Biography of Alisher Navoi. Alisher Navoi: biography of an outstanding figure

In Chagatai and Farsi.

"Treasury of Thoughts"- a poetic corpus compiled by the poet himself in -1499 on a chronological basis and including four divans corresponding to the four periods of the poet’s life: “Wonders of Childhood”, “Rarities of Youth”, “Wonders of Middle Ages”, “Admonitions of Old Age”. The poems belong to different lyrical genres, among which ghazals are especially numerous (more than 2600). The divans also contain poems of other genres - mukhammas, musaddas, mestazadas, kyty, rubai and tuyugs dating back to Turkic folk art.

Lyrical poems are difficult to date, since responses to the known facts of the poet’s life are captured in them quite rarely, and eventfulness is not characteristic of them at all. “Treasury of Thoughts” is a lyrical confession of the poet, conveying the whole gamut of his experiences. Along with the external love plan, they contain a higher one - spiritualized in a Sufi way and using traditional images of sensual lyrics in a metaphorical way. At the same time, Navoi’s original metaphors are intertwined with traditional ones, drawn from the rich tradition of eastern poetry.

Love for Navoi is a simultaneous high, spiritual and exquisitely erotic, earthly feeling that subjugates a person and deprives him of freedom. And, at the same time, this does not give rise to pessimism in the poet, since Navoi understands love suffering as the basis of spiritual rebirth.

Navoi considered one of his main tasks to be the development of the literary Chagatai language (Turkic). It was in the poet’s lyrics that Turkic verse reached the heights of artistic expressiveness: his ghazals amaze with their filigree detailing, masterly compliance with formal rules, semantic play, and the freshness of images, allegories and metaphors. Thanks to Navoi's lyrics, Farsi is losing its status as the only literary language. Babur in his book of memoirs said this about his language:

The poet also composed the so-called "Sofa Fani"- a collection of lyrical poems in Farsi.

“Forty Hadiths” (“Arbain Kirk Hadith”)- a work of a different type. These are 40 quatrains in the Turkic language, written on the themes of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The basis of the work was Jami’s work of the same name in Farsi (in essence, Navoi’s work is a free translation).

"Five" represents a “response” (nazir) to the “Quintuples” of Nizami Ganjavi and the Indo-Persian poet Amir Khosrow Dehlavi (wrote in Farsi). Navoi reproduces the plots of their works, some formal features, but often gives a different interpretation of the themes and plot situations, a new interpretation of events and images.

"The Confusion of the Righteous"- the first poem of the cycle, a work of didactic-philosophical sense. It develops the motives of Nizami’s poem “Treasury of Secrets”. It consists of 64 chapters, which touch on issues of religion, morality and ethics. The poem exposes feudal strife, the cruelty of state nobles, the arbitrariness of the beks, and the hypocrisy of the sheikhs. The poet passionately affirms the ideals of justice.

"Seven Planets"- a poem that unites seven fairy-tale short stories within a common framework. In an allegorical form, the poem criticizes the entourage of Alisher Navoi, the rulers (Timurids), Sultan Hussein and his courtiers.

"Iskander's Wall"- the last poem of the cycle, written on a common semi-fantastic plot about the life of the ideal just ruler-sage Iskander (Alexander the Great is known in the East under this name).

Philological treatises

The richness of the Turkic language is proven by many facts. Talented poets coming from the people's environment should not demonstrate their abilities in the Persian language. If they can create in both languages, then it is still very desirable that they write more poetry in their own language.” And further: “It seems to me that I established the great truth before the worthy people of the Turkic people, and they, having learned the true power of their speech and its expressions, the wonderful qualities of their language and its words, got rid of the disparaging attacks on their language and speech from the constituents poems in Persian.

Historical writings

At the end of his life, Alisher Navoi writes an allegorical poem "The language of birds"(“Parliament of Birds” or “Simurgh”) () and a philosophical and allegorical treatise "Beloved of Hearts"(), dedicated to the best structure of society. The book reveals the influence of the writings of Yusuf Balasaguni and Saadi's Gulistan. The book condemns cruel, ignorant and immoral rulers and affirms the idea of ​​centralizing power in the hands of a just, enlightened ruler. Throughout his life, Alisher Navoi combined literary activities with political ones. Being a man of high position, he made a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic life of the country; patronage of science, art, and literature; always tried to establish peace and harmony.

Year Name Original Note
1483-1485 Five Anchovy The Confusion of the Righteous (Khairat al-Abrar), Farhad and Shirin (Farhad at Shirin), Leili and Majnun (Laili at Majnun), Seven Planets (Sab'a-yi sayyara), Iskandar's Wall (Sadd-i Iskandari)
1488 History of the rulers of Ajam Tarikh-i muluk-i ajam
1492 Five Confused Hamsat al-mutahayyirin
1491-1492, 1498-1499 Meeting of the Chosen Majalis an-nafais In 1498-1499 A. Navoi added to his work
1498 Treasury of Thoughts Khaza'in al-ma'ani The collection consists of four divans: Wonders of childhood, Rarities of youth, Curiosities of middle age, Useful tips for old age
1499 Bird language Lisan at-tair
1499 Judgment about two languages Muhaqamat al-Lughatayn
1500 Lover of Hearts Mahbub al-qulub
after 1485 History of Prophets and Scientists Tarihi anbiya wa hukama
after 1492 Weight dimensions Mezan al-avzan also possible translation "Size scales"
after 1493 Biography of Pakhlavan Muhammad Manakib-i Pahlavan Muhammad
after 1489 Biography of Sayyid Hasan Ardasher Manakib-i Sayyid Hasan-i Ardashir

Under the pseudonym Fani (perishable) he wrote in Farsi, but he created his main works under the pseudonym Navoi (melodic) in the literary Chagatai language, on the development of which he had a noticeable influence. His work gave a powerful impetus to the evolution of literature in the Turkic languages, especially Chagatai and the traditions of literature in the Uzbek and Uyghur languages ​​that adopted it.



Alisher Navoi’s mentor and friend Abdurakhman Jami (1414-1492), emphasizing his Turkic origin, wrote: “Even though he was a Turk and I was a Tajik, we were both close to each other.”

