British cats pregnancy and childbirth. Childbirth in British and Scottish cats How long does it take for a British cat to give birth?

The birth of a British cat, as well as any other breed, must be monitored. The approach of “handling it yourself, instinct will tell you” is completely inappropriate here. Of course, if there are prerequisites for a problematic birth: the first birth, a large difference in size between a cat and a male cat, a narrow pelvis, any diseases, experience of previous difficult births, polyhydramnios - it is necessary to take additional safety measures, for example, arrange with a veterinarian for an emergency call . In any other case, you still shouldn’t let everything take its course and hope that the birth will go without a hitch: you come, and the kittens, as if by choice, are all licked, with bitten umbilical cords, sucking their mother, and they don’t know grief.

Preparing for the birth of a British cat


Pregnancy in cats lasts on average from 58 to 65 days, but early (before the 60th day) and late (after the 70th day) births are possible, which are not considered a pathology. Conception occurs within 24 to 36 hours after mating. In British cats, birth occurs on days 64–67, it all depends on the number of offspring. The more kittens, the earlier the cat will give birth. If on day 68 - 69 the animal still cannot “resolve”, contact your veterinarian.

If the day of conception was not marked, carefully monitor the expectant mother; her behavior will tell you when contractions will begin. A few hours before giving birth, the cat’s command becomes unnatural: she refuses to eat, becomes restless, if you have a trusting relationship with your pet, she will call you to the nest as moral and physical support. Sometimes it happens that the animal avoids and hides, but this also depends on the character of the British cat

Before giving birth, the cat will definitely start arranging the “birth nest”. To prevent it from ending up in a secluded closet or the master's bed, take care of the bed in advance. For this purpose, a box or box of sufficient size for the cat and offspring is suitable (optimal size 50/50/20 cm). For bedding, you can use an old blanket or a porous rubber mat, covered with an easily washable cloth or disposable baby diapers. Experienced breeders use a house with a removable lid - this makes the cat calmer and more convenient for you.

Take care in advance of everything you will need directly during childbirth: several insulin syringes and oxytocin ampoules (if complications suddenly arise), alcohol, cotton wool, an electric heating pad, large absorbent napkins, bright lighting and, of course, patience.

To make the birth of a British cat somewhat easier, a week before the birth, reduce the usual portion of food by half, and two days before the birth, give only light food - a little boiled chicken, yolk... This measure will reduce the size of the kittens, but will not affect their health in any way and genetically determined size.

Signs of impending birth in a cat

As mentioned earlier, a few hours before giving birth, the cat refuses to eat and follows you around, purring and meowing. Approximately two to three hours before the “resolution”, the water breaks (a pus-like liquid of a yellowish-gray color). But in some cases, the water breaks just before birth.

About an hour before the birth of the first kitten, contractions begin. Normally, a healthy birth, without any complications, takes place within 24 hours. If, 6 to 8 hours after the start of contractions, the cat still cannot give birth, you cannot do without veterinary help.

Kittens are born in “queue order”, and the interval between their appearance can range from 10 minutes to an hour. If after two hours the next “newborn” is not still inside, the labor is considered protracted. In this case, professional help may also be needed.

Help during the birth of a British cat

So, labor begins. If your cat allows you to approach her, gently help her calm down and relax by lightly and slowly stroking her belly in the direction from her throat to her lower abdomen. At the same time, speak to her in a calm tone, without showing your excitement. When the “mother in labor” begins to push, place your palm under her hind legs as a support.

The normal course of labor, when the kitten emerges from the birth canal head first, and the advancement of the fetus and the regularity of contractions does not delay more than 5 minutes, your intervention in the process will be minimal. You are required to help push and push the fetus out by lightly pressing your hand on the area of ​​the sternum and ribs.

If the intensity of the contractions has weakened or the water has broken, but there is no pushing, inject the animal with 1/10 ampoule of oxytocin (the maximum dose of oxytocin is 1 ampoule for a fairly large cat, no more!).

