Women's health after 40 years of age - advice. Say goodbye to extra calories without the slightest regret

As soon as you celebrate your fortieth anniversary, many women learn what excess weight is. If earlier some people dreamed of gaining 2-3 kg to the desired weight, but they were in transit, now, when they are least expected, each “kg” also brings friends with them. Women over 40 set records for excess weight gain! They will greatly benefit from the advice of a nutritionist, doctor, cosmetologist, psychologist and trainer.

Adviсe nutritionist:

At the age of forty, unstable hormonal levels largely determine a woman’s behavior. In order to balance her behavior and not torment loved ones with mood swings, a 40-year-old woman should be careful about her lifestyle, and pay special attention to nutrition and physical activity. It’s worth making a little effort on yourself, changing your diet a little, following the basic recommendations and you will receive a reward: a great mood, good health and an easy menopause.

The basic rule of nutrition for a 40-year-old woman is to eat little and often. This diet will relieve indigestion, flatulence and help quickly burn calories. You need to remember that it is frequent and small meals that speed up fat burning!

It should be taken into account that hormonal changes have a very strong impact on mood, so it is necessary to include “joy” foods in your diet, containing tryptophan and its derivative – serotonin – the hormone of happiness. To produce serotonin, the body requires amino acids obtained from protein, which is found in meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, oats, bananas, peanuts, dried dates, pine nuts, and sesame seeds. Focus on these products! But preference should be given to animal sources of protein, since plant protein is incomplete. In this case, fatty meats, fried potatoes, pastries and cakes should be excluded forever.

There is a lot of tryptophan in the following products (per 100 g of product): rabbit meat – 330 mg, chicken breast – 290 mg, Dutch cheese - 790 mg, peas and beans – 260 mg, herring – 250 mg, fat cottage cheese – 210 mg, beef – 230 mg, eggs – 200 mg, buckwheat – 180 mg, carp – 180 mg.

Doctor's advice:

A woman after 40 should know that her body is losing ground in all areas. Therefore, your task is to help your body adapt to a new stage and keep it in shape. Between 40 and 50 years old, most women experience the first signs of menopause. During this age period, degenerative changes in muscle fibers and their replacement with fat and connective tissue occur. In simple words, a woman loses her shape and “swims away.” To smooth out and reduce all these processes, mandatory daily physical activity, stretching, and aerobic exercise are recommended. During exercise, all muscle groups should be used.

It is necessary to conduct laboratory tests annually: check the blood for cholesterol, sugar, lecithin, a complete blood count and a general urinalysis. After 40 years, there is a risk of cancer, so you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and have your mammary glands examined.

Drink enough water, as water is the source of youth for the body's cells. Without water, waste accumulates in cells and vessels, and the development of diseases accelerates.

Cosmetologist's advice:

After 40, age-related changes occur on the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté: skin elasticity decreases, blood vessels become brittle. Nasolabial folds become more noticeable, skin texture changes, pigmentation appears, pores and capillaries expand. The volume of adipose tissue is lost on the cheekbones and cheeks, the facial muscles weaken, and as a result they appear. Therefore, regular care is important, not episodic.

Cosmetic products should include moisturizing, nutritional and vitamin components, substances that strengthen capillaries, and substances that protect against solar radiation.

You can prepare a homemade facial skin care product: olive oil + yolk + white, which has lifting properties. Honey is suitable for cleansing the skin if you are not allergic to it.

Stimulation of the facial muscles is also important, as the tone of the muscles and ligaments decreases, nasolabial folds and “bulldog” cheeks appear. Facial gymnastics and self-massage of the face will help.

Remember, to achieve a good result, you need fresh air, good sleep, a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, otherwise neither careful care nor expensive creams will help.

Psychologist's advice:

At 40, a woman reconsiders her life quite strictly. If a woman by this age has not had children or remains single, if there are no significant results in her career, then she has a more active tendency to devalue her life. In this case, you should not forget that life is wonderful, and there are many things that are unknown to you and interesting even at 45 years old. Don’t isolate yourself, don’t blame yourself, don’t engage in self-flagellation!

