. They don't know that they just came out of consciousness.

Grand mal consists of several successive stages:

  • Harbingers. The day before extensive seizures, people feel unwell and have a headache. They don't sleep well.
  • Aura. Within 30-40 minutes, patients complain of vague pain in the abdomen, arm or heart.
  • Tonic phase. The man loses consciousness and falls. All the muscles of the body contract simultaneously and synchronously. Skin color turns blue, breathing is uneven. Duration – no more than 60 seconds.
  • Clonic phase. All muscles of the body contract unevenly, asynchronously, chaotically: each muscle contracts separately. Lasts 1-2 minutes.

In general, the entire grand mal seizure lasts up to 3 minutes. After the last phase, the muscles relax and the patient goes into deep sleep. After waking up, he experiences disorientation and retrograde amnesia (he does not remember what happened before the seizure).

Diagnosis and treatment

Irritation of the cerebral cortex is diagnosed using electroencephalography. The essence of the method is the registration of brain biopotentials, which create waves and rhythms that have frequency and fluctuations. They have diagnostic value. How does irritation manifest itself?

  1. The amplitude of the alpha rhythm is uneven.
  2. The beta wave voltage increases 2-3 times.
  3. The waves become sharper.

In terms of external signs on the EEG, cortical irritation resembles epileptic brain changes.

Pathological irritation of the cortex is corrected by treating the underlying disease, since irritation is not the underlying disease. For example, if spontaneous arousal is caused by an infection, the patient is prescribed antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

Symptomatic and restorative therapy is prescribed:

  • Means aimed at improving the rheological properties of blood.
  • Nootropic drugs that improve microcirculation in the brain.
  • Correction of lipid metabolism (fats cause the formation of plaques along the arteries).
  • Correction and stabilization of sleep.
  • Anti-anxiety and sedative to relieve anxiety and muscle spasm if present.

Caffeine is one of the foods that generates so much controversy. The media focuses a lot of attention on this issue, since caffeine has many faces and is the main active ingredient. We propose to find out whether caffeine is harmful to human health.

People use natural caffeine as part of a drink, or as part of medications in a synthesized form. Its main task is to stimulate the processes of excitation of the cerebral cortex, reports
You will also be interested to know which five foods are harmful to human health.
The effectiveness of caffeine consumption is as follows:
- increased physical and mental activity;
- general endurance;
- progressive achievement of results;
- improvement of intellectual abilities;
- invigorating effect and lack of fatigue;
- an excellent antidepressant;
- for the prevention of numerous diseases;
- as a result of numerical studies, it has been proven that caffeine improves the reproductive function of men.
Be careful, since the depletion of nerve cells depends on the dose of caffeine consumed. In this aspect, take a personal approach. It is the vector of the amount of caffeine intake that is the stumbling block regarding its use in the medical environment.
Doctors about caffeine
Medicine differentiates the age category regarding caffeine consumption. Young people have a state of health that allows them to drink a cup of coffee as a pleasure, regardless of its strength. But older people are careful about this, since it mainly concerns their blood pressure. A short-term rapid pulsation as a result of increased blood circulation is also possible. Possible provocation of a jump. The same factor is considered positive for the cardiovascular system; pressure fluctuations protect against premature strokes.

And yet, frequent consumption of caffeine has a direct relationship to a person’s mental health. Unmotivated aggression and frequent psychoses are the result of consuming large amounts of caffeine.
More troubles...
But regarding microelements, their absorption and leaching also depends on the consumption of caffeine. It interferes with the absorption of microelements such as calcium, sodium, iron, potassium, vitamins B1 and B6. The list can be continued. As a result, the following problems arise: teeth become fragile, they deteriorate due to a lack of calcium, which is washed out of the body. Back pain occurs and osteochondrosis develops. You may also be irritable and have a headache.
Let's pay attention to the dangers of caffeine for children's health and pregnant women. For them, caffeine causes partial harm because it interferes with the full development of the fetus. This applies to low weight, teeth and growth of the unborn child.