According to Muhammad Haydar Dulati (1499-1551), Alisher Navoi came from Uyghur Bakhshis. There is also a version that he came from the Turkified Mongolian Barlas tribe.

In his poems, Alisher Navoi writes the following about the Turks as his people:

In the historiography of the Soviet period, Alisher Navoi was interpreted as an Uzbek poet.


Nizamaddin Mir Alisher was born into the family of Giyasaddin Kichkine, an official in the Timurid state, whose house was visited by prominent figures of philosophical thought and art of that time. Mir Alisher's uncle - Abu Said - was a poet; second uncle - Muhammad Ali - was known as a musician and calligrapher. From a young age, Alisher was brought up with the children of Timurid families; he was especially friendly with Sultan Hussein, later the head of the Khorasan state, also a poet and patron of the arts.

Navoi studied in Herat (together with the future ruler of Khorasan Hussein Bayqara, with whom he maintained friendly relations for life), Mashhad and Samarkand. Among Navoi's teachers was Jami, who later became a friend and like-minded person of the poet. As a poet he showed himself already at the age of 15, and he wrote equally well in Turkic and Farsi).

In 1466-1469, Alisher Navoi lived in Samarkand and studied at a madrasah. Here he made many friends. After his friend, Timurid Hussein Baykara, came to power, Alisher Navoi returned to his native Herat.

In 1469, he was appointed to the position of keeper of the seal under the ruler of Khorasan, Hussein Bayqar, with whom he had friendly relations. In 1472 he received the rank of vizier and the title of emir. In 1476, he resigned, but remained close to the Sultan, who entrusted him with important affairs in Herat and, during the period of cooling of their relations, in Astrabad.

Navoi provided patronage and financial support to scientists, thinkers, artists, musicians, poets and calligraphers. Under him, a circle of scientists and creative people was formed in Herat, which, among others, included himself, Jami, the Sultan, who wrote poetry under the pseudonym Husaini, historians Mirkhond, Khondamir, Vasifi, Davlyatshah of Samarkandi, artist Behzad, architect Kawam-ad- din. On the initiative of Navoi and under his leadership, construction was carried out in Herat: a madrasah, a khanqah, a library, and a hospital were erected on the banks of the Injil Canal.

As a thinker, Alisher Navoi was a member of the Naqshbandi dervish Sufi order. Following the ethics of the Sufi, Navoi observed celibacy and did not have a harem.


The creative heritage of Alisher Navoi is huge and multifaceted: it includes about 30 major works - divans (collections of poems), poems (dastans), philosophical and scientific treatises. Using the centuries-old cultural traditions of the Muslim peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East, Alisher Navoi creates completely original works.


The poet's lyrical heritage is enormous. There are 3,150 known works of his in the ghazal genre, included in divans in Chagatai and Farsi.

“Treasury of Thoughts” is a poetic collection compiled by the poet himself in 1498-1499 on a chronological basis and includes four sofas corresponding to four periods of the poet’s life: “Wonders of Childhood”, “Rarities of Youth”, “Wonders of Middle Ages”, “Edifications of Old Age” . The poems belong to different lyrical genres, among which ghazals are especially numerous (more than 2600). The divans also contain poems of other genres - mukhammas, musaddas, mestazadas, kyty, rubai and tuyugs dating back to Turkic folk art.

Lyrical poems are difficult to date, since responses to the known facts of the poet’s life are captured in them quite rarely, and eventfulness is not characteristic of them at all. “Treasury of Thoughts” is a lyrical confession of the poet, conveying the whole gamut of his experiences. Along with the external love plan, they contain a higher one - spiritualized in a Sufi way and using traditional images of sensual lyrics in a metaphorical way. At the same time, Navoi’s original metaphors are intertwined with traditional ones, drawn from the rich tradition of eastern poetry.

Love for Navoi is a simultaneous high, spiritual and exquisitely erotic, earthly feeling that subjugates a person and deprives him of freedom. And, at the same time, this does not give rise to pessimism in the poet, since Navoi understands love suffering as the basis of spiritual rebirth.

Navoi considered one of his main tasks to be the development of the literary Chagatai language (Turkic). It was in the poet’s lyrics that Turkic verse reached the heights of artistic expressiveness: his ghazals amaze with their filigree detailing, masterly compliance with formal rules, semantic play, and the freshness of images, allegories and metaphors. Thanks to Navoi's lyrics, Farsi is losing its status as the only literary language. Once Babur in the book “Babur-name” said about the Navoi language:

The poet also compiled the so-called “Divan Fani” - a collection of lyrical poems in Farsi.

“Forty Hadiths” (“Arbain kirk hadith”) is a work of a different type. These are 40 quatrains in the Turkic language, written on the themes of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The basis of the work was Jami’s work of the same name in Farsi (in essence, Navoi’s work is a free translation).

Navoi collected his qasidas in Persian into two collections - “Six Necessities” (“Sittai Zaruria”) and “Four Seasons of the Year” (“Fusuli Arbaa”).


The pinnacle of Navoi’s creativity is the famous “Five,” which includes five epic poems: the didactic “Confusion of the Righteous” (1483) and the heroic plot (dastans) “Leili and Majnun” (1484), “Farhad and Shirin” (1484), “Seven planets" (1484), "Iskandar's Wall" (1485).

“The Fiver” is a “response” (nazir) to the “Finary” by Nizami Ganjavi and the Indo-Persian poet Amir Khosrow Dehlavi (wrote in Farsi). Navoi reproduces the plots of their works, some formal features, but often gives a different interpretation of the themes and plot situations, a new interpretation of events and images.

“The Confusion of the Righteous” is the first poem of the cycle, a work of didactic-philosophical sense. It develops the motives of Nizami’s poem “Treasury of Secrets”. It consists of 64 chapters, which touch on issues of religion, morality and ethics. The poem exposes feudal strife, the cruelty of state nobles, the arbitrariness of the beks, and the hypocrisy of the sheikhs. The poet passionately affirms the ideals of justice.

“Leyli and Majnun” is a poem based on a medieval Arab legend (also developed by Nizami Ganjavi, Amir Khosrow, Jami) about the sad love of the young poet Qais for the beautiful Leyli. The piercing emotionality of the conflict and the exquisite poetic language of the poem made it widely popular among Eastern readers. The poem had a great influence on the literature of the East and Uzbek folklore.