Woman over 40 – trainer’s advice:

After 40, a woman begins a period of second youth - she still has enough strength and energy for a lot. And if you are not yet a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, then you can do this now, on your fortieth anniversary.

At this age, hormonal function fades and a danger arises for the skeletal system - bone mass decreases every year by almost 1%. Regular exercise will help mitigate these irreversible processes. In addition to 4 workouts per week, more intense and longer walks are added. Every day you need to walk 12,000 steps at a fast pace to accustom your heart muscle to stress. Scientists have found that women who drink a glass of milk a day have high bone density, and those who drink a lot of coffee reduce their bone density.

Do you want to know the secrets of beauty and health of women after 40 years? How to remain sexy, well-groomed and energetic? The following simple tips will help women look good and please men.

Maintaining beauty and health at 40

1. Weigh yourself every day. Place the scale in the bathroom or next to your bed. It may seem excessive, but this arrangement of the scale allows you to constantly monitor your weight. Weight tends to change constantly. Don't panic if it suddenly increases.

2. Water is life! Drinking water helps the body function better. If you don't like boiled water, add a small amount of apple juice to it to color it and add flavor. Don't be afraid to drink before weighing in. Drinking water does not affect weight.

3. Avoid Eating Processed Foods. We must remember that all packaged products have been processed, and this is harmful. Try to cook them as rarely as possible. Of course, this is not easy, but it is possible.

4. Avoid sugary drinks and fast food. Don't be fooled by the labels and packages of diet foods. These products will only make you fatter and more unhappy.

5. Sleep at least 7 hours a night. This is necessary in order to stay healthy. Water and sleep are the most important thing. If you don’t get enough sleep during the week, be sure to get enough sleep on the weekend, but try to sleep no more than 7-8 hours. Make your bed comfortable for a good night's sleep. A good bed will help your body function properly while you sleep.

6. Finally, get off the couch! You can lose weight by 33% eating right, 33% allowing your body to rest well, and 33% moving. Watching TV is a waste of time, especially if you're sitting on the couch eating French fries. If you can’t tear yourself away from the TV, at least do exercises while watching it. Or go to a sports club, where there is a TV and exercise equipment, where you can combine business with pleasure. Better yet, just play sports, without any TV. And don't watch movies at night. This only causes harm.

7. Eat salads! Your body will love it. Even if you don't like them, once you start eating them, you will find that you can't stop. Salads are very beneficial for weight loss. If they make up a large part of your diet, you will definitely start losing weight.

8. Eat fish, vegetables and fruits. Do this whenever and wherever possible. This way, you will feel healthier and more energetic without gaining too many calories.

9. Don't read about scientists' research. At first they said that red wine prolongs life, then they came up with other fables. It is better to eat yogurt, honey or similar healthy foods. Think with your head. Eat what you need to be healthy.

10. Cut down on alcohol. If you still like to drink a glass of red wine every day, you can afford it. But gradually try to reduce the amount you drink. Over time, the desire to drink wine will completely disappear.

11. Never feel guilty for any food eaten. Whatever you eat, never feel guilty. Our lives are too short to experience such negative emotions.

12. Set a goal to reach a certain weight.. Work on yourself and don't panic if things don't work out yet.

13. Don't go shopping on an empty stomach.. This is an old rule that everyone knows, but it really works. Buy exactly as many products as you currently need.

14. Don't keep junk food in the house. There is no need to buy unhealthy foods and then try not to eat them by force of will. The fewer chips and cookies you have in the house, the less temptation you will have to overeat.

15. Take things one step at a time. If you can't give up milk at the moment, switch to skim milk. If you can't resist cheese, cut it into small pieces. Find out how many calories are in the foods you love. This will help you cut down on your portions without any sacrifice or effort.

