Australian Silky Terrier: breed characteristics, care and selection of a puppy. Silky is an Australian Silky Terrier Dog is an Australian Silky Terrier

This is the real one full of love and energy friend! The Silky Terrier will bring a lot of joy and warmth into your life, and will also add funny and not so funny memories. The long coat is sure to attract attention during walks, but don't worry: it doesn't require any meticulous grooming. And the temperament of these dogs fully corresponds to the title of a terrier, so don’t let their small size and charm fool you!

Australian Silky Terrier: breed characteristics

The name speaks for itself: the long hair makes this dog recognizable. According to the breed standard, the coat grows to approximately 13–15 cm and has a blue and fawn tint. Despite its delicate appearance, the Silky Terrier has the true character of a bold terrier. If you are not familiar with this breed, you will be surprised at what excellent guard dogs these little ones make.

Silky Terriers are not usually taken on walks, but it is very beneficial for them. They will always walk next to you or even ahead. The character of terriers is fully revealed in this breed: they love to dig, track, bark, they are stubborn and pugnacious. If you're not ready for all this, consider another dog.

The long, silky coat makes this dog recognizable

This feisty temperament aside, you will get a loyal family dog ​​who loves being around his people. The pet is perfect for families in which they will not leave him at home alone for a long time, but will love him no matter what.

This smart dogs It is necessary to train the body and mind so as not to get bored. Take them for long walks, play different games to keep your pet happy and release its energy. But even with all their activity, they can live in apartments, but you will need to teach them the “quiet” command so that there are no problems with neighbors.

Silky Terrier will be good family dog, and gets along great with children. It is best that children are over 10 years old and know how to properly behave around a dog. This dog must be treated with kindness and care because it will not tolerate roughness.

Main features

History of the breed

The Silky Terrier is a relatively new breed, developed in Australia at the very end of the 19th century. The breed was developed by crossing an Australian terrier with an imported Yorkshire terrier. Some of the resulting puppies looked like Yorkies, and some looked like Australian terriers, and some also resembled modern terriers- they were crossed with each other so that a new breed, the “Australian Silky Terrier,” would eventually appear.

At first, there was uncertainty in the requirements for the breed, since there were two standards: Sydney and Victorian. The difference was in the shape of the ears and the preferred weight, but in the end a compromise was reached, and in 1929 a single standard for the American Silky Dog appeared.

The breed changed its name several times. At first it was called the “Sydney Silky Terrier”, then it was called the “Australian Silky Terrier”, and now it is increasingly called simply “Silky Terrier”.


Self-confident, smart, brave. The Silky Terrier loves to track small animals. If he has to get into a fight, he will never give up first. Despite his small size, can serve as an excellent guard dog. This little one will definitely bark if he sees or hears something suspicious to warn you.

A pet feels happiest when it is with its family. He will follow you around the house and will be the first to greet guests. This is a very independent dog, but will be happy to spend the entire day with its owner. Even if you travel a lot, do not refuse to choose this breed, because silky terriers adapt very easily to new conditions, and they also take up little space, so they are easy to take with you.

Self-confident, intelligent, brave, silky terrier loves to track down small animals

Their character is influenced by many things: training, socialization, heredity. When choosing a puppy, choose one that is more playful and interested in people. If possible, meet your future puppy's parents, or at least one of them, to get a first idea of ​​his personality. Looking at brothers, sisters and other relatives is also a good idea.

Introduce your puppy to in different places, sounds, people and events, and then he will develop a good temperament.

Health and possible problems

This breed has fairly good health, but still silky terriers are prone to some diseases that you should know about in advance:

  • Legg-Calvé-Perters disease is a problem with the hip joint. With this disease the head hip joint begins to die as a result of deterioration in blood supply. If your dog develops this disease, you will notice it as he will limp, be in pain, and his hip muscles will begin to atrophy. The first symptoms may appear in puppies when they are 4–6 months old. The problem is solved with the help of surgery: after it, your pet will be able to live a happy, pain-free life.
  • Dislocation of the kneecap. This is a fairly common problem among small dogs: knee cap moves and causes pain. It happens that an animal with this condition becomes disabled, but in most cases dogs can lead a normal life.
  • Diabetes. Just like in humans, diabetes in a dog means that its body is unable to regulate its blood sugar levels on its own. If your dog is urinating more often, losing weight, and eating more, take him to the vet - he may have diabetes. In this case, so that your dog can live normal life, she will have to follow a certain diet and take insulin injections.
  • Tracheal collapse. Another common one among small breeds problem. As a result of subsidence of the tracheal half-rings, the tracheal membrane becomes mobile, interfering free breathing. If you hear that your dog is coughing, wheezing, or has shortness of breath, take him to the vet as soon as possible. Also a symptom is increased fatigue. This disease can be treated with medication or surgery.

