It's not worth it without Cialis. Cialis tablets to increase potency - active substance, how to take, dosage and contraindications. One-time dose of tadalafil

Male viability is almost in the first place for any representative of the strong half of humanity. Problems that arise in the intimate sphere can deprive a man of peace and sleep, significantly lower self-esteem and lead to depression. And don’t think that such problems arise only in men over 50 and older. Erectile dysfunction has become much younger, and quite often you can hear about 30-year-old young men suffering from sexual disorders.

The modern market of medical drugs is ready to offer its patients a large list of products that will help cause a high-quality erection over a fairly long period of time. One of these drugs is Cialis. In pharmacies it can be purchased individually (1 tablet each) and in packages with a variety of quantities (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100 pieces).

What is Cialis: composition and pharmacodynamics

Cialis belongs to a group of medications designed to improve erectile function. The main active ingredient of the drug is tadalafil. The auxiliary ingredients are lactose monohydrate, hyprolase, sodium lauryl sulfate, croscarmellose sodium and vegetable tablets. The tablets are oval-shaped in a light yellow film shell. On one side of the tablet you can see the engraving C5.

The action of the drug "Cialis" is based on the fact that tadalafil - the main active ingredient - suppresses specific PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase). During the onset of sexual arousal, nitric oxide is released in sufficiently large quantities, which leads to an increase in the concentration of cGMP in the cavernous body of the penis (the action is similar to cAMP, in the human body it acts as a secondary messenger, the purpose of which is the intracellular distribution of signals of certain hormones that cannot cross the cell membrane).

The consequence of this process is relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and a rush of blood to the tissues of the male genital organ, i.e., an erection occurs. However, consumers should be aware that tadalafil will only produce the desired effect in the presence of sexual arousal.

The effect of tadalafil on the human body

As mentioned earlier, the main active ingredient of Cialis is tadalafil. After conducting clinical studies, it was found that this substance does not cause any significant, reliable changes in blood pressure (comparison was made with placebo). Tadalafil also does not cause any changes in heart rate.

Since Cialis (or Viagra, Levitra, etc.) is a drug for solving problems with erectile dysfunction, clinical studies have been conducted on the effect of medications when used daily on the process of spermatogenesis. The results showed that there were no undesirable effects on sperm morphology, and their motility did not decrease to any critical value. One study found a decrease in sperm concentration compared to placebo. The reason turned out to be high sexual activity and a higher frequency of ejaculation.

Also, daily intake of the main active component of Cialis (compared to placebo) did not affect the average concentration of sex hormones, testosterone, FSH and LH. No abnormalities in color recognition (blue/green) were observed in patients. Tadalafil had no effect on visual acuity, intraocular pressure, pupil size, or electroretinogram.

The medication "Cialis" (5 mg) is described by doctors as a very effective remedy for improving erection in patients with varying degrees of severity of the disease.

Generic Cialis

In the pharmaceutical industry, a generic is a medical product that is offered to customers under an international name that is not protected by a patent, or under a patented name that does not coincide with the brand name given to the drug by its developer. Today, it is also customary to call generics medicines for which the active substance has either expired patent, or has patents and is manufactured under a compulsory license. Typically, the effectiveness of generic medications is no lower than that of the original ones, but their cost is much lower and they are available to a wide range of consumers.

Generic Cialis (reviews from patients and doctors confirm) corresponds to the branded drug in all characteristics. Compared to all other analogues and generics, Cialis is characterized by a rapid onset of effect, the duration of which reaches up to one and a half days. The effect of the medicine is not affected by alcohol, so you don’t have to worry about your male viability at all, even if you spend time at a party or in a restaurant, accompanied by the consumption of strong drinks.

Generic Cialis (5 mg) reviews from doctors and instructions for use are recommended to be taken at least 20 minutes before the intended sexual contact. The diet doesn't matter. A persistent erection will occur within the next 36 hours, i.e. a man will be able to have sexual relations as many times as he wants, and at the time when it is required.