“Farhad and Shirin” is a heroic-romantic poem based on an old plot about the love of the hero Farhad for the Armenian beauty Shirin, who is claimed by the Persian Shah Khosrow. The plot was developed by Nizami Ganjavi, but Navoi’s poem is distinguished by the fact that the author refocused his attention from Shah Khosrow to the hero Farhad, making him an ideal epic hero. This was possible due to the fact that Alisher Navoi used the techniques of folk poetics and the traditions of folk tales (dastans).

“Seven Planets” is a poem that unites seven fairy-tale short stories within a common framework. In an allegorical form, the poem criticizes the entourage of Alisher Navoi, the rulers (Timurids), Sultan Hussein and his courtiers.

“The Wall of Iskandar” is the last poem of the cycle, written on a common semi-fantastic plot about the life of the ideal, just ruler-sage Iskandar (Alexander the Great is known by this name in the East).

Philological treatises

Authors of the 15th century believed that the Turkic language was harsh for poetry. Alisher Navoi refutes this opinion in his treatise “Judgment on Two Languages” (1499). It substantiates the cultural and artistic significance of the Chagatai language (Turkic). Navoi writes:

Issues of literary theory and versification are raised in the treatise “Scales of Dimensions.” The theoretical provisions and the creativity of Alisher Navoi had a huge impact both on the development of Uzbek and Uyghur literature in the Chagatai language, and on the development of other Turkic-language literatures (Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Tatar).

Historical writings

Alisher Navoi is the author of biographical and historical books: “The Five Troubled” (1492) is dedicated to Jami; the anthology “Collection of the Refined” (1491-1492) contains brief characteristics of writers who were Navoi’s contemporaries; “The History of Iranian Kings” and “The History of Prophets and Sages” contains information about the legendary and historical figures of the East, about Zoroastrian and Koranic mythology.

Later works about the state

At the end of his life, Alisher Navoi writes the allegorical poem “The Language of Birds” (“Parliament of Birds” or “Simurg”) (1499) and the philosophical and allegorical treatise “Beloved of Hearts” (1500), dedicated to the best structure of society. The book reveals the influence of the works of Yusuf Balasaguni and Saadi's Gulistan. The book condemns cruel, ignorant and immoral rulers and affirms the idea of ​​centralizing power in the hands of a just, enlightened ruler. Throughout his life, Alisher Navoi combined literary activities with political ones. Being a man of high position, he made a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic life of the country; patronage of science, art, and literature; always tried to establish peace and harmony.

Posthumous recognition

  • The poet and writer Babur highly appreciated Navoi’s work and even tried to enter into correspondence with him.
  • Suleiman the Magnificent highly valued Navoi’s work and had in his library manuscripts with his works “Treasury of Thoughts”, “The Five” and “The Dispute of Two Languages”.
  • In honor of the 500th anniversary of Alisher Navoi in 1942, postage stamps were printed in the Soviet Union.
  • The works of Alisher Navoi were included in the curricula of all schools and madrassas in Central Asia in the 16th - early 20th centuries.
  • In 1941, the Uzbek writer Tashmukhamedov, Musa wrote the novel "Alisher Navoi".
  • In 1947, the film “Alisher Navoi” was shot in Uzbekistan.
  • In the 1980s, a 10-episode video film “Alisher Navoi” was shot in Uzbekistan.
  • A city in Uzbekistan is named after Navoi.
  • In 1970, a ship named after Alisher Navoi became part of the Far Eastern Shipping Company.
  • In Tashkent there is the Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater, Alisher Navoi Avenue, and the Alisher Navoi metro station. On the walls of the metro station hall there are panels from scenes from Navoi’s “Khamsa” and a bas-relief of Navoi.
  • The National Library of Uzbekistan is named after Alisher Navoi
  • State Museum of Literature named after Alisher Navoi of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi
  • A crater on Mercury is named after Navoi.
  • There are several monuments to Alisher Navoi in the world: in Moscow, Navoi, Tashkent, Samarkand, Tokyo. There are plans to erect a monument to the poet in Washington and Baku.
  • One of the streets leading to the mountains in Almaty, then the capital of Kazakhstan, is named after the poet. Also, one of the avenues in Kyiv and a street in Baku and Ashgabat are named in honor of the poet.
  • In 1991, for the 550th anniversary of the poet, a Soviet anniversary ruble was issued with the image of Alisher Navoi.
  • In April 2007, a conference “Alisher Navoi and his influence on the cultural development of the peoples of Central Asia” was held in Washington.
  • A bas-relief in honor of Alisher Navoi was installed in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in Northern Afghanistan.
  • A monument to Alisher Navoi was erected in the city of Osh.
  • Street named after Navoi in Almaty


    Monument in Tashkent

    Monument in the city of Navoi

Language of works:

Under a pseudonym Fani (perishable) wrote in Farsi, but created his main works under a pseudonym Navoi (melodic) in the literary Chagatai language, on the development of which he had a noticeable influence. His work gave a powerful impetus to the evolution of literature in the Turkic languages, especially Chagatai and the traditions of literature in the Uzbek and Uyghur languages ​​that adopted it.



Alisher Navoi’s mentor and friend Abdurakhman Jami (1414-1492), emphasizing his Turkic origin, wrote: “Even though he was a Turk and I was a Tajik, we were both close to each other.”

In his poems, Alisher Navoi writes the following about the Turks as his people:

But the people enjoyed “Arbain” only in Farsi,

But the Turks could not usefully comprehend poetry.

Then I set a goal for myself: for my people,

I will rearrange the poems without missing anything from Arbain

In the historiography of the Soviet period, Alisher Navoi was interpreted as an Uzbek poet.


Nizamaddin Mir Alisher was born into the family of Giyasaddin Kichkine, an official in the Timurid state, whose house was visited by prominent figures of philosophical thought and art of that time. Mir Alisher's uncle - Abu Said - was a poet; second uncle - Muhammad Ali - was known as a musician and calligrapher. From a young age, Alisher was brought up with the children of Timurid families; he was especially friendly with Sultan Hussein, later the head of the Khorasan state, also a poet and patron of the arts.

