7 days of spotting instead of menstruation. Causes of brown spotting before menstruation and methods for eliminating it

A woman's monthly cycle is a reliable indicator of health. It is of a purely individual nature and can fundamentally differ in the frequency and abundance of discharge each lunar calendar.

It happens that a girl is expecting menstruation, and they are replaced by spotting, which ends after a few days. Or there is a daub between cycles. Such problems need to be dealt with and not put off this action for a single day.

We will help you with the following questions: “why does spotting happen instead of menstruation and what should be done in such situations?”

Spotting may be normal when it lasts 2 days, but then regular periods follow.

But such periods are inconsistent. As a rule, spotting is caused by external factors.

  • Sexual contact. Physical contact with a representative of the male half of humanity, which was of a violent nature. During sex, it is very easy to damage the vaginal walls and thus cause spotting.
  • After menstruation. When the spotting began after several days, this phenomenon is considered normal.
  • Defloration. After the hymen has been torn or damaged, the underwear may become dirty for some days.
  • After gynecological operations. Everything related to the female genital organs and their surgical treatment causes a little “drawing”. And that's okay.
  • Other reasons. Spotting instead of menstruation can be caused by physiological reasons: stress, climate change, physical fatigue, weight fluctuations, abuse of junk food, lack of vitamins, and the like. Usually, in such cases, the daub is not permanent and goes away almost immediately. Therefore, you need to treat yourself with love and take care of your health.

When it smears and you should worry

Spotting instead of menstruation can also be caused by serious disturbances in the functioning of the female body.

If this situation repeats monthly or always smears during the first day of your critical days, then you should consult your doctor for advice.

To some extent this is true. But, in most cases, this is not a normal situation and you need to find out the reason. Some of these signs may warn of danger.

When does spotting appear during pregnancy:

  • Embryo implantation. If a girl finds blood stains on her underwear within two days, this could be implantation bleeding. That is, the fertilized egg has successfully attached to the walls of the uterus. Such daubing has pinkish, light reddish or brown tints and should not last too long.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Another situation is when scanty discharge comes instead of menstruation and the first day of the cycle is characterized by its constant appearance, then this indicates. You need to urgently go to the gynecologist to maintain the pregnancy. Additional symptoms may include pain in the lower abdomen, general fatigue, breast changes (swelling,).
  • Ectopic pregnancy. If the daubing continues for more than one day and pain appears on one side (depending on which tube the embryo “settled” in), this may be. The pain is getting worse every day. The test shows either a pale second stripe, or two stripes have a normal outline. In such a situation, only a doctor can look at the ultrasound and determine the cause. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then an urgent operation is performed to remove the embryo from the embryo. This danger must be identified as early as possible to avoid removal of the fallopian tube. Another pitfall is the likelihood of death. When the embryo reaches its maximum growth in the fallopian tube, it ruptures and the woman experiences intra-abdominal bleeding.

A woman should take care of herself more than ever. This is not a disease, but it is not an easy process for the body. Therefore, any suspicious symptoms should be reported to a gynecologist.

Rules of conduct for spotting

In the modern world, stuffed with information excess, you can find a lot of information about daubing instead of menstruation and even see photos. But no matter how many days it lasts, you need to consult a professional for advice.

Now medicine has stepped far forward and there are many high-speed methods for determining the causes of such discharge. Even if it shows a negative result, this does not mean that it does not exist.

What a woman can do to avoid problems with menstrual bleeding:

  • Eat well;
  • Get full sleep;
  • Eliminate bad habits;
  • Wear the most comfortable and natural underwear;
  • Maintain body hygiene;
  • Avoid stressful situations.

Remember forever: any spotting instead of menstruation can indicate hidden pathologies in the body, even if it occurs during the day.

All this can lead to a number of problems associated with the reproductive system. So don’t put off visiting a doctor, it certainly won’t make things worse.

Bloody or brown discharge in women, the so-called spotting, which appears outside of menstruation is a common problem. They don't always mean something sinister. There are reasons for the appearance of discharge that are the result of female physiology. However, you need to know when you need to urgently visit a gynecologist. What can cause bloody vaginal discharge?

A spot is a small amount of blood that stains the vaginal discharge. It can be bright red or dark burgundy and even brown, with a rusty or brown tint. Sometimes it appears in the middle of the cycle, sometimes it precedes the period of menstruation, prolonging it. You should definitely report bloody discharge to your gynecologist to dispel all doubts and fears. You should also consult a doctor in case of brown discharge, without any admixture of bright blood. And in case of violations, begin treatment.