For whom is the drug intended?

The drug "Cialis" is not intended for use by women. Its main consumers are men suffering from erectile dysfunction. In addition, this medication is prescribed to men suffering from benign diseases who have developed symptoms of lower urinary tract diseases. with such symptoms against the background of BPH is also a good reason for prescribing the drug Cialis.

Contraindications for the use of Cialis

Generic Cialis is described by medical experts as a drug with a fairly large list of contraindications.

As with absolutely all medications, patients who are hypersensitive to the main active ingredient - tadalafil - and any component of Cialis should refrain from taking it. The medication is not prescribed to young people under 18 years of age (because there is no need and no clinical studies have been conducted on this matter). It is unacceptable to use Cialis in parallel with medications containing any

Cialis cannot be prescribed to those patients for whom sexual activity is contraindicated. Contraindications in this area may be associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system. These include myocardial infarction that occurred less than 3 months ago, unstable angina (there is always a possibility of developing an angina attack during sexual contact). This group of diseases also includes heart failure (chronic form), uncontrolled arrhythmia, arterial hypertension and blood pressure lower than 90/50), ischemic stroke that occurred less than six months ago.

Further, the drug “Cialis” cannot be used for vision loss caused by non-arterial ischemic neuropathy. You cannot take “Doxazosin” and drugs in parallel with “Cialis”. People suffering from chronic kidney failure should not take the medication more than twice a week.

Lactose deficiency in the patient's body, its intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (loss of nutrients entering the gastrointestinal tract associated with insufficient absorption in the small intestine) are also good reasons for refusing to take Cialis.

Possible side effects

Like any medical drug, Cialis, the price of which can range from 70 to 200 rubles per tablet, can cause some side effects from different body systems.

Most often, patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction (ED) complained of headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, myalgia, and back pain. Possible blood flow to the face, nasal congestion.

Men whose ED was accompanied by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) often reported headaches and dyspepsia, pain in the limbs and myalgia. In some cases, gastroesophageal reflux developed.

The nervous system may respond to Cialis with cerebrovascular accidents, fainting, migraines, epileptic seizures, transient amnesia, or

Possible changes in visual perception (blurredness), negative changes in the visual field, pain in the eyeball, ischemic type optic neuropathy, occlusion (impaired patency) of the retinal vessels. Sudden hearing loss may occur.

The cardiovascular system, in response to taking the drug Cialis (analogs often cause the same deviations), can manifest itself with tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure, and manifestations of unstable angina.

Sometimes you can hear from patients about the appearance of a skin rash, the development of hyperhidrosis (increased sweating), urticaria, exfoliative dermatitis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Oddly enough, sometimes the question arises about what is better - Viagra or Cialis, because the latter can provoke negative manifestations in the genitals, manifested in prolonged erection and priapism (painful erection not associated with arousal).

Dosage regimen

For patients with ED and a high frequency of sexual intercourse (more than 2 times a week), doctors recommend taking 1 tablet of Cialis (5 mg) every day. It is advisable to do this at the same time, regardless of diet. If individual sensitivity to the medication is observed, the daily dose can be reduced to 2.5 mg.

For men with a low frequency of sexual intercourse, the instructions recommend taking the medication immediately before contact at a dosage of 20 mg.

If Cialis, the price of which per tablet is lower the larger the package, is prescribed to patients with BPH or ED/BPH, the drug is regulated for use according to a slightly different regimen. It is highly advisable to take the medication at least at approximately the same time, regardless of the time of sexual activity. For patients with such diagnoses, the maximum daily volume of Cialis is 5 mg. Reviews from doctors and their recommendations on the duration of the course of treatment are purely individual.

Features of the drug use

The drug "Cialis" and its analogues should not be used for the treatment of ED in patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, since sexual activity is not recommended for such patients. Men diagnosed with BPH should be examined before starting treatment to rule out prostate cancer.

