Alcohol and sleeping pills - the consequences of taking them together. What sleeping pills can be taken with alcohol?

A modern person, constantly exposed to stress, tries in every possible way to relieve tension and often uses alcohol to do this. It is known that in small doses, alcoholic drinks can have a kind of sedative effect. But only on condition that they are not abused. Less often, a person can use sleeping pills if sleep problems are noted due to nervousness. And here it is worth knowing that alcohol and sleeping pills are categorically incompatible, if you suddenly decide to drink a sedative and wash it down with an alcoholic drink for greater effect. Such a tandem is a lethal combination that can lead to death.

Important: it is a mistake to believe that there is at least some sleeping pill compatible with alcohol. There are simply no such drugs. And any risk of taking sleeping pills and alcohol at the same time can turn into a terrible disaster.

The principle of action of sleeping pills

Each type of sleeping pill acts exclusively on the central nervous system, inhibiting its action. As a result, a person becomes lethargic, apathetic, receptor functions decrease and, finally, falling asleep occurs. At the same time, in medicated sleep, the rapid phase of sleep is almost completely absent, which leads to the so-called almost narcotic sleep. As a result, a person who has taken sleeping pills most often wakes up with a feeling of weakness, fatigue, and numbness in the lower and upper extremities. The head after such a dream is usually heavy.

Note that ethanol molecules entering the body along with alcohol also affect brain cells and the central nervous system. Needless to say, the combination of both types of sedatives (alcohol and sleeping pills) greatly enhances each other’s effect. The consequences of such a combination will definitely be the most negative. The chance for an alcoholic or just a drunk person to have a positive outcome is very small.

Types of sleeping pills and their principle of action

Today, in Russian pharmacy chains you can find a lot of different drugs to quickly fall asleep. Doctors and pharmacists divide them into groups depending on the active substance:

  • Histamine blockers. This group of sleeping pills is the safest from the point of view of a person becoming addicted to them and causing harm to the body (central nervous system). The drugs of this group are most often found in pharmacies under the names “Donormil” and “Sonormil”. In some cases, they are even recommended for pregnant women.
  • Benzodiazepines. This group of drugs is already more complex in terms of addiction to them and the manifestation of negative symptoms under the influence of their use. The most common drugs in this group are Relanium, Phenazepam, Diazepam, Phenazepam. With long-term use of such drugs, they can cause a number of negative effects such as decreased mood, drowsiness, apathy, and lethargy.
  • Barbiturate drugs. This group of sleeping pills are strong narcotic drugs. Their use is indicated only in a hospital setting and under the supervision of a professional doctor. A drug such as phenobarbital is rarely used in an outpatient setting. Barbiturates are mostly available by prescription and can be used for even the most severe sleep disorders. It is worth knowing that antipsychotic barbiturates are highly addictive.
  • Z-drugs.
  • These are new generation drugs. Medicines in this group are not narcotic and are not addictive. Moreover, such sleeping pills can be used for varying degrees of sleep disturbance. Popular drugs in this group are “Zalepon”, “Zolpidem”, “Zopiclone”. Melatonin agonists

and its receptors. These sleeping pills are the most harmless. They operate on the principles of saturating the body with the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for making a person fall asleep. With regular use of the drug, there is an alignment of sleep biorhythms. Drugs in this group are used for the mildest forms of sleep disorders.

Risks when combining alcohol and sleeping pills

Barbiturates and alcohol

A decrease in the activity of the respiratory center (death from suffocation) can also occur as a result of mixing barbiturates and alcohol. Since alcoholic drinks already reduce respiratory activity, taken tranquilizers aggravate the situation. As a result, a person may simply die in his sleep without waking up. Mixing ingredients such as alcohol and barbiturates to put a person to sleep is extremely risky.

Benzodiazepines and alcohol

In this case, the “cocktail” made will not please the patient. The simplest thing that can happen to a person who takes Phenazepam and alcohol at the same time is severe poisoning. It would be good if the family could somehow wake the person up and take him to the hospital. In the worst case, death from intoxication will occur.

