We win eternal love through a love spell on the wind. Longing love spell for married couples. Return. So as not to walk away from you


Just as Mother Theotokos loves her son Jesus Christ, thinks about him with a tender soul, with a tender heart, with a smile on her lips, so would a servant (name) love me, think about me, dream about me, and greet me with a tender smile. He looked and couldn’t stop looking at me, either day or night, but throughout my entire life. Amen.
Read in bad weather: rain, snow, thunderstorm, wind.
The priest walked to the church. The wheel rolls, plays, throws itself under the feet of the butt, and clings to the floors. So the servant of God (name) would rush at me, rush around me, spin around me, pray at me like a priest at an icon. Devils, brothers, help, conquer the servant of God (name). Amen.
This spell is cast on a human footprint, which can be left on the floor from a bare foot, wet shoes, in the snow, in the mud, etc. After this, the person will run after you like a devoted dog.
Following the trail of the servant of God (name) came a fierce misfortune, her name was melancholy, it came in his wake, and filled him into my slaves. Just as a faithful dog watches over its owner and runs after its owner, so the servant of God (name) followed in my footsteps, didn’t turn anywhere, didn’t go anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Some are so tormented by jealousy that life seems unkind. Speak to the water and let’s drink three times.
Where are you, dog tooth? - In the mouth. Where are you, jealous husband? - In trouble. So the husband would not be jealous, would not grind his teeth and yell, and would not wave his hands. The word is strong and molding. Amen.
DRYness DURING A Feast
Pour beer or wine from your glass to the one you like, saying to yourself:
Drink, finish, love, don't forget.
When you start dancing with a friend, look into his eyes and say to yourself three times:
Adam and Eve sinned and had children because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen.
Looking out the window, whisper nine times:
Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my tracks. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.
And this is how they make it dry on a string. They take a white rope, but not transparent, that is, not made of gauze, and tie as many knots on it in a row as will come out involuntarily. If the number of nodes turns out to be even, then you can read the dry spell. If the number of nodes is odd, leave this matter until the next day. The spoken rope is thrown where the dear one lives. Will love and miss you.
No matter how long the rope is, there will be a last knot. No matter how you, slave (name), walk away from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, soul of the slave (name), the soul of the slave (name). Amen.
Treat yourself to some candy (or at least some chewing gum), and say to yourself:
Just like a candy is sweet and pleasant, so you would like me. Amen.
Bite your tongue lightly as you say:
I bite myself, I attach a slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) would be bored, from melancholy he would not know rest, either during a bright day or during a dark night. Anything to make him think about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read for salt and throw salt after.
I, a sinful slave, will go past the holy church without laying the cross. I will step over my mother’s blessing, over my priest’s petition at the church font, I will go around the burning candles, I will become a dissolute apostate, I will place a sorrowful heart, a sinful soul on the altar. That altar is in a black hut, near the devil in the chimney, and in that hut lives an unbaptized soul, dedicated to Satan. Icons don’t hang there, lamps don’t burn there, those living there swear, gnaw and bite, and hurl angry words. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would not live together, would not eat bread, would not drink water, would sleep back to back, would curse each other. There would be no peace between them for a single hour, not a single half-hour. They would all swear and attack each other. I lock everything up with a black word, I fill everything with black resin. Neither the first nor the last can correct or make amends. And what I forgot to say, the devil will speak for me.
Stand with your feet on the threshold, facing the room, rest your hands on the door frames and say three times:
I call the servant of God (name) to my doorstep. Like this threshold under my feet, the doorframes under my hands. so you, slave (name), walk under my will. Slave (name), come to me! Amen.
They burn a candle, cutting off the flame with scissors, and say:
Just as this wax melts from a burning fire, so you, slave (name), from my mighty slander, you will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To prevent a person from coming to your home, for example, your enemy or a person whom you do not want to see, or vice versa, you do not want the person to leave you or from some place, you should do this. Lower yourself (with a jerk) to your right knee, while pressing your right fist into the ground. Bend your torso back and say the spell:
Divide the fire into two sides: the fire of heaven and the fire of hell. Unite with my wish, fulfill my spell. Let the slave (name) remain (that and there) and not go (there): I command two fires, I conjure two fires. Fire of heaven and fire of hell, unite, as I said, that’s how it all happened. Word, fire, earth and servant of God I, (name), Amen.
Talk about some gift or thing that he (she) will have later. The slander is this:
You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, without your slave (name), you would not have peace and urine. Amen.
Keep the new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, having talked about it, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband’s clothes. Read like this:
Carry it, don’t lose it, don’t forget your slave (your name). Amen.
I will get up, bless myself, go out, cross myself, from door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers standing there, I’ll go closer to them and bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is an island, on the island there is an oak tree, under this oak tree there lies a slab, a melancholy melancholy, a dry dryness. Raise this slab, take away this melancholy, bring it, place it on the zealous heart of the slave (name). Give him longing and sadness, so that he yearns, grieves, and shouts in a bad voice for me, slave (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, nor spend a day, nor spend an hour, nor while away a minute. With you, the red sun, with Mother, the dawn of the morning Mary, the evening Mariamyan, the midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright moon. I would walk, I wouldn’t hang around, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think, I wouldn’t light up, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t go on a spree, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t overeat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I’d get up in the morning, I’d be mindful, slave (name). Lighter than the midday wind, faster than lightning, the howl of fire, let another maiden seem scary to him, like a lioness, like fiery parts, like the sea, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And for him, slave (name), I am a firebird. Amen.
Just as a child cannot live without its mother, a sheep cannot live without its lamb, so that my dear friend, the servant of God (name), loves me. So that he would be bored and grieve, would never see the world, could not live even for an hour without me, slave (name). Amen.
Read through the window at sunset.
Body to body is a love affair. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. The twig bends in the forest, I know where it will stick. Amen.
The words are spoken to oneself.
Just as a brownie cannot cheat on his house, his floor, his wall, so with not a single slave, neither with a handsome man nor with a pockmarked one, will my dear one cheat on me. Amen.
They read to themselves during love affairs.
Slander about drinking, about food, so that the fellow will fall in love:
Ancient Beelzebub, give me the ring-key to open the door where the terrible beast lies. His name is melancholy. I will release him and send him to the slave (name). Let him follow him around, tormenting him with heavy melancholy. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, the power to do evil has been given to you, I will bend my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a slave (name). Amen.
If you love a young man and this love is a burden to you, so much so that you want to free your heart from love, reading this drying in the bathhouse when you wash, you can alienate this person. Take a new birch broom, brush it with it, then burn the broom and read:
I will wash it off, I will take it off, I will rinse with water the love-dryness, the longing-longing for my dear slave (name). Heart, don’t be tormented, free yourself from love for the slave (name). Amen.
If it's windy outside, go out and read this curse.
13 winds, 13 whirlwinds, come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain, find it on the servant of God (name). So that he gets bored, grieves, and never sees the light of day. Call him to me during the day during the sun, in the evening during the moon. Give him the torment of the Lord for me. God's servant (name). Amen.
This curse is read if a person has blue eyes. They read early, early, between the time when the sun has not yet risen and the night has not gone away. They read while standing on their doorstep.
Lights and flashes, dawn and dawn, embrace, come together, consult. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would come together, consult, admire, live side by side, like the dawns of the morning and dawn. My word is molded, strong and reliable. Amen.
Little devil brothers, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Footprint after footstep, step by step, don’t lag behind and don’t leave behind, remind me of me. So that he knows and remembers my name and never forgets. Amen.
Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen.
You are a Leo, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove, I am your Dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything else. Amen.
When you see a person to whom you are not indifferent, touch her and at that moment say a secret word to yourself; if you are not closely acquainted with your sweetheart, do it as if by chance, passing by.
The secret word is BONDAGE.
Read through a window or open door while holding a lit candle.
Come to me, clear falcon, not along one road, but along all of them at once. Listen to the damn order. This is my threshold, this is where you should be, this is where you should live. Servant of God (name), come to me. I'm standing in front of you. I am waiting for you now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
They read for salt, so that later they can add salt to the food for someone who likes it.
Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that you, the servant of God (name), would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, minutes pass, you would still follow me and admire me. Amen.