In 1466-1469, Alisher Navoi lived in Samarkand and studied at a madrasah. Here he made many friends. After his friend, Timurid Hussein Baykara, came to power, Alisher Navoi returned to his native Herat.

Navoi provided patronage and financial support to scientists, thinkers, artists, musicians, poets and calligraphers. Under him, a circle of scientists and creative people was formed in Herat, which, among others, included himself, Jami, the Sultan, who wrote poetry under the pseudonym Husaini, historians Mirkhond, Khondamir, Vasifi, Davlyatshah Samarkandi, artist Behzad, architect Kawam-ad- din. On the initiative of Navoi and under his leadership, construction was carried out in Herat: a madrasah, a khanqah, a library, and a hospital were erected on the banks of the Injil Canal.

As a thinker, Alisher Navoi was a member of the Naqshbandi dervish Sufi order. Following the ethics of the Sufi, Navoi observed celibacy and did not have a harem.


The creative heritage of Alisher Navoi is huge and multifaceted: it includes about 30 major works - divans (collections of poems), poems (dastans), philosophical and scientific treatises. Using the centuries-old cultural traditions of the Muslim peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East, Alisher Navoi creates completely original works.


The poet's lyrical heritage is enormous. There are 3,150 known works of his in the ghazal genre, included in diwans in Chagatai and Farsi.

"Treasury of Thoughts"- a poetic corpus compiled by the poet himself in -1499 on a chronological basis and including four divans corresponding to the four periods of the poet’s life: “Wonders of Childhood”, “Rarities of Youth”, “Wonders of Middle Ages”, “Admonitions of Old Age”. The poems belong to different lyrical genres, among which ghazals are especially numerous (more than 2600). The divans also contain poems of other genres - mukhammas, musaddas, mestazadas, kyty, rubai and tuyugs dating back to Turkic folk art.

Lyrical poems are difficult to date, since responses to the known facts of the poet’s life are captured in them quite rarely, and eventfulness is not characteristic of them at all. “Treasury of Thoughts” is a lyrical confession of the poet, conveying the whole gamut of his experiences. Along with the external love plan, they contain a higher one - spiritualized in a Sufi way and using traditional images of sensual lyrics in a metaphorical way. At the same time, Navoi’s original metaphors are intertwined with traditional ones, drawn from the rich tradition of eastern poetry.

Love for Navoi is a simultaneous high, spiritual and exquisitely erotic, earthly feeling that subjugates a person and deprives him of freedom. And, at the same time, this does not give rise to pessimism in the poet, since Navoi understands love suffering as the basis of spiritual rebirth.

Navoi considered one of his main tasks to be the development of the literary Chagatai language (Turkic). It was in the poet’s lyrics that Turkic verse reached the heights of artistic expressiveness: his ghazals amaze with their filigree detailing, masterly compliance with formal rules, semantic play, and the freshness of images, allegories and metaphors. Thanks to Navoi's lyrics, Farsi is losing its status as the only literary language. Once Babur in the book “Babur-name” said about the Navoi language:

The poet also composed the so-called "Sofa Fani"- a collection of lyrical poems in Farsi.

“Forty Hadiths” (“Arbain Kirk Hadith”)- a work of a different type. These are 40 quatrains in the Turkic language, written on the themes of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The basis of the work was Jami’s work of the same name in Farsi (in essence, Navoi’s work is a free translation).

"Five" represents a “response” (nazir) to the “Finaries” of Nizami Ganjavi and the Indo-Persian poet Amir Khosrow Dehlavi (wrote in Farsi). Navoi reproduces the plots of their works, some formal features, but often gives a different interpretation of the themes and plot situations, a new interpretation of events and images.

"The Confusion of the Righteous"- the first poem of the cycle, a work of didactic-philosophical sense. It develops the motives of Nizami’s poem “Treasury of Secrets”. It consists of 64 chapters, which touch on issues of religion, morality and ethics. The poem exposes feudal strife, the cruelty of state nobles, the arbitrariness of the beks, and the hypocrisy of the sheikhs. The poet passionately affirms the ideals of justice.

"Leili and Majnun"- a poem based on the plot of a medieval Arabic legend (also developed by Nizami Ganjavi, Amir Khosrow, Jami) about the sad love of the young poet Qays for the beautiful Leili. The piercing emotionality of the conflict and the exquisite poetic language of the poem made it widely popular among Eastern readers. The poem had a great influence on the literature of the East and Uzbek folklore.

"Farhad and Shirin"- a heroic-romantic poem based on an old plot about the love of the hero Farhad for the Armenian beauty Shirin, who is claimed by the Persian Shah Khosrow. The plot was developed by Nizami Ganjavi, but Navoi's poem is distinguished by the fact that the author refocused his attention from Shah Khosrow to the hero Farhad, making him an ideal epic hero. This was possible due to the fact that Alisher Navoi used the techniques of folk poetics and the traditions of folk tales (dastans).

"Seven Planets"- a poem that unites seven fairy-tale short stories within a common framework. In an allegorical form, the poem criticizes the entourage of Alisher Navoi, the rulers (Timurids), Sultan Hussein and his courtiers.

"Wall of Iskandar"- the last poem of the cycle, written on a common semi-fantastic plot about the life of the ideal just ruler-sage Iskandar (Alexander the Great is known in the East under this name).

Philological treatises

The richness of the Turkic language is proven by many facts. Talented poets coming from the people's environment should not demonstrate their abilities in the Persian language. If they can create in both languages, then it is still very desirable that they write more poetry in their own language.” And further: “It seems to me that I established the great truth before the worthy people of the Turkic people, and they, having learned the true power of their speech and its expressions, the wonderful qualities of their language and its words, got rid of the disparaging attacks on their language and speech from the constituents poems in Persian.

Issues of literary theory and versification are raised in the treatise "Size scales". The theoretical provisions and the creativity of Alisher Navoi had a huge impact both on the development of Uzbek and Uyghur literature in the Chagatai language, and on the development of other Turkic-language literatures (Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Tatar).

Historical writings

Alisher Navoi is the author of biographical and historical books: "Five Troubled"() dedicated to Jami; anthology "Gathering of the Refined"(-) contains brief characteristics of writers who were Navoi’s contemporaries; "The History of the Iranian Kings" And "The History of Prophets and Sages", contains information about legendary and historical figures of the East, about Zoroastrian and Koranic mythology.

