Living water and its use living water recipes living water treatment and healing everything about living water living water is a catholyte living water how to use. The use of Activated “Live” and “Dead” water for various diseases Moles live and dead water to treat

Stagnation of urine in the bladder and upper urinary tract is a favorable soil for the development of inflammatory processes and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Urinary tract infection, manifested by the presence of pus in the urine with the development of cystitis and even pyelonephritis, is a dangerous complication of prostate adenoma. In addition, an inflammatory process, sometimes with suppuration, can develop in the adenoma itself. After catheterization, various complications may occur, often ending in suppuration.

Bladder stones are a common complication of prostate adenoma, especially if there is an infection in the bladder.

Long-term chronic inflammation processes are the basis for the cancerous degeneration of prostate adenoma into cancer.


A thoroughly collected survey of the patient helps to correctly recognize prostate adenoma. Inspection and tapping of the hypogastric region can determine whether the bladder is full.

Determined during a rectal examination, a uniform formation of elastic or dense consistency bulging into the rectum and lifting its wall without foci of hardening indicates prostate adenoma. Both lobes of the adenoma can be enlarged symmetrically, and sometimes unequally; the median groove between them is usually smoothed out.

With adenoma, palpation of the prostate gland is painless, in contrast to the sharp pain of the gland in acute prostatitis; the boundaries of the adenoma are clear. With the so-called adenoma of the middle lobe, an enlarged prostate gland is not detected by rectal examination, but this does not exclude the diagnosis of an adenoma.

Prostate adenoma should be distinguished from some other diseases, primarily cancer, acute and chronic prostatitis. The age of patients under 35–40 years old in most cases excludes the diagnosis of prostate adenoma.


Prostate adenoma gradually, although slowly, increases in size. The development of some adenomas, however, may stop. From the moment the first symptoms of the disease appear until the development of complete urinary retention with expansion of the bladder, sometimes many years pass. In some patients, the disease stabilizes in the first or second stage; sometimes the disease quickly, within a few months, passes from one stage to another.

In the first stage, prostate adenoma is not a serious disease, but is only painful for the patient due to the need to comply with the regimen. In the second stage, the prognosis becomes serious, since repeated catheterizations create a risk of urinary infection. In the third stage, distension of the bladder and upper urinary tract, impaired renal function and associated infection create a serious threat to the life of patients (urosepsis, uremia).


In the first stage of prostate adenoma, conservative treatment is indicated in order to eliminate or reduce urinary disorders. First of all, a hygienic regime is prescribed. All causes of a rush of large amounts of blood to the pelvic area should be eliminated; standing for long periods of time or traveling by car, horseback or bicycle; alcohol; spicy and spicy dishes. It is necessary to regulate bowel movements through diet and cleansing enemas. It is recommended to walk for 15–20 minutes every day after meals. Hypothermia should be avoided, especially in the legs, as well as overheating in bed. A man should not suppress the urge to urinate, “hold urine.”

In subsequent stages of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to provide an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and absorbable effect on the affected area. To do this, you can use the recipes and procedures outlined earlier for the treatment of acute and chronic prostatitis. In addition, we will provide a few more herbal remedies and recommendations for the treatment of prostate adenoma.

Roots or grass eryngium field in the form of a powder, infusion or decoction, it is recommended to take it orally for prostate hypertrophy, difficulty urinating and other disorders of its function.

Powder prepared from the raw material of eryngium field, take 0.5 teaspoon 3-5 times a day before meals, washed down with warm water.

Infusion or decoction: 1 tbsp. spoon of root or 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs are poured into 0.5 liters of hot water, left for 2 hours and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink 0.5–0.75 glasses 3–5 times a day before meals.

Kidneys poplars They drink it as an infusion for insufficient urination, enlarged prostate gland and chronic inflammation of the bladder.

Infusion: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of buds (or young sticky leaves) is infused for 1–2 hours in a glass of warm boiling water and drunk in sips a day.

Marshmallow root – 75 g

Licorice root – 100 g

Burdock root – 75 g

In the evening, put 1 tbsp in an enamel pan. spoon of the mixture and pour 1 glass of cold water. In the morning, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer under a closed lid for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain, divide into 3 parts, take one hour before meals.

Iris root – 100 g

Potentilla root – 75 g

Sweet clover – 100 g

Nettle – 100 g

Hazel leaf – 75 g

In the evening, put 3 tbsp in a thermos. spoons of herbs and pour 3 cups of boiling water. In the morning, strain, take 1 glass 3 times a day an hour before meals.

Licorice root – 75 g

Asparagus root – 100 g

Kupena root – 100 g

Place 3 tbsp in an enamel pan. spoons of the mixture and pour 3 glasses of cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer under a closed lid for 30 minutes. Remove from heat and let steep for 30 minutes. Strain and divide into 4 portions. Drink 30 minutes before meals.

Camphor compress has a warming effect and is recommended for men suffering from adenoma and prostatitis. To prepare it you will need camphor alcohol and a bandage.

Before applying the compress, shave your pubic area and groin.

Moisten a piece of bandage with camphor alcohol and apply it to the pubis and perineum (from the anus to the middle of the scrotum). Keep your feet together. Sit or lie in this position as long as you can. Keep the compress on for as long as you can tolerate the burning sensation.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with “live” and “dead” water

Perhaps this is the simplest and most effective method of treating a wide variety of prostate diseases from acute prostatitis to adenoma.

“Living” and “dead” water is obtained by electrolysis of water in a special device. At the same time, “living” water has pronounced alkaline properties, which have a wound-healing effect. “Dead” water has acidic properties and has a disinfecting effect. The use of these two types of water in the treatment of various diseases has shown high effectiveness. Enthusiasts of this treatment method have cured themselves, their loved ones, and friends from a wide variety of diseases, including prostatitis.

The founder of this wonderful method is D.I. Krotov. It was he who invented the device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water and was the first to experience its healing effect on himself.

At the beginning of 1981, Krotov fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma. He was admitted to the urology department of the Stavropol Medical Institute. He spent more than a month in this department. When he was offered surgery to remove the adenoma, he refused and was discharged.

He began his treatment by drinking 0.5 glasses of “living” water before meals 3 times a day and felt a surge of energy.

To be more convincing, after a week of taking “living” water, he underwent a full examination at the clinic. No disease was detected in him, and his blood pressure returned to normal.

A lot has been written about living water on this site; it wouldn’t hurt to supplement the small material that I came across in the magazine "Inventor and innovator" for 1981

After reading Latyshev’s article - "Unexpected Water" and having assessed my capabilities, I began to manufacture a device for obtaining this water. Over the course of 9 months, I carried out several experiments, improving the device in order to obtain chemically pure water with the described properties.

In the same year and in the same magazine, No. 9, an interview was published between special correspondent Comrade Egorov and the head of the Tashkent branch of the All-Union Center of Surgery, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the UzSSR Comrade V.V. Vakhidov. under the heading “Activated water is promising”, which I read and which gave the next impetus to further search.

At the beginning of 1981, I fell ill with kidney inflammation and prostate adenoma, as a result of which I was admitted to the urology department of the Stavropol Medical Institute, headed by Professor Derevianko. I spent more than a month in this department, watching how people suffered after surgery and repeated operations (6
person), and when I was offered to have an adenoma operation, I categorically refused, and therefore there was an extract, and I was told that in a couple of days I would return to the urology department.

While still sick, I spent 3 days in the kitchen finishing a device for obtaining “living” and “dead” water. Finally, the device was made and the required water was obtained.

I conducted the first test of the resulting water and its effects on a wound on my son’s hand that had not healed for more than 6 months.

The treatment trials exceeded all expectations - the wound on my son’s hand healed on the second day.

I started drinking “living” water, 1/2 a teaspoon before meals, 3 times a day, and felt cheerful. Within a week the prostate adenoma was gone, the radiculitis and swelling of the legs had disappeared.

To make it more convincing, I will give a few examples:
- after a week of taking “living” water, I conducted an examination at the Stavropol Special Clinic No. 9 of the regional hospital with all the tests, which did not reveal a single disease;

Ugryumov's neighbor scalded her hand with boiling water (3rd degree burn). For treatment I used the “living” and “dead” water I received, the burn disappeared in 2 days;

The son of the city electric grid engineer, Comrade Goncharov A.F. For 6 months, the gums festered, and an abscess formed in the throat. The use of various methods and medications did not produce any results. To treat this disease, water was used, after which the throat and gums were gargled with “dead” water 6 times a day, and then 1/4 cup of “living” water was taken orally.

The adoption of the procedures ensured the boy's recovery within 3 weeks.

I examined more than 600 people with various diseases, all of them gave positive results. Today, a device has been made that allows you to obtain “living” (alkaline) and “dead” (acidic) water of any strength. Conducted laboratory tests
"living" and "dead" water in the laboratory of the Stavropol City Water Canal showed that the strength of "living" water is 11.4 units, "dead" - 4 units. Over the course of a month, the strength decreased by hundredths of a unit, while temperature did not affect the decrease in activity.

Using activated water on myself, on my family members and on numerous people who consume this water, gave me the opportunity to create a table of procedures for treating various diseases, determine the timing of treatment and track the progress and nature of recovery.

For 3 days, gargle 5 times a day after meals.
"dead" water and after each rinse drink 1/4 cup of "living" water.

The temperature decreases on the first day of treatment, and on the third day the disease stops.

Prostate adenoma
For 8 days, 4 times a day for 3 minutes. Before meals, take 1/2 cup of Living Water.
After 3-4 days, mucus is released; on the 8th day the tumor disappears

Pain in the joints of the arms and legs
For 2 days, 3 times before meals 30 minutes. drink 1/2 glass of M-water.
The pain stops after 1 day of drinking water

Inflammatory processes, closed abscesses, boils
For 2 days, apply a compress of liquid water to the inflamed area; every day, before applying the first compress, the inflamed area is moistened with liquid water and allowed to dry, and drink 1/4 cup of liquid water at night.
Healing within 2 days.

