The life-giving power of sprouted wheat - benefits and harm. Greens in winter or how to grow and eat wheat sprouts

Sprouted wheat is a source of youth, health and beauty. Many people ask questions about how to germinate wheat correctly and how to take it. Sprouts should contain vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

How to germinate wheat

Whole, undamaged grains are selected for germination. Care should be taken to ensure that wheat for germination is not treated with chemicals, as this may adversely affect the sprouts.

The germination process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Decide on the amount of sprouted grain needed. Recommended amount: 1 tablespoon per person per day.
  2. Pour the grains onto a clean sheet of cardboard, carefully removing debris and damaged wheat. Place in a colander and rinse under running cool water.
  3. Select a container for germination. A glass or porcelain plate with a wide bottom or an iron tray will do.
  4. Pour the wheat into a container, fill it with water and leave for 2-4 minutes. Drain the liquid and carefully distribute the grains over the surface.
  5. Pour warm spring water over the wheat, cover with a bandage or gauze on top. You can close the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for air to enter.
  6. Place the container in a dark place for 8-9 hours. Change the water.
  7. After the sprouts appear, drain the liquid and place the wheat in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten within 24-34 hours. If the sprouts have grown and reached 3-4 mm, then you should not add grains to food.

Wheat germinates within 24 hours, but some varieties sprout within 2-3 days. You can germinate grains in the refrigerator, but this slows down the process.

Green wheat sprouts without grains are very useful. They can be grown by placing sprouted grains in humus or sawdust. Daily watering and good lighting promote rapid grass growth. The sprouts can be consumed on day 8-9, when they reach a height of 13-16 cm. They are cut with scissors and added to soups, salads and side dishes.

Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms

Sprouted wheat is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Eating sprouts improves immunity, normalizes acid-base balance, eliminates vitamin deficiency and cleanses the body of toxins.

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • antioxidants;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus.

Sprouted grain has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, increases blood flow and strengthens the cardiovascular system. It is recommended to include sprouts in the diet of overweight people.

Doctors advise studying the benefits and harms of sprouted wheat before consumption: the product has contraindications. It is not recommended to include sprouts in the menu:

  • children under 10 years old;
  • in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods;
  • people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • Allergy sufferers with intolerance to gluten-containing products.

Sprouted grains should not be consumed during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.

How to take wheat germ

Having learned about the benefits and harms of grain, people are interested in how to take sprouted wheat. The intake of nutrients and microelements into the body directly depends on the correct use of sprouts.

  1. Avoid cooking wheat. As temperatures rise, grains lose beneficial substances.
  2. Grind the grains in a meat grinder or blender. Mix the resulting mushy mass with olive or linseed oil. Eat 1 tablespoon daily at breakfast.
  3. You can make an infusion from the sprouts. To do this, fill the grains with clean water and place in a dark place for 2-3 hours. To add flavor, add lemon juice or oregano leaf to the drink.
  4. Dry and grind the sprouts into flour. Add the mixture to prepared foods and drinks.
  5. Wheat milk is very healthy. Mix 3 tablespoons of sprouted grains thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of raisins. Fill with warm spring water and place in a cool, dark place for 4-5 hours. Strain the infusion. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

In the first days of taking sprouts, do not consume more than 2 tablespoons per day, otherwise diarrhea may occur. After 2-3 weeks of use, you can increase the daily consumption of sprouts to 60-70 grams.

Do not include sprouted wheat in your diet along with full-fat milk, flower honey, or mushrooms. This may cause an allergic reaction and nausea.

The benefits and harms of sprouted wheat have been studied by experts for a long time. The grains contain unique microelements that heal all body systems. With proper germination and consumption of wheat, you can not only get rid of chronic diseases, but also rejuvenate the skin, strengthen joints and muscles.

We germinate wheat in 2-3 days - video

If you decide to improve your health, cleanse your body and get vitamins, in a word, take the righteous path of a healthy lifestyle, you simply cannot do without wheat sprouts. Sprouted wheat is a valuable bioproduct that can be grown at home. Some eat it straight, with a spoon, while others prepare original meat and vegetarian salads. In addition, green sprouts are a favorite treat for pets and a good base for a vitamin cocktail. If you are interested in knowing how to germinate wheat at home, we will be happy to help you with advice.

