A.P. Chekhov. The story "Chameleon". Chameleonism as a social phenomenon. Chekhov's "Chameleon": analysis


“Chameleon” is one of Chekhov’s stories built on the principle of a comic scene, an everyday sketch. Many humorous writers, Chekhov's contemporaries, simultaneously published such everyday incidents with him on the harmless humorous pages of Alarm Clock and Fragments.

As you know, in the magazine publication the story had the subtitle: “Scene.” But later the writer removed this genre definition. This decision can apparently be explained by two circumstances. Thus, Chekhov sought even outwardly, formally, to emphasize his departure from humorous journalism. At the same time, abandoning the subtitle removed the everyday focus of the story, and it acquired a broad generalizing meaning. But the fundamental artistic and socio-psychological difference of A.P. Chekhov is that he “takes the smallest, microscopic, but typical fact from the sphere of everyday life and elevates it to the entire structure of human relations throughout the world.” From a small comic incident, a funny detail to an understanding of universal human

the symbolic essence of exposing chameleonism - this is the path the reader of the story goes through.

To understand the meaning of Chekhov's denunciation of chameleonism, one must feel the swiftness and dynamism in the development of the plot. The movement of action is externally expressed in rapid and contrasting changes in Ochumelov’s state, his transformations. According to the observations of M. L. Semanova, the story contains six such changes in intonation, from bossy-imperious to slavish-cowardly. The initial, categorical, so to speak “legal” decision is to destroy the dog and punish the owner. Then, after the doubts of the policeman Eldyrin, Khryukin turns out to be guilty, and the dog is taken under the protection of a general. The policeman’s new doubts mean a new shift in Ochumelov’s mood: again he demands to “exterminate” the dog, again Khryukin finds himself the victim. Another change: “A dog is a gentle creature... And you, idiot, put your hand down!” The appearance of the general’s cook returns Ochumelov to his original position: the dog is a stray, “exterminate - and that’s all.” The final version of the dog's identity: "I'll get to you yet!" - Ochumelov promises Khryukin.

Readers will follow Ochumelov’s transformations on their own, preparing the answer to the 2nd question from the textbook. This will help them clearly imagine the composition of the story and the essence of Ochumelov’s character. With the help of the teacher, everyone will come to the conclusion that truth and justice have no meaning for the police supervisor. It grows into a symbol of lawlessness: whoever is stronger is right. Ochumelov lost everything connected with human dignity and honor. The mere consciousness that he can displease the general makes him feel hot and cold (Yeldyrin is forced to either take off or throw a new overcoat over Ochumelov’s shoulders).

The crazy chameleon turns into a frozen mask of veneration. After reading the story, everyone will be convinced that Ochumelov is not alone. The goldsmith seems to absorb and reflect the rays of Ochumelov’s commanding and majestic radiance. He either demands equality for himself, remembering that he also has a brother in the gendarmes, then servilely falls silent when Ochumelov’s anger turns on him. And the gathered crowd approves and sympathizes with the police official, seeing in his actions a natural manifestation of power and law. The “guardian of the law” himself is little concerned about the opinion of the crowd; in relation to it, he is filled with confidence and importance.

In order to fully show the students the insignificance of both the crowd, and Khryukin, and Ochumelov himself, it is worth comparing the first and final mise-en-scène of the story. Khryukin is defeated, his finger, initially raised like a banner, like some kind of call for justice, is lowered, it seems to be gone. The crowd, which had previously expressed sympathy for the artisan, now laughs and gloats.

Let Readers realize that Ochumelov is elevated above the crowd as the most complete embodiment of the very essence of this chameleon. It also acquires an all-encompassing character, becoming not just a personal property, but a social feature. This social phenomenon becomes terrible precisely in its prevalence, universality, and everyday life. That is why in the story we see only one side of a person: in depicting Ochumelov, it is much more important for the writer to emphasize his new overcoat, a bundle in his hands, or a sieve with confiscated gooseberries, than any human trait - weakness, affection. And this also expressed the “quintessence of prevailing morals” in a society where it is not the person who is more important, but the rank in uniform, not living face, but a frozen mask.

