Auscultation of the lungs, basic rules. Basic breath sounds. Changes in vesicular breathing (weakening and strengthening, saccadic, hard breathing). Respiratory system: auscultation of the lungs and determination of bronchophony

Finally, the voice is heard. Listening is done directly with the ear or through a stethoscope, which should be applied firmly and with moderate pressure on symmetrical areas of the chest. Both loud speech (possibly lower tones are desirable) and stomp are heard. When listening to a voice (directly with the ear), the vocal tremor is also very well felt, and this circumstance should be used to determine the latter, especially since it is usually felt under these conditions more clearly than when feeling it with the hand.

The order of listening sites is generally the same as for percussion, i.e. apexes, anterior surface of the lungs (from top to bottom), side surfaces(from the armpits downwards with the arms thrown over the head), back surface(under the shoulder blades, in the interscapular areas, above the shoulder blades). They listen in symmetrical places and alternately on one side or the other, comparing the auscultation data with each other, i.e., in other words, comparative auscultation is performed each time in the same way as comparative percussion.

Indicative auscultation, i.e. rapid auscultation mainly in certain places where pulmonary-pleural changes are most often detected (apexes, especially behind; interscapular, subclavian and axillary areas), best performed directly with the ear in order to capture simultaneously more space, is generally desirable and convenient as a preliminary stage of research before systematic detailed auscultation of the lungs. In addition, such accelerated auscultation is mandatory in all severely ill patients to avoid unnecessary fatigue.

The spontaneously occurring sounds or noises perceived when listening to the respiratory organs are divided into three main groups: 1) respiratory sounds, 2) side sounds or wheezing, and 3) pleural friction noise.

Breath sounds
Breathing noises, by their nature, can in turn be divided into two main types - vesicular and bronchial breathing.

When auscultated over the larynx (lower neck), trachea, and major bronchi (upper chest), a breath sound resembling an "x" sound is heard, with the exhalation being louder, rougher, and longer than the inhalation. This noise is formed in the larynx when air passes through the glottis due to the circulation of air when inhaling above the vocal cords, and when exhaling - under them. Since during exhalation the glottis is more narrowed than during inhalation, the sound produced is stronger, rougher and longer. This is the so-called laryngeal, tracheal or bronchial respiratory noise. It is usually called bronchial breathing.

When listening on the rest of the chest, a noise of a completely different nature is heard. This is a soft, blowing, sucking sound, reminiscent of the sound “f”. This sound, in contrast to bronchial noise, is stronger and longer when inhaling, weaker and shorter when exhaling. At the beginning of inhalation, in the first third, it is weak and hard to hear, then quickly intensifies, and with the beginning of exhalation it weakens again and is heard only in the first third of exhalation. This breathing noise is called vesicular breathing.

There is still no complete consensus regarding the origin of vesicular respiration. Basically, two theories oppose each other. One believes that vesicular breathing is essentially the same laryngeal noise, but modified as it spreads along bronchial tree and when listening through the lung tissue. According to another theory, currently generally accepted and based on experiment, vesicular respiratory noise is an independent noise formed in the pulmonary parenchyma due to the penetration of air into the pulmonary alveoli and the resulting tension in their walls.

Vesicular respiration. The strength of vesicular respiration depends on the strength of respiratory movements, on the power of the underlying areas of the lung tissue, and the thickness of the tissue layer chest wall etc. In connection with these points, the strength of vesicular respiration varies significantly among different people depending on their constitution (in asthenics it is stronger, in hypersthenics it is weaker), on age, state of nutrition, etc.; it also varies in different places of the chest of the same person. Pronounced vesicular breathing with clearly audible exhalation in children is called “puerile breathing” (puer - boy). This “puerile” breathing pattern persists in them until the age of twelve to fourteen and is explained, in addition to the thinness and elasticity of the chest, also by the relative narrowness of the bronchi.

Vesicular breathing is most clearly expressed on the anterior surface of the chest, especially in the subclavian regions. The second place in intensity is occupied by the subscapular areas. Behind them come the inferolateral parts of the lungs (the lower half of the axillary region); further - the lower edges of the lungs (due to thinning of the lung tissue). Weak vesicular breathing is heard at the tops of the lungs (insignificant volume, low respiratory mobility, thick muscle cover behind).