If the fetus is stagnated in the birth canal, it is necessary to pull out the baby, only very carefully. It is unacceptable to pull a newborn kitten by the head (you will break the cervical vertebrae) or by the paws (you will dislocate a joint or break a bone). The best option is to pull the baby by clasping him with three fingers by the folds of skin on the neck and torso. Lubricate your fingers with Vaseline or vegetable oil and slowly pull out the kitten, moving it a little to the left, then a little to the right, and strictly parallel to the position of the cat's body. Otherwise, you may damage the birth canal. Don't forget to keep your hands sterile! They must be washed thoroughly.

In cases where the kitten walks with its tail or paws, and the progress of the fetus is difficult, it is impossible to do without the help of the owner. Lubricate your little finger with oil and gently push the paws or tail back into the vagina. Next, to rotate the fetus in the birth canal, take the cat by the armpits, place it vertically and lightly shake the cat's pelvis. Even the option would be satisfactory when the kitten walks at least with its butt and not with its paws.

So, the kitten appeared. Make sure that the placenta comes out after the fetus; no, pull it out with your fingers. The afterbirth left inside can cause infectious diseases. The baby may appear directly in the fruit bladder. In this case, the first thing to do is to break through the film that covers the baby’s mouth and prevents him from taking the first breath of air. Your next step will be to cut the umbilical cord (with sterile scissors), leaving about 2 cm from the tummy. First, tighten it with thread, and only cut off the sweat.

Usually, the cat licks the kitten, stimulating the baby's blood circulation and lung function. If this does not happen, start stroking him yourself. It beeped - great. No - it is possible that amniotic fluid entered the lungs. Take the baby in your hands, turn the head down and lightly spank the body and lungs, rub vigorously or perform artificial respiration.

Each kitten should receive its own portion of colostrum, so if possible and the break between next births allows, apply it to the nipples. While the birth of a British cat continues, the kittens that have already been born need to be isolated and placed on a warm heating pad. Otherwise, mom might just run over someone. Don't forget to wipe each baby dry.

After giving birth, your cat may have bloody discharge. If they continue for several days, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian.

After mating, the cat loses interest in the cat. The latter, on the contrary, may continue to ask for a cat for some time. This does not mean that the cat is not mated. She still continues to desire intimacy. The cat is no longer attracted to the cat for the reason that the smell he needs has disappeared and now he is ready to “conquer” other hearts.

Well, now is the time for cat owners to find out everything about their pet’s pregnancy and expect the appearance of offspring with her. In order to be ready to give birth, you need to study all the information in advance.

Length of pregnancy in cats

Pregnancy in cats lasts 63-66 days. In some cases it lasts 58-72 days. A cat expecting offspring behaves calmly and sleeps a lot during the day. Her appetite increases and she needs more water.

From the first days of pregnancy, a cat needs vitamins with a high calcium content. The drugs “Brevers East” and “Brevers Tabs” have proven themselves well.

Often, between the 3rd and 4th weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may develop toxicosis. She will vomit several times a day, and her health will noticeably worsen. On days 21-28, swelling of the nipples is observed. In another week, the cat's tummy will begin to grow.

From now on, you should treat her with special care. There is no need to pick up the cat, but if the need arises, this should be done carefully. The animal is grasped by its front paws; with the other hand you need to support its back part.

It is important to provide the cat with complete rest and try not to touch it with a door, chair, or foot. It is allowed to play with the animal. During pregnancy, the expectant mother should eat high-quality food. The room where the cat lives must be ventilated.

On the 35-50th day of pregnancy, you need to organize a place where the British woman will give birth. A medium-sized box is suitable for this. One of its sides needs to be cut off. This will allow the cat to freely jump into it without stepping on its offspring. However, it should be trimmed in such a way that the kittens cannot freely get out of their “home” in the future.

You can place a clean rag or newspaper at the bottom of the box. To maintain cleanliness in the box, the litter will have to be changed periodically. It is advisable to introduce the cat to a new place in advance. The animal will get used to it and will feel more calm.

As a rule, cats do not need help during childbirth and cope with everything on their own. However, many owners are very worried about their animal and want to help it. Learning how to give birth to a cat is not difficult, the main thing is to prepare everything you need and not be afraid.