In addition to the above, patients should be aware that the occurrence of an erection lasting more than 4 hours is grounds for seeking emergency help from a doctor, since priapism without proper and timely treatment will lead to damage to the tissues of the penis and the possible onset of irreversible impotence.

With regard to driving vehicles and performing work that requires high psychomotor skills, patients should be careful, since, although not often, there is a possibility of adverse reactions in the form of dizziness, headaches and fainting.

Analogues of Cialis

Currently, the drugs most often used to treat ED are Viagra, Levitra or Cialis. The difference between all three is the duration of action. For Levitra the time period is 10-12 hours, for Viagra it is no more than 6 hours. Cialis is the leader in this indicator - up to 36 hours. If we compare Cialis with Viagra in terms of food intake, then Viagra should be taken only on an empty stomach, Levitra may become less effective after eating fatty foods, but Cialis does not care what the person ate, and , in general, did he take food in principle: the medication is effective regardless of food.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better - Viagra or Cialis. Or maybe even prefer Levitra? Viagra has been studied the most, its effect on the patient’s body is known. This is a powerful medicine, but its duration of action is relatively short. Cialis is effective for 36 hours, which allows a man to have sexual relations whenever he sees fit. We can say about Levitra that it is the safest drug for the male body for the treatment of ED. However, the effectiveness of the medication may decrease after eating. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

Cialis tablets to increase potency are used to treat sexual disorders associated with lack of erection. This remedy restores male power even in the most severe cases, helping to eliminate impotence, prolong sexual intercourse and prevent premature ejaculation.

All of these problems are far from uncommon; in recent years, more and more men of the most reproductive age are turning to specialists for advice regarding various sexual disorders. This is due to a wide variety of factors.

Moreover, sexual dysfunctions are provoked not only by concomitant diseases, but also by chronic stress, poor environment, promiscuity, unhealthy lifestyle, and unhealthy diet. In such situations, special medications can help a man, the action of which is aimed at normalizing erectile function. Cialis is one of the most popular and improved drugs in this group.

Cialis tablets - description of the drug, principle of action

Cialis tablets

Cialis is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. The principle of action of the drug is aimed at restoring a lost erection due to blood flow to the genital organ. The enzyme phosphodiesterase (PDE) is involved in the regulation of vascular tone.

It eliminates excess inhibitory neurotransmitters, thereby reducing the severity of their action. If it affects blood vessels, this enzyme prevents them from expanding. There are several isomers of this enzyme in the human body, the one found in the corpus cavernosum of the penis is called PDE-5.

Cialis tablets increase potency in men by inhibiting PDE, which causes vasoconstriction in smooth muscles. Various varieties of this enzyme are found in the tissues of not only the genital organs, but also in the heart, kidneys, brain, and retina. The active substance of the drug, tadalophil, effectively affects only PDE-5, which is present in the cavernous body of the penis, and affects other forms of this enzyme to a much lesser extent.

The peculiarity of Cialis is that its effect appears only in the presence of sexual arousal and the chemical reactions that occur with it. In this case, maximum erection is achieved, and full sexual intercourse becomes possible. In the absence of sexual stimulation, the effect of the drug does not appear.

After taking the tablet, the desired effect occurs within 15-20 minutes and lasts for 36 hours. Cialis is the only drug with such a long-lasting effect; as a result of its use, a man is able to have full sexual intercourse within 2 days after taking one dose of the medication. The action of Cialis is completely reversible, which is important in case of side effects.

The active substance of Cialis is quickly absorbed from the intestines and distributed throughout the body, penetrating many organs and tissues. It is excreted primarily in feces, and to a lesser extent in urine. While in the blood, it binds to transport proteins.