Important: both barbiturates and benzodiazepines are widely used in narcology in the treatment of addicts during periods of severe withdrawal syndrome. But here the treatment takes place strictly under the supervision of a doctor and in combination with drugs that restore the body. At home, alcohol and sleeping pills of these groups are categorically incompatible.

Histamine blockers and alcohol

If you are wondering what will happen in this case, then you should know that when a sleeping pill and alcohol are combined, ethanol molecules reduce the effect of the medicine. As a result, falling asleep does not occur. The patient increases the dose of the drug in order to achieve sleep. As a result, addiction to the drug is noted. And this is the most innocent consequence. In the worst case, an overdose of a sleeping pill causes a strong toxic effect on the body, which can lead to shock.

Melatonin drugs and alcohol

This group of sleeping pills cannot be combined with alcohol due to a decrease in the effect of the drug. That is, alcohol will force the liver to work harder. That, in turn, will simply remove all doses of the hormone taken from the body. The long-awaited fall asleep will not come.

Side effects when combining sleeping pills and alcohol

Absolutely any cocktail of sleeping pills and alcohol threatens the drinker with negative consequences. The most common are:

  • Apathy and constant drowsiness, decreased vitality;
  • Impaired coordination of movements and inability to control your body;
  • Toxic effects on the body and liver;
  • Aches and pain in muscles;
  • Stopping breathing during sleep;
  • Coma.

With the most innocent consequences of such a dangerous combination, a person will experience sleep disturbances and the presence of nightmares, which indicates a mental disorder under the influence of alcohol and antidepressant (sleep) drugs. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to predict possible complications for each individual organism.

Important: if sleep does not come despite drinking alcohol, do not under any circumstances try to take sleeping pills. It’s better to add another dose of alcohol to induce sleep. Ideally, get some fresh air and induce vomiting. After clearing the stomach of ethanol, first chills and then drowsiness occur. You can drink sleeping pills only after the alcohol has completely left the body. And this is a day or two, depending on the amount drunk.

Everyone knows that alcohol has a detrimental effect on health, but not many are in a hurry to give up this bad habit. Against the backdrop of a fast pace of life and constant stress, a related problem is the use of various sedatives and sleeping pills. The simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages and medications that affect the central nervous system can cause serious harm to the body, including death.

Most modern sedatives have a huge number of side effects, the manifestation of which is greatly enhanced by ethanol. A person of sound mind would not take drugs and alcohol at the same time. However, this problem remains very relevant due to the following reasons:

  • a course of treatment with prescribed drugs and the need to go on a visit, where the lack of desire to drink a glass is perceived as disrespect;
  • severe insomnia, when the low effectiveness of prescribed drugs and a prolonged lack of full physiological sleep prompts a person to take the pills with alcohol to enhance their effect;
  • the desire of relatives to calm a rowdy drunkard by pouring sleeping pills into his glass of alcohol.

Regardless of the reasons for mixing ethanol with sleeping pills, this is fraught with very serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to check with your doctor about the compatibility of the prescribed medication with alcohol.

Sometimes Phenazepam is taken with alcoholic drinks to enhance the feeling of intoxication and euphoria. This combination, even in small doses, is addictive, like drugs. Gradually increasing the dose can be fatal.

Similarity of action

Sleeping pills, tranquilizers and antidepressants are all drugs of the same class that have a pronounced sedative, muscle relaxant and sedative effect. They slow down the speed of nerve impulses, which provides an inhibitory effect not only on brain cells, but also on the nervous, muscular and cardiovascular systems. By relieving stress, they can cause a lot of side effects, such as dizziness, weakness, hypotension, slowed metabolism, and decreased sexual activity.

Alcohol has a similar effect on the body, with the exception of the risk of developing alcoholic psychosis, in which a person becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. In this case, the use of sedatives is acceptable, but these can only be certain drugs recommended by the doctor.

Why can't you take sleeping pills with alcohol?

