Business plan for breeding worms. Suitable types of worms. California worms: breeding at home

Today, a whole host of business ideas have become widespread. Among them are breeding worms as a business at home, breeding Californian worms and a number of other breeds.

This option refers to those that require minimal initial investment, but can still provide a good income. A worm business does not require hiring employees (at least at first), expensive equipment, or any special permits.

General overview of the project

Today, worm farm products are in demand in a variety of areas. You can sell finished products both among private farmers and hand them over to large ones.

What makes the business especially attractive is that it does not require any large investments. Maintenance and monthly expenses are pretty cheap.

The success of any business lies in proper strategy planning and working out all aspects of the enterprise in advance. An enterprise business plan helps with this. It is very important to find out how in demand farm products are in your region and whether they will have to be transported to the neighboring one.

First of all, you will need to find and prepare the area to begin work. Depending on this, the scale of the entire enterprise is determined. After this, you need to purchase the first batch of worms that will begin to reproduce. All that remains is to lay the compost and send the purchased worms into it. After some time, you can collect the first batch of “harvest” for sale.

Most often, the profitability of a given business directly depends on its scale. If you are not planning a big business, then the worms can be sold to friends, as well as for personal use.


Before starting any business, you should find out and preferably find potential distribution channels. In the case of worm farming, this will be several different organizations aimed at different products:

  1. Vermicompost is an organic fertilizer, which today is in demand not only by large agricultural enterprises, but also by small summer residents. Fertilizer is used to increase soil fertility and enrich it with nutrients. It is recommended to start producing vermicompost with relatively small volumes in order to try your hand at this business. At first, you can simply sell your products to neighboring holiday villages.
  2. Bait for fishing - instead of spending a long time searching for bait for fishing, many fans of this type of leisure simply buy worms in specialized stores. Given how long some worm species live and the constant demand, worm farming as a business may well be commercially successful.
  3. Food product for animals and fish - many inhabitants of pet stores use worms as food, a kind of live food. The main thing is to offer the product at an affordable price and they will definitely start buying it, and in large quantities. The same is true for fisheries. They also often buy worm farm products. The reason for this popularity is simple: these organisms have increased nutritional value.
  4. For agricultural purposes, a product called worm tea is actively used today to increase crop yields. It is especially in demand among strawberry sellers, who will quickly become customers. This natural fertilizer can also be used to feed indoor plants and in greenhouses.


It is worth noting that simply going out and digging up dung worms yourself for a worm farm will not be enough. Commercial success can only be achieved by working with certain breeds:

  • The earthworm is perfectly adapted to its environment. It has excellent adaptability to living conditions in captivity, so reproduction begins as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the vital activity of this species is noticeably lower than that of other selective breeds.
  • Dendrobena - this breed was artificially grown specifically for use as bait. The individuals are large and fleshy, but have significant disadvantages: they do not live long and reproduce poorly. The breed is suitable for propagation in order to increase soil fertility. The breed is most in demand in the field of agriculture - representatives of companies involved in this field are interested in it.
  • Red Californian worm - reproduces quickly, the breed is capable of producing high-quality humus. It is undemanding to food, but does not tolerate temperature drops below +10 degrees Celsius. Breeding Californian worms at home will require up to 3 families, each of which has from 1.5 thousand individuals.
  • Prospectors - this breed can compete in many ways with the previous one. It is highly active and processes feed perfectly. Biomass growth is rapid, but also does not tolerate temperature drops very well.

If we are talking about a large enterprise, then preference should be given to the last two breeds. Their productivity and, accordingly, the final profit of the enterprise is noticeably higher.


For breeding, small boxes made of plastic or wood up to 40 cm high are used. You can set up a farm in an open area, but in this case you will need to additionally concrete the site or at least install a protective net to avoid the invasion of moles and other garden pests.

