How often do you need to clean a hamster's cage and how to do it correctly? How to Clean a Parrot's Cage Kills Germs from an Old Parrot's Cage

Hamsters are clean animals. Cleaning an animal's home is an important component of pet care.

A dirty and untidy cage can cause illness in a little fidget. When the owner wants to surround the pet with care and love, he keeps the animal’s house in perfect order.

Every cleaning in a hamster’s cage is a shock for the animal, because they are used to making things cozy in their own way. How to get rid of the smell of a hamster in a cage without harming it?

An important question is how often you need to clean your hamster’s cage and remove old food and waste from his house. Let's answer it right now.

The cage is washed with soda solution 2-3 times a month. The litter changes as it becomes dirty and produces an unpleasant odor. When cleaning your hamster's house, you shouldn't completely throw out the old litter and put in a new one. Without the presence of familiar odors, the animal can become disoriented.

If the home is equipped with labyrinths, tunnels and houses, then you need to ensure that leftover food does not accumulate in them, which the hamster hides in reserve. Cleaning a hamster cage with pipes is carried out according to the same algorithm. It is also necessary to wipe all items from dust and dirt.

Cleaning tools

If you start cleaning the cage, then you need to do it carefully. It is important to follow the order of actions. Inspect the room where the pet lives. This is necessary to assess the scale of the work and identify the dirtiest corners. Poor cleaning, which leaves behind dirt, provokes the appearance of pathogenic microbes. Without waiting for general cleaning, clean the following daily:

  • The animal's toilet area. Here the litter gets wet more than at other points, and droppings also accumulate.
  • Uneaten remains of food that the animal scatters around the cage.
  • The water needs to be replaced every day. The bedding on which the drink falls is removed and freshly laid.

Dirty walls are the culprits of the unpleasant odor that the cage emits. In this case, you will have to clean the entire space of the house.

The preparatory stage is no less important. It consists of selecting equipment and cleaning products that will be needed for the job. This must be done so that during the process you are not distracted by searching for the right tool. To work you will need:

  • A cloth for wiping the cage and internal accessories.
  • Detergent or soap that does not contain aggressive substances such as bleach. Such components can cause irreparable harm to a little furry. It is better if you buy a product intended for washing cells in a specialized store..
  • Clean filler to replace the old one.

Before harvesting, the animal will have to be transplanted to another safe place. High-quality cleaning of the cage is possible only without its occupant.

Stages of cage cleaning

Now let’s look in more detail at how to clean a hamster’s cage. As already mentioned, before starting work, transfer the hamster. Choose a clean box or container where he won't escape.

You can use the ball for a walk. In this case, you need to do the cleaning quickly, it is advisable not to delay it for more than half an hour. Otherwise, the animal will get tired and nervous. Next, do the following:

  • Remove all items from the house: cups, toys, structures. The contents must be washed thoroughly and dried well with a clean rag or towel.
  • Remove the filler.
  • Treat the house well from all sides.
  • Add fresh bedding.

In addition to the main filler, leave a few clean paper napkins for the animal. They will be useful for your pet to make his home comfortable after your intervention.

You shouldn’t wait until you notice an unpleasant smell coming from the house. If cleaning is done infrequently, the cage can become unsanitary, and a stale smell makes the hamster feel discomfort and can cause viral diseases.

To achieve the best result, you need to restore order using a solution of water and washing liquids. Dishwashing detergents or laundry soap are suitable for the job. Particularly careful owners prefer simple table vinegar to chemical compounds.. You can soak individual elements inside the cage in it. You need to leave parts of the house in the solution for 30 minutes, after which you carefully clean off any remaining dirt with a special scraper.

Before filling the bottom of the cage with filler, it must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, it will quickly get wet, and you will have to clean the closet again.

If you find items at your hamster's house that are unsuitable for further use, it is better to throw them out and put in new ones.

Cleaning a rodent's home after birth

There's a new addition to the house, but the owner doesn't know when to clean the cage after giving birth to a hamster? This also happens.

It is necessary to clean the house after giving birth, after two weeks. While putting things in order, the mother and babies are left inside the home, trying not to disturb them, or they are carefully moved to another place.

They remove the cage in the same way as before, only observing one rule: touching young offspring with hands is prohibited. It is important to remember this so that the human smell does not remain on the babies. If this is not done, the mother may abandon her cubs. It happened that a hamster ate the offspring that a person touched.