There is also some difference in the breathing of different halves of the chest, both in its strength - on the left, breathing is usually somewhat clearer (due to the proximity of the gastric air bladder), - and especially in the degree of severity of exhalation: on the right, the exhalation is more pronounced than on the left (due to a wider and shorter main bronchus and the associated improvement in the conduction of physiological bronchial respiration from the larynx). This difference in terms of the intensity of exhalation is especially noticeable at the apexes: at the right apex the exhalation is much more defined and longer than at the left (more horizontal position right apical bronchus and greater proximity to the trachea of ​​the right apex than the left). Sometimes breathing is heard above the right apex, which is something between vesicular and bronchial breathing, as if a mixture of them - “broncho-vesicular or mixed breathing.” In general, this difference in auscultation data (as well as percussion and determination of vocal tremor) when examining the pulmonary apices must be clearly imagined, since it has a large practical significance. For Cabot is absolutely right when he says: “Respiratory sounds, which are completely normal over the right apex, would mean serious illness, if they were heard over the same part of the left lung.”

Special forms of vesicular respiration. This may include puerile respiration, which has already been mentioned and which is a more or less sharply enhanced vesicular respiration.

Intermittent, or saccadic, breathing is vesicular breathing that does not occur continuously, as usual, but in the form of a series of separate short breaths, interrupted by the same short pauses; exhalation, as a rule, remains continuous. The reason for such breathing, if it extends to the entire space of the lungs, is uneven contraction of the respiratory muscles (fatigue, muscle tremors in the cold, muscle disease, etc.). If saccadic breathing is heard in a specific and strictly limited place, then it indicates a narrowing of the small bronchi in this area of ​​the lung, an inflammatory process in them, usually of tuberculosis origin. The change in the nature of breathing depends in both cases on the fact that air enters the alveoli not in one, but in several stages.

Vesicular breathing, synchronous with cardiac systole, is often heard close to the heart and to the left behind, at the base of the lung. It is explained by the fact that with each systole, due to a decrease in the volume of the heart, the adjacent areas of the lung are released from compression, which are immediately filled with air from the parts surrounding them, which gives the characteristic noise. This form of vesicular breath sound in itself is not particularly significant. It must be known in order not to be confused with saccadic breathing and intracardiac murmurs.

Changes in vesicular respiration under pathological conditions. Vesicular respiration can change in pathological cases, either in the direction of strengthening or weakening.

Increased vesicular respiration may be limited to only one phase or spread to both. In the first case, it is usually about increased exhalation, and since this increase is always accompanied by an increase in its duration, this phenomenon is called prolonged exhalation.

Lengthening of exhalation is based on its difficulty, which in turn may depend either on the weakening of the elastic properties of the lung tissue, or on the narrowing of the small and minute bronchi.

The first reason occurs with pulmonary emphysema, the second - with widespread inflammation of the bronchial mucosa (spread bronchitis) or widespread bronchospasm (bronchial asthma). In these cases, it is clear that an extended exhalation is heard throughout the entire length of the lungs. Its appearance in limited areas indicates local causes, mainly inflammatory processes leading to local compaction of the lung tissue. Often, prolongation of exhalation occurs at the apexes of the lungs, but its assessment here requires special caution in connection with the already indicated physiological characteristics breathing and its difference at the tops.

Hard breathing. Strengthening both phases of vesicular respiratory noise, inhalation and exhalation, gives breathing the same acoustic character as puerile breathing, but the mechanism of its development is different. Three points mainly play a role here: 1) an increase in respiratory movements and the ventilation function of the lungs - both, for example, with an increase in body temperature (febrile diseases), or one of them when the other is affected - the so-called compensatory increase in breathing; 2) narrowing of the lumen (small bronchi (bronchitis) - narrowing, more pronounced than in cases of only prolonged exhalation; 3) compaction of the lung tissue and the associated improvement in sound conductivity, whatever it is caused by, if the foci of compaction are small and alternate with normal lung tissue (for example, bronchopneumonia). This enhanced and coarser vesicular breathing is called hard breathing.
The weakening of vesicular breathing, in addition to the general muffling of sound, is also characterized by the fact that the inhalation becomes shorter, and the exhalation is often not heard at all. The main causes of weakened vesicular breathing are: 1) difficulties in the passage of air into the lungs, 2) insufficient expansion of the lungs during inspiration, and 3) obstacles in the conduction of breath sounds to the ear of the examiner.

Difficulties in the passage of air are observed when the upper respiratory tract(stenosis, edema, spasm of the larynx) or large bronchi (blockage, tumor). Insufficient expansion of the lungs can be observed under various conditions: pain in the chest, limitation of its mobility (ossification of the costal cartilages), very high standing of the diaphragm (ascites, flatulence, swelling in abdominal cavity), pronounced general weakness, disease of the respiratory muscles (paralysis or spasms), weakening of the elasticity of the lungs (emphysema). Obstacles to the conduction of breath sounds to the listener's ear are the most common cause weakened vesicular breathing; this includes: accumulations of fluid or air in the pleural cavities, pushing the lung away from the chest wall by sharply thickened pleura or tumor; sharp thickening of the integument of the chest (obesity, edema), etc.