Many people prefer to place worm boxes in barns, warehouses and cellars. Provided proper heating, this approach will allow you to breed worms all year round. If you plan to deal with white enchyteria worms, then aquariums, jars and similar containers will be useful for the farm, into which you need to add water to a layer of several centimeters. You can fill the water directly from the water supply; it will need to be changed daily.

Rules of care

One of the key rules is the need to maintain certain temperature and humidity conditions. The first is 15-25 degrees Celsius, the second should be within 75-80%. It is also advisable to make sure that the soil for cultivation has the proper acidity of about 7 pH. To protect from excess sunlight and drying out of the soil, the boxes are covered on top with hay, burlap, or just a lid.

To feed the worms, goat, cow, pig or rabbit manure, a variety of food waste from vegetables, as well as paper, which is pre-shredded and soaked, are used. In some cases, tea leaves (tea or coffee) can also be used. There are a number of restrictions regarding manure.

First of all, it should not be older than 2 years, since over time it loses nutrients. Goat and rabbit manure can be used immediately after receiving, but pig or cow manure should first be set aside for up to six months.

To speed up fermentation, you can additionally use special preparations that contain active microorganisms. It is strictly prohibited to use food waste of animal origin to feed worms. In the case of solid food, you will need to first grind it in a blender.

Feeding on the farm should be done once every 10-15 days. The specific period is selected depending on the number of individuals and the conditions of their detention. For example, at higher temperatures, worms need to be fed more often due to an increase in their activity. It is also important to water and loosen the compost laid out in boxes in a timely manner.

Watering is carried out using a regular sprinkler (the main thing is that the holes are not too large), loosening is done with a fork, the ends of which are slightly bent. Important: when loosening, you should not touch all layers; you must work only with the topmost one.

When a new batch arrives on the farm, it should be placed in damp compost. It must be prepared at least a week in advance, during which time it is properly watered. The worms need to be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the compost. On the third day, you need to feed them by spreading food on top in a layer of up to 5 cm.

The activity of worms in boxes must be checked regularly - this is the main guarantee of business success. This is doubly true for fresh sowing. If they become too lethargic, move them to new biomass.

In winter, keeping conditions may be different: the worms are stored in the open air, covering the boxes with a layer of manure up to 30 cm, on top of which a layer of hay is applied to a total height of 1-1.3 meters, or they are transferred to a heated room. The first option is preferable, as it allows the worms to start feeding immediately upon awakening in the spring.

Possible problems

Trouble often arises when it becomes necessary to remove worms from the substrate. At the same time, it is important not to damage the individuals so that they can remain alive. There are several main ways to do this. According to the first, it is advisable to completely stop feeding for a couple of days.

After this period, feed is placed on part of the biomass. Over the next two days, live individuals will move to this area, which will then be removed along with the layer of food. A similar procedure is carried out several times a week.


Let's look at this issue using the example of the two most commonly used breeds, that is, prospectors and Californians. The former will be the best choice if you plan to build a business based on high demand from fishermen.

According to statistics, each individual worm is capable of producing up to 1.5 thousand worms per year. The maximum price of one worm is about 1 ruble. Thus, the income from each individual is 1.5 thousand rubles per year.

At the same time, farm profitability can reach up to 700%. Of course, only if properly organized. As a result, profitability can reach 200 thousand rubles per month, provided the enterprise is large-scale.

For additional income, you can sell vermicompost to plant growers and gardeners.

Access to the market

A comprehensive analysis of the sales market in Russia or Ukraine should be carried out even before starting work and making any investments in the business. It is very important to find in advance the customers to whom the final product will be supplied.

It is important to remember that it is not the enterprise that produces the best product or the one that has greater capacity that is successful. The winner in the market is the one who is advertised and has the most clients.

The main method will be targeted marketing of potential buyers. You can also spread information through friends, hoping for word of mouth.

It will be enough to limit advertising in the media to advertisements in newspapers; investments in promotion through TV will not bring the desired effect. The most expensive, but also effective way is to organize a sales network.