By analyzing the story “Chameleon” in class, the Reader will be able to most successfully use conversation with students about the text. The work is small in volume, and seventh graders will not find it difficult to gain independence when dealing with individual episodes. The reader will draw the reader's attention to the atmosphere of laziness and boredom that reigns in the provincial town, and to Ochumelov's spiritual emptiness, to his entire appearance and behavior, and to the attitude of ordinary people towards the incident in the market square. Next, seventh graders, with the help of the teacher, evaluate the expressive details of the story, which help reveal the characters’ personalities and understand the motives for their behavior. After the work has been done, the wordsmith gives a social and moral assessment of chameleonism.

Assessing the expressive purpose of detail in Chekhov’s stories, a modern researcher notes: “The word “detail” is associated with the concept of particularity, detail, dash. But when it comes to artistic details, the meaning of the word changes significantly, grows... Only with their help, through their mediation, is the main goal of art achieved!.. We find an explanation in Chekhov. He was the first to reveal the “secret” of the dialectical-dual nature of the detail.”2 In “Chameleon” the detail is fleeting and socially significant - this is how it can be defined as a whole. But in this series of expressive details, two of them stand out - Ochumelov’s overcoat and Khryukin’s bloody finger. They have a compositional, structural purpose in the story, permeating its entire artistic fabric.

So, at the beginning: “Police warden Ochumelov is walking through the market square in a new overcoat...”, at the height of the action: “General Zhigalov? Hm! ask there..." In the final scene: "I'll get to you yet! - Ochumelov threatens him and, wrapping his overcoat, continues his way through the market square.” The circle is closed. This overcoat greatly enhances the entire satirical flavor of the story, as if compressing the rapid spring of the development of events. She also adds a lot to the characterization of the police warden himself, and even to some extent reveals him for the reader. state of mind. What should be the social and moral significance of a person if the most noticeable thing about him is a new overcoat?..

Parallel to the expressive detail - the overcoat - transformations also occur with Khryukin’s finger: raised like a banner, it bashfully falls down when the situation changes. These leitmotif details are one of the most important artistic discoveries of Chekhov the writer, Chekhov the master.

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On our website you can read a summary of the story “Chameleon”. Links to texts and summary other works by A.P. Chekhov - see below in the block “More on the topic...”

Police warden Ochumelov walks through the market square in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. A red-haired policeman walks behind him with a sieve filled to the brim with confiscated gooseberries. There is silence all around... Not a soul in the square... The open doors of shops and taverns look sadly into the light of God, like hungry mouths; There are not even beggars around them.

- So you bite, damned one? - Ochumelov suddenly hears. - Guys, don't let her in! Today it is forbidden to bite! Hold it! Ah...ah!

A dog squeal is heard. Ochumelov looks to the side and sees: a dog is running from the wood warehouse of the merchant Pichugin, jumping on three legs and looking around. A man in a starched cotton shirt and an unbuttoned vest is chasing after her. He runs after her and, leaning his body forward, falls to the ground and grabs the dog by the hind legs. A second dog squeal and cry is heard: “Don’t let me in!” Sleepy faces poke out of the shops, and soon a crowd gathers near the woodshed, as if growing out of the ground.

“It’s not a mess, your honor!” says the policeman.

A.P. Chekhov. "Chameleon". Read by I. Ilyinsky

Ochumelov makes a half turn to the left and walks towards the gathering. Near the very gates of the warehouse, he sees, standing the above-described man in an unbuttoned vest and, holding up right hand, shows the crowd a bloody finger. On his half-drunk face it seems to be written: “I’ll rip you off, you scoundrel!”, and even the finger itself looks like a sign of victory. In this man, Ochumelov recognizes the goldsmith Khryukin. In the center of the crowd, with his front legs spread out and his whole body trembling, the culprit of the scandal himself is sitting on the ground - a white greyhound puppy with a sharp muzzle and yellow spot on the back. There is an expression of melancholy and horror in his teary eyes.

-What is the occasion here? - asks Ochumelov, crashing into the crowd. - Why here? Why are you using your finger?.. Who screamed?

“I’m going, your honor, I’m not bothering anyone...” Khryukin begins, coughing into his fist. “About firewood with Mitriy Mitrich,” and suddenly this vile one, for no reason at all, grabbed a finger... Excuse me, I’m a person who works... My job is small. Let them pay me, because maybe I won’t lift this finger for a week... This, your honor, is not in the law, to endure from the creature... If everyone bites, then it’s better not to live in the world...