Features of care

Some people think that since these dogs are companions, they don’t need to devote much time to physical exercise, but that's not true. They need daily exercise stress. Long walks or playing in the yard or dog park are great ways for the Silky Terrier to burn off its energy. But if you don't have the opportunity to walk your pet for a long time every day, playing with a stick in the house is also suitable.

The Silky Terrier enjoys being outside, but prefers to be close to its owner. This dog should not be left alone in the yard because it is small enough to attract predators. The breed itself is not at all worried about its size and can easily get into a fight with a larger dog that dares to enter its territory.

Silky Terrier enjoys being outside

It is very important to train your Silky Terrier and he will make an excellent student. Representatives of this breed are very intelligent, so if you are not consistent in training, they may begin to impose their own rules. Always make activities interesting and fun for your pet, because this is the most effective method teach something.

Train your pet to home cage- this will benefit both you and him. If you do this, you won't have to worry about your dog's safety when you leave him alone at home for several hours. Let the cell be positive and safe place so that your Silky Terrier will want to spend time there. Place his favorite toys in there and keep the crate door open while you're home so your dog can sleep and relax there. This experience will also come in handy if you need to take your pet on an airplane or leave it with a veterinarian.

But you shouldn’t leave your pet in a cage for a long time, because this will bring nothing but bad associations, which is fraught with problems in the future.

Feed mode

Silky Terriers need to eat dry food twice a day. Optimal quantity will be about half a cup for an adult animal and a quarter or less for puppies.

The daily amount of food any dog ​​needs depends on its metabolism, age, body type, size and activity level. Some animals need more feed, some less. You will notice that if your dog is more active, he will ask for more. If she is a lazy couch potato and you put in less food, she will be fine with it. The quality of the feed also affects the portion size. If you use high quality food, you will need less of it.

Wool and its care

This breed will charm you with its long coat of light brown color with splashes of blue. It flows from the back and is usually 13–15 cm long.

The Silky Terrier looks like it needs a lot of grooming, but it actually doesn't. Regular brushing 2-3 times a week and bathing once a month will be enough for this long-haired one.

Tartar is quite common, so your dog needs to brush his teeth 2-3 times a week. This is enough to avoid infections, gum disease and unpleasant odor from mouth.

This breed will charm you with its long hair

The Silky Terrier needs to have its nails trimmed regularly, just like any other dog. However, these dogs are so active that this procedure does not need to be performed as often. You will be required to monitor when the nails are growing too long and then trim them. If you don't know how to do this, take your dog to the vet or groomer.

Check your pet's ears once a month for redness, odor, or inflammation. You can wipe them with a cotton ball soaked in a pH-neutral ear cleaning solution.

If you regularly care for your pet from the first months of its life, you will not have problems when it grows up. Your dog will become accustomed to all these procedures and will behave quietly and calmly at the veterinarian or groomer. Use positive motivation when caring for your pet so that the neo will form positive associations. Just don't be stingy with treats and rewards for your puppy, and he'll love it!

Cohabitation with other animals and children

This is a good family breed. The terrier is even better when children live nearby; he quickly gets used to their behavior and games. But still, this is a terrier, so it is more suitable for families with older children, at least ten years old. Children need to be taught how to treat a dog because the Silky Terrier will not tolerate torture.

Children should be shown how to behave around a dog, how to hold it correctly, not take its food and water, and be careful when playing. Even if your pet is the friendliest dog in the world, never leave it alone with a child unattended.

Silky Terrier is a good family breed

Silky Terriers are friendly towards other animals. If another dog comes into the house, there may be a little competition between them for people's attention, but this is normal. This terrier enjoys hunting small animals, so if you already have a cat or rabbit, this breed may not be right for you.

If you are a fan of terriers, but want a sweet and gentle dog, the Silky Terrier is definitely the right dog for you! Your life will be filled with joy and delight, because this boy is able to surprise you with something new every day. Friendly with people, easy to care for despite the length of his coat, he will become your wonderful friend. It will alert you to anything it deems unusual and will let you know if someone has approached your front door. If you decide to adopt a puppy, you will definitely love him and enjoy every minute spent together!