Rinse the mouth twice with M-water for 5-10 minutes.

Drink 1/2 cup of M-water once.
The pain stops within 30-50 minutes.

During the day, rinse the nasal and oral cavities with M-water 8 times, and drink 1/2 cup of M-water at night.
The flu disappears within 24 hours.

For 1-2 days in the morning, rinse the cracks with M-water, then apply tampons moistened with J-water, changing them as they dry.
The bleeding stops, the cracks heal within 2-3 days.

Foot odor
Wash your feet with warm water, wipe them dry, then moisten them
M-water and let dry, and after 10 minutes. moisten with liquid water and let dry, wipe the shoes.
The unpleasant odor disappears.

Drink 1/2 glass of liquid water. Heartburn stops

During the day after meals, drink 1/2 cup of liquid water 4 times.
The cough stops.

Ringworm, eczema
For 3-5 days, moisten the affected area with M-water, let it dry, then repeat the procedure the next 5-6 times a day.
Ringworm and eczema die.

Heat M-water and J-water to 37-40 degrees overnight
douche with M-water, and after 15-20 minutes with J-water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. After the 1st procedure, colpitis goes away.

If there are blisters (water), they must be pierced, the affected area is moistened with M-water, and after 5 minutes. moisten with liquid water. Then, during the day, moisten it 7-8 times only with M-water. Repeat the procedures for 2-3 days.
Burns heal within 2-3 days.

Drink 1/2 glass of M-water; if there is no diarrhea within an hour
stops, repeat the procedure.
Abdominal pain goes away within 20-30 minutes, diarrhea stops.

Cut, prick, rupture
Rinse with liquid water and bandage the wound.
The wound heals in 1-2 days.

Purulent wounds
First rinse the wound with M-water, and after 3-5 minutes. moisten the wound with liquid water, then moisten it 5-6 times a day only with liquid water.
Healing takes place within 5-6 days.

During the day, drink 3/4 glass of liquid water 3 times before meals. The pain stops within 24 hours, sometimes after 20-50 minutes. after one dose.

Dilation of veins, bleeding from formed nodes
Rinse the swollen and bleeding areas of the body with M-water, then moisten the gauze and apply to the swollen veins. Take 1/2 cup of M-water internally, and after 2-3 hours start taking 1/2 cup of J-water at intervals of 4 hours, 4 times a day. Repeat the procedures for 2-3 days.
Areas of swollen veins resolve, wounds heal.

Neck colds
Make a compress soaked in warm M-water and drink 1/2 cup of M-water 4 times a day before meals.
The pain stops.

Liver inflammation
For 4 days, 4 times a day, 1/2 cup
activated water, and on the 1st day - only M-water, and on the remaining days - J-water.
The pain stops.

Swollen hands and feet
For 3 days, take activated water 4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals: 1st day take only 1/2 cup of M-water, 2nd day 2/3 cup of M-water, 3rd day 1/2 cup of J-water.
The tumor is going down.

Improving well-being, normalizing the body
In the morning and evening, after washing, wipe your face first with M-water and then with J-water. Acne disappears, the face becomes softer.

Hair washing
Wash your hair with soap, dry, then moisten your hair with M-water, and after 3 minutes. - W-water.
Dandruff disappears, hair becomes softer.

Removing dead skin from the soles of your feet
Soak your feet in soapy water and wash in warm water. Then, without wiping, wet your feet in heated M-water, and, rubbing the areas with growths with your hands, remove dead skin, then wipe your feet with heated J-water. Wipe dry. The pain stops.

Sterilization, disinfection
Any objects, fruits are moistened or wiped with a swab dipped in M-water. Complete sterilization.

During the day, 2 times 1/3 cup of liquid water. The pressure is normalizing

During the day, 2 times 1/2 cup of liquid water. The pressure is normalized.

When only liquid water is consumed orally, thirst arises; it must be removed with compote or acidified tea. The interval between doses of M- and L-water should be at least 2 hours.

When an electric current is passed through water, it is formed on the plate, where the DIODE-ANODE is acidic water, and on the CATHODE it is alkaline.

First, pour water from the tap into the bag, and then insert it into the jar and, turning away the edge of the bag, fill the jar with water until it is full, without adding 2 cm. Then insert the device so that the plate coming from the DIODE moves into the bag, and the second the plate is behind the bag. When a current passes, the water in the bag turns out acidic - dead, and in
jar - live - alkaline.

The process of preparing water lasts from 1 to 3 minutes, depending on the strength we need. After cooking, quickly unplug the plug, remove the device and quickly take out the bag and pour the water from it into another container. The water in the bag will have a slightly yellowish tint - this is acidic water, and in the jar there remains water with a white sediment - this is alkaline water - living.

Naturally, when applying the above recipes, first consult a more or less good specialist.

Patients with breast compaction should use hot chest wraps and overheating baths.
It is necessary to adhere to treatment with the help of live and dead water procedures the following principles:

1. If there is a connection between all organs of the human body and all cells, then the entire body should be treated “There is no local disease, even felon is not a local disease”
2. Without complete physiology, a clinic cannot exist, and complete physiology is incomprehensible if it is not given the place and role that it deserves.
3. It is dangerous and naive to try to cure only with medications. “You can’t buy health at the pharmacy.”
4. We can consider narrow specialists as auxiliary experts who can make an explanation of the common enemy on the state of individual and various bodies that are not able to make a complete and definite judgment.

What not to do using living and dead water:

1. Intravenous injections
2. Arteriography
3. Electroshock
4. Use of antibiotics in mild and moderate cases, except in cases of urgent and demanding need.
5. Probing of veins to the right ventricle.
6. Mercury cyanide injections.
7. Do not start any treatment:

a) without being aware of the tidal volume of the lungs;
b) without auscultation of the heart;
c) without measuring the vertical diameter of the spleen and liver;
d) without complete urine tests;
e) until you free yourself from the naivety of believing that x-rays are important;
f) without palpation at McBurnell's point;
g) solely trusting the EKN readings;
h) without studying the pulse and its character;
i) on indications in checking blood cholesterol;
j) without systematically changing body temperature.

About treatment with living and dead water.

Information about a treatment with an unexpected effect was first published in 1981. The honored inventor D.I. Krotov became interested in the article and tested the therapeutic effect on himself. The method was based on the use of “live” (alkaline) and “dead” (acidic) water, obtained in a special device where:

1. Anode - connection to the plate network through a diode. The cathode is a plate connected directly to the network.
2. Anode water is acidic (“dead”), cathode water is alkaline (“live”).
3. 450 cm3 of water is poured into the jar. 400 cm3 of water is poured into a canvas bag.
4. Time, the process lasts: Anode in a bag - 7 minutes, Anode in a jar - 9 minutes. The anode and cathode are placed alternately in the jar.
5. The bag does not dry, but if it dries out, it should be soaked before receiving activated water.
6. Electrode sizes: 190-30-30-1.5 or 2
7. Distance between electrodes - 40
8. Diodes: 24.6 246 A, 247 235.

The use of activated water to treat himself and others allowed D.I. Krotov to compile a table of procedures for treating various diseases, which is proposed for consideration in the future. At the same time, we recommend not to consider this method of treatment as a panacea for all diseases, so in any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.







Recently, more publications have begun to appear about drinking water, its role in our daily lives, and its contamination with chemicals, radionuclides and other man-made waste associated with human activities. And their authors do it very correctly, because... Indeed, the role of water in our lives cannot be overestimated.
An adult's body is almost two-thirds water, and in infants this figure is even higher. In addition to its general chemical properties, water has the ability to store received information that affects its biological activity.
One of the authors A. Malovichko writes that “... Our planet is a huge crystal of water... Water connects everything living and nonliving on the planet into a single system, which is regulated by nature itself... Our life, our health or our diseases depend on what kind of water , with what information and how much of it flows in our blood and lymph..."
It is known that water is a source of information. It remembers information entered into it by non-traditional (eg bioenergetic) methods for a long time, “knows” how many chemicals, microorganisms (bacteria, viruses), etc. it contains. Water often becomes a source of epidemics. It is stated that about 5,000 harmful chemical compounds can be found in today's water, that every year on our planet up to 500 million people get sick from infections and over 5 million children die (1).
Thus, the relevance of the problem of purification, disinfection, softening and increasing the biological activity of water in our time has increased even more and is beyond doubt for any sane person.
Scientists and doctors from around the world are involved in solving this problem, as well as enthusiastic researchers who are not indifferent to what kind of world their children and grandchildren will live in. Artesian wells are being used more widely, the quality of well water is controlled, although not yet sufficiently, water supply enterprises use advanced water purification technologies, etc. Gradually, people learn about available ways to improve the quality of drinking water and begin to put them into practice. People are increasingly buying and using various water purification filters and this can only be welcomed.
Activated water. First of all, it is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent. This is drinking water, which through electrolysis (electrochemical activation) acquires completely new and unique properties and turns into an environmentally friendly, biologically active drug. This water is popularly called “living” and “dead”. Electrolysis occurs in a special vessel, divided into two sections by a partition that allows water ions to pass through, but does not allow the water in the separated sections to mix. Therefore, in the part of the vessel in which the positive electrode is located, the water becomes acidic and is charged with a positive electrical charge, and in the other part, where the negative electrode is located, the water becomes alkaline and acquires a negative charge. In alkaline water, after the reaction, all the impurities in the water precipitate, and the water becomes clear. This will be discussed in more detail later.
I have been using and promoting activated water for 24 years. During this time, I prepared quite a bit of this water, which was used by thousands of people. I willingly share my accumulated experience with people.
Of course, activated water is not a panacea for all diseases. But if the effectiveness of its application, when used correctly, reaches 87-92%, then it has the right to wide national recognition. Over the past few years, we have managed to establish and establish friendly relations with other enthusiasts who use activated water and exchange available information. All this served as an incentive to write this book, which is supplemented with new practical recommendations and techniques for using activated water for medicinal and household purposes. Chapters on silver water and its properties have been added, and general recommendations for its use have been given.
I hope that this book will help solve a number of problems.