If you don’t have a photo of a guy and you don’t know how to bewitch him, a strong blow to the wind without a photo of your loved one will help in this situation. Learn by heart the words of a strong love spell and if you don’t have a photo, then loudly say the love spell into the wind (facing the window) into the open window, once against the wind (turning away from the window and looking at your door) the words of a strong love spell for the wind:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Vetrograd, you are a brother to the four elements.
Go not to the forest, not to the clearing, not to the dry wasteland, damn you.
Find and bring to me, God's servant (name), God's servant (name).
Twist his legs and arms, drive love pangs into his heart for me.
May he not eat my name, may he not drink it, may he come to me from all roads and paths,
It would seem that I am in my image everywhere: above, below, on earth, on water.
If he looked at me, he wouldn’t admire me enough; if he showed mercy to me, he wouldn’t have mercy.
Just as a hungry animal would not be satisfied, it would not be satiated with me in bed for a century.
I am his blood, I am his food, I am his gold...
I convey my word to the wind, I speak in a conspiracy.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

This addition in its magical power is equivalent to love spells, but its effect lasts no more than a year. A strong blow to the wind is good because if you decide to break up, you won’t have to turn around and torment the guy you once loved.

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An article on the topic: “a strong addiction to melancholy - ways to perform a love spell on the site master” will help you do everything right.

A love spell for melancholy is not a love spell in the full sense of the word. In its effect and ultimate goal, it is more reminiscent of drying. Basically, conspiracies of this nature are used to stimulate a person to take the first step in a relationship, to make peace after a major quarrel, to get back after a breakup, or to get more attention from him to his person.

A love spell for melancholy differs from traditional love spells in that it is characterized by a faster action. He puts a program of longing into the victim’s energy field. Under her influence, the bewitched person begins to yearn and miss the performer or customer of the ritual. He has an irresistible desire to see the one who performed the ritual, to get in touch with him, his thoughts are occupied only with thoughts about the object of his longing.