The Australian Silky Terrier, also known as the Silky Terrier, is a petite dog with a cute appearance and a very active disposition. In terms of appearance, Silkies are very similar to, but have the main difference - a unique blue coat color. Despite its pretty and toy appearance, this breed has pronounced hunting and guarding abilities.

The ancestors of the Australian Silky Terrier were crossbred Yorkshire and Australian terriers. Appearance new breed occurred in Australia, which is the birthplace of the silky terrier.

Beginning in the 19th century, when Yorkshire terriers began to be imported to Australian lands, it was decided to cross them with the local Australian breed. The resulting Silky Terriers were distinguished by their unusual blue coat color, which did not go unnoticed by the canine community. It is thanks to the silver-blue coat that the breed received the nickname “Silk”, which means silk. Snares quickly gained popularity and demand, which by the 20th century became the reason for the widespread appearance of Australian Silky Terriers at prestigious world exhibitions.

Breed standards did not stand still and changed frequently. But by 1926, unchanged standards were established that are known to us to this day. Another name for the breed is also known: Sydney Silkie, received in honor of the Australian city of Sydney, where, according to information from certain sources, this breed appeared.

These dogs came to America after the end of the Second World War, accompanying demobilized soldiers, and immediately became very popular and sought-after participants in exhibitions.

External data and breed standards with photographs

Australian Silky Terriers are almost a copy of the Yorkshire Terrier. These two dogs are similar in build and size, but have a significant breed difference - the Silky Terrier has blue fur with a silvery sheen. That is why, if we describe this breed- then you can call it unique in its kind.

The Silkie Terrier is a small dog with an average weight of 3 to 5 kilograms and a height at the withers of about 25 cm. With a slightly elongated body, strong muscles and straight, glossy coat. This breed has only one color allowed - saddleback, with possible fawn markings. Dark eyes and the black nose add expressiveness to the already unique appearance of this breed.

Breed standards:

  1. Head– medium size, fully proportional to body size. It has an elongated and flat forehead, a short bridge of the nose with a clearly defined transition from the frontal part to the nasal part.
  2. Eyes They are small in size, round in shape and have a dark iris. The gaze is clear and attentive.
  3. Earstriangular shape, erect with pointed ends and dense elastic cartilage. The outer part is covered with short hair, and there is no fur inside the auricle. The standards allow curled ears.
  4. Body elongated shape, strong build, straight and moderately broad back. The neck is smoothly curved.
  5. Paws rounded, of medium length and with a strong build. With proportional and correct elbow and shoulder joints, a change in the slope of which is considered an undesirable and unacceptable sign of the breed standard.
  6. Tail It is recommended to dock. Covered with short and uniform coat. Extended areas of fur are non-compliant. The undocked tail is straight, with the end curved towards the back.
  7. Colors and coat. The coat is long, smooth and shiny, up to 15 cm long. It evenly covers the body from head to tail. The coat has a blue tint, which is a feature of the Australian Silky Terrier. Fawn markings on the paws and tail are acceptable.

A special feature of Australian Silky Terriers is their blue coat.

Important. According to the standard, long hair is allowed only on the body and head; its presence on the paws and tail is a breed inconsistency.

Character and intelligence

Australian Silk Terriers are very active and energetic dogs. They are also distinguished by their curiosity and intelligence. When properly trained, snares are obedient and follow commands.

Despite their small size and toy appearance, Silky Terriers were originally used for catching rats and mice. These hunting qualities have been preserved to this day, which allows Silkie to stand up for himself and even for his owner. In this regard, Australian Silky Terriers are not recommended to be kept together with cats, rabbits and other ornamental animals, although there are exceptions.

The Australian Silky Terrier is an excellent companion and true friend. They are very attached to their owner and home. They get along well with children and love active games. This dog can be kept even in a small living space, but it is important to organize frequent and active walks in open space and fresh air.

Silky Terriers are very energetic and cheerful dogs with good hunting instinct.

Training Silkie Terriers

Dogs are very smart and quick-witted, they always study unfamiliar objects and people. But, despite this, increased excitement interferes with full training, since these active dogs find it difficult to sit still. Silky Terriers can be trained, but the owner will have to show effort and patience. It would be wise to contact a professional dog trainer for full training of the dog and recommendations for the owner.

Maintenance and care of the Australian Silky Terrier

The main advantage of the Silky Terrier is its “fur coat” with a blue tint. To preserve its quality and beauty, it is important to ensure complete care And balanced diet. It would be a good idea to contact a professional groomer several times a year.