If you've tried to lose weight before and didn't succeed, perhaps our tips will help you. And don’t forget to experience pleasure at every stage of your “weight loss” marathon.

Reaching 40 years of age was recently associated in the human mind with the beginning of decline. The first health problems appear and health is disrupted. Sometimes anxious thoughts about the future come.

Women experience the crisis of their 40th birthday especially acutely. It is to them that life presents unpleasant surprises at this age: wrinkles, weight gain, causeless mood swings. At this time, dramatic changes occur in the body associated with the gradual decline of reproductive function. He does not immediately adapt to the new state, and while the restructuring is underway, the woman may suffer from a variety of menopausal disorders.

Health problems after 40

After 40 years, the production of estrogen decreases in the body of every representative of the fair half of humanity. These are the most “female” hormones; they regulate the menstrual cycle. As their level decreases, problems with weight may begin, which increases, despite the fact that the lifestyle remains the same. Irritability and unexplained fatigue appear.

The production of progesterone also decreases, one of the functions of which is to “promote” the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina. Result: decrease in natural lubrication, dryness, possible pain during sexual intercourse. The susceptibility to genitourinary diseases, in particular cystitis, is increasing. Following cystitis, you may be invited to “visit”.

In general, immunity is somewhat reduced. For some, this manifests itself to a greater extent, for others - to a lesser extent, but the chances of catching even a common cold at this age are greater than at 20-30 years old.

After the age of 40, bone density gradually begins to decrease. This process occurs at a rapid pace after menopause occurs, but the first “bells” may sound already at the stage. For the first time, hypertension may make itself known: pressure may periodically increase, although for now this is only manifested by short-term headaches. Sometimes there may be attacks of tachycardia that go away on their own.
As menopause approaches, sudden “hot flashes” occur more and more often, when a woman literally gets hot. They give way to chills.

The complexion becomes less radiant and age spots appear. A woman may notice that her hair is not as thick as before and has lost its usual softness.

All these are signs indicating that the end of the childbearing period is near. This is a difficult time, but you can get through it easier, or even completely minimize the manifestations of menopause, if you follow a number of doctors’ recommendations.

Healthy eating after 40

It is necessary to do the right thing at any age - hardly anyone will challenge this axiom. But if until the age of 35-40 you could sometimes afford to enjoy pizza at night or eat half a box of sweets instead of a daily portion of fruit, then after 40 it is better not to do such indulgences.


  • metabolism slows down, and every extra candy can result in extra millimeters on the waist;
  • fats, which are found in abundance in fast food products, will have a very harmful effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

Until the onset of menopause, the female heart is under reliable protection of hormones. Therefore, heart attacks and other myocardial diseases practically never occur among representatives of the fair half of humanity before the age of 45-50. But then they quickly “catch up” with the men. Therefore, it makes sense to adjust your body to the correct rhythm of work in advance, for which you must master the principles of healthy eating before the age of 40.

The diet of a healthy adult should contain approximately the following ratio of components:

  • fat – 30%;
  • carbohydrates – 50%;
  • proteins – 20%.

Then the body will function normally. Calorie needs slowly decrease with age. So, if a 17-year-old girl needs to receive at least 2700 Kcal per day, then a woman after 40-45 years old needs from 1800 to 2000 Kcal. To lose weight, you need to further reduce this amount.

Not only the quantitative expression, but also the qualitative composition of these calories is important. You can eat a lot of ice cream - you will get a sufficient portion of calories, but a completely wrong ratio of carbohydrates and fats.

Perhaps you shouldn’t sit and meticulously calculate the calories of each breakfast and lunch. Other principles work more effectively here:

  • You should eat heavier, longer-digesting food in the first half of the day;
  • you should never skip breakfast;
  • you need to get up from the table “a little hungry.”

You need to train yourself to eat a little, but more often, up to 6 times a day, and try to include fruits or vegetables in every snack.

Physical education is the best helper

If we remember that after 40 years the metabolism slows down, then we can immediately conclude: after 40 it is necessary to increase physical activity.