In fact, drinking alcohol is contraindicated during treatment with various medications due to the development of side effects. In combination with caffeine, alcohol can cause a hypertensive crisis, with diuretics - severe hypotension, and with antibiotics and antiviral drugs - toxic damage to liver cells. The combined use of tranquilizers, sleeping pills or neuroleptics and alcohol can lead to severe intoxication and cerebral coma.

The simultaneous use of alcohol and sleeping pills is a common method of suicide. As a result, a person dies in his sleep, and the chances of saving him are very small.

Prohibited drugs

Doctors identify 5 groups of sedatives that are prohibited for use with alcohol, classifying them according to the active substances they contain and their principle of action:

  1. Barbiturates (“Hexobarbital”) are the most powerful drugs that can cause irreversible degeneration of the central nervous system. They are sold only by prescription, and most often their use is recommended only in a hospital. Concomitant use of alcohol can cause dependence, positional compartment syndrome, respiratory arrest and coma;
  2. benzodiazepines (Triazolam, Phenazepam, Relanium) - similar to barbiturates, they cause addiction, but it manifests itself with longer use of the drug. The main adverse reactions are lethargy and drowsiness, so they are less dangerous than barbiturates. However, in combination with alcohol, this list is replenished with bad mood, disorientation in space and the risk of respiratory arrest;
  3. Z-drugs (“Zopiclone”, “Zaleplon”) - act similarly to benzodiazepines, but contain completely different active substances. These are new generation drugs that are the least toxic and therefore the safest. However, taking them together with alcohol is still contraindicated due to the possibility of developing side effects such as depression of liver activity, lethargy, intoxication, and fugue effect;
  4. melatonin receptor agonists - enhance the synthesis of melatonin (“sleep hormone” responsible for biological regimes), promoting rapid falling asleep and increasing the duration of physiological sleep. These drugs have a minimum of contraindications and side effects, so they are sold without a prescription and are suitable for the treatment of frequent awakenings and irregular insomnia caused by stress and anxiety. Despite the safety of this medicine compared to others, taking it with alcohol is fraught with the following consequences: inhibition of the natural production of melatonin and the ability to fall asleep without medication, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, impaired coordination, severe intoxication;
  5. histamine blockers (“Sonmil”, “Donormil”) are the safest sleeping pills, non-addictive and approved for use by pregnant women. The drug ensures rapid falling asleep without having a detrimental effect on the production of the sleep hormone. But if you drink it with alcohol, the following reactions develop: indigestion, depression of liver function, memory loss, disorientation, pathological drowsiness, hallucinations.

Depending on the composition and concentration of active substances, sedatives can last up to 12 hours. The new generation sleeping pills have a minimum of toxic additives, so they last about 1–5 hours.

Severe consequences

Dizziness and nausea are common side effects when taking various medications, but they do not pose a serious threat, while the cross-reaction of tranquilizers and alcohol can cause deadly conditions:

  • respiratory arrest - this is due to the fact that ethanol blocks the brain centers responsible for respiratory activity. Sleeping pills, especially barbiturates, enhance this effect, which can cause both partial and complete cessation of breathing;
  • Positional compression is a syndrome in which the sensitivity of the limbs is reduced and pain receptors are blocked. As a result, a person sleeps in one position for a long time, which leads to compression of blood vessels and subsequent tissue necrosis;
  • fugue effect - this condition develops rarely and has not yet been well studied. It is associated with the inexplicable performance by a person of various actions in an unconscious state, which he then does not remember. Unlike somnambulism, the person is awake, but his actions are strange. For example, he can pack his things and move to another city for no apparent reason;
  • coma - occurs with an overdose of sleeping pills. The person falls asleep, falls into a coma and gradually dies. According to statistics, the number of deaths from the use of barbiturates reaches 15%. Taking alcohol at the same time is almost a guarantee of death.

