Pet health: why does a dog have a dry nose? Why does my puppy have a dry and warm nose? What does it mean if a dog has a warm nose?

Don't be alarmed if you touch your pet's nose and find that The dog has a warm, dry nose. In some situations this may be the norm. Well, sometimes this is really a symptom that deserves attention and requires a trip to the veterinarian. In this article we will understand why a dog may have hot and dry nose.

First of all, you need to understand why your dog has a wet and cold nose. Most mammals have a wet nose. And only humans and a couple of primates do not have such an amazing property. A dog's nose is covered with mucus, which is produced by the glands lining the nose. With the help of this mucus, the dog's wet nose can sense even the slightest air movements.

A dog's nose is a kind of gas-liquid chromatograph. When molecules of volatile substances land on the tip of a dog's wet nose, they move at different speeds, which allows the dog to better understand the odors coming to it. This is why dogs are great at identifying different smells. This is roughly how the inside of a person’s nose is structured. A dog's sense of smell is several thousand times stronger than a human's. For a dog, the main sense organ is the nose. And it must be wet so that the dog can define itself well in this world.

In what cases can a dog's nose be dry?

A dog may have a dry and warm nose while sleeping or only after waking up. Also, if your dog ran into other dogs on the street or its owner bought her a new gadget puller (article about this interesting tool for dogs) and worked with her for about 20 minutes, then she is simply physically tired and her nose will be dry.

If it is incredibly hot outside or, on the contrary, brutally cold, then the dog’s body will react with a warm nose. In general, a dry nose is a reason to observe the animal more closely. But if this is a temporary phenomenon, in which the dog is active, cheerful and has an excellent appetite, then there is no reason for concern. If winter has come and the heating is turned on in the apartment, which dries out the air very much, then in this case the dog’s nose may also dry out. And not only her. If your household, especially children, have dry crusts in their noses, then the air in the apartment is too dry.

On dog forums, the question of the condition of the nose of a puppy or an adult dog is sometimes raised. And some dog owners say that their dogs have a warm nose almost all the time and that these pets feel great with a hot nose throughout their lives.

Cases of dry and warm nose have now been listed, in which the dog owner should not worry about his health. But there are still cases in which you need to take a closer look at the behavior of your tailed pet.

When a dog's dry and warm nose is a sign of illness

If your dog’s nose remains dry and warm for a long time, here are the possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Allergy. She can be up to anything. Starting with a plastic feeding bowl (replace with a stainless steel bowl) and ending with bird cherry blossoms. Of course, it could also be a food allergy. A test and keeping a diary of the animal's diet will help you identify the allergen. You need to do this to eliminate all allergens from your dog’s life as much as possible.
  • Cold. If a dog has caught an infection, then in addition to a dry nose, it should also have other signs of the disease: sneezing, runny nose, cough. As soon as the dog is healthy, the moisture in the nose will also be restored. See what to do if your dog has a runny nose.
  • Nose injury. You can determine a nasal injury yourself. It is advisable to seek treatment advice from a veterinarian if you are not experienced in treating nasal injuries.
  • Pemphigus. There is an autoimmune disease in dogs, one of the manifestations of which is the appearance of blisters on the nose, which then burst and the nose becomes covered with a crust. It should be taken into account that blisters do not only appear on the nose, but can occur throughout the body. Only with the help of histology can accurate confirmation of the disease be given.

Now you know exactly why a dog has a wet and cold nose, why it needs it like that and in what cases The dog's nose is warm and dry. With the help of this article, we have dispelled the misconception of many novice dog breeders that if they feel a dry and hot nose on their dog, they should panic and urgently run to the veterinarian.

In this article I will talk about the causes of dry or elevated nose temperature in a dog. I will describe possible diseases and why it is hot or warm, and what to do. I’ll tell you what your nose should be like, when dry is normal, dangerous or not.