Saccadirated vesicular breathing can also be pathological, as mentioned above, in cases where it is heard in limited places. To avoid possible error You just need to make sure with repeated studies that this phenomenon is not random, but persistent.

Bronchial breathing. Bronchial breathing is physiologically heard, as mentioned above, above the larynx (laryngeal), trachea (tracheal) and above the area of ​​distribution of large bronchi (bronchial itself) - in front on the manubrium of the sternum and behind in the upper part of the interscapular space, especially at level III-IV thoracic vertebrae (corresponding to the tracheal bifurcation). The intensity of bronchial breathing in these places and the possibility of some spread beyond them depends on many conditions; these conditions are more favorable in asthenics than in hypersthenics, due to the shallower depth of the chest cavity and the smaller thickness of the chest wall in the former.

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Propaedeutics of internal diseases A. Yu. Yakovleva

31. Vesicular respiration. Bronchial breathing

Noises that occur during breathing are divided into physiological (or basic) and pathological (or additional).

The main noises include vesicular breathing, heard over the entire surface of the lung tissue, and bronchial breathing, heard over the projection of the upper respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, large bronchi) on the surface of the anterior chest wall.

Additional noises include crepitus, wheezing, and pleural friction noise.

In addition, when various diseases basic respiratory sounds can change their qualities, intensify, weaken, and then they are called pathological.

Vesicular breathing is heard when the patient breathes through the nose. It is a soft, quiet, blowing sound.

Whether it strengthens or weakens under normal conditions may depend on the thickness of the chest wall, physical work. A pathological increase in vesicular breathing in the expiratory phase indicates bronchospasm, and in both phases of breathing - the presence of hard breathing.

Saccaded breathing is intense breathing in which, due to contraction of the respiratory muscles (for example, during trembling), inhalation becomes intermittent. Sometimes a pathological weakening of vesicular breathing is heard. Since the mechanism of vesicular respiration is associated with vibration of the walls of the pulmonary alveoli (the sound effect occurs when air penetrates into the alveoli), its weakening is due to a violation of the vibration of the walls of the alveoli or a violation of the conduction of sound effects on the anterior chest wall. The first situation may be associated with the impregnation of the walls with inflammatory exudate or the rigidity of the walls of the alveoli. The second occurs when there is pleural cavity liquid - it dampens vibrations of sound (with hydrothorax, hemothorax or pleural empyema) or air (with pneumothorax).

Weakening of vesicular breathing may be due to mechanical reasons: disruption of the passage of air through the respiratory tract (partial obstruction) or limitation of respiratory movements, for example, with intercostal neuralgia, when the act of inhalation is accompanied by severe pain.

Normal bronchial breathing is heard over the projection of the larynx, trachea and its bifurcation. Pathological bronchial breathing is heard in certain cases above the surface of the lungs, where bronchial breathing is normally detected.

The reason for its appearance is the lack of vesicular breathing over the area where the lung is condensed. In this area, vibrations of the alveolar walls are insignificant. This occurs as a result of certain reasons (for example, when the lung is compressed (atelectasis).

Pathological types of bronchial breathing are stenotic or amphoric breathing. The latter occurs when there is a cavity or a large emptied abscess communicating with a large bronchus.

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These include:
vesicular (alveolar) respiration;
bronchial (laryngotracheal) breathing;
mixed breathing.

Vesicular respiration.

The sound heard on the chest of healthy Animals is in its quality the exact opposite of tracheal breathing. This is a soft, sucking, blowing sound, reminiscent of the soft pronunciation of the sound F. It can be reproduced artificially if, having given the speech organs a setting for the sound F, one takes moderately strong inhalations and exhalations. The strength and pitch of this artificial sound can be varied in almost the same direction in which natural vesicular respiration also changes.

Lennek, the creator of auscultation, explained the occurrence of vesicular breathing by friction of the surface layers of the air stream against the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract. This theory does not stand up to criticism, since the surface particles of the air stream adhere tightly to the mucous membrane layer, which makes friction impossible.

According to Baas and Penzold, vesicular breathing is nothing more than a purely conductive sound (the sound of laryngeal constriction), highly modified when passing through the elastic tissue of the lung. However whole line observations and facts contradict this view, which at one time became widespread.

According to Geigel, the cause of vesicular breathing is the high elasticity of the lung tissue, which, expanding at the moment of inhalation, collapses during expiration. This kind of vibration, generated in the countless alveoli of the lung, creates a noise that can be heard throughout the entire inhalation.

