Free medicines for pregnant women. Cold medicines during pregnancy Order on drug provision for pregnant women

The state supports families with children and pregnant women, therefore free medications for pregnant women are provided. To receive medications, you must be registered with the antenatal clinic.

Who is eligible for free medications during pregnancy?

In 2019, all pregnant women can receive free medications, subject to registration at the antenatal clinic. Yu.

Vitamins and medications are prescribed to women after the 30th week of pregnancy (if the pregnancy is multiple - after the 28th week). For payment, funds included in the birth certificate are used, which will be given to the expectant mother in labor at the antenatal clinic.

If the cost of drugs does not exceed 990 rubles, then they are provided free of charge. If the cost is higher - with a 50% discount.

Attention! The drugs are prescribed once by an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Most social support measures are targeted. This means that especially needy citizens can receive them. But Medicines are prescribed to all pregnant women without exception, as well as to young children.

Important! Benefits are given with the goal that the expectant mother can improve her health, and in the future the health of the baby.

Legislative framework

Not all women know that they are entitled to free prenatal vitamins and medications. Lists of medications are not always posted in clinics and antenatal clinics.

The Moscow Health Department clarified that a list of medications should be available in all hospitals (letter No. 48-12-2932 dated August 2008).

2 legal acts on the provision of medicines:

  • Government Decree No. 987;
  • Order of the Ministry of Social Development No. 72 n dated 02/01/2011.

There is a “Health” project in our country. According to this project, expectant mothers receive birth certificates. Thus, the focus is on improving service in medical institutions.

Attention! The basis for receiving medications is a certificate from an obstetrician.

Here are excerpts from the approved list:

  1. Vitamin E,
  2. Vitrum Prenatal,
  3. Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate,
  4. Iron fumarate with folic acid,
  5. Intensive,
  6. Multi-tabs Classic,
  7. Multi-tabs Perinatal,
  8. Complex,
  9. Ferretab complex,
  10. Ferrovit,
  11. Ferrovit forte,
  12. Elevit Prenatal.

It is important to remember your rights and apply for benefits, because raising and having children will require large expenses.

Nuance! There are medications that you have to pay for. These include Hyper-swarm SD, Fraxiparine. The order was adopted by the capital's Department of Health.

Paid services exist in hospitals along with free services. However, paid services cannot replace what is provided for free by law.

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What medications are free for pregnant women?

To maintain the health of the expectant mother and baby, medications are prescribed that contain iron, iodine, calcium and vitamins.

Local authorities are adjusting the list of drugs. This is due to the fact that each Russian region has its own characteristic diseases. For example, residents of the Tver region experience iodine deficiency. Pregnant women in Moscow are often diagnosed with fetal hypoxia.

Vitamins occupy most of the list of medications. After all, they are the ones that are absolutely necessary to preserve women’s health and give birth to healthy offspring.

List of medicines in 2019:

In addition to medications, expectant mothers have the right to other free assistance:

  • service from a gynecologist;
  • appointment with other doctors in the direction of a gynecologist;
  • medical procedures and physiotherapy.
Attention! The expectant mother will not have to pay not only for the examination. There is also no set fee for consumables.

How to stock up on free medications during pregnancy

There is a certain procedure for receiving benefits:

  1. You must register with the consultation no later than three months of pregnancy.
  2. Wait until the receptionist issues a medical card.
  3. Visit your doctor and get a prescription. Please ensure that all fields of the form are filled out correctly.
  4. You can get medications at the institution with which the clinic has signed an agreement on servicing beneficiaries.
It is important to know! If there is no medicine in the pharmacy, then the pharmacist should offer an analogue. If the expectant mother is not satisfied with this option, deferred maintenance is done, i.e. You can go to the pharmacy in two weeks.

Prescriptions for vitamins and medicines can be obtained either from a public hospital or a private clinic.

What to do if your doctor refuses to write a prescription for free medications

It’s not for nothing that they say: forewarned is forearmed. Some expectant mothers receive a doctor's prescription and go to the pharmacy to buy vitamins at their own expense. In fact, there is no need to do this.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the opportunity for an expectant mother to receive some medications and services free of charge, paying for them using a birth certificate. In the article we will tell you which medications are provided free of charge for pregnant women in 2019, and where you can apply for benefits.