Reasons why a dog has a dry nose

A wet and cold nose in an adult dog or puppy indicates that the pet is feeling well.

Causes of dryness:

  • Allergy.
  • Stress.
  • Cold.
  • Dehydration.
  • Sudden change in weather.
  • Injury.

It occurs not only on certain foods in the diet, but also on dust, pollen, chemicals, materials (plastics). An allergic reaction manifests itself in a rash on the skin, lethargy of the pet, runny eyes, sneezing, and loss of appetite. A walk in the spring among flowering plants can cause an allergic reaction, even if everything was fine a year ago. Bowls and toys made from low-quality plastic should be checked first.

A dog's stress can be caused by a change of owners, moving, change of environment, or punishment. The depressed state of the dog provokes a lack of attention from the owner. Daily walks, games and contact with your pet will help avoid attention deficit and support him even in the most difficult moments of life.

A pet with a cold coughs and sneezes. A cold can be identified by a lethargic state, refusal to play or eat, and elevated temperature.

Dehydration is expressed in a depressed state of the dog, he tries to move less, and in this case the body pressure is increased.

Dogs react to changes in weather; dryness can appear due to strong winds, snowfall, frost or abnormal heat.

An injured pet experiences pain and the nostrils become dry. In this case, you need to examine the dog for damage, and if there are wounds, you need to treat them and take the pet to a veterinary clinic. A fight with wild animals is dangerous; the dog’s opponent may be a carrier of the rabies virus, in which case unvaccinated pets become infected, and the chance of survival is reduced to zero.

Causes of a hot or warm nose

An increase in the temperature of the nose and its dryness indicate that the pet is sick. To all the causes of dryness are added increased temperature and pressure.

Hot indicates that the animal has a fever; by measuring it, you can understand what exactly is happening to the dog. Dogs' temperature changes rectally. You need to lubricate the end of the thermometer with Vaseline and insert it into the anus. The procedure will be unpleasant for the dog, so the presence of the owner is important for him. It is recommended to speak affectionately to your pet, calling it by name, or stroking it.

An increase in temperature of 1 degree during estrus is normal.

If the temperature rises higher, the bitch should be checked for diseases of the reproductive system or sexually transmitted infections.

The symptom may warn of high or low blood pressure in the dog. Blood pressure is measured with a veterinary tonometer. Normal blood pressure in medium and large breed dogs is 150 x 90 mm. For small breeds, the norm is different - 170 by 90 mm.

When a dry nose is normal

Dryness and increased temperature of the nose are normal immediately after the animal awakens.

During sleep, your body temperature rises and your nostrils dry out. In hot and dry weather, the dog’s organ dries out, in such conditions the dog is at risk of dehydration, so it is necessary to provide the dog with clean water in large quantities and in constant access. If an animal sleeps near the stove and fireplace, it dries out from exposure to outside temperature.

When to contact a veterinarian

You should seek professional help or advice if ulcers, rashes, or sores appear on your animal’s skin. Diarrhea, frequent belching, vomiting, cough and shortness of breath are symptoms that appear due to gastrointestinal upset, poisoning or infection in the blood. In all these cases, a trip to the veterinarian cannot be postponed.

An eating disorder appears even when eating foods that are completely familiar to the dog. If symptoms appear, you need to review your pet’s diet with your veterinarian and, if necessary, create a new one.

If your nose is extremely dry in hot or cold weather, it is recommended to lubricate your nose with a drop of hypoallergenic ointment based on calendula.

What a healthy nose should be like

The pet's nostrils may dry out and become wet several times a day; this only indicates good heat exchange and reaction to the environment.

A dry and hot nose is not a disease itself, but rather one of its symptoms.

At room temperature, a healthy dog ​​will feel damp and cold when awake.

If your pet has noticed dryness and increased temperature of the nose, you need to observe the pet and find out more about its condition, and if other symptoms appear, contact a veterinarian.

What does a dry nose mean in a dog?