According to Marek, vesicular breathing is a complex combined sound. It consists of two components. The main mass of sound is formed in the parenchyma of the lung at the site of the transition of countless bronchioles (respiratory bronchi) into the wide bell of the pulmonary funnels. Mixed with this stenotic sound of the lung is the sound of laryngeal constriction, carried through the respiratory tube system to the lung and somewhat modified when passing through the thickness of the lung and the mass of air contained in it. The detection of vesicular breathing on any part of the chest wall indicates that air penetrates into the alveoli, that their cavity is free. The inhalation is audible all the way from beginning to end, while the exhalation is audible only at the beginning.

The sound heard during expiration is short and weak, according to Marek, and is a remnant of the laryngeal noise of stenosis, somewhat modified by the lung tissue. Thanks to of different durations sounds of inhalation and exhalation, both phases of breathing are easily determined by auscultation.

The nature and strength of vesicular respiration in domestic animals show sharp differences depending on the type of animal, body type and shape of the chest, nutritional status, age and intensity of metabolic processes. It is loudest and sharpest, due to the admixture of the wired sound of the larynx, in carnivores, somewhat weaker and quieter in large animals. cattle. In a horse, vesicular breathing is much more gentle and soft, quieter and weaker than in other animal species. In narrow-chested, poorly nourished horses, it can be heard with sufficient clarity in all areas of the percussion field. However, when good condition nutrition and massive development of the chest, vesicular breathing is clearly audible only over the middle and upper third of the chest. In the area behind the elbow it can be heard only with some difficulty, and often it is not audible at all. Breath sounds in young animals are much stronger, sharper and rougher than in adults (puerile breathing). In old animals, vesicular breathing is heard much weaker than in middle-aged animals.

Poor audibility of breathing sounds in a horse significantly complicates research, especially since not in all cases it is possible to use artificial methods to amplify them. In relation to the horse, special care should be taken to carry out the research methodically, which somewhat facilitates not only the work, but also the assessment of the results obtained.

When analyzing vesicular respiration in a horse, one should therefore be guided by the following experimental data.

1. At rest in healthy horses, the respiratory rate is different areas breasts are not the same. It is heard most strongly above the middle

chest, somewhat weaker in the upper sections and weakest in the area behind the elbow and above the scapula. Cases when breathing is heard with equal force in all parts of the chest should be regarded as increased breathing. Subsequently, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this increase in order to be able to give it a correct assessment.

2. In the same areas of opposite sides, breathing should be heard with equal strength. Variegated breath when on the left, for example, behind the elbow, respiratory sounds are not audible at all, but on the right in the same area they are clear, this is undoubtedly a pathological phenomenon.

Strengthening vesicular breathing can be artificially reproduced by the double sound FF. Uniform strengthening over the surface of the entire lung - general increase in vesicular respiration- observed with various shortness of breath, which is a consequence of increased excitation of the respiratory center. At the same time, breathing becomes somewhat rougher and sharper, and exhalation is longer and can be heard during most of the expiration (hard breathing). This kind of general increase in breathing, highlighting the depth and strength of the toxic effect of various types of pathogens of infectious diseases on the respiratory center, is essentially only a general symptom. It would be a mistake to associate it with damage to the lung parenchyma. From a diagnostic point of view, it is of much greater interest local, or vicarious, increased breathing. At the same time, respiratory sounds are increased only in some parts of the lung, namely where healthy lung tissue takes over the function of its affected areas. With vicarious amplification, breathing at the same time becomes variegated, that is, the intensity of the noise turns out to be different; while in some departments the noises are sharply amplified, in others they are little changed, and in some they are completely absent - respiration nulla, or bronchial breathing. Local increase in vesicular respiration is observed with lobar and catarrhal pneumonia, hyperemia and pulmonary edema, widespread microbronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Weakening of vesicular respiration is observed in many diseases of the respiratory system. In some cases, for example, with pleurisy and pleurodynia, its cause is painful sensations during expansion of the chest, the excursions of which are therefore arbitrarily limited. In other cases, it is a consequence of fusion of the pulmonary pleura with the costal pleura or thickening of the chest wall, as, for example, with fibrinous pleurisy, tuberculosis lesions pleura. Various types of narrowing of the upper respiratory tract, limiting the possibility of inspiratory expansion of the alveoli, also entail weakening of breathing. With pulmonary emphysema - alveolar and interstitial - it is a consequence of weakened elasticity of the lung. In addition, weakening of vesicular respiration is observed in initial stage lobar pneumonia, with interstitial inflammation of the lung, sebaceous pneumonia, pulmonary edema, with tuberculosis and pulmonary echinococcosis.