The constant feeling of anxiety and all these experiences are replaced by calmness only when the victim finds himself next to the person who has bewitched him. This state of the bewitched is very similar to addiction.

What is dangerous about a love spell for melancholy: the consequences of the ritual

Most love spells for melancholy have a short-term and mild effect. Their impact continues exactly until the goal set by the performer (or customer) is achieved.

The effect of a love spell on melancholy is characterized by the most gentle effect for all participants in the ritual when it is used with the intention of:

  • push a person to take the first step at the very beginning of a relationship, provided there is natural sympathy;
  • make peace after a major quarrel;
  • awaken cool feelings in long-term relationships.

The negative consequences of the ritual in the above cases will be minimal, and the ritual will have a generally positive effect.

It’s another matter if a love spell for melancholy is performed out of a feeling of revenge or hatred, or a very strong ritual is used. The one who is bewitched will suffer the most from this. A strong longing for the customer, formed during the ritual, often leads the victim to apathy and loss of interest in life, loss of sleep, appetite and peace. Under the influence of the ritual, the bewitched person can completely break down, become addicted to alcohol or drugs, and acquire suicidal tendencies.

The performer of the ritual cannot get away with the broken fate of the victim - according to the law of karma, he will definitely have to pay for his actions. Therefore, the decision to use a powerful love spell for melancholy, especially if a person is overwhelmed by negative emotions, must certainly be carefully considered. A strong love spell for melancholy is a magical effect that should be used only as a last resort.

Ways to independently perform a love spell for melancholy

There are quite a lot of love spells that cause melancholy. For your information, I will give the most popular rituals. They are carried out as a predominant part of love spell magic for the growing month.

Love spell for the wind (for melancholy)

The following spell is pronounced in windy weather. Ideally, this should be done outdoors, in the lap of nature - in a field or forest. If this is not possible, you can read love words at home, with the window open. The text is as follows:

“Earthly winds, strong whirlwinds, you blow and rage, disperse, to God’s servant(name of the person being bewitched) get through. You rock it, bend it and dry it, tell him about me(your name) tell me. So that you don’t get too much sleep while sleeping, don’t get too full of food, don’t get drunk when you drink, and don’t get enough while walking. So that the servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched) no longer walks around in revelry, yearns, grieves, grieves for me. My words are precise and strong, my thoughts are sharp and tenacious. The desire is for a sharper knife, stronger pain. Let it be".

Longing love spell for married couples

A wife can use this ritual if her husband has stopped paying attention to her, and their relationship is undergoing a cooling stage.

Before performing the ritual, the wife must buy her husband a new pair of socks. This must be done completely alone; the presence of other buyers is not advisable. After paying for the product and receiving it from the seller, you must whisper:

“I’m not buying socks, but taming my dear (husband’s name)”.

When you get home, you need to turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross on each one with thread of the same color as the socks. While embroidering, say the following spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name) to my zealous heart.”

When the crosses are embroidered, you need to fold the socks, cover them with your palms and say another spell:

“Today, tomorrow, forever, for months, for many years, socks will save you from the cold, and I will save you from heartache. I give socks, I give myself. You take socks from me, but give yourself to me - not for an hour, but forever.”

The charmed socks should be presented to the spouse as a gift. It is best to do this on Wednesday or Friday, immediately after the end of the ritual (for this purpose, the ritual itself can be performed on these days of the week).

Longing love spell on a piece of meat

The ritual is suitable for girls who dream of making a guy fall in love with them. To complete it, you need to buy a piece of meat in advance, prepare 3 icons - the Savior, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The ritual is performed alone. Procedure:

  1. Lock yourself in a room, put 3 icons on the table, put a piece of meat opposite them.
  2. Extend your arms over the meat, with your palms facing up.
  3. Turn on visualization - recreate in your thoughts the image of the guy being bewitched, imagine him in as much detail as possible.
  4. When you managed to tune in, say the spell: “Just as a dog chases a bitch, howls at the frequent stars, so does a slave(guy's name) He followed me everywhere and howled in anguish. The dog barks and the door is closed. So am I, servant of God.(own name) , the heart of a slave(guy's name) I lock, I lock, I bury, I bury. Lips, teeth, a key in the sea-ocean. Amen".
  5. After reading the plot, you need to feed the meat to a homeless stray dog.

Today we will talk about concepts that are close in meaning in the magic of love and relationships, such as an independent love spell for a guy’s melancholy and a love spell for longing. At first glance, these seem to be the same thing. But, in fact, these rituals are intended for different purposes. What is the difference between binding and love spell based on a photo - this is the main topic of this material. And also, we will try to understand what is better - a home love spell or a love spell, which is less dangerous, and which of the rituals is more effective.

Make a love spell or binding yourself - what you need to know about these rituals

A proven love spell and binding to a loved one are effects that differ in purpose. Each of us in ordinary everyday life has enough strong attachments even without magic. They arise and exist as part of our personality, to one degree or another influencing our actions, way of thinking, and determining our behavior as a whole.