“Hm!.. Okay...” says Ochumelov sternly, coughing and wiggling his eyebrows. - Okay... Whose dog? I won't leave it like this. I'll show you how to loosen dogs! It's time to pay attention to such gentlemen who do not want to obey the regulations! When they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! I’ll show him Kuzka’s mother!.. Eldyrin,” the warden turns to the policeman, “find out whose dog this is and draw up a report!” But the dog must be exterminated. Immediately! She's probably mad... Whose dog is this, I ask?

- This seems to be General Zhigalov! - says someone from the crowd.

- General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off my coat, Eldyrin... It’s terribly hot! Probably before the rain... There’s only one thing I don’t understand: how could she bite you? - Ochumelov addresses Khryukin. - Will she reach her finger? She's small, but you look so healthy! You must have picked your finger with a nail, and then the idea came to your head to lie. You are... famous people! I know you, devils!

“He, your honor, hits her mug with a cigarette just to make her laugh, and she, don’t be stupid and pushy... A cantankerous person, your honor!”

- You're lying, crooked one! I didn’t see it, so why lie? Their honor is an intelligent gentleman and they understand if someone is lying, and someone according to his conscience, as before God... And if I am lying, then let the world judge. His law says... Nowadays everyone is equal... I myself have a brother in the gendarmes... if you want to know...

- Don't argue!

“No, this is not a general’s uniform...” the policeman remarks thoughtfully. “The general doesn’t have those.” He has more and more cops...

– Do you know this correctly?

- That's right, your honor...

- I know it myself. The general’s dogs are expensive and purebred, but this one is the devil! No fur, no appearance... just meanness... And keep such a dog?!.. Where is your mind? If you had caught such a dog in St. Petersburg or Moscow, do you know what would have happened? They wouldn’t look at the law there, but instantly – don’t breathe! You, Khryukin, suffered and don’t leave it like that... We need to teach you a lesson! It's time...

“Or maybe the general’s…” the policeman thinks out loud. “It’s not written on her face... I saw one like this in his yard the other day.”

- Hm!.. Put my coat on, brother Eldyrin... Something blew in the wind... It’s chilling... You take her to the general and ask there. You will say that I found it and sent it... And tell her not to let her out into the street... She may be dear, but if every pig pokes a cigar in her nose, how long will it take to ruin it. A dog is a gentle creature... And you, idiot, put your hand down! There's no point in sticking out your stupid finger! It's my own fault!..

- The general’s cook is coming, we’ll ask him... Hey, Prokhor! Come here, darling! Look at the dog... Yours?

- Made it up! We've never had anything like this before!

“And there’s nothing to ask here for a long time,” says Ochumelov. - It's stray! There is no point in talking here for a long time... If he said that she was a stray, then she was a stray... Exterminate, that's all.

“This is not ours,” continues Prokhor. - This is the general’s brother who arrived the other day. Ours is not a hunter of greyhounds. Their brother is willing...

- Has their brother really arrived? Vladimir Ivanovich? - asks Ochumelov, and his whole face is filled with a smile of tenderness. - Look, my God! I didn’t even know! Have you come to visit?

- On a visit...

- Look, my God... We missed our brother... But I didn’t even know! So is this their dog? I’m very glad... Take her... What a wow little dog... So nimble... Grab this one by the finger! Ha-ha-ha... Well, why are you trembling? Rrr... Rrr... Angry, rascal, such a tsutsik...

Prokhor calls the dog and walks with it from the woodshed... The crowd laughs at Khryukin.

– I’ll still get to you! - Ochumelov threatens him and, wrapping himself in his greatcoat, continues his way through the market square.

The humorous story "Chameleon" refers to early stage creative path Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. As a student at the gymnasium, young Chekhov had already begun to write, mainly notes, funny captions for drawings, sketches and stories. During his student years, under the pseudonym “Antosha Chekhonte,” he published humoresques and feuilletons in humorous magazines. The story “Chameleon” was written in 1884, when the writer graduated from school and began working as a doctor. The writer continued to collaborate with magazines, perhaps for this reason the work contains the characteristics of the journalistic genre. But to conclude that this is a shortcoming of the story would be wrong; on the contrary, the style of execution gives it a special charm and uniqueness. The young man was an aspiring writer only in terms of fame, but the skill and depth in the work are clearly not youthful.

Main character, police warden Ochumelov was shown in different life situations. A collective image that describes an incredible number of representatives of the human race. Who are they? Chameleons. They don’t care about the truth, they don’t need justice, they don’t know what conscience is. the main objective– survive and, preferably, with maximum comfort, in the shade powerful of the world this.