The specificity of a worm business is such that in its case the main expenses are not at all on starting a business, but on its advertising and distribution of goods.

Business plan

A more detailed business plan with calculations can be downloaded from.

As you can see, the initial investment is limited to 10 thousand rubles. In fact, this figure can be further reduced if you make the boxes yourself and purchase the first batch of worms cheaper. In any case, the payback period (if the required level of demand can be achieved) is 6-8 months.

Video: breeding worms at home.

Choose the optimal location and environment. If you don't mind living near crawling critters, the basement of your home can be one of the most optimal places for worms to live. A warm, dark, dry environment is best. At the same time, the worms are quite hardy and can withstand temperatures from 4 to 27 degrees Celsius. While the environment should be moist, it shouldn't be too wet, so make sure it won't get rain. Also, make sure that the worms are protected from direct sunlight. If you arrange the container well enough, they will be able to survive in lower temperatures, but you should not deprive them of care.

Build a container for your new pets. This doesn't require anything special. If you can't make one yourself, buy a ready-made one, there are a wide variety of worm bins on the market, from plastic to wooden. Wood is considered the optimal material, as it absorbs some of the moisture and is a good insulating substance, unlike plastic, in which the compost can get wet. Chances are you have some stuff around the house that you can use, like old toy boxes or dresser drawers. Anything that can hold a sufficient amount of filling will do. You will need to drill holes in the bottom to allow moisture to escape. If the water is not removed properly, the worms can easily drown.

Prepare a good mixture to fill the worm container. Crumpled newspapers are an excellent material; Crumpled cardboard, leaves, and other yard debris also work well. A couple of shovels of soil is enough. Worms need some dirt as tough material to digest their food. Use a variety of filling materials; the worms will have more fun, the amount of excrement they excrete will confirm this. Make sure that whatever filling you use is organic, such as paper, and non-toxic. Wet it and squeeze it out so it's a little damp but not wet. Fill the container about 3/4 full and keep it loose so there is enough room for the worms to get oxygen as well as for any bad odors to evaporate.

Select the type of worms for your new venture. This essentially means that you should decide on the type of clients to whom you will supply the worms. Large, thick night crawlers, such as Canadian mammoths, are suitable for fishing. They do not build a large number of mounds, like, for example, red worms. Red worms, on the other hand, are excellent for creating compost, which is considered a good standard fertilizer by agricultural farmers. By searching online, you can find good suppliers and choose exactly what you need.

Load the container with worms, keeping an eye on the ratio of worms to litter volume. The golden rule in this matter is the ratio of worms to daily food is 2:1. If you have approximately 2 thousand night crawls, then your container should be quite spacious.

Feed the worms daily. A family of four typically produces enough food waste to feed the worms daily. Any type of food is suitable, with the exception of meat, dairy, excessively fatty and grain products. These products are smelly and attract flies. You better not deal with them. Coffee grounds work great; it has sufficient weight and is inexpensive as a food source. Eggshells are no less good. These substances tend to absorb moisture, so by using them you create a good environment and get quality fertilizer in return. Peeling and biting vegetables and fruits is also a good option. You can also throw in crumpled, soaked newspapers.

Place worm food in one corner of the container. The worms will crawl and eat her. There is no need to scatter food throughout the container. Once the container is filled with excrement and good compost, you can move the worms to a new container and start over. And you will still have a good product to sell. As the worms multiply, they will also need more space. You can drill a hole in the side of both containers and connect them together with a plastic pipe. The end of the pipe attached to the container where the worms are currently living should be closed. When you need to move the worms, simply open this end of the tube and fill the second container with food. The worms will begin to migrate there. This is a longer process, but it is simpler, less labor intensive and more accurate. Thus, you are the owner of a profitable business.

In Russia and all over the world, the business of breeding worms is becoming increasingly widespread. This is a new, but rapidly developing type of activity that can bring the owner a high, stable income, since worms are in demand in many areas (for example, pharmaceuticals, fishing products).