But for children it is important to consume foods such as chocolate and Coca-Cola. They also contain caffeine. By frequently consuming them, your children are harming their health. They are more whiny and aggressive, they have inappropriate behavior and frequent mood swings.
With systematic use, nerve cells are depleted, resulting in dependence on the product.
There is no general consensus regarding caffeine consumption.
Consume caffeine in moderation and early in the day. Be objective. Remember that your health depends on the dose of caffeine consumed.

All activity of the cerebral hemispheres is based on the implementation of two nervous processes: excitation and inhibition. These processes are extremely dynamic, can transform into each other and are formed in the cerebral cortex depending on environmental conditions.

There are two types of inhibition: conditioned reflex and unconditioned reflex. The first is inherent only in the cerebral cortex, and the second can occur in any part of the central nervous system.

Conditioned reflex inhibition is internal, since it develops within the arc of the conditioned reflex, in those nervous structures that are involved in the implementation of this reflex.

Extinction inhibition is developed if the conditioned reflex is not repeatedly reinforced with an unconditioned stimulus. Some time after extinction, the conditioned reflex can be restored if the action of the conditioned stimulus is again reinforced with an unconditioned one. Strong conditioned reflexes are easily restored, fragile (weak) ones are practically not restored.

Extinction is the basis of forgetting: this is the forgetting of completed educational material if it is not repeated in subsequent lessons, the loss of sports skills in the event of a break in training, etc.

Extinctional inhibition begins to appear only from the end of the first childhood period. At earlier stages, extinction almost does not develop. This means that conditioned reflexes formed in children under the age of 5 years practically do not disappear and continue to manifest themselves not only when they are not reinforced, but also when they are actively altered. This is why it is difficult to wean children from bad habits.

Extinction inhibition has important biological significance, as it brings the body’s activities into compliance with environmental conditions. If a conditioned stimulus is not reinforced for a long time, then it loses its signal value and causes inhibition, rather than excitation, in the cerebral cortex. Thus, a person gets rid of habits and skills that have become unnecessary for the body. But since extinction refers to internal inhibition and occurs under certain conditions, sometimes it takes a person a long time to develop it. This is why retraining is a very difficult task.

Differential braking is produced when the body is exposed to several stimuli of similar qualities, one of which is reinforced by an unconditioned stimulus, while the others act without reinforcement. This type of inhibition is important for carrying out a subtle analysis of all kinds of influences from the external world. Thanks to differentiation, the auditory analyzer develops the ability to distinguish the pitch of sounds, their strength and direction; in the visual - to identify and distinguish colors, their shades, the distance of objects, their shape, to recognize things, objects, etc.

The first differentiations are developed starting from the first year of life. This process is slow at first, but speeds up as you practice.

This type of inhibition is extremely important in pedagogical practice, especially at primary school age. For example, when studying the alphabet, through distinguishing letters that are similar in outline, their semantic meaning is learned. Through differentiation, the transition from the particular to the general is ensured. Inaccurate development of differentiation leads to incorrect pronunciation of words and incorrect spelling of letters.

The ability to develop differentiations in children depends on the age-related characteristics of the cerebral cortex. In preschool children, the formation of this type of inhibition is difficult due to the wide irradiation of excitation and the limited concentration of cortical processes. Hence the difficulties in distinguishing between stimuli that are close to each other. A gradual increase in differentiation inhibition occurs during the transition to the period of second childhood. This allows you to increase the efficiency of the educational process, deepen the study of certain sections, and expand the erudition of schoolchildren. During adolescence, the ability to differentiate weakens due to a decrease in the concentration of nervous processes.

A conditioned inhibition develops if, after a strong development of a conditioned reflex to any stimulus, a new stimulus is added to it and the effect of this combination is never reinforced. In humans, the word “impossible” is a component of the inhibitory combination. “Do”, “take” are positive conditioned stimuli, and “you can’t do”, “you can’t take” are inhibitory stimuli that exclude action. The development of this type of inhibition is accompanied by a person’s ability not to do what is prohibited, poses a threat to others, and contradicts basic moral and ethical standards of behavior.