What you need for germination:

  • high-quality grains, preferably purchased from a reliable store or hand-selected by you;
  • a bowl or cuvette not made of metal alloys or plastic. It is best if the dishes for germination are made of glass to make it more convenient to monitor the process;
  • a piece of gauze or clean cotton non-fading fabric;
  • water;
  • a colander with a small mesh size; if you don’t have one, then the same gauze or cloth will do.

What do we have to do

The first advice to those who are looking on the Internet for how to germinate wheat at home for food would be the following: pay close attention to the selection of grains. You should not take them at the market: they may sell pickled (treated with chemicals against pests) wheat, and you will simply get poisoned. It is better to purchase special ones specifically for germination.

If there are seeds of an unexpected color, immediately select and throw them away; if there are any foreign, non-wheat seeds, then we remove them too. Are you planning to eat some wormwood along with healthy sprouts?

The first method of germinating wheat

  1. Pour the grains into a bowl or cuvette so that they are approximately 1–2 centimeters high in it. Fill them with water, which should be at room temperature, preferably boiled or bottled drinking water.
  2. Cover with a cloth to keep out the light, leave until the next day in a warm room, preferably near the radiator.
  3. The next day we look at what happened to our future harvest. If any debris or seeds float to the surface, throw it away immediately.
  4. We wash the wheat seeds in water, wash them very well, then put them back into the bowl and pour in clean boiled or drinking water to cover them completely, but no more. Place damp gauze or cotton cloth on top and leave it overnight again.
  5. Now it's time to wait. The wheat will absorb water and germinate, the gauze will dry out - it must be moistened with water. It would also be a good idea to wash the grains, preferably once every 12 hours, so that the water does not have time to go rotten. Make sure that your future crop does not begin to sprout through the cells of the gauze.
  6. As soon as sprouts about 1–2 mm long appear, we can assume that we have completed the task
  7. Now we wash our grains with tender sprouts again, put them in the refrigerator to stop the growth and eat as needed. For medicinal purposes, you need to eat at least one tablespoon of wheat germ every day. It is better to use it with some vegetable oil for better absorption and preservation of vitamins. By the way, the water in which the seeds were soaked after the second washing is also suitable for consumption and contains useful substances.

If green sprouts appear in your bowl or cuvette, or they remain white but become longer than 5 mm, then such objects must be selected and planted in the ground. They will grow further and become raw materials for preparing natural juice from sprouts or vitamin supplements for your cat or dog.

The second method of germinating wheat

We repeat points 1–3 of the previous instructions. After this we do the following:

4. Wash the grains thoroughly.

5. Place cotton wool, generously moistened with water, in a bowl, and on top of it - damp gauze or cotton cloth folded several times. Pour the grains on top so that their layer is no more than 1.5 cm. The grains should not float in the water. Cover with the edges of gauze or fabric.

6. If the fabric dries out, add clean water. We wash the grains every 12 hours. In a day or two, you will have a harvest of sprouts 1–2 mm long, which we need for vitaminization. Do not forget to select unsprouted grains - they are unsuitable for food.

You will learn another way to germinate wheat from this short but very interesting video.

Sprouted seeds of various crops are used to regulate intestinal function in cases of dysbiosis caused by the use of antibiotics or other reasons. During the period of sprout emergence, all useful substances are transferred into a form that is easily absorbed by the human body. Sprouted grains contain a lot of proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and useful chemical elements.

Sprouted and used for food:

  • Wheat
  • Lentils
  • Sesame

Most often, sprouted wheat grains are consumed along with legumes. They're pretty tough. And you can only swallow them crushed. But the process of chewing hard food strengthens your gums and teeth. You can grind the seeds along with the sprouts in a blender, adding fruit and cinnamon.

Sprouted grains should not be consumed with dairy products. This causes diarrhea. When heat treated, all the benefits of sprouts are lost.

Sprouted wheat is used to improve the health of the body. Therefore, the seeds must be of high quality. You can buy grains at a specialty store. They are required to have a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological services. So that there is no doubt about the quality of the seeds, you can ask the seller to show it. If the quality of the product was confirmed during the first purchase, you can subsequently buy it in this place.

In addition to quality guarantees, the document indicates the manufacturer and the main characteristics of the seeds.

Sometimes wheat is bought from farmers. But in this case, you need to know the conditions for its cultivation well. They determine how far from transport routes and industrial enterprises the area where the crop was harvested was located, how many times the crops were treated and with what.