State program for pregnant women

The “Health” program, within the framework of which pregnant women are issued birth certificates, also involves the provision of certain services and the provision of free medicines. A woman expecting a child, who is registered at a antenatal clinic or other medical institution, belongs to a preferential category of citizens.

Various drugs from the list established by the program can be dispensed at the pharmacy free of charge, and drugs not included in the list can be given a 50% discount. Initially, the list was not compiled, since it was assumed that any medications would be provided free of charge by pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription. However, today the following changes have been adopted:

  • healthcare institutions must enter into agreements with pharmacies that are ready to take part in the project;
  • a list of the most popular medications for pregnant women and children has been approved;
  • Those with certain medical conditions now receive free meals.

Free medications should be given to all children under three years of age, without exception, not only disabled people, but also healthy children. The right to receive free medicines does not depend on the welfare of the family. Prescriptions are written by doctors on approved forms and signed personally by the gynecologist. There must be a hospital stamp. A pregnant woman can apply for free medications at any government pharmacy or at a pharmacy where her supervising doctor will refer her.

List of free medications for pregnant women

The list of free medications includes mostly vitamins to strengthen a woman’s body, weakened by pregnancy, with deficient nutrients, macro and microelements. The growth of the fetus, as a rule, exhausts the female body, and therefore it needs additional help. Pharmacies may also provide free special meals to women who are too underweight, have slow weight gain, or are experiencing weight loss:

  • when the body mass index is 19.8 or lower;
  • when weight gain does not exceed 900 g per month;
  • when a woman loses 2 kg of weight in the first trimester of pregnancy and 1 kg in the second and third trimesters.

You can find out a complete list of medications from your local social welfare office or from your doctor. In addition to the list presented below, there is a list of expensive medications that can be given to pregnant women at a discount.

Medicine What is it used for? In what cases is it used?
Folic acid tablets
Folacin tab. 5 mg N 30 ● Growth and development of living tissues and organs of the fetus,

● improvement of the process of hematopoiesis,

● creation of nucleic acids for the transmission of hereditary characteristics,

● formation of a healthy brain, neural tube of the child.

Folic acid deficiency, miscarriage prevention.
Folic acid tab. 1 mg N 50
Vitamin E, capsules, oral solution in oil
Alpha-tocopherol acetate solution for oral administration in oil 5%, 10%, 30%, 50% ● To prevent the development of carcinogenic diseases,

● to help the body fight infections,

● to prevent the formation of blood clots,

● to activate oxygen transport,

● formation of the placenta,

● prevention of aging and placental abruption,

● establishing blood flow to the umbilical cord,

● synthesis of hormones,

● formation of the child’s organs.

Prevents infertility, muscle weakness, decreased immunity, and problems with fetal development.

Premature aging of the placenta, impaired blood flow to the baby’s umbilical cord.

Tocopherol deficiency, anemia.