Composition, release form

The drug is available in the form of light yellow film-coated tablets with different concentrations of the active substance. In addition to this, the tablet contains auxiliary components. Tablets of 1 and 2 pieces are packaged in blisters and packaged in cardboard boxes. One package of the drug may contain 1,2 or 4 blisters of tablets. In pharmacies the drug is presented in the following options:

  1. Cialis 2.5 mg tablets;
  2. Cialis 5 mg tablets;
  3. Cialis 20 mg tablets.

Another form of release of the drug is Cialis soft lozenges. Their effect is more short-term, but the use of this drug can be easily timed at the right time. The advantage of this dosage form is the absence of negative reactions in combination with alcohol.

In addition, there is a generic Cialis that contains the same active ingredient and has the same therapeutic effect as the original drug, but has a lower price. When certifying a drug, the generic is subject to the same requirements as Cialis, so the quality of the drug does not change for the worse.


The drug Cialis is prescribed for erectile dysfunction - the inability to cause and maintain an erection sufficient for full sexual intercourse.

This medication is effective in the absence of organic pathology of the vessels of the penis (trauma, inflammatory diseases), and in the presence of normal sexual arousal. There are no other indications for the use of Cialis. The generic drug Cialis 20mg has exactly the same indications.


Instructions for the use of Cialis tablets prohibit prescribing the drug for cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, heart failure), as well as for patients who have restrictions on sexual activity (for example, those undergoing rehabilitation after a myocardial infarction or stroke), taking any drugs for based on organic nitrates (nitroglycerin and analogues) or nitric oxide donors. Cialis can enhance their effect and cause excessive vasodilatation and a sharp drop in blood pressure.

Cialis should not be used if you are intolerant to the components of the drug, have lactose malabsorption, optic nerve atrophy, renal or liver failure. You cannot combine Cialis with other drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (Viagra, Zedena, Dynamico, etc.)

Elderly patients, as well as those who suffer from kidney disease, liver disease and diabetes, may experience a longer elimination time of the drug. It is believed that these changes are minor and do not require dose adjustment, but in these cases it is advisable not to use the medicine too often.

Of course, Cialis is a male drug and is not intended for use in women, as well as in adolescents and young people under 18 years of age. In addition, with extreme caution, a drug to increase potency should be prescribed for liver failure, predisposition to priapism, and deformation of the penis (curvature, cavernous fibrosis).

Cialis should not be combined with alpha-blockers or antihypertensive drugs, since the drug has a vasodilatory effect and lowers blood pressure.

Instructions for use

The dosage regimen and dosage of Cialis is prescribed by the doctor depending on the man’s sexual activity. If it occurs more than twice a week, then the tablet must be taken every day at the same time, regardless of meals. Single dose – 5 mg, with high sensitivity to the drug – 2.5 mg. The maximum daily dose should not be higher than 20 mg. For less frequent sexual activity, it is recommended to use 20 mg of the drug once a few hours before sexual intercourse.

There is also a more recent development - a drug for normalizing potency Cialis Soft. These are lozenges that are taken under the tongue. Their duration of action is shorter than that of the original drug, but these tablets can be combined with alcohol and fatty foods.

You can buy Cialis at a pharmacy without a prescription, but it is advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the cause of sexual dysfunction, assess the patient’s general condition and possible contraindications, and select a drug with minimal risk of side effects.

If for any reason sexual activity is undesirable, then Siails should not be used. Also, you should not combine it with other drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Adverse reactions

Side effects of the drug are relatively rare, but not excluded, and they must be taken into account when taking Cialis. In some cases, patients report a feeling of palpitations, headaches, dizziness, hot flashes, redness of the face and neck. Possible reactions include:

  • increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • tachycardia, arrhythmia;
  • convulsions, tinnitus;
  • blurred vision, photophobia, inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • nasal congestion or nosebleeds;
  • skin rashes.

It is believed that Cialis increases the risk of developing myocardial infarction, transient ischemic attacks, and stroke. In some cases, priapism (uncontrolled erection) is possible.

In case of overdose, pronounced side effects occur. When interacting with other drugs, for example, taking antacids (against stomach acidity), it slows down the absorption of Cialis, and the drug itself to increase potency enhances the effect of drugs to lower blood pressure, especially nitrates.