Magical bindings on a loved one are mostly created in order to make a rich guy sexually dependent on a specific woman. Self-binding works according to a strictly defined scheme, just like an effective love spell for a husband. However, the real way to bewitch a man has different goals and purposes - it is a real relationship transformer.

The magical binding of a loved one involves a reaction at the level of the second chakra of Svadhisthana.

The guy, subjugated by magic, becomes sexually attracted to the specified woman. And real love spells for men, the scheme of which is more complex, in addition to the second chakra, also affects the fourth - Anahata, the Heart chakra, regulating the feelings and emotions of the object. This is what they mean when they intend, for example, to read a love spell for melancholy on their own, at home, evoking feelings of a certain nature in a person’s soul.

An example of a person’s magical attachment could be a banal “non-standing” in a man, or a strong erotic desire in a woman, aimed at a handsome guy. Such sexual attraction is fleeting or long-term, and depends on how strong the conspiracy was read at home, and for what purpose the magic words were spoken.

A love connection can be created by the power of verbal magic, or there can be a ritual part in the rite, and then sympathetic magic comes into play. Thus, a black love spell on a man can be performed, which implies serious work by a magician, and a slight sexual attachment to a guy.

What is the difference between a love spell and a love spell - how to distinguish one from the other

There is another type of influence on the victim, often used in practical witchcraft. This influence is called a guy’s love crush - influencing the right people in an easy, safe form. To correct a relationship, it is not at all necessary to cast a real love spell on a guy at home. Here is a good example of the influence on a guy to think and be very bored - a sugar addiction. Talk about sugar, put this sugar in tea and give it to the guy you like to drink.

“My slave (name) bake, dry on my sugar with your body, heart, head. Just as flies stick to sweet syrup, so turn in my direction, look at me, love me. Take your advice, struggle without me, value me as people value their most precious things. Amen".

The strength of the witchcraft influence, as well as the long-term effect - this is what distinguishes the dry spell from a real love spell on a man’s love. Love attachments made independently are a wonderful thing, they help to correct, improve and generally form the concept of relationships, while magical attachments are aimed at coercion, suppression, dictatorship, and according to the principle of action they are close to damage.

These are very rough, harsh influences. Yes, there are also strong love spells made at a distance that work hard, say, the same black cemetery witchcraft. But a real love spell pushes a man, while a sexual attachment tightly binds a guy, leaving not even a hint of choice. Unlike the first and second examples, magic suction pads work very softly.

Love attachments are short-lived, but if you constantly practice this type of practical magic, you can correct the behavior of any guy in the way you want. And not only in the love sphere you can practice suffocation - in any area of ​​​​being (whether personal or social) they work great. So, if the girl’s task is to make him dream of me, it’s enough to make a light sleepy nap and enter the guy’s dreams; To solve this problem, a real love spell about a photo is not needed.

Serious love spells for a man's love are potentially dangerous. This, I think, is clear to everyone. You can minimize or completely eliminate the threat of negative consequences if you cast a home love spell for a guy’s love for real, understand what any of your decisions and actions will lead to, and do them only if they are really needed. And don’t put too much weight on a man unnecessarily.

If you need your beloved man to be bored when you are apart, to think about you, and not to look at other women, you can read love spells, make light succussions; but if the task is to form a relationship, you may need a real love spell for a guy, which can be combined with a ritual to induce melancholy.

Such magical techniques have different reviews, much depends on the chosen ritual. Many of those who cast a love spell to miss a girl are satisfied with the result.

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SEE HERE How to remove a love spell or binding yourself

How can you remove a real love spell or love spell on your own at home? In the practices of black magic there are various ways to get rid of induced negativity. These include cleansing, transfers, transfers, payoffs, flushes - a huge arsenal of rituals with which you can successfully remove any negative, from light spells and ending with severe damage.

Here is a simple ritual for getting rid of an induced binding or other negativity of medium strength - Transfer to apples. Do it on the waning moon. Buy 3 ripe apples without change, roll yourself with each of them, reading the spell for each apple:

“I spin the apple, roll it, collect every drop of evil from my head, face, eyes, heart, back, arms and legs. I seal it into a ripe apple. Whoever takes this difficult apple will take all the evil upon himself. So be it. Amen".

Immediately take the fruits to crowded places and leave them in different places. There will be someone who will take a ripe apple, and with it your problem, and you will be clean.

Make the strongest love spell on a man for melancholy through a chain

You can make a guy miss a girl with a love spell by performing certain manipulations with a chain of 13 links. You need a chain on which the faithful dog sat for a long time. If you don't have one, you can work with a new chain. You can buy it at hardware stores, but you need a chain, not a chain, with massive heavy links. The object of a real love spell on a guy’s longing for his girlfriend can be a close friend, fiance, native husband or married lover.

Making a real love spell on a man on your own for 3 nights in a row on the waning moon will work well with the effect of suppressing the will. Light 3 candles made of yellow wax; it is permissible to use black candles made for this magical ritual. Upside down church candles will also work. Take the chain by one end, rotate it counterclockwise, and read the love spell on the husband’s longing for his wife 13 times. The number 13 plays a special role - the devil's dozen, a special number in the practices of black magic.