Under no circumstances should treated seeds be consumed. They can only be used for sowing. High-quality wheat seeds germinate within 24 hours. But sometimes about half of the grains remain unpicked. This indicates low grain quality.

Do not use metal containers for germination. It is better to use glass jars or plastic food containers. It’s a good idea to prepare gauze that will protect the seeds from drying out. You can cover the container with a lid instead, but loosely so that air can easily pass to the seeds and back.

It is better to soak the seeds in the morning. First, rinse under the tap to wash away foreign impurities. You can pour water in a bowl, then remove all the floating grains, because they will not germinate. Some sources recommend that each stage of germination be accompanied by disinfection with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Prepare it in a separate jar using boiled water.

After each treatment, the grains are washed with water 3 times.

But you can limit yourself to washing with ordinary drinking water. It is much faster, easier, and there is no need for excess potassium permanganate in the body. After all, it is unlikely that it will be possible to wash it completely.
Pour in the seeds for 3 minutes. Then drain, rinse at least three times with filtered, spring or bottled water. It is convenient to do this through gauze secured to the edge of the jar with an elastic band.

Methods for germinating wheat seeds:

  1. Germinating seeds in a jar installed at an angle. The swollen seeds are poured into a jar, filling it by a third. Cover with gauze and secure with an elastic band. Place the jar in a bowl so that its neck rests on the bottom of the bowl, and its walls rest on its edge. The tilt angle is about 45°. Most of the seeds should remain closer to the bottom of the jar. Pour enough water into the bowl so that it does not pour into the jar, but flows onto the gauze, moistening it. The seeds are moistened, and the bottom of the inverted jar does not allow moisture to evaporate. High-quality seeds begin to germinate within 8 hours. Wash them without removing the gauze. It is advisable to immerse them in a bowl of water in the evening so that they are ready for use by lunchtime.
  2. In a container. If the first method seems complicated, you can spread the swollen wet seeds along the bottom of the dish in a thin layer (up to 3 cm), cover them with gauze folded in several layers. The seeds should not float in water, but they should not be dried out either. To regulate the amount of moisture, you can put gauze folded several times on the bottom of the dish. Germinate at a temperature of about 20°C.

It is advisable to rinse the seeds through a strainer every 5-8 hours. This removes the mucus formed during the germination process, and the seeds themselves are moistened. If they are covered with gauze, this step can be omitted. But during germination it is advisable to wash the wheat seeds at least 2 times. They should have a pleasant aroma.

Wash the grains in the evening and in the morning. Around lunchtime they can be eaten. The volume of grain during germination increases by 2 times. You just need to distinguish the seeds that have hatched from those that have swollen but not sprouted. They didn't sprout.

Wheat grains can be consumed when the white sprouts are clearly visible. With a length of 3 mm, the seeds have maximum efficiency. Then the amount of nutrients begins to decrease.

Do not eat grains whose sprouts have darkened.

Sprouted seeds are stored in the refrigerator for 2 days. You can place them in a jar and cover with a glass lid that fits loosely to the edge. You should not store it in an open container, because this will cause the sprouts to dry out. The temperature inside the refrigerator should not exceed 7°C.

In the morning, all seeds are washed. Then the desired part is selected for consumption, the rest is hidden back in the refrigerator. Repeat the procedure every morning. There is no need to worry about the sprouts continuing to grow during storage. At this time, the amount of vitamins and antioxidants in the sprouts increases, and enzyme synthesis occurs. Starting to accept grains with barely hatched sprouts, they finish when their length reaches 3 mm.

The process of germinating wheat seeds requires a certain amount of time. Therefore, it is better to calculate it so that it is convenient.

  • For the first couple of months, you should not take sprouted grains every day. They have a very strong energy effect, so you need to introduce them into your diet gradually.
  • You can take sprouted seeds for 5 days, and take a break for 2 days. This is the optimal mode to start taking. After the body gets used to it, you can consume sprouted seeds daily, increasing the dose.
  • Initially, an adult can take 1 tablespoon, which is equal to 20 g. The maximum dose for them is 70 g. The optimal dose is 50 g.
  • Children can also be given sprouted wheat seeds. From 5 to 8 years old, 1 teaspoon is enough, up to 14 years old - one dessert spoon. Doses for children are not increased. Some experts do not recommend giving grains to children under 14 years of age.
  • To calculate the amount of dry grains, take into account that from 70 g (3.5 tablespoons) after germination, 100 g of sprouted grains are obtained.