Vitamin E caps. 200 IU in 30 and 100 pcs.
Vitamin E Zentiva caps. 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg N 30
Vitrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 24
Zithrum vitamin E 400 IU caps. N 60
Dopelhertz vitamin E forte 200 IU N 60
Tocopherocaps caps. 0.1 N 10
Tocopherol acetate 10% 20 ml
Alpha tocopherol acetate solution for oral administration in oil. 5%, 10%, 30%
Alpha-Tocopherol-UBF solution for external use. oily 100 mg/ml
Alpha tocopherol acetate (solution, drops)
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate, chewable tablets, oral solution
Maltofer oral solution 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml N 1 x 1 Treatment of iron deficiency anemia and latent iron deficiency in newborns. Anemia, iron deficiency.
Maltofer solution internal 20 mg/ml vial. 5 ml N 10 x 1
Maltofer tab. chewing 100 mg bl. N 10 x 3
Fenyuls Complex drops for oral administration 50 mg/ml vial. 30 ml
Iron fumarate + folic acid, extended-release capsules
Ferretab complex N 30 Iron deficiency Anemia
Potassium iodide tablets
Potassium iodide tab. 100 mcg, 125 mcg, 200 mcg Normalization of hemoglobin levels in the blood, improvement of oxygen transport. Oxygen starvation of the fetus.
Iodine balance tab. 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Iodomarin 100 mcg, 200 mcg
Microiodide tab. 0.1 mg N 50
Multivitamin, pills
Hexavit dragee N 50 An additional source of vitamins, restoration of the balance of microelements, strengthening the mother’s body, healthy development of the fetus. Deficiency of macro- and microelements and vitamins in a woman’s body, general weakening of the body, decreased immunity associated with pregnancy.
Revit dragee N 100
Revit-UVI dragee N 100
Undevit dragee N 50
Undevit-UVI dragee N 50
Gendevit dragee N 50
Beviplex dragee N 30
Bio-Max tablet, coated ob., N 30, N 60
Vitaspectrum tab., coated obol., N 30
Vitatress tab., cover. obol., N 30
Vitrum tab., cover. ob., N 30, N 60, N 100, N 130
Vitrum Prenatal tab., cover. ob., N 30, N 100
Vitrum Prenatal forte tab., coated. obol, N 30, N 100
Vitrum Superstress tab., coated. ob., N 30, N 60
Zithrum Centuri tab., coated. ob., N 30, N 100
Glutamevit tab., coated. obol., N 30
Complete tab., cover. ob., N 60
Complivit Mom for taking. and nursing women tab., cover. obol., N 30
Complivit-Active tablet, coated obol., N 30
Iaxamine forte tab., coated. ob., N 10
Megadin tab., coated obol., N 30
Megadin Pronatal tab., coat. obol., N 30
Multimax tab., coated ob., N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Active tab., coated obol, N 30
Multi-tabs Intensive tab., coated ob., N 30, N 60
Multi-tabs Classic tab., coated. obl., N 30, N 90
Multi-tabs Perinatal tab., coated. ob., N 60
Polivit Geriatric tab., coated. obol., N 30
Selmevit tab., coated. obol., N 30
Supradin tab., cover. obol., N 30
Teravit tab., coated obol., N 30
Teravit Antistress tablet, coated ob., N 30, N 60
Teravit Pregna tab., coated. ob., N 30, N 60
Tri-V Plus tab., coated obol., N 30
Ferrovit tab., coated ob., N 60
Ferrovit forte tab., coated cover, N 30, N 60 Elevit Prenatal tab., cover. ob., N 30, N 100

Step-by-step instructions: how to get free drugs

A woman can find out about the drugs included in the list of free drugs from the doctor monitoring the course of her pregnancy or from the social welfare authorities. To be able to take advantage of the program, you need to follow the following procedure:

  1. Take out a compulsory health insurance policy; its presence gives you the right to choose a medical institution for pregnancy monitoring:
  • private antenatal clinic,
  • district clinic,
  • department in the maternity center.

When a woman decides where to be observed, she must visit a health care facility in person.

  1. Register as a pregnant woman.

The woman will be assigned a gynecologist to monitor the pregnancy, he will create a medical and exchange card, determine the duration of pregnancy and talk about proper nutrition and maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the period of bearing a child. During regular examinations, the doctor will order tests and notify the patient of the need to take medications or take additional measures aimed at preserving the life of the child.

  1. Ask the supervising gynecologist for a copy of the list of free medications if he did not provide it himself.
  2. Get a prescription from your doctor if you are pregnant and need to take any medicine to improve your overall health or the condition of your fetus. If the medicine is included in the free list, the prescription form will contain a special note indicating that it is free of charge.
  3. Visit the nearest social pharmacy or the pharmacy to which your gynecologist will refer you. Typically, the patient is indicated with pharmacies with which the medical institution has entered into an agreement.
  4. Receive the drugs from the pharmacy pharmacist and give him the prescription (the form is taken to attach it to the pharmacy’s records and prevent the drug from being dispensed free of charge again).

So, in order to receive various benefits, a woman is only required to register for pregnancy on time (it is advisable to do this before 12 obstetric weeks, then the pregnant woman will receive an additional incentive payment), regularly appear for examinations by the gynecologist supervising the pregnancy, and take all prescribed tests. And then at 30 weeks in general and at 28 weeks in case of multiple pregnancy, the woman will receive a birth certificate in order to use it to pay for medications, maternity hospital services and pediatrician appointments to monitor the health of the newborn in the first year of life.