Let's consider the main markets for products, the features and profitability of the business, recommendations for the care and maintenance of worms, as well as problems that may arise, so that you can understand whether this type of activity is suitable for you and whether it is really profitable and promising.

Sales market

Potential consumers of the resulting products will be:

The demand for worms and their metabolic products (vermicompost) is great, thanks to which a businessman will be able to obtain a stable customer base and sales market, including regular individual customers.

Business Features

This type of activity is suitable for those who live in rural areas or owners of summer cottages.

The features of the business are that:

  1. Worm breeding activities do not require large financial costs or the purchase of special equipment. When purchasing worms in bulk, there are significant discounts, and leftover food can be used as food. At the initial stage, small a home farm will cost an entrepreneur 4500-5000 rubles.
  2. Unpretentiousness worms that do not require special care and are not demanding in feed and breeding.
  3. A large number of potential clients in various fields. Possibility of creating a permanent customer base.
  4. No need to obtain permits for breeding worms. You just need to go through the simple process of registering as an individual entrepreneur.
  5. High demand and lack of significant competition, since the worm breeding business is a new and not yet sufficiently developed type of activity in Russia.

To get a high income in the shortest possible time, you need to draw up a clear business plan and stick to it. The main components of this business plan will be:

  • planned volumes of production and sales of products (worms, vermicompost);
  • production part (costs of purchasing worms);
  • marketing part (advertising, product prices);
  • organizational part (information about suppliers, partners, buyers, personnel);
  • assessment of possible risks;
  • financial part (sources of financing, planned income);
  • conclusion (the purpose of drawing up a business plan and carrying out worm breeding activities).


Profit depends on production volumes and the size of land plots used. The profitability of this type of activity is high (100-130%), and if there is stable demand, the business will pay off in 8 months - 1 year.

Growing California worms is more profitable than other species if your goal is to obtain vermicompost, as they produce biomass faster, which has valuable properties. The resulting biomass is in high demand due to the content of a large number of enzymes, active substances and microflora. California worms are readily purchased by fisheries and stores, as well as fishermen.

The average cost of one worm is from 30 kopecks to 1 ruble, it all depends on the region; in large cities the demand and cost are higher. If you are raising worms for sale, it is better to give preference to the “miner worm”, which reproduces much faster than the American type.

The income received from the enterprise ranges from 40,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles per month.

The profitability of the business can be increased to 500-700%, but in this case significant financial investments will be required to purchase feed for a large population of worms, which can be reduced if you have a farm for growing vegetables and fruits. In this case, you will have a full-cycle worm breeding farm, which will save you from the cost of feed and the seasonal nature of the business. Additional investments will be required for advertising to find large regular customers, but the result will not take long to reap and it is possible to receive a high income.

Income can be significantly increased if you create your own product sales network. In this case, additional financial investments will be required to rent premises, purchase equipment and hire staff.

Breeding area

Worms are bred in gardens or summer cottages, for which wooden or plastic boxes are used. The optimal height of the boxes is 30-40 centimeters.

If worms are bred in an open area, then it is necessary to fence it with a protective net or you can use a concreted area, otherwise an invasion of moles and other pests cannot be avoided. If the boxes are placed in barns, cellars or other premises, then worms can be raised all year round.

To grow enchitrae (white worms), you can use jars, aquariums, crystallizers and other vessels into which 2-3 centimeters of water are poured. Water can only be used with settled water, aquarium water or rain water, which must be changed daily.

Breeding Californian worms as a business - the video below is dedicated to this.

Features of care and maintenance

It is necessary to maintain an optimal temperature of +15 to +25 degrees Celsius, and air humidity should be 75-80%. The acidity of the neutral environment must be maintained at 7 pH.

The box with worms is covered with a lid, burlap, and hay, which protects them from excessive light and drying out.