Conditioned inhibition is the basis of discipline, endurance, and self-control. During first childhood, this type of inhibition is poorly formed. In second childhood, the process of formation of a conditioned inhibitor accelerates. Its constant training, carried out at school from the very first days, leads to the rapid formation of inhibitory processes.

In adolescents, due to the weakening of the tone of the cerebral cortex, there is a decrease in excitatory and especially inhibitory processes, in particular conditioned inhibition. This leads to deterioration of discipline.

Delayed braking develops if the action of the conditioned stimulus lags somewhat behind the action of the unconditioned. When developing the so-called delayed conditioned reflex, two phases alternate in the cerebral hemispheres: inactive (inhibition) and active (excitation).

In humans, an example of delay can be considered the command: “Get started! Attention! March!". The last part of the command is given after a short interval. For a capable athlete to refrain from premature actions requires a fairly strong internal inhibition. Delay ensures that the body “freezes” in anticipation of the last command. Athletes with poorly trained internal inhibition processes often make so-called false starts, taking off before the “March!” signal. An example of the manifestation of inhibition of delay can also be a call from a lesson. The bell rang, but the teacher had not yet given the command “The lesson is over, you can rest,” the students are waiting for the signal with a word that will be a conditioned stimulus for them. Reinforcement “Get up and go to rest”, as a positive conditioned stimulus, will occur after some time, i.e. it is delayed in time.

From a biological point of view, stimuli that cause conditioned inhibition also serve as signals for the body. They signal the absence of food, danger, etc., so they can be called negative. Accordingly, the conditioned reflexes that are developed in this case are called negative, since when they arise, an inhibitory process develops in the cerebral cortex. Negative conditioned reflexes underlie such important character qualities as endurance, self-control, composure, discipline, accuracy, etc.

Unconditional reflex inhibition manifests itself in two forms: transcendental external inhibition. It is innate and does not require special development, but this does not exclude the need for its training.

Extreme braking develops when the intensity of excitation processes in the central nervous system exceeds the limit corresponding to the maximum performance of nerve cells. This inhibition performs a protective function, protecting the nerve brushes from exhaustion associated with exposure to an extreme or long-term stimulus. The performance limit of cerebral cortex cells is not a constant value. It depends on the degree of fatigue of the body, the functional state of nerve cells, state of health and, finally, on age. Under unfavorable conditions, cell performance decreases. The threshold for irritation of nerve cells is low in childhood and increases as the body grows. An example of extreme inhibition is sleep. In infants, it lasts up to 18 hours a day; with age, its duration decreases, but sleep is extremely necessary to protect the body from overload.

External, or induction, braking occurs when there is a sudden action of a new foreign stimulus. Such an irritant could be the noise of a flying plane, an unexpected car horn during class, etc. In response, an unconditioned orienting reflex is formed. The focus of excitation created in this case will be dominant. Being stronger, it will induce inhibition in other centers. External inhibition can also occur under the influence of frequently successive subthreshold stimuli. The development of inhibition in this case will be the result of the so-called summation. An example of summation and subsequent inductive inhibition is sleepy inhibition, which develops in students during prolonged monotonous, monotonous reading or a teacher’s story. In this case, each word is likened to a weak stimulus, and the entire story is likened to a series of cumulative effects of rhythmic stimulation.

Thus, inhibition, as one of the nervous processes underlying the activity of nerve cells, is important in the body. It performs two important functions: protective and corrective.

The protective (protective) role of inhibition is to replace the excitatory process with a more economical inhibitory state. In case of fatigue, prolonged activity of nerve cells or exposure to extremely strong stimuli, inhibition protects nerve cells from overstrain and exhaustion. Therefore, overwork causes drowsiness in children.

The corrective role of inhibition is to bring all the activities of the body into compliance with environmental conditions.

So, if the developed conditioned reflex ceases to be reinforced, and the inclusion of a signal stimulus continues to cause a significant reaction, then the body, when producing it, seems to be making a mistake. Its activities do not correspond to environmental conditions and are therefore uneconomical. This will happen until the conditioned reflex fades away and the conditioned stimulus becomes inhibitory. Extinction inhibition will correct (adapt) the activity of the cerebral cortex and bring it into line with changes in the environment.