Free medicines for pregnant women in various regions

The list of free medications for pregnant women and children differs depending on the region of residence of the woman and child. The lists are developed at the local level, as regions vary in disease levels by disease.

A birth certificate issued by a gynecologist entitles the expectant mother to receive outpatient care, monitoring of the newborn for one year from the date of birth, and assistance during delivery. The government program was organized to create healthy competition between medical institutions and improve the quality of medical care that pregnant women and young children need.

Now it has become profitable for antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals and Perinatal Centers to accept as many patients as possible and take care of their well-being. In addition, gynecologists are interested in dissuading women from abortions, and this will help improve the demographic situation in the country.

20-35% of the total amount of the birth certificate can be spent on medications prescribed by the doctor.

What benefits are provided for private clinics?

The state program is designed for pregnant women who have chosen state or municipal antenatal clinics and other medical institutions to monitor their pregnancy. Despite the favorable conditions of the program, many women in labor prefer private medical offices, but in this case they will have to pay for their services themselves.

The birth certificate can only be used by government agencies, but it cannot be cashed out, so the benefits are simply lost. The same applies to the issuance of free medications and the provision of free medical care - in order to be able to take advantage of these conditions of the state program, you need to be registered with the state antenatal clinic or at the district clinic.

The law does not prohibit registering in two places at the same time - you can undergo examinations both in a private clinic and in a public health care institution. Then the woman will be calm about the freedom to choose a clinic and will receive free help and medicine.

What to do if you are denied free medications for a pregnant woman

Many pregnant women note that the doctor observing them did not notify them of the possibility of receiving free medications under the Health program. Therefore, it is recommended that you make your own inquiries and ask for a copy of the list of medications that can be provided free of charge in the woman’s region of residence.

If the clinic doctor refuses a request to consult on free medications or to issue a list, the woman has the right to file a complaint against him with the chief physician of the medical institution, the administrator of the clinic, or the head of the antenatal clinic. Also, a pregnant woman has the right to refuse the services of this antenatal clinic and choose another institution to continue monitoring the course of pregnancy. In this case, payment from the birth certificate funds will go to another health care institution.

You can threaten the doctor with writing a statement to the Department of Health. By the way, a woman really has this right. The regional health department, the Social Insurance Fund and the Ministry of Health consider citizens' complaints. Nowadays, writing a complaint is quite simple - you can send a request electronically.

Where and how you can get discounts and additional benefits on medicines and medications for pregnant women

Free medications with a 50% and 100% discount can only be obtained from social pharmacies that are obliged to dispense medications according to doctor’s prescriptions. Also, the doctor supervising the pregnancy can refer the pregnant woman to a pharmacy with which the clinic has entered into an agreement.

Commercial pharmacies will refuse to dispense free drugs, even if they are officially included in the list of drugs provided free of charge under the program.

What treatments and examinations are free for a pregnant woman?

There are medical indications for which a pregnant woman is examined and treated free of charge in a day hospital. Women are subject to hospitalization according to the indications of the doctors given in the table below.

Medical indications for free stay in day hospital
Hypotension and hypertension in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
Chronic gastritis in the acute stage.
Examination and treatment of pregnant women with Rhesus conflict in the first and second trimesters of pregnancy
Anemia (decrease in hemoglobin not lower than 90 g/l).
Early toxicosis.
Medical genetic examination requiring invasive manipulations (amniocentesis, chorionic villus biopsy, etc.).
Threat of miscarriage in the first and second trimesters with preserved cervix and no history of miscarriages.
Dynamic assessment of the fetus's condition, identification and treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Additional examination if extragenital pathology is suspected (heart disease, diseases of the urinary system, etc.).
Non-drug therapy (acupuncture, psycho- and hypnotherapy).
Preventive measures during critical periods of pregnancy with a history of miscarriage without clinical signs of threatened miscarriage.
Special therapy for alcoholism and drug addiction (according to indications).
Observation after suturing the cervix for isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
Rehabilitation therapy after a long hospital stay.
If the course of the disease worsens and round-the-clock medical supervision is necessary, the pregnant woman is immediately transferred to the appropriate department of the hospital.