First aid

If a person has taken a sleeping pill with alcohol, and the serious consequences of such a “cocktail” begin to appear, then it is necessary to call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim. If he is conscious, then you need to give him an emetic to cleanse his stomach. You can simply drink a liter of warm water and press on the root of your tongue to induce vomiting. After clean water begins to leave the stomach, the patient should be put to bed, given activated charcoal or intestinal sorbent and a cup of warm sweet tea.

If the patient is unconscious, then you must wait for the doctor. All you can do is lay him on his side and cover him with a warm blanket. This is necessary to prevent tongue retraction and choking.

What sleeping pills can you give to a drunk?

People who are tired of the endless hysterics and aggression of a drunken relative are wondering: what to put in alcohol to make a person fall asleep? This can be a very rash decision, since even safe Z-drugs and histamine blockers can cause pathological reactions in the body. As for sleeping pills compatible with alcohol, the most harmless drugs are Ivadal, Sanval, Zolpidem and Snovitel. But even their use should be discussed with a therapist in advance, explaining your situation.

Many sites say that an alcoholic can be given Phenazepam and even Phenobarbital. This should not be done, as such a mixture can be fatal!

Treatment of alcoholism with sleeping pills?

There are opinions that you shouldn’t be afraid to give tranquilizers to a drunkard, since even doctors resort to this method. Indeed, narcologists sometimes prescribe sedatives to alcoholics to alleviate withdrawal symptoms. However, such therapy is carried out only after complete detoxification and cleansing of the body from ethanol and residual products of its breakdown. In general, it is prohibited to give sedatives even during a hangover, when the concentration of ethanol in the body remains high. There is no absolutely safe sleeping pill for alcoholics.

Alcohol, which usually contains ethyl alcohol, is not the best drink for combined use with medications, with the exception of special drugs that help cope with its consequences.

The dangers of taking sleeping pills with alcohol

Often a drunk person, being in an aggressive state, can cause a lot of trouble to his family and friends around him, and the best way to calm him down is sleep. Therefore, quite often the question arises whether it is possible to combine sleeping pills and alcohol.

This problem also exists for people who, after drinking even a small amount of alcohol, want to get enough sleep before a difficult work day or event, but are afraid to take sleeping pills for this purpose, fearing negative consequences.

Alcohol has an inhibitory effect on brain cells, and sleeping pills have exactly the same effect, and with this combination the inhibitory effect is significantly enhanced, which can lead to irreversible consequences. In addition, there are a number of negative effects of such a “cocktail” on the body:

  • Gastrointestinal tract. Nausea, vomiting, and indigestion may occur.
  • The cardiovascular system. In this case, blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, tachycardia, severe shortness of breath, and sweating appear.
  • Nervous system. Loss of time and space is possible, coordination is impaired, memory lapses and clouding of consciousness appear.
  • Allergic reaction. Itching, redness of the skin, and increased tearing may occur.

Types of sleeping pills

Considering the harm that can be caused by simultaneous use of alcohol and sleeping pills, and yet, if there is a need to take them, you should definitely consult a doctor. Only a doctor will be able to select the most appropriate medications, taking into account the general state of a person’s health.

For example, a drug for normalizing sleep is Donormil. It should absolutely not be mixed with alcohol. If you drink Donormil after alcohol enters the blood, the person falls into a sleepy state, coordination is impaired, and dizziness begins. When Darnomil is used by an experienced alcoholic, apoplexy and coma are possible.

In pharmacology, there are a number of drugs that have a hypnotic and sedative effect, which are divided into the following types:

The selection of the drug also depends on whether the person is an alcoholic or may occasionally drink alcohol. For example, drugs of a number of barbiturates, which are considered outdated, are used only in a hospital setting, since they have very negative consequences and must be taken under the supervision of a doctor. The same drugs include benzodiazepines, the most famous drug of which is the potent tranquilizer Phenazepam and agonists such as Donormil. Their compatibility with alcohol leads to serious complications.