The following is used as feed:

  • manure (rabbit, cow, pig, goat);
  • food waste (residues of vegetables and fruits);
  • soaked and shredded paper (newspapers, cardboard);
  • used tea or coffee leaves.

Manure that has been sitting for more than 2 years should not be used, as it contains few nutrients and is not suitable for worms. Rabbit and goat manure can be used almost immediately after receiving, but pig and cow manure must lie for at least six months, otherwise the worms will die.

To speed up the fermentation of pig and cow manure, preparations containing effective microorganisms are used. It is prohibited to use food waste of animal origin (meat, eggs, etc.) to feed worms. Solid food should be ground in a meat grinder or blender.

The worms are fed every one and a half to two weeks. The frequency of feeding depends on the number of individuals and the temperature of their keeping, since at high temperatures the activity of the worms increases.

In addition to feeding and maintaining optimal temperature, humidity and acidity of the environment, it is also necessary to regularly loosen and water the compost in the boxes. For watering, use a watering can with small holes, and for loosening, use a fork with rounded ends; while loosening the compost, you should not mix its layers.

A new batch of worms is placed in moist compost, which must first be kept for a week and watered regularly. The worms in the compost are distributed evenly and after 2-3 days the first feeding is carried out by layering the food on the surface of the compost with a layer of 3-5 centimeters.

Check worm activity regularly, especially after introducing a batch into new compost. The mobility and activity of individuals is a sign of their health and well-being. If the worms are lethargic and do not hide from the light, then it is necessary to move them to new biomass from another source.

In winter, worms can be kept in heated rooms or outdoors. When the temperature drops to -5 degrees Celsius, the compost is covered with a layer of manure (20-30 centimeters), which is watered and covered with a layer of hay on top. The total height of the compost with hay and manure should be 100-130 centimeters, which helps the worms keep warm even in the coldest winter and hibernate. After awakening in the spring, they will feed on the top layer.

Possible problems

Breeding worms is a long and painstaking process, despite the unpretentiousness of the individuals. The main problem that can arise is related to removing the worms from their substrate, keeping them alive is important.

There are several ways to obtain live worms.

Stop feeding them for 3-4 days. After days, new food is placed on part of the biomass, into which hungry individuals move. After 2 days, the layer of food with worms is removed. In order to collect all the worms, this procedure is carried out at least 3 times (once a week). Worms can also be additionally attracted by cut paper dipped in sugar, slicing vegetables and fruits.

If worms are bred to obtain biomass and it is necessary to free it from individuals, then this method is also used: the use of special boxes, for example, with a lattice or mesh bottom, double boxes with a lattice in the middle. Thanks to the design of such boxes, worms crawl from one box to another at the right moment, releasing vermicompost.

Worm breeding is a new highly effective type of business that is highly profitable and is becoming increasingly widespread in Russia. To obtain a stable income, worms can be bred in “home” farms, which are quite easy to organize in a country house or garden plot. But if the goal of the enterprise is to obtain high income and increase business profitability to 700%, then it is worth creating a full circle of production, when worms are bred on farms for growing vegetables and fruits, and also drawing up a competent business plan.

The resulting products (live worms and biomass) can be sold in your own network of stores selling fishing goods, pet stores or points of sale of fertilizers for gardening and summer cottages.

The worm breeding business, or vermibusiness (from the Latin word “vermes” - the name of the species of invertebrates that worms belong to) is a relatively new area of ​​entrepreneurial activity in our country. What is worm farming and whether it makes sense to engage in it for profit, we will consider in the article.

Business concept

The concept of the vermibusiness is to make a profit from the sale of the biomass of purchased worms, increased many times over, as well as from the sale of soil fertilizer obtained as a result of their life activity. The demand for worm farming business products depends on several factors. Firstly, the location of the vermifarm. For example, in a large city on the banks of a river, where fishing is developed, the demand for worms will be much higher than in a small town located far from large bodies of water. Secondly, it depends on the degree of soil fertility in the region where the worm breeding farm will be located. The less fertile the soil, the higher the demand for fertilizer. Thirdly, the level of competition in this business area.