What tests can pregnant women get for free?

As you know, a pregnant woman must undergo regular tests throughout the entire pregnancy so that the doctor can assess her health and the condition of the fetus. Ideally, various studies are carried out before each examination - once every 2 weeks. The results are recorded by the gynecologist in a medical journal and exchange card.

A pregnant woman, first of all, is entitled to free observation by qualified doctors:

  • support throughout the entire period of pregnancy by a supervising obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • examinations by a therapist, dentist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, and other specialists should be referred;
  • provision of necessary physiotherapeutic and medical procedures;
  • assistance in a hospital, regardless of whether the patient asked for it herself, or was referred by the supervising doctor, or was brought by an ambulance.

The expectant mother can also count on free general examinations (consumables, for example, a syringe or cotton wool, are also provided free of charge):

  • ECG (to evaluate heart function - in case of abnormalities, the fetus will not receive enough oxygen),
  • fluorography (not only for the woman herself, but also for all relatives who live with her),
  • Ultrasound (3 times during the pregnancy period: 10-14 weeks, 20-24 weeks, 32-34 weeks + an unlimited number of times as directed by the supervising physician).

Among the free manipulations and physical procedures are:

  • physiotherapy (if necessary) – electrophoresis, electrosleep and others,
  • manipulations (if necessary) – intramuscular and intravenous injections, etc.

Laboratory tests are also carried out free of charge:

General clinical Biochemical Serological Cytological Additional Other
general urine analysis total protein blood type oncocytology bacteriological research antibody titer to infections that affect the healthy development of the fetus
general blood analysis bilirubin test for syphilis serum iron
vaginal smear for flora fibrinogen hepatitis test colpocytology
urine samples according to Nechiporenko and Zimnitsky urea Rh factor external hysterography
blood coagulogram (clotting, duration, platelets) creatinine antibody titers (for Rhesus “-“) cardiotachography
blood sugar
prothrombin index

Legislative acts on the topic

Art. 41 Constitution of the Russian Federation, art. 20 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health protection On the provision of free medical care in state and municipal medical institutions
Order of the Ministry of Health dated October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women” On providing a certain list of medications to pregnant women free of charge or with a 50% discount
Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 02/01/2011 No. 72 On one-time receipt of free medicines worth up to 1000 rubles and provision of a 50% discount on expensive medicines to pregnant women

Typical design mistakes

Mistake #1. Contacting a commercial pharmacy to receive free medications with a doctor’s prescription.

A pregnant woman must take the supervising doctor’s prescription for free medicine to a social pharmacy or a pharmacy to which her gynecologist will refer her (this will mean that the medical institution has entered into an agreement with this pharmacy).

Mistake #2. A requirement to provide an expensive drug free of charge on the basis that it is on the preferential list of drugs.

Each region has its own established list of free drugs, and there is a possibility that in the region where the pregnant woman lives, any drug is not eligible for free distribution. In most cases, expensive drugs are offered to pregnant women with a 50% discount. You can receive medications worth up to 1,000 rubles at a time.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. Can a woman carrying a child undergo an ultrasound examination an unlimited number of times at her own discretion?

The state health care program provides women with the opportunity to undergo a free ultrasound, but the procedure is prescribed at certain stages of pregnancy. Additionally, any number of examinations can be provided free of charge, but a doctor’s referral is required.

Question No. 2. My husband and I have high salaries, does this mean that we are not able to receive free medications in case of pregnancy or treatment for a child?

The distribution of free medications within the framework of the “Health” program and the provision of free medical services do not depend on the social status of the family.

Since 2007, every expectant mother and young child in Russia has the legal right to receive free medications included in the list of free medications for pregnant women.

Medication assistance to pregnant women began in 2007 as part of the national project “Health”. The Government of the Russian Federation rightly considered that families expecting a child - and especially single mothers - as well as families raising very young children are under additional financial pressure and cannot always provide themselves and the baby with the necessary medications. In order to solve this problem, a list of free medicines for pregnant women was introduced in Russia. Most of this list is occupied by vitamins and microelements, thanks to which the pregnant woman’s body will receive the necessary amount of nutrients for the proper development of the baby and protect against the development of vitamin deficiency.