One of the advantages of the breed is the absence of odor and rare, not abundant shedding. The active nature of these dogs requires daily active walks with jumping, running and other activities.


It is important to devote at least 10-20 minutes every day to thoroughly combing and detangling the fur. It is recommended to use special combs natural bristles. Long hair that hangs into the eyes can be tied up in a ponytail or other hairstyle. It is necessary to cut the animal's fur several times a year.

The Australian Silky Terrier's coat requires special care.

Caring for eyes and ears and bathing your dog

You should carefully monitor the condition and health of your eyes and ears. If necessary, wipe the ears and eyes with a damp cotton swab, removing all dirt. It is recommended to treat the ears with oil once a week. In the presence of purulent discharge eyes or crusts in the ears should be contacted by a veterinarian.

Bathing can be organized no more often than once every 2-3 months or as needed. It is important to use only special shampoos for animals, which can be purchased at specialized pet stores. Dogs of this breed love spending time in water, which is why bathing is possible more often, but without using shampoo or other bathing products.

Care for claws and teeth

Silkie Terriers' nails need to be trimmed periodically. Teeth do not require special care, except for the presence of tartar on them. The health and condition of a given dog’s teeth depends on the quality of feeding. If the animal gets everything essential vitamins and minerals, his teeth will be white and strong.


External data and health Australian snare terrier, directly depend on diet. You can feed your pet with ready-made dry food or natural products. It is important to choose only one type of feeding.

You can feed your Australian Terrier as follows: ready-made feed, so natural food.

Attention. Mixed feeding is unacceptable as it can cause digestive problems.

  • meat (low-fat varieties);
  • cereal porridge;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • vegetables;
  • eggs (boiled).
  • potato;
  • legumes;
  • sweet;
  • pork;
  • sausages and smoked sausages;
  • unnatural products with chemical additives.

If your dog’s diet consists of ready-made dry food, then it is advisable to choose one without chemical additives.

Regardless of the type of feeding, the dog should always have clean and fresh food. drinking water- in unlimited quantities. You should always feed at the same time, 2-3 times a day, giving 200-300 grams of food per meal.

Health and life expectancy

The Australian Silky Terrier is distinguished by good and strong health among. They do not have genetic or “breed” diseases. To prevent possible diseases, it is necessary to properly balance the diet, conduct regular examinations and preventive vaccinations in a veterinary clinic.

Australian Silky Terriers do not have any breed-related diseases.

The Silkie Terrier is prone to the following diseases:

  • problems with teeth and their early loss;

Advice. To prevent colds, it is recommended to purchase for your four-legged friend a warm suit that will protect and warm the animal in cold weather.

The average lifespan of a Silky Terrier is 12-15 years. These numbers depend on the quality of care and lifestyle of the dog.

Choosing a puppy and its cost

It is recommended to purchase Australian Silk Terrier puppies from specialized and trusted nurseries. When choosing a puppy, you need to pay attention to its appearance, behavior, living conditions, pedigree and history of medical procedures performed.

Interesting! Silkie Terrier puppies are born with black wool and acquire their famous blue color only by 1.5 years.

How to choose a good and healthy puppy

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the cleanliness of the room where the puppy is kept. It would also be a good idea to see photos of the puppy’s parents and ask about possible hereditary diseases. Smooth and shiny coat should evenly cover the entire body. The paws should be straight and even. The bite is scissor-shaped. A healthy eight week old puppy has clear and shiny eyes.

After clarifying and checking all the criteria, all that remains is to decide on the gender of the dog:

  • Bitches– obedient and flexible, do not show leadership in relations with the owner. They are easy to train and bring puppies.
  • Males– more consistent breed standards. Due to the absence of heat, they regularly attend all scheduled exhibitions.

The cost of a puppy depends on many factors and can range from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small decorative dog with a beautiful flowing coat. Silkie, as he is also called, can be an excellent choice for those who are looking for a miniature companion with an original appearance and a good disposition. Due to its color and small size, it is often confused with the Yorkshire Terrier, but naturally these are two different breeds.