The absence of breathing sounds (respiraatio nulla) indicates complete obstruction of the alveolar tissue of the lung and small bronchi. When the alveoli are filled, for example, with fibrinous exudate, or are compressed by pleural effusion, the formation of a stenotic sound of the lung (1st component of vesicular respiration) in the affected area becomes impossible; “If at the same time the bronchi retain conductivity, then bronchial breathing can be heard on the chest, and when the lumen of the bronchi is closed, respiratory sounds completely disappear. Persistent respiratio nulla below the line of dullness is especially characteristic of exudative pleurisy; with lobar pneumonia, respiratio nulla is sometimes replaced by clear bronchial breathing. It is observed much less frequently in catarrhal and interstitial pneumonia, pulmonary atelectasis, pyeumo- and hydrothorax, tuberculosis, glanders, etc.

Bronchial breathing.

In all domestic animals, with the exception of the horse, fairly loud bronchial breathing, albeit mixed with vesicular noise, is clearly audible in the area of ​​the scapulohumeral girdle. It is especially clearly and sharply expressed in dogs. This is the so called normal, or physiological, bronchial breathing should not be confused with pathological, which is important symptom serious illnesses. In a horse, bronchial breathing, wherever it is found, is always pathological.

When analyzing respiratory sounds, it should be remembered that pathological bronchial breathing is usually detected in the lower-posterior parts of the lung, i.e., where inflammatory processes of the lung and pleura most often begin; it is usually heard during both respiratory phases, without any admixture of vesicular breathing, and for the most part is combined with changes in percussion sound (dullness, dullness). When checking detected sounds, it does not hurt to use comparative auscultation, carefully listening to adjacent areas of the lung tissue, comparing the questionable sound with tracheal breathing.

Despite the fact that pure vesicular breathing is always easy to distinguish from tracheal breathing, which is the prototype of bronchial breathing, in pathological cases, extremely unpleasant errors are often observed when assessing respiratory sounds. Bronchial breathing is mixed with vesicular breathing or, more often, increased vesicular breathing is regarded as bronchial breathing. The reason for this type of error lies in changes in the intensity of sounds. Increased vesicular breathing becomes at the same time rough, hard, with a clearly drawn out exhalation. And, conversely, the bronchial, weakening, loses its sonority and becomes much softer, more tender. Thus, the initial difference between the sounds is not so sharp. This is what makes this kind of error possible.

Essentially, bronchial breathing can be considered as a remnant of vesicular noise, which includes as an appendage the sound of laryngeal stenosis carried to the lungs and amplified by resonance. In cases where, due to obstruction of the alveoli - filling them with exudate or compression from the outside - the appearance of vesicular noise becomes impossible, the sound of laryngeal constriction is easily carried through the compacted tissue of the lung to its surface and is heard on the chest as an independent sound.

The most common cause of bronchial breathing is infiltration of large areas of the lung. At superficial location inflamed foci, if only the bronchi have completely retained their conductivity in the corresponding parts of the chest, in such cases it is possible to occasionally listen to more or less sharp bronchial breathing. When the lumen of the bronchus is closed by mucus plugs or exudate, sound conduction is no longer possible, as a result of which bronchial breathing disappears and is replaced by respiratio nulla, which, after removing the mucus plug, again gives way to bronchial breathing. This kind of shift is especially often observed in contagious equine pleuropneumonia.

Based on the nature of the sound, strong and weak, sharp and soft bronchial breathing are distinguished. The intensity of the noise depends on the size and position of the infiltrated focus of the lung and its consistency, and the timbre depends on the properties of the bronchial mucosa. The larger the affected area, the more complete the hepatization of the tissue, the louder and stronger the bronchial breathing.

Most often, the appearance of bronchial breathing is associated with lobar pneumonia, which develops in a number of cases. specific infections: contagious pleuropneumonia of horses, peripneumonia of cattle, hemorrhagic septicemia, second form of swine fever. It is found much less frequently in bronchopneumonia, namely in those, for example, cases where huge infiltrates (drain pneumonia) are formed by the merging of foci. These include: influenza pneumonia of horses, pulmonary paratyphoid fever of calves, pulmonary helminthic disease, enzootic pneumonia of piglets, canine distemper. Sometimes bronchial breathing is also found in tuberculosis, glanders, and chronic interstitial pneumonia.