Sincerely: dr., associate professor. Petras Shibilskis.


Activated water was invented in 1972 by a team of scientists working at the Tashkent Research Institute of Natural Gas. The scientist, led by Doctor of Sciences, Professor S. Alekhin (he is no longer among us), was given the task: to find a new composition of the emulsion, which is poured into the compression pipes. During the research process, scientists decided to use the electrolysis method.
It is known that if a dielectric vessel is filled with water, two electrodes are placed in it and at the same time a positive charge is applied to one of them and a negative charge to the other from a direct current source, then electrolysis of water will begin in the vessel. In this case, the water near the anode acquires acidic properties, and near the cathode - alkaline properties. But as soon as the current source is turned off, the water, mixing in the vessel, again becomes electrically neutral. The researchers installed a partition between the electrodes - a membrane made of a material that allowed ions to pass through, but did not allow water to mix, and soon noticed that the water near the anode tasted sour and became charged with a positive charge, while in the cathode compartment it became alkaline and charged with a negative charge. When this water was poured into different containers, we noticed that it retained its new properties for quite a long time. In addition, they noticed that alkaline water quickly becomes transparent, purified, and a whitish-yellow precipitate forms in it. When clay was dissolved in alkaline water, they saw that it did not rush to settle to the bottom, but was in a suspended state. But this is the expected emulsion!
It was soon noticed that after swimming in that water and washing with it, cuts, abrasions, bruises, sunburns began to heal faster, and for some even chronic eczema disappeared. So, by chance, another thing was noticed - the healing properties of alkaline water. Soon the bactericidal properties of acidic water were noticed. In 1981, surgeon Kasymov used acidic water to sterilize operating instruments, and alkaline water to treat postoperative wounds. The results were encouraging, wounds healed approximately 30% faster than with traditional methods, and the quality of sterilization was good.
Later, the institute’s scientists watered cotton with activated water and noticed that alkaline water stimulates its growth, and acidic water disinfects the soil. The result was a significantly larger cotton harvest.
The rapid healing of wounds and the experiment with cotton recalled the motifs of folk tales about “living” and “dead” water, and these names were firmly established in everyday life for activated water. Alkaline water is called “living”, and acidic water is called “dead”. In official publications, activated water is called differently: alkaline water is called catholyte, and acidic water is called anolyte.
The recipe for using activated water for medicinal purposes gradually expanded, and methods for its use in households and industry appeared.
Currently, activated water is used in Japan, Israel, India, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Latvia, etc. It has been established that this water is not toxic and does not is dangerous, neither for external nor for internal use, and in Japan and Uzbekistan it is officially approved for use for medicinal purposes. A number of studies have been conducted on the effect of activated water in livestock farming, poultry farming, horticulture and horticulture in various regions of Russia, Latvia and Lithuania. The results obtained are positive.
But still, the very first impetus to the use of activated water for medicinal purposes was given back in 1981 by the Honored Inventor of the USSR D. Krotov, who manufactured a household water activator, tested its medicinal properties and gave the first specific recommendations for its use for medicinal purposes. Now he is no longer among us, but his memory is worthy of the kindest words.
Interest in activated water does not subside. This is evidenced by two international symposiums held in Moscow (1997 and 2001), at which scientists from different countries discussed the issues of electrochemical activation of water and its use not only in medicine, but also in various areas of the national economy.


In different regions, cities, and rural areas, water differs in its mineral composition and biological properties. Therefore, anolyte and catholyte obtained using the same technological process, using activators of the same type, but from different source water, may also differ slightly in their chemical composition and biological properties.
Activated water is characterized by the concentration of hydrogen ions and is measured in pH units. The values ​​of this indicator are measured in the range from 0 to 14 units. Natural water is usually neutral, its pH = 7.0. When the pH value increases from 7 to 14 units, water becomes alkaline, the more alkaline it is, the closer its pH value is to 14 units. For medicinal purposes, as a rule, alkaline water is used, with pH = 8.5-10.5. For watering plants, watering domestic animals and poultry, it is recommended to use live water with pH = 7.5-8.5.
If the pH is less than 7.0, then such water has acidic properties, and the closer this indicator is to 0, the more pronounced these properties are. For medicinal purposes, water with pH = 2.5-4.0 is usually sufficient. For disinfection, dead water with a pH value of 1.5-2.0 is used.
The difference in pH from the required one by 0.3-0.5 units is insignificant.
In addition to the pH value, the aforementioned electrical charges - oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) - are of decisive importance. The “more acidic” the anolyte, the greater its positive ORP, which reaches 0.9-1.1 V. Accordingly, the ORP of alkaline water reaches minus 0.7-0.9 V.
And further. If you add acid or alkali to water, it will become acidic or alkaline. However, at the same time, it will not become activated, since its initial ORP will not change. This change is achieved only through the process of electrochemical activation.
The ORP of activated water or solution is not stable. After 1-2 days, it relaxes to its primary values, while the acquired pH values ​​remain for quite a long time. Since water activity determines the ORP, it is very important that it lasts as long as possible. Research has established that if freshly prepared catholyte is not shaken and stored in a tightly closed container at room temperature, then it can retain its negative ORP for longer. If you shake it, mix it with air, or dilute it with ordinary water in a 1:1 ratio, then its pH decreases slightly (by about 1 unit), but the ORP instantly returns to its original values. Therefore, it is recommended to quickly pour the prepared catholyte into a prepared container and close it tightly.
The ORP of anolyte is much more stable.
What are the properties of activated water?
Acidic water (anolyte, dead water) is clear, without sediment, depending on its pH, more or less sour in taste, astringent, with a characteristic smell of chlorine.
Dead water has pronounced bactericidal properties, slows down biological processes in the body, lowers blood pressure, calms the nervous system, improves sleep, and reduces joint pain associated with salt deposition. It disinfects the oral cavity well when rinsing, reduces bleeding gums, gradually dissolves tartar, quickly treats runny nose, diarrhea, and successfully fights fungal diseases. It can be used to disinfect medical instruments, utensils, dressings, linen and clothing, as well as various rooms. Fruits and vegetables treated with dead water last longer. You can prepare an anolyte, for example, with a recommended pH = 5.5 for washing, without resorting to expensive imported preparations. In addition, anolyte has good wetting ability and quickly diffuses into small pores, so compresses and applications with this water are very effective. Anolyte is quickly absorbed in the body and “acidifies” it.
In addition to its acidic properties, dead water has a positive ORP, which is usually in the range of 0.9-1.0 volts. When stored in a tightly closed container, anolyte retains its properties for up to 2 weeks.
Studies have shown that such anolyte in 30 minutes. reduced the viability of the studied bacterial cultures to standard acceptable standards and retained these properties for 5 hours.
Alkaline water (catholyte, living water) after preparation is usually cloudy, however, after some time, the impurities it contains precipitate and it becomes transparent. The more impurities in the water, the more sediment there is. Alkaline water is very soft and its alkaline taste resembles rainwater. It has a stimulating and tonic effect, accelerates biological processes in the body, promotes better digestion and absorption of food, improves appetite, gradually increases blood pressure, gives energy and vigor. Catholyte is a good healer. It is effective in treating various wounds, ranging from simple skin irritation to gastric and duodenal ulcers, bedsores and trophic ulcers. In this water, wilted flowers and green vegetables quickly come to life, after which they remain fresh for a long time. Seeds soaked in living water before planting germinate faster and more efficiently. With periodic watering with this water, plants develop better, ripen faster and produce better harvests. Living water has helped many elderly men get rid of prostate adenoma without surgery. It is also widely used in everyday life, in the food industry for hygienic purposes, etc.
In addition to alkaline properties, catholyte has a negative ORP (-0.7-0.9 V). It loses its properties much faster than anolyte, so you should not prepare it for future use.
You should always try to use freshly prepared activated water. It should be stored in tightly closed containers at room temperature, protected from direct sunlight. It is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.
If you mix anolyte and catholyte, you will again get neutral water, however, it will be of much better quality: softer, cleaner and without sediment. Therefore, if during the treatment you have to drink both anolyte and catholyte, you must wait 1.5-2 hours between taking them orally. After treating a purulent wound with anolyte, you also need to wait for at least 5-8 minutes and only after that begin treatment with catholyte, etc.
People often ask how and why the therapeutic effect of activated water manifests itself so quickly?
The answer is simple: alkaline and acidic water in its electrolytic properties is close to body fluids (blood, lymph, etc.), therefore it is immediately included in its vital activities. It is especially important that such water is a natural, environmentally friendly product that mobilizes and activates the healing powers of the body.
Detailed recommendations for the use of activated water for various purposes, collected and summarized by the author over many years, are presented in Chapters 5 and 6 of this book.


Recently, the headlines of many Russian newspapers and magazines were full of reports about the sensational discovery of a scientist from St. Petersburg, Dr. V. Volkov: “The secret of the human aging process has been revealed,” “Human life expectancy is 280 years,” “Earth’s biological clock is the key to a full life.” and others. The articles introduced readers to the discovery of Dr. Volkov - the biological clock of the Earth - a natural mechanism according to which everyone who lives on our Earth lives, ages and dies. Volkov argues that aging is the gradual loss of water by the body, and diseases are various masks of aging. Body water is used to produce hydrogen ions. We lose water to produce hydrogen ions (protons). The older a person is, the less fluid remains in his body (if a newborn has about 85% of fluids, then an 80-year-old man has about 50. Trying to conserve water, the body blocks the action of organs that secrete fluids, their functioning weakens and there is a risk of various diseases So, when the kidneys are blocked, urine and ammonia are not completely removed from the body, the body is gradually poisoned. When liver activity is inhibited, the release of bilirubin and cholesterol along with bile is disrupted. And this already leads to the development of atherosclerosis, weakened immunity, insomnia, various psychoses, etc.
Volkov concludes: if you create conditions for the body to restore the missing hydrogen ions, you can not only reduce the number of various diseases, but also stimulate the renewal of the body. To do this, he recommends regularly drinking dead water, which has an increased concentration of hydrogen ions, starting with 5 grams and gradually increasing the dose. This water is easily absorbed by the body and replenishes it with essential hydrogen ions.