If you can move the babies with the bedding on which they were lying, then it is best to do so. This procedure will preserve the smell to which hamsters are accustomed.

By learning how to properly clean your furry friend's cage, strictly following the cleaning algorithm, you will ensure cleanliness and order for your hamster, making your baby happier. Keeping your home in a hygienic condition will ensure good health for your rodent., and will save the owner from unnecessary problems and worries.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the food that the thrifty animal hides in all corners of its shelter. Remember that the drinking bowl is filled as often as the animal requires.


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To clean a parrot's cage you need a spray bottle, a brush, potassium permanganate, an infusion of wormwood and chamomile, and laundry soap.

How to wash a parrot's cage

Once a week (at least) you need to thoroughly clean the parrot’s cage. A small cage is easier to clean. It is convenient to wash it in the bathroom, but large cages can be washed on plastic wrap in the room.

First of all, transplant the cage occupant to another location. All perches, toys, feeder, and drinker must be removed from the cage. You also need to get the grate and the pull-out tray. All this little stuff needs to be brushed and washed with soap or a solution of baking soda. Then you need to pour boiling water over everything and dry it separately.

In the bathroom, it is enough to clean the cage with a brush and laundry soap or any dishwashing detergent that has bactericidal properties, and water it with a shower. But it’s more difficult to clean the room. It is necessary to spray the cage with hot water from a spray bottle so that the remaining food and droppings come off more easily. Wipe the rods with a soapy rag. Then wash off any remaining soap with a clean, damp cloth. If the cage is treated with a special product for treating cages for parrots, then there is no need to pour boiling water over it. But read the instructions, just in case.

Do not use chlorine-containing substances for disinfection. This is dangerous for parrots. For this purpose, use an infusion of wormwood or chamomile, or a solution of potassium permanganate. The cage must be thoroughly dried or wiped dry before disinfection. After treating the cage, you need to rinse it well with water from the shower or wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth and dry it. This is necessary so that the parrot cannot be poisoned by chemical residues.

After the cage has dried, you can put all the parts in place, put new filler in the tray, and pour fresh water into the drinking bowl. Wash and dry equipment thoroughly. Once in hard-to-reach places, moisture forms mold, which contributes to the development of diseases in the parrot. After restoring the interior of the cage, return the occupant to it.

If you did not buy a new cage, then be sure to replace all the internal contents. After all, the previous occupant could have died from some kind of infection. Why put your pet in danger?

For bedding, you cannot use magazine or newspaper sheets, or sheets with printed text. After all, printing ink contains substances that are harmful to the parrot. If he doesn't chew the litter, he runs along the bottom.

Well, now we can try.

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A feathered pet's cage is a real home. Just like your own home, the cage must be kept clean and tidy. If you do not wash it and clean it of bird droppings, you may encounter the following problems:

It is necessary to clean regularly; every owner must follow this rule. Attention is paid to feeders and drinkers every day. They need to be cleaned of food debris every day. The drinking bowl only at first glance seems clean; in fact, mucus from the saliva of a budgerigar settles on its walls. These waste products must be washed out thoroughly, otherwise the bird may get sick. And once a week, it is recommended to keep all food forms in boiling water.

It is convenient to wash the feeders with regular toothbrushes. For a more thorough cleaning, you can use baking soda. It is not recommended to use chemicals for these purposes, otherwise you can cause gastrointestinal upset in your budgerigar.

But perches, swings, stairs and the bottom of the cage are cleaned twice a week. If this procedure is performed only once, difficulties will arise. Dried droppings are difficult to wash off under regular running water. This is why it is necessary to set cleaning days. They can also be cleaned with baking soda and a toothbrush. Do not use a brush that is used for washing feeders and drinkers. Parrots, like people, need to have different cleaning items for each occasion, just like people. As you know, no one washes their plates with a toilet brush.

If droppings are difficult to remove from the corners of the stairs, then you just need to soak the object in boiling water for a few minutes. After this, the remaining dirt can be easily removed. To hang items back in the cage, they must be thoroughly dried.

Residues of food and droppings stick to the bottom of the cage; such dirt is not easy to remove. To make your work easier, you need to pour dry sand into a clean tray. It will not be harmful to budgies, but at the same time, cleaning cages with sand is much easier. You just need to shake out the contaminated sand from the bottom and thoroughly rinse the tray in hot water. After drying, a small layer of sand is again placed on the bottom. The bottom of the cage can be washed with soapy water; it is better to use ordinary laundry soap. Scented detergents can harm your feathered friend.