It's no secret that a dog's dry nose is a cause for concern. But why did such a concept arise and is such a change in the olfactory organ really dangerous for a pet?

Let's try to understand these issues by considering the main reasons responsible for the loss of the usual sputum.

The moisture and coolness of the nose are explained by its structure and purpose. The mucous membranes, located on the outer and inner sides, secrete a special liquid that moisturizes the olfactory organ. In addition to the olfactory properties, tactile properties are also noteworthy, reacting to minor changes in the environment.

A change in nasal temperature is considered normal if the dog:

  • immersed in sleep or recently emerged from it;
  • overtired after exhausting physical activity;
  • was exposed to the scorching sun without proper protection;
  • spent a long time in the cold and windy weather;
  • pregnant, going through lactation or estrus;
  • she is still very young and is experiencing a change of teeth (the puppy’s warm nose will return to normal gradually as it grows up);
  • experienced severe stress associated with moving, going to the vet, or other disturbing event;
  • predisposed to dryness and warmth at the genetic level.

Please note that all the examples discussed should not cause concern only in the absence of other alarming symptoms. If appetite, mood and activity are maintained at the same level, then the animal is in perfect order.

The main reasons for trouble include:


If you register a dry nose, carefully check for other warning signs:

  • temperature fluctuations (rise above 39.2° or fall below 37.5°);
  • deterioration of hair condition (loss, disheveled appearance);
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (stool upset, vomiting);
  • peeling of the surface of the nose, the appearance of crusts and cracks;
  • apathy, aggressiveness, avoidance of sunlit places;
  • changes in appetite and interest in water;
  • itching, cough, runny nose, wheezing in the chest.

Please note that your dog should be taken to a veterinary clinic immediately if it has:

  • there was an attack with loss of consciousness;
  • difficulty urinating and defecating;
  • the temperature sharply exceeded 40°;
  • cloudy mucus appeared from the sinuses, emitting an unpleasant odor;
  • foreign impurities are observed in the stool;
  • traces of blood are visible in the vomit.

We will also consider the classic signs that accompany dryness, depending on its cause:

Diagnosis and treatment

If your pet has a bunch of symptoms, it should be shown to a doctor. Try to do this with maximum comfort for the sick animal. If there is a high temperature, then it is wiser to leave the pet at home and call the veterinarian.

Please note that you cannot lower your temperature on your own using antipyretics. Such actions can aggravate the patient's condition.

After passing the necessary tests and diagnosing the cause that affected the dry nose, appropriate treatment will be prescribed:

  1. Taking antibiotics to fight viral diseases.
  2. Adjustment of the diet, allowing you to identify the allergen, and sparing the sick body.
  3. Elimination of injuries using painkillers and healing ointments.
  4. The use of anthelmintics and cleansing the body of waste products of worms.
  5. Rehydration of a dehydrated animal by infusion of special solutions.
  6. Boosting immunity with a vitamin and mineral course.

Let's look at the features of treatment depending on the diagnosis:


As preventive measures to protect your pet from possible dangers, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid plastic bowls and keep them clean. Give preference to ceramics or aluminum. They do not cause allergic reactions and prevent the increased growth of bacteria. Wash the feeders after each meal without adding detergent.
  2. Choose high-quality food and monitor the reaction of the dog’s body. When feeding natural foods, introduce new food gradually, studying the puppies' well-being.
  3. Use sunscreen not only for yourself, but also for your four-legged friend. In hot weather, lubricate your nose with it, and in winter, moisturize the mucous membrane with vegetable oils.
  4. Do not walk your dog near allergenic plants during the flowering period.
  5. Attend veterinary examinations, deworming and vaccinations in a timely manner.


A dog’s nose is the most important indicator that allows you to suspect something is wrong. However, not all existing causes require urgent intervention. Learn to understand the changes in the condition of your four-legged friend and try to learn new information that will allow you to skillfully understand possible ailments.