In this case, it is not necessary to have a photo of your beloved guy. However, if it is difficult to visualize, to simplify the task, you can keep a photo of your lover in front of your eyes. At the end of the ceremony, remove the photograph and take the chain together to the crossroads.

“I, (name), will not sleep at night. At the demonic hour I will get up, bow to Satan Satanovich, go from the hut to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the door, from the door to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate. Behind the gates the meadows are dark, the fields are foggy. And there is a mountain, near the mountain there is a boulder with a chain. I’ll go to the boulder, pull the chain, the stone will open, and under it melancholy languishes. Go, melancholy, to the good fellow (name). Let love for me become an ache for him, in his head the thought of me alone. So that he doesn’t live without me, so that he doesn’t eat without me, doesn’t rejoice, doesn’t sing, doesn’t go to festivities, doesn’t be with friends, doesn’t look at other girls. To be in distress in the light of the white, clear sun, on a dark night with a young moon. I will pull the chain and send melancholy to (name). Go, melancholy, into your free will, go into the white chest, pour into the zealous heart, be absorbed into the red blood, break all the bones, fill the desired soul. I put (Name) on a chain of loyalty, I lock these words, I throw the keys down a stone mountain. Amen".

On the last night, a chain with a ransom to the crossroads. The results of a real love spell on a loved one for melancholy appear quickly (in general, real love spells of black magic, whether for love, or with suppression and melancholy, begin to act during the lunar cycle). For strong magicians who practice real magical rituals, changes are visible already from the first week.

As for the result, like all blacks, the effect of this magical ritual may be unexpected. More precisely, it is impossible to say clearly how this or that black love spell on a lover’s love will work, since the same conspiracy can have different effects on different people. It has been noticed that this particular love spell with a chain works not only to make a guy bored, but some are also attracted to sexual attraction. Before a magical ritual, for greater effect, it is recommended to suppress the will of a man in any way known to you.

For beginners in love magic, I think, a logical question will arise: to read a love spell for the melancholy of a beloved guy at home, as an independent ritual, or to carry out the work as a complex? Rituals for melancholy can be carried out as independent ones, if the main task is to make a person feel despondent and discouraged. But, if you don’t want the magical love spell on a young guy to become melancholy, it’s logical to do it in a complex, i.e. reinforced with strong rituals.

You can create the following complex: on the waxing moon, carry out a home spell, then during the same lunar cycle, as this rite for melancholy subsides, and on the next waxing moon, cast a real love spell on a guy in a cemetery.

Dryness for food

I have already explained in previous books that the most powerful love spells are those made on food and drink. They are much stronger in action than, for example, love spells on the elements (wind, thunder and lightning).

In the old days, they bewitched love to the human heart through seeds, sweets and gingerbread, which guys gave to their sweethearts at get-togethers.

The lack of food and drink was otherwise called feeding. You’ve probably heard the expression “fed and watered,” and so this is exactly what I’m writing about now.

I will write below how feeding is removed from a person, but for now I will explain how to properly feed a person for food or drink.

They talk about food and drink in advance, before the date. Hold your left hand over the object you are about to speak. Cross yourself with your right hand and immediately read:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say, servant of God (name), distant words, distant sins, distant prayers. Just as water from the earth flows and breaks through stones, so my words spill and break through this food, laying on them like a ring, a cross, with violent force, from now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen! On the sea-on the island, on the island of Buyan, there is a table-throne, an old man sits at the table, angry and naked, his white bones are visible, his pain is visible. That old man wants to drink and eat. There is nothing dearer to him than bread and salt, there is nothing in his stomach except pain. He cries, bends over, grabs food with his hands, asks for food and drink, begs, and even offers his soul for that. So God’s servant (name) would love me, suffer, and never sleep or rest. Just as people cannot live without food, just as they cannot live without water, so you, servant of God (name), could not live and be without me. I am your food, I am your water. Come, slave, to me, to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Next chapter >

If disagreements begin in a couple or family, then a good love sip will help. She will not allow betrayal, quarrels and bickering. Now you and your man will live in perfect harmony, and you will forget about the lovebirds. This is a very strong love magic that binds two people with strong bonds, much stronger than stamps in passports. You can do any ritual at home, because there is nothing complicated here.

Your female love will help you complete the ritual and give it sufficient power. A new time in the relationship is coming for you and your man, which means everything will work out. These conspiracies will not harm the partner and will not bind his will. They only remind us why we fell in love with our soulmate, what feelings we experienced at the very beginning. This feeling remains for a very long time, it prevents you from doing stupid things, cheating, breaking up. If there is love in your couple, then drying it will ignite it even more. This way, no one will take your loved one away from home.

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Prisushki and love spells

Men and women are very different. Anyone knows this. So relationships in couples develop differently. If a woman is capable of loving one person for many years, her whole life, she gives her heart once and for all. Men are subject to their nature. A male can be with different females, and when he gets tired of one, he looks for new sensations. Of course, we are talking about animals, not people. Unfortunately, nature did not deprive the man of this quality.