With the beginning of British colonization, new breeds of dogs began to appear in Australia, among which were small terriers brought by the British. One of the first creations of Australian breeders was the Australian Terrier. It was he who became the basis for a new breed - the Australian Silky Terrier. Presumably, selection was targeted, and snares appeared as a result of crossing Australian dogs and. Dandie Dinmont Terriers also took part in the program. At the beginning of its development, the breed was known as the Sydney Silky Dog.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Australian, Sydney and Yorkshire terriers had no clear division. In 1929, each breed had its own standard. But even after this, breeding work proceeded at a very sluggish pace and gained momentum only after 1955. Then the name Australian Silky Terrier was officially approved. In 1958, the breed was recognized by the National Kennel Club of Australia.

After World War II, American military personnel exported hundreds of representatives of the breed to the United States, where these dogs became extremely popular. Already in 1959, the American Kennel Club granted championship status to the Silky Terrier. And in 1965 they became known internationally thanks to the recognition of the United Kennel Club (KCU). Although Silky is a terrier, all organizations classified him in the group of decorative dogs, believing that they would be safer with small brothers than with large ones.

Video about the Australian Silky Terrier breed:

Appearance and standards

According to the standards, the Australian Silky Terrier is a small decorative dog, compact, slightly elongated, with long soft hair and a pointed muzzle. Height at withers 20-23 cm, weight 3.5-4.5 kg

The head is moderately long, with a pronounced stop. The muzzle is pointed, the nose is black. The jaws are strong, with correct bite. The eyes are small and oval. The ears are dark, erect, set high and wide apart, and have pointed tips. Auricle thin.

Neck with a slight bend, middle length. The body is moderately long, the topline is level. The loin of these dogs is strong. Rib cage moderately wide and deep with noticeably convex ribs. The tail can be docked, in which case it is set high and held in an upright position. The undocked tail should be in balance with the overall size. It may be slightly curved, but it does not roll over the back. The legs are strong, straight, not long. The paws are small, well compressed, which is why they resemble a cat's. The pads are thick, the claws are dark.

The coat is straight, flowing, fine and shiny. Thanks to its silky texture, it is soft to the touch. The length should not interfere with the dog's movement, so there should be a gap between the lower horizontal edge of the hair, which falls with the body, and the ground. On the front and hind legs ah, on the ears, on the back of the nose, around the eyes and on lower jaw- short fur. On the head, between the ears, the hair is long, parted and lying on the sides, and should not cover the muzzle. There is no undercoat.

The recognized color of the snare is blue and tan. The coat on the body can have all shades of blue, a rich color is preferable. The hair on the tail is much darker. Fawn tan on the ears, muzzle, cheekbones, around the anus, and on the lower part of the legs. The blue is clear, without darkening, starting at the base of the skull, extending to the tip of the tail, descending along the front legs to the wrist, along the hind legs to the hocks. It is very difficult to describe the original coat color, so it is better to take a photo of Australian snares as a guide.

The difference between a snare and a Yorkshire terrier

Silkies are often confused with Yorkies. It’s not at all surprising, because the breeds are related, have a common color and size, but that’s where their similarities end. Let's look at the main characteristics that will help distinguish the Australian Terrier from the Yorkshire Terrier:

  • The head and jaw of the snare are larger than those of the Yorkie, and the muzzle is longer;
  • Australian terriers are larger and heavier than Yorkshire terriers;
  • Ears, tail, nose and Bottom part the legs of the snare are covered with short hair, while those of the Yorkshire terrier are long;
  • Silka's hair is softer and lighter, this is noticeable even in the photo;
  • Yorkie body has square shape, and in the Australian Terrier - stretched;
  • Show snares are much easier to care for;
  • Snares are more durable and strong, they are better suited for long walks. Roughly speaking, they are not as decorative as Yorkshire terriers.


The Australian Silky Terrier is a friendly and energetic dog who loves lively walks and games. In general, it dismantles all the qualities of a terrier - vigilance, activity, courage, self-esteem. Silky becomes very attached to his owner, and the rest of the family is treated affectionately and friendly.

They get along well with children of any age, but they are still more interested in older children. The size of the Australian Terrier does not allow the Australian Terrier to be a guard of his pack, but thanks to his courage and vigilance, he will perfectly cope with the role of a guard and will definitely warn of a visit with a ringing bark. He is wary of strangers. The Australian Silky Terrier was initially perceived only as a decorative dog, but the hunting and territorial instinct of its ancestors periodically makes itself felt. If in the summer the dog goes out on country cottage area, then you can forget about moles and field mice.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, silky terriers have a wonderful character. They are cheerful, playful, cheerful. They quickly understand what is wanted from them and adapt to the character and lifestyle of the family. They always want to be close to the owner.