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Normally, a dog's nose is cold and wet. It is believed that if her nose becomes hot and dry, then this is certainly a sign of illness. Is it really? Let's figure it out.

Why does a dog have a hot nose?

In fact, the belief that a hot nose in a pet is a symptom of a disease is a misconception. The nose can be like this for many reasons:

  • from fatigue and overwork after serious physical exertion;
  • with dry and warm air in the apartment during the heating season;
  • during sleep or immediately after waking up;
  • with nervous excitement or fear;
  • during the period of teeth change in puppies;
  • as a reaction to hot or, conversely, very cold weather.

In these cases, a warm nose in a dog is normal. If the animal is awake and has not previously been affected by any of the above factors, and the nose is hot and dry, then this may be a symptom of the disease.

Diseases such as distemper, piroplasmosis, enteritis, and helminthic infestation most often lead to a serious change in a dog’s body temperature. The temperature can also rise due to allergies, heat stroke, after vaccination, or severe damage to the skin.

The alarm should be sounded if the dog's nose is hot and dry for several hours. Experts call the most common cause of this condition of the nose in dogs an allergic reaction. It can occur on plant pollen, dust, especially construction dust during repairs, plastic food or drink bowls, household chemicals and even food.

A hot nose can become due to the fact that the dog, for some reason, does not drink enough. Also, the dog can simply catch a cold. The nose may become hot and dry after an injury.

What to do if your dog has a hot nose?

If your pet's nose becomes hot, do not panic. First of all, you need to pay attention to the general condition and mood of the animal, as well as whether it has an appetite, whether there is diarrhea or vomiting, and whether breathing is normal.

Before taking your dog to the veterinary clinic, you can take its temperature. For a dog, it is better to choose an electric thermometer, especially if the animal is not accustomed to this procedure. The tip of the thermometer should be lubricated with Vaseline or baby cream and inserted into the rectum 1.5-2.5 centimeters. Normally, the rectal temperature of four-legged friends does not exceed 39 degrees.

The normal temperature differs slightly depending on the breed (size) and age of the animal, so it is better to check the norm on the Internet specifically for a dog of your breed and age. If the temperature is elevated, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian as soon as possible.

If possible, it is better to call a doctor at home and not expose the dog to additional stress. If you decide to take your dog to the veterinary clinic, then in case of low temperature (below 36.5 degrees), the animal should be wrapped in a blanket or blanket and a heating pad with warm water should be applied to the body.

Most dog owners believe that if a dog has a dry nose, then the dog has some kind of inflammatory disease.

Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Condition of the nose in a healthy dog.

When communicating with a dog throughout the day, its owners usually note that their faithful friend’s nose is wet and cool to the touch. But sometimes they notice that for a short time the nose can be dry and warm.

Physiological causes of a dry nose in a dog:

  • After a walk, during which your dog played actively and became quite tired.
  • During sleep, as a result of a decrease in metabolic processes in the dog’s body, including a decrease in the secretion of the nasal mucosa.
  • Indoor dogs living with a person in an apartment during the heating season (there is consistently dry and warm air in the room).
  • In puppies during the period of replacement of milk teeth with permanent teeth. In addition, it is considered normal for puppies to have a dry and warm nose when, upon external examination, they look healthy, move actively, eat well and fulfill their physiological needs.
  • During a sudden fright or nervous overstrain.
  • It is a reaction to a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, strong wind, etc.
  • As a result of a sharp change in the hormonal status of the bitch during the period of estrus.

Pathological reasons:

  • The dog has an infectious disease of bacterial or viral etiology.

Canine distemper is especially dangerous for dogs.

Carnivore plague(Pestis) is a highly contagious viral disease of carnivores characterized by fever, acute catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract disorder, and skin exanthema. In some cases, it is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system (meningitis, encephalitis).

Another viral disease in which one of the symptoms is the presence of a dry nose in a dog is adenovirus.