There are also other types of convergence of excitation on a neuron, characteristic only of the cerebral cortex. This is due to the fact that any peripheral excitations, before reaching the cerebral cortex, undergo dispersion through numerous subcortical formations of the brain, and then, in the form of ascending flows of excitation of various modalities, are directed to the cortical neurons. The wide convergence of excitation of various modalities provides great opportunities for the subsequent final effect of the interaction of excitations. The result of the interaction of various excitations on an individual neuron determines the degree of its further participation in the formation of an adequate behavioral act of the body.

The result of such interaction can be the phenomena of prototyping, exposure, inhibition and occlusion. Pathing consists of reducing the synaptic delay time and transmitting excitation due to the temporal summation of impulses traveling along the axon. The relief effect manifests itself when a series of excitation impulses causes a state of subthreshold excitation in the synaptic field of a neuron, which in itself is not sufficient for the appearance of an action potential on the postsynaptic membrane, but in the presence of subsequent impulses arriving along some other axons and reaching the same synaptic field, becomes threshold and excitation may occur in the neuron. In the case of simultaneous arrival of various afferent excitations to the synaptic fields of several neurons, the total number of excited cells decreases (occlusion), which is manifested by a decrease in the functional activity of the executive organ.

A single large afferent ending contacts a large number of dendrites of individual neurons. This ultrastructural organization serves as the basis for a wide divergence of excitation impulses, leading to the irradiation of excitation within any structure. Irradiation is directional when excitation covers a certain group of neurons. The combination of synaptic inputs from many neighboring cells on one neuron creates conditions for the multiplication (multiplying) of excitation impulses on the axon, and the neuronal trap ensures the prolongation of excitations in the brain. Such functional connections can contribute to the long-term operation of effector neurons with a small number coming to the centers of the brain. m. afferent impulses.

Generalized activating influences are also carried out by the hypothalamus and limbic structures. Excitations arising in the cells of the hypothalamus, due to its extensive connections, spread to other structures of the brain. The most pronounced ascending activating influences of the hypothalamus are directed to the anterior sections of the cerebral cortex and capture the limbic formations of the thalamic nucleus. With increased excitation of the centers of the hypothalamus, the reticular structures of the brainstem are also activated. Limbic structures, which include the olfactory brain, parahippocampal gyrus, temporal and frontal cortex (see. Limbic system ), Due to internal relationships and broad influence on other formations of the brain, m. also contribute to its generalized excitation. Activating influences serve as the physiological basis for the emergence of motivational excitation of the brain. When the internal needs of the body appear, motivational centers of the hypothalamus, limbic and reticular formations are excited, which, due to their activating influences, organize processes in the brain, which leads to the formation of purposeful behavior. Along with activating ascending influences in G. m., there are descending, mainly corticofugal, influences on subcortical structures. The interaction of ascending and descending influences determines a two-way connection between the structures of the brain, especially pronounced between the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations. Such reverberation of excitations can contribute to the preservation of foci of long-term excitation, which underlies the mechanisms of short-term memory or prolonged emotional states.

Functional connections between various departments of the brain, on the one hand, determine its functions as a single whole, and on the other, reflect the functional role of its individual structures. In general, the main function of the brain is to regulate the functions of the entire organism. However, when analyzing each specific function, it is possible to identify specific brain structures that regulate it to a greater extent. The regulation of the body's vegetative functions is ultimately aimed at maintaining the constancy of its internal environment. Constancy of the internal environment, or homeostasis, characterized by many indicators - hemodynamic and osmotic pressure of the blood, its temperature, pH, the number of formed elements, the concentration of sugar, some other substances, etc. Homeostasis is ensured functional systems organisms, dynamically organized according to the principle of self-regulation (see. Self-regulation of physiological functions ). Each functional system selectively combines various structures of the brain, which, in interaction with the endocrine glands, carry out neurohumoral regulation of functions. An important role in this regulation belongs to hypothalamic-pituitary system, the center of which is the hypothalamus. It contains the centers of hunger, satiety, thirst, thermoregulation, sleep and wakefulness. Receiving afferent flows of excitations from interoceptors (osmoreceptors, thermoreceptors, chemoreceptors), the nuclei of the hypothalamus, integrating them, address excitations along functional connections to the efferent neurons of the parasympathetic and sympathetic sections of the autonomic nervous system. In accordance with the changed parameter of the internal environment of the body, the regulating effect of the autonomic nervous system is carried out on the corresponding organ (for example, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, heart). In addition, the centers of the hypothalamus, as well as the centers of the limbic system, through functional interstructural interactions in the brain, form the appropriate motivational state of the body (for example, a state of hunger, thirst, sexual desire), on the basis of which human behavior is organized.