Silks are smart and very easy to train. Recent studies have shown that among 100 ornamental breeds they take an honorable 20th place in terms of learning ability. They can be very temperamental, at home they can be stubborn, and on walks they bully big dogs, but with proper upbringing they show humility and obedience. They love to be petted and receive praise.

Silky, as befits a decorative dog, should live in an apartment or in a private house. It is worth saying that indoors they behave quite calmly, but as soon as they find themselves outside, they forget about their intelligence, their freshly combed fur coat, and run around headlong, splashing out the accumulated energy. It is very important to devote time to your dog every day, to play with it, so that you no longer have enough energy for pranks.

Since snares do not have undercoat, they get very cold in the cold season and need additional insulation.


The Silkie Terrier can eat both natural food, so industrial feed. Breeders recommend choosing the second option, since it makes it easier to provide the dog with a balanced diet. If the food does not belong to a line designed specifically for long-haired breeds, then it is recommended to add vitamins for skin and coat to the diet.


Caring for a snare is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but it is also not as easy as caring for a short-haired dog. From childhood, you need to teach your puppy to bathe and blow dry, as well as brush his teeth, ears and get his hair cut. In the future these will be regular procedures.

The terrier's silky coat is prone to matting, and therefore it is recommended to brush it daily. Use cosmetics designed for dogs with long, soft hair. Products for Yorkshire Terriers are often suitable. The tangles cannot be combed out; they are carefully disassembled. They bathe the snares once a week. As necessary, the dog's ears are cleaned, the eyes are kept clean, and the teeth are brushed and the claws are trimmed as they grow.

The Silky Terrier is exhibited to the maximum natural form. Before the show, the fur is trimmed a little. If desired, dogs can be given short haircuts at home.

Health and life expectancy

There are several diseases in the breed to which dogs have a genetic predisposition:

  • Allergies;
  • Tracheal collapse;
  • Diabetes;
  • Patella dislocation;
  • Elbow dysplasia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Herniated discs;
  • Aseptic necrosis heads femur;
  • Malassezia dermatitis;
  • Cataract;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Corneal ulcer;
  • Short hair syndrome.

Choosing a puppy. Price

Representatives of the breed began to appear in Russia after 2010. The livestock is still very small, but major cities There are already kennels that breed Australian Silky Terriers and offer puppies good quality. Before purchasing a puppy, you need to read about the breed, find out about kennels, call and talk to the breeder.

You need to choose a puppy very carefully. Scammers often pass off Yorkshire terrier puppies as rarer and more expensive snares.

It is very important to evaluate the merits and character of parents. It is likely that external characteristics and temperament are inherited. A small puppy should meet the standard as much as possible. The coat should not be hard to the touch, the bite should be scissor-shaped, the tail should not be kinked, and the back should be straight. The origin of the baby must be confirmed by documents from the RKF or the country in which he was born. The buyer must be provided veterinary passport and purchase and sale agreement. It will be a huge plus if the parents have been tested for genetic diseases characteristic of the breed. Puppies can be much darker in color. According to the standard, by 18 one month old The puppy has finally turned blue.

- one of the smallest working dogs. It is used as a shepherd, guard, hunter of predatory animals, snakes and rodents, and also simply as a companion. He is a tireless worker on the farm and a sensitive watchman. Despite its small size, this dog is very brave. This is a hardworking and devoted friend, an indispensable assistant on the farm and a friendly pet in the house.

Photo: Australian Silky Terrier

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

These hunting dogs was developed in the 19th century in Australia. It came from several english terriers, in particular, and, which the settlers brought to the new continent. The breed was called differently: both wire-haired terrier and broken-haired.

The appearance of the dog also changed in order to create a small but brave hunter and watchman. In Europe, the breed was recognized only in the first half of the 20th century and is spreading around the world rather slowly.


This is a dog of strong build, squat, dense, but small in stature. Its height at the withers does not exceed 26 cm, weight – up to 6.5 kg.

Her exterior is a little stretched out, her appearance is unassuming and rough. Long head with a flat forehead. The ears are erect, the eyes are dark, the nose is black.

Long, coarse, straight hair covers the dog except for the tail, hind legs and the very bottom of the legs. On the top of the head you can see a soft tuft.

The color is sandy, dark gray, reddish-brown with a blue saddle, as well as black or silver with tan on the head and paws.

Australian Terrier Personality

They are energetic and inquisitive, get along with other pets and dogs, and do not show aggression towards cats.