Brown discharge mid-cycle

Typically, brown spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle is caused by a sharp drop in estrogen levels during ovulation. This spotting or sometimes heavy brown discharge is short-lived but can last up to four days. The spotting stops when progesterone levels increase. Bloody discharge between periods that cannot be associated with ovulation should always alert a woman and should be reported to the doctor.

If the discharge is numerous and is followed by painful periods, this may indicate uterine disease in women. When, in addition to brown discharge, fever and sudden abdominal cramps appear, inflammation of the appendages is suspected.

Bloody discharge between menstruation may also indicate a genital tract infection, the presence of erosions and the development of a malignant tumor.

Bloody discharge after sexual intercourse

Bleeding associated with the first sexual contact in life is natural and normal. It is associated with the interruption of the hymen. Minor bleeding can also occur in a woman who has regular sex life. The walls of the vagina are very fragile and are easily injured by abrasions and abrasions.

Light bleeding after intercourse can be caused by too little vaginal lubrication, which contributes to injury. Using a moisturizer (lubricant) should solve the problem. Bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse quite often or always requires consultation with a doctor. Such spotting can actually be a symptom of infection, genital or sexually transmitted disease, indicate the existence of cervical erosion, polyps or even cancer. Bleeding after intercourse can also be a symptom of chlamydia

Brown discharge when using hormonal contraception (OC)

Spotting is a common complaint during the first three months after starting hormonal birth control pills. If spotting while taking hormonal pills lasts no longer than six months, this can be considered a normal reaction of the female body, which must get used to hormonal contraception. If there is spotting that goes beyond this period or becomes more intense, you should go to the gynecologist and change the type of pills.

Bleeding and spotting while using hormonal contraception can occur if a woman forgets to take one or more pills. This occurs due to a sudden drop in the level of hormones coming from outside. Bloody discharge between periods may also occur during the first three months after the IUD is inserted. They are a reaction to the presence of a foreign body in the uterus. If the intensity of the spotting does not decrease and does not disappear for more than three months, or the brown discharge has become more abundant, you should consult a gynecologist. Most likely, you will need to change your method of contraception.

Brown discharge during pregnancy

Brown discharge in women of a spotting nature is a case when you definitely need to inform your gynecologist about it. The reasons may be trivial: the appearance in the first months of scanty bleeding at the expected time of menstruation, the body's reaction to ongoing hormonal changes, fatigue, bleeding from the outer layer of the amniotic cavity.

But sometimes spotting is a signal of danger of miscarriage. Therefore, you should tell your doctor if you experience any such episode during pregnancy.

Brown discharge before menstruation

It happens that menstruation is preceded by brown spotting. Brown spotting appears, as if menstruation is about to begin, then there is a pause for several days, and then real menstruation begins. This does not mean something terrible, but you need to inform your gynecologist about the problem. Women with regular menstrual bleeding may have so-called symptoms of luteal insufficiency or corpus luteum, which results in insufficient secretion of progesterone.

Women over the age of forty, during menopause, have spotting before menstruation. This is one of the symptoms of a decline in progesterone production due to physiological changes in the body. Also, a lack of progesterone can manifest itself by increased bleeding at the end of menstruation and an increase in its duration.

Bloody discharge after menopause

Menopause is the last menstruation in a normal woman's life. But if brown discharge appears between 6 and 12 months after your periods stop, there is no reason to worry about it. In contrast, any spotting, brown discharge or bleeding that occurs more than a year after the last normal menstrual cycle requires investigation of the cause and should be reported to a gynecologist. The cause of bleeding may be uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, cervical polyps, atrophic changes in the endometrium and endometrial cancer. Each of these problems requires medical intervention.

Mucous vaginal secretion of various color pigmentation and volume is an indicator of the health of the organs of the woman’s reproductive system. Gynecologists claim that thanks to changes in the characteristics of the rejected fluid, it is possible to diagnose pathological processes at an early stage. Based on statistical data, every woman noticed brown discharge at least once a week before her period. What does this phenomenon indicate? Why does it occur? Is the rejection of such leucorrhoea physiological or is brown daub a sign of pathology of the reproductive organs? Let's figure this out together, based on the opinions of experts.