Main list of subsidized drugs

Free medications for pregnant women should be provided throughout the Russian Federation. Medication assistance to young mothers is regulated by the following regulations:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 No. 987.
  • Regulatory documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The list of drugs that must be provided free of charge to pregnant women consists of two parts:

  • federal list established by order of the Russian Ministry of Health;
  • regional list.

The list of free medications for expectant mothers includes:

  • Folic acid;
  • Alpha tocopherol acetate. This can be either a solution or drops;
  • Tocopherocaps;
  • Maltofer;
  • Microiodide, Potassium iodide;
  • Iodine balance, Iodomarin;
  • Vitamin E, Vitrum vitamin E;
  • Doppelhertz vitamin E;
  • Revit, Teravit;
  • Hexavit;
  • Ferrovit, Elevit;
  • Complivit forte;
  • Polivit, Undevit;
  • Megadin;
  • Multimax;
  • Vitatress, Multi-tabs Classic;
  • Active, Intensive;
  • Perinatal, Supradin.

Each region has its own list of medicines, which includes: a mandatory set of medicines established throughout Russia and medicines added by the regional authorities. Traditionally, the regional list of free medications for pregnant women is established by order of the department (or ministry) of health of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

There are several ways to find out which free medications are available to pregnant women in your region.

  • First, medical institutions are required to inform patients about the subsidies they are entitled to. The list of subsidized medications should be posted on a stand in the antenatal clinic. In addition, the doctor is obliged to convey this information to the patient during the appointment. If your doctor neglected this responsibility and did not offer you a prescription for subsidized medications, just remind him of the state support program. Usually this is enough.
  • Secondly, you can find out what free medications pregnant women are entitled to on the website of the health department (ministry) of your region. For example, in Moscow, such a list was established by Order of the Moscow Department of Health dated October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women.”

It should be noted that, unfortunately, Russian citizens do not have equal access to state medical care. The federal list of free drugs has not been expanded for many years. Most of the responsibilities for providing people with preferential medicines are the responsibility of the regions. Naturally, not all of them can successfully cope with the task. Today, the most extensive and expensive list of medications is available to residents of Moscow.

How to get preferential medication assistance

Despite the fact that it is customary to talk about free medications for pregnant women, in fact this program does not end at the moment the baby is born, but continues to operate until the child reaches 3 years of age. The list of drugs includes medications that should be prescribed free of charge to children under 3 years of age.

The procedure for receiving subsidized drugs is simple. It can be roughly divided into several stages.

  • A pregnant woman needs to register with a specialized medical institution (most often this is an antenatal clinic).
  • The clinic must have an agreement with a certain list of pharmacies. Most often, this list is established at the request of regional authorities. The patient will be able to receive preferential medications only in pharmacies with which the antenatal clinic has entered into an appropriate agreement. A list of such pharmacies must be publicly posted on the clinic premises.
  • The gynecologist writes a free prescription for the necessary medications.
  • Then everything is simple. Prescribed medications can be obtained according to the issued prescription at any pharmacy that has an appropriate agreement with the antenatal clinic.

In cases with children under 3 years of age, the procedure is similar, with the only difference that the prescription will be written by a pediatrician.

On a note! The law states that a pregnant woman can receive free vitamins only at her place of permanent or temporary registration. The fact is that each municipality is allocated a limited amount of finance for the purchase of medicines for pregnant women.

It should be noted that medical personnel, as well as pharmacy personnel, are obligated to comply with the requirements of the federal program for providing citizens with free drugs. Persons found to have intentionally refused to issue a free prescription to a pregnant woman or other citizen of the Russian Federation entitled to receive preferential medications are subject to administrative liability. If the doctor refuses to provide a list or write a prescription for free medications,

Today we will talk about how to get free prenatal vitamins, a list of free medications and where you can get them.
From the first days of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s body begins to actively restructure itself; it works for two people, so it needs additional vitamins and microelements.

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, and for the fetus to develop normally, it is very important for a pregnant woman to consume increased doses of vitamins, minerals, and special nutrients.