The Australian Terrier is friendly towards children, but is wary of strangers, although it will not behave aggressively without provocation. Sensing a stranger, they simply begin to bark, informing the owner about their find. It is better not to leave the dog alone for a long time, otherwise it will find something to do that may not suit the owners.

He trains quickly, but the training should be varied so that the dog does not become stubborn from boredom. This breed definitely needs to take an obedience course and provide early socialization. When training there is no point in using physical strength and screams, this dog loves encouragement and praise.

These are friendly and cheerful animals, affectionate and flexible with their owners, but sometimes pugnacious with other dogs. They are also affectionate with the guests of their owners, demanding attention to themselves.

The Australian Silky (Silky) Terrier has a hard, straight coat with a soft, dense undercoat. The dog's long coat is quite long and protects the dog from the elements. It needs to be combed several times a week, and preferably every three months. Then there will be no wool in the house. If desired, you can trim the hair around the ears and eyes.

It is better to bathe your dog very rarely and only with mild shampoo. This is very active dog and when living in an apartment, she needs serious physical activity and long walks, sports training and games.

A charming, gentle and small, but at the same time, quite serious dog that can be a watchman, security guard or shepherd - this is the Australian Silky Terrier. Externally, animals of this breed are very similar to Yorkshire Terriers , which are bred only for decorative maintenance, and the Silkie Terrier is also a working dog.

History of the origin of the Australian Silky breed

American Kennel Club records indicate that the Australian silky breed appeared at the end of the nineteenth century, by crossing two terriers - Yorkshire and Australian, which descended from wire-haired terriers brought to Australia. At first this type of dog was called the Sydney Silky because it originated in this city.

Until 1929, the Australian, Yorkshire and Australian Silky Terriers were not separated into breeds. These animals were born in the same litter and differed in appearance during growth. After 1932, crossbreeding was banned and in 1955 the breed became officially known as the Australian Silky Terrier.

At a fast pace the breed began to spread all over the world after the end of World War II, when the military, returning to their homes, brought these small dogs with them. Thus, the animals came to America, where they quickly gained popularity and clubs for Australian Silky Terriers began to open throughout the country.

Characteristics of Silky Terriers

Description of external data

These little dogs have a charming face, small body and a silky, parted coat of silvery-red color. They also have a lively character and know how to hunt. The Australian Silky Terrier is a source of energy and positivity and gets along well with children. An animal can be a wonderful companion and feel very comfortable in an apartment.

Externally Yorkshire and australian terriers very similar, but the main difference is soft wool with a blue tint, which characterizes silky terrier breed. The dog is 24-26 cm tall at the withers and weighs about 3.5-4.5 kg. Life expectancy is 12-15 years.

Representatives of the Silky Terrier breed must have the following appearance:

  1. The head has a flat forehead, longer than the bridge of the nose; the transition from the forehead to the nose is clearly defined. The size of the head is proportional to the body.
  2. Ears are erect, triangular in shape with pointed tips and wool cover, have a standard fit.
  3. The nose is black, the teeth are small and even, the bite is scissor-like, and the lips have a black outline.
  4. Small eyes dark color, round shape. Dogs have a lively look, sometimes a little wary.
  5. The physique is strong and muscular, the body itself has a somewhat elongated shape, the back is straight, the neck has slight curves.
  6. The paws are level and stable, the shoulder and elbow joints are harmoniously located.
  7. The tail is covered with short hair, stands erect and bends slightly towards the back, and if it is docked, it has a vertical and straight position.
  8. Silk Terriers have long (up to 15 cm), silky and soft hair that covers the dog's entire body right up to the back of the head. Its color is silver with a blue tint, becoming more saturated closer to the tail. According to breed standards, if the long hair falls over the face and eyes, it is considered a fault.

Personality of the Australian Silky Terrier

These small dogs decorative look hyperactive, energetic, have a cheerful disposition, a lively and sharp mind. Silky Terriers simply love to run, jump, and play with children. They become very attached to their owner. love him and always wait. Animals are very inquisitive and smart, they can be good companions, but their character is quite capricious, so they do not lend themselves to training very well.

When creating the Australian Silky Terrier breed, scientists wanted to get not only lap dog, but also good hunter and a security guard. And as a result, Silky Terriers, despite their small size, have excellent hunting instinct and pose a threat to small rodents. The dog copes well with protecting the territory and can look after domestic goats, piglets, and geese.