Much less often, the cause of bronchial breathing is compression of the lung by liquid, which leads to compaction of the parts immersed in it, as a result of which the conditions necessary for the occurrence of vesicular breathing disappear. With exudative pleurisy along the upper line dull sound for a long time clear bronchial breathing can be heard. When the lung fuses with the costal pleura, the later developed exudative pleurisy gives persistent bronchial breathing over the entire surface of the dull sound, which is characterized by amazing purity and clarity. Exactly the same clean and very persistent bronchial breathing characterizes pleurisy with a large accumulation of exudate, when the part of the lung immersed in liquid becomes splenized, while the large and medium bronchi completely retain patency. It is observed much less frequently in dropsy, due to compression of the lung by serous transudate.

Uncertain (mixed) Breathing refers to this type of noise, the properties of which cannot be determined with sufficient clarity. Extremely weak vesicular and low-intensity bronchial breathing in equally are regarded as uncertain. Under normal conditions, vague breathing is often heard in fat, well-built horses above the shoulder blade area with even, calm breathing. After a little wiring, thanks to the amplification, the basic properties of vesicular breathing are clearly distinguished—its extended, blowing inhalation with a short exhalation.

In pathological cases, uncertain breathing is a transitional form from vesicular to bronchial, and vice versa. It is observed in the initial phase of lobar pneumonia, sometimes with bronchopneumonia, with compression of small sections of the lung by exudate and transudate, alveolar pulmonary emphysema, disseminated tuberculosis, as well as significant thickening of the chest wall and its infiltration. In some cases, determining the main breathing noise becomes impossible due to the abundant admixture of extraneous sounds: wheezing, snoring, whistling, snoring.

Further development of the disease process or its extinction, increasing or decreasing the intensity of the main respiratory sounds, makes it possible to evaluate their properties and classify them as one or another type.

Amphoric breathing

represents only special shape bronchial breathing, from which it differs in its softness, depth and clearly expressed metallic tint. By its nature, it resembles that stenotic sound that is formed if a stream of air is forced through the hole in the neck of a bottle. In domestic animals, amphoric breathing is observed relatively rarely. It is sometimes found with gangrene of the lung over large cavities with smooth, even walls communicating through the lumen of the bronchus with the outside air. When percussing the area of ​​amphoric breathing, a tympanic sound is most often detected, less often the sound of a cracked pot or a metallic sound. With the formation of small cavities that do not communicate with each other, auscultation typically reveals bronchial breathing.

Cavities formed due to tuberculosis can also cause amphoric breathing. In addition, it is sometimes found with extensive bronchiectasis and pneumothorax.

(see) and pleural friction noise (see Pleurisy).

Vesicular respiration Normally it is heard over the entire surface of the lungs, but its audibility in different parts of the chest is not the same. It is heard more clearly in the subclavian and subscapular areas, weaker in the inferolateral areas and above the apices of the lungs, where the layer of lung tissue is smaller. In patol conditions, vesicular breathing can be weakened, increased, hard, or heard as saccadic breathing (see).

Bronchial breathing Normally, it is heard over the larynx, trachea, large bronchi, and in case of lung pathology, over areas of their compaction (due to infiltration or compression), as well as over cavities containing air and communicating with the bronchi. In the presence of special conditions of resonance (open pneumothorax, compaction of the lower lobe of the left lung, with a large air bubble and tension of the stomach walls and under some other conditions), bronchial breathing acquires a metallic timbre, characterized by a ringing loud and high tone.

Over large, smooth-walled cavities in the lungs containing air and a small amount of liquid, bronchial breathing often acquires a peculiar musical timbre and is characterized as amphora breathing (Greek, amphora, a vessel with a narrow neck). It is quieter, slightly lower in tone than typical bronchial breathing, and has a musical timbre reminiscent of the sound that occurs when you blow over the narrow neck of a large empty bottle.

Clinical and diagnostic characteristics of D. sh. - see table.

Breath sounds in children

Vesicular breathing in children aged 1 to 7 years has its own characteristics and is referred to as puerile breathing (lat. puer - child). Its main feature is the intensification of exhalation noise and a distinct lengthening of its audibility, which is due to the relative narrowness of the bronchi in children and better sound conduction by the thin and elastic chest wall. It is possible that the peculiarities of puerile breathing are also associated with partial conduction of laryngotracheal (bronchial) breathing onto the chest due to the shorter distance between the glottis and the chest walls than in adults.

In the first year of life, the puerile nature of breathing is not clearly revealed due to the low airiness of the lungs (underdevelopment of the alveoli), the relatively large mass of interstitial tissue in them and the poor development of elastic and muscle fibers. At this age, breathing usually has a weakened vesicular character.

The abundance of connective tissue in the lungs, the tendency to develop edema in it and the relative narrowness of the bronchi determine the earlier appearance of hard breathing in bronchitis and bronchopneumonia in children than in the same diseases in adults.