Later works about the state

At the end of his life, Alisher Navoi writes an allegorical poem "The Language of Birds"(“Parliament of Birds” or “Simurgh”) () and a philosophical and allegorical treatise "Beloved of Hearts"(), dedicated to the best structure of society. The book reveals the influence of the writings of Yusuf Balasaguni and Saadi's Gulistan. The book condemns cruel, ignorant and immoral rulers and affirms the idea of ​​centralizing power in the hands of a just, enlightened ruler. Throughout his life, Alisher Navoi combined literary activities with political ones. Being a man of high position, he made a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic life of the country; patronage of science, art, and literature; always tried to establish peace and harmony.

Year Name Original Note
1483-1485 Five Anchovy Confusion of the righteous (Khairat al-abrar), Farhad and Shirin (Farhad from Shirin), Leili and Majnun (Laili from Majnun), Seven planets (Sab "a-yi sayyara), Wall of Iskandar (Sadd-i Iskandari)
1488 History of the rulers of Ajam Tarikh-i muluk-i ajam
1492 Five Confused Hamsat al-mutahayyirin
1491-1492, 1498-1499 Meeting of the Chosen Majalis an-nafais In 1498-1499 A. Navoi added to his work
1498 Treasury of Thoughts Khaza "in al-ma"ani The collection consists of four divans: Wonders of childhood, Rarities of youth, Curiosities of middle age, Useful tips for old age
1499 Bird language Lisan at-tair
1499 Judgment about two languages Muhaqamat al-Lughatayn
1500 Lover of Hearts Mahbub al-qulub
after 1485 History of Prophets and Scientists Tarihi anbiya wa hukama
after 1492 Weight dimensions Mezan al-avzan also possible translation "Size scales"
after 1493 Biography of Pakhlavan Muhammad Manakib-i Pahlavan Muhammad
after 1489 Biography of Sayyid Hasan Ardasher Manakib-i Sayyid Hasan-i Ardashir

Posthumous recognition



  • Alisher Navoi. - T.: “Fan”, 1968-1970. - T. 1-10. - 3095 pp. - no ISBN
  • Navoi A. Poems and poems. - M., 1965.
  • Navoi A. Works. - T. 1-10. - Tashkent, 1968-70.
  • Navoi A. Five poems. - M.: Artist. lit., 1972. (BVL)
  • Navoi A. Selected lyrics. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1978.
  • Navoi A. Iskander’s Wall / Retelling by I. Makhsumov. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1978.
  • Navoi A. Poems and poems / Introduction. Art. Kamila Yashen; Comp. and note. A.P. Kayumova. - L.: Sov. writer, 1983. - 920 p. Circulation 40,000 copies. (Poet's Library. Large series. Second edition)
  • Navoi A. Beloved of hearts. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1983.
  • Navoi A. Book. 1-2. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1983.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1985.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms of Alisher Navoi. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1988.
  • Navoi A. I didn’t find a friend: Gazelle. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1988.
  • Navoi A. Iskander’s Wall / Trans. from Uzbek N. Aishov. - Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1989.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms. - Tashkent: Ukituvchi, 1991.
  • Navoi A. Zenitsa oka: [Poems]. - Tashkent Publishing house. about them. Gafur Gulyama, 1991.
  • Navoi A. Language of birds / Trans. S.N. Ivanov. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Science, 2007

About Alisher Navoi

  • Abdullaev V. Navoi in Samarkand. - Samarkand, 1941.
  • Bertels E.E. Navoi. Experience of creative biography. - M. - L., 1948.
  • Bertels E.E. Favorite works. Navoi and Jami. - M., 1965.
  • Pulyavin A.A. Genius in the Hearts, 1978.
  • Boldyrev A.N. Persian translations of “Majalis an-Nafais” by Navoi // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University. - L., 1952. - Ser. 128. - Issue. 3.
  • Zahidov V. The world of ideas and images of Alisher Navoi. - Tashkent, 1961.
  • Svidina E.D. Alisher Navoi. Biobibliography (1917-1966). - Tashkent, 1968.
  • Khaitmetov A. Navoi’s creative method. - Tashkent, 1965.



  • TSB (Russian). Archived from the original on February 29, 2012.


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers by alphabet
  • Born on February 9
  • Born in 1441
  • Born in Herat
  • Died January 3
  • Died in 1501
  • Died in Herat
  • Poets in alphabetical order
  • Chagatai poets
  • Turkic poets
  • Persian poets
  • Poets of Khorasan
  • Poets of the 15th century
  • Philosophers in alphabetical order
  • Philosophers of the 15th century
  • Historians by alphabet
  • Historians of the 15th century
  • Turkic writers
  • Persons: Sufism
  • Statesmen of the Timurid Empire
  • Personalities known under literary pseudonyms
  • Timurid culture
  • Poets of the Timurid era
  • Persons:Herat
  • Persons:Khorasan
  • Alisher Navoi

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Navoi (Navoi Nizamaddin Mir Alisher)- the most famous Uzbek poet, statesman, thinker. It is known that he was a native of Herat, where in 1441 he was born into the family of Giyasaddin Kichkine, who held an official post in the Timurid state. Navoi's father's house served as a meeting place for people directly related to the world of art and philosophy. Among their relatives there were many creative people. Thus, Muhammad Ali, who was Navoi’s uncle, gained fame as a calligrapher and musician, Abu Said, also an uncle, quickly studied poetry.

Navoi himself became a famous poet at the age of 15. His works were written in Farsi and Turkic, and he mastered versification in these languages ​​equally well. He had the opportunity to study in three madrassas located in Herat, Mashhad and Samarkand. One of Navoi’s teachers was a man who later became his colleague and friend - Jami. Fate brought him together with Hussein Bayqara, the future ruler of Khorasan; they studied together in Herat. From a young age, Alisher Navoi was raised side by side with the children of noble families. His friendly relations with the heir to the throne, which began in childhood, were carried throughout his life.