The main buyers of worm farm products are:

  1. Shops selling fishing goods. Worms are an ideal bait for many types of freshwater fish.
  2. Pet shops, terrariums, zoos, aquariums. Worms are an essential food for some animal species, such as birds, fish, amphibians and rodents.
  3. Farmers and summer residents. Vermicompost, vermicelli and the worms themselves are purchased to increase soil fertility.
  4. Pharmaceutical companies. Worms are used to produce certain types of products.
  5. People who want to start a vermi business.

In order for the worm breeding business to develop and generate a stable income, you should carefully study all categories of potential buyers, as well as the prices and offers of the main competitors. Perhaps there will be a vacant niche in the region in which supply does not meet demand. Then you should take exactly this place in the sun.

Benefits and Risks

Worm breeding can be either an independent type of business or an important component of a full-cycle farm. In any case, this business has a number of advantages:

  • does not require large investments;
  • simple and labor-intensive technology for breeding worms;
  • low level of competition in the market.

If we consider the vermibusiness in a full-cycle farm, we can highlight several more advantages:

  • the use of vermicompost and vermicelli to increase the fertility of your own soil;
  • recycling;
  • feeding the bird.

This type of business is most often successful, but there are certain risks in it. Firstly, some entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of selling vermin products. A thorough study of possible markets in your region at the stage of business planning and choosing the type of worms for seedlings will help solve this problem. The fact is that some worms are better suited for reproduction, while others are better suited for producing vermicompost.

Secondly, failure to maintain the conditions for keeping the worms can result in low activity and even death of invertebrates. Which will entail monetary losses. Therefore, before starting vermiculture, you should carefully study all the rules and subtleties of keeping exactly the type of worms that will be used.

Step-by-step instructions for starting a worm breeding business

Business registration

Another advantage of vermin farming is that running a business does not require any special permits or licenses. You just need to register as an individual entrepreneur and open a bank account to work with buyers and suppliers by bank transfer.

Creating a worm farm

To successfully breed worms, you need to select and prepare a suitable place. The best option would be a small room with the possibility of heating in winter, since for normal existence and high activity of worms, a temperature of +10 to +25 degrees Celsius is required. It is recommended to maintain air humidity at 70–80%. The acidity of the neutral environment is 7 ph.

An excellent option for opening a worm farm would be a small heated room.

Equipment and inventory

Worms must be kept in special containers that prevent rodents from entering and at the same time have small holes for air ventilation in the soil. For these purposes you can use:

The costs for boxes will be lower than for vermicomposters. The cost of one is 5 – 10 thousand rubles. However, the use of special equipment greatly facilitates the process of vermibreeding. Most often, the dimensions of such a vermicomposter are 40x60x95 cm.

Inventory you will need: shovels, forks with rounded ends, household gloves, watering cans with small holes. After arranging the premises and filling the soil, you can begin to select the inhabitants of the farm themselves - the worms.

Types of worms: Californian, prospector

In Russia, there are two main types of worms successfully used in vermiculture:

  • prospector - characterized by a high reproduction rate; one individual is capable of reproducing about 1,500 offspring per year;
  • red Californian worm - characterized by a high rate of production of vermicompost, daily passes through itself an amount of food equal to its own weight.

Feeding and caring for worms

Both types of worms are very unpretentious in nutrition. The following are well suited for these purposes:

  • waste from vegetables and fruits;
  • dry manure;
  • paper and cardboard;
  • hay and dry leaves;
  • tea leaves and coffee grounds;
  • other food waste, with the exception of food of animal origin and citrus fruits.

Large waste must first be ground in a meat grinder. Feeding frequency is approximately once every 2–3 weeks. A new portion of food should be given only after the previous one has been completely absorbed.