When a sign can be attributed to a physiological norm

Determining whether spotting is physiological or whether it is a problem is quite simple. Natural rejection of secretion is painless, and the secreted liquid itself does not have an unpleasant odor. Gynecologists identify several physiological processes that may be accompanied by brown discharge before menstruation.

Formation of the menstrual cycle

The first menarche indicates the girl’s puberty and the final period in the process of formation of the organs of the reproductive system. Doctors say that this stage in a woman’s life can be accompanied by the appearance of brownish and sometimes brownish smudges before menstruation.

This phenomenon is caused by an unstable menstrual cycle, which forms in the process of 6–7 months after the first menarche. But red secretion that is rejected for more than the specified period may indicate pathologies in the genital organs and requires immediate attention to a specialist.

Hormonal contraception

The introduction of new oral contraceptives is fraught with changes in the intensity and cyclicity of critical days.

Gynecologists say that scanty periods before the onset of menstruation are quite acceptable in the first two or three months after starting to take the drug. But the presence of dark brown secretion, present from menstruation to menstruation, may indicate an incorrect choice of protective equipment. In this case, experts recommend immediately stopping the use of the contraceptive and contacting the gynecologist who is observing the woman to select a different medicine.

It is worth noting that before using any hormonal drug it is necessary to take hormone tests!


The appearance of brownish discharge may be associated with the onset of menopause. This phenomenon is typical for women 40–50 years old and is not a pathology.

To eliminate the symptoms that cause anxiety in women, a specialist can prescribe hormone therapy, which allows you to endure menopause without severe stress on women’s health.

Intrauterine device

It is worth noting that if vaginal discharge does not stop in the third month after starting to use the device, then this type of protection against unwanted pregnancy must be immediately removed.


Spotting light brown mucous discharge a week before your period may indicate the onset of ovulation.

The appearance of brown spotting during the ovulation period of the cycle is not a pathology, but indicates damage to the endometrial vessels during the movement of a mature egg through the fallopian tubes.

If ovulation was preceded by unprotected sexual intercourse, then the appearance of brownish discharge can be considered the starting point of pregnancy.

Postpartum period

After childbirth, regardless of whether it was natural or obstetrics via cesarean section, recovery processes are launched in the body. To the greatest extent, metamorphoses affect the organs of the reproductive system.

Gynecologists say that during the postpartum period, a woman’s menstrual cycle is re-formed, so the presence of brown discharge 3 days before menstruation should not cause concern.

The duration of the re-formation of the cyclicity of menstruation depends on the presence or absence of breastfeeding, the “ordinal number” of pregnancy and the quality of hormonal levels.

Discharge of brown secretion before menstruation as evidence of pathology

A brownish smudge that appears before the calendar start of menstruation may be a symptom of pathological processes affecting the genital system.

The main sign indicating the presence of the disease is the burden of mucous secretion with unpleasant, unusual sensations:

  1. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  2. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanying.
  3. Burning during urination.
  4. Itching in the genitals.
  5. Systematic appearance of brownish clots during the intermenstrual period.
  6. Rejection of spotting for more than five days in a row.
  7. Pain in the lumbar region accompanying leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation.

Experts say that the presence of one or more of the above symptoms, combined with the presence of discharge a couple of days before menstruation, is a symptom of pathological processes affecting the reproductive organs.

Women who observe these signs do not need to worry or panic, however, they should take responsibility for their health and immediately contact a gynecologist so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

Doctors identify several diseases that may be indicated by spotting that appears before menstruation and is brown in color:

Cervical erosion

This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of ulcers or scars on the mucous surface of the cervix. Doctors classify this disease as a lesion with sluggish symptoms, because most often it is possible to diagnose erosion only during an examination on a gynecological chair.

Women who notice systematic black or dark brown mucous secretion before the onset of their period are advised to immediately consult a specialist.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Inflammatory infectious diseases transmitted from partner to partner can cause spotting brown discharge that appears a week before menstruation. Most often, this symptomatology is aggravated by pain during sexual intercourse, a strong unpleasant odor in the secreted substance, burning during urination and a change in the nature of the mucus rejected.

Diagnosis of these symptoms requires immediate contact with a specialist. During therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow medical recommendations, because one of the most common complications of STDs in an advanced stage is acquired female infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

A pathological condition characterized by the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. At the initial stage, the rejected mucus will simply “smear” on the surface of the underwear or panty liner. Over time, the volume of discharge will not only not decrease, but will also increase day by day.