During 1456-1469. Navoi lived in Samarkand, where he studied at a madrasah. When his childhood friend Hussein came to power, Navoi returned to his homeland. In 1469, he became his keeper of the seal (this was an official position), and in 1472 - vizier, receiving the title of emir. While in this post, Navoi did a lot to ensure that new dormitories, madrassas, hospitals, bridges and roads appeared in Herat. Thus, he himself supervised the construction of a library, khanaka, hospital, etc. on the Injil Canal. Many people of art found in him a kind patron who helped morally and financially. Thinkers could also count on his support. Under him, a whole circle of enlightened, learned, creative people was formed.

Being a humanist by conviction, an opponent of arbitrariness and despotism, Navoi stood up for the unjustly offended and defended ordinary people before the Sultan. He also fought against embezzlers and bribe-takers and acquired many ill-wishers. Nevertheless, after resigning in 1476, he remained among those close to the Sultan; his childhood friend still trusted him with various important matters.

In 1487, the poet was sent to the distant province of Astrabad, which he was to govern. It was an honorable exile, where Navoi went through the efforts of his opponents, who managed to cool his relations with the Sultan. Seeing that hopes for restoring the unity of a state torn apart by civil strife and for changes in the political situation are not justified, Navoi decides to leave service and devote himself to creativity. This is what he did, returning in 1488 to his native Herat. The great poet died in his homeland in 1501.

Navoi left behind a rich legacy. The peak of his creative biography was the writing of the so-called. “Pyateritsa”, which was a tradition for Eastern poets. During 1483-1485. he released the poems “The Confusion of the Righteous”, “Farhad and Shirin”, “Leili and Majnun”, “Iskander’s Wall”, “Seven Planets”, composed in continuation of the traditions of Nizami’s creativity. Navoi also left behind works of a philosophical and journalistic nature, linguistic and historical treatises. His literary work played a significant role in the development of Turkish-language national literatures. Navoi's handwritten works are the property of the world's largest libraries in countries such as Iran, Turkey, England, and Russia. His poems have been repeatedly translated into various languages. Linguists showed such an ardent interest in his poetry and his bright personality that Navoi studies emerged as a separate field of scientific research.

Biography from Wikipedia

Alisher Navoi(Uzb. Alisher Navoiy; Uyg. Alshir Nava "and/ئەلشىر ناۋائى; Pers. علیشیر نوایی‎;) (Nizamaddin Mir Alisher) (February 9, 1441, Herat - January 3, 1501, ibid.) - Turkic poet, Sufi philosopher, statesman of Timurid Khorasan.

He created his main works under the pseudonym Navoi (melodic) in the literary Chagatai language, on the development of which he had a noticeable influence; under the pseudonym Fani (perishable) he wrote in Persian. His work gave a powerful impetus to the development of literature in the Turkic languages, especially Chagatai and the traditions of literature in the Uzbek and Uyghur languages ​​that adopted it.

In a number of Soviet and Russian historiographies, Alisher Navoi is defined as an Uzbek poet, thinker and statesman. According to some Soviet and foreign scientists, he is a Uyghur.


The creative heritage of Alisher Navoi is huge and multifaceted: it includes about 30 major works - collections of poems (divans), poems (dastans), philosophical and scientific treatises. Using the centuries-old cultural traditions of the Muslim peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East, Alisher Navoi creates completely original works.


“Treasury of Thoughts” - page of Alisher Navoi’s poetic corpus. Manuscript from the library of Suleiman the Magnificent

The poet's lyrical heritage is enormous. There are 3,150 known works of his in the ghazal genre, included in divans in Chagatai and Farsi.

"Treasury of Thoughts"- a poetic collection compiled by the poet himself in 1498-1499 on a chronological basis and including four divans corresponding to the four periods of the poet’s life: “Wonders of Childhood”, “Rarities of Youth”, “Wonders of Middle Ages”, “Admonitions of Old Age”. The poems belong to different lyrical genres, among which ghazals are especially numerous (more than 2600). The divans also contain poems of other genres - mukhammas, musaddas, mestazadas, kyty, rubai and tuyugs dating back to Turkic folk art.

Lyrical poems are difficult to date, since responses to the known facts of the poet’s life are captured in them quite rarely, and eventfulness is not characteristic of them at all. “Treasury of Thoughts” is a lyrical confession of the poet, conveying the whole gamut of his experiences. Along with the external love plan, they contain a higher one - spiritualized in a Sufi way and using traditional images of sensual lyrics in a metaphorical way. At the same time, Navoi’s original metaphors are intertwined with traditional ones, drawn from the rich tradition of eastern poetry.

Love for Navoi is a simultaneous high, spiritual and exquisitely erotic, earthly feeling that subjugates a person and deprives him of freedom. And, at the same time, this does not give rise to pessimism in the poet, since Navoi understands love suffering as the basis of spiritual rebirth.

Navoi considered one of his main tasks to be the development of the literary Chagatai language (Turkic). It was in the poet’s lyrics that Turkic verse reached the heights of artistic expressiveness: his ghazals amaze with their filigree detailing, masterly compliance with formal rules, semantic play, and the freshness of images, allegories and metaphors. Thanks to Navoi's lyrics, Farsi is losing its status as the only literary language. Once Babur in the book “Babur-name” said about the Navoi language:

Babur: “Alisherbek was an incomparable man; since poetry was composed in the Turkic language, no one else composed so many and so well.”

The poet also composed the so-called "Sofa Fani"- a collection of lyrical poems in Farsi.

“Forty Hadiths” (“Arbain Kirk Hadith”)- a work of a different type. These are 40 quatrains in the Turkic language, written on the themes of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. The basis of the work was Jami’s work of the same name in Farsi (in essence, Navoi’s work is a free translation).

Navoi collected his qasidas in Persian into two collections - “Six Necessities” (“Sittai Zaruria”) And “Four Seasons of the Year” (“Fusuli Arbaa”).


The pinnacle of Navoi's creativity is famous "Five", which includes five epic poems: the didactic “The Confusion of the Righteous” (1483) and the heroic plot (dastans) “Leili and Majnun” (1484), “Farhad and Shirin” (1484), “Seven Planets” (1484), “The Wall Iskander" (1485).

"Five" represents a “response” (nazir) to the “Quintuples” of Nizami Ganjavi and the Indo-Persian poet Amir Khosrow Dehlavi (wrote in Farsi). Navoi reproduces the plots of their works, some formal features, but often gives a different interpretation of the themes and plot situations, a new interpretation of events and images.