Vital centers for the regulation of autonomic functions (vasomotor and respiratory) are located in the structures of the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata also regulates such simple reactions as sucking, swallowing, chewing, vomiting, sneezing, blinking, etc. The cerebellum takes part in the regulation of autonomic functions, which influences the activity of internal organs through the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The highest center for the regulation of autonomic functions is the limbic system, sometimes called the visceral brain. From the limbic system, excitation impulses are sent primarily to the autonomic centers of the hypothalamus, through it to the pituitary gland and the nuclei of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Thanks to its connections with the basal ganglia, the anterior parts of the thalamus and the reticular formation, the limbic system can influence the functional state of skeletal muscles. Some areas of the cerebral cortex, especially the frontal and parietal regions, are involved in the regulation of autonomic functions. Irritation of these areas causes changes in cardiac activity, blood pressure levels and breathing rhythm, salivation, bowel movements, and vomiting.

Along with the regulation of the functions of individual organs, metabolism exerts trophic regulatory influences on various cells and tissues. Central regulatory mechanisms trophism are carried out similarly to the mechanisms of regulation of functions, but are mediated primarily through the sympathetic part of the nervous system (see. Autonomic nervous system ). Sympathetic influences on cells, especially on skeletal muscles, are always adaptive-trophic and are carried out due to the released mediator norepinephrine. The adaptive-trophic influence of the sympathetic nervous system can be indirect due to the release of norepinephrine into body fluids (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, lymph) or through the hypothalamus and endocrine glands. Most researchers consider any influence of the nervous system as trophic, which occurs in a non-pulse form and is similar to the processes of neurosecretion. Substances such as mediators, peptides, amino acids, enzymes, etc. formed in nerve cells are delivered to the executive organs through axonal transport and affect their metabolism.

By regulating motor functions, the muscle provides two main processes: the creation and redistribution of skeletal muscle tone to preserve poses and coordinating the sequence and force of muscle contraction to organize movement. Maintaining posture and coordinating these processes with the organization of purposeful movement are carried out mainly by the brainstem structures of the brain, while the organization and execution of a purposeful motor act itself require the participation of overlying formations of the brain, including the cerebral cortex. Regulation of muscle tone and formation of posture are ensured by a complex of adjustment reactions, which are divided into static and statokinetic. Static reactions help maintain body balance of a person in space when the position of its individual parts (head, arms, legs) changes. Statokinetic reactions are associated with the redistribution of skeletal muscle tone, ensuring the preservation of the balance of the human body during angular and linear accelerations of active or passive movement in space. The vestibular nuclei of the medulla oblongata are the first level in the brain, where information received from the labyrinth receptors about movement or changes in body position in space is processed. The neurons of these nuclei also receive afferent flows from the proprioceptors of muscles and tendons, which arise when the position of body parts in space changes, as well as influence from other structures of the brain (cerebellum, reticular formation, basal ganglia, motor area of ​​the cerebral cortex). The descending regulatory influences of muscle tissue on skeletal muscles are carried out through segmental mechanisms of the spinal cord.