You must use a water electrolyzer strictly following the instructions given in its technical description and instructions, and use activated water or silver water in accordance with the recommendations and methods given in this book.
A single dose of activated water taken orally for an adult is recommended to be about one glass. However, nothing will happen if you drink a little more or less. This is not a chemical medicine and there is no need to count drops. For children, the dosage should be reduced accordingly depending on their age, weight and height. For example, for a child from 2 to 5 years old it could be a quarter of a glass, from 5 to 12 years old - a third of a glass, etc. When treating a runny nose in young children, you need to use a pipette and drop dead water into the nose, and when treating a sore throat and other throat diseases, let them drink a few sips of warm dead water through a pacifier.
Stimulating the growth of poultry and animals, especially young animals, improving their appetite, increasing resistance to diseases, it is recommended to use live water of low concentration (pH = 7.5-8.5), since highly alkaline water does not give a noticeable effect. In addition, they should be given water periodically 1-2 times a week, and not constantly. Small, weak ducklings and chicks can be given live water for several days in a row until they become noticeably stronger and energetic. Flowers and other plants should be watered with water of the same concentration.
To speed up the effects of activated water, various irritations, wounds, etc. you need to moisten it more often, for example, 6-10 times a day, or even better - make lotions, applications, or simply pour it on the bandages. You also need to gargle longer, 5-6 minutes (several gargles for 1-2 minutes each), and the oral cavity - even longer. The last rinse of the mouth should be done with live water so that it neutralizes the effect of acidic water on tooth enamel.
The question often arises: is it possible to drink activated water together (at the same time) with chemical medications or take medications with it? If a person cannot do without medication, then at least 1.5-2 hours should pass between ingestion of activated water and “chemistry”. First you need to drink water, it will quickly be absorbed and fulfill its purpose, then take the necessary medicine.
Now let's move on to specific recommendations for the use of activated water. For convenience, they are presented in alphabetical order by disease name.
The indicated periods for curing diseases are approximate; they depend on the characteristics of the body, how advanced the disease is, the correct diet, etc. Before using activated water, consult your doctor.


1. Abscesses (ulcers)

Treat an immature abscess with warm dead water and apply a compress of dead water to it.
If the abscess breaks through or is punctured, rinse it with dead water and apply a bandage. 25 minutes before meals and at night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water.
When the site of the abscess is finally cleared, its healing can be accelerated with compresses from living water (can also be moistened through a bandage). The wound (abscess) heals in a few days.
If pus is noticed again during dressing, then you need to treat it again with dead water.

2. Prostate adenoma (if PSA does not exceed 3 units)

One treatment cycle is 1 month. For the entire month you need to drink living water 4 times a day (1 hour before meals and at night) in this order:

From 1 to 5 days - 250 ml,
- from 6 to 10 days - 300 ml,
- The remaining days - 350 ml.
Sexual intercourse should not be stopped.
If the patient’s blood pressure is high or has noticeably increased from taking a large amount of living water, then 1-1.5 hours after taking living water, you should drink 0.5-1 glass of dead water and lie down, but do not increase the dose of living water.
The treatment cycle must be repeated up to 5 times a year. For patients with adenoma with cystoma, the treatment cycle is increased to 3 months with a one-month break.
During the treatment process, a massage of the perineum is useful; at night, you can make a compress of living water on the perineum, after wiping the area with dead water. Treatment is facilitated by enemas with warm living water, as well as gauze suppositories soaked in living water. Enema volume 200 grams, exposure 20 minutes. As always, first you need to do a cleansing enema.
Treatment should be carried out while observing a strict diet (vegetable and dairy products), alcoholic beverages should be excluded.
This method should not be used for prostate cancer. After 5-6 days, the urge to urinate often disappears or becomes less frequent, and the swelling decreases.
In some patients, black or red particles are excreted along with the urine and pain is felt.
During the treatment, general well-being, appetite, and digestion improve.
Quite a few elderly men have had their adenoma cured and avoided future operations.

3. Allergies. Allergic dermatitis

For three days in a row, after eating, rinse your nose (by drawing water into it), mouth and throat with dead water. After each rinse, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Moisten rashes, pimples, tumors with dead water 5-6 times a day. Usually the disease goes away in 2-3 days. In addition, you need to find and eliminate the cause of the allergy.

4. Sore throat

For three days, 5-6 times a day and be sure to gargle with warm dead water after each meal.
If you have a runny nose, rinse your nasopharynx with it. After each rinse, drink a third
glasses of living water. The temperature drops on the first day, the disease goes away in 2-3 days.
For some - in a day.

5. Arthritis.

Deforming arthrosis First of all, overloading the joints should be avoided.
For a month, 30 minutes before meals, drink 250 ml (0.5 cups) of living water.
Apply warm compresses to sore areas every 3-4 hours (40-45 °C)
dead water for 25 minutes. If there is no discomfort, the compress can be kept for up to 45 minutes - 1 hour. After removing the compress, you need to give the joints rest for 1 hour. For prevention purposes, such procedures should be repeated 2-3 times a year, without waiting for the next exacerbation. After 2-3 days, the pain may worsen and the joints may swell. Then the pain subsides and you feel lightness in your joints.
Duration of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

6. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with warm dead water and leave to dry without wiping.
At night, apply a compress of living water to your feet, and in the morning, wipe off the whitened and softened skin and lubricate those places with vegetable oil.
During treatment, drink 0.5 glasses of live water half an hour before meals. It is useful to massage your feet.
If prominent veins are visible, then those places need to be moistened with dead water or compresses applied to them, and then moistened with living water. Treatment lasts 6-10 days or longer.
During this time, cracks heal, the skin on the soles is renewed, and overall well-being improves.

7. Insomnia (increased irritability).

Drink 0.5 cups of dead water at night. If it doesn’t help, then drink 0.5 cups of dead water for 3-4 days and before meals.
Avoid spicy, fatty foods and alcohol. Irritability is noticeably reduced and sleep improves

8. Sore throat (cold throat)

If your throat hurts, it hurts to swallow saliva (for example, at night), you need to start gargling with warm dead water.

Rinse for 1-2 minutes. After 1-2 hours, repeat rinsing (it’s better not to wait until the morning). If treatment is started on time, the sore throat goes away quickly, for example, by the morning.

9. Pain in the joints of the arms and legs (salt deposits)

Three to four days, 30 minutes before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass of dead water. Wet the sore spots with warm dead water and rub it into the skin. Make compresses with dead water at night.
The effectiveness of treatment is increased by regular gymnastics, for example, rotational movements of painful joints.
Treatment can be continued for a longer time. Usually the pain decreases, blood pressure decreases, sleep improves, and the nerves calm down.

10. Bronchial asthma, bronchitis

For three to four days after eating, rinse your mouth, throat and nose with dead water at room temperature, i.e. neutralize allergens that cause asthma attacks and cough.
After each rinse, to ease coughing, drink 0.5 cups of live water. Treatment can be continued.
For preventive purposes, it is recommended to do this rinsing periodically.
It is useful to learn to breathe not deeply. Coughing becomes easier and you feel better.

11. Brucellosis

Since people become infected with this disease from animals, hygiene rules must be observed on farms and in animal premises. After feeding, watering, and milking, you need to wash your hands with dead water or plain water and soap.
If you are sick, drink before eating
0.5 cups of dead water. It is useful to find out and eliminate the causes of asthma (most often allergens)

12. Inflammation of the liver (hepatitis)

It is advisable not to eat anything for the first day. During the day you need to drink 0.5 glasses of dead water 3-4 times.
General treatment recommendations are:
- with a tendency to diarrhea after 30 minutes. after meals, drink 200 ml of dead water;
- if you are prone to constipation, drink 200 ml of living water every 20 minutes. before eating. Dead water exhibits a powerful bactericidal effect.

13. Inflammation of the colon (colitis)

It is useful to do microenemas every other day for a month with living water or a mixture of living and dead water. Volume 250-500 ml, holding time 7-10 minutes. (At the beginning, a regular cleansing enema is done). The pain goes away and your health improves.
Usually the disease goes away in 1-2 days. Itching disappears, abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea disappear, stool becomes more orderly

14. Hair loss due to oily seborrhea (increased function of the sebaceous glands)

After washing your hair with soap or shampoo, you need to rub dead water into your scalp. The following rubbing method is recommended: use a comb to part the hair on one side of the head and wipe the scalp well with a cotton swab moistened with dead water; then make the next parting and wipe further until the entire scalp has been treated.
Then a compress is made with dead water
over the entire head, covering it with polyethylene
and a towel. Exposure 15-20 minutes. Temperature 40°C. Apply compresses once every 3-4 days. A course of 6-8 compresses relieves itching, gradually eliminates inflammation of the skin, and reduces the greasiness of the hair.
People prone to hypertension should control

15. Hair loss due to dry seborrhea (reduced function of the sebaceous glands)

For three weeks, 2 times a week, rub burdock oil into the scalp according to the above method. 2 hours after rubbing in the oil, rub in living water in the same way. Once every 3-4
day, make a compress of living water. Burdock oil replenishes the missing oil content of the skin.

16. Gastritis

In case of chronic gastritis, you need to exclude spicy foods, especially smoked foods and hot seasonings.
Gastritis is treated with living water using the following method:
- if you are prone to constipation, drink 200 ml of living water in 15-20 minutes. before meals;
- if you are prone to diarrhea, drink 200 ml of live water 1-1.5 hours before meals.
Duration of treatment is 5-6 days. Pain and heartburn go away, stool returns to normal.

17. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures

Treatment should begin after visiting the toilet. First, wash the cracks and knots with warm water and soap, wipe dry and treat with dead water.
After 5-10 minutes. moisten these places with living water or make tampons. Renew the tampons as they dry. Continue this way until your next visit to the toilet, after which repeat the procedure again.
In addition, for the first 10 days, 1 hour before meals you should drink 300 ml of living water.
If constipation returns, drink 200 ml in the same order for another 2-3 days.
It is useful to make microenemas (30-40 ml each) with dead water, holding the solution in the rectum for as long as possible (at least 15-20 minutes). Do enemas carefully, be sure to lubricate the tip of the syringe with Vaseline.
You can insert a gauze swab moistened with dead water into the rectum to a depth of 3-4 cm. The bleeding stops, the stool is gradually regulated, ulcers and cracks heal in 3-4 days.
During treatment, you should avoid spicy foods, smoked foods, and do not drink strong alcoholic beverages.
You can hold the enema while lying on your back, placing a pillow under your pelvis.

18. Herpes (cold)

Before treatment, rinse your mouth and nose with dead water, drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
Tear off the bottle with the contents of herpes with a cotton swab moistened with warm dead water.
Further, during the day 7-8 times for 3-4 minutes. Apply a swab with dead water to the affected area. Duration of treatment is 3-4 days. You don’t have to tear off the bubble, but apply a tampon with dead water to it.

19. Facial hygiene

In the morning and evening, after washing 2-3 times with a 1-2 minute break, moisten your face, neck, hands with living water and let dry without wiping. (Men are recommended to do this after shaving, instead of using cologne or lotion)
Apply a compress of living water to wrinkled areas and leave for 15-20 minutes.
If the skin is dry, you should first wash it with dead water, then do the indicated procedures.
Several times a week, you can additionally wipe your face with this solution:
0.5 tablespoon of table salt and 0.5 teaspoon of vinegar, dissolved in 0.5 liters of living water. The skin becomes softer and irritation disappears.
Wrinkles gradually decrease or disappear.

20. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums)

This disease is caused by bacteria or viruses, poor-quality fillings, crowns, and plaque on teeth, so first of all you need to follow the rules of oral hygiene, regularly and properly brush your teeth. After each meal you need several times for 1-2 minutes. rinse your teeth and mouth with dead water.
Rinse one last time with live water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel.
It is useful to periodically massage the gums. Bleeding from the gums decreases and stops, stones gradually dissolve, and the unpleasant odor disappears.

21. Worms (helminthiasis)

In the morning, after bowel movement, do a cleansing enema, followed by a dead water enema. After an hour, do an enema with live water.
Next, drink 0.5 cups of dead water every half hour during the day.
The next day, drink living water in the same order to restore energy.
If after two days the disease has not gone away, treatment should be repeated. The first day you feel well may be simple. It improves by taking living water.

22. Purulent and postoperative wounds, trophic old ulcers, fistulas, abscesses

After opening the purulent cavity and removing necrotic tissue, using a medical bulb, treat the wound with warm dead water (2-3 minutes), then apply a tampon soaked in dead water for a day. The dressing can be changed 2 times a day.
From the second day, the wound is treated with living water in the same way: first it is washed with a pear (3-5 minutes), then a tampon is placed on the wound and a sterile bandage is applied, moistened with living water.
For 3-5 days, you don’t have to leave the tampon in the wound; it is enough to bandage it and moisten it through a bandage with living water.
For treatment effectiveness, it is recommended 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 200 ml of living water. Within a day, the amount of pus and necrotic tissue in the wound decreases, and the putrid odor disappears. Healing of large wounds noticeably begins on days 2-3.
Old trophic ulcers take longer to heal.

23. Headache

If your head hurts from a bruise or concussion, then it should be moistened with living water.
If your head hurts due to high blood pressure, it is recommended to first moisten the painful part of the head with dead water and drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
If your head hurts due to low blood pressure, then drink 0.5 glasses of living water. It's good to lie down quietly.
Usually the pain goes away within an hour or less.

24. Fungus

Before treatment, the affected areas should be washed with hot water and soap and wiped dry. If your nails are affected by fungus, you need to soak them in hot water, then trim and clean them.
At the first stage of treatment, apply a four-layer lotion with dead water to the affected surface, periodically wetting it after 1-1.5 hours and repeat the procedure 6-8 times a day. This treatment lasts 5-6 days.
At the final stage for 30 minutes. A three-layer napkin moistened with live water is applied to better restore the skin.
When treating toenail fungus, it is convenient to make a foot bath and soak your feet in hot dead water for 30-35 minutes.
(Heat the water before activation!)
In addition, during the entire treatment process you should drink 30 minutes before. before meals, 200-250 ml of live water. The fungus disappears in 5-7 days, sometimes slower.
Nail fungus takes much longer to treat - until the affected nails gradually go away (periodically trimmed) and new, healthy ones grow back.
Socks and shoes must be disinfected with dead water.

25. Flu

For the first day, it is recommended not to eat anything (not to waste the body’s energy on digesting food, but to use it to fight viruses).
Periodically, 6-8 times a day, rinse your nose, mouth and throat with lukewarm dead water. Drink a glass of living water at night. The flu goes away within 1-2 days, and its consequences are alleviated.
26. Dysentery
The first day there is nothing to eat. Drink 0.5 glasses of dead water 3-4 times during the day. It is useful to do a regular cleansing enema and after it an enema of dead water; if possible, it should be kept for at least 5-10 minutes. Usually dysentery stops within a day, its symptoms disappear after
3-4 hours.

27. Diathesis

Moisten all rashes and swelling with dead water and allow to dry. Then apply compresses of living water to those places and leave for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
In addition, you need to review the child’s menu and exclude foods that cause diathesis, give less milk, butter, and more fresh vegetables and fruits, preferably organic ones. Try to avoid chemical medications and use them only when objectively necessary. Diathesis usually goes away in 2-3 days.
It is useful to check whether indoor flowers, down pillows, and pets are causing diathesis.

28. Disinfection

Dead water is an excellent disinfectant, so when you rinse your mouth, throat, or rinse your nose with it, germs, toxins, and allergens are destroyed. When washing your hands and face, your skin is disinfected.
By wiping furniture, dishes, floors, etc. with this water, these surfaces are reliably disinfected.
For such purposes, it is recommended to use dead water of higher concentration (pH about 2 units). One treatment is usually sufficient for disinfection.

29. Dermatitis (allergic)

First of all, you need to eliminate the causes that cause allergic dermatitis (contact with herbs, dust, chemicals, odors, etc.)
Moisten rashes and swelling only with dead water. After eating, it is useful to rinse your mouth, throat and nose with dead water (as in the treatment of allergies). The disease goes away in 3-4 days.

30. Dermatomycosis (fungal skin diseases)

Wash the affected areas with warm water and soap and wipe dry. Then moisten these places with dead water at room temperature 6-7 times a day.
Duration of treatment is 4-5 days. The disease is passing. If necessary
the treatment must be repeated.

31. Foot odor

Wash your feet with warm water and soap, wipe dry, then moisten with dead water and let dry without wiping.
After 8-10 minutes. wet your feet with living water and also let them dry without wiping.
Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days, then once a week for prevention. The unpleasant odor disappears, the skin is cleansed, and the skin on the heels softens.

32. Constipation Drink 0.5-1 glass of live water.

It is useful to do an enema of warm living water in the following composition: 0.5 liters of warm boiled water and 250 ml of living water.
Hold the enema for at least 5 minutes. To cleanse the intestines, enemas can be repeated after 1 hour, trying to retain water in the intestines longer. Constipation goes away.
You have to wonder if it's right
Are you eating?

33. Toothache

Rinse your mouth with warm dead water for 10-20 minutes. If necessary, repeat rinsing. Rinse for the last time with live water to neutralize the effect of acid on tooth enamel. Usually the pain goes away quite quickly.

34. Heartburn

Before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water (reduce acidity, stimulate digestion). The heartburn goes away.

35. Cough

After meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water during the day. It makes coughing easier.

36. Colpitis (vaginitis)

Douche the vagina with warm (38°C) activated water in this order:
- first with dead water;
- after 8-10 minutes. - living water.
Repeat douching with live water several times. It is recommended to do this before bedtime. The course of treatment is 5 days. On the second day, the itching disappears and discharge returns to normal.

37. Conjunctivitis (styre)

Rinse the affected areas and eyes with warm dead water of low concentration (pH = 4.5-5.0), and after 3-5 minutes. - living water (pH=8.0-8.5). Apply a compress of warm living water to the stye.
Repeat the procedures 4-6 times a day. At night it is useful to drink 0.5 glasses of living water. The eye is cleared, the inflammation goes away. Barley goes away in 2-3 days.

38. Wrinkle correction

See paragraph 19 - Facial hygiene.
It is recommended to remove and rinse therapeutic and prophylactic masks with live water.

39. Laryngitis

It is treated like a sore throat: gargling with warm dead water (see point 4).
In addition, you should try not to overload your throat and vocal cords with loud and long speech, avoid strong alcoholic drinks, rough food, etc. The disease gradually passes. It is useful to gargle after eating.

40. Mastitis

Treatment according to the abscess treatment regimen (item 1.)
In severe cases - according to the treatment regimen for purulent wounds (clause 22)

41. Runny nose

Rinse your nose 2-3 times, gradually drawing in dead water.
For children, drop dead water into the nose with a pipette. During the day you can repeat the procedure several times (as necessary). A normal runny nose goes away quickly, in 10-20 minutes.

42. Burns

Carefully treat the burned areas with dead water. After 4-5 minutes, moisten them with living water and continue to moisten them only with it. Do not puncture bubbles.
If the blisters are punctured or burst and pus appears, then again you need to start treating with dead water, then continue treatment with living water. Living water can be poured directly onto the bandage so as not to injure the wound. Burns heal within
3-5 days, faster than traditional treatment methods.

43. Swelling of the arms and legs

Three days, 4 times a day for 30 minutes. Drink activated water before meals and at night:
- the first day 0.5 cups of dead water;
- second day after? glasses of dead water;
- third day - 0.5 cups of living water. The swelling decreases and gradually goes away.