The main task at this age is not to set records, but to try to develop and maintain flexibility and muscle strength as much as possible. After the onset of menopause, the body experiences a gradual loss of muscle tissue, which is replaced by fatty tissue. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain the same figure that you had at 20 years old. But it depends on the woman herself how much control she will have over her body.

When choosing a type of sports activity, pay attention to yoga or. It is worth eliminating sudden movements, jumping, fast bending and developing more flexibility and mobility. Try to do the “plank” every day: an exercise in which the horizontal position of the torso is fixed, supported by the palms of outstretched arms and toes. At first, you will be able to withstand only a few seconds, then your muscles will become stronger and your endurance will increase. While performing the exercise, you need to strain your abdominal, back, and leg muscles as much as possible. The back should remain straight.

Don't forget to pump up your abs. It is better to do this from a lying position on your back, raising your legs - this reduces the load on the spine.

Improve your stretching– lying on your back, try to place your straightened legs behind your head. This perfectly relieves the spine.

You can use some steps from belly dancing. Shaking, smooth circular movements of the hips: “eights” and “circles”, and shoulder movements are very useful.

Don't forget about exercises with dumbbells, they help reduce muscle tissue loss.

How to achieve sound sleep

After 40 years, the quality of sleep becomes of great importance. Constant “lack of sleep” negatively affects hormonal levels and increases the symptoms of menopause.
Try not to use sleeping pills. Instead, make it a rule:

  • finish all tasks an hour and a half before bedtime;
  • always go to bed no later than 11 p.m.;
  • in the evening go for a mini-walk near the house - just get some air;
  • do not eat or drink at night.

Improving your mood

After reaching the 40-year mark, mood swings are caused not only by hormonal changes. A woman may worry about changes in her appearance that prevent her from continuing to feel attractive to the opposite sex. It seems to her that all the good things are behind her, and only old age and illness lie ahead...

To tone yourself up, try this tactic.
Get out into the world as often as possible, travel (at least go on one-day excursions), meet new people. Pay attention to those who are already over “...twenty”, but who at the same time maintain health and good spirits. Take lessons from them - it will be useful in the future.

Set yourself goals that are qualitatively new: master an interesting profession, acquire an unusual hobby. You should always have time for yourself, for your personal development - at least half an hour a day.
Many changes in appearance can be corrected. Meet a good cosmetologist, do self-massage on your face.

And be sure to review your wardrobe, eliminating black and gray shades as much as possible. It's time for beautiful light dresses and elegant skirts!

How to balance hormonal levels

If the symptoms of menopause are strong enough and cannot be corrected using all of the above methods, doctors prescribe medications. They are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. The first group includes Atarax, Sigetin and some others. They contain hormones that the female body lacks and help cope with irritability, hot flashes, fatigue, and improve attention and memory. These are not always tablets - such drugs include, for example, the Dermestril patch.

Non-hormonal drugs are “Qi-Klim” and other drugs. Their action is softer, gradual. They cope well with minor hormonal fluctuations.

Popular wisdom advises trying infusions of wormwood and sage to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of age-related changes.

Before resorting to any medications, whether hormonal or not, consult your doctor.
Fight bad habits!

No protective measures will help if, after 40 years, you continue to smoke or eat large quantities of cakes, which you did before without any special consequences. It’s difficult for the body now - you need to make the transition period easier for it by parting with your favorite cigarettes. By the way, the tars contained in tobacco smoke contribute to the “thickening” of the blood, which means they increase the risk of blood clots. Until the age of 40-45, the body copes with this, and then difficulties may arise.

A large amount of sweets leads to an excess of “bad” cholesterol, which the blood vessels can no longer get rid of on their own. The risk of increased blood pressure and strokes increases. The pancreas works worse - blood sugar levels may rise.