We deliver babies

For childbirth you will need the following:

  • scissors for cutting the umbilical cord;
  • a disinfectant in the form of alcohol or vodka, which should be used to treat scissors and hands;
  • "Traumel" is a homeopathic medicine for injection (in the case of using "Traumel", pipettes will be needed);
  • clean diapers;
  • a small bulb for pumping out fluid from the oral cavity of newborn kittens;
  • disposable diapers;
  • if the cat is long-haired, you need to prepare 2 socks (they will need to be put on the animal’s hind legs. This is necessary so that the cat does not get smeared with blood);
  • telephone numbers of veterinarians or veterinary services working around the clock.

As mentioned above, the pregnancy of a British cat lasts about 66 days from the date of mating. Fluctuations of up to 72 days are allowed. How long the pregnancy will last depends on the breed of the animal, its age, excitability, health status, climatic conditions and other characteristics.

Signs of imminent pregnancy

Harbingers of labor can be small mucous discharge that appears 3-5 days before the onset of labor. During this period, the cat will be puzzled by finding a place to give birth. She may hide in a closet or under the bed, not remembering the box prepared for her.

Sometimes a cat tries to get closer to its owner, clings to him and hopes for his support. If during this it becomes noticeable that the cat’s stomach has dropped, then most likely new residents will appear in the house soon. In this case, the cat may begin to visit its litter box frequently and completely refuse to eat. All this suggests that there is very little time left before labor begins.

The animal begins to meow during the contractions that begin. The owner must calm the cat, caress it and place it in a prepared box. The presence of the owner next to the woman in labor will have a positive effect on her behavior, and she will not be bothered by what is happening.

When the contraction begins, use a pipette to take 5 drops of Traumeel and pour the drug into the corner of the animal’s mouth. This remedy leads to an increase in the elasticity of the muscles involved in labor. Traumeel must be given to the woman in labor every 15 minutes, so it is important to have a watch near you and note the time. It is advisable to measure 5 drops in advance and make a corresponding mark on the pipette.

During the second or third contraction, a sac containing a kitten will appear in the perineum of the giving birth cat. Sometimes kittens are born head first, sometimes legs first. The second option is very dangerous, since the cub's head will remain inside the cat, and the perineal lips will squeeze its neck.

In the case when the kitten walks head first, the perineum expands properly, which facilitates the rapid release of the legs. There is no need to worry if the kitten is not completely out. With the subsequent fight, the cub will be free.

If labor has subsided but the kittens are still inside the cat, there is no need to worry. You need to stroke the cat's belly, moving the kittens towards the exit. All movements should be from chest to tail. The kitten will approach the exit, and the cat will begin to push again.

If the attempts were such that the kitten did not come out completely and the cat does not have enough strength to further release it, you need to pull the cub out yourself, clean it from the bladder, wipe it and put it with the new mother.

So, if the cat is exhausted, the owner needs to take matters into his own hands and take the following actions:

If the kitten does not show signs of life, you need to place it on your palm, so that its head is directed towards your fingers, and shake its head sharply downwards. It is necessary to carry out such resuscitation actions 2-3 times. If the cub is choking, this will help him take his first breath, and he will live. When this procedure is unsuccessful, you need to take the prepared bulb and pump out the fluid from the newborn’s lungs. All these rehabilitation methods need to be studied in advance using special literature.

A newborn kitten should be placed next to its mother's nipple. If the baby begins to actively suck milk immediately, this indicates that he will grow up strong and healthy. Sometimes kittens do not suckle immediately, but this is not a pathology.

If the cat's labor continues and more kittens are due to be born, the first newborn should be placed in a clean, warm place. This must be done, as there is a risk that the cat may crush the baby.

As a rule, kittens are born one after another with an interval of 20 to 60 minutes. Childbirth is exhausting for a cat, and if she is very tired, her last baby may be born the next day.

Completion of labor

When the birth is over, the sheets in the box need to be changed to clean ones. You also need to put a bowl of food and water in it. Often it may seem that the cat's stomach is not completely emptied. However, this indicates that the uterus has not yet contracted and after some time everything will recover.