44. Osteochondrosis

One day in 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
For the second day, drink living water in the same order.
Apply compresses of dead water to the sore spot.
The course of treatment is 10 days. Massage of the spine is useful. The pain decreases.
Beware of colds, do not make sudden movements, do not lift heavy objects.

45. Otitis media

Carefully rinse the ear canal with warm (40°C) dead water, then absorb the remaining water with a cotton swab (dry the canal).
After this, apply a compress with warm dead water to the sore ear. Wipe off discharge and pus with dead water.
In case of complications, consult a doctor. Avoid colds, do not blow your nose, and treat a runny nose.

46. ​​Panaritiums

The first two days for 10-15 minutes. soak your fingers in a container with warm (35-40°C) dead water, then wipe dry and apply dead water to the affected surfaces. After opening the abscess (usually this happens on the second day) and treating it with dead water, make lotions with living water.
Starting from the third day of treatment, after this procedure, 10-15 minutes. make a bath with warm living water.
The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Cracks and ulcers heal quickly, inflammatory processes on the nail fold go away, and an outflow of purulent contents is created. Living water accelerates healing.

47. Periodontitis

Rinse the mouth for 3-5 minutes with dead water, then massage the gums (with a soft toothbrush or fingers, moving from top to bottom for the upper jaw and from bottom to top for the lower jaw), then 2 minutes. rinse your mouth with boiled water.
Finally, for 3-5 minutes. rinse your mouth with live water.
In addition, during the treatment process in 20-30 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water.
The course of treatment is 10-15 days. Dead water disinfects the oral cavity, gums, eliminates bad odor and inflammatory processes. Living water speeds up the healing process.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, try to avoid constipation, promptly treat hemorrhoids and diarrhea, do not use newspapers in the toilet (printing ink is harmful), etc.
For treatment, after emptying, you need to wash the anus with warm water and soap, then treat the cracks and nodes with warm dead water, do an enema of warm dead water and try to hold it for 10-15 minutes. If there is discharge or pus, the enema should be repeated.
In conclusion, you need to do an enema of warm living water. After all, moisten all knots and cracks with living water.
At night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. Gradually, the symptoms of paraproctitis disappear.
Treatment lasts 4-5 days, sometimes longer

49. Bone fractures

For closed fractures and cracks, drink 200-250 ml of living water after meals for 20-25 days after applying plaster.
(The water must be fresh!).
For open fractures and bruises, treat the wounds with dead water and apply a sterile napkin moistened with dead water. Starting from the second day, the wound is irrigated with living water for 3-4 minutes, then bandaged with sterile material.
To treat bruises and local hemorrhages, lotions of living water are made for 4-5 days, keeping them for 40-45 minutes. A diet high in calcium, protein, phosphorus and vitamin D is beneficial (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs)
Treatment is faster and infections do not occur.

50. Chronic pyelonephritis

During the first 5 days in 20 minutes. Before meals, drink 200 ml of living water; from the fifth to the tenth day - drink 250 ml, and from the tenth to the thirtieth day - 300 ml.
Follow a diet (exclude spicy, bitter foods, marinades, alcohol).
The course of treatment (month) can be repeated 2-5 times a year. In case of exacerbations, antibacterial therapy is necessary (prescribed by a doctor)

51. High blood pressure

In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of dead water. If the pressure does not decrease, drink 3 times a day. It is often enough to drink 0.5 glasses and lie down.
The pressure is normalized.

52. Low blood pressure

In the morning and evening before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. If necessary, you can drink living water three times, or longer, for example, 1-2 weeks, then take a week break.
It is useful to control your blood pressure and determine the dose of living water you take. Blood pressure rises, energy and vigor increase, and appetite improves.

53. Polyarthritis

One treatment cycle is 9 days.
The first 3 days you need 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
The fourth day is a break.
On the fifth day, before meals and at night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water.
The sixth day is another break.
For the last three days (7, 8, 9), drink dead water again, as in the first days.
If the disease is old, you need to make compresses from warm dead water on the sore spots or rub it into the skin. The pain in the joints goes away, the body is cleansed.
If necessary, treatment should be repeated.

54. Sexual weakness

In the morning and at night, periodically drink 0.5-1 glass of living water - use its stimulating, tonic effect. Before sexual intercourse, try not to think about possible failure.

55. Diarrhea

Drink 0.5 cups of dead water. If the diarrhea does not stop within an hour, drink another 0.5 glass. Refrain from eating. Usually the diarrhea stops within an hour.

56. Cuts, abrasions, scratches

Rinse the wound with dead water, wait until it dries, then apply a swab to it, generously moistened with living water. Continue treatment with living water.
If pus appears, treat the wound again with dead water and continue treatment with live water. The wounds heal within 2-3 days.

57. Bedsores

Carefully wash the bedsores with warm dead water, allow to dry, then moisten with warm living water. After dressing, you can moisten it through a bandage.
When pus appears, the procedure is repeated, starting with dead water (as in the treatment of purulent wounds).
The patient is recommended to lie on linen sheets. Place a bag of flax seeds under the bedsores (so that the wound can “breathe” better)
One treatment cycle is 6 days. Practice shows that with this method of treatment, bedsores heal faster than when treated with traditional chemical medications.

58. Prevention of acute respiratory infections, colds during epidemics.

Periodically, 3-4 times a week, and if necessary, every day, morning and evening (when coming home from work), rinse your nose, mouth and throat with dead water. After 20-30 minutes. drink 0.5 cups of living water.
After contact with infectious patients, visiting clinics, hospitals, public places, perform this procedure additionally. At home, it is advisable to wash your hands and wash your face with dead water. Vigor appears, efficiency increases, germs and bacteria die, and illness is avoided.

59. Pimples

In 20-30 minutes. Before meals, drink 125-200 ml of living water as a metabolic stimulant.
Wash with dead water, then for 10-15 minutes. Apply compresses of living water. Water temperature is about 35°C. Pimples disappear.

60. Psoriasis (scaly lichen)

Before treatment, you need to wash well with soap, steam the affected areas at the maximum tolerable temperature, or make a hot compress to soften the scales and damaged skin.
After this, moisten the affected areas with warm dead water, and after 5-8 minutes moisten with living water.
Next, for 6 days in a row, these places should be moistened only with living water and this should be done more often, 6-8 times a day. No more bathing or steaming needed.
In addition, for the first 3 days, 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. Before meals you need to drink 200-250 ml of dead water, and the next 3 days - the same amount of living water.
After the first cycle, a week break is recommended, after which treatment continues again.
In some people, during treatment, the affected skin becomes very dry, cracked and painful. In such cases, it is recommended to moisten it several times with dead water (to weaken the effect of living water).
The disease is difficult to cure, so will and patience are required from the patient. After 4-5 days, the affected areas are cleared, clean, pinkish areas of skin appear.
Gradually the lichen disappears. Most often, 3-4 cycles of treatment are enough.
A significant proportion of patients are cured.
During treatment, you should avoid spicy foods, especially smoked foods, alcohol, do not smoke, and try not to be nervous.

61. Radiculitis, rheumatism

Two days, 3 times a day for 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 200 ml of living water.
It is good to rub warm dead water into the sore spot or make a compress from it. The pain goes away within 24 hours, sometimes within 2-3 hours.

62. Skin irritation (eg after shaving)

Rinse your face several times (moisten the irritated areas) with live water and let it dry without wiping. If there are cuts, apply to them for 5-10 minutes. tampons soaked in living water. It irritates the skin a little, but it heals soon.

63. Skin tears on the heels of the feet

The treatment is the same as for foot odor (see paragraph 31). After the procedure, it is additionally recommended to lubricate the heels, tears, cracks with vegetable oil and allow it to be absorbed. While the skin is wet and soft, you can wipe it with a pumice stone to remove dead skin. Tears and cracks heal in 2-3 days, the skin becomes elastic.

64. Vein dilatation

Rinse the areas of varicose veins and bleeding areas or wipe them well with dead water several times, then leave for 15-20 minutes. Apply compresses of living water to them and drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
Repeat such procedures until a noticeable result appears. Painful sensations are dulled. Gradually the disease goes away.

65. Salmonelliosis

For prevention purposes, eat only well-cooked or fried meat, carry out veterinary control of meat, and do not drink raw milk, especially from untested cows.
If you get sick, rinse your stomach with warm dead water, do not eat anything for the first day, periodically after 2-3 hours drink 0.5 cups of dead water.
Additionally, you can do an enema of warm dead water (50-100 ml) and try to withstand it for 10-15 minutes.
Starting from the third day of treatment, 30 min. Before meals, drink 0.5 glasses of live water. Salmonella die, the disease goes away in 3-4 days.
If this method does not help, you should consult a doctor.

66. Diabetes mellitus

Always drink 0.5 glasses of live water before meals.
Additionally, it is recommended to massage the pancreas, self-suggestion that it produces insulin well. Your health improves.
Treat diabetic wounds the same way as purulent wounds.

67. Facial seborrhea (acne)

Treatment is similar to that outlined in paragraph 19 (Facial hygiene). In the morning and evening, wash with hot water and soap, wipe your face and moisten with warm dead water. Moisten pimples as often as possible. Juvenile acne is treated in the same way.
When the skin is cleansed, you can wash (wipe) it with living water. This is especially useful for dry skin. The skin is cleansed, becomes softer, acquires elasticity, and its nutrition improves.

68. Stomatitis

After each meal 3-5 minutes. rinse your mouth with dead water. Apply to the affected oral mucosa for 5 minutes. apply cotton swabs with dead water. After this, rinse your mouth with boiled water and for the last time rinse well with live water.
When the oral cavity is cleansed, the wounds begin to heal; it is enough to rinse your mouth after eating only with warm living water. If necessary, also make applications
living water. Avoid smoking, spicy foods, and alcoholic drinks.

69. Chronic tonsillitis

The first two days after eating for 3-5 minutes. gargle with warm dead water.
Starting from the third day, rinse only with warm living water.
Treatment lasts 4-5 days.
In addition, from the first day of the disease, it is necessary to wash the lacunae of the tonsils with warm dead water. On the third day, rinse them with warm living water. It is convenient to rinse with a medical syringe without a needle. When rinsing, you can swallow the water. Dead water disinfects the oral cavity, and live water promotes rapid healing of ulcers.