General properties of alcohol and sleeping pills

In order to understand whether or not you can combine sleeping pills and alcohol, you need to remember that they have similar properties, and with a doubled effect there will be more harm than good. When taking alcohol or sleeping pills, the following occurs:

  1. Drowsiness that lasts longer than usual.
  2. The response of brain neurons decreases.
  3. There is a significant inhibition of the nervous system.
  4. Histamine receptors are turned off.
  5. There is a risk of intoxication of the body.
  6. Possible risk of death in case of overdose.

In order not to expose your life and health to such risks, you can use herbal-based sedatives and sleeping pills.

The aggressiveness of a person while intoxicated causes anxiety to both loved ones and others. Losing control over one's actions when drunk can lead to disastrous consequences. What sleeping pill can you give to a tipsy relative or friend to put him to sleep?

Combination of alcohol with drugs

The interaction of drugs and alcohol is a hot topic for many. Often, a doctor’s prescription of various medications coincides with the need to attend some kind of celebration. The question arises whether it is possible to drink alcohol while undergoing treatment. It is better to get the answer from your doctor or at least a pharmacist. But taking many medications is in no way compatible with alcohol.

The combination of alcoholic beverages and medications (in particular, tranquilizers) leads to two types of body reactions. The medicine changes the effect of alcohol or alcohol makes adjustments to the therapeutic effect of the drug. In the instructions for some medications you can read that combining them with alcoholic beverages reduces their healing properties.

In some cases, patients who are intoxicated do not respond to anesthesia; painkillers do not work on them. This reaction is life-threatening. On the other hand, medications can increase the toxic effects of alcohol.

Sedatives combined with alcohol can be fatal.

No matter how scary it may sound, this combination is “popular” among suicides. Ethanol as a component of alcoholic beverages has a narcotic effect on the body.

When combined with sleeping pills, brain cells are destroyed. A drunk person may stop breathing. This outcome is likely even if you give a small dose of sleeping pills. Alcohol also inhibits liver enzymes, which prevents the body from absorbing drugs.

Similarities between the effects of alcohol and sleeping pills

It is contraindicated to give many medications to a drunk person, including sleeping pills. Their effects may be altered or enhanced by alcohol. It’s better to give someone who is drunk and drunk another drink. Alcohol will eventually block the centers of excitation in the brain, and the brawler will fall asleep. Having slept, he will not be so aggressive.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is indeed not sold through pharmacy chains and retail stores in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried to give my husband a decoction of bay leaves (she said it was good for the heart), but within an hour he left with the men to drink. I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, they also talked about this Alcolock. Elena Malysheva recommended for the treatment of alcoholism. I ordered it, I put a few drops in my food, he doesn’t even know about it. Yesterday, I see, he bought himself some beer, well, I don’t think it helped, he didn’t even take a sip, he just sniffed it and immediately ran to rinse his mouth. He doesn’t understand what’s happening to him))

Alcohol and sleeping pills, their interaction is a topic that is relevant for several reasons. First of all, people who frequently abuse alcohol suffer from sleep disorders, especially during the withdrawal period. They self-prescribe medications, taking a serious combination of sleeping pills and alcohol. Very few people know which sleeping pills can and cannot be taken for alcoholism.

How do alcohol and sleeping pills combine?

As a rule, when prescribing treatment, doctors inform about which drugs and foods can be taken with sleeping pills and which cannot. And they unequivocally state that a drunk person should not be given drugs from the group of sleeping pills. Is this really so, and what could be the consequences if you give sleeping pills to a person who is intoxicated?

What drugs are allowed

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to give sleeping pills to a person who is intoxicated is unequivocal - no. But this only applies to self-medication. If you consult a narcologist, he will select the necessary drug.

It is necessary to understand that sleeping pills, which are prescribed for the treatment of alcoholic sleep disorders, are potent drugs. Consequently, only a doctor can prescribe them, and they are dispensed at the pharmacy by prescription.

When starting treatment for insomnia, it is necessary to avoid drinking alcohol. The consequences of taking sleeping pills and alcohol together are very serious.