If there are several cats living in a house, then it is possible that if one of them gives birth, the rest may provide “support” to it. But at the same time, it is worth considering that such help can lead to the fact that “well-wishers” want to take all the care of the newborns upon themselves and begin to hide them, trying to feed them. That is why the new mother must be left alone with her offspring.

After giving birth, your cat may have some discharge for a few days. This is not dangerous if they are red-brown in color and have no unpleasant odor. Within 7-10 days they will stop bothering the animal and everything will return to normal. Otherwise, you need to seek help from a veterinarian.

It is not uncommon for a cat to experience diarrhea after giving birth. In order to stop it, it is necessary to feed the animal boiled water and rice water for three days or more.

It is prohibited to feed the cat meat and dairy products and vegetables during this period. Sometimes constipation may occur.

To normalize stool, the animal needs to be fed oatmeal, warm milk, and a couple of drops of olive oil can be added to a portion of food.

If a cat ate an afterbirth after giving birth, the color of her stool will be dark or black. There is no need to worry about this, as the animal’s body will soon recover.

All British cats purchased from a cattery have an individual pregnancy, the longest being 10 weeks (70 days). Often a British cat will give birth at 8-9 weeks. The beautiful short-haired creatures, anticipating an imminent event, are very worried and look for a suitable place in advance. And some realize what is happening already during contractions. This article describes in detail how to act correctly.

Before the onset of labor, literally a few days before, active movement begins in the tummy, even during the rest period.

How can you know for sure that a British mother is about to give birth? You must not miss the moment when the birth plug comes away. This is quite difficult, because she can lick it or bury it in the filler sand. But if, when cleaning the tray, you find a small white-pink clot, then it’s time to get ready. It is highly advisable to take a few days off from work, because she will need help.

You also need to carefully monitor when her water breaks - this is the beginning of labor. By this time, a place for childbirth and further accommodation, as well as a special one after childbirth, should be ready.

If it has already happened, then you should expect the first contractions.


The British Shorthair is considered mature when it is 8-9 months or older. The first heat occurs much earlier, but it is better to wait until mating until 1 year. Then the pet’s body will be completely ready for gestation and childbirth.

After mating, pregnancy will not yet be visible. First of all, the estrus will pass, and only then, after a few days, the first signs of fertilization will appear. Gestation period does not exceed 9 weeks.

The first fact that indicates that a British Shorthair is pregnant is swollen nipples that have turned pink. They are visible within 3 weeks (20-22 days) after fertilization. Meanwhile, the appetite noticeably increases, the animal becomes calm, rests and sleeps more.

Pregnancy time

On the 35th day, the rounded belly is already clearly visible and enlarges, as a result of which the gait and lifestyle in general changes (stops running, playing, becomes more capricious). When you touch it with your palm, you can feel the kittens moving.

On day 49 it is already possible to determine the number of babies. The expectant mother will become more thoughtful and slowly begin to look for a comfortable place.

By week 7, everything should be fully prepared for the upcoming event. After all, a couple of weeks and the British cat will become a mother after giving birth.

Gestation of kittens, like the natural process of childbirth, occurs differently in British cats, but there are still common signs, such as:

  • active movement of babies, British cat sleeps for a long time;
  • removal of the birth plug;
  • breaking of water (100% sign of the onset of labor).

Prenatal period

First, you should think about the place where the expectant mother and her newborn babies will live. Most often, pregnant women look for it on their own; absolutely any corner in the apartment/house becomes it. But it is much better if the owners arrange it well in advance: prepare a box, soft fabrics, and possibly a cardboard lid.

There is one condition: the bulk box that will be used as a cat house must have a removable lid. It will give the owners the opportunity to observe the process, even if the pregnant woman wants to give birth alone. From time to time you will need to lift the lid to make sure everything is going correctly. Make a passage in the box itself so that the pet can exit without obstacles.

Cover the bottom of the constructed cat house with a warm soft cloth and cover the top with a disposable diaper.

True, it is still unknown whether the British cat will like the good conditions for childbirth chosen by the owner and the place; perhaps she will find another, more suitable for herself and her children.