How much do Cialis pills cost to increase potency? The drug is sold in pharmacies and online stores, the price of Cialis is about 1,500 rubles. Its cost is quite high, so the search for cheaper analogues becomes urgent.


The same active ingredient - tadalophil - contains such structural analogues of Cialis as:

  • Tadaga,
  • Tadasoft,
  • Tadajoy.

The price of these generics is an order of magnitude lower than that of the original drug. But replacing the drug with cheaper drugs should be agreed with your doctor.

Drugs such as Zidena, Suhagra, Prosolution and others are similar in therapeutic effect. The choice of drugs to enhance potency is quite diverse, but they are all distinguished by a rather high price.

In comparison with other popular analogues, significant similarities and differences can be noted. For example, it is impossible to answer the question which is better, Cialis or Viagra. Viagra contains another active ingredient - sildenafil, which is also a selective PDE-5 inhibitor. Its selectivity is slightly lower than that of tadalophil, but not by much. The mechanism of action, indications and contraindications for these drugs are completely the same.

Another popular drug, Levitra, contains vardenophil, which has a similar effect to Viagra and Cialis. Despite the different active ingredients, the principle of action and effectiveness of these drugs remains the same; all the differences between them are strictly individual, so it is impossible to say unequivocally which is better, Cialis or Levitra. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of tolerability of these drugs.

Composition and release form of the drug

Film-coated tablets light yellow, almond-shaped, with “C 5” engraved on one side.

Excipients: lactose monohydrate - 109.65 mg, lactose monohydrate (spray dried) - 17.50 mg, hyprolose - 1.22 mg, hyprolose (extra thin) - 2.80 mg, sodium lauryl sulfate - 0.49 mg, microcrystalline cellulose - 26.25 mg, croscarmellose sodium - 11. 20 mg , magnesium stearate (vegetable) - 0.88 mg.

Film shell composition: opadry yellow (Y-30-12863-A) - 8.75 mg (lactose monohydrate - 3.72 mg, hypromellose - 2.59 mg, titanium dioxide - 1.54 mg, triacetin - 0.74 mg, iron dye yellow oxide - 0.16 mg).

14 pcs. - blisters (1) - cardboard packs.
14 pcs. - blisters (2) - cardboard packs.

pharmachologic effect

The drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction is a reversible selective inhibitor of the specific PDE5 cGMP. When sexual arousal causes local release of nitric oxide, inhibition of PDE5 by tadalafil results in increased cGMP levels in the corpus cavernosum of the penis. The consequence of this is relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and blood flow to the tissues of the penis, which causes an erection. Tadalafil is ineffective in the absence of sexual stimulation.

In vitro studies have shown that tadalafil is a selective PDE5 inhibitor. PDE5 is an enzyme found in the smooth muscles of the corpus cavernosum, in the smooth muscles of the vessels of internal organs, in skeletal muscles, platelets, kidneys, lungs, and cerebellum.

The effect of tadalafil on PDE5 is more active than on other phosphodiesterases. Tadalafil is 10,000 times more active against PDE5 than against PDE1, PDE2, PDE4, which are localized in the heart, brain, blood vessels, liver and other organs. Tadalafil is 10,000 times more potent at blocking PDE5 than PDE3, an enzyme found in the heart and blood vessels. This selectivity for PDE5 over PDE3 is important because PDE3 is an enzyme involved in cardiac muscle contraction. In addition, tadalafil is approximately 700 times more active against PDE5 than against PDE6, which is found in the retina and is responsible for phototransmission. Tadalafil is also 10,000 times more active against PDE5 compared to its effect on PDE7-PDE10.

Effective for 36 hours. The effect appears within 16 minutes after ingestion in the presence of sexual arousal.

Tadalafil in healthy individuals does not cause significant changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, compared with placebo, in the supine position (average maximum decrease is 1.6/0.8 mmHg, respectively) and standing (average maximum decrease is 0.2/4.6 mmHg. respectively). Tadalafil does not cause a significant change in heart rate.