Once a month you need to do a general cleaning of the entire cage. The parrot will need to be transplanted into another cage or released to fly. It all depends on how the feathered pet behaves and how tamed it is. For general cleaning you will need a soap solution and chamomile tincture. Pharmaceutical chamomile is sold in any pharmacy; it is simply brewed with boiling water and allowed to brew for several hours. The packaging describes in detail the process of preparing chamomile infusion.

Human disinfectants are very strong and effective, but for feathered babies they can be fatal. That is why you should not wash parrot cages and feeders with these preparations. prone to diseases if their habitat is not kept completely clean. Every pet requires care and proper care from the owner. Only then will the bird happily jump around the cage and play with the person.

How to clean a parrot's cage?

It is advisable to monitor the cell daily. Change the water in the drinking bowl and bathing bowl, rinsing them at the same time. A “mixture” of hot water and soda is best for treating the cell. The feeder should be washed preferably every time you change food, while cleaning it from food residues with hot water.

And still. How to wash the entire cage?

Such cleaning should be done at least once a month. First, clean the cage of droppings and change all bedding. Do a dry cleaning, so to speak. Then wash off everything that is stuck (including on the cage itself, and not just on the tray).

There is one good way to disinfect. Make a solution of chamomile (wormwood will also work), wet a sponge with it and wipe the entire surface of the cage. This is an excellent prevention against the proliferation of pathogenic microbes. And most importantly, it will not cause any harm to your feathered friend. Wipe the cage with a dry cloth and let dry.

Don't forget, of course, to wash your bird's toys; they are also susceptible to contamination. After cleaning is completely completed, wait about half an hour. Only after this time has passed will it be possible to let the bird back in.

Once a season (every 3 months), thoroughly clean the cage. After dry cleaning, wash the entire cage with hot water and baking soda.

The use of chemicals during routine cleaning is strictly prohibited. But still, sometimes, in rare cases, you have to do this. If a bird, for example, is tormented by fleas or ticks. In this case, spray the bird itself with dry red wine or bathe it in wormwood tincture. And then place the bird in the reserve cage, take it to another room. And in the main cage it will be necessary to carry out very serious disinfection, including with chemicals. After treatment, you need to give time for the chemicals to wear off.

The first condition for ensuring the health of a budgie is undoubtedly the cleanliness of the cage in which it is kept. Any owner who wants his pet to always remain active and healthy must carefully monitor his home, because the dirt that forms in it is an ideal environment for the accumulation of microbes.

Before moving on to cleaning the cage, it is better to let your pet fly around the house or put it in a special cage - a carrier, and only then start working.

Most often, sheets of paper are placed in the tray of the cage, which should preferably be changed every day. You can clean in the morning and evening. If you use sawdust or sand, you should sift them daily, plus they must be replaced at least once every six days.

Your budgerigar's water should always be clean and fresh. The drinking vessel and feeder should be carefully treated: rinsed with hot water and regular baking soda (0.5 teaspoon per standard glass of liquid). After which the equipment must be wiped dry. We should also not forget about bird baths.

Veterinarians recommend general cleaning of the cage once every 2-3 weeks. First, remove all removable parts from the cage, including all toys and perches, and then use a stiff brush to clean the objects from adhering bird droppings. All equipment is washed under running water and wiped with a dry towel. Debris is swept out of the cage using a dustpan and brush.

The cage is subjected to wet cleaning using the above-mentioned soda and hot water, or a special hygiene product designed for cleaning after birds. When cleaning the cage, close attention is also paid to the cage bars: they are thoroughly wiped first with a damp sponge and then with a dry cloth.

Once a month, the cage must be disinfected. To do this, it is possible to use special disinfectants, which are available in abundance in pet stores, and natural-based products, sold in pharmacies or prepared with your own hands. Most owners, as a rule, prefer natural remedies, such as tansy, chamomile or wormwood.

These herbs are known to have antibacterial properties. The infusion prepared from them is used to wipe the entire cage and all its equipment, after which everything is wiped dry with a towel. It is also possible to disinfect the cage with a solution of potassium permanganate, but the use of any chemicals is strictly prohibited so as not to harm the health of the parrot.

However, keeping your pet's cage clean is not enough. The room where the cage is located should also be subjected to high-quality wet cleaning at least once a day.

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