If a British breed cat is about to give birth for the first time, you should prepare for possible complications. Therefore, you need to prepare everything in advance. So, for childbirth you will need:

  • phone number of the veterinarian, because something could go wrong;
  • sterile disposable gloves;
  • scissors treated with alcohol;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • small oilcloth (several pieces, because it will need to be changed during the process if it gets dirty);
  • antiseptic (alcohol);
  • cotton pads;
  • nylon thread;
  • syringes 2 and 5 ml;
  • calcium gluconate injection.

In addition to all this, you need to know how to prepare a cat for childbirth.

Symptoms of beginning labor. How to use

If you do not take into account individual periods of gestation, from the moment of conception the British mother is calmer, sleeps longer and eats very well.

Precursors of childbirth in the British breed can come as a complete surprise to the owners. But on the day of giving birth, her behavior changes dramatically. The pet of the British breed is overcome by severe anxiety, she runs around the living space like crazy or follows on the heels of her family. Also, her desire to eat suddenly decreases.

24-30 hours before the upcoming birth, the British cat begins to wander, making rather loud, incomprehensible sounds. This is a signal about the beginning of the first contractions. They can last about 12-14 hours, and are accompanied by heavy discharge.

In theory, the duration of labor for a British cat is about a day from the moment of the first contractions. But perhaps less (7-8 hours). The time depends on the number of kittens.

During a difficult period, it is advisable to be nearby, massage the abdomen, stroke, and soothe.

Second phase

The second stage is the natural birth of British babies. They should come out head first (it rarely happens the other way around), in the amniotic sac, which the new mother bites through and at the same time gnaws through the umbilical cord.

If there are more than 3-4 kittens, it is quite possible that she will not be able to take all the necessary steps on time. This is where a person will have to take responsibility.

How to give birth to a British cat? It is necessary to carefully release the kitten from the amniotic sac, wipe it, cut the umbilical cord, leaving up to 2 cm from the abdomen. Carefully treat the edge of the umbilical cord with an antiseptic. You need to carefully examine the newborn to make sure that breathing is uniform., if not, then you need to lower it head down and hold it in this position until it beeps. The tongue should be pink.

Place all the kittens in one place. As soon as the stages of labor for the British cat are over, bring a spacious box of kittens to the British cat so that she lies down next to them and feeds them.

Immediately after birth

She may not immediately develop a maternal instinct. It happens that she doesn’t even want to approach her children. There is nothing terrible here, she just needs to get used to the new status, and the owner/mistress will help with this. All you have to do is put the babies' heads to her nipples yourself.

Not all at once, but one at a time, so it will be easier for her to get used to it, she will feel the familiar smell and after a short period of time she will recognize them as her own. The main thing is that the kittens start eating, then everything will definitely be fine.

You should definitely praise the domestic four-legged short-haired beauty, stroke it, and be nearby when she feeds the kittens for the first time.

At first you will have to bring food to the built house, since at first it will lie next to the kids for days on end. And after such stress, you definitely need rest and recuperation.

It is important to know

After the birth of each baby, the birth of the placenta continues, which some eat. Here you need to be very careful, not to miss the moment, in order to protect yourself from possible infections and postpartum complications.

It happens that a British new mother's labor is interrupted. That is, the first few babies are born first, and after that the maternity process is interrupted for a whole day.

Then they resume and the rest of the babies are born.

There are times when giving birth to a British cat at home requires contacting an experienced veterinarian, for example:

  • bleeding;
  • pelvic fracture;
  • severe obesity;
  • newborn stuck in the birth canal.

Mechanical blockage - the fetus is too large or is in the wrong position. Here, stimulant drugs are strictly prohibited, as they can lead to rupture of internal organs.

First aid

But there are problems that can still be quickly solved without the presence of a specialist.