Tadalafil does not cause changes in color recognition (blue/green), which is explained by its low affinity for PDE6. In addition, there was no effect of tadalafil on visual acuity, electroretinogram, intraocular pressure and pupil size.

There were no clinically significant effects on sperm characteristics in men taking tadalafil in daily doses for 6 months.


After oral administration, tadalafil is rapidly absorbed. Cmax is reached on average after 2 hours. The rate and degree of absorption do not depend on food intake. The pharmacokinetics of tadalafil in healthy individuals is linear with respect to time and dose. In the dose range from 2.5 to 20 mg, AUC increases proportionally to the dose. C ss in are achieved within 5 days when taking the drug 1 time per day.

The pharmacokinetics of tadalafil in patients with erectile dysfunction are similar to the pharmacokinetics of the drug in individuals without erectile dysfunction.

V d is about 63 l, which indicates that tadalafil is distributed in the tissues of the body. At therapeutic concentrations, 94% of tadalafil is bound to plasma proteins. In healthy individuals, less than 0.0005% of the administered dose was found in semen.

Metabolized with the participation of the CYP3A4 isoenzyme. The major circulating metabolite is methylcatechol glucuronide, which is 13,000 times less active against PDE5 than tadalafil, so it is unlikely that this metabolite is clinically significant.

In healthy individuals, the average clearance of tadalafil when taken orally is 2.5 l/h, and the average half-life is 17.5 hours. Tadalafil is excreted primarily in the form of inactive metabolites, mainly in feces (about 61%) and to a lesser extent in urine (about 36%).

In patients with mild (creatinine clearance 51 to 80 ml/min) or moderate severity (creatinine clearance 31 to 50 ml/min) AUC is greater than in healthy individuals.


Erectile dysfunction.


Simultaneous use of drugs containing any organic nitrates; children and adolescents up to 18 years of age; hypersensitivity to tadalafil.


Middle-aged men are recommended to take a dose of 20 mg at least 16 minutes before expected sexual activity, regardless of meals. Patients can attempt sexual intercourse at any time within 36 hours after dosing in order to determine the optimal response time to tadalafil. The maximum frequency of administration is 1 time/day.

Side effects

Most often: headache, dyspepsia.

Maybe:, myalgia, nasal congestion, flushing of the face.

Rarely: swelling of the eyelids, pain in the eyes, conjunctival hyperemia, dizziness.

Drug interactions

Tadalafil is mainly metabolized by the enzyme CYP3A4. A selective inhibitor of CYP3A4 increases AUC by 107%, and rifampicin reduces it by 88%.

Although specific interactions have not been studied, it can be assumed that protease inhibitors such as ritonavir and saquinavir, as well as CYP3A4 inhibitors such as itraconazole, increase the activity of tadalafil.

When taking an antacid (magnesium hydroxide/aluminum hydroxide) and tadalafil simultaneously, the rate of absorption of the latter is reduced without changing its AUC.

Tadalafil enhances the hypotensive effect of nitrates. This occurs as a result of the additive effect of nitrates and tadalafil on the metabolism of nitric oxide and cGMP. Therefore, the use of tadalafil in patients receiving nitrates is contraindicated.

special instructions

With extreme caution and only in cases of extreme necessity, tadalafil can be used in patients with severe renal failure (creatinine clearance ≤30 ml/min) and severe liver failure.

During treatment with tadalafil, patients with moderate renal failure (creatinine clearance from 31 to 50 ml/min) were more likely to experience back pain compared with patients with mild renal failure (creatinine clearance from 51 to 80 ml/min) or healthy volunteers . In patients with CC≤50 ml/min, tadalafil should be used with caution.

Therefore, treatment of erectile dysfunction, incl. with tadalafil should not be used in men with heart disease for which sexual activity is not recommended.