The highest level of movement regulation is the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and cerebellum. The motor areas of the cerebral cortex include the primary and secondary motor areas and the premotor area. The cytoarchitecture of the primary motor area is characterized by a set of vertical columns of neurons, each of which provides excitation or inhibition of one group of motor neurons innervating a separate muscle. Thus, in the somatotopic organization of the motor area, the muscles of all parts of the human body are represented, with the muscles of the fingers, lips and tongue to a greater extent, and the muscles of the trunk and lower extremities to a lesser extent. From the motor cortex begins the pyramidal, or corticospinal, pathway to directly regulate the activity of spinal cord motor neurons for fine movements (for example, articulation, threading a needle). Many general motor acts (for example, walking, running, jumping) occur without the participation of the pyramidal system, but with the obligatory participation of the extrapyramidal system. The central place among the structures of the extrapyramidal system is occupied by the basal ganglia. With the help of these structures, smooth movements are achieved and the initial posture for their implementation is achieved. Most structures of the extrapyramidal system do not have direct exits to the motor neurons of the spinal cord, but mediate their influence on them through the reticulospinal tract. Wide afferent and efferent connections of the structures of the extrapyramidal system with each other, bilateral connections of the subcortical nodes with the cerebral cortex, especially with its motor areas, as well as connections with the structures of the diencephalon, midbrain and medulla oblongata provide a wide interaction of excitations on neurons, which is the basis of higher integration and control of behavioral acts.

When performing a motor act, moving parts of the body are influenced by inertial forces, which disrupts the smoothness and accuracy of the movement performed. This movement of the cerebellar structure is corrected. The intermediate part of the cerebellum receives information about the planned movement along the collaterals of the corticospinal tract, as well as afferentation from the somatosensory system. As a result, excitation flows are formed to the red nucleus and brainstem motor centers, ensuring mutual coordination of postural and purposeful movements, as well as correction of the movement being performed. The cerebellum plays a particularly important role in the construction of fast ballistic goal-directed movements (for example, throwing a ball at a target, jumping over an obstacle, playing the piano). In such cases, correction during the movement is impossible due to the short time parameters; ballistic movement is carried out only according to a pre-prepared program. It is formed in the cerebellar hemispheres and its dentate nucleus on the basis of impulses coming from all areas of the cerebral cortex and is fixed in the cerebellum. Thus, during a person’s life, continuous “training” of the cerebellum occurs with the preservation of information that allows the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems to form the necessary complex of motor impulses, under the influence of which the necessary movement will be performed.

The structures of the brain are involved in the formation of human behavior, which is carried out according to the principle of a reflex, which underlies the entire variety of behavioral acts. Analysis of the patterns of formation of reflex reactions allowed I.P. Pavlov established the fundamental basis of learning during a person's individual life - the conditioned reflex. The main tenet of the doctrine of conditioned reflexes ideas appeared about the mechanisms of closure of temporary connections in G. m. The results of further studies of the central mechanisms of the formation of the conditioned reflex served as the basis for the development by the school of P.K. Anokhin's systemic principles of organization of intracerebral processes in the formation of purposeful behavioral acts. The initial stage of intracerebral organization of behavior of any degree of complexity is afferent synthesis. It is a systemic process of comparison, unification, and selection in the structures of the brain of numerous afferent flows of excitations that are diverse in significance for the body. The main components of afferent synthesis are motivational arousal, memory mechanisms, flows of environmental and trigger afferentation. Motivational arousal arises on the basis of the internal needs of the body, for example food, drink, temperature (see. Motivations ), in the hypothalamic, limbic, or reticular structures of the brain and in the form of ascending activating influences covers various areas of the cerebral cortex. An important property of motivational arousal is its dominance. Of the variety of needs of the body, reflecting various aspects of its metabolic changes, at a given moment in time the need that is most important for the life of the individual dominates. It will create a dominant motivation, which, according to physiological mechanisms, is always built on the principle dominants. Dominant excitation increases the excitability of neurons in certain areas of the cerebral cortex, which leads to an increase in their convergent capacity and promotes the integration of other incoming afferent excitations. Motivational arousal can activate the innate mechanisms of long-term memory, which can be realized in the deployment of rigid, genetically predetermined behavioral programs (instincts). At the same time, motivational arousal ensures the fixation in the brain of those new arousals that arise when the body is exposed to stimuli that signal the achievement of useful behavioral results. Dominant motivational arousal easily and quickly activates the acquired individual experience in satisfying the corresponding need.