Canine adenovirus(canine cough), Adenovirosis cani is a highly contagious disease of dogs caused by a DNA virus of the Adenoviridae family. The disease manifests itself primarily in the respiratory and, less commonly, digestive organs and conjunctiva. Occurs in the form of massive and sporadic outbreaks.

Epizootological data. The source of adenovirus is sick dogs, foxes, wolves, arctic foxes that are sick with this disease and secrete the virus with discharge from the nose and eyes, as well as virus carriers. In cities, the main reservoir of adenovirus is stray dogs. Dogs of various breeds are susceptible to adenovirus disease, with puppies aged 1.5-6 months being the most susceptible. Dogs over 10 years old rarely suffer from adenovirus. The main route of entry of the pathogen into the body of healthy dogs is through airborne droplets (aerogenic) virus transmitted by coughing and sneezing of sick dogs. In rare cases, nutritional infection is possible. With aerogenic introduction of the virus, the main signs of the disease and pathological and anatomical changes are noted in the bronchi and lungs. Predisposing factors are tracheal anomalies and bronchiectasis. Isolated cases of the disease are recorded throughout the year. In the spring-summer period (when puppies appear), epizootics are often observed among dogs. The spread of the disease is facilitated by crowded housing of animals, exhibitions and “bird markets”. Animals that have recovered from the disease are virus carriers for a long time. Dogs that have recovered from adenovirus acquire long-term immunity.

Clinical signs. The incubation period is 5-14 days. The disease usually begins with a prolonged fever, body temperature rises by 0.5-1°C above normal, increasing coughing and sneezing, serous discharge from the nose and eyes, signs of tonsillitis, conjunctivitis (), swelling of the lymph nodes. The submandibular and parotid lymph nodes are enlarged and inactive. The surface of the tonsils and velum is often reddened. Some dogs develop swelling in the neck area, accompanied by small hemorrhages; in puppies, adenovirus can be complicated by damage to the digestive tract and liver with characteristic clinical signs (loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, pain on palpation).

Treatment and prevention in the article -.

Among viral diseases, diseases such as: and others can lead to the appearance of a dry nose in a dog.

Infectious diseases of bacterial etiology:, and others.

Non-communicable diseases- gastritis, hepatitis, hepatosis (), pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, endocrine system diseases, nephritis, etc.

Allergy. Allergies in dogs, especially in spring, are often caused by flowering plants, household chemicals, and food (). It is quite difficult to independently determine the source of a dog’s allergies. Initially, dog owners need to clean the room where the dog lives without using chemicals. Wet cleaning should be carried out as often as possible; food utensils should be washed daily, without using household chemicals.

When walking in the warm season, try to avoid places where grasses and shrubs bloom.

To more accurately determine the cause of your dog’s allergies, you should contact your veterinary clinic.

Poisoning, especially when accompanied by severe vomiting () and diarrhea (), causing severe dehydration in the dog.

For which symptoms should owners immediately contact a veterinary clinic?.

  • A sharp increase in body temperature to 40 degrees and above (normal body temperature in a dog: 37.7-39°C);
  • Vomit.
  • Intestinal upset accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Cloudy nasal discharge with an unpleasant odor, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing.
  • Loss of consciousness.

First aid for a dog at home

At home, the owner, when detecting a dry and hot nose in a dog, must first exclude the physiological causes of this phenomenon. For this purpose, it is necessary to carefully monitor his condition. In the case when the dog retains its appetite and is active, then it is necessary to wait until the temperature and humidity of the nose returns to normal.

If your dog develops other additional symptoms in addition to a dry nose (diarrhea, vomiting, coughing, watery eyes, etc.), you need to immediately contact your veterinary clinic.


If a pathological cause of a dry nose in your dog is determined, a veterinarian, after a clinical examination and diagnosis, will prescribe appropriate treatment.

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