It is believed that after the first 3 years of a relationship with one partner, she becomes satiated with the man.

Even strong love can fail the test of time. A man is ready to live with a woman, but he will constantly look for something new, even in terms of simple entertainment. Many men justify themselves by saying that it is their nature. They don’t leave their wife, they don’t leave their house. It’s just that sometimes short, easy affairs happen. These connections can be very dangerous. The point here is not even that a man can bring home unpleasant diseases. Someone might want your husband for themselves.

Women are capable of much to achieve their goals. Love spells are often used. This is very dangerous magic, because in inept hands it destroys the lives of many people. If the one doing the love spell suffered from it herself, that would be half the problem. She herself may suffer from a love spell, but also your husband, you, your children, her children. A love spell suppresses the will, it pumps up your man and his relatives’ strength, desire to live, will. Your children can also suffer from this, get serious illnesses, and become addicted to drugs.

You need to protect your boyfriend or husband at the first sign of his desire to “take a walk.” If he really wants to, then let him walk with you. Drying helps revive relationships. It gives you the opportunity to remember your love, intimacy, feelings. This way you will save your marriage from collapse, and your husband from a homewrecker. Being too dry or dry on love won't harm anyone. If there has never been love between you, then it is unlikely to work. If it was, it will remind you very much of it.

Water spell

With this conspiracy, any guy can be tied to you. Works well for those who have already been together for 1-2 years. If problems start, do this drying immediately. You need to get water, preferably from a spring. Any clean water from a natural source will do. They slander her for three days 12 times:

“I, God’s servant (name), will get up in the morning, wash myself with cold water, dry myself with a white shroud, and worship Jesus Christ. I’ll go through the doors into the gates, out of the gates into the street, under the bright sun, the red sun, about a month young, into a clean field, a wide field. In that field a tree stands, supporting the sky with its branches. Those branches stretch from east to west. May there stand under it a church with a bright throne. There is a board at the throne, and on that board lies melancholy. Throw a thrower at God's servant (name), melancholy, into his violent head, into his zealous heart, into his strong bones, into his hot blood. I will be a servant of God (name) brighter than the sun, more beautiful than the month, dearer to my father and mother, kinder to the whole family of the tribe, dearer to the free light. If he stands by the water, he will want to drown himself from melancholy; if he stands by the fire, he will burn himself. The servant of God (name) will feel sorry for me, not regret it. He will remember me until his death. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Offer water neat or top it up.

A conspiracy so that your loved one does not leave

This method should be repeated from time to time

If there is a danger of losing your boyfriend or husband, then do as this ritual prescribes.
Early in the morning, you need to wash yourself completely with cool water. Collect the water that has drained from you into a basin. Wash the floors throughout the house with this water. Dip a rag into the water and say:

“Three girls were sitting on a bench, three sisters were sitting. Do me good service, sisters. There is a board on the coffin, and on that board there is melancholy. Put this longing into God's servant (name), may he love me more than life itself, so that he follows me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. Let him not steam in the bathhouse, let him not gorge himself on food, let him not drink water, but he only thought about me, followed me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This is how you will tie a man to you. Wherever he steps, you will appear to him. Very soon all grievances will be forgotten, and bad thoughts will completely disappear from your head. This is a good, proven remedy that has saved more than a dozen marriages.

Spell for dew in the morning

You need morning dew. It must be assembled carefully. It won't take much. Natural, clean water carries enormous power. This power will come to your aid in performing this ritual. Bring the dew home. Say to the dew:

“Clean water, help me, return my beloved (name) to me. Just as the dew on my skin quickly dries, so my beloved constantly remembers me. His love for me will flare up, his soul will turn to me. The stronger his love for me burns, the sooner he will come running to me. The forces of nature will help me bind you to myself, kindle your love for me for the rest of your life. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now, when you prepare a drink for your man, add the charmed water there.

Short dryness at will

You need to speak quickly, several times. You can talk to:

  • drink;
  • clothes;
  • a man's personal item.

This is a quick way for those who cannot spend much time together.

“I will tie the knot for passion and lust. The fastener is strong - (Name) sculpted before me.”

Memorize it.

The famous apple pie

You need to take a mature, ripe apple. It should be without wormholes or dents. The fresher the better. Ideally, the apple is picked from the tree, but if this is not possible, then buy the best one. They slander an apple 12 times:

“Just as this red and ripe apple dries up, so the servant of God (name) will dry up and yearn for me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so. Amen!"

Now, hide it in a dry, dark place. The apple will dry out, and so your man’s love will “dry up” for you. A very good method, known from ancient village magic.

Drying so that he returns home

If your man leaves home and does not return, then do the following.
You need to put his photo on the table. Place a church candle on the photo. Light the candle with matches. While it's burning, repeat:

“I (your name) call (husband’s name) to our home. I give you the “Husband’s Name” of four angels, I place them on your sides, in front and behind you. Angels, guardian angels, guiding angels, bring your dear one home, bring him to the white porch. Let him not come back in a dream, let him not forget about me, he loves only me, only he will be happy with me. Amen, Amen, Amen."