Bronchial breathing appears under the same patol conditions as in adults. Amphoric breathing is rare, occurring only in school-age children.

The main causes and mechanisms of the formation of dry and wet wheezing in children and adults are the same (see Wheezing), but in the origin of wheezing in children the role of swelling of the bronchial mucosa is more significant, which is facilitated by abundant vascularization of the respiratory organs and poor development of the muscular layer in the bronchi. Good vibration of the chest wall in children sometimes makes it possible to perceive wheezing by palpation when palpating the child’s chest.

Crepitus in children, as in adults, occurs with pneumonia, but in children early age due to shallow and weakened breathing, it is not always heard; deepening the child’s breathing when crying or changing body position helps to identify it.

With the accumulation of effusion in the pleural cavity D. sh. become weakened, but in children, unlike adults, they do not disappear completely, which is explained by the increased conductivity of sound in children through the thin chest wall and the small volume of the chest.



Auscultatory signs

Physical nature and morphological basis for the formation of noise

Conditions in which noises are heard




The characteristic frequency range is 180 - 355 Hz. A soft noise that is heard throughout the entire inhalation and weakens to inaudible during the first third of the exhalation; resembles the sound of air blowing through the labiodental fissure during articulation for the soft pronunciation of the sound “f”

Vibrations of the walls of the alveoli and the air in them, arising as a result of the elastic tension of the alveoli when they are stretched during inspiration and weakening when their tension decreases during exhalation. The clarity of vesicular breathing depends on the volume of lung tissue at the listening site, on its elasticity, the thickness of the tissues of the chest wall, as well as on the volume and speed of breathing

Normally healthy people(see Vesicular respiration)

Weakened physiological

The same as for normal, but with reduced sonority of noise

The same as for normal breathing, but with a lower volume and speed of breathing or under conditions that impair sound conduction due to thickening of the chest wall

With shallow breathing, in healthy individuals with an overdeveloped subcutaneous fat layer



Quieter than normal breath sounds, audible briefly during inhalation and almost inaudible during exhalation. Noise attenuation can be uniform over the entire surface of the lungs or only over part of it

A decrease in the amplitude of oscillations of the alveoli due to their less stretching during inspiration (decreased elasticity of the alveolar walls, limited mobility of the lungs or chest, difficult passage of air into the alveoli through the bronchi, increased pressure in the pleural cavity).

Deterioration in the conduction of respiratory sounds to the researcher’s ear due to damage to the lungs, pleura, and chest wall

Narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi (tumor, sputum, inflammatory edema), emphysema, obstructive atelectasis (in the initial phase of development).

Ossification of costal cartilages; rib fracture; damage to the nerves and muscles of the chest (poliomyelitis, myositis, neuritis).

Partial compression atelectasis; hydrothorax; exudative pleurisy; adhesive pleurisy; pleural moorings; fibrothorax; pleural tumor; limited pneumothorax.

High position of the diaphragm (ascites, flatulence)

The sound of vesicular breathing, but louder, often with additional change timbre (“rough” noise); the time of hearing it in the inhalation and exhalation phases is approximately the same

Improving the transmission of respiratory sounds to the researcher’s ear when the bronchi are hardened (inflammatory infiltration, sclerosis).

Increased exhalation noise due to the addition of additional noise due to narrowing of the bronchi

Acute and chronic, bronchitis; focal pneumonia; peribronchial or focal subcortical pneumosclerosis

Bronchial breathing

The characteristic frequency range is 710 - 1400 Hz. Loud noise of high timbre; resembles the noise of inhaling air through the glossopalatine fissure during articulation to pronounce the sound “x”; heard during inspiration and throughout the entire expiration phase. Above large cavities there is a peculiar musical timbre, the sound is lower than with typical* bronchial breathing (amphoric breathing)

The turbulence of air as it passes through the glottis. They are heard over the lungs with patol, improvement in the conduction of noise by compacted pulmonary tissue (while maintaining bronchial patency) or when it is amplified due to resonance in large cavities communicating with the bronchus (amphoric breathing)

In physiol, conditions it is always heard above the larynx, trachea, above the manubrium of the sternum, next to the spinous process of C7 and in the interscapular space at the level of Th3-4.