The seeds, used for prevention and improvement of general condition, are eaten mixed with cottage cheese and various salads. If you need to get rid of dysbacteriosis, consume it separately, half an hour before meals.

More information can be found in the video:

Main mistakes:

  1. Not everyone succeeds in germinating wheat the first time. Sometimes grains die from excess water. Therefore, you need to drain it, leaving the grains wet.
  2. If the grains are spread out in a dish in too thick a layer, they will not be able to breathe, will overheat and will not germinate.
  3. When germinating for a long time, after the sprouts reach 3 mm, the quality of the product begins to deteriorate.
  4. Patients with duodenal ulcers and people with allergies to gluten should not take sprouted grains.

At the beginning of use, side effects may appear:

  • My head is spinning.
  • Loose stools.
  • General weakness.

Normally, these phenomena can last no more than 2 days. If they do not go away, you should refrain from taking sprouted grains.

More and more people on our planet are thinking about their lifestyle, health and nutrition. There are many recipes and tips for healthy eating, promoting health and treating diseases. Here we will talk about a very valuable and infinitely nutritious product - sprouted wheat. Many have already heard about the benefits of wheat and probably want to know where to buy this product and how to do it at home.

You can purchase wheat for sprouting at a pharmacy, health food store, or even sometimes at the grocery store. But wheat is not suitable for sowing; the packaging must contain the inscription - wheat for germination. Usually it is indicated on the pack, at home. But if there are no instructions or you bought loose goods, then our advice will help you. So how to germinate wheat at home?

The easiest way for you and not requiring a lot of time and effort:

  • rinse the wheat under running water;
  • Place on the bottom of an enamel or glass dish. Do not use metal utensils! Otherwise, all beneficial properties will be lost;
  • fill with water and leave for 10-15 hours;
  • then rinse well again. Place a wet cloth on the bottom of a flat dish. You can use gauze folded in 3-5 layers. Sprinkle the wheat on top and smooth it out. Cover with several layers of wet cloth;
  • moisturize as it dries;
  • After 1-2 days, small grains will grow, wash and the product is ready for use.

You need to eat seeds with sprouts no more than 1-3 mm. Longer sprouts will not bring any benefit and are even considered poisonous.

Now you know how to germinate wheat at home and it’s time to talk about the possibilities of eating it.

Sprouted seeds are best consumed immediately after readiness and not stored for a long time. The longer they live, the less vitamins they will have left. The best and healthiest option is to eat them immediately with a spoon and wash them down with some drink. Two tablespoons for breakfast is enough. If it is impossible or there is no desire to immediately consume medicinal seeds, they should be placed in the refrigerator. Store for no more than 3-5 days.

If you still want to cook something tasty and interesting, wheat can be added to any salads. You can dry it, grind it in a coffee grinder and bake wonderful vitamin bread. Although some useful substances will no longer be available: unfortunately, some of them will die from contact with metal blades during grinding.

Here's an interesting recipe for making wheat porridge. Take 2 tablespoons each of oatmeal and wheat flakes. Pour them into boiling water, you can add any dried fruits or berries. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Wrap up and let stand for 15 minutes. Add oil to taste. Very tasty and healthy porridge.

It's time to talk about the most important thing - the healing properties of sprouted wheat. The secret of the healing powers of magic seeds is very simple. Sprouted grains contain an unprecedented amount of useful substances, various vitamins, microelements, acids, enzymes and fiber. It contains in abundance: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, calcium, chromium, potassium, selenium, folic acid, vitamins C, A, E, D, P, B5 and others.

The seeds provide a healing and cleansing effect. They work like a sponge, absorbing and removing waste and toxins from the body's systems, and thanks to the large amount of fiber, they normalize stool and intestinal microflora. Grains restore and stimulate metabolism, increase immunity, and restore visual acuity. This living product makes your teeth, hair and nails healthy and strong. It is successfully used for weight loss.

Here is just a list of the healing properties of living wheat grains. If you have embarked on the path of health and longevity, then this product should be present on your table with enviable regularity.

How to quickly sprout wheat is a question that has worried me for a long time (read more about why it is necessary to eat sprouts). I tried to germinate wheat grains more than once, but for some reason all my germinations ended unsuccessfully, either it was the wheat itself, or I created the wrong conditions for it to grow. After each unsuccessful attempt, I was visited by disappointment, which was accompanied by throwing out another portion of sour wheat in the trash.