It is worth noting that an ectopic pregnancy is fraught with heavy bleeding, so it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first suspicion of this pathology.

Cyst on the surface of the ovaries

One of the most commonly identified causes of brown mucous clots is a cyst. When diagnosing this disease, discharge can be of different blood shades and saturation. Rejection of the secretion that heralds the onset of menstruation is associated with the growth of a cyst on the surface of the ovary and pathological abnormalities in the process of egg maturation. At the early stage of cyst formation, mucus may appear and go away a day or two before the start of the critical days, but prolonged ignoring of the problem can result in prolonged bleeding. Find out more about this in the article at the link.

Even a small amount of secretion combined with systematic nagging pain that constrains the lower abdomen is a reason to contact a specialist.


A disease characterized by a sharp proliferation of the endometrium. This condition is pathological and requires immediate contact with a specialist! Often observed not only before menstruation, but also the rejection of brown mucus after sexual intercourse. The disease does not tend to begin asymptomatically, so contacting a doctor at the first signs will allow you to eliminate the cause at an early stage.

Hormonal disorders

The appearance of brown discharge a few days before your period can be caused by an imbalance in the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Even small changes in quantity can negatively affect the general condition of the reproductive system. Many factors can provoke hormonal imbalance:

  1. Eating disorders.
  2. Frequent stressful situations.
  3. Change of climatic zones.
  4. Hormonal therapy.

What to do

We can conclude that bloody brown secretion, which has a spotting character, does not always indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body, but only a practicing gynecologist can establish the true cause of what is happening.

To make a correct diagnosis, the patient must undergo a series of tests and undergo an examination in a gynecological chair. Remember that even minor symptoms that do not cause severe discomfort should be a reason to visit a doctor.

Discharge that begins as an ordinary spotting can sooner or later result in heavy uterine bleeding. Such complications can be cured exclusively in a hospital setting and, mainly, with the help of surgery.

Spotting before menstruation is one of the reasons why women of reproductive age consult a gynecologist. It is important to consider why such a secret appears and whether something needs to be done.

Spotting a week before your period may appear due to the natural aging of uterine tissue. When their particles separate, small capillaries rupture, which leads to minor blood entering the genital tract. As a result, the woman will find traces of brown smear on her underwear.

The appearance is possible after the woman has had an intrauterine device installed. She may notice traces of brownish mucus on her underwear. They appear due to damage to the delicate lining of the uterus during the installation of the IUD. If the pathological phenomenon does not go away, it is necessary to urgently remove the device from the uterine cavity.

The reasons for brown spotting before menstruation in young girls who have recently started their cycle may lie in hormonal instability. Until the functioning of the reproductive system improves, an unusual secretion from the vagina is the norm. The situation should recover after 6–7 menstrual cycles.

If the onset of regulation continues to be accompanied by brown spotting, urgent medical consultation is required.

Ovulation can also cause brownish vaginal discharge. This is not considered a pathology. During the maturation of the egg, the follicle ruptures, during which microscopic vessels are damaged and minor hemorrhage occurs.

Symptoms of pathology

Brown spotting during women's days is in most cases a sign of internal pathology and requires treatment. When going to the gynecologist, it is important to be able to correctly describe all the phenomena that have arisen, namely the nature of the secretion: scanty or abundant, brownish or black daub. All these detailed characteristics will help the specialist accurately diagnose and provide better care.

The pathological nature of brownish discharge may be indicated by the following accompanying symptoms:

  • nagging pain;
  • burning when urinating;
  • discomfort in the lower back;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • itching in the perineum.

Black vaginal secretions may be associated with recent childbirth. If this was not the case and the woman is not pregnant, the doctor may suspect the development of oncological pathology.

Brown mucus usually warns of the occurrence of an inflammatory or infectious process. Sometimes spotting a week before your period is a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, which requires emergency surgery.

Cervical erosion

If there is spotting a week before your period, the cause may be developing. During this disease, the mucous membrane of the organ becomes covered with ulcers and scars. They may bleed, causing the woman to experience spotting.

Pink spotting before menstruation is also a symptom of bleeding erosion. The color of the mucus depends on how extensive the tissue area is damaged and how long the disease lasts.

The nature of the secretions released from the vagina may change frequently. Since erosion is considered a pathology with a small number of symptoms, in order to detect it in time, it is necessary to periodically visit a gynecologist. This is especially important when unusual mucus appears.