"The Confusion of the Righteous"- the first poem of the cycle, a work of didactic-philosophical sense. It develops the motives of Nizami’s poem “Treasury of Secrets”. It consists of 64 chapters, which touch on issues of religion, morality and ethics. The poem exposes feudal strife, the cruelty of state nobles, the arbitrariness of the beks, and the hypocrisy of the sheikhs. The poet passionately affirms the ideals of justice.

"Leili and Majnun"- a poem based on the plot of a medieval Arabic legend (also developed by Nizami Ganjavi, Amir Khosrov, Jami) about the sad love of the young poet Kais for the beautiful Leili. The piercing emotionality of the conflict and the exquisite poetic language of the poem made it widely popular among Eastern readers. The poem had a great influence on the literature of the East and Uzbek folklore.

"Farhad and Shirin"- a heroic-romantic poem based on an old plot about the love of the hero Farhad for the Armenian beauty Shirin, who is claimed by the Persian Shah Khosrow. The plot was developed by Nizami Ganjavi, but Navoi’s poem is distinguished by the fact that the author refocused his attention from Shah Khosrow to the hero Farhad, making him an ideal epic hero. This was possible due to the fact that Alisher Navoi used the techniques of folk poetics and the traditions of folk tales (dastans).

"Seven Planets"- a poem that unites seven fairy-tale short stories within a common framework. In an allegorical form, the poem criticizes the entourage of Alisher Navoi, the rulers (Timurids), Sultan Hussein and his courtiers.

"Iskander's Wall"- the last poem of the cycle, written on a common semi-fantastic plot about the life of the ideal just ruler-sage Iskander (Alexander the Great is known in the East under this name).

Philological treatises

Authors of the 15th century believed that the Turkic language was harsh for poetry. Alisher Navoi refutes this opinion in his treatise "Judgement about two languages"(1499). It substantiates the cultural and artistic significance of the Chagatai language (Turkic). Navoi writes:

The richness of the Turkic language is proven by many facts. Talented poets coming from the people's environment should not demonstrate their abilities in the Persian language. If they can create in both languages, then it is still very desirable that they write more poetry in their own language.” And further: “It seems to me that I established the great truth before the worthy people of the Turkic people, and they, having learned the true power of their speech and its expressions, the wonderful qualities of their language and its words, got rid of the disparaging attacks on their language and speech from the constituents poems in Persian.

Issues of literary theory and versification are raised in the treatise "Size scales". The theoretical provisions and the creativity of Alisher Navoi had a huge impact both on the development of Uzbek and Uyghur literature in the Chagatai language, and on the development of other Turkic-language literatures (Turkmen, Azerbaijani, Turkish, Tatar).

Historical writings

Alisher Navoi is the author of biographical and historical books: "Five Troubled"(1492) dedicated to Jami; anthology "Gathering of the Refined"(1491-1492) contains brief characteristics of writers who were Navoi’s contemporaries; "The History of the Iranian Kings" And "The History of Prophets and Sages", contains information about legendary and historical figures of the East, about Zoroastrian and Koranic mythology.

Later works about the state

At the end of his life, Alisher Navoi writes an allegorical poem "The Language of Birds"(“Parliament of Birds” or “Simurgh”) (1499) and a philosophical and allegorical treatise "Beloved of Hearts"(1500), dedicated to the best structure of society. The book reveals the influence of the works of Yusuf Balasaguni and Saadi's Gulistan. The book condemns cruel, ignorant and immoral rulers and affirms the idea of ​​​​centralizing power in the hands of a just, enlightened ruler. Throughout his life, Alisher Navoi combined literary activities with political ones. Being a man of high position, he made a significant contribution to the improvement of the socio-economic life of the country; patronage of science, art, and literature; always tried to establish peace and harmony.

Posthumous recognition

  • highly appreciated Navoi’s work and even tried to enter into correspondence with him.
  • Suleiman the Magnificent highly valued Navoi’s work and had in his library manuscripts with his works “Treasury of Thoughts”, “The Five” and “The Dispute of Two Languages”.
  • In honor of the 500th anniversary of Alisher Navoi in 1942, postage stamps were printed in the Soviet Union.
  • The works of Alisher Navoi were included in the curricula of all schools and madrassas in Central Asia in the 16th - early 20th centuries.
  • In 1941, the Uzbek writer Musa Tashmukhamedov wrote the novel “Alisher Navoi”.
  • In 1947, the film “Alisher Navoi” was shot at the Tashkent Film Studio.
  • In 1966, the Uzbek SSR celebrated the 525th anniversary of Alisher Navoi and in connection with this, a delegation of scientists from the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan under the leadership of Academician I.M. Muminov visited Herat, where materials relating to A. Navoi were collected and it was proposed to create a museum of A. Navoi.
  • In the 1980s, a 10-episode video film “Alisher Navoi” was shot in Uzbekistan.
  • A city in Uzbekistan and a region (Navoi region) are named after Navoi.
  • In 1970, a ship named after Alisher Navoi became part of the Far Eastern Shipping Company.
  • The name was given to the Namangan Regional Uzbek Theater of Musical Drama and Comedy.
  • In Tashkent there is the State Theater named after Alisher Navoi, Alisher Navoi Avenue, and the Alisher Navoi metro station. On the walls of the metro station hall there are panels from scenes from Navoi’s “Khamsa” and a bas-relief of Navoi.
  • The National Library of Uzbekistan is named after Alisher Navoi
  • State Museum of Literature named after Alisher Navoi of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • In the USSR, the name was given to the State Museum of the History of the Peoples of Uzbekistan.
  • Samarkand State University named after Alisher Navoi
  • A crater on Mercury is named after Navoi.
  • There are several monuments to Alisher Navoi in the world: in Moscow, Navoi, Osh, Tashkent, Samarkand, Baku, Tokyo. There are plans to erect a monument to the poet in Washington.
  • One of the streets in Almaty leading to the mountains is named after the poet. Also, one of the avenues in Kyiv and streets in Dushanbe, Baku and Ashgabat are named in honor of the poet.
  • The former Telman street, a city park and a secondary school in the city of Osh are named after Navoi.
  • In 1991, for the 550th anniversary of the poet, a Soviet anniversary ruble was issued with the image of Alisher Navoi.
  • In April 2007, a conference “Alisher Navoi and his influence on the cultural development of the peoples of Central Asia” was held in Washington.
  • A bas-relief in honor of Alisher Navoi was installed in the city of Mazar-i-Sharif in Northern Afghanistan.
  • Since 2009, annual cultural events in honor of Alisher Navoi have been held in the Astrakhan region.