Drying from a photo using a candle is simple and effective

You need to talk all the time until it burns out completely.
Very soon the man will show up first and then return. This is a strong method, but it is better to combine it with some other one. It only lasts for a few days, and during this time you will use it in another way forever.

What to do if conspiracies don't work?

It happens that not a single conspiracy works. The man continues to leave you, his love fades away every day. This is a very bad sign. It says that a love spell has been cast on the husband or boyfriend, which is disturbing him. In this case, contact a qualified healer. He will be able to remove the love spell and return your man to you.

It’s better not to delay here, because a love spell has a destructive effect. There is another reason why your spells don't work. Initially, the couple lacked the main thing - love, reciprocity, support. Prisushka - love magic. They incite feelings rather than create them. Love cannot be created at all using magic or anything else. It either exists or it doesn’t exist at all. If it is not there, then love magic will not work.

If your marriage was built on mutual benefit, and not on love, then do not be surprised - love magic conspiracies will be powerless against all your misfortunes. Love should be in a couple, then you won’t be afraid of anything, any problem can be dealt with.

A love spell for melancholy, by and large, is not a love spell in the usual meaning of the word. It has more in common with mental magic.

In essence, the mechanism of a love spell for melancholy comes down to the fact that a program is placed in the victim’s mental field, in this case, a program of melancholy.

A person living with a program feels dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction.

The symptoms disappear when he is in close proximity to the bewitcher. Thus, something like an addiction is formed.

If a person himself is weak in spirit, then he very quickly realizes that he brings relief. In general, this is what the love spell is designed for - to show the victim who his savior is and on the basis of this to form a psychological dependence.

This explains the mechanism of action of such a love spell from an energy point of view.

However, it has certain side effects. In particular, it is implied that longing will be drowned in love.

In practice, melancholy is drowned in wine when the initial energy charge of the program is used up.

Thus, a love spell for melancholy is an installation, a program that changes a person’s state of mind.

There is an opinion that a love spell for melancholy, or drying, is completely safe and does not carry with it any consequences, like a love spell. This is not entirely true.

Any action, regardless of whether it is good or not, starts a chain of consequences, and this must always be remembered.

It is not without reason that they say that the most difficult and most important thing during a love spell ritual is to make a decision and take responsibility for the action performed.

How to make a love spell on the melancholy of a man or woman

In view of the fact that all love spells, one way or another, make the victim sad, let’s consider the simplest and most effective of them.

For example, you can speak a special text into water and then add it to the victim’s food or drink. It will be two in one - feeding/opoy plus a love spell for melancholy.

To cast a love spell on melancholy, take a faceted glass and pour water into it. Holding the glass with both hands, whisper into the water:

“Water-water, beautiful maiden! How without you a person toils, suffers, curses the dryness. Even without me, my beloved (name) would have been toiling, suffering, only calling me, only wanting me. Just as without you, Voditsa, a person cannot eat or be baptized, so without me my beloved (name) could not visit or cross the threshold. Let it be so!”

Store the water on which the slander was pronounced in a dark place and slowly add it to the victim’s food and drink. Remember that this water will not be stored for long, so you can simply freeze it.

Love spell for sadness in the wind

Another common variant of rituals for melancholy is wind drying, which is performed in a field in windy weather.

This love spell for longing for the wind is used mainly as a weapon of revenge. It is not necessary to bewitch a person in order to later create a family with him.

Many resort to drying as revenge. The person suffers, suffers, and the bewitcher enjoys the torment of the victim.

In order to conduct it, go out into the field or any other place where the wind blows.

Wait until the air begins to envelop you, and read the plot while standing like this. So that the wind carries away your words:

“The winds are violent, the winds are strong, the winds are mighty! Blow, run, spread across the ground! Get there, get through to the servant of God (name)! Twist him, twist him, torture him! Dry him, choke him, tell him my name! Let him have neither sleep nor peace, let neither his good nor his bad descend upon him without my word, without my gesture, without my glance! Let it be so! Forever and ever to this day!”

As can be seen from the text, this is more likely not a love spell in its pure form, but a curse with the subsequent binding of the victim to the operator.

Love spell for longing on socks

Unlike the previous ritual for the longing of a beloved guy, this one is more suitable for married couples and is directly of a love spell nature.

In order to carry out the ritual, buy the man socks, and when the seller hands them over, whisper:

“I’m not buying socks, but I’m taking the heart of God’s servant (name) into my hands.”

When you get home, stitch a cross on the back of your socks. Try to match the thread to the main fabric so that the pattern is not visible.

While embroidering crosses, say the following phrase like a spell:

“I don’t embroider crosses, but I sew the heart of God’s servant (name) to my zealous heart.”

After that, fold the socks together, tie them with a red ribbon or woolen thread and give them to your man.

It’s ideal if you ask him to wear the gift right away. It is best to do this on Wednesday or Friday, that is, on the days dedicated to Venus and Mercury.