70. Acne

Periodically moisten the skin with dead water or apply lotions. Wash with cosmetic soap.
Useful in 20 minutes. drink before eating
0.5 cups of living water, and also adjust the menu. Beware of colds, speak more quietly. It is useful to take vitamins C and B, multivitamins.
Avoid spicy, rough foods. In addition, see paragraph 19 - Facial hygiene and paragraph 60 - Acne.

71. Removing dead skin from the feet

Steam your feet for 30-40 minutes. in hot soapy water, wipe, then hold them for 10-15 minutes. in warm dead water. After this, use your fingers or a pumice stone to rub off the layer of softened dead skin.
After washing, wash (hold) your feet in warm living water and let them dry without wiping.
(The technique is the same as for eliminating foot odor, treating cracks) Dead skin is easily removed, cracks and tears heal, and the skin softens.

72. Improve blood circulation

If there is a sufficient amount of living water, baths from this water are recommended, or after taking a regular bath or shower, dousing with living water. After dousing, let it dry without wiping.
If there is not enough living water, you can add 1 share of living water to 5 shares of regular water. Increases energy, relieves fatigue, improves blood circulation.

73. Feeling better

Periodically rinse your nose, mouth and throat with dead water 1-2 times a week, then drink 0.5 cups of living water. It is best to do this after breakfast and after dinner (at night).
This procedure must be done after contact with patients, during a flu epidemic, etc. Energy and vigor increase, performance improves, germs and bacteria die.

74. Improved digestion

If the stomach stops working, for example, when overeating or when mixing incompatible foods (for example, bread with potatoes and meat), drink one glass of living water. Usually after 15-20 minutes. the stomach begins to work.

75. Hair care

Once a week, wash your hair with live water and soap or shampoo, then rinse well with live water and leave to dry without wiping.
If it is necessary to disinfect the scalp, you can pour dead water once, wait 5-8 minutes, then rinse with live water and leave to dry. The scalp is cleansed, the hair becomes soft, silky, and dandruff disappears.

76. Skin care

Regularly wipe the skin or wash with dead water with the recommended concentration (for women, pH = 5.5). The skin becomes clean, soft, elastic.

77. Furunculosis

Wash the affected area with hot water and soap, then disinfect with warm dead water and allow to dry.
Next, compresses from dead water should be applied to the boils, changing them 4-5 times a day or more often. After 2-3 days, the wounds are washed with live water to speed up healing.
During treatment, you need to drink 0.5 glasses of living water 3 times a day before meals, and if you have diabetes, after meals. Usually boils heal in 3-4 days. There are no side effects observed.
In diabetic patients, the amount of sugar in the blood is normalized.

78. Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder)

Four days in a row in 30 minutes. Before meals, drink 0.5 cups of activated water in the following order:
- before breakfast - dead water;
- before lunch and before dinner - living water. The pain in the heart and right shoulder blade goes away, the bitterness in the mouth and nausea disappear.

79. Chronic tonsillitis

Treatment is the same as for a sore throat (see point 4)

80. Cystitis

Drink 250-300 ml of living water 3 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The last appointment is no later than 18:00. Exclude pickles, spices, and hot seasonings from the menu. Take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor.
If cystitis is accompanied by stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, then it is better to drink living water after 20 minutes. after meal.
It is also useful within 7-10 minutes. take a hot bath, then do a microenema with warm living water.
In a hospital setting, the doctor can rinse the bladder several times, first with warm dead water, then with warm living water. Good urine flow is ensured, pus, mucus, salt residues are washed away well, smooth muscle activity improves
bladder muscles.

81. Eczema

Before starting treatment, steam the affected areas (make a hot compress), then moisten with dead water and allow to dry.
Then, for a week or longer, moisten it with living water 4-6 times a day. At night, drink 0.5 glasses of living water. Usually the affected areas heal in 5-6 days, sometimes faster.

82. Cervical erosion

Douche at night or do vaginal baths with warm (38°C) dead water. After a day or two, do the same procedure with warm, fresh living water. After a 7-10 minute bath, you can leave a tampon soaked in living water in the vagina for several hours. The duration of treatment with live water is 3-4 days. If necessary - up to 10 days.
It is advisable to repeat the procedures 2-3 times a day. Usually after
After 2-4 procedures with dead water, itching and signs of inflammation disappear, swelling of the vaginal tissues decreases, and the discharge becomes transparent.

83. Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum with high acidity

For 5-7 days, 1 hour before meals, drink 0.5-1 glass (depending on blood pressure) of living water (if you have heartburn, drink after meals). After this, take a week's break and, despite the fact that the pain has disappeared, repeat the course of treatment 1-2 more times until the ulcers are completely healed. (Usually it takes 11-17 days)
During the treatment process, follow a diet, avoid spicy, rough foods, raw smoked meat, do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic beverages, and do not overexert yourself. Pain and nausea quickly disappear, appetite and well-being improve, acidity decreases.
Duodenal ulcers heal more slowly.

84. Stomach ulcer with zero acidity

The treatment method is similar to step 85, only in this case, while eating, you additionally need to drink 0.5 glasses of dead water (add acid to the stomach). To prevent relapse, periodically drink activated water.


As noted above, activated water can be successfully used in the garden, in greenhouses, in poultry and livestock farming, and finally, on your farm.

The table below shows, in alphabetical order, various recommendations and techniques that the author has been able to collect and summarize over more than 20 years. Of course, not all of them are quite specific, but no one bothers to test and clarify them.

1. Control of small plant pests

Spray areas where pests (cabbage whiteflies, aphids, etc.) accumulate with dead water. If necessary, water the soil as well. Recommended concentration is about 2.0 pH. The procedure should be repeated. The pests die or leave their favorite places.

2. Fight against moths and cockroaches.

To kill moths, you should spray carpets, woolen items, or possible places where moths accumulate with dead water. When destroying cockroaches, the procedure must be repeated after 5-7 days, when young cockroaches hatch from the laid eggs. (pH=2.0) If necessary, continue treatment with dead water.

3. Dressing of leather, skins.

It is recommended to dilute chemical reagents used in leather tanning not with chemical solvents, but with dead water. (The water concentration should be checked independently for specific conditions).
This treatment requires 3 times less chemical reagents. The quality of the skins is improved, the dressing process is accelerated by 1.5 times.

4. Disinfection of baths, saunas, swimming pools

Rinse the surfaces of baths, saunas, and swimming pools with dead water. To achieve a better effect, you can create a fog (aerosol) from dead water in the room. If the surfaces are dirty, they should first be washed with live water, which has good cleaning properties. For this you need an activator with greater performance.

5. Disinfection of soil and soil.

Water the soil (soil in pots with flowers) with dead water. The soil should get wet by 40-50 cm. After 1-2 such waterings, wait 1-1.5 hours, then water with live water. Then water according to the following scheme: 1 time - with live water, 2-3 times - with ordinary water.
The concentration of dead water is about 2 pH, live water is 7.5 - 8.5 pH. To disinfect the soil, 1-2 such waterings are usually enough.

6. Disinfection of dietary eggs.

Rinse diet eggs well with dead water or dip them in dead water for 1-2 minutes, then wipe them or let them dry on their own. Concentration 2.5-3.5 pH. Staphylococci are killed and the shelf life of eggs is extended.

7. Disinfection of face, hands, shoes.

After performing harmful, dirty work, if there is a possibility of infection, rinse your nose, throat, wash your face and hands with dead water. Treat your shoes with it too. (If necessary, pour water into the shoes, hold for 10-15 minutes, then pour out and dry the shoes). Microbes and bacteria die. The likelihood of infection is virtually eliminated.

8. Disinfection of floors, furniture, equipment

Spray the furniture with dead water and after 10-15 minutes. wipe. You can simply wipe the furniture with a rag soaked in dead water. Wash the floor with dead water. (pH=2.0) Disinfection is quite reliable.

9. Disinfection of premises

Small rooms can be washed with dead water (spray the ceiling, walls, wash the floor). It is more convenient to create an aerosol (fog) from dead water indoors using special installations (fog generators). This method is more suitable for disinfecting large premises: farms, poultry houses, pigsties, vegetable stores, greenhouses, etc. There is no need to remove animals or birds from the premises; the water is harmless. It is useful to do such procedures periodically, at least once a month. The aerosol effectively reduces microflora. Duration of action is 8-10 days. Disinfectants are saved.

10. Disinfection of various containers

Wash containers (boxes, baskets, pallets, jars, bags, etc.) with “strong” (pH=2) dead water and dry (preferably in the sun). The effect will be even better if you first rinse the container with live water, then treat it with dead water. Mold fungus is destroyed, the container is well disinfected.

11. Treatment of mastitis, purulent ulcers in animals

12. Treatment of diarrhea in poultry and animals

Give diarrhea chickens, ducklings, goslings and turkey poults several times a day to drink dead water instead of regular water until the diarrhea stops. In such cases pH=4-5. The same should be done with diarrhea young animals (piglets, calves). If they don’t drink on their own, you need to find a way to give them something to drink or mix food and drink with dead water. Diarrhea stops after a few hours or within a day. It is useful to disinfect the room.

13. Disinfection of eggs from salmonella

Wash the eggs with live water, or dip them in it and hold for 5 minutes. After this, disinfect them with dead water, also immersing them in it for 5 minutes. Disinfection lasts up to 8 days. The recommended water temperature for these purposes is 22-23°C. The concentration of living water is 10 pH, dead water is 2-2.5 pH. Living water washes well, and dead water destroys the microflora of the shell.

14. Degreasing glass surfaces

To wash and degrease glass, the good cleaning properties of living water are used: first you need to wet the glass with it, wait a little and rinse. This way you can wash the glass of cars, greenhouses, windows, etc. Detergents are saved with effective washing.