The potential risk of complications during sexual activity in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system should be taken into account: myocardial infarction within the last 90 days; unstable angina or angina that occurs during sexual intercourse; chronic failure (functional class II and higher according to the NYHA classification), which developed within the last 6 months; uncontrolled heart rhythm disturbances; arterial hypotension (blood pressure less than 90/50 mm Hg) or uncontrolled arterial hypertension; stroke suffered within the last 6 months.

Tadalafil should be used with caution in patients with a predisposition to priapism (for example, with sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma or leukemia) or in patients with anatomical deformation of the penis (for example, with angulation, cavernous fibrosis or Peyronie's disease).

The patient should be informed of the need to immediately consult a doctor if an erection occurs that lasts 4 hours or more. Untimely treatment of priapism leads to damage to the tissue of the penis, which can result in long-term loss of potency.

During treatment with tadalfil, patients with moderate renal failure (creatinine clearance from 31 to 50 ml/min) were more likely to experience back pain compared with patients with mild renal failure (creatinine clearance from 51 to 80 ml/min) or healthy volunteers . In patients with CC≤50 ml/min, Tadalfil should be used with caution

For liver dysfunction

Tadalfil can be used with extreme caution and only in cases of extreme necessity in patients with severe liver failure.

It is important for every member of the stronger sex to maintain their masculine strength for as long as possible. If problems arise in intimate life, a man may stop sleeping normally, his self-esteem will decrease, and he may become depressed. Today, the issue of erectile dysfunction may affect not only people over 50 years of age. Even at the age of 30 you can face such a problem. But what to do in such a situation? Today, there are a variety of pills that are designed to solve problems in your sex life. They will help maintain an erection for a long period. One such drug is Cialis.

Cialis is part of a group of medications that were developed to improve erectile function in men. It contains a concentrated active substance called tadalafil. There are also other excipients among the constituent components. The drug is an oval-shaped tablet. They are covered with a light yellow shell.

If a person starts taking Cialis, tadalafil begins to inhibit phosphodiesterase. When a man is in an excited state, nitric oxide is released, and its amount is quite huge. This leads to an increase in the concentration of certain enzymes in the corpus cavernosum. As a result, arterial smooth muscles relax and blood flow to the genital organ increases. In other words, after the pills have been taken, tadalafil provokes an erection.

But there are certain conditions under which such an action will occur. Tadalafil will provoke an erection only when a man is sexually aroused. Otherwise, the drug will not show its properties.

How does the drug affect the human body?

As mentioned above, the main active component of Cialis is tadalafil. Experts conducted research. After this, they found that tadalafil did not provoke any important changes in blood pressure. In addition, this substance does not affect the heart rate.

Considering that Cialis is a drug that helps solve problems with erectile dysfunction, scientists decided to find out how the pills affect men's health if he takes the drug daily. For this purpose, certain studies were carried out, with the help of which it was found that when taken daily, sperm motility and their quality do not change.

It was also found that sperm concentration decreased in some cases when compared with placebo. Experts have found that this occurs when sexual activity and frequency of ejaculation increases.

In addition, it was noticed that the concentration of various sex hormones does not change if a man takes Cialis. Also, all patients did not complain of disturbances in color determination after taking the drug. Tadalafil will not harm vision and will not affect pupil dilation. Considering these factors, Cialis (5 mg) can be classified as a safe drug.

If you look at the reviews of doctors, you can once again be convinced that Cialis is an effective drug that will help improve erection even in those people who suffer from serious illnesses.

When should you take this remedy?

Initially, it should be noted that Cialis cannot be used by female representatives. This drug is created only for men. It is prescribed to those individuals who have problems with erectile function.

In addition, the tablets can help men who have been diagnosed with a benign tumor in the prostate and who have symptoms indicating urinary tract diseases.


These tablets have certain contraindications, like many other medications. They must be taken into account in order not to encounter unpleasant consequences.