In pathology - lobar lobar pneumonia(especially in the “hepatization” phase); macrofocal pneumonia; tuberculosis infiltrate; compression of the lung, tuberculous cavity, large bronchiectasis cavities (see Bronchial breathing)



The characteristic frequency range is 710-1400 Hz. Multiple crackling sounds heard as a “flash” at the end of an inhalation and reminiscent of the crunching of hair when rubbed between your fingers; sometimes detected only with a deep breath, does not disappear after coughing

Unraveling of the walls of the alveoli during inspiration after their sticking together during the exhalation phase due to the presence of exudate or transudate in the alveoli

Croupous, focal pneumonia at the beginning of the exudative phase (crepitatio indux) and in the phase of resorption of exudate (crepitatio redux); incomplete atelectasis (see Crepitation)

wet fine bubbles

The characteristic frequency range for silent wheezing is 180-355 Hz, for sonorous wheezing - 710-1400 Hz. Reminds me of the sound of many popping bubbles in a glass of sparkling water. They are heard mainly on inhalation, less on exhalation. After coughing, their number changes (decreases or increases). Sonorous wheezes are distinguished by better audibility and sonority

Due to the breakthrough of liquid by air (“foaming” of transudate or exudate) contained in the lumen of small bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli. Due to the difference in air flow rates, more “foaming” is observed when inhaling. Sound wheezing is formed under the same conditions, but with simultaneous compaction of the surrounding lung parenchyma, which enhances sound conduction

Bronchiolitis, focal pneumonia, blood stagnation in the pulmonary circulation (see Wheezing)

medium bubble

The characteristic frequency range for silent wheezing is 180 - 355 Hz, for sonorous wheezing 355 - 710 Hz. They resemble the sound of bursting air bubbles in a liquid when blowing it through a very thin straw. This type of wheezing also includes crackling wheezing, reminiscent of the crunch of subcutaneous crepitus, but usually ringing, heard only on inspiration.

The presence of fluid in the bronchi of medium caliber or in small cavities. Crackling wheezes can be formed due to the separation of the lung parenchyma (acini) between the terminal bronchioles

Bronchitis with bronchorrhea, bronchopneumonia, minor bronchiectasis, abscesses, tuberculous cavities.

Compression of an area of ​​the lung (tumor, exudate).

Focal pneumosclerosis, pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis (crackling rales)


The characteristic frequency range is 180 - 355 Hz. Reminiscent of the bursting of air bubbles blown into the water through a large straw or even a reed tube (bubbling)

Presence of liquid in large bronchi, trachea or in large patol, cavities communicating with the bronchus

^ Accumulation of sputum in large bronchi in seriously ill patients; bronchorrhea. Tuberculosis cavities, large bronchiectasis, lung abscesses. Pulmonary edema

dry buzzing and humming

Rattles of musical timbre, sonorous. The characteristic frequency range for humming wheezes is 180-355 Hz, their timbre is low, “bass”. Buzzing wheezing is more musical (frequency up to 710 Hz), usually loud, prolonged, sometimes audible at a distance. They are heard during the exhalation phase, but often also during inspiration. The number and location of wheezing after coughing often changes

Violation of the patency of the bronchi of large (buzzing wheezing) and medium (buzzing wheezing) caliber, usually due to the presence of viscous sputum in them

Acute and hron, tracheobronchitis; bronchial asthma (usually infectious-allergic); organophosphorus poisoning


The characteristic frequency range is 355-710 Hz. Musical wheezing with a “whistle” or “squeak” timbre, prolonged, especially in the exhalation phase; often change in timbre and quantity during listening

Impaired patency of small bronchi and bronchioles due to inflammatory and allergic swelling, bronchospasm, accumulation of viscous secretions in them

Bronchial asthma; poisoning with organophosphorus compounds; bronchobronchiolitis; focal pneumonia; congestive lungs (initial phase of pulmonary edema)

Pleural friction rub

The characteristic frequency range is 710 - 1400 Hz. It is heard as a loud noise, reminiscent of the creaking of leather, the crunch of snow, or as a rustling sound (the rustling of paper or silk); perceived to be close to the ear. Usually heard in both the inhalation and exhalation phases; intensifies with deepening of breathing, when breathing with the patient tilting to the healthy side, with pressure on the chest with a stethoscope

Patol, changes in the surface of the pleura, making it difficult for the pleural layers to slide during breathing

Fibrinous and adhesive pleurisy of various etiologies; initial phase of serous pleurisy; pleural tuberculosis; pleural fibrosis. Pleural mesothelioma, malignant (metastatic) contamination of the pleura (see Pleurisy)

Bibliography: Vasilenko V. X. et al. Propaedeutics of internal diseases, p. 100, M., 1974; Dombrovskaya Yu. F., L e-bedev D. D. and MolchanovV. I. Propaedeutics of childhood diseases, p. 235, M., 1970; Shelagurov A. A. Research methods in the clinic of internal diseases, p. 77, M., 1964.

I. P. Zamotaev; A. G. Gracheva, N. A. Tyurin (ped.).

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