The situation with a dog, whose fate depends on who its owner is, is very indicative and characteristic of all times and peoples. Concept "chameleonism" began to be used everywhere to define people who are unprincipled and change their opinions depending on the situation.

Unfortunately, modern society also continues to produce Ochumelovs. Slave psychology, and it is precisely this that Chekhov ridicules in his humorous story, has always been beneficial to “the powers that be.”

Analysis of the literary techniques used in the work allows us to conclude that it was written in realism style. While reading, the imagination without any effort paints a very vivid and accurate picture of what is happening. Perhaps the reason for this special shape presentation, characteristic only of Chekhov and which is his “ business card" In "Chameleon" there are no lengthy descriptions, only short and very apt characteristics. The story is more like a transcript, a discreet report. But this is precisely what incredibly enhances the images of the characters and allows you to view them with maximum clarity, without being distracted by extraneous details. Only the essence, the most important and significant, is cut out with a sharp dagger in the memory and heart.

Analysis of the story “Chameleon” is not the only essay available on the site:

  • Analysis of the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Ionych"
  • “Tosca”, analysis of Chekhov’s work, essay
  • “The Death of an Official,” analysis of Chekhov’s story, essay
  • “Thick and Thin”, analysis of Chekhov’s story

Antithesis as the ideological and compositional basis of the story “Chameleon”. In the story “Chameleon,” Chekhov resorts to a technique: first, a picture of calm, sleepy calm is created (“The open doors of shops and taverns look sadly into the light of God, like hungry mouths; there are not even beggars around them...”), and then an unexpected incident follows (“ A dog's squeal is heard. Ochumelov looks to the side and sees: a dog is running from the wood warehouse of the merchant Pichugin, jumping on three legs and looking around. A man in a starched cotton shirt and an unbuttoned vest is chasing after it...

So the silence of the market square and the majestic procession of the police warden Ochumelov, accompanied by the policeman Eldyrin, explodes with screams and disorder. Thanks to this compositional device - surprise - Chekhov shows that in an ordinary situation there is always a vital contradiction hidden. The police supervisor finds himself faced with an unsolvable problem: he cannot reliably find out whose dog bit Khryukin. The comical behavior of Ochumelov is depicted using two techniques: the technique of repetition of the situation and a sharp change in position. Thus, Ochumelov finds himself in the same position six times, but behaves in complete contrast. In three cases, the dog is recognized as a stray, and then the warden demonstrates his power: “Hm!.. Okay...” says Ochumelov sternly, coughing and wiggling his eyebrows. - Fine…

Whose dog? I won't leave it like this. I'll show you how to loosen dogs! It's time to pay attention to such gentlemen who do not want to obey the regulations! When they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean!

I’ll show him Kuzka’s mother!.. Eldyrin,” the warden turns to the policeman, “find out whose dog this is and draw up a report!” But the dog must be exterminated. Immediately! She must be mad... Whose dog is this, I ask? “In the other three, the little dog is considered to belong to General Zhigalov, and Ochumelov behaves cowardly and servilely: “- General Zhigalov? Hm!.. Take off my coat, Eldyrin...

It's awfully hot! Probably before the rain... There’s only one thing I don’t understand: how could she bite you? - Ochumelov addresses Khryukin. - Will she reach her finger?

She's small, but you look so healthy! You must have picked your finger with a nail, and then the idea came to your head to rip it off. You are... famous people! “I know you, devils!” The comic effect is enhanced by Ochumelov’s instant transition from one state to another, and in any state the police warden reveals his baseness. The story “Chameleon” is built on a blatant contradiction: reality, that is, whether Khryukin’s dog bit or not, depends not on objective facts, but on who it belongs to.

Matching the distorted reality and names in humorous stories Chekhov, naming the negative or funny trait of his heroes: Ochumelov, Eldyrin, Khryukin in “Chameleon”. Problems of the story “Chameleon”. The title of Chekhov's story “Chameleon” entered Russian literature as a designation for an unprincipled person, ready to easily change his views and beliefs depending on circumstances. Chekhov considers not only social issue. Ochumelov’s attitude towards his superiors, his voluntary groveling before the authorities is a moral problem. Ochumelov is ridiculous with his obsequiousness, his illiterate speech, but he is terrible as a representative of a system that strictly defined the hierarchy of relationships between people. Chekhov shows this in one detail: Ochumelov walks “in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand,” and behind him the policeman carries “a sieve with confiscated gooseberries.”