The following contraindications are identified:

  1. In some cases, tadalafil provokes side effects. This means that a person has excessive sensitivity to the component. In this case, you cannot use Cialis (5 mg).
  2. It is prohibited to simultaneously use this drug with products that contain organic nitrates. You should also not combine Cialis (5 mg) with Doxazosin.
  3. If doctors have prohibited intimate relations because the patient has vascular and heart diseases, you should also refuse the remedy. This may be uncontrolled arrhythmia, unstable angina and other diseases.
  4. Tadalafil is prohibited if a person has lactose intolerance or is lactose intolerant.

It is also worth considering that the tablets cannot be used by young people who have not reached the age of majority. In addition, men with damaged kidneys should be careful. In this case, the drug can be used no more than 2 times a week.

There is no data on whether the pills harm people with liver failure. For this reason, they need to be extremely careful. Initially, you should consult a doctor. All these contraindications should be taken into account.

Possible side effects

Using any drug, a person runs the risk of experiencing side effects. This also applies to the use of Cialis. This is also evidenced by patient reviews, as some of the men complained of certain side effects.

Often, after taking the drug, patients may experience the following unpleasant consequences:

  • your head starts to hurt;
  • problems with the stomach and intestines occur;
  • myalgia appears;
  • there is pain in the back area;
  • stuffy nose because blood rushes to the face.

Many men who were diagnosed with a benign formation in the prostate complained of dyspepsia, and they also had headaches and pain in their limbs. Cases have been recorded when the development of gastroesophageal reflux began.

You can also observe the reaction of the nervous system to these tablets. It manifests itself in the form of circulatory failures in the brain, fainting states, and seizures.

In some cases, vision disturbances were recorded, which were manifested by blurred perception, pain in the eyeball, and vascular patency could be impaired. In addition, after taking the drug there is a risk of sudden hearing loss.

The drug also affects the heart and blood vessels. After using the drug, some men developed tachycardia, unstable angina, and increased blood pressure. There have been cases where patients developed a rash and hives.

What should be the dosage?

If a man has erectile dysfunction and he often has sexual intercourse, namely more than 2 times a week, then he is prescribed 1 tablet. It contains 5 mg of medication. Doctors advise using this amount of the drug daily. It is recommended to take the drug at the same time every day. If a man is sensitive to this medication, especially if we are talking about the main substance (tadalafil), then the dosage is reduced to 2.5 mg per day.

If a man does not have an active sexual life, then experts advise using these pills before planned sexual intercourse. In this case, the dosage should be 20 mg.

In addition, every man should know that if he has an erection and it lasts for 4 hours, then he should go to the doctor, since this is not a normal phenomenon. If timely medical attention is not provided, there is a risk of damage to the tissue of the genital organ, after which impotence may occur, which cannot be cured.

Many men are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drive or perform work that requires special care after taking the medication. Doctors strongly recommend being careful, as in rare cases side effects occur, which include headaches and dizziness. In some cases, fainting occurred.

It is worth remembering that there is a certain daily norm that cannot be exceeded. It's 20 mg. If a person increases the dosage, he may experience side effects. In large quantities (more than 20 mg), the medicine does not help, but harms the body. For this reason, you need to be careful and follow the instructions.

If a person has experienced an overdose, they should consult a doctor. He will conduct therapy to eliminate the consequences. If we talk about Cialis (5 mg), then there is almost no elimination of it during hemodialysis.

special instructions

It is worth remembering that excessive sexual activity can harm a person if he has vascular and heart diseases. For this reason, men with such pathologies who need to limit sexual intercourse are prohibited from treating erectile dysfunction. This also applies to the use of Cialis (5 mg). Reviews from doctors also speak about this. An involuntary erection was recorded, which did not depend on arousal, when a person was treated with such drugs.

Cialis is able to dilate blood vessels, like many other inhibitors. And this leads to a decrease in blood pressure. Therefore, before prescribing this drug to a patient, the doctor must take into account the presence of vascular or heart disease. This will protect against unwanted consequences.

If a man begins to lose vision after taking the drug, he should immediately stop using the medicine and go to the doctor.

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