Often, isolated use of sleeping pills for alcoholism is not enough. Then the treatment regimen includes tranquilizers and antipsychotics that have hypnotic properties. They relieve anxiety, obsessions, phobias, accelerate the onset of sleep, and normalize its duration and depth.

Neuroleptics and tranquilizer

The main drugs that can be used to treat sleep disorders associated with alcohol abuse include:

  • eunoctine;
  • phenazepam;
  • propazine;
  • aminazine;
  • teralen;
  • chlorprothixene;
  • sonapax.

Eunoctine– a drug from the benzodiazepine group. The minimum dose is 5 mg, the maximum is 30. It affects the speed of sleep onset, increases its duration and depth. Relieves nightmares. Taking this sleeping pill for alcoholism is not accompanied by morning lethargy, headache, or dizziness. Some patients even experience a good mood and increased activity. To some extent, this alleviates withdrawal symptoms.

Phenazepam– also a benzodiazepine derivative. Depending on the severity of the patient's condition, the therapeutic dose can range from 0.5 to 2 mg. It is not inferior in effectiveness to the previous drug. Particularly indicated for sleep disorders in combination with anxiety and depression. When used together with alcohol, muscle relaxation of varying degrees of severity may develop.

Sibazon, tazepam- slightly less effective drugs from the same series.

If the anxiety state is mild, you can try using other tranquilizers - Grandaxin, oxylidine.


Propazine- an antipsychotic with hypnotic properties. The minimum dose of the drug is 25 mg. It is usually well tolerated and has no morning aftereffects.

Teralen– is also very well tolerated by patients, especially with concomitant depressive conditions of various origins.

Aminazine– often used as part of combinations. First of all, it is indicated for patients with symptoms of hallucinosis. The drug has a pronounced post-somnic effect - patients complain of drowsiness, fatigue, and headache in the morning.

Sonapax– gives a good hypnotic effect, as a result of which the patient experiences a long and deep sleep. May make it somewhat difficult to wake up and cause drowsiness in the first half of the day.

Chlorprothixene prescribed in a minimum dose of 5 mg to relieve mild sleep disorders. For the treatment of severe conditions, the dose is increased to 75 mg.

Sedative neuroleptic

Side effects from combining alcohol and sleeping pills

Taking sleeping pills while intoxicated enhances the effect of both substances. The consequences of the combined use of alcohol and sleeping pills are felt by all organs, but the most pronounced signs are from the following systems:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • central nervous system.

Gastrointestinal symptoms usually appear first. The victims complain of an attack of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, and sharp pain in the abdomen of general localization.

Side effects from the gastrointestinal tract

On the part of the heart - arrhythmias, palpitations, and a sharp increase in blood pressure occur. Shortness of breath, severe general weakness, sweating, and tremors may cause concern.

The clinical picture of damage to the central nervous system appears later, but it is very pronounced. Moreover, it poses a direct threat to the patient’s life. The main effects of alcohol and sleeping pills on the central nervous system include:

  • fast fatiguability;
  • disturbance of orientation in time and space;
  • memory loss;
  • hallucinations;
  • rave;
  • disturbance of consciousness of varying degrees of complexity - from lethargy to coma.

Excessive inhibition of the central nervous system can lead to inhibition of the activity of vital centers, in particular the respiratory one, which can lead to respiratory arrest and death. Hence the conclusion: sleeping pills with alcohol are a life-threatening cocktail.


So what kind of sleeping pill can be given to a person who has abused alcohol without worrying about the consequences?

At home, without medical supervision, a drunk person should absolutely not use drugs that cause inhibition of the central nervous system.

This is not only a sleeping pill, but also tranquilizers, antipsychotics, and anticonvulsants. If these medications are given with alcohol, very serious consequences can occur. In case of death, you will have to bear responsibility for human life.

Medical institutions are equipped with medications and equipment that are necessary to eliminate the side effects of sleeping pills in people who abuse alcoholic beverages. In addition, by prescribing treatment, doctors take responsibility for the patient’s life. Don't self-medicate and you will save yourself a lot of trouble.

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