This creates a vicious circle of vicious relationships: a new overcoat allows one to confiscate, get rich, and increase material well-being. Ochumelov - his, the general - the general's. By the way, Khryukin, having learned whose dog it is, also does not protest too much, thereby admitting his powerlessness. The established stereotypes of social relationships, the idea of ​​“order” cannot be destroyed, and people who are convinced of this are slaves in their souls, having neither internal freedom nor opportunities for spiritual development. The theme of “chameleonism” in Chekhov’s works. A year before “Chameleon,” Chekhov wrote the story “Two in One,” also dedicated to the problem of “chameleonism.”

“Don’t trust these Judas chameleons! Nowadays it is easier to lose faith than an old glove - and I lost it! It was evening. I was riding a horse-drawn horse. As a person of high rank, it is not proper for me to ride a horse-drawn horse, but this time I was wearing a large fur coat and could hide in the marten collar. And it’s cheaper, you know...

Despite the late and cold time, the carriage was packed. Nobody recognized me. The marten collar made me look incognito. I was driving, dozing and looking at these little ones... “No, it’s not him! - I thought, looking at one little man in a hare fur coat. - It's not him! No, it's him! He!" I thought, believed and did not believe my eyes...

The man in the hare fur coat looked terribly like Ivan Kapitonich, one of my office workers... Ivan Kapitonich is a small, crippled, flattened creature who lives only to pick up dropped scarves and congratulate him on the holiday. He is young, but his back is bent into an arch, his knees are always bent, his hands are dirty and at the seams... His face seems to have been pinched by a door or beaten with a wet rag. It is sour and pitiful; Looking at him, you want to sing “Luchinushka” and whine. When he sees me, he trembles, turns pale and red, as if I want to eat him or kill him, and when I scold him, he chills and shakes with all his limbs. I don’t know anyone else more humble, more silent and more insignificant than him. I don’t even know any animals that would be quieter than him...

The little man in the hare fur coat reminded me a lot of this Ivan Kapitonich: just like him! Only the little man was not as bent as the other one, did not seem depressed, behaved casually and, what is most outrageous of all, talked to his neighbor about politics. The whole carriage listened to him. - Gambetta is dead! - he said, spinning and waving his arms. - This plays into Bismarck's hands. Gambetga had his own mind!

He would have fought with the Germans and taken an indemnity, Ivan Matveich! Because he was a genius. He was French, but he had a Russian soul. Talent! Oh, you such rubbish! When the conductor approached him with the tickets, he left Bismarck alone.

Why is it so dark in your carriage? - he attacked the conductor. - You don’t have candles, do you? What kind of unrest is this? There is no one to teach you a lesson! Abroad you would be asked! The public is not for you, but you are for the public! Damn it!

I don’t understand what the bosses are looking at! A minute later he demanded that we all move. - Move over! They tell you! Give Madame some space! Be polite!

Conductor! Come here, conductor! You're taking money, give me some space! This is vile! - Smoking is not allowed here! - the conductor shouted to him.

Who didn't order this? Who is eligible? This is an attack on freedom! I will not allow anyone to infringe on my freedom! Im free person! Oh, you such a creature! I looked at his face and couldn’t believe my eyes. No, it is not him! Can't be!

He does not know such words as “freedom” and “Gambetga”. - Nothing to say, good order! - he said, throwing away the cigarette. - Live with these gentlemen! They are obsessed with the form, the letter! Formalists, philistines!

They're strangling! I couldn't stand it and burst out laughing. Hearing my laughter, he glanced at me, and his voice trembled. He recognized my laugh and must have recognized my fur coat. His back instantly bent, his face instantly turned sour, his voice froze, his arms dropped to his sides, his legs buckled. Instantly changed!

I no longer doubted: it was Ivan Kapitonich, my clerical assistant. He sat down and hid his nose in the hare's fur. Now I looked at his face. “Is it really possible,” I thought, “that this crumpled, flattened figure can speak such words as “philistine” and “freedom”? A? Really? Yes, he can.

This is incredible, but true... Oh, you such rubbish! Believe after this the pitiful faces of these chameleons! I don't believe it anymore. Sabbath, you won’t fool me!”

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