Silky terriers are quite cocky, they can quite stand up for themselves, in addition, they have a very valuable quality - the ability to adapt to the mood of their owner. The dogs are quite obedient, have a balanced character, and can show both restraint and love.

Australian Silky Terrier in full suitable for living in an apartment because it is small in size. You just need to know that these animals have a stormy temperament, especially young individuals, who, for example, can start running and jumping early in the morning, pestering people, inviting them to play. To prevent these problems from arising, it is necessary to take the dog out for long walks, engage in training, and it will not have enough energy for pampering.

Maintenance and care of the Australian Silky Terrier

Caring for Silkie Terrier

To keep your dog healthy and beautiful, the following activities must be carried out periodically:

  • Check the condition of your eyes, ears, and teeth daily.
  • Trim claws (as needed).
  • Take care of the coat.
  • In rainy weather, the dog should wear waterproof overalls.

Every day is a must examine your pet's eyes so that there is no sticky fur on them. If necessary, the eyes can be treated with a piece of cotton wool soaked in clean water. The ears are wiped with oil every 7 days. If a dog eats properly, its teeth will always remain white, and special cleaning sticks can be used to prevent plaque. The presence of tartar in Australian Silky Terriers over 10 years of age is considered normal.

Silky in translation means silky and iridescent, this refers to the description of the coat of these animals and in order for your pet’s coat to correspond to the description, it is necessary to properly care for it.

The main thing is that the dog must be brushed every day. to maintain elasticity hairline. For this it is better to purchase massage brush. A Silky Terrier needs to be bathed once every 2-3 months using good shampoos and rinse aids. Animals are prone to colds, so you need to take care that your pet does not get sick during water procedures. It is advisable to visit a grooming salon for hair cutting and nail trimming.

These dogs need long walks and active play. The ideal place for this is a forest clearing or park. If you live in a house with a garden plot, the fence around it should be strong and high because Silkie Terriers are very love to dig the ground and jump quite high.

Feeding the Australian Silky Terrier

Your pet's diet should be balanced. Animals can be fed ready-made food, which is designed for active and small dogs. You need to purchase only super premium food, which contains natural meat. Silky Terriers can also be fed good quality natural food containing proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins.

Here sample list Products that can be given to your pet:

  • Lamb, rabbit, turkey meat, just so that it is not fatty.
  • Eggs.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Fruits, vegetables, herbs.

Australian Terriers should not be fed pickled, fatty, or smoked foods. Poultry bones, bread, potatoes, sweets and chocolate are also contraindicated for them. It is useful for decorative dogs to be given special nutritional supplements, which are intended for long-haired animals. It is not advisable to feed your pet from a common table. If the dog eats properly, it feels very good and this is noticeable in its activity.

Silkie Terrier Health

Australian Silky Terriers are a very healthy dogs among all miniature species. They come from strong and healthy animals and do not suffer from genetic diseases except in very rare cases.

Silky Terriers are prone to colds and if you bathe your dog often, it can get sick, even with strong immunity. It is necessary to carefully care for oral cavity pets, since early tooth loss is a fairly common problem.

Diseases that representatives of this breed may suffer from:

  1. Hip dysplasia (genetic disease).
  2. Intervertebral disc diseases.
  3. Necrosis of the femoral head.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Tracheal collapse.
  6. Eye diseases (cataracts, retinal dysplasia, pupillary membrane).

Silky Terrier puppies, features of care and education

Babies can be had when they are 3 months old. The puppy's coat will remain black for a year and a half, and then change. Small pets are undemanding in their maintenance and require high-quality coat care. good food, carrying out all vaccinations. First, a small terrier needs to be taught to go to the toilet in a tray, miniature dogs it is quite convenient to do this.

Raising a Silkie Terrier puppy is not difficult at all. Of course, you need to train your baby so that he gradually remembers simple commands and carries them out. A calm and calm person should communicate with and train the puppy. a kind person. Under no circumstances should you beat or hurt a small pet, otherwise the dog will become aggressive or cowardly. The baby should be praised often, talked to in a friendly voice, and encouraged with treats.

When purchasing an Australian Silky Terrier puppy, be sure to pay attention to its parents - the color of their coat, the expression of their faces, their health, because the baby will inherit a lot from them. The puppy should be active and cheerful, his fur should shine, all this speaks of proper nutrition And good health. Make sure that the puppy is not afraid and calmly approaches you. Be sure to ask the breeder to tell you about the character of the baby’s parents, about the vaccinations he has already received, and about how to adapt the little Silky Terrier to a new owner.

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