But hope did not die, I knew that everything ingenious is simple, and I, too, should be able to germinate wheat. I wanted this process to be simple, and I couldn’t help but wonder how to quickly germinate wheat. Special germinators are obscenely expensive, so I didn’t stop thinking. The main thing that seedlings need is access to air, but at the same time they must remain moist, and then it dawned on me that what I needed was very close by and how I had not guessed about it before.

So, I will tell you my personal secret of how to quickly germinate wheat.

It is necessary to use an AIR HUMIDIFIER for germination. I don’t know, maybe someone has already guessed this method before me, at least I’ve never heard about it before or from anyone. Therefore, I will tell you about this in detail, perhaps those who have this wonderful device at home can use my method - how to quickly germinate wheat.

1. As usual, we wash the wheat grains; if you have free time, you can sort them out first to remove not only debris, but also damaged, non-whole grains, since they do not sprout. If you don’t have extra time (like me), then lightly rinse and fill with water; I use filtered, unboiled water. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of water, since the grains will feed on this water, they will absorb it and swell. Based on this swelling property, you need to take into account that their volume will double, and in the future I will use a small metal strainer, which can only hold a couple of tablespoons of wheat.

2. Fill the grains with water so that they are all covered with water. We leave them to swell for about 12 hours, this time can be changed according to your capabilities, sometimes I took them out earlier and later, the only thing to take into account is that if they remain in water for a long time, they can begin to deteriorate, the water simply begins to go out, therefore it needs to be changed.

3. After your future seedlings have been saturated with water, they need to be washed and put to germination. I’ll tell you a terrible secret - I never wash them unless the water finally starts to go out! If you have a free minute, it won’t be a bad idea if you rinse them with clean water, maybe the same filtered, unboiled water. This ends the first stage of the operation called

4. Well, the “X” moment has come. We place the finished, clean grains on a metal strainer and place them on the humidifier, having first removed the lid from it. Then we turn it on, I have a medium steam mode, but you can use a higher mode, for example, if there is a radiator in the room, which makes our air dry, and the seedlings really don’t like this.

Thus, the grains have what they need - access to air and moisture, which prevents them from drying out. Another factor influencing the rate of wheat germination is heat. Naturally, the warmer the better. But you should not place the sprouts in direct sunlight, this also applies to soaking grains, they also should not be in direct sunlight.

5. And now the most interesting thing - the grains begin to germinate. What delight came over me when I saw the first seeds hatching! You can watch them and mix them well so that hydration occurs evenly. When most of the grains have sprouted, they can be taken out. The length of sprouts up to 5 mm is considered ideal for consumption. In photographs on the Internet you can often see very long sprouts of grains; I do not grow them to such an extent, since there is information that they become poisonous. But I don’t want to take any risks! My sprouted wheat grains look like this:

6. And now you can eat them. It is best to consume sprouts immediately; you can store them in the refrigerator, but not for very long, up to 2 days, do not forget that with storage the beneficial properties of sprouts decrease. As a rule, they don’t stay in our place; we eat them as is or add them to salads or other dishes. My child loves them. But you need to keep in mind that they are useful when they are well chewed in the mouth, otherwise there will be no benefit. Therefore, if your child starts eating sprouts, emphasize to him that they need to be chewed thoroughly with his teeth.

I hope I was useful to you in the question of how to quickly germinate wheat. Now I'm not only germinating it. With the onset of summer, it became much easier to make sprouts, because central heating does not dry out the air in the apartment, and there is plenty of heat from the street, so I was able to carry out the traditional method of sprouting - on a dish, covered with a thin layer of gauze. So, by soaking the grains overnight and placing them on a dish in the morning, by the evening you can already get a batch of sprouts, the only condition is to periodically moisten them, I do this with a spray bottle, the main thing is that they are not dry.

Perhaps someone can easily find a traditional way to quickly germinate wheat, but if for some reason you can’t do it just like me, then try my method using an air humidifier, it will be convenient and clear for beginners. But, unfortunately, it has disadvantages - it consumes electricity (but if you use a humidifier constantly, then it doesn’t matter!) and the small amount of sprouts that can be obtained, although this amount is quite enough to replenish the daily requirement of vitamins.

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