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A moderately strong release of CH leads to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure, peripheral vessels narrow, and the release of GC increases, which leads to increased immunity and suppression of inflammatory reactions. In addition, glucocorticoids in moderate doses increase the strength of cell membranes, making cells more resistant to all external influences without exception. They have HA and antioxidant properties. Because GCs suppress inflammatory responses, stress can lead to relief from mild colds.

Since in stage I of stress there is an increase in the body’s combat readiness, it is called the anxiety stage.

II. stress stage. Develops in response to severe stressors. Changes in the body are pronounced. The body's reserves are on the verge of depletion, as there is a maximum mobilization of all available resources. The emission of CH is very strong. The rise in blood pressure and narrowing of peripheral vessels are pronounced. The release of HA is huge.

Since in stage II of stress the mobilization of all available resources of the body is maximum, the body in this stage of stress has the greatest resistance to all external factors. A person in stage II of stress is capable of performing miracles: enduring extreme cold and heat, running long distances and winning unequal fights. There are known cases when a person, fleeing from a bear, jumped over a 3-meter barrier; during a fire, a little old woman carried a forged chest out of the fire, which then 6 people could not budge. Everyone has probably read about Benvenutto Cellini, who alone, armed only with a dagger, attacked 12 people armed with swords and won. World achievements in sports are based on inducing stage II stress in the body.

However, increasing the functional capabilities of the body in stage II of stress comes at a very high price. Excessive release of CH causes multiple microhemorrhages in internal organs and in the brain, leading to partial destruction of cell membranes. In other words, along with elements of protection, elements of destruction begin to appear in the body and they leave their mark. For this reason, world-class athletes do not live long. Stage II of stress is characterized by excessive strength of all protective reactions, which leads to a sharp disco-ordination of all vital processes of the body.

Stage III of stress is called distress. Distress can occur in 2 variants - acute and chronic.

In the acute version of distress, an excessively strong stressor causes a huge release of catecholamines and glucocorticoids, an excessive increase in blood pressure, and a sharp drop in immunity. Each of these factors in itself can already cause death. For example, adrenaline (related to CH) sharply increases the heart's need for O 2, resulting in a contradiction between the heart's need for oxygen and the ability of the blood vessels to satisfy this need. Sudden death or heart attack develops. The more sclerotic the vessels are, the easier their onset, but the vessels can also be healthy. Excessive release of HA causes acute necrosis (death) of the liver and death from hepatic coma. The decrease in immunity caused by GC can lead to the development of acute infections that cannot be treated and end in death, etc.

We all know that a strong nervous shock can cause a person’s death from some disease. Where it's thin, that's where it breaks. Usually a person dies from an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases. As you can see, death from stress as such does not exist. There is an exacerbation of existing or the emergence of a somatic disease, from which death occurs.

In the chronic version of distress, a stressor that is strong, but not sufficient to cause rapid death, leads to acute depletion of the reserves of cholesterol, glucocorticoids and some other hormones. The depletion of CH reserves leads to the fact that their release sharply decreases, and this causes severe depression, which can result in suicide. Depletion of GC reserves leads to a decrease in their level in the blood below the initial level. The body loses the ability to fight infection not only externally, but also internally. Severe chronic diseases develop that are not typical for people living under normal conditions. For example, a prisoner can develop a severe form of tuberculosis after just a few days spent in a punishment cell. This disease is chronic from the very beginning and cannot be treated with antibiotics.

In general, any chronic disease can develop. Much depends on environmental conditions and hereditary predisposition. Therefore, when starting treatment for any chronic disease, you need to remember the possible stressful nature of its occurrence. Often it is enough to put the nervous system in order, and the disease goes away as if it never happened at all.

So, we know the mechanism of occurrence and consequences of stress. Now let's talk about how to prevent the occurrence of stress and eliminate stress that has already begun.