15. Revitalization of wilted flowers, green vegetables

Trim dried roots (stems) of flowers and green vegetables. After this, dip them in low concentration living water (pH = 8-8.5) and keep them in it. The advice is very useful for those who sell flowers and green vegetables. Flowers and vegetables come to life and do not fade for a long time.

16. Preparing seeds for planting.

Stimulation of plant growth in greenhouses and gardens General recommendations:
1. Before planting, treat the seeds with dead water:
- - dip them in dead water (pH = 2.5-3.5), mix and after a few minutes collect and remove the (poor quality) seeds that float to the surface;
- leave the remaining seeds for another 2-4 hours (disinfection);
- drain the water, rinse the seeds with ordinary water, dip them in living water (pH = 8.0-9.0) and soak in it for 5-15 hours (the exact time depends on the type of seeds and local conditions, it should be clarified experimentally );
- drain the living water, dry the seeds for 2-3 hours and plant.
2. Growth stimulation - watering:
- water once with live water (pH = 7.7-8.5), then water 2-3 times with ordinary water, after that - again with live water, etc.
Water with live water no more than 2 times during the week.
If it is noticed that the soil is contaminated with something, the plants (compared to others) are withering and getting sick, then once you need to water them well with dead water, and then water them according to the above-mentioned scheme. The seeds are cleaned, neutralized, and germinate faster and 3-4 days earlier.
When irrigated with living water, they grow 20-30% faster, and resistance to disease increases.
The harvest ripens 10-14 days earlier and is 20-40% larger compared to the control.

17. Watering calves with live water

Give calves 1-2 times a week live water (pH=8.0-9.0). It can also be added to milk for feeding calves.
Weak calves should be given live water for several days in a row until they get stronger. In cases of diarrhea, give dead water to drink.

Experiments carried out on several farms in Latvia and Lithuania showed very good results. The resistance of calves to diseases, survival rate, increased weight gain, etc. have increased. In addition, significant savings have been achieved that were previously spent on medicines. Compared to control groups, the weight gain of calves increased by 20-30%. Of the group of weak calves, 100% survived (usually 70-80% survive).

18. Making syrup for bees

Prepare syrup for feeding bees using living water with a concentration of pH = 8.0-9.0 instead of ordinary water. Bees become more energetic.

19. Preparing the dough

Knead dough for baking bread, rolls, etc. on living water. The taste of baked goods improves.

20. Preparation of mortar

Prepare the solution using live water (pH=9.0-10.0). Living water can also be used to dilute thickened mortar, water-based paint, glue, etc. It is useful to clarify the water concentration experimentally, because the quality of the solution only improves. Concrete can be up to 30% stronger, more resistant to moisture, etc.

21. Sprouting grain for food, barley for malt

Keep the prepared grain (for example, wheat, barley) in dead water for 1-2 hours (disinfection), then rinse with plain water, drain it and fill it with living water so that the water is flush with the grain, put in a warm place and leave to germinate.

Germinated barley must be periodically moistened (sprayed) with living water. The grain is cleaned of chemical residues,
germinates faster, beer quality improves.

22. Water softening

When soft water is required (for example, for making coffee, tea, kneading dough, etc.), living water should be used. When boiling, the activity disappears, leaving clean, soft water.

23. Sterilization of jars and lids

Rinse glass jars and lids with live water or keep in it for half an hour. After this, rinse them with dead water, or hold them in it and dry them. No boiling required.

24. Stimulate poultry growth

Give small, weak chickens, ducklings, and turkey poults live water (pH = 7.5-8.5) for 2-3 days in a row.
You can “offer” them a choice of living and ordinary water. Instinct will tell you which water they need most at the moment.
In the future, live water should be given only 1-2 times a week. In case of diarrhea, drink dead water. Mortality is reduced by up to 40%, disease resistance is increased, and young animals grow faster.

25. Stimulate the growth of livestock

Livestock, especially young animals, should be given live water (pH=7.5-8.5) periodically, but not more than 1-2 times a week. On the day of drinking, this should be done every 1.5 hours between feedings.
Dry food can be moistened and sprinkled with live water. The total mass of live water should not exceed 10 grams per 1 kg of live weight of the animal.
Living water of higher concentration (pH = 10.5-11.0) does not give a noticeable effect. The mortality of young animals decreases, appetite improves, animals gain weight faster (by 7-14%), etc.

26. Washing linen and clothes while saving detergents

The following washing order is recommended:
1. Soak the laundry in dead water for 0.5-1 hour (disinfection)
2. Wash and rinse clothes in living water, using only a third or half of the amount of detergents.
No bleaching is required with this washing method. The quality of washing improves, money is saved, and less alkali ends up in the sewer.

27. Increasing the shelf life of perishable foods

Meat, sausages, hams, butter, fish, etc. Before storing for longer storage, dip in dead water for 2-3 minutes or wash with this water and let dry.
Keep refrigerated. Products are cleaned of bacteria and are preserved longer.

28. Increasing the shelf life of vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits should be treated with dead water and dried before storing for long-term storage in warehouses or cellars.
This can be done while transporting vegetables and fruits on a conveyor by spraying them.
You can briefly dip containers of vegetables and fruits into a container of dead water.
In storage areas, it is recommended to periodically spray vegetables and fruits with dead water, or create a fog of dead water. Storage areas and containers must also be treated with dead water before loading. The shelf life is significantly increased.
Vegetables and fruits do not rot and do not lose vitamins. This treatment is completely harmless.

29. Removing scale from the walls of dishes

Fill the dishes (kettle, samovar, etc.) with dead water, heat to 80-85°C and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, scrape off the softened layer of scale.
You don’t have to heat the water, but leave it in the container for several days. If necessary, the treatment must be repeated.

30. Improving the taste and aroma of coffee

Prepare tea and coffee using live water. The concentration of water does not matter because... when boiling, it “disappears”, and the purity and softness of the water is preserved, which is what is required.
Drinks become tastier and more aromatic.

31. Improving the quality of gypsum products

When making gypsum castings, use living water instead of ordinary water. The optimal concentration should be determined experimentally.
Gypsum castings become 2-2.2 times stronger, and their moisture resistance improves. By adding special additives, strength can be increased up to 4 times.

I wish you, dear Readers, to successfully use these recommendations.
With respect and desire to help
al., assistant professor Petras Shibilskis
My coordinates: Republic of Lithuania,
Panevezys st. Ramigalos 48-29
Phones: +370 616 52384 - (mobile)
+370 45 433164 - home


1. A. Malovichko. All about water. Kaunas, 1996.

2. Wonderful water. A set of articles about water. Gomel, “Topaz”, 1995.

3. V.M.Bakhir. About electrochemical activation and “living” and “dead” water. First edition. M. 1990.

4. B. Bolotov. Immortality is real. Kyiv, 1994.

5. A. Shpats. Application of electrolysis products of table salt solution - anolyte and catholyte in agriculture. TsNTIP, 1990.

6. Electrochemical activation. Materials of the I and II International Symposiums. M. 1997, 1999.

7. V. Prilutsky, V. Bakhir. Electrochemically activated water: anomalous properties, mechanism of biological action. M.1997.

8. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. M.1997.

9. Some areas of application of electrochemical activation. M. VNIIIMT, 1997.

10. Electrochemical activation: history, status, prospects. M. 1999.

11. Medical encyclopedia, vol. 1 and 2. Vilnius, 1993.

13.P. Šibilskis. Source of health. Panevezys.1996.

14. P. Shibilskis. Activated water heals and helps. "Science and life". No. 4. Vilnius, 1996.

15. P. Shibilskis. Once again about activated water. “Sveikata” No. 2, Vilnius, 1997.

16. P. Shibilskis. Water is a source of health. Kaunas, 2004.

Activated water has a beneficial effect on the body.

Cures most diseases, lowers blood pressure, stimulates metabolism, reduces joint pain, headaches, pain in the joints of the hands and feet, improves appetite and digestion, and is used for sore throat, diarrhea, eczema, and lichen.

Directions for use: 1/2 glass 30 minutes before meals.

The method of preparing activated water should be found in the relevant recommendations (we will present one of them).

Since 1981, articles about activated “living” and “dead” water began to appear in the press. Many lovers and enthusiasts use this water not only for the treatment of various diseases, but also for prevention. The ease of production and storage, the harmlessness of the effect on a living organism, helped activated water to gain credibility among the people as a reliable medicine with a wide range of therapeutic effects.

It has long been known that electrolysis of water is a chemical reaction of the decomposition of water into positive and negative ions when current from a constant voltage source is passed through it. During the process of electrolysis, water near the anode acquires acidic properties, and near the cathode - alkaline, but the water in the vessel is constantly mixed and generally remains neutral.

One day, a partition made of material that freely passed water ions, but not water itself, was installed between the electrodes. As a result, water with different chemical properties was obtained in both compartments. So, in the compartment with the anode, the water had a sour taste and some positive charge, and near the cathode it had an alkaline taste and a negative charge.

charge. This water was poured into separate containers and began to be examined. We accidentally noticed that minor abrasions, cuts, and scratches heal quickly from exposure to alkaline water.

The rapid healing of fresh wounds, cuts, experiments with cotton (watering the beds with activated water) prompted us to call alkaline water “living”, and acidic water “dead”:

similar to many folk tales.

Since 1985, activated water began to be called more officially: acidic, “dead” - analyte (from the word “anode”), drug A, bactericide; alkaline, “live” catholyte (from the word “cathode”), drug K, stimulant.

One of the first to independently manufacture a household apparatus for producing “live”

and “dead” water, was D. Krotov, an honored innovator and inventor from Stavropol. He tried it on himself and offered the first recipes for use.

activated water for medicinal purposes.

Various options for making an activator at home are published in domestic and foreign literature. One of them is shown in the diagram.

Liter jar, 2 stainless steel electrodes measuring 40 x 160 x 0.8 mm, the distance between them is 40 mm, do not reach the bottom.

The process of preparing water lasts 5-30 minutes, depending on the required strength. After cooking, unplug the plug, quickly remove the bag and transfer the “dead” water into another container.

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