Excess alcohol is poorly eliminated. Therefore, you will have to forget about cheerful friendly parties until the morning. But a glass of good red wine (preferably dry) a couple of times a week, on the contrary, will help cleanse the walls of blood vessels and improve your well-being.

Age of Wisdom

If earlier 40-year-old ladies believed that the best in life was already behind them (and those around them supported them in this opinion), then today 40 years is the time for the blossoming of female powers.

If you think about it, what is “menopause”? Translated from Greek, this word means “stair step.” This is just another rung on the ladder of your life - nothing more. You gain new experience, reach a new level of development. There is still a lot of unfinished business and plans for the future. You already know yourself, know how to evaluate yourself and have a great understanding of men.

Treat the next decade as a new round of life that needs to be mastered, and learn to enjoy the simplest things - every ray of sun, drop of rain, sparkling snowflake, smile of a child. Take care of yourself and help those who need help. Life goes on!

The period that begins for women after 40 years is often called very poetically - “the autumn of life.” However, representatives of the fair sex often look forward to this period with anxiety.

And no wonder. Women's health after 40-50 years has its age-related changes and is distressing with the first signs of withering.

During this period, fatigue increases and performance decreases. How can a woman maintain her health and remain healthy and attractive?

What changes are coming?

The reason for changes in a woman’s body after 45 years (sometimes earlier) is a gradual decrease in estrogen hormones. Menstruation stops, eggs stop maturing, and menopause occurs.

Climax translated from Greek means “transition.” Its duration takes several years, during which gradual hormonal changes occur.

Estrogen affects all organs and systems. Therefore, its deficiency leads to disruption of the entire body.


  1. Sweating.
  2. Increased fatigue.
  3. Mood swings.
  4. Hot flashes.
  5. Numbness of fingers.
  6. Blood pressure surges.
  7. Joint pain.
  8. Nervousness.
  9. Painful sensations during intimacy.
  10. Insomnia.
  11. Unpleasant sensations when urinating.
  12. Palpitations.
  13. Burning or dryness in the vagina.
  14. Allergy attacks.
  15. Urinary incontinence.

In some women, the symptoms are more pronounced, in others they are almost invisible. In any case, a woman after 40-50 years old should visit several specialists.


A woman over 40 years old should visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. If there are signs of menopause, your doctor may prescribe hormone tests.

You should feel your breasts monthly and have a mammogram once a year.

You will also need to consult a gastroenterologist, cardiologist, or therapist.

How to help a woman during this special period for her?

All of the above unpleasant symptoms are caused by a lack of estrogen in the body. You can help the body by using special medications containing the hormone.

For example, a product such as Ovestin. It contains a natural hormone. When taking the drug, the elasticity of the tissues of the genitourinary apparatus begins to restore, and inflammatory diseases stop.

Therapy is usually continued over a long period of time. You should not stop using hormonal medications if there are signs of improvement.

After 40 years, the body cannot independently produce hormones in the required quantities, so the unpleasant symptoms will return again. Your doctor will tell you which drug is right for you.

For mild disorders, phytoestrogens (products with plant estrogens) are used. These are such as Remens, Klimadinon, Klimaksan, Estrovel.

For psychosomatic disorders, a remedy that has sedative effects containing lemon balm, valerian, and mint is prescribed. As well as special vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is important to adhere to proper nutrition. Try to limit your consumption of sweets and starchy foods. During the climatic period, the body quickly loses calcium and iron.

Therefore, eat foods rich in these minerals.

Give preference to green tea, but it is better to avoid coffee. Don't forget about fresh vegetables and fruits. Replace mayonnaise and butter with vegetable oils.

But the main thing is to lead an active lifestyle. Don't forget, menopause is not a disease. Do dancing, running, yoga, aerobics, fitness. Everything that brings you real joy.

Women's health after 40-50 years has its own characteristics. Don't be upset and discouraged.

Remember the words of the French writer Albert Camus: “Autumn is the second spring, in which every leaf becomes a flower.”

This means that a woman is beautiful at any age!

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