Alisher Navoi. Works in 10 volumes. - Tashkent: “Fan”, 1968-1970. - T. 1-10. - 3095 pp.
  • Navoi A. Poems and poems. - M., 1965.
  • Navoi A. Works. - T. 1-10. - Tashkent, 1968-70.
  • Navoi A. Five poems. - M.: Artist. lit., 1972. (BVL)
  • Navoi A. Selected lyrics. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1978.
  • Navoi A. Iskander’s Wall / Retelling by I. Makhsumov. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1978.
  • Navoi A. Poems and poems / Introduction. Art. Kamila Yashen; Comp. and note. A. P. Kayumova. - L.: Sov. writer, 1983. - 920 p. Circulation 40,000 copies. (Poet's Library. Large series. Second edition)
  • Navoi A. Beloved of hearts. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1983.
  • Navoi A. Book. 1-2. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1983.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms. - Tashkent: Publishing House of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, 1985.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms of Alisher Navoi. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1988.
  • Navoi A. I didn’t find a friend: Gazelle. - Tashkent: Literary Publishing House. and art, 1988.
  • Navoi A. Iskander’s Wall / Trans. from Uzbek N. Aishov. - Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1989.
  • Navoi A. Aphorisms. - Tashkent: Ukituvchi, 1991.
  • Navoi A. Zenitsa oka: [Poems]. - Tashkent Publishing house. about them. Gafur Gulyama, 1991.
  • Navoi A. Language of birds / Trans. S. N. Ivanov. - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Science, 2007
  • About Alisher Navoi

    • Abdullaev V. Navoi in Samarkand. - Samarkand, 1941.
    • Bertels E. E. Navoi. Experience of creative biography. - M. - L., 1948.
    • Bertels E. E. Izbr. works. Navoi and Jami. - M., 1965.
    • Pulyavin A. A. Genius in the hearts, 1978.
    • Boldyrev A. N. Persian translations of Navoi’s “Majalis an-Nafais” // Scientific notes of Leningrad State University. - L., 1952. - Ser. 128. - Issue. 3.
    • Zahidov V. The world of ideas and images of Alisher Navoi. - Tashkent, 1961.
    • Svidina E. D. Alisher Navoi. Biobibliography (1917-1966). - Tashkent, 1968.
    • Khaitmetov A. Navoi’s creative method. - Tashkent, 1965.

    Nizamaddin Mir Alisher Navoi (1441-1501) - an outstanding Uzbek poet, convinced humanist, thinker, and statesman.
    Alisher Navoi was born on February 9, 1441 in the family of a famous government official, Giyasaddin Kichkin in Herat. Alisher’s father, a native of the famous Mongolian tribe Barlas, was friendly with other Timurid families who made up the power elite in the city.

    From childhood, the boy was surrounded by people of art, so one uncle of the future poet, Abu Said, was a writer, the second, Muhammad Ali, was a famous musician and calligrapher. From a young age, Alisher was brought up with the children of powerful families; his confidant and best childhood friend, Sultan Hussein Baykara, later became the ruler of Khorasan.

    Navoi received a good comprehensive education; the young man attended his “universities” in Herat, Samarkand, and Mashhad. One of young Alisher’s favorite teachers was Jami, a famous poet and philosopher of that time, who recognized his artistic gift and later remained a faithful friend and like-minded person.

    Navoi distinguished himself as a poet at the age of 15, and he wrote equally well in both Farsi and Turkic.

    When Hussein Baykara, himself a poet and supporter of the arts, came to power, Navoi was urgently called to the court by the ruler’s mulazim (close associate), and in 1469 he received his first position - keeper of the seal. In 1472, Alisher was promoted and appointed vizier (adviser) and awarded the title of emir.

    In his post, Alisher Navoi provided great assistance to musicians, poets, artists, calligraphers, and enjoyed enormous popularity among the people.

    Biography of Alisher Navoi. Poems by Alisher Navoi On Navoi's initiative, large-scale construction was launched in Herat. On the bank of the Injil city canal, a public scientific and educational complex was built: a library, madrasah, khanaka, and hospital.
    Alisher Navoi lived surprisingly, very modestly. Being a follower of the Naqshbandi Sufi order, he led an ascetic existence, never married and had no concubines.

    An adherent of the ideas of humanism, the poet fought at court against medieval despotism and tyranny, denounced the abuses of the nobility, greed and bribery, defended the interests of the poor class, often deciding cases in favor of the unjustly offended.
    The angry nobility increasingly raised their voices in favor of his punishment, and in order not to escalate the atmosphere, Hussein Baykara sent his friend to the distant province of Astrabad as ruler.

    All the exile’s hopes for a just reconstruction of the country, torn apart by the struggle for power by the Timurid dynasty, collapsed. And in 1488, Navoi decides to leave his service and return to Herat.

    After returning home, the poet completely immersed himself in creative activity - the only thing that gave him real pleasure, and died on January 3, 1501 at the age of 61.

    The literary heritage of the famous poet that has come down to us is large and multifaceted; there are about 30 collections of poems, poems, scientific works and poetic treatises that fully reveal the spiritual life in Central Asia of the late 15th century.

    The pinnacle of Navoi’s creativity is considered to be the famous “Khamsa” (“five”), a collection of five poems based on the folk epic - a popular form of presenting a philosophical and artistic worldview in those days. His interpretation is considered one of the best in this genre, from ancient times to the present day.

    Another undoubted contribution of Alisher Navoi to the literary activity of his time was the introduction of the Old Uzbek language, along with Farsi, into the work of writers. Before him, no one wrote in Turkic, considering it too crude for versification.

    Thus, the poet’s work had an undeniable impact on the development of not only Uzbek, but also other Turkic-language literatures. Did you like the biography?

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