But, unfortunately, such drugs are often very expensive and are beyond the means of many pregnant women. But don’t despair, because today, pregnant women are entitled to free vitamins from the state by law. Below you will find out how and where you can get them.

Free Vitamin Law

The state is constantly developing projects designed to improve the quality of life of the population and their health. That is why laws appear to provide citizens with free medicines and provide benefits.

Expectant mothers are precisely the category of the population whose protection and assistance is provided by the government as a priority. After all, it is healthy pregnant women who directly influence the future gene pool of our country.

Are pregnant women entitled to free vitamins from the state in 2017? Let's answer this question.

Vitamins for pregnant women

In its original version, the state law obliged to provide free drugs to all pregnant women and children in full.

But due to the increasing incidence of fraudulent activities and abuse by unscrupulous citizens, it was decided to clearly indicate and create a specific list of certain medications and vitamins that pregnant women need.

Prescriptions for free vitamins in the network of public pharmacies can be obtained from your gynecologist at your antenatal clinic at your place of attachment.

Vitamins given free to children

  • children under 3 years old;
  • Having contacted the pediatrician at his clinic, he writes out a prescription for the child with instructions to receive it free of charge at a state pharmacy

How to get free vitamins

The bill requiring pregnant women to receive vitamins free of charge states that the issuance is agreed upon when indicated by the attending physician. And on a number of medicines a discount of up to 50% is provided.

But, unfortunately, in practice, pregnant patients often cannot receive vitamins for free due to a number of obstacles, for example:

  • the gynecologist simply refuses to provide a prescription for free,
  • the doctor does not prescribe vitamins because he does not see any indication for it,
  • sometimes doctors simply keep silent about the opportunity to get vitamins for free,
  • Sometimes medical workers dissuade pregnant women by manipulating them and telling them about the subsequent need to receive medicine for free if any illness occurs, which is illegal.

Therefore, expectant mothers need to take care of themselves; it is important to study the issue of receiving free medications in advance in order to know and understand their legal rights, and also not be afraid to demand from doctors the free medications guaranteed to you by Russian law.

Women expecting a child need regular support for the body in the form of vitamin and mineral supplements, and in case of illness they need medications, which are often expensive. The state provides assistance to expectant mothers in the form of partial or full payment for medicines and vitamins. In 2017, the “Health” program was launched, according to which all women expecting a child were classified as a category of citizens entitled to receive preferential medications.

On drug provision for pregnant women

In many ways, all measures to provide for pregnant women are carried out within the framework of the federal legislation of the Russian Federation (Federal Law of the Russian Federation) and the national project “Health”. The basic conditions of the drug provision program for pregnant women are regulated by the following legislative acts:

  • Law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation” dated January 1, 2012;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 890/30.07.94 “On improving the provision of medicines to the population”;
  • Order No. 370 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2014 on the procedure for issuing and paying for birth certificates;
  • Order of the Moscow government of October 6, 2008 No. 748 “On drug provision for pregnant women” (analogues should be looked for in the legislation of the constituent entities of the Federation).

Initially, there was no list of medicines that could be purchased on a preferential basis: in the initial version of the draft “Health” program, it was reported that expectant mothers and children under 3 years of age have the right to receive medicines in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription for free. However, practice has shown the poor effectiveness of this method, and the bill was amended in the following parts:

  • Health care institutions must sign an agreement with pharmaceutical companies for cooperation within the framework of the “Health” social program;
  • The list of medications and supplements most commonly needed by pregnant women and infants in the first years of life has been updated;
  • Persons suffering from certain diseases may qualify for free medications.

The list of funds that are provided free of charge differs depending on the locality and region - it is approved by local authorities. This decision was dictated by differences in medicinal needs based on territory, climate, and social situation. In other words, each region has its own list of drugs that are most in demand among pregnant and lactating mothers. If a drug is not on the legally approved list, then, in accordance with the terms of the program, such drugs can be obtained with compensation of 50% of their market value.

In addition, having a birth certificate gives the right to receive outpatient treatment, additional services during childbirth and monitoring the baby’s condition during the first year of life. The legislative introduction of the certificate pursues the following goals:

  • Improving the quality of medical and insurance services in general;
  • Providing assistance to improve the health of mothers and children;
  • Control and regulation of the demographic situation in the state.