  • Uterine atony is when the intensity of the contraction is not enough for the baby to come out. This happens when more than 4 kittens are about to be born. You may need to self-administer an oxytocin injection.
  • The baby is born without problems, but the placenta does not come out. You will have to remove it yourself by hand, wearing sterile gloves.
  • The head is visible, but the kitten does not come out for a long time. Lubricate the genitals with Vaseline ointment and then the process will normalize.
  • The kitten is born in the amniotic sac, and the mother is in no hurry to release it. Then you need to carefully cut it and pull out the small body. Remove the remaining liquid in the nose using a pipette.

Unlike British cats, Scottish cats give birth at the same time each time. This can be verified by checking, recording how much time has passed since the day of conception. There is a high probability that subsequent labor will begin in the same number of weeks.

You may have to buy cat milk for feeding newborn kittens, which is obtained from British cats. Childbirth is a severe stress and it may happen that the new mother will refuse to feed her offspring at first.

If a cat is pregnant, how she behaves is quite clear, but if not, then you should search on this site and get a detailed explanation in another article of this project. As for childbirth in cats, how to understand that it has begun and what pet owners should do at home in such a situation can be found in this article.

It will not be superfluous to learn about what are the precursors and signs of cat labor, on what day is the norm for cats to give birth for the first time, and how many days before birth does milk appear in cats.

How can you know that a cat is soon ready to give birth for the first time?

You should know that a cat can begin to give birth 60-65 days after mating. So, take care in advance to prepare a place for her to give birth, and then a house for the mother with the kittens. You should definitely introduce her to this house; it could be a box without a top with rags placed there. When the time comes, the cat begins to look for a quieter and warmer shelter; it can climb into a wardrobe, or even onto your bed under the blanket.

She may follow you and purr, as if asking for help. If your pussy is purebred, then you definitely need to prepare a cat first aid kit, and if it is noble, then you may not even be involved in the birth process. And you will find an addition to the family after everything that has happened. If this does not happen, prepare:

- Disposable diapers;
— Paper roll towels (for treating kittens);
— Sharp scissors (for cutting the umbilical cord);

— Alcohol for disinfection;
- In case of labor fever - calcium gluconate in ampoules and syringes of 2 and 5 cubes;
— A small pear (for pumping out mucus from the kitten’s mouth);
— Phone number of the veterinarian, in case of assistance.

How to determine if a cat is giving birth

In cats, signs of giving birth in the near future are immediately visible to experienced breeders. For example, the expectant mother begins to behave restlessly, looking for a secluded place in the closet, under the radiator, in some box with things. This behavior should tell you that labor is coming soon, and you should try not to disturb her. Although you need to be on alert in order to help her at the right time.

In addition, a pregnant cat may follow you around and rub against you. She will lick herself very often, colostrum will appear and her breasts will enlarge, the temperature will be 37°C and her appetite may disappear. Discharge may also appear, which indicates that labor is imminent; she will not be very mobile a couple of days before the birth (she will constantly lie down). The birth plug must definitely come off (it’s a white-pink clot - like a teaspoon of sour cream). Her stomach may move, which means she's having contractions.

How to understand that a Scottish or British cat is about to give birth

Basically, all cats, regardless of breed, begin to give birth the same way; if the cat is young and does not know what she needs to do, then you should do it for her. Namely:

- After the kitten comes out, free it from the film in which it was located;
— Place the kitten near its mother’s face so that she can lick it;
— After the kitten comes the children's place;

- If she has not bitten off the umbilical cord, then cut it at a distance of 3-5 cm from the kitten’s belly;
- Give the child's seat to the cat to be eaten;

— If the kitten is not licked enough, wipe it with a paper towel;
- If the kitten is not breathing, place it in the palm of your hand with its head on your fingers and shake it a couple of times so that fluid comes out of the lungs;
— When the kitten begins to breathe, place it next to its mother’s nipple.

How to determine that a cat has already given birth to all kittens

The woman in labor should have a soft belly without any lumps, and the placenta should definitely come out (which the cat eats, there is no need to disturb her to do this). She should lie quietly and then go to her kittens to feed them.

How to know that a cat is giving birth to her last kitten

You won’t be able to find out that the last kitten is not a professional. Even if you feel the belly after the last kitten is born, you may confuse the uterus with another kitten. The main thing in this case is not to disturb the cat and, if something happens, call a veterinarian.

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