Leucorrhoea itself cannot provoke spotting, since this is a normal physiological phenomenon. However, copious cervical mucus, mixed with blood, looks like a brown spotting secretion.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Brownish vaginal discharge is a consequence of inflammatory processes in the body. They can be provoked by infection.

Spotting 3 days before menstruation or more may indicate the development of sexually transmitted diseases. A woman’s well-being will be accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • unpleasant odor of cervical mucus;
  • burning sensation when going to the toilet;
  • change in the color and consistency of vaginal secretions.

If you miss the onset of infection, you can cause irreparable harm to your health. The appearance of a brown smear is just one of the first signs of a problem. Advanced infections lead to female infertility and cause a decrease in the overall quality of life and immunity.

Ectopic pregnancy

During pregnancy, spotting is not considered normal. The appearance of any bloody discharge warns the woman of serious problems. Regardless of the abundance and consistency of brownish mucus, urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition in which a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes rather than in the uterus. The growth and development of the fetus is impossible there. The absence of surgical intervention to remove the embryo along with the tube leads to severe internal bleeding and even the death of the woman. Continuing the pregnancy is excluded.

When the embryo attaches in the wrong place, a brownish smear appears on the underwear; it is usually released 10 days before the expected menstruation. This condition is characterized by a constant increase in the volume of mucus, which can lead to bleeding. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Cyst on the surface of the ovaries

Cystic pathology is a disease that more than half of women have encountered at least once in their lives.

Cysts come in different types, but most of them cause bloody discharge. In addition to unusual mucus, you may experience:

  • change in the start date of menstruation;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • Regulus duration failures;
  • frequent delays.

If the cyst has recently formed and is small in size, spotting may appear and disappear again. Prolonged ignorance of the disease leads to more heavy bleeding that occurs outside of menstruation.


If your period is smeared at first, then comes heavily, you can suspect. This disease is characterized by the sudden growth of the endometrium, a mucous layer that envelops the inner surface of the uterus. Normally, when pregnancy occurs, the embryo should be fixed in this part.

With endometriosis, brownish mucus appears not only before menstruation. This phenomenon can bother a woman after sexual intercourse. Early contact with a specialist allows you to cope with the pathology without consequences.

Hormonal disorders

If spotting appears, most often the cause of this phenomenon is hormonal imbalance. Imbalances lead to intermenstrual bleeding. This is due to a lack of necessary hormones or their excess.

Even a slight imbalance between estrogen and progesterone can provoke a number of pathological changes in a woman’s body. The failure is caused by the following factors:

  • violation of the usual diet;
  • changing the schedule and pace of life;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • moving to a different climate zone;
  • frequent stressful situations.

Due to the use of hormonal contraceptives, spotting occurs most often. It is impossible to predict exactly how synthetic hormones will affect the female body. If brownish mucus appears repeatedly between periods, it is worth visiting the doctor again and, possibly, changing the chosen drug.


Symptoms may vary, but an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist after examination and obtaining the results of the necessary laboratory tests. It is better to visit a gynecologist during the period when unusual discharge appears. This will give the doctor the opportunity to take biomaterial for analysis.

In order for the clinical picture to be correctly drawn up, it is necessary to describe in detail all the symptoms that have arisen. The doctor will examine the woman using gynecological speculum and give the necessary directions. Ultrasound, flora and infection tests may be required.


It is not the brownish mucus itself that needs to be treated before menstruation, but the cause that causes the pathological discharge. The method of therapy is determined based on the identified disease.

If the cause of brownish mucus is an infectious disease, antimicrobial or antibacterial agents are required. Along with general therapy, the gynecologist may recommend douching with medications.

In case of hormonal imbalances, hormones are prescribed. These drugs can be used only after a detailed examination. Under no circumstances should you take such medications on the advice of relatives and friends.

The doctor should monitor the progress of treatment and adjust the dosage. After completion of therapy, final tests are carried out to ensure that the disease is defeated.

The menstrual cycle cannot work like a clock - each woman has her own characteristics. This phenomenon is considered almost a punishment, but not at all because of the bleeding itself, but because critical days are usually accompanied by unpleasant symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, heaviness of the chest, bad mood, headache, nausea, etc. d.