The recipients of the “Maternity Certificates” program are antenatal clinics, maternity hospitals, and children's clinics. The certificate is valid in all state and municipal maternity hospitals, so a woman can freely choose where to apply. An institution that has a license to carry out medical activities in the specialty “obstetrics and gynecology” or “pediatrics” and has entered into an agreement with the regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund can become a participant in the program.

Procedure for receiving free medicines

You can find out which medications a woman is entitled to receive free of charge in case of pregnancy from her attending physician, obstetrician or gynecologist, as well as from the social security authorities. To be able to use free medications, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Since a citizen has a compulsory insurance policy, she can choose any health care institution to be observed there: it could be a commercial antenatal clinic, a municipal (state) clinic, or a maternity ward. A visit to the establishment is required during pregnancy.
  2. Registration with the selected institution. During the attachment, the patient must choose a attending physician who draws up a medical record, checks health status, prescribes and adjusts recommendations on general lifestyle, choice of diet, activity, etc.
  3. After a medical examination, the doctor is obliged to inform you which medications can be obtained free of charge during pregnancy and after childbirth - a list of them is drawn up in writing and handed over to you. If the doctor does not provide a list of medications, you need to ask a question and remind them of your right to free help.
  4. If it is necessary to take medications, the doctor must issue a prescription on official form; If the drug is included in the list of drugs provided free of charge, then a special mark is placed on the prescription form, which confirms that the drug is received free of charge.
  5. Visiting a social pharmacy or pharmaceutical company with which the selected clinic works; in the latter case, the doctor reports it. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist dispenses the prescribed drug and collects the prescription.

Since many doctors do not provide their patients with the opportunity to take advantage of benefits or forget to warn the pregnant woman about this possibility, you can personally contact your doctor and ask for the necessary prescription. If this is not done, you should go to the head physician of the medical institution for clarification.

What medications are provided free of charge?

In each region, the list of free medications for pregnant women can be adjusted based on the amount of budget funds or other possibilities for providing such benefits. However, as part of the social program, a certain list of medications is provided free of charge, most of them consisting of vitamin supplements. This list, valid in 2017, is presented in the table below.

Table - List of free medications for pregnant women in 2017

List of medications for pregnant women
Alpha tocopherol acetate
Vitamin E
Vitrum vitamin E
Vitrum Prenatal
Vitrum Prenatal Forte
Vitrum Superstress
Iron (III) hydroxide polymaltosate
Iron fumarate with folic acid
Vitrum vitamin E
Zithrum Centuri
Megadin Pronatal
Multi-tabs Active
Multi-tabs Intensive
Multi-tabs Classic
Multi-tabs Perinatal
Polivit Geriatric Multivitamin
Teravit Antistress
Teravit Pregna
Tocopherol acetate
Tri-V Plus
Elevit Prenatal
Potassium iodide
Complivit Mama for pregnant and lactating women
Maxamin forte
Doppelhertz vitamin E forte
Fenyuls Complex
Ferretab complex
Ferrovit forte
Iodine balance
Folic acid

The exact list of free medications for pregnant women may be supplemented by other drugs that are not vitamin complexes. The decision to prescribe them is made by the doctor based on the test results. Women can also receive food on a budget basis when visiting the clinic if they suffer from the following diseases:

  • Diabetes;
  • Blood diseases;
  • Lactose deficiency;
  • Hypertension;
  • Preeclampsia;
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Lack of vitamins;
  • Individual intolerance to any products;
  • Weight loss, slow weight gain.

It is important to note that the list of drugs can change almost monthly depending on the amount of funding for each region. Many expensive medications that are crucial for a successful pregnancy are excluded from the list due to lack of funds. Thus, in Moscow, such important drugs as immunoglobulin and fraxiparine (to prevent the formation of blood clots) were excluded from the list.


Providing free medications to pregnant women is the responsibility of the medical institutions where such women are observed. At the same time, if any medicine from the approved list is not available in principle, then the doctor is obliged to offer it a free analogue. If it is not currently available at the pharmacy, the pregnant woman should be put on a waiting list and notified when the drug will be available.

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