Working staff

A vermifarm does not require a large number of workers to operate. For the first time, one person will be enough. Who can combine caring for worms with other responsibilities. Most often, such an employee is the entrepreneur himself. On the one hand, a worm farm does not require the constant presence of a worker on it, but on the other hand, the process of breeding worms must be under control. Therefore, the ideal option would be to open a vermibusiness as part of a full-cycle farm.

Additional sources of income for a worm farm

As a result of the vital activity of worms, vermicompost is released. It is a unique organic fertilizer that significantly increases soil fertility. Vermicompost is becoming more widespread every year and is widely used in agriculture.

Vermicompost - environmentally friendly fertilizer to increase soil fertility

In addition, as a result of the vital activity of worms, vermicelli is obtained. It is also used to fertilize the soil and increases productivity by up to 50%.

Options for selling vermibusiness products

As a result of the successful functioning of the vermifarm, three products are obtained for sale: worms, vermicompost and vermicelli. Let's consider options for implementing each of them.

Worms can be sold in two ways: retail and wholesale. Worms are sold retail through fishing stores. They are usually packaged in containers of 30–40 pieces.

Worms for fishing stores are packaged in a simple and convenient way

You can also find individual customers who fish or keep animals whose diet includes live worms. Worm biomass is purchased by summer residents and farmers for the production of vermicompost on their own plots, as well as large pet stores and zoos, or beginning vermifarmers.

As a rule, a small vermifarm produces several tons of vermicompost per year. This fertilizer can be sold both wholesale to large farms and retail in dacha communities. Vermichai is also in demand among summer residents.


A very important point in running a worm breeding business is advertising. The effectiveness of any advertising message depends on the accuracy of reaching the target audience. For vermibusiness, the target audience is:

  • fishermen;
  • livestock breeders;
  • small farmers and summer residents;
  • medium and large agricultural enterprises.

The best option would be to place advertisements in newspapers and on Internet resources. For large production volumes, it would be advisable to create and promote your own website. You can personally meet with the owners of large farms and offer them your goods on more favorable terms than the suppliers with whom they already cooperate.

Expenses and projected income

Let's calculate the starting investment for opening a small vermifarm measuring 20 m², equipped with special vermicomposters, located in a room with heating in the cold season and with one employee.

Table: initial investment

Thus, the starting investment for opening an average vermifarm in a rented premises is approximately 160 thousand rubles. By opening a business in your own premises and equipping it with wooden or plastic boxes, the initial costs can be significantly reduced.

Table: monthly expenses

Monthly expenses are approximately 30 thousand rubles. per month or 360 thousand rubles. in year. They will be significantly lower if:

  • vermibusiness is opened in combination with other types of farming;
  • own premises are used for breeding worms;
  • the employee is the entrepreneur himself.

Table: worm farm income

Let's calculate the annual income of a vermifarm measuring 20 m² based on the consideration that all vermibusiness products are in full demand on the market.

Thus, the income of an average vermifarm will be 480 thousand rubles. per year or 40 thousand rubles. per month.

Production profitability

Let's calculate the profitability of the worm breeding business using the formula: P=B/Salary*100%, where P is the total profitability, B is the revenue from sales of products for the year, Salary is the fixed costs for the year.

In our case, the following data takes place: B = 480 thousand rubles, Salary = 360 thousand rubles.


In this case, the profitability of the project will be approximately 130%. This is a fairly high indicator for agriculture.

Payback period

To calculate the payback period of the project, we will use the following formula: T=I/P monthly, where T is the payback period of investments, I is the size of the starting investment, P monthly. - profit.

Since the payback period for a project with a small capital investment is calculated in months, you first need to calculate the monthly profit from the project:

Let's go = D every. - Zhem., where Dezhem. – average monthly income, 3 monthly. – average monthly costs.

Let's go = 40,000 – 30,000 = 10,000 (rub.).

Then, T = 160000/10000 = 16 (months).

Thus, the payback period of the project is 16 months.

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