If a man asks what kind of crosses are on his socks, he can answer that this is so as not to confuse the socks of this pair with others. And then such a love spell for melancholy will work!


Today I will tell you about several of the most powerful dry spells that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushki (prisushki - whispers for love) about which we will tell the magician have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly attract a guy or an unmarried man. But proven whisper - a dry spell on the man you love or the guy you like will allow you to dry it for up to 1 month, and the drying will begin to take effect the very next day. It is very convenient to suck a person to you and get to know him better. If you are suitable for each other, you can use a strong love spell and, after reading the plot, bewitch your loved one to you. If you are too different, in a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply maintain good relations. Read sweets and love whispers The magician started back at school so that the boy I liked would pay attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and always the expected result. The next day after drying, my beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me obvious and unambiguous signs of attention.

The first drought is read in the forest when your loved one is at a distance from you. When going into the forest, take a black thread with you, find a fern in the planting and pick it. In the same forest, aspen with foliage is needed. Go to the aspen tree and sit with your back to it and start whipping yourself with fern leaves, whispering words of love dryness:

Dry, grass, dry, wither.
Let it dry the same way for me

My dear friend, servant of God (name).


Then tie the fern grass to the aspen tree with a thread of 7 knots and leave without looking back.

Wind drying is the easiest way to dry your loved one.. In windy weather at any time of the year or day, go outside and stand with your back to the wind and say words of love to the wind:

Thirteen winds, thirteen whirlwinds,
Come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain,
Find the servant of God (name),
So that he would be bored, grieve, and never see the light of day.
Call him to me during the day during the sun, in the evening during the moon,
Send him the Lord's torment for me, God's servant (name).


The next day, your dear and loved one will come running to you, no matter how far away he was from you. He will begin to look after you, trying to please you in everything, this means the drought has worked in the wind, and a month after the drought, the loved one whom you have dried to yourself will be only yours.

© Copyright: Magician


Love spells - sugar spells act on the principle of tying a person to oneself, cause mortal melancholy and do not allow a person not to eat or sleep without the person who ordered the love spell. Drying a person means causing him longing and a desire to be near you. Prisushki are simple to perform and often do not even require photographs or things of your loved one. These love spells often have a narrow focus and, as a result, begin to act very quickly; sometimes the effect of such a love spell is calculated in several days.

Consequences of a love spell

However, a love spell does not provide a complete guarantee of a strong relationship. Most often, drying only causes longing for you, but does not ignite the feelings of the person being bewitched. Therefore, it is better to back up love spells with other love spell methods.

Moreover, if a person has a strong will and categorically does not want to be with you, performing a drying without knowledge of the laws of magic can end in failure. The person will be drawn to you with incredible force, but he will fight in every possible way against the influence of the love spell, not in any way submitting to your plan. The consequences of drying out can literally dry out a person, leading to illness, exhaustion from suffering, and drunkenness. Therefore, the methods of love spells must be handled very carefully.

Conditions for a love spell

The principle of operation of a love spell is more suitable for black methods of influence, since in its essence it involves negative energy to force a person to take any action towards you. Prisushki are often made for love spells at a distance, again in a negative sense, tying a person, making him yearn for you, miss you, and not find a place for himself at a distance. Sometimes, with the help of dryers, they influence the physical desire of the victim.

Methods of love spells for melancholy

To evoke the melancholy of a loved one, you can use this ritual method. Three days before and after the love spell on a girl for melancholy, you need to observe a bloodless fast. On the day of the ritual, without combing or washing your face, go to the market, take a piece of fresh bloody meat on the bones there, and when you get home, recite a spell on the meat:

“Like a dog running after a bitch, chasing, howling at the stars,

So that Slave (Name) follows me everywhere, howling in anguish.

The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried,

So I, God’s servant (your Name), the heart of a slave (man’s name)

I lock, I lock, I bury, I bury.

Teeth, lips, key in the ocean - the sea"

After this, cut the meat from the bone and feed it to street dogs, and bury the bone at a crossroads.

It is extremely important to understand that love spells for melancholy and drying are dangerous and if there are any additions in the annotation to the plot, they must be performed exactly. In this ritual, the bone must be buried, and the meat must be given to dogs, and not your own!

Love spell to cast your loved one to the wind

Often, for love spells on melancholy, it is the power of the wind that is used, since the wind can penetrate into any corners, it can convey your message to your loved one or just as quickly dry it out. This drying spell should be read in windy weather, with heartfelt thanks to the air elemental for their assistance and future results. It is often said that a wind-sucking love spell can work even if you are at home and reading through an open window. However, this is not entirely true, since in this case the ritual will require your own strength, which is rarely found among people who do not regularly practice magic. Therefore, it is better for such a ritual to be in an open field or in any open area where you can physically feel the power of the wind currents. The main thing is that your feet should be as close to the ground as possible, drawing support and strength from it for the ritual. It’s also a good idea to cast a love spell on your loved one before entering the house, make honey water (stir a few tablespoons of honey in warm water clockwise) and drink in small sips.

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