All this is associated with changes in hormonal levels and usually goes away with menstruation. Another thing is spotting before menstruation, which may be a sign of some disease.

Normal or pathological?

The vagina is a mucous membrane, it must constantly secrete something. If you have a spot before your period a week before your period, then, in principle, there is nothing to worry about. This is how the body prepares for menstruation, during which the cervix opens slightly and the risk of contracting an infection increases. It is the mucous secretions that protect the organ from infection.

But if you regularly experience prolonged spotting before and after your period, accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, you should consult a doctor.

It is the gynecologist who, based on the totality of symptoms - pain, duration, intensity of the cycle, will be able to determine whether there is a pathology. In addition, be prepared to undergo required tests and examinations to eliminate all potential dangers.

Tolerate or play it safe?

If you have spotting before your period, the reasons can be very varied. You shouldn’t listen to friends who “had this happen” - all women are different and their cases are unique.

Do not engage in self-diagnosis, looking for symptoms that match your feelings. To find out why spotting appeared before your period, it is better to trust a professional. But you can find out the reasons for this phenomenon at home, so as not to be careless about your health.

What is the prerequisite for such discharges?

Speaking about the causes of discharge that are not related to menstrual bleeding, we can say that spotting before your period is normal if nothing else bothers you. It is also worth paying attention to the color of the mucus - only transparent discharge that precedes the cycle is acceptable.

Sometimes a pregnancy test will help answer the question why there is spotting before menstruation. It is after conception that there are strange discharges that precede and then replace the critical days.

In total, five types of daub can be distinguished.

  1. White spotting before menstruation, resembling curd flakes. If you experience this phenomenon, you most likely have candidiasis (thrush). It is not difficult to cure if you consult a doctor in time.
  2. Black spotting before menstruation usually occurs in the postpartum period, when the cycle is just beginning to recover. Nursing mothers experience similar discharge instead of their first menstruation.
  3. Against the background of cervical erosion, there is often a pink spot before menstruation, when the organ descends and begins to spew ichor. If you notice such a symptom, do not delay going to the doctor, otherwise an infection may develop.
  4. Greenish-yellow vaginal discharge with a strong, unpleasant odor indicates either a sexually transmitted disease or purulent cervicitis. Also, this kind of spotting before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy. In any case, a trip to the gynecologist is inevitable.
  5. The most common is brown spotting before menstruation, which has a number of causes.

Most often, this picture is observed with endometriosis of the cervix or the organ itself. To identify the disease, they also pay attention to the following signs: aching pain in the lower abdomen and discomfort during sex.

Only a gynecologist can confirm the diagnosis upon examination - the uterus will be hypersensitive, immobile and swollen; as well as ultrasound, which will show small heterogeneous nodules and cellular formations in the tissues of the organ. Endometriosis can occur after cauterization of erosions, abortion, miscarriage or pathology during childbirth. So be doubly vigilant if you experience something like this.

Also, brown discharge preceding menstruation may appear due to polyps and endometrial hyperplasia. With this pathology, endometrial tissue grows too much into the uterine cavity.

This picture is typical for progesterone deficiency and estrogen excess. Polyps on the surface of the endometrium also occur against the background of curettage and damage to uterine cells.

Spotting often occurs before menstruation when taking OCs (oral contraceptives), but, as a rule, the discharge stops after 1-3 months. Of course, not every woman has the strength to endure this, so it’s easier to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe other contraceptives.

Remember, you cannot arbitrarily prescribe hormonal drugs, you cannot stop taking them in the middle of the cycle, and in no case should you experiment with different OCs, taking new pills every month.

Prescribing oral contraceptives is a matter for the doctor. Before this, you must be examined and tested. Hormones are nothing to joke about, don’t forget that.

Other reasons include the following:

  • the first menstruation in virgins usually begins with spotting, which turns into full menstruation only after several cycles;
  • in mature women, spotting that begins and ends menstruation may be a sign of approaching menopause;
  • Any young woman of childbearing age can suffer from spotting due to hormonal imbalance. Do not let the discharge transform into bleeding, go to the gynecologist at the first unpleasant symptoms;
  • Rarely, a light brown smudge is a sign of poor intimate hygiene. It may be necessary to wash yourself more often, or, conversely, do it more delicately, without washing away the beneficial microflora from the vagina. It is also worth using only special intimate gels with neutral pH.

Do not let changes in your body take their course, so as not to encounter unpleasant consequences later.

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