The most reasonable solution at first glance is to protect yourself from stressors. Avoid psychological conflicts, sources of infection, excessive physical, chemical and biological exposure. But is this real? Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely avoid stressors. I personally cannot protect myself from environmental pollution. There is nowhere to get environmentally friendly food products not only for me but also for all my compatriots. You can protect yourself from infection only to the extent that personal hygiene helps, but nothing more. It is possible to avoid psychological conflicts, but this impoverishes life so much that it becomes unbearably boring and uninteresting. In addition, a person who sets more or less significant goals in life is simply forced to fight, and therefore enter into conflicts with someone.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that we need not only passive protection, which is carried out by protecting the body from stressors, but also active protection, which is carried out by extinguishing or preventing stress at the level of the body, despite the existing external stressors.

Since psychological stressors begin their action from the cerebral cortex, forming a stagnant focus of excitation, we can simply extinguish this focus, preventing the activation of the hypothalamus, the release of CH and GC, etc. If the stress reaction begins at the level of the hypothalamus, we must block the excitation of the hypothalamic cells. The only thing that needs to be done is to find an agent that could erase the focus of congestive excitation in the cerebral cortex or hypothalamus, being strong enough for this, and, at the same time, quite harmless, and, in an ideal case, also useful. Medicines do not meet these requirements. There are, of course, very strong anti-stress drugs, but they cannot be called entirely harmless, and in addition, a person may find himself in a situation where he does not have any pharmacological agents at hand and has nowhere to get them. This is where the gas turbine engine comes to our aid. The ability of HDT to have an anti-stress effect is simply amazing, and I think you, who have read the book to this point, no longer doubt its harmlessness.

Stagnant foci of excitation in the central nervous system have one peculiarity: they attract impulses from other, weaker foci, as if feeding themselves from other stimuli. If a focus of excitation appears that is larger than the previous ones, then it, in turn, extinguishes them.

Hypoxia-hypercapnia causes excitation of the respiratory center, which extinguishes all other stagnant foci of excitation, thereby blocking the stress reaction in the bud. If the stress reaction has already occurred, then the elimination of the focus in the central nervous system stops it, since the flow of stress signals from the center to the periphery stops. In addition, severe hypoxia leads to some accumulation of acidic metabolites in the blood, which have an inhibitory effect on the nervous system, helping to eliminate pathological foci of excitation.

During practical exercises, the anti-stress effect of GDT manifests itself very clearly. If a person comes to class nervous, agitated and excited, then he leaves calm, balanced, in a good mood. 5 exercises in a row are enough to relieve moderate stress. More severe stress requires more exercise. Sometimes they have to be done for hours. In exceptional cases - all day long, for several days in a row. Success definitely comes, although at different times.

Having such a powerful weapon in the fight against stress as GDT in our hands, we can significantly increase the level of our aspirations in this life. After all, we often set ourselves extremely difficult tasks, and distress acts as a contradiction between the social load on the body and the body’s ability to cope with this load. By eliminating distress, we cope with the difficult tasks that we set for ourselves. In other words, I believe that you should not give up on your goals. You just need to strengthen your body so much that these goals become easily achievable. And GDT will help us with this.


The time for breathing pure oxygen is always strictly limited, since excess oxygen in the blood leads to a sharp narrowing of blood vessels, resulting in severe metabolic disorders, even if oxygen is given in a mixture with carbon dioxide

It is possible that there are stressors and biological fields unknown to science, the nature of which is currently unknown to science.

Quite often in everyday life, an external factor is completely incorrectly called stress.

It is possible that there are stressors unknown to science, such as biological fields, the nature of which is currently unknown to science.

Blood clotting also increases, and this is also a protective reaction.

And such exhaustion can occur if the stressor is too strong or not very strong, but long-lasting. In this case, the consumption of available resources will exceed their synthesis and, as a result, decompensation will occur with impaired body functions.

Every body contains opportunistic microorganisms that do not cause disease under normal conditions. With a sharp drop in immunity or anti-inflammatory potential